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A Crash Course on Creativity Mindset of an Innovator Failure Resume I do not like this word of failure in the mindset of we use

e it. But what it is failure? I do not like the term failures in the sense that we use, but I prefer the term "unexpected outcommes." Although safe failure is often there when we fail an exam or competition. But why have we failed? It is true that chess is sharp and clear when we have an expectation of a particular result, and that does not happen, as a review or something., Especially the difference between what we attentions and what it is that made us say it is a failure. And there are always reasons, lack of preparation, lack of work, etc.. It is also a cultural and social issue.In general people use to say as Lewis says in Meet the Robinsons, From failure we learn, from success not so much. I do not agree with this maxim. Jai appris des deux mais pas de la mme faon et cela ma oblig avoir une analyse du pourquoi et du comment, comme une analyse de retour dexprience. Parfois, je nai mme pas appris de mes erreurs personnelles, puisque je les ai reproduite encore et encore, jusqu je change dapproche. I prefer the term "unexpected outcommes that look for me more right. One of my biggest mistakes was to fail to success to the high French school exam. I couldnt attend university program. Was it a fail. Yes because I didnt get my exam. I didnt work enough. But it was not a fail in a other way, because it was not my road of future. Today, I earn a PhD, true a longer way but more exited So what? The lesson is: I was not ready at that time, and I follow an unexpected way more valuable in experience for me. To conclude, in my professional carrier some announced fail became a success and some announced success was a fail. Why? Expectations and not readiness for unexpected outcome make the failure. When I was not expected something and ready for unexpected outcome, I got success even in the worse possible conditions. I will not do differently, because it will seems that I had the knowledge to decide in the right way and to do everything possible to get my exam it means that my behaviour and my life will not the one I have today. It means also for me that I had to learn others lessons that I did today. It means that it is an other person and not me

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