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Outcomes and Indicators W2.10 Skills and Strategies Sentence Structure W2.9 Producing texts Paragraphs W2.10 Skills and Strategies Uses different types of verbs. Criteria Produces grammatically correct and meaningful sentences. Limited Achievement E-1 Writes simple sentences correctly. Also attempts compound sentences which may be run on sentences. Meaning is predominantly clear. Script is a block of text. Basic Achievement D-2 Simple and compound sentences are correct. A variety of effective conjunctions used. Attempts to use complex sentences. Meaning is predominantly clear. Paragraphs evident but are not used effectively to organise ideas or new line is taken for each sentence. Uses one thinking/feeling verb with one auxiliary verb to express modality. e.g. can, will...


High Achievement B-4 Simple and compound sentences are written correctly with 2 complex sentences correct. Sentences may show a variety in length and sentence beginnings. . Writing is organised into paragraphs mainly focused on a single idea or set of like ideas. Paragraphs are used to introduce new argument Uses 2 or more thinking/feeling verbs with more than one auxiliary verb to express modality.Eg: should, might, must Includes at least one example of emotive language. The writing contains 3 or more examples of topic words and includes 3 technical words. Uses conjunctions and connectives to link arguments. Eg: firstly, secondly. Outstanding Achievement A-5 Simple and compound sentences are written correctly with 3 or more complex sentences correct. Sentences may show a variety in length and sentence beginnings. Meaning is clear. Writing is organised into paragraphs focused on a a set of like ideas. Paragraphs are used to introduce new argument. Uses 2 or more thinking/feeling verbs with more than one auxiliary verb to express modality. should, might, must Includes 2 or more examples of emotive language. The writing contains 4 or more examples of topic words and includes at least 4 technical words. Uses a variety of conjunctions to link reasons. Eg: therefore,furthermore, as a result.... Uses a variety of connectives to link arguments. Eg:firstly...finally. Uses common punctuation correctly capitals, full stops all of the time. Experiments with other forms of punctuation. Spells all high frequency and grade appropriate words correctly as well as more challenging words.

Sound Achievement C-3 Simple and compound sentences are written correctly with at least 1 complex sentence correct.

Segments text into paragraphs.

Uses persuasive language to influence the audience.

Uses one thinking/feeling verb such as I think or I like.

Writing is organised into paragraphs that are mainly focused on a single idea or set of like ideas Uses 2 thinking/feeling verbs with more than one auxiliary verb to express modality. Eg: should, might, must

W2.10 Topic/Technical Language W2.10 Skills and Strategies Cohesion

Uses topic/technical language. Uses conjunctions or connectives in writing

The writing contains 12 topic words and may include technical words. No conjunctions or connectives evident.

The writing contains 3 examples of topic words and may include technical words. Uses conjunctions and connectives incorrectly or repetitively.

The writing contains 3 examples of topic words and 2 technical words. Uses 1-2 simple conjunctions eg: if, because, so... Plus 1 connective correctly.

W2.10 Skills and Strategies Punctuation W2.11 Skills and Strategies Spelling

Uses correct punctuation.

Punctuation is minimal and/or not used correctly

Uses capitals, full stops and correct spacing most of the time.

W2.9 Producing Texts Text Structure

Correctly spells high frequency and grade appropriate words correctly Uses the correct organisational structure of an exposition

Cannot yet spell high frequency words independently.

Attempts most high frequency and grade appropriate words with invented spelling.

Common punctuation used correctly capitals, full stops, contraction, apostrophes, most of the time. Experiments with commas. Spells most high frequency and grade appropriate words correctly.

Uses common punctuation correctly capitals, full stops all of the time. Uses commas correctly most of the time. Spells all high frequency and grade appropriate words correctly.

Simple introduction informs the audience of topic. Writes 2-3 simple sentences to express an opinion with no supporting reasons. No conclusion evident.

Simple introduction informs audience of the topic. States 2 arguments with no supporting reasons. No conclusion or inappropriate conclusion.

Issue clearly stated in introduction. States 2-3 arguments with some supporting reasons. Point of view is re-stated in conclusion.

Issue clearly stated in introduction. States 2-3 arguments with supporting reasons. Point of view is re-stated in conclusion.

Issue clearly stated in introduction. States 3 or more arguments with supporting reasons. Point of view is re-stated persuasively in conclusion.

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