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Year level(s) Duration Focus Implementation date(s) Curriculum area(s)

Year 4

1 hour

Games. Lesson 9/10 Evaluation and refinement of product



NOTE: Use the relevant curriculum document: Australian Curriculum (P-10); QSA Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline; QSA Early Years Curriculum Guidelines; QSA Essential Learnings and Standards (Years 1 -9); QSA Learning area (Year 10); QSA Subject syllabus/SAS (Years 11 12), and other curriculum sources (school priorities, etc.)

Curriculum information: Essential Learnings Technology By end of Year 5 (Queensland Studies Authority (QSA), 2008). Australian Curriculum: History Knowledge and Understanding. Ways of Working.
The learner will know and understand that: Technology as a human endeavour: Aspects of appropriateness influence product design and production decisions
Prior knowledge:

The learner will be able to: Evaluate products and processes to identify strengths, limitations, effectiveness and improvements
LMQ1 - What does the learner already know? (Links to prior knowledge & interests including diagnosis of previous learning experiences)

Developing understanding of Technology Practice Cycle (work portfolios) Able to generate 2D designs from simple ideas (work samples) Able to select resources, simple techniques and tools to make products (observations & work samples) Generally follow guidelines to apply safe practices (observations) Regularly contribute to individual online technology journals (observation & previous unit of work) Have identified personal experiences with games (observation & work samples) Have contributed to shared understanding of vocabulary associated with topic (previous lessons PK) Understand that games cater to diverse interests and meet different needs (previous lessons DK) Understand roles and expectations for behaviour during cooperative tasks (ongoing ) Understand that audience and purpose influence aspects of appropriateness when designing games (previous lesson DK) Understand that products can be modified using processes such as elimination, simplification, combination and magnification (previous lesson in unit) Can evaluate games for appropriateness for their Prep audience (previous lesson PK) Have previously used Blogger website (previous unit of work) Have produced 2D designs using visual representations that meet design brief (previous lesson in unit) Developing ability to evaluate materials and resources for appropriateness (previous lesson DK Developing ability to evaluate and refine plans (previous lesson PK)

Learning outcomes/standards: LMQ2 - Where does the learner need/want to be? (Knowledge & understanding & skills to be acquired or further developed. Draw upon relevant content descriptions from curriculum document to inform specific outcomes/standards for this learning experience. Foreground achievement standards that will inform assessment. Use descriptors appropriate for phase of learning & curriculum. QSA, 2011, defines curriculum as the sum total of the learning and development experiences that are offered by a school, formally and informally, in class and out of class.) Knowledge & understanding: (declarative) Skills: (procedural/do) The learner will know and understand that: The learner will be able to:

D1 Audience and purpose must be considered in the design and production of an artefact

P1 Make minor adjustments to designs and products to align with design brief P2 Use a checklist to evaluate product and ensure it meets design brief P3 Reflect on personal contribution to product design process

Learning processes:

LMQ3 - How does the learner best learn?

Prefer relatable, authentic tasks - provide activities which relate to students lives and prior experiences Relatable content ensures engagement and motivation link content to students interests and prior knowledge Individualised assessment opportunities - pose questions which allow for individual responses from each student Attention span developing - ensure tasks and activities are not too long and offer variety Comprises a range of learning styles - provide tasks that cater to a range of learning styles (kinaesthetic, visual and auditory) Do not like to remain in one position for an extended period of time - provide activities that require movement during long lessons

Engage in lessons/activities that are exciting exhibit enthusiasm and embed ICT elements in lesson
Version 25 Nov 2011

Learning procedures LMQ5 - What will constitute the learning journey? LMQ6 - Who will do what? (Include adjustments in the learning experiences to accommodate learner difference.)

Dimensions of Learning (DoL) focus. including teaching strategies to be used

Resources LMQ4 - What resources do I have at my disposal?

ILO Phase 1 Intro/ Hook: Teacher presents her own substandard work sample as an example of her/his attempts to meet the design brief (modifications required must be obvious enough for students to detect) Phase 2: Elaborate Provide opportunities for students to apply new knowledge in a variety of contexts by: Having students work individually to evaluate teachers game using a checklist which refers to design constraints and requirements, levels of appropriateness and areas of management To consolidate students conceptual understanding of the evaluation process, teacher steps class through positive and negative aspects of his/her product Each cooperative group uses the checklist to evaluate another groups game (most should be complete at this stage), providing an opportunity for students to apply skills in evaluating products. Groups can also take advantage of the opportunity to test their product during this activity. Production group meets with evaluation group to discuss findings and make suggestions for improvement Evaluate Individual cooperative groups discuss evaluations of and recommendations for their game, enabling students to review and reflect on areas that may need improvement. Groups work through any alterations they may need to make to their product prior to next lessons games afternoon (some students may need to revisit the investigation phase and research solutions) Groups then upload photographs of completed game and add appropriate sections to complete their Technology Process Cycle on their blog. Phase 3: Students complete a 5 minute written reflection on their value as a team member by answering the following questions in their technology journals: I am a productive team member because I One area I could improve on as a team member is Extension activities: Students compose an email to Mrs Codswhallops Prep class inviting them to the games afternoon Groups create a poster to advertise their product to the Prep students
Introducing lesson in an engaging way by providing personal anecdote related to the topic.

Assessment & feedback LMQ7 - How will I check to see the learner has achieved the learning outcomes? (See also the QSA Assessment Bank.) LMQ8 - How will I inform others? (Include moderation of teacher judgments of standards if necessary.)

Substandard working sample

D1 & P2

Evaluation checklist Enables students to analyse and evaluate products using inquiry skills. Applies knowledge in a variety of contexts Teacher pointing out errors on a worked sample provides students with a visual of what not to do Evaluating a similar product enables students to extend and refine knowledge by applying it in a relatable way Sharing of ideas and making suggestions enables learners to verbalise thinking which can deepen their own (and peers) knowledge and understanding

Focussed analysis of checklist to check for application of skills in evaluating appropriateness of products (Teacher assessed summative)


D1 & P2

D1 & P1

Analysis and evaluation of product using checklist and discussion(Peer assessed formative)



Digital camera Access to online Blogs Blog entries, Technology Process Cycle and final product photograph added to group portfolio for focussed analysis (Teacher assessed part of summative assessment)


Providing opportunity for students to review and reflect on what they have learned and make suggestions for improvement.

Technology journal entries reflection on contributions as a group member (Teacher/self-assessment - formative)

Version 25 Nov 2011

Reflection: LMQ9 - Why has the learner (achieved/)not achieved the learning outcomes (standards)? (Feedback to the student & teacher about what is needed to inform future learning - what worked and what didnt. Were the knowledge & understanding & skills achieved? Learning diagnosis including individual learning issues that need to be addressed.)

Reflective questions: Were the procedural and declarative outcomes for this lesson met? Did this lesson offer enough opportunities for learners document their progress through the design process? Did this lesson cater to a range of learning styles? Did this lesson provide enough opportunities for all learners to engage with the content? Were the teaching strategies used in the lesson effective in helping learners engage with the content? Did the reflective journal questions enable learners to sufficiently evaluate their input as a team member?

Version 25 Nov 2011

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