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English-to-Spanish Drug Phrases and Terms

Frases y Trminos Mdicos del Ingls al Espaol

Taking the Medication History

Tomando la Historia Mdica (Toh-mahn-doh lah Ees-toh-ree-ah Meh-dee-kah)

Are you allergic to any medications? (If yes:) Es alrgico a algn medicamento? (s:) (Ehs ah-lehr-hee-koh ah ahl-goon meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh) (see:) Which medications are you allergic to? A cul medicamento es alrgico? (ah koo-ahl meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh ehs ah-lehr-hee-koh) What happens when you develop an allergic reaction? Qu le pasa cuando desarrolla una reaccin alrgica? (Keh leh pah-sah koo-ahn-doh deh-sah-roh-yah oo-nah reh-ahk-see-ohn ah-lehrhee-kah) What did you do to relieve or stop the allergic reaction? Qu hizo para aliviar o detener la reaccin alrgica? (Keh ee-soh pah-rah ah-lee-bee-ahr oh deh-teh-nehr lah reh-ahk-see-ohn ah-lehrhee-kah)

Do you take any over-the-counter, prescription, or herbal medications? (If yes:) Toma medicamentos sin receta, con receta, o naturistas (hierbas medicinales)? (s:) (Toh-mah meh-dee-kah-mehn-tohs seen reh-seh-tah, kohn reh-seh-tah, oh nah-too-reestahs [ee-ehr-bahs meh-dee-see-nah-lehs]) (see:) Why do you take each medication? Porqu toma cada medicamento? (Pohr-keh toh-mah kah-dah meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh) What is the dosage for each medication? Cul es la dosis de cada medicamento? (Koo-ahl ehs lah doh-sees deh kah-dah meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh) How often do you take each medication? Con qu frequencia toma cada medicamento? (Kohn keh freh-koo-ehn-see-ah toh-mah kah-dah meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh)

Once a day? Una vez por da; diariamente? (Oo-nah behs pohr dee-ah; dee-ah-ree-ah-mehn-teh) Twice a day? Dos veces por da? (dohs beh-sehs pohr dee-ah)

Three times a day? Tres veces por da? (Trehs beh-sehs pohr dee-ah) Four times a day? Cuatro veces por da? (Koo-ah-troh beh-sehs pohr-dee-ah) Every other day? Cada tercer da? (Kah-dah tehr-sehr dee-ah) Once a week? Una vez por semana? (Oo-nah behs pohr seh-mah-nah)

How does each medication make you feel? Como le hace sentir cada medicamento? (Koh-moh leh ah-seh sehn-teer kah-dah meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh) Does the medication make you feel better? Le hace sentir mejor el medicamento? (Heh ah-seh sehn-teer meh-hohr ehl meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh) Does the medication make you feel the same or unchanged? Le hace sentir igual o sin cambio el medicamento? (Leh ah-seh sehn-teer ee-goo-ahl oh seen kam-bee-oh ehl meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh) Does the medication make you feel worse? (If yes:) Se siente peor con el medicamento? (si:) (Seh see-ehn teh peh-ohr kohn ehl meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh) (see:)

What do you do to make yourself feel better? Qu hace para sentirse mejor? (Keh ah-seh pah-rah sehn-teer-seh meh-hohr)

Preparing for a Regimen of Medication

Preparando para un rgimen de medicamento (Preh-pah-rahn-doh pah-rah oon reh-hee-mehn deh meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh) Medication Purpose Propsito del medicamento (Proh-poh-see-toh dehl meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh)

This medication will help relieve: Este medicamento le ayudar a aliviar: (Ehs-teh meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh leh ah-yoo-dah-rah ah ah-lee-bee-ahr)

abdominal gas. gases intestinales. (gah-sehs een-tehs-tee-nah-lehs) abdominal pain. dolor intestinal; dolor en el abdomen. (doh-lohr een-tehs-tee-nahl; doh-lohr ehn ehl ahb-doh-mehn) chest congestion. congestin del pecho. (kohn-hehs-tee-ohn dehl peh-choh) chest pain. dolor del pecho. (doh-lohr dehl peh-choh) constipation. constipacin; estreimiento. (Kohns-tee-pah-see-ohn; ehs-treh-nyee-mee-ehn-toh) cough. tos. (tohs) headache. dolor de cabeza. (doh-lohr-deh kah-beh-sah) muscle aches and pains. achaques musculares y dolores. (ah-chah-kehs moos-koo-lah-rehs ee doh-loh-rehs) pain. dolor. (doh-lohr)

This medication will prevent: Este medicamento prevendr: (Ehs-teh meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh preh-behn-drah) blood clots. cogulos de sangre. (koh-ah-goo-lohs deh sahn-greh) constipation. constipacin; estreimiento. (Kohns-tee-pah-see-ohn; ehs-treh-nyee-mee-ehn-toh)

contraception. contracepcin; embarazo. (kohn-trah-sehp-see-ohn; ehm-bah-rah-soh) diarrhea. diarrea. (dee-ah-reh-ah) infection. infeccin. (een-fehk-see-ohn) seizures. convulcines; ataque epilptico. (kohn-bool-see-ohn-ehs; ah-tah-keh eh-pee-lehp-tee-koh) shortness of breath. respiracin corta; falta de aliento. (rehs-pee-rah-see-ohn kohr-tah; fahl-tah deh ah-lee-ehn-toh) wheezing. el resollar; la respiracin ruidosa, sibilante. (ehl reh-soh-yahr; lah rehs-pee-rah-see-ohn roo-ee-doh-sah, see-bee-lahn-teh)

This medication will increase your: Este medicamento aumentar su: (Ehs-teh meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh ah-oo-mehn-tah-rah soo):

ability to fight infections. habilidad a combatir infecciones. (ah-bee-lee-dahd ah kohm-bah-teer een-fehk-see-oh-nehs) appetite. apetito. (ah-peh-tee-toh) blood iron levels. nivel de hierro en la sargre. (nee-behl deh ee-eh-roh ehn lah sahn-greh) blood sugar. azcar en la sangre. (ah-soo-kahr ehn lah sahn-greh) heart rate. pulso; latido. (pool-soh; lah-tee-doh)

red blood cell count. cuenta de clulas rojas. (koo-ehn-tah deh seh-loo-lahs roh-hahs) thyroid hormone levels. niveles de hormona tiroide. (nee-beh-lehs deh ohr-moh-nah tee-roh-ee-deh) urine volume. volumen de orina. (boh-loo-mehn deh oh-ree-nah)

This medication will decrease your: Este medicamento reducir su: (Ehs-teh meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh reh-doo-see-rah soo:)

anxiety. ansiedad. (ahn-see-eh-dahd) blood cholesterol level. nivel de colesterol en la sangre. (nee-behl deh koh-lehs-teh-rohl ehn lah sahn-greh) blood lipid level. nivel de lpido en la sangre. (nee-behl deh lee-pee-doh ehn lah sahn-greh) blood pressure. presin arterial; de sangre. (preh-see-ohn ahr teh-ree-ahl; deh sahn-greh) blood sugar level. nivel de azcar en la sangre. (nee-behl deh ah-soo-kahr ehn lah sahn-greh) heart rate. pulso; latido. (pool-soh; lah-tee-doh) stomach acid. cido en el estmago. (ah-see-doh ehn ehl ehs-toh-mah-goh) thyroid hormone levels. niveles de hormona tiroide. (nee-beh-lehs deh ohr-moh-nah tee-roh-ee-deh)

weight. peso. (peh-soh)

This medication will treat: Este medicamento sirve para: (Ehs-teh meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh seer-beh pah-rah)

cancer of your _____. cancer de su _____. (kahn-sehr deh soo) depression. depression. (deh-preh-see-ohn) HIV infection. infeccin de VIH. (een-fehk-see-ohn deh beh ee ah-cheh) inflammation. infamacin. (een-flah-mah-see-ohn) swelling. hinchazon. (een-chah-sohn) the infection in your ____. la infeccin en su _____. (lah een-fehk-see-ohn ehn soo) your abnormal heart rhythm. su ritmo anormal de corazn anormal. (soo reet-moh ah-nohr-mahl deh koh-rah-sohn) your allergy to ____. su alergia a. (soo eh-lehr-hee-ah ah) your rash. su erupcin; sarpullido. (soo eh-roop-see-ohn; sahr-poo-yee-doh)

Administering Medication Administrando el Medicamento (Ahd-mee-nees-trahn-doh ehl meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh)

Swallow this medication with water or juice.

Trage este medicamento con agua o jugo (Trah-geh ehs-teh meh dee-kah-mehn-toh kohn ah-goo-ah oh hoo-goh)

If you cannot swallow the medication whole, I can crush it and put it in food. Si no puede tragar el medicamento entero puedo aplastarlo (triturarlo) y ponerlo en el alimento. (See noh poo-eh-deh trah-gahr ehl meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh ehn-teh-roh poo-eh-doh ahplahs-tahr-loh [tree-too-rahr-loh] ee poh-nehr-loh ehn ehl ah lee-mehn-toh) I need to mix this medication with water or juice before you drink it. Necesito mezclar este medicamento en agua o jugo antes de que lo tome. (Neh-seh-see-toh mehs-klahr ehs-teh meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh ehn ah-goo-ah oh hoo-goh ahn-tehs deh keh loh toh-meh) Do not chew this medication. Swallow it whole. No mastique este medicamento. Tragelo entero. (Noh mahs-tee-keh ehs-teh meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh. Trah-geh-loh ehn-teh-roh) Gargle with this medication and then swallow it. Haga gargaras con este medicamento y luego tragelo. (Ah-gah gahr-gah-rahs koh ehs-teh meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh ee loo-eh-goh trah-geh-loh) Place this medication under your tongue and let it dissolve. Ponga este medicamento bajo la lengua y deje que se disuelva. (Pohn-gah ehs-teh meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh bah-hoh lah lehn-goo-ah ee deh-heh keh seh dee-soo-ehl-bah) I would like to give this injection in your: Quiero aplicar esta injeccin en su: (Kee-eh-roh ah-plee-kahr ehs-tah een-yehk-see-ohn ehn soo:)

abdomen. abdomen. (ahb-doh-mehn) arm. brazo. (brah-soh) buttocks. nalga. (nahl-gah) hip. cadera. (kah-deh-rah) thigh. muslo. (moos-loh)

I will give you this medication through your intravenous line. Le dar este medicamento por el tubo de suero intravenoso. (Leh dah-reh ehs-teh meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh pohr ehl too-boh deh soo-eh-roh een-trahbeh-noh-soh) Let me know if you feel burning or pain at the intravenous site. Digame si siente ardor o dolor en el sitio del suero intravenoso. (Dee-gah-meh see see-ehn-teh ahr-dohr oh doh-lohr ehn ehl see-tee-oh dehl soo-eh-roh een-trah-beh-noh-soh) I need to insert this suppository into your rectum (or vagina). Necesito meter este supositorio en el recto (o vagina). (Neh-seh-see-toh meh-tehr ehs-teh soo-poh-see-toh-ree-oh ehn ehl rehk-toh (oh bahhee-nah) I need to put this medication into each ear; left ear; right ear. Necesito poner este medicamento en cada oreja; oreja izquierda; oreja derecha. (Neh-seh-see-toh poh-nehr ehs-teh meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh ehn kah-dah oh-reh-hah; ohreh-hah ees-kee-ehr-dah; -oh-reh-hah deh-reh-chah) I need to put this medication into each eye; left eye; right eye. Necesito poner este medicamento en cada ojo; ojo izquierdo; ojo derecho. (Neh-seh-see-toh poh-nehr ehs-teh meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh ehn kah-dah oh-hoh; oh-hoh ees-kee-ehr-doh; oh-hoh deh-reh-choh)

Preparing for Discharge Preparando para Darle de Alta (Preh-pah-rah-doh pah-rah dahr-leh deh ahl-tah)

The generic name for this medication is _____. El nombre genrico (sin marca) de este medicamento es_____. (Ehl nohn-breh heh-neh-ree-koh [seen mahr-kah] deh ehs-teh meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh ehs ___) The trade name for this medication is _____. El nombre comercial de este medicamento es_____. (Ehs nohm-breh koh-mehr-see-ahl deh ehs-teh meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh ehs_____) Take the medication exactly as prescribed. Tome el medicamento exactamente como se receta. (Toh-meh ehl meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh ehx-ahk-tah-mehn-teh koh-moh seh reh-seh-tah) You can safely break a scored tablet in half. Puede partir por la mitad la tableta que tiene una muesca (marca). (Poo-eh-deh pahr-teer pohr lah mee-tahd lah tah-bleh-tah keh tee-eh-neh oo-nah mooehs-kah [mahr-kah]) Do not crush or chew enteric-coated, extended-release, or sustained-release tablets or capsules.

No aplaste (triture) o mastique una tableta con capa entrica, de accin prolongada o de mantenimiento. (Noh ah-plahs-teh [tree-too-reh] oh mahs-tee-keh oo-nah tah-bleh-tah kohn-kah-pah ehn-teh-ree-kah, deh ahk-see-ohn proh-lohn-gah-dah oh deh mahn-teh-nee-mee-ehntoh)

If you miss a dose: Si pierde una dosis: (See pee-ehr-deh oo-nah doh-sees:)

take it as soon as you remember it. tmela tan pronto se acuerde. (toh-meh-lah tahn prohn-toh seh ah-koo-ehr-deh) wait until the next dose. espere hasta la siguiente dosis. (ehs-peh-reh ahs-tah lah see-ghee-ehn-teh doh-sees) do not double the next dose. no doble la siguiente dosis. (noh doh-bleh lah see-ghee-ehn-teh doh-sees) contact your physician. llame a su mdico. (yah-meh ah soo meh-dee-koh)

Do not stop taking your medication without first speaking with your physician. No deje de tomar su medicamento sin hablar primero con su mdico. (Noh deh-heh deh toh-mahr soo meh-dee-kah-ehn-toh seen ah-blahr pree-meh-roh kohn soo meh-dee-koh) Do not drink alcohol while taking this medication. No tome alcohol cuando tome este medicamento. (Noh toh-meh ahl-kohl koo-ahn-doh toh-meh ehs-teh meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh) Do not drive or operate machinery while taking this medication. No maneje o use maquinaria cuando toma este medicamento. (Noh mah-neh-heh oh oo-seh mah-kee-nah-ree-ah koo-ahn-doh toh-mah ehs-teh mehdee-kah-mehn-toh) Notify your physician right away if you experience a dangerous side effect. Llame a su mdico inmediatamente si tiene efectos secundarios peligrosos. (Llah-meh ah soo meh-dee-koh een-meh-dee-ah-tah-mehn-teh see tee-eh-neh eh-fehktohs seh-koon-dah-ree-ohs peh-lee-groh-sohs) Check with your physician before taking any over-the-counter medications. Cheque con su mdico antes de tomar medicamentos sin receta. (Cheh-keh kohn soo meh-dee-koh ahn-tehs deh toh-mahr meh-dee-kah-mehn-tohs seen reh-seh-tah)

Notify your physician if you are pregnant or are planning to become pregnant while taking this medication. Dgale a su mdico si est embarazada o planea el embarazo cuando toma este medicamento. (Dee-gah-leh ah soo meh-dee-koh see ehs-tah ehm-bah-rah-sah-dah oh plah-neh-ah ehl ehm-bah-rah-soh koo-ahn-doh toh-mah ehs-teh meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh) Notify your physician if you are breast feeding while taking this medication. Dgale a su mdico si est amamantando (dando de pecho) cuando toma este medicamento. (Dee-gah-leh ah soo meh-dee-koh see ehs-tah ah-mah-mahn-tahn-doh [dahn-doh deh peh-choh] koo-ahn-doh toh-mah ehs-teh meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh) Refill your prescription right away, unless you dont need it anymore. Rellene su receta inmediatamente, a menos que no la necesite. (Reh-yeh-neh soo reh-seh-tah een-meh-dee-ah-tah-mehn-teh, ah meh-nohs keh noh lah neh-seh-see-teh)

Proper Medication Storage

Almacenaje Apropiado de los Medicamentos (Ahl-mah-seh-nah-heh ah-proh-pee-ah-doh deh lohs meh-dee-kah-mehn-tohs)

Discard expired medications because they may become dangerous or ineffective. Tire los medicamentos con fecha vencida (caducados) porque pueden ser peligrosos o inefectivos. (Tee-reh lohs meh-dee-kah-mehn-tohs kohn feh-chah behn-see-dah [kah-doo-kah-dohs] pohr-keh poo-eh-dehn sehr peh-lee-groh-sohs oh een-eh-fehk-tee-bohs) Keep all medications out of the reach of children at all times. Guarde todos los medicamentos fuera del alcance de los nios todo el tiempo. (Goo-ahr-deh toh-dohs lohs meh-dee-kah-mehn-tohs foo-eh-rah dehl ahl-kahn-seh deh lohs nee-nyohs toh-doh ehl tee-ehm-poh) Store the medication: Almacene (guarde) el medicamento: (Ahl-mah-seh-neh [goo-ahr-deh] ehl meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh:)

in its original container. en su empaque original. (ehn-soo ehm-pah-keh oh-ree-hee-nahl) in a cool, dry place. en un lugar fresco y seco. (ehn oon loo-gahr frehs-koh ee seh-koh) away from heat. lejos del calor. (leh-hohs dehl kah-lohr)

at room temperature. a temperatura ambiente. (ah tehm-peh-rah-too-rah ahm-bee-ehn-teh) out of direct sunlight. fuera de la luz directa del sol. (foo-eh-rah deh lah loos dee-rehk-tah dehl sohl) in the refrigerator. en el refrigerador. (ehn ehl reh-free-heh-rah-dohr)

Selected Drug Classes

Clasificacin de Drogas Selectas (Medicamentos Selectos) (Klah see-fee-kah-see-ohn deh droh-gahs seh-lehk-tahs [Meh-dee-kah-mehn-tohs Seh-lehktohs]) English Analgesic (narcotic, nonnarcotic) Antacid Antianginal Antianxiety Antiarrhythmic Antibiotic Anticoagulant Anticonvulsant Antidepressant Antidiarrheal Antifungal Antihistamine Antihyperlipemic Antihypertensive Anti-inflammatory Antimigraine Antiparkinsonian Antipsychotic Antipyretic Antiseptic Antispasmodic Antithyroid Antituberculosis Antitussive Spanish Analgsico (narctico, no narctico) Anticido Antianginoso Ansioltico Antiarritmico Antibitico Anticoagulante Anticonvulsivo Antidepresivo Antidiarricos Antimictico Antihistamnico Antihiperlipmico Antihipertensivo Antiinflamatorio; Contra la inflamacin Antimigraoso Contra el Parkinson Medicamentos sicticos Antitrmicos Antisptico Antiespasmdico Antitiroideos Antifmicos Antitusgenos Pronunciation Ah-nahl-heh-see-koh (nahr-kohtee-koh, noh nahr-koh-tee-koh) (Ahn-tee-ah-see-doh) (Ahn-tee-ahn-hee-noh-soh) (Ahn-see-oh-lee-tee-koh) (Ahn-tee-ah-reet-mee-koh) (Ahn-tee-bee-oh-tee-koh) (Ahn-tee-koh-ah-goo-lahn-teh) (Ahn-tee-kohn-bool-see-boh) (Ahn-tee-deh-preh-see-boh) (Ahn-tee-dee-ah-reh-ee-kohs) (Ahn-tee-mee-koh-tee-koh) (Ahn-tee-ees-tah-mee-nee-koh) (Ahn-tee-ee-pehr-lee-peh-meekoh) (Ahn-tee-ee-pehr-tehn-see-boh) (Ahn-tee-een-flah-mah-toh-ree-oh; kohn-trah lah een-flah-mah-seeohn) (Ahn-tee-mee-grah-nyoh-soh) (Kohn-trah ehl Pahr-keen-sohn) (Meh-dee-kah-mehn-tohs see-kohtee-kohs) (Ahn-tee-tehr-mee-kohs) (Ahn-tee-sehp-tee-koh) (Ahn-tee-ehs-pahs-moh-dee-koh) (Ahn-tee-tee-roh-ee-deh-ohs) (Ahn-tee-fee-mee-kohs) (Ahn-tee-too-see-heh-nohs)

Antiviral Appetite Suppressant Appetite Stimulant Bronchodilator Cancer Chemotherapy Decongestant Digestant Diuretic Emetic Fertility Herbal Hypnotic Insulin Laxative Mineral Muscle Relaxant Oral Contraceptive Oral Hypoglycemic Sedative Steroid Thyroid Hormone Vaccine

(Ahn-tee-bee-rah-lehs) Ahn-tee-soo-preh-see-bohs dehl ah-peh-tee-toh) (Ehs-tee-moo-lahn-tehs dehl ahEstimulantes del apetito peh-tee-toh) Bronquiolticos (Brohn-kee-oh-lee-tee-kohs) (Kee-mee-oh teh-rah-pee-ah deh Quimioterapia de Cancer kahn-sehr) Anticongestivo (Ahn-tee-kohn-hehs-tee-boh) Digestible (Dee-hehs-tee-bleh) Diurtico (Dee-oo-reh-tee-koh) Emtico (Eh-meh-tee-koh) (Een-doohk-tohr deh lah Oh-booInductor de la Ovulacin lah-see-ohn) Meh-dee-kah-mehn-tohs Nah-tooMedicamentos Naturales; rah-lehs, Ee-ehr-bhas Meh-deeHierbas Medicinales see-nah-lehs) Hipntico (Eep-noh-tee-koh) Insulina (Een-soo-lee-nah) Laxante (Lahx-ahn-teh) Mineral (Mee-neh-rahl) Relajante Muscular (Reh-lah-hahn-teh Moos-koo-lahr) (Ahn-tee-kohn-sehp-tee-bohs OhAnticonceptivos Orales rah-lehs) (Ee-poh-glee-seh-mee-koh OhHipoglicmico Oral rahl) Sedantes (Seh-dahn-tehs) Esteroide (Ehs-teh-roh-ee-deh) Tiroideos, Hormona (Tee-roh-ee-deh-ohs, Ohr-mohTiroide nah Tee-roh-ee-deh) Vacuna (Bah-koo-nah)

Antivirales Antisupresivos del Apetito

Administration Routes
Modo de Uso (Moh-doh deh Oo-soh) English By mouth Intradermal Intramuscular Intravenous Nasal Oral Otic Patch Rectal Subcutaneous Spanish Oral Intradermica Intramuscular Intravenosa Nasal Oral tica Parche Rectal Subcutanea Pronunciation (Oh-rahl) (Een-trah-dehr-mee-kah) (Een-trah-moos-koo-lahr) (Een-trah-beh-noh-sah) (Nah-sahl) (Oh-rahl) (Oh-tee-kah) (Pahr-cheh) (Rehk-tahl) (Soob-koo-tah-neh-ah)

Sublingual Topical Vaginal

Sublingual Topical, Local Vaginal

(Soob-leen-goo-ahl) (Toh-pee-kahl, Loh-kahl) (Bah-hee-nahl)

Drug Preparations
Presentacin del Medicamento (Preh-sehn-tah-see-ohn dehl Meh-dee-kah-mehn-toh) English Capsule Cream Drops Elixir Fluid Gel Inhaler Injection Liquid Lotion Lozenge Ointment Pill Powder Spray Suppository Syrup Tablet *The h is silent. Spanish Cpsula Crema Gotas Elixir, Jarabe Lquido Gel, Jalea Inhalador* Inyeccin Lquido Locin Trocisco, pastilla Ungento Pldora, Pastilla Polvo Spray Supositorio Jarabe Tableta Pronunciation (Kahp-soo-lah) (Kreh-mah) (Goh-tahs) (Eh-leex-eer, Hah-rah-beh) (Lee-kee-doh) (Hehl, Hah-leh-ah) (Een-ah-lah-dohr) (Een-yehk-see-ohn) (Lee-kee-doh) (Loh-see-ohn) (Troh-sees-koh, Pahs-tee-yah) (Oon-goo-ehn-toh) (Peel-doh-rah, Pahs-tee-yah) (Pohl-boh) (Sp-rah-ee) (Soo-poh-see-toh-ree-oh) (Hah-rah-beh) (Tah-bleh-tah)

Administration Frequency
Frecuencia de la Administracin (Freh-koo-ehn-see-ah deh lah Ahd-mee-nees-trah-see-ohn) English Once a day Twice a day Three times a day Four times a day Every other day Once a week Every 4 hours Every 6 hours Every 8 hours Every 12 hours In the morning Spanish Una vez por da; diariamente Dos veces por da Tres veces por da Cuatro veces por da Cada tercer da Una vez por semana Cada cuatro horas Cada seis horas Cada ocho horas Cada doce horas En la maana Pronunciation (Oo-nah behs pohr dee-ah; dee-ahree-ah-mehn-teh) (Dohs beh-sehs pohr dee-ah) (Trehs beh-sehs pohr dee-ah) (Koo-ah-troh beh-sehs pohr dee-ah) (Kah-dah tehr-sehr dee-ah) (Oo-nah behs pohr seh-mah-nah) (Kah-dah koo-ah-troh oh-rahs) (Kah-dah seh-ees oh-rahs) (Kah-dah oh-choh oh-rahs) (Kah-dah doh-seh oh-rahs) (Ehn lah mah-nyah-nah)

In the afternoon In the evening Before bedtime Before meals With meals After meals

Only when you need it When you have ____ Pain

En la tarde En la noche Antes de acostarse Antes de la comida; Antes del alimento Con los alimentos; Con la comida Despus de los alimentos, Despus de la comida Solo cuando la necesite Cuando tiene _____ dolor

(Ehn lah tahr-deh) (Ehn lah noh-cheh) (Ahn-tehs deh ah-kohs-tahr-seh) (Ahn-tehs deh lah koh-mee-dah; Ahn-tehs dehl ah-lee-mehn-toh) (Kohn lohs ah-lee-mehn-tohs; Kohn lah koh-mee-dah) (Dehs-poo-ehs deh lohs ah-lee-mehntohs; Dehs-poo-ehs deh lah koh-meedah) (Soh-loh koo-ahn-doh lah neh-sehsee-teh) (Koo-ahn-doh tee-eh-neh) (doh-lohr)

50 Common Side Effects

Cincuenta Efectos Secundarios Comnes (Seen-koo-ehn-tah Eh-fehk-tohs Seh-koon-dah-ree-ohs Koh-moo-nehs) English Abdominal cramps Abdominal pain Abdominal swelling Anxiety Blood in the stool Blood in the urine Bone pain Chest pain Chest pounding Chills Confusion Constipation Cough Mental depression Diarrhea Difficult urination Difficulty breathing Difficulty sleeping Dizziness Dry mouth Easy bruising Spanish Retorcijn abdominal Dolor abdominal Inflamacin abdominal Ansiedad Sangre en el excremento Sangre en la orina Dolor de hueso* Dolor de pecho Palpitacin; latidos fuertes en el pecho Escalofro Confusin Constipacin, estreimiento Tos Depresin mental Diarrea Dificultad al orinar Dificultad al respirar Dificultad al dormir Mareos; vahdos Boca seca Fragilidad capilar; le salen moretones con Pronunciation (Reh-tohr-see-hohn ahb-doh-meenahl) (Doh-lohr ahb-doh-mee-nahl) (Een-flah-mah-see-ohn ahb-dohmee-nahl) (Ahn-see-eh-dahd) (Sahn-greh ehn ehl ehx-kreh-mehntoh) (Sahn-greh ehn la oh-ree-nah) (Doh-lohr deh oo-eh-soh) (Doh-lohr deh peh-choh) (Pahl-pee-tah-see-ohn; lah-tee-dohs foo-ehr-tehs ehn ehl peh-choh) (Ehs-kah-loh-free-oh) (Kohn-foo-see-ohn) (Kohns-tee-pah-see-ohn, ehs-trehnyee-mee-ehn-toh) (Tohs) (Deh-preh-see-ohn mehn-tahl) (Dee-ah-reh-ah) (Dee-fee-kool-tahd ahl oh-ree-nahr) (Dee-fee-kool-tahd ahl rehs-peerahr) (Dee-fee-kool-tahd ahl dohr-meer) (Mah-reh-ohs; bah-ee-dohs) (Boh-kah seh-kah) (Frah-hee-lee-dahd kah-pee-lahr; leh sah-lehn moh-reh-toh-nehs kohn

Faintness Fatigue Fever Frequent urination Headache Impotence Increased appetite Increased gas Increased perspiration Indigestion Itching Loss of appetite Menstrual changes

Mood changes

Muscle pain Muscle aches Muscle cramps Nasal congestion Nausea Ringing in the ears Skin rash Swelling on the hands, legs, or feet Vaginal bleeding Vision changes Vomiting Weakness Weight gain Weight loss Wheezing *The h is silent.

fah-see-lee-dahd) (Dehs-bah-neh-see-mee-ehn-toh; seen-tee-oh oon bah-ee-doh) (Fah-tee-gah, kahn-sahn-see-oh) (Fee-eh-breh) (Oh-ree-nah freh-koo-ehn-teh) (Doh-lohr deh kah-beh-sah) (Eem-poh-tehn-see-ah) (Ah-oo-mehn-toh ehn ehl ah-pehtee-toh) Flatulencia (Flah-too-lehn-see-ah) Aumento en el sudor (Ah-oo-mehn-toh ehn ehl soo-dohr) Indigestin (Een-dee-hehs-tee-ohn) Comezn (Koh-meh-sohn) Prdida en el apetito (Pehr-dee-dah ehn ehl ah-peh-teetoh) (Kahm-bee-ohs ehn la mehns-truhCambios en la menstruacin; Cambio en ah-see-ohn; Kahm-bee-oh ehn ehl see-kloh mehns-truh-ahl) el ciclo menstrual Cambio en el humor; (Kahm-bee-oh ehn ehl oo-mohr, Cambio en la disposicin Kahm-bee-oh ehn lah dees-poh-seesee-ohn) Dolores musculares (Doh-loh-rehs moos-koo-lah-rehs) Achaques musculares (Ah-chah-kehs moos-koo-lah-rehs) Calambre muscular (kah-lahm-breh moos-koo-lahr) Congestin nasal (Kohn-hehs-tee-ohn nah-sahl) Nausea (Nah-oo-seh-ah) Zumbido en los oidos (Soom-bee-doh ehn lohs oh-eedohs) Erupcin en la piel (Eh-roop-see-ohn ehn lah pee-ehl) Hinchazn en las manos, (Een-chah-sohn ehn lahs mah-nohs, piernas, o pies pee-ehr-nahs, oh pee-ehs) Sangrado vaginal (Sahn-grah-doh bah-hee-nahl) Cambios en la visin; (Kahm-bee-ohs ehn lah bee-see-ohn; cambios en la vista cahm-bee-ohs ehn lah bees-tah) Vomitando (Boh-mee-tahn-doh) Debilidad (Deh-bee-lee-dahd) Aumento de peso (Ah-oo-mehn-toh deh peh-soh) Prdida de peso (Pehr-dee-day deh peh-soh) Resollar; respiracin (Reh-soh-yahr; rehs-pee-rah-see-ohn sibilante see-bee-lahn-teh)

facilidad Desvanecimiento; sinti un vahdo Fatiga, cansancio Fiebre Orina frecuente Dolor de cabeza Impotencia Aumento en el apetito

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