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The Catcher in the Rye Characterization Foldable 1. Prepare by making foldable as directed and number columns. 2.

Choose four characters from each group on whom to focus. Despised Ackley Mrs. Morrow Stradlater Sunny Luce Spencer Dick Slagle DB Sally Bernice Idealized Pheobe Nuns Allie Jane Luce

3. In column one, name a character and explain what Holden despises or idealizes about the character. 4. In column four, write the passage you feel best articulates how Holden despises or idealizes about the character. 5. In column two, explain how Holden has the same trait(s) he despises or idealizes about the character. 6. In column 3, write the passage you feel best reveals how Holden has the same trait(s) he despises or idealizes about the character.

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