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Lack of security means less of action of protecting our computer sistem and the information the contain against

unwanted access,damage,destruction or modification..

lack of security gives effect on :

Industry Economy government

Secret files of a company can be destroy , stolen and hack by crackers.. Unethical employees break into their employee computer to exploit a security weakness

Privacy activity increAse because lack of security and make economy of a country easily being hack..

Some corporate spies have excellent computer and network skill and are hired to break a specific computer and steel it proprieary data and information.. Unscrecerutulous companies hire corporate spies a practice known as corporate espionage to gain a corporative advantage.. Cyber terrorist,someone who uses the internet or network to destroy or damage..

Destroy the nations air traffic control system,electriciry,generating ,companies or telecomunication infrastructure..

Security precaution is important in industry,economy and government.if there are lack of security,it can give negative effects to the industrial activity,economy of a country and government activity in a country..

Note.. http://google.com http://myictdotnet.blogspot.com/200 8/02/15-impact-of-ict-on-society.html http://www.slideshare.com

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