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Brittanie Vangeli Reflection 2 The spelling lesson I taught was to reinforce the students spelling words for the

week. The goal of the lesson was to help students practice spelling their list words. My approach was to have the students learn their list words by playing a spelling game. By using a game to practice the students spelling list words it kept the students engaged and excited about learning their list words. Additionally, I felt using a spelling game showed the students that spelling could be fun and exciting instead of dull and boring. I felt the activity Sparkle was a success in that it was a fun grade appropriate game to play with second graders and the students were excited to play. I believe this spelling game helped the students become more efficient with spelling their list words, as well as, allowing the students to become more familiar with their spelling words. I do feel there were some things that I could of improved on. When modeling the game I feel if there was a poster of the rules of the game hanging in the class the students would be able to refer back to them for clarity. When checking in on groups I noticed many groups were playing a different version of the game. I feel when modeling the activity it would have been beneficial to get the whole class up modeling the activity before we started the game. The next time I present this lesson I will give more specific directions and I will model the activity more efficiently.

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