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Complications of IV Therapy Local Complications Hematoma Thrombosis - Clot formation ending up to the trauma in the wall Phlebitis - Inflammation

on of vein Thrombophlebitis Infiltration - Seepage of solution or medication into surrounding tissue -Extravasation dislodged cannula from intima of the vein Local Infection Cannula contamination Contamination of infusate Common organisms: klebsiella, enterobacter, serratia mercescens, pseudomonas Venous spasm - Administration of cold infusate, irrigating solutions or viscous solutions manifested by sharp pain

Systemic Complications Septicemia - Resulting from poor aseptic technique & contaminated equipment during manufacturing & storage. Common microbial pathogens Staphylococcus Enterococcus Klebsiella Enterobacter Serratia Circulatory Overload - Resulting from infusing excessive amounts of NaCl or any fluid too rapidly to a compromised patient like those with cardiopulmonary or renal disease Pulmonary edema - Because of circulatory overload it increase venous pressure & abnormal accumulation of fluids in the lump. Fluids leak to the interstitium & alveoli Air embolism Speed shock - Resulting when foreign substance is rapidly introduced to the circulation Catheter embolism - Infrequent complication of plastic catheter

CAUSES Solution container allowed to run dry Air in tubing Loose connections allowing air to enter into the system Poor aseptic technique Poor technique in dressing & tubing changes S/S: hypoxia, hypotension, respiratory distress, changes in cardiac & neurologic status

Air embolism: Treatment Place patient in trendelenburg position on (L) side with head down Administer oxygen

Prevention Apply tourniquet just before venipuncture Use pumps to manage rate control Avoid flexor area

Rotate site every 72 hours Stabilize catheter Choose smallest catheter Dilute medications as indicated Careful inspection of materials to be used Do not play catch-up

Treatment Pressure application if removing catheter Elevate extremity to maximize venous return Do not irrigate occluded line Re start another line in new site

Advises Central lines for long term therapy / treatment Maintain aseptic technique Vesicant drugs always check patency of line

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