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ABSTRACT Noviyanti, Ni Wayan. 2013. Factors Associated with Controlled Blood Pressure in Hypertension on Region of Puskesmas IV Denpasar Selatan.

Skripsi, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University. Supervisor (1) Ns. I Made Sukarja, S.Kep, M. Kep. (2) Ns. I Made Suindrayasa, S.Kep. Hypertension was a disease with no cure, the only way to help people survive is achieve controlled blood pressure. Several factors could be affect of blood pressure control such as nutritional status, smoking habit, low salt diet, antihypertensive medication adherence, physical activity, and stress level. Based on that, it is necessary done the research about the factors that influence blood pressure control. This research was observational analysis with case control approach using purposive sampling technique. This research was conducted on March 30th - April 30th 2013 on patients with hypertension in the Puskesmas IV Denpasar Selatan. The sample collected was 134 respondents consist of 67 cases and 67 controls. Effect of independent variables and the dependent variable in this research conducted with chi squre test and multiple logistic regression. The results of this research indicated that there is a association between nutritional status (OR=5.167), low salt diet (OR=21.147), antihypertensive medication adherence (OR=11.659), and physical activity (OR=5.273) with controlled blood pressure (p=0.000). On the other hand, the variable smoking habit (p=0.070, OR=0.863) and stress level (p=0,863, OR=1.127). The most dominant variable is the low-salt diet. Based on multivariate analysis was also obtained by the equation Y= -5.315+ 2.326X1+2.756X2+2,225X3+2,585X4. The probability of achieving blood pressure control in hypertensive patients without four factors above is 0.5%. Based on the results of this research are expected health centers working to provide innovative health education on patient visits to the health centre and emphasizing the importance of routine measurement of blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Keywords: Hypertension, blood pressure control, blood pressure control factors

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