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Termes de Cohrences (Linking Terms) Start Pour commencer Dabord Au commencement Au debut de lhistoire Il tait une fois Continue

Et puis Ensuite Soudain Tout coup Alors End la fin Enfin Pour finir Finalement Pour terminer Bref En somme Oppose Cependant Pourtant Nanmoins En revanche Par contre Bien que

to begin with first in the beginning at the beginning of the story once upon a time

Malgr que Malgr Mme si Link Dailleurs

although despite ; in spite of even though; even if

as a matter of fact

Insist/Confirm and then En plus then ; afterwards ; next En fait suddenly ; all of a Afin que sudden all of a sudden Cause then; so cause de Parce que Car at the end finally Effect/Result all in all; to conclude Sinon finally Par consquence to finish Donc in short De ce fait to sum it up Ainsi Forcment En vain however; yet force de but; yet nevertheless Compare however Prcisment however Par rapport although Agree Volontiers

moreover; in addition actually so that

because of because because

otherwise consequently thus; therefore as a result thus; and so as an obvious consequence in vain by dint of

precisely in relation to

willingly ; gladly

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