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Seorang laki-laki 45th dibawa ke RS dengan keluhan nyeri pinggang sejak 2 bulan yang lalu. Nyeri hilang timbul, apabila nyeri datang pasien tidak bisa beraktivitas sama sekali. Riwayat pekerjaan pasien sebagai kuli bangunan sejak 25 tahun yang lalu. No 1. DO Pengkajian DS Berdasarkan pemeriksaan dan pengamatan diketahui: nyeri pinggang sejak 2 bulan nyeri hilang timbul Diagnoses Nyeri Akut b/d Agen Cedera Fisik d/d: melaporkan nyeri secara verbal atau non verbal focus menyempit(penur unan interaksi dengan orang dan lingkungan) tingkah laku ekspresif(gelisah, merintih, menangis, irritable, nafas panjang, mengeluh) NOC Setelah dilakukan askep selama 2x24 jam klien menunjukkan: pain control : moderet 3 pain level: moderet 3 NIC Pain management : observe for nonverbal cues of discomfort, especially in those unable to communicate effectively use therapeutic communication strategies to knowledge the pain experience and convey acceptance of the patients response to pain provide information about the pain, such as causes of the pain, how long it will last, and anticipated discomforts from procedures teach the use of nonpharmacological techniques(e.g., biofeedback, TENS, hypnosis, relaxation, guided imagery, music therapy, distraction, play therapy, activity therapy, acupressure, hot/cold application, and message) before, after and if possible, during painful activities; before pain occurs or increases, and along with other pain relief measures.


Nursing Interventions classification(NIC)/ editors, Joanne McCloskey Docherman, Gloria M.Bulechek.4th ed NANDA, Nursing Diagnoses: Definition and Clasification 2005- 2006, NANDA International, Philadelphia, 2005 Nursing outcomes classification (NOC), fourth edition, mosby Elsevier, Moorhead, Johnson, maas, swanson.

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