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Assignment 4 - Activity type and function

By Carla Diaz. ACTIVITY TYPE SKILL, SUB SKILL, LANGUAGE Speaking Reading Different Reading subskills: scanning, skimming when looking for those new words, etc. PURPOSE Activate topic knowledge before a reading exercise Participation of all the students. Pronunciation of new words.


Role play

Grammar Speaking: Intonation, Pronunciation, Connected speech. Listening and different subskills. Writing.

bring the 'real world' into the classroom

Not a very controlled practice for students.

Motivate learners to participate actively and get interested on the topics.


Pronunciation Intonation Grammar practice

Help learners articulate sounds.

Controlled technique that creates a comfortable environment for learners to practise pronunciation and other skills.

Assignment 4 - Activity type and function

Find someone who
Listening Speaking Grammar Motivate learners Motivate cooperative learning environment.

Jumbled sentences

Reading Writing Grammar

Improve Grammar usage of Students and Writing techniques.

Jigsaw reading

Reading and different subskills such as Reading for details, scanning, skimming, etc.

Cooperative Learning. Create space for reflection and problem-solving tasks.

Listening and different subskills such as listening for gist, etc. Speaking and different subskills.

Motivation. Challenge students to figure out the answer.

Information gap

According to

Motivate learners. Create real communication practice to reflect about the best choice to fill the blank and make sense.

http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/knowle dge-database/information-gap:
Extended speaking practice, it represents real communication, motivation can be high, and it requires sub-skills such as clarifying meaning and re-phrasing.

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