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Apple and Pear Cozy

Gauge: 6 stitches per inch Here we go: Cast on 9 stitches (3 stitches per needle on 3 dpns). Join to work in the round and place stitch marker on the first stitch of the round. rnd 1: knit rnd 2: kfb in each stitch (18 stitches) rnds 3 and 4: knit rnd 5: (k2, kfb) repeat across rnd (24 stitches) rnd 6: knit rnd 7: (k1, kfb) repeat across rnd (36 stitches) rnds 8 and 9: knit rnd 10: (k1, kfb) repeat across rnd (54 stitches) rnd 11: (kfb, knit to last stitch, kfb) repeat this on each needle (60 stitches total, 20 stitches per needle) Place your stitch marker on the first stitch of rnd 11. Knit for 2-inches above this marker. Decrease rnds: rnd 1: (k3, k2tog) repeat across rnd (48 stitches remain) rnds 2 and 3: knit rnd 4: (k2, k2tog) repeat across rnd (36 stitches remain) Switch to k1, p1 rib and continue in rib for 1 inch. Next rnd: (p2tog, purl to last 2 stitches, p2tog) repeat this on each needle (30 stitches total, 10 stitches per needle remain) Picot bind-off: Work loosely. *k1, place back on left needle, cast on 2 stitches on the left needle, bind off 4 stitches* repeat between * * until one stitch remains. Cut yarn, pull through the last stitch. Weave in end to the inside. Place apple or pear inside. Give to loved one immediately! Go crazy knitters! I want to see evidence that this pattern was put to use!

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