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Lead-in: Make connection with previous class. Pre-teach: Look at the article. What doe he do? Paperboy.

CCQs Did most pb's go to university? Did the ppl who write the NPs go to univ? College graduate. College degree. Masters degree Tips.context Marriage counselor. Context Jogger Coach 1st listening: Ex. 1: Listen to the text. With your partner, discuss what is unusual about his life. What does he like about it? Share with class Alternatively, you are Jeff. You are reporter. Experts-interviewrs(word by word). What/you/like? You/have/college degree? You/work/a lot? $/you/paid? When/ first newspaper/ delivered? You/study/ atthemoment? 2nd listening: Ex. 2 Show picture of Sidney. Fill in chart. Discuss with partner. Who is happier? Debate.

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