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Algunas palabras inglesas con letra 'b' muda: aplomb (aplm) - aplomo bomb (bm) - bomba bombing (bming)

- bombardeo climb (klim) - subida climber (klimer) - trepador comb (kum) - peine crumb (kram) - miga debt (dt) - deuda doubt (dut) - duda doubtful (dutful) - dudoso dumb (dm) - mudo honeycomb (jnikoum) panal Algunas palabras inglesas con letra 'c' muda adolescent (adolsent) - adolescente ascend (asnd) - subir ascent (asnt) - subida conscious (knshos) - consciente convalescent (convalsent) convaleciente descend (disnd) - descender descent (disnt) - descenso disciple (disipl) - discpulo discipline (dsiplin) - disciplina Algunas palabras inglesas con letra 'd' muda:. adjourn (achrn) - aplazar adjust (achst) - adaptar adjustment (achstment) - ajuste grandfather (grnfader) - abuelo grandmother (grnmader) - abuela

lamb (lm) - cordero limb (lim) - miembro numb (nm) - entumecido plumb (plm) - plomada plumber (plmer) - fontanero subtle (stl) - sutil succumb (sakm) - sucumbir thumb (zm) - pulgar tomb (tum) - tumba womb (wum) - matriz fascinate (fsineit) - fascinar fascism (fshisom) - fascismo luscious (lshos) - delicioso muscle (msl) - msculo resuscitate (rissiteit) - resucitar scene (sin) - escena scent (snt) - olor science (siens) - ciencia scientist (sientist) - cientfico scissors (ssors) tijeras

handkerchief (jnkerchif) - pauelo handsome (jnsom) - hermoso sandwich (snwich) - emparedado Wednesday (wnsdei) mircoles

Algunas palabras inglesas con letra 'g' muda: gnome, sign, foreign, ... align (alin) - alinear assign (asin) - adjudicar benign (binin) - benigno campaign (kampin) - campaa design (disin) - diseo diaphragm (diafram) - diafragma feign (fin) - fingir foreign (frin) - extranjero gnash (nsh) - rechinar gnat (nat) - mosquito

gnaw (no) - roer gnome (num) - gnomo malign (malin) - maligno paradigm (pradaim) - paradigma phlegm (flem) - flema

reign (rin) - reinado resign (risin) - dimitir sign (sin) - signo sovereign (sovrin) soberano

Algunas palabras inglesas con letra 'h' muda: heir, honest, ghost, ... annihilate (anieleit) - aniquilar cirrhosis (sirrusis) - cirrosis diarrhoea (daiarra) - diarrea exhibition (exibshon) - exposicin ghetto (gutou) - gueto ghost (gust) - fantasma ghoul (gul) - espritu maligno haemorrhage (jmorridch) hemorragia heir (er) - heredero honest (nest) - honesto honour (nor) - honor hour (uar) - hora Messiah (mesia) - Mesas pharaoh (frou) - faran rhapsody (rpsodi) - rapsodia rhetoric (rtorik) - retrica rheumatic (riumtik) - reumtico rhinoceros (rainseros) - rinoceronte rhyme (rim) - rima rhythm (rdm) - ritmo shepherd (shpard) - pastor silhouette (silut) - silueta spaghetti (spaguti) - espagueti thyme (tim) - tomillo vehicle (vi-kl) vehculo

Lista de algunas palabras inglesas con letra 'k' muda: knee, knife, knot, ... knack (nk) - destreza knave (niv) - truhn knead (nid) - amasar knee (ni) - rodilla kneel (nil) - arrodillar knickers (nkers) - bragas knife (nif) - cuchillo knight (nit) - caballero knit (nit) - tejido knob (nob) - perilla knock (nok) - golpe knot (not) - nudo know (nu) - saber knowledge (nlidch) - conocimiento knuckle (nkl) nudillo

Lista de algunas palabras inglesas con letra 'l' muda: could, half, folk, palm, ... calf (kf) - ternero calves (kvs) - terneros half (hf) - mitad halves (hvs) - mitades chalk (chk) - tiza folks (fuks) - gente stalk (stk) - tallo talk (tk) - conversacin walk (uk) - caminata yolk (iuk) - yema de huevo almond (mond) - almendra balm (bm) - blsamo calm (km) - calma palm (pm) - palma psalm (sm) - salmo qualm (kwm) - nusea salmon (smon) - salmn would (wud) - (verbo modal) should (shud) - (verbo modal) could (kud) - (verbo modal)

Algunas palabras inglesas con letra 'n' muda: autumn, column, hymn, ... autumn (tom) - otoo column (klam) - columna condemn (kondm) - condenar damn (dm) - maldito hymn (jm) - himno solemn (slem) solemne

Algunas palabras inglesas con letra 'p' muda: cupboard, corps, receipt, ... pneumatic (niumtik) - neumtico pneumonia (niumunia) - pulmona psalm (sm) - salmo pseudonym (sidonim) - seudnimo psychiatrist (saikiatrist) - psiquiatra psychic (sikik) - mdium psychology (saiklodchi) - psicologa corps (kr) - cuerpo diplomatico coup (ku) - golpe de estado cupboard (kbord) - armario raspberry (rsberi) - frambuesa receipt (risit) recibo

Algunas palabras inglesas con letra 's' muda: aisle, island, debris, chassis, ... aisle (il) - pasillo Arkansas (rkanso) - Arkansas chamois (shmi) - gamuza corps (kr) - cuerpo debris (dibr) - escombros Illinois (ilini) - Illinois island (iland) isla

Algunas palabras inglesas con letra 't' muda: castle, listen, ballet, depot, ... castle (ksl) - castillo chestnut (chsnat) - castaa Christmas (krsmas) - Navidad fasten (fsen) - sujetar hasten (jisen) - apresurar jostle (dchsl) - empujar listen (lsen) - escuchar mortgage (mrguidch) - hipoteca often (fen) - a menudo rustle (rsl) - crujido soften (sfen) - ablandar whistle (usl) - silbido ballet (bali) - ballet beret (beri) - boina bouquet (buki) - ramo buffet (bafi) - bufete cabaret (kabari) - cabaret chalet (shali) - chalet crochet (kroshi) - ganchillo debut (deibi) - debut denouement (deiniuman) - desenlace depot (dpou) - almacn duvet (duvi) - edredn gourmet (gurmi) - gastrnomo parquet (parki) - parquet rapport (rapor) - compenetracin tarot (trou) - tarot valet (vali) - mozo de cmara

Algunas palabras inglesas con letra 'w' muda: wrap, wreck, answer, sword, ... who (j) - quien whoever (juver) - quienquiera whole (jul) - entero whom (jm) - quien whore (jor) - puta whose (jus) - cuyo wrangle (rngl) - disputa wrap (rap) - abrigo wrath (rz) - ira wreath (riz) - corona wreck (rek) - ruina wrench (rntch) - llave inglesa wrestle (rsl) - luchar wretch (rech) - desgraciado wriggle (rgl) - meneo wring (rng) - torcer wrinkle (rnkl) - arruga wrist (rst) - mueca write (rit) escribir writhe (rid) - retorcerse written (rten) - escrito wrong (rng) - incorrecto wrote (rut) - escribi wrought (rot) - trabajado wrung (rng) - torcido dawn (don) - alba flaw (flo) - defecto law (lo) - ley lawn (lon) - csped paw (po) - pata saw (so) - vio straw (stro) - paja answer (nser) - respuesta knowledge (nlidch) - conocimiento lawyer (lier) - abogado sword (sord) - espada

Tambin son adjetivos con sus opuestos, contrarios etc.

Happy (japi) Feliz Beautiful (biutiful) hermoso Old (old) viejo Tall (tol) alto Old (old) viejo Small (smol) chico

Sad (sad) triste Ugly (ogli) feo Young (yong) joven Short (short) bajo New (niu) nuevo Large (lerch) grande, numeroso Big (big) grande Low (lou) bajo Short (short) corto Weak (wuik) dbil Thin (din) delgado; flaco Handsome (jandsom) apuesto Back (back) trasero, de atrs Stupid (stupid) estpido Dull (dul) torpe Fool (fu..l) tonto Silly (sili) tonto; absurdo) Unfrienly (onfrendli) no amistoso Closed (cloust) cerrado Light (laigt) claro Light (laigt) ligero Right (wraigt) derecho

High (jaig) alto, elevado Long (long) largo Strong (strong) Fuerte Fat (fat) gordo Pretty (priti) Bonita Front (front) delantero, de adelante Intelligent inteliyent) (inteligente Smart (smart) listo Clever (clever) listo, abusado Foolish (fu..lish) tonto; estpido Friendly (frendli) amistoso Open (oupen) abierto Dark (dark) obscuro Heavy (je..vi) pesado Left (left) izquierdo

English ambitious annoying argumentative, quarrelsome bad-tempered big-headed bitchy brave cantankerous carefree careless cautious conceited, full of oneself conservative conventional cowardly crazy, nuts cruel charming cheerful dull, boring flirtatious friendly generous hard-working honest kind laid-back

Spanish ambicioso pesado discutidor malhumorado credo, engredo de mala leche, venenoso; valiente cascarrabias despreocupado descuidado, poco cuidadoso prudente, cauteloso, cauto; presumido conservador convencional cobarde loco, chiflado cruel encantador alegre, jovial; soso, aburrido coqueta amigable, simptico, agradable generoso trabajador honesto amable tranquilo, relajado

lazy loyal mean modest moody naive naughty (children) open-minded: narrow-minded: polite proud reliable: hes a very reliable person self-confident: to be self-confident selfish sensible sensitive shy - introverted strict stubborn sympathetic (understanding) talkative trustworthy two-faced weird

perezoso, vago fiel tacao modesto de humor cambiante ingenuo, inocentn malo, travieso (nios) de actitud abierta, sin prejuicios de mentalidad cerrada, intolerante; corts, educado orgulloso fiable, confiable: es una persona en la que se puede confiar seguro de s mismo: tener confianza en s mismo egosta sensato, prudente; sensible tmido, vergonzoso - introvertido estricto, severo, riguroso terco, testarudo, tozudo comprensivo conversador, hablador digno de confianza falso raro, extrao

Abbreviation Abdication Acclamation

Abreviatura, Abreviacin Abdicacin Aclamacin

Accumulation Administration Admiration Adoration Affirmation Agglomeration Agitation Allegation Animation Anticipation Application Assassination Assimilation Association Authentication Authorization Automation Aviation Celebration Cessation Circulation Civilization Classification Collaboration Combination Commemoration Commendation Communication

Acumulacin Administracin Admiracin Adoracin Afirmacin Aglomeracin Agitacin Alegacin Animacin Anticipacin Aplicacin *Asesinato Asimilacin Asociacin Autenticacin Autorizacin Automatizacin Aviacin Celebracin Cesacin Circulacin Civilizacin Clasificacin Colaboracin Combinacin Conmemoracin Recomendacin Comunicacin

Compensation Compilation Concentration Condemnation Condensation Confirmation Confiscation Confrontation Congratulation Congregation Consideration Consolation Constellation Consternation Consultation Contamination Contemplation Continuation Conversation Cooperation Coronation Corporation Correlation Corroboration Creation Cultivation Declaration Degeneration

Compensacin Compilacin Concentracin Condenacin Condensacin Confirmacin Confiscacin **Enfrentamiento Feliciatin Congregacin Consideracin *Consuelo Constelacin Consternacin Consultacin Contaminacin Contemplacin Continuacin Conversacin Cooperacin Coronacin Corporacin Correlacin Corroboracin Creacin Cultivo* Declaracin Degeneracin

Degradation Delegation Deliberation Delineation Demonstration Deregulation Derivation Derogation Desecration Desegregation Desolation Destination Determination Detestation Detonation Dictation Differentiation Discrimination Disputation Dissemination Documentation Domestication Domination Donation Duration Education Ejaculation Elaboration

Degradacin Delegacin Deliberacin Delineacin Demostracin Manifestacin (protest) Dereglamentacin Derivacin Detraccin Desecration Desegregation Desolacin Destino Determinacin *Aborrecimiento Detonacin *Dictado Differentiation Discriminacin *disputa Diseminacin Documentacin Domestication Dominacin Donacin Duracin Educacin Eyaculacin Elaboracin

Elevation Elimination Emancipation Emulation Equation Evacuation Exaggeration Examination Exclamation Excommunication Expectation Experimentation Explanation Exploration Expostulation Extermination Exultation Facilitation Fascination Federation Fermentation Formation Formulation Foundation Generation Germination Gratification Gravitation

Elevacin Eliminacin Emancipacin Emulacin Ecuacin Evacuacin Exageracin *Examen Exclamacin *Excomunin *Expectativa Experimentacin Explicacin Exploracin Expostulation Exterminio Exultation Facilitacin Fascinacin Confederacin Fermentacin Formacin Frmulacin Fundacin Generacin Germinacin Gratificacin Gravitacin

Hallucination Hesitation Hibernation Humiliation Identification Illumination Illustration Imagination Imitation Immigration Implication Inclination Indentation Indication Indignation Information Initiation Innovation Inoculation Insinuation Inspiration Installation Instigation Interpretation Intimation Intonation Inundation Investigation

*Alucinacin Vacilacin Hibernacin Humillacin Identificacin Iluminacin Ilustracin Imaginacin Imitacin Inmigracin Implicacin Inclinacin Indentacin Indicacin Indignacin Informacin Iniciacin Innovacin Inoculacin Insinuacin Inspiracin Instalacin Provocacin Interpretacin Intimacin Entonacin Inundacin Investigacin (research)

Invitation Invocation Isolation Justification Lamentation Legislation Limitation Litigation Location Maceration Machination Manifestation Manipulation Mastication Materialization Meditation Mineralisation Moderation Modification Mutilation Narration Nation Naturalization Obligation Observation Occupation Operation Organization

Invitacin Invocacin Aislamiento Justificacin Lamentacin Legislacin Limitacin Litigacin Ubicacin Maceracin Maquinacin Manifestacin Manipulacin Masticacin Materializacin Mediacin Mineralisation Moderacin Modificacin Mutilacin Narracin Nacin Naturalizacin Obligacin Observacin Ocupacin Operacin Organizacin

Orientation Ovation Overpopulation Participation Penetration Perspiration Perturbation Population Precipitation Predestination Premeditation Preparation Presentation Preservation Privation Proliferation Prolongation Pronunciation Propagation Provocation Publication Punctuation Qualification Realization Recitation Reconciliation Recreation Rectification

Orientacin Ovacin *Superpoblacin Participacin Penetracin *Transpiracin Perturbacin *Poblacin Precipitacin Predestinacin Premeditacin Preparacin Presentacin **Conservacin Privacin Proliferacin Prolongacin Pronunciacin Propagacin Provocacin Publicacin Puntuacin **Cualificacin Realizacin Recitacin Conciliacin Recreacin Rectificacin

Registration Regulation Rehabilitation Relation Renunciation Reorganization Representation Reprobation Reputation Respiration Restoration Retaliation Revelation Salutation Salvation Segregation Sensation Separation Signification Simulation Situation Sophistication Speculation Stagnation Starvation Station Stipulation Temptation

Inscripcin Regulacin Rehabilitacin Relacin Renunciacin Reorganizacin Representacin Reprobation Reputacin Respiracin Restauracin Retaliacin Represalia Revelacin Salutacin Salvacin Segregacin Sensacin Separacin Significacin Simulacin Situacin Sofisticacin Especulacin *Estancacin Estancamiento **Inanicin Estacin Estipulacin *Tentacin

Toleration Transfiguration Transformation Translation Transportation Tribulation Trituration Vacation Vegetation Veneration Ventilation Verification Violation Vocation

Tolerancia Transfiguracin Transformacin *Traduccin Transportacin Tribulacin Trituration Vacacin Vegetacin Veneracin Ventilacin Verificacin Violacin (usually means rape in Spanish) Vocacin


AGREE WITH - estar de acuerdo - "All women are bad drivers." "I don't agree with you." BE ABOUT TO - estar a punto de -I was about to leave the house when my friends arrived. BE BACK - regresar -I'm working late at the office tonight so I won't be back until 10. BE OUT OF - quedarse sin - We're out of eggs so we can't make a tortilla. BE OVER - terminarse - When the football match was over, we went to the pub. BE UP - estar levantado - "Phil isn't up yet: he's still in bed. Phone again in ten minutes." BLOW UP - estallar (una bomba) - The bomb blew up killing six people. BLOW UP - inflar - We blew up at least a hundred balloons for the Christmas party. BREAK DOWN - averiarse - My car broke down on the way to Motril. CALL BACK - volver a llamar - "I'm afraid the manager isn't here at the moment. Could you call back later?" CARRY ON - seguir. continuar - I'm sorry if I interrupted you. Please carry on. CARRY OUT - cumplir (una promesa) - The President carried out his promise to reduce taxation. CARRY OUT - llevar a cabo - The execution was carried out at seven o'clock in the morning. CLEAR UP - poner en orden - It took four hours to clear up after the party. COME ACROSS - encontrar, dar con - I came across an old friend on the metro in Madrid. COME BACK - regresar - I'm going to England for two weeks. I'm coming back on the

fifth. COME IN - entrar - "Good morning. Come in and sit down." COME ON - Vamos!, Date prisa! - Come on. We're going to be late. CUT DOWN ON - consumir menos - You must cut down on cholesterol or you'll have a heart attack. CUT OFF - cortar, desconnectar - When we didn't pay the bill, the electricity was cut off. CUT UP - cortar en pedazos - We cut up the birthday cake and gave everyone a slice. DO UP - abrochar, atar - I was five before I knew how to do up my shoelaces. DO WITH - tener algo que ver con, tener relacin con - "What's MS DOS?" "It's got something to do with computers." DO WITHOUT - pasarse sin, prescindir de - The shops are shut so we'll have to do without sugar. Sarah and John 1996 (c) http://www.lingolex.com/espan.htm DRAW UP - pararse - The car drew up at the zebra crossing. GET BACK - volver, regresar - Cinderella had to get back by twelve o'clock. GET IN(TO) - entrar - I lost my keys and so I couldn't get into the house. GET OFF - bajar (de un autobus, tren) - You have to get off the bus at the next stop if you want the station. GET ON - subir (a un autobus, tren, moto) - Quick! Get on the train, it's about to leave. GET UP - levantarse - When I got up this morning it was still dark. GIVE BACK - devolver - If you don't like the dress, the shop will give you your money back. GIVE UP - perder la esperanza, rendirse - If you find phrasal verbs difficult, don't give up. GIVE UP - dejar (de fumar, beber) - You'll get cancer if you don't give up smoking. GO AHEAD - Siga! - "Can I use the telephone?" "Yes, go ahead." GO AWAY - irse, marcharse - Are you going away for Christmas, or are you staying at home. GO BACK - volver, regresar - Although she's forty, she's going back to University to study French. GO DOWN - bajar - The price of fruit goes down in the summer. GO OUT - salir (por la calle) - I always go out and have a few drinks on Saturday night. GO UP - subir - The price of cigarettes went up in January 1992. HANG ON/HOLD ON - esperar - Hold on for a minute as Pablo will be back in five minute. HANG UP - colgar (el telfono) - My ex-girlfriend hung up when I phoned her. KEEP UP WITH - mantenerse (a la altura de) - I can't keep up with my father when we go cycling as he goes too fast. KNOCK DOWN - derribar, atropear, demoler - My grandfather's old house was knocked down and a bank was built. LEAVE BEHIND - olvidar, dejar - When I got to the airport, I realised I had left my passport behind. LET IN - dejar entrar - She opened the door and let in the cat. LOOK AFTER - cuidar - My mother looks after the children when we go away. LOOK FOR - buscar - I spent two hours looking for my glasses before I found them. LOOK FORWARD TO - esperar con ilusin - I'm looking forward to the Easter holidays. LOOK OUT - tener cuidado, Ojo! Look out! - There's a car coming. JOHN & SARAH

1996 (c) LOOK UP - buscar algo (en un libro, diccionario) - If you don't understand the word, look it up in a dictionary. Sarah and John 1996 (c) http://www.lingolex.com/espan.htm PUT IN - meter, introducir - Put ten pence in the machine and you will get a cup of coffee. PUT ON - encender - Put on the light, it's getting dark. PUT ON - ponerse (la ropa) - Put your coat on or you'll get cold. RUN OUT OF - quedars sin algo We ran out of petrol so we had to get the bus. SET OFF - ponerse en camino - We set off to Madrid at five o'clock to avoid the traffic. TAKE AFTER - parecerse a - Pablo takes after his mother: they are both optimistic. TAKE OFF - despegar - The flight was delayed for two hours and the plane eventually took off at 6 p.m. TAKE OFF - quitarse la ropa - Take off your coat and make yourself comfortable. TAKE OUT - extraer, sacar - He took out a cigarette and lit it. THROW AWAY - tirar (en la basura) - Don't throw these papers away: they're important. TURN DOWN - bajar (el volumen) - Turn down the radio: it's too loud. TURN UP - poner el volumen ms fuerte - Turn up the radio. I can't hear it. TURN ON - encender (televisin, luces etc.) - Turn on the television, please, I want to see the news


* = Traduccin con una palabra es muy inadequada.

accept allow ask believe borrow break bring buy can/be able cancel change clean comb complain cough count cut dance draw

aceptar permitir/dejar preguntar creer prestar romper traer comprar poder cancelar cambiar limpiar peinar quejarse toser contar cortar bailar dibujar

close/shut organize pay play put rain read reply run say see sell send sign sing sit sleep smoke speak

cerrar organizar pagar jugar poner llover leer responder correr decir ver vender enviar firmar cantar sentarse dormir fumar hablar

drink drive eat explain fall fill find finish fit fix fly forget give go have hear hurt know learn leave listen live look lose make/do need open

beber conducir comer explicar caerse llenar encontrar terminar caber reparar volar olvidar dar ir * tener oir daar, herir saber/conocer aprender * salir/marcharse escuchar vivir mirar perder hacer necesitar abrir

spell spend stand start/begin study succeed swim take talk teach tell think translate travel try turn off turn on type understand use wait wake up want watch work worry write

deletrear gastar ponerse de pie comenzar estudiar tener exito nadar * tomar hablar ensear decir pensar traducir viajar intentar apagar encender escribir a maquina entender utilizar/usar esperar despertar querer/desear mirar trabajar preocuparse escribir

En este blog podrs expresar tus dudas acerca de los adjetivos ingls, puedes preguntar cualquier cosa y nosotros resolveremos tus dudas muy pronto. Recuerda dejar tus dudas en los comentarios y una manera para comunicarnos contigo (correo electrnico)si no eres miembro de blogspot. Para ayudarte a resolver tus dudas, abajo podrs ver una lista de adjetivos bsicos en ingls, su traduccin y una guia para ayudarte con su pronunciacin. Publicado por Alpha en 12:08 1 comentario:

jueves, 16 de abril de 2009

Adjetivos en Ingls
Aspecto fisico- Physical Appearence. Tall (tol) - alto, alta Thin (thin)- delgado, delgada Slim (slim)- esbelto, esbelta Fat (fat)- gordo, gorda

Plump (plump)- gordito, gordita Strong (estrong)- fuerte Weak (wik)- dbil Bold (bold)- calvo, calva Handsome (handsome) Good-looking (god lookin), attractive (atractive)- guapo, guapa, atractivo, atractiva Lovely (lovly)-guapa Ugly (ugly)- feo, fea

Personalidad - Personality cheerful (chirful) -alegre, jovial; kind (kaind)-amable ambitious (ambicious)- ambicioso friendly (friendli)- amigable, simptico, agradable cantankerous (kantakerious)- cascarrabias cowardly (kowardlie)-cobarde sympathetic (understanding)-comprensivo conservative (konservatife)-conservador conventional (konventional)- convencional talkative (tolkative)- conversador, hablador flirtatious (fliratious)- coqueta polite (polite)-corts, educado big-headed (big headead)-credo, engredo cruel (krul)- cruel open-minded (open mindead): narrow-minded (narrouw mindead):de actitud abierta, sin prejuiciosde mentalidad cerrada, intolerante; moody (moodie)- de humor cambiante bitchy (bitchie)- de mala leche, venenoso; careless (kareleass)- descuidado, poco cuidadoso carefree (kare frie)- despreocupado trustworthy (trust wortie)- digno de confianza argumentative (argumentative), quarrelsome (kuarelsome)- discutidor selfish (selfish)- egosta charming (charming)- encantador strict (estrict)- estricto, severo, riguroso two-faced (too faced)- falso reliable(reliabel) fiable(fiable), confiable:(konfiable) -es una persona en la que se puede confiar loyal (loyial)-fiel generous (generous)- generoso honest (onest)- honesto naive (naife)- ingenuo, inocentn crazy (krazy), nuts (nuts) -loco, chiflado bad-tempered (bad tempeared)- malhumorado naughty (children) (naugty)- malo, travieso (nios) modest (modest)- modesto proud (proud)- orgulloso

lazy- (lazy)- perezoso, vago annoying (anoying)- pesado conceited (konceited), full of oneself (full of oneself)- presumido cautious (kaitious)- prudente, cauteloso, cauto; weird (wird)- raro, extrao self-confident (self confident): to be self-confident seguro de s mismo: tener confianza en s mismo sensible (sensival)- sensato, prudente; sensitive (sensitife)- sensible dull (dull), boring (boring)- soso, aburrido mean (mean)- tacao stubborn (stuborn)- terco, testarudo, tozudo hard-working (hard working) -trabajador laid-back (laid bak)- tranquilo, relajado shy( shie) ,introverted (introvertead)- tmido, vergonzoso - introvertido brave (braive)- valiente Colores -Colors black (blak)-negro gray (gri)-gris violet (violit)-violeta white (juit)-blanco green (grin)-verde orange (rendch)-naranja red (red)-rojo brown (brun)-marrn sky blue (ski blu)-celeste blue (blu)- azul yellow (ilou)-amarillo pink (pink)- rosa purple (prpl)- prpura beige (bidch) - beige turquoise (trkuis) - turquesa

Tamao/Medida- Size/Measure big (big) - grande large (lardch) - grande huge (jidch) - enorme small (smol) - pequeo tiny (tini) - diminuto heavy (jvi) - pesado

light (lit) - liviano thick (zik) - grueso thin (zin) - delgado wide (uid) - ancho high (ji) - elevado,alto low (lu) - bajo tall (tol) - alto short (short) - corto, bajo long (long) - largo medium (mdium) - medio narrow (nrrou) - angosto deep (dip) - profundo shallow (shlou) - superficial,poco profundo broad (brod) - ancho Forma- Shape square (skur) - cuadrado round (rund) - redondo rectangular (rektnguiular) - rectangular triangular (trainguiular) - triangular oval (uval) - oval conical (knical) - cnico spherical (sfrical) - esfrico cubical (kibical) - cbico cylindrical (cilndrical) - cilndrico straight (strit)- recto curved (kervd) - curvo crooked (krkid) - torcido broad (brod) - ancho narrow (nrrou) -angosto flat (flat) - plano steep (stip) - empinado hollow (jlou) - hueco solid (slid) - slido

Edad/Tiempo - Age/Time old (uld) - viejo young (ing) - joven new (ni) - nuevo modern (mdern) - moderno ancient (inshent) - antiguo old fashioned - anticuado updated (pditid) - actualizado outdated (utditid) desactualizado

fast (fast) - rpido quick (kuk) - rpido slow (slu) - lento senior (snior) - mayor junior (dchnior) - muy joven,principiante current (krrent) - actual past (past) - pasado future (fiutur) - futuro Tiempo (clima)- Weather rainy (rini) - lluvioso stormy (strmi) - tormentoso sunny (sni) - soleado windy (undi) - ventoso snowy (snui) - con nieve damp (damp) - hmedo dry (dri) - seco icy (ici) - con hielo foggy (fgui) - con niebla overcast (uvercst) - nublado cloudy (cludi) - nuboso clear (clar) - despejado mild (mild) - templado chilly (chili) - fro

Temperatura- Temperature freezing (frissing) - helado chilly (chli) - fro cold (culd) - fro cool (kul) - fresco lukewarm (lk-urm) - tibio boiling (biling) - hirviendo muggy (mgui) - caluroso hot (jot) - caluroso warm (urm) - clido pleasant (plsant) - agradable Textura/Tacto- Texture/Touch hard (jrd) - duro soft (soft) - blando rough (raf) - spero, rugoso smooth (smud) - suave solid (slid) - slido liquid (lkuid) - lquido wet (wt) - mojado

dry (dri) - seco slippery (slperi) - resbaladizo sticky (stki) - pegagoso even (ven) - llano, liso uneven (anven) - desigual sharp (sharp) - afilado blunt (blant) - desafilado clean (klin) - limpio dirty (drti) - sucio tight (tit) - apretado loose (lus) - holgado Materiales- Materials iron (iron) - de hierro steel (stil) - de acero rubber (rber) - de goma paper (piper) - de papel woolen (wulen) - de lana plastic (plstic) - de plstico stone (stun) - de piedra wooden (wudn) - de madera glass(gls) - de vidrio leather (lder) - de cuero silver (slver) - de plata gold (guld) - de oro tin (tin) - de lata cotton (kton) - de algodn

Religin- Religion Catholic (czolic) - catlico Protestant (prtestant) - protestante Anglican (nglican) - anglicano Baptist (bptist) - bautista Christian (crstchan) - cristiano Hindu (jndu) - hind Buddhist (bdist) - budista Muslin (mslim) - musulmn Jewish (dchish) - judo Lutheran (lzeran) - luterano

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