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Sacred Heart High School

Course Title: World History Room: 211

Instructor: Mr. Kinman gkinman@shhsla.org

Textbook: Modern World History: Patterns of Interaction. McDougall Littell The textbook will remain in the classroom unless otherwise directed. The student will be assigned, and responsible for, the textbook beneath their desk. Course Objectives: In this course we will examine major turning points that have shaped our modern world from the mid 1700s to the present. We will focus on the different forms of government that have developed throughout history as a means of power and control, both good and bad. We will explore the interconnectedness of events in the past and our world today. Students are expected to participate in class discussion, ask questions, engage in criticalthinking, and demonstrate understanding through classwork, quizzes, and tests. Required Materials: Students MUST bring the following materials to class everyday. 1. Five-subject notebook. 2. Pen, pencil, textbook (will be assigned). 3. Book of your choice for Sustained Silent Reading. **Notes, activities, and homework will be recorded in their notebook, which will be checked periodically as part of the homework and participation grade. It is the students responsibility to have their notebook each day for class. If students do not have their notebook they will lose 10 participation points for the week each day they come unprepared for class ** Grading: Student grades will be based on a weighted point system (see below). Students grade will be determined by the total number of points the student earned during the semester, divided by the total number possible of points for each grading category. Then, the percentage for each category will be added to calculate the total. For example, if the student got an 18% in participation, 28% in assignments, 24% in tests and quizzes, and a 20% on the final, the student would add the total to get 90% (see below for letter grade). Grades will be updated regularly and are available to students and parents at: www.mystudentsprogress.com. 20% of grade: Participation (based on classroom expectations and behavior) and journal entry checks 30% of grade: Class assignments and projects 30% of grade: Quizzes and tests 20% of grade: Final Exam (school-wide policy)

Grading Scale: 95 100 90 94 87 89 83 86 80 82 77 79 A AB+ B BC+ 73 76 70 73 67 69 63 66 62 0 C CD+ D F

Assessments: Chapter quizzes, chapter/unit tests, individual and group projects. Students will be assigned at least 1 major project /presentation/paper per semester. Guidelines TBA.

Study Guides: Prior to each TEST, students will receive or create a study guide. Study Guides must be completed, and will be counted as a regular classroom assignment. Study Guides are always DUE on the day of the TEST. Late work policies: No late work will be accepted after 2 days from the date of the absence or the date of the missed assignment. If you were absent on Monday, you have 2 school days to get the assignment turned in. No exceptions. **Students must place the work in the absent/latework box for their class to receive credit. The highest grade a student will receive for late work is 70%** Test/project policy: Makeup tests must be taken right away, the day after the absence, no exceptions. Because dates of tests and projects/presentations are provided in advance if student has been absent they must still take the tests and/or do the presentation on the day of their return. If they are part of a group they are expected to still complete their share of the work. If students know in advance that this will be a problem they must communicate that with me 2 days prior to the due date. **For each day that a paper is not turned in, or project not presented, the students will lose a letter grade. After 4 days, its no longer accepted.** Homework policy: If the student misses more than 2 assignments in a week this includes inclass activities, then they will receive a study hall session students can leave once they turn their work in. If they miss more than 4 assignments in a month, they will need to call their parent(s)/guardian(s) during the study hall session, and the student and I will draft an action plan to prevent this from happening again. If this happens a second time, we will organize a meeting with the parents and the administration. Absent routine: In our class, we will use an accountability system, a partner system. Everyday, the students will look around for their partner, go greet them, and then report to the teacher who is absent. If their partner is absent, it is their responsibility to collect all handouts, and completely fill out the homework form and place the work in the box marked with their section: World History. The absent student has 2 days from the date of the absence to complete the assignment. **If they, the partner present, does not put the work in the box, along with the filled out homework form, both partners lose 10 participation points** Rationale: This system promotes accountability and a classroom environment where students look out for each other. The responsibility is the students, which ensures their personal development, rather than reliance on the teacher. Students are their own greatest resources and they must learn to trust and depend on each other to be successful in this class and in life. Attendance: The student is responsible for bringing in an absent slip. It is the students responsibility to get their make up work, and no excuse will be accepted. They can get the makeup work in the morning between 7:15 and 7:45 or at break. Their makeup work will be in the box marked by their period, and their partner should have the homework form attached. **If students do not follow these instructions, they will lose 10 participation points** Tardy routine: If students are not in their seat when the bell rings, they are tardy. Tardy students are considered unprepared for class and they will lose 10 participation points for the day.

Expectations: In order for a soccer team to perform at its highest level, each player must know what is specifically expected of them. The defense needs a game plan, the midfielders need to understand their role of attack, and the forwards need to play well within the team system. In the same way, a classroom must operate as a team to run most effectively. As coach, it is my job to establish those clear expectations and enforce them, and as player, it is the students job to play within the system that will make our team the best team we can be. **All school rules and policies as stated in the Student Handbook are strictly enforced** As your teacher, I EXPECT you to: Treat yourself, others, and property with respect Be people of courage and integrity. Come prepared each day: on time, seated, and started on assignment. Put your phones/electronic devices away. Follow directions the first time, correctly. **If you have your cell phone/electronic devices out in class without permission, the items will be confiscated and given to the Dean of Women. There will be no warnings or exceptions** Question and answer/comment system: All students voices and opinions are valued. If students have something to add to a conversation it must be done in a constructive way, students will not blurt out or interrupt others and myself. A hand must be raised, the student must be called upon, and then share. The reason for this is that I b elieve each persons voice and opinion is valuable, and each person has the right to be heard, but if this is not done in an orderly fashion no one will be heard because no one will be listening to the person speaking. To suppress free speech is a double wrong. It violates the rights of the hearer as well as those of the speaker. - Frederick Douglass

**As teacher I reserve the right to adjust the syllabus as learning dictates** 2012-2013

I have read my daughters World History Syllabus and reviewed the last page with her.

Student Name (print):_____________________________________________ Student Signature:_______________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name (print):______________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature:________________________________________ Date:______________________

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