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Grade 9 Science Unit E Space Exploration-Technology in Space

Allison Groenenboom 001141185 Ed 4760 6/17/2013 1

Table of Contents

Module Overview Focusing Questions Enduring Understandings Learner Outcomes Lesson Plans Assessments Materials Resources

page 3 page 3 page 3 page 4 page 5 page 20 page 24 page 24

Module Overview This module will cover one GLO of the Science 9 Space Exploration Unit. The outcomes covered can be found below. The module will look at technologies used in space exploration such as life-support systems, space transport and other materials to meet needs in space. It will also discuss space environments. The module will take approximately eight lessons to complete, including the performance task. One class will be spent investigating each group of technologies as a group, for a total of four classes. Four additional classes will then be spent on a performance task where students will do additional research and present their findings in either a blog or video diary. Focusing Questions What technologies have been developed and on what scientific ideas are they based? How has the development of these technologies contributed to the exploration, use and understanding of space and to benefits on Earth? Enduring Understandings Students will understand that Our understanding of Earth and space changes as new technology develops. Many different technologies are needed so humans can survive in space.

Learner Outcomes Outcomes for Science, Technology and Society (STS) and Knowledge 2. Identify problems in developing technologies for space exploration, describe technologies developed for life in space, and explain the scientific principles involved (STSK) 2.1 analyze space environments, and identify challenges that must be met in developing life-supporting systems (STSK) 2.2 describe technologies for life-support systems, and interpret the scientific principles on which they are based (STSK) 2.3 describe technologies for space transport, and interpret the scientific principles involved (STSK) 2.4 identify materials and processes developed to meet needs in space, and identify related applications Outcomes for Information, Communication Technology (ICT)- Division 3 (ICT) C.1 Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies. 3.1- plan and conduct a search, using a wide variety of electronic sources 3.4- access and retrieve information through the electronic network (ICT) C.2 Students will seek alternative viewpoints, using information technologies. 3.1- access diverse viewpoints on particular topics by using appropriate technologies (ICT) C.3 Students will critically assess information accessed through the use of a variety of technologies. 3.1- evaluate the authority and reliability of electronic sources (ICT) P.3 Students will communicate through multimedia. 3.1- create multimedia presentations that take into account audiences of diverse size, age, gender, ethnicity and geographic location 3.2- create multimedia presentations that incorporate meaningful graphics, audio, video and text gathered from remote source

Lesson Plans
Lesson Title/Focus Subject/Grade Level Unit General Learning Outcomes: Specific Learning Outcomes: Introduction/ Space Environments Science 9 Space Exploration Date Time Duration Teacher 60 min


2. Identify problems in developing technologies for space exploration, describe technologies developed for life in space, and explain the scientific principles involved 2.1 analyze space environments, and identify challenges that must be met in developing lifesupporting systems

Students will: 1. Analyze space environments 2. Identify challenges humans must overcome to survive in space

Key Questions: What are the challenges humans face in space? How do your challenges compare to those I brought up? How did you group the challenges? Polleverywhere quiz Work group lists of challenges



Alberta Grade 9 SNAP Sciencefocus 9


Notebook presentation Work group list Polleverywhere quiz & student cell phones

Expectations for Learning and Behavior/ Advanced organizer Introduction Say: For the next week in science, we will be focusing on the technology needed for humans to survive in space. We have already learned about how important technology is in increasing our knowledge of space. We will learn how going to space can increase our knowledge even more. For humans to be able to explore space, however we must deal with several challenges that space environments present to us. Today we will look at these challenges. Before each class in this module, you will be responsible for doing your own research on topics provided for you. For todays class you should have researched how space environments can affect the human body. We will spend the beginning of class discussing the research you did individually, and then move on to a class discussion based on several points I have picked out from this material. I will arrange students into work groups of four and assign them each a number (1-4). These groups will work together for this entire module. This allows for consistency and a comfort level that will allow the students to share comfortably with their group members. Body After students are arranged in work groups, I will give instructions for group discussion. Say: Each group member will have five minutes to summarize their information and take questions from Time

2 min

Transition to Body

3 min Time 30 min

Learning Activity #1

Assessments/ Differentiation:

Learning Activity #2

Assessments/ Differentiation:

Learning Activity #3

Assessment of Learning: Transition To Next Lesson

other members of their group. Each group member must ask one relevant question. There will be a timer set on the SMARTboard so you know when to switch. Following this, each group will then be responsible for categorizing their information into no more than five challenges that humans face in space. Each group will then elect a leader to present the information to the class. There will need to be a different leader each day. I will observe the work and discussion going on in groups. I will then bring the students back on task if needed. Each group leader will present their challenges to the class. I will create a list of all challenges on the board. As a group, the students will try to whittle down the list to as few challenges as possible (get rid of redundancies). If there are disagreements, students will be allowed to argue their points and then the class will vote. I will ask students how they arrived at certain conclusions. How did they come up with the challenges they did? What did the list look like before they categorized them? I will lead a discussion based on a notebook presentation on the five challenges that the curriculum covers. I will present the information along with the slides. As a class, we will then discuss how these challenges compare to those on our list. Closure Formative- using Polleverywhere, I will have students text in which challenge they believe is most important and why. Say: Next class we will look at how life support systems deal with the challenges we looked at today. Number 1s will research space suits, number 2s will research water conservation, number 3s will research oxygen conservation and number 4s will research waste management.


10 min


10 min Time 4 min

1 min

Lesson Title/Focus Subject/Grade Level Unit General Learning Outcomes: Specific Learning Outcomes:

Life Support Systems Science 9 Space Exploration

Date Time Duration Teacher 60 min


2. Identify problems in developing technologies for space exploration, describe technologies developed for life in space, and explain the scientific principles involved 2.2 describe technologies for life-support systems, and interpret the scientific principles on which they are based

Students will: 1. Describe life support system technology 2. Have a basic understanding of how life support technologies work

Key Questions: What are the most important aspects of life support systems? Do different life support systems have much in common? Can you explain what is going on in the video? Polleverywhere quiz

Products/Performances: Alberta Grade 9 SNAP Sciencefocus 9


Expectations for Learning and Behavior/Advanced Organizer


Notebook Presentation Polleverywhere/student cell phones

Transition to Body

Learning Activity #1

Assessments/ Differentiation:

Learning Activity #2

Introduction Say: Yesterday we looked at the challenges of living in space. Today we will look at how those going to space (astronauts, space agencies) deal with these challenges. You have researched several life support systems such as space suits and others supports in a space station or ship. We will look at how these work and how they are vital to our continued exploration of space. For our small group discussion today we will be using a jigsaw format. We will then come back to the large group and I will lead a notebook based discussion on life support systems. I will assign each corner of the room a number. Students will go to whatever corner corresponds with the number given to them last class. Body Say: Everyone in your group should have researched the same thing for this class. Each member will briefly summarize what they researched. As a group, you will then create a list of the most important parts of your life support system. Each member should make a copy of this list since you will have to teach it to your work group. I will observe work groups to make sure they are staying on schedule. Prompt them for deeper thinking if they are just thinking shallowly. Say: Find your work group again. Each of you will have five minutes to teach them the important parts that your group talked about. I will set a timer on the board to let students know how much time they have.


3 min

2 min Time

20 min


20 min

Assessments/ Differentiation:

Learning Activity #3

Assessment of Learning: Transition To Next Lesson

I will observe to make sure group members are teaching the important aspects. I will prompt them to reach those aspects is needed I will lead a discussion based on a notebook presentation on the life support systems. There are several videos included that show the systems in action. Ask the students to explain the videos with what they learned from the jigsaw. Closure Formative- I will use Polleverywhere to quiz students on each of the four sub-topics covered (2 multiple choice per topic) Say: Next class we will look at how we actually get to space. Research two different types of space transport for tomorrow.


10 min Time 4 min 1 min

Lesson Title/Focus Subject/Grade Level Unit

Space Travel Science 9 Space Exploration

Date Time Duration Teacher 60 min


General Learning Outcomes: Specific Learning Outcomes:

2. Identify problems in developing technologies for space exploration, describe technologies developed for life in space, and explain the scientific principles involved 2.3 describe technologies for space transport, and interpret the scientific principles involved

Students will: 1. Describe space transport technology 2. Have a basic understanding of how space transport technologies work

Key Questions: Products/Performances: Can you describe how your technology works? What laws are at work in space travel? Polleverywhere quiz Drawing/acting of technology


Alberta Grade 9 SNAP Sciencefocus 9


Notebook presentation Student markers/crayons Polleverywhere/student cell phones

Expectations for Learning and Behavior Introduction Say: After looking at life in space for the last two days, we will now look at how we get to space in the first place. There is a lot of research we can do from Earth, but for some things we must actually go to space. How can we get there? You should have researched two different travel technologies for class today. You will be teaching your work group again today. I will have students grab their pencil crayons or markers and get into their work groups. Body Say: Today you will be teaching your group a bit differently. I want you to describe your technologies, but also show it in a way other than speaking. How you do this is totally up to you, but some examples would be to either act out how it works or draw a diagram while you talk. You will each have ten minutes to describe your two technologies. I will observe to make sure groups are on task and drawings/actions are relevant and appropriate for the lesson. I will lead a discussion based on a notebook presentation about space travel technologies. When discussing the various laws involved, students will describe how these affect the technologies they researched. I will prompt for deeper understanding. I will ask why things are happening rather than just what is happening. Closure Formative- Using Polleverywhere I will ask students to identify the Time

2 min

Transition to Body Learning Activity #1

3 min Time

40 min

Assessments/ Differentiation:

~~ 10 min ~~ Time 4 min

Learning Activity #2

Assessments/ Differentiation:

Assessment of Learning:

Transition To Next Lesson

theory behind several space transport concepts. Say: Next class we will look at how many things we use on Earth were first developed for space. Please research one technology that you use that was first developed for space.

1 min


Lesson Title/Focus Subject/Grade Level Unit

Other Needs in Space Science 9 Space Exploration

Date Time Duration Teacher 60 min


General Learning Outcomes: Specific Learning Outcomes:
2. Identify problems in developing technologies for space exploration, describe technologies developed for life in space, and explain the scientific principles involved 2.4 identify materials and processes developed to meet needs in space, and identify related applications

Students will: 1. Identify common materials we use that were developed for space (what are they used for on Earth and in space)

Key Questions: Products/Performances: Alberta Grade 9 SNAP Sciencefocus 9 How are these technologies used differently in space and on Earth? Why does space technology benefit us? Polleverywhere quiz



Notebook presentation Performance task packet (on page 20) Polleverywhere/student cell phones

Expectations for Learning and Behavior Introduction Say: We are just wrapping up our inquiry into technology in space. We have seen some very specialized equipment that is used in space, but did you know we also have a lot of space technology here on Earth? We benefit greatly from many of the technologies that were created for space. Today we will take a look at some of them that we use in our lives. I will have students get together with their work groups. Body Say: Each group member will share their technology with their group. Make sure to describe the technology itself and tell why it was developed. Then tell your group how it has been adapted for use on Earth. After each member has done this, discuss why we have benefited from these developments. Why does it matter that they were developed for space first? I will observe group work. I will not prompt them to right answer at this point, but allow them to bring all ideas to the group discussion. The class will come back for a large group discussion. The leader of each group will summarize how they think that space technology has benefited us on Earth. As a group, they will try to settle on one idea. Each group can argue their point and then the class will vote. I will try to lead them to the conclusion of funding if it is not discussed. Only if it does not come up, prompt to right answer. This should Time

2 min

Transition to Body Learning Activity #1

1 min Time

20 min

Assessments/ Differentiation:


Learning Activity #2

20 min

Assessments/ Differentiation:



Learning Activity #3

Assessment of Learning: Transition To Next Lesson

come up in discussion. I will lead a notebook based discussion on how other needs are met in space and how that benefits us here on Earth. Closure Formative- I will use Polleverywhere to have students identify two technologies and describe how it is/was used in space and on Earth. Say: Tomorrow we will start on our performance task for this module. I will give you the instructions to look at before next class. Please do a little bit of brainstorming to get some ideas for topics you would like to cover. I will hand out the performance task packet (found on page 20).

10 min Time 5 min

2 min


Lesson Title/Focus Subject/Grade Level Unit

Introduction to Performance Task Science 9 Space Exploration

Date Time Duration Teacher 60 min


General Learning Outcomes: Specific Learning Outcomes:
3.Identify problems in developing technologies for space exploration, describe technologies developed for life in space, and explain the scientific principles involved C.1 Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies. C.2 Students will seek alternative viewpoints, using information technologies. 3.1- plan and conduct a search, using a wide variety of electronic sources 3.4- access and retrieve information through the electronic network 3.1- access diverse viewpoints on particular topics by using appropriate technologies

Students will: 1. Plan a search using various sources 2. Access information and different viewpoints from various sources

Key Questions: Products/Performances: Alberta Grade 9 SNAP What topics will you cover? How will you assess your resources? Search plan


Expectations for Learning and Behavior/ Advanced Organizer


Laptops/computers for each student Time

Transition to Body Learning Activity #1

Learning Activity #2

Assessments/ Differentiation:

Introduction Say: Today we will start the performance task for this module. You should have done a bit of brainstorming and have some ideas for this project. This project will allow you to dig deeper into some of the topics we covered and research what you find interesting. It will also give you an opportunity to practice some of the skills we have learned on the computers. I will have students get a laptop each or move to the computer lab. Body I will give a brief overview of the task. As a class, we will go through the packet of instructions and the rubric so they are aware of what is expected. I will make sure that they know that a plan must be submitted to me before they start searching and I must sign off on it before they can start. This plan needs to include what resources they plan on using, what topics they are covering and how they will assess their resources. It also should give a brief outline of how they will present their information. I will also take any student questions about the task at this time. Students will be given the reminder of class to plan their project. This should be done individually (everyone needs their own plan), but they can discuss potential ideas with members of their work groups if they would like. They may also ask me whatever questions they need to and should have me sign off on their plan when finished. If they finish the planning, they may move on to the search. I will make sure students are on track at this point. A well thought

2 min

5 min Time

12 min

40 min



Transition To Next Lesson

out plan can help them with their search in the long run. Closure Say: Tomorrow we will move on to actually doing the search. This means you must have a plan done that I have signed off on. If you did not finish that in class today, make sure it is done for the beginning of next class.

Time 1 min


Lesson Title/Focus Subject/Grade Level Unit

Performance Task Work Period Science 9 Space Exploration

Date Time Duration Teacher 60 min


General Learning Outcomes:
3.Identify problems in developing technologies for space exploration, describe technologies developed for life in space, and explain the scientific principles involved C.1 Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies. C.2 Students will seek alternative viewpoints, using information technologies. C.3 Students will critically assess information accessed through the use of a variety of technologies. 3.1- plan and conduct a search, using a wide variety of electronic sources 3.4- access and retrieve information through the electronic network 3.1- access diverse viewpoints on particular topics by using appropriate technologies 3.1- evaluate the authority and reliability of electronic sources

Specific Learning Outcomes:

Students will: 1. Access information and different viewpoints from various sources 2. Evaluate the reliability of the sources they are using

Key Questions: Products/Performances: Where are you getting your resources from? How will you assess your resources? Polleverywhere quiz


Expectations for Learning and Behavior


Laptops/computers for each student Polleverywhere/student cell phones

Transition to Body Learning Activity #1

Assessments/ Differentiation:

Assessment of Learning:

Introduction Say: As of now, you each should have a search plan that is signed by me. Today we will go on to the actual search. You will be looking for information from many different sources today. Remember that everything you find on the internet is not necessarily true. You must decide for yourselves what information is relevant and reliable. Remember the rules we have used for this before. It is very important that you do this whenever you are using the internet, whether it be for research or for personal use. Not everything you find is reliable. Once you have found your information, you can start to compile it into a presentation. I will have students get a laptop each or move to the computer lab. Body Students will be given class time to work on their research. Again, students need to have an individual research plan but are allowed to get help and ideas from their work group. I will also be available for help and ideas. I will make sure to keep students on task while on the computers. I will also make sure that they know there should be enough class time to finish the project if they use their time wisely. Closure I will put up four different news articles on the SMARTboard. Each


2 min

5 min Time 40 min

~~ Time 7 min


Transition To Next Lesson

student will have to reply to Polleverywhere which two are not reliable sources and why not. Say: Tomorrow will be the last day you have to work on your performance task. We will focus on creating presentations out of the information found in the last few days. It would be helpful to have the majority of your information ready for next class.

1 min


Lesson Title/Focus Subject/Grade Level Unit

Performance Task Work Period Science 9 Space Exploration

Date Time Duration Teacher 60 min


General Learning Outcomes: Specific Learning Outcomes:
2. Identify problems in developing technologies for space exploration, describe technologies developed for life in space, and explain the scientific principles involved P.3 Students will communicate through multimedia. 3.1- create multimedia presentations that take into account audiences of diverse size, age, gender, ethnicity and geographic location 3.2- create multimedia presentations that incorporate meaningful graphics, audio, video and text gathered from remote source

Students will: 1. Create a video diary/blog that takes into account their audience (people of the internet) 2. Create a video diary/blog that includes various meaningful media

Key Questions: Products/Performances: What types of media are you using? How can you make this presentation more interesting to your audience? Use of media


Expectations for Learning and Behavior


Laptops/computers for each student Time

Transition to Body Learning Activity #1

Assessments/ Differentiation:

Learning Activity #2

Introduction Say: Today will be the last day to work on your performance tasks. By now you should have the majority of your information and should be focusing on putting it into a presentation. Your presentation should be engaging; no one wants to read through pages of text. When creating a presentation you want to include different elements that help enhance the information. These can be things like videos, podcasts, graphics or diagrams. I encourage you to be creative and make this presentation as interesting as possible for your classmates. I will have students get a laptop each or move to the computer lab. Body I will have two students give a brief review to the class about how to make a video on the computers available. Another two students will then do the same thing with a blog. This is a good refresher for students who are not as adept with computers. It also allows those students who are practiced with computers to show their skills to the class. Those four students will be out tech experts for the day and students will go to them if they need help. This is a good role for students who enjoy helping in the classroom or need to be more engaged. Students will be given the reminder of class to finish their presentations. Again, students need to have an individual research plan but are allowed to get help and ideas from their work group. I will also be available for help and ideas. The tech experts will be available for technology help.

2 min

5 min Time

17 min


35 min


Assessments/ Differentiation:

Transition To Next Lesson

I will make sure students do not get stuck on the technology aspect of this project. I will also make sure to circulate and send tech experts when needed. Closure Say: Next class we will do a gallery walk of all the presentations. Make sure your presentation is finished and you have a copy with you for next class.

Time 1 min


Lesson Title/Focus Subject/Grade Level Unit

Performance Task Gallery Walk Science 9 Space Exploration

Date Time Duration Teacher 60 min


General Learning Outcomes: Specific Learning Outcomes:
2. Identify problems in developing technologies for space exploration, describe technologies developed for life in space, and explain the scientific principles involved P.3 Students will communicate through multimedia. 3.1- create multimedia presentations that take into account audiences of diverse size, age, gender, ethnicity and geographic location 3.2- create multimedia presentations that incorporate meaningful graphics, audio, video and text gathered from remote source

Students will: 1. Communicate their ideas through a presentation to their classmates

Products/Performances: Presentation


Expectations for Learning and Behavior


Laptops/computers for each student Pads of sticky notes

Transition to Body Learning Activity #1

Assessments/ Differentiation:

Learning Activity #2
Assessments/ Differentiation:

Learning Activity #3

Assessment of Learning:

Introduction Say: Today we will preview the presentations before they are sent to the Canadian Space Agency. Please set up your computer with your presentation available for your classmates to see. They will be giving you feedback that you can choose to use or not to use before you hand in the project to me. I will have students get a laptop each or move to the computer lab. Body I will lead a group discussion on constructive feedback. Each student will have a pad of sticky notes that they will write their feedback on. The feedback should be about things such as spelling, grammar, fact checking and reliability of sources. All feedback should be signed by the person who wrote it. This feedback also gives different viewpoints to students. It will allow serve as peer editing. Students will browse through each others presentations and leave feedback. I will walk through as well and check sticky notes to make sure appropriate feedback is being left. Peer feedback is helpful but can be hurtful if not done right. Since it is not anonymous, students will hopefully think more about what they are saying. Students will be given a short amount of time to look through the feedback and make any changes they think they should. Closure Students will fill out the self-assessment in their performance task booklet to make sure they have all parts of the assignment finished. Links to the blogs or video diaries must be sent before next class.

Time 1 min 4 min Time 10 min

~~ 30 min

10 min Time 5 min.


Performance Task Packet

Grade 9 Science- Topic E: Space Exploration

Life in Space: Performance Task
The Canadian Space Agency has contacted you to do research for their next space mission. INSTRUCTIONS You have been asked to join a team of researchers getting ready to send the next group of astronauts to the International Space Station. It is these astronauts first time to space, so they do not know what to expect. It is up to you to make a presentation for these astronauts so they will be well prepared for their trip. Your presentation should include the following: what the space environment is like, how their life support systems will work, how they will get there and how their other needs will be met in space. You will not be meeting these astronauts personally, so your presentation must be hosted online. It should be done in a blog format or as a video diary. The information you use will be found from various sources on the internet. It is your responsibly to make sure this information is accurate and reliable. Your first task is to make a plan for your research and presentation. Get this plan approved by your teacher and then start searching! Once you have your information, you can start to assemble it for the astronauts viewing. Before sending it to the CSA, your class will have a chance to view your presentation. Good luck!


Life in Space Self-Assessment Name:_________________________ Date:______________________

I created a plan and searched through electronic sources


A Well good done start

Not yet

I know this because:

I incorporated different viewpoints that I had critically assessed

I created a presentation (blog/video diary) with different kinds of media

I described technology that is used in space

Get your plan approved! Teacher Signature:_____________________


Teacher Notes- Performance Task A. Outcomes Outcomes for Science, Technology and Society (STS) and Knowledge 2. Identify problems in developing technologies for space exploration, describe technologies developed for life in space, and explain the scientific principles involved (STSK) 2.1 analyze space environments, and identify challenges that must be met in developing life-supporting systems (STSK) 2.2 describe technologies for life-support systems, and interpret the scientific principles on which they are based (STSK) 2.3 describe technologies for space transport, and interpret the scientific principles involved (STSK) 2.4 identify materials and processes developed to meet needs in space, and identify related applications Outcomes for Information, Communication Technology (ICT)-Division 3 (ICT) C.1 Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies. 3.1- plan and conduct a search, using a wide variety of electronic sources 3.4- access and retrieve information through the electronic network (ICT) C.2 Students will seek alternative viewpoints, using information technologies. 3.1- access diverse viewpoints on particular topics by using appropriate technologies (ICT) C.3 Students will critically assess information accessed through the use of a variety of technologies. 3.1- evaluate the authority and reliability of electronic sources (ICT) P.3 Students will communicate through multimedia. 3.1- create multimedia presentations that take into account audiences of diverse size, age, gender, ethnicity and geographic location 3.2- create multimedia presentations that incorporate meaningful graphics, audio, video and text gathered from remote source


B. Rubric


4 Excellent

3 Proficient

2 Adequate

1 Limited

Criteria Make a plan and search through electronic sources Incorporate different viewpoints from sources that have been critically assessed Create a presentation (blog/video diary) that incorporates different media *2 Describe technologies developed for life in space *2 Makes an innovative plan to search for information Efficiently incorporates various assessed viewpoints Makes a practical plan to search for information Effectively incorporates various assessed viewpoints Makes a viable plan to search for information Appropriately incorporates various nonassessed viewpoints Makes an ineffective plan to search for information Ineffectively incorporates various nonassessed viewpoints

Creates a comprehensive presentation with several medias

Creates a thorough presentation with several medias Presents an interesting overview of technology in space Teacher Feedback:

Creates a partial presentation with few medias

Creates an incomplete presentation with one media

Presents a vivid overview of technology in space

Presents a simplistic overview of technology in space

Presents an ineffective overview of technology in space


Formative Assessment
Formative assessments can be found embedded in the lesson plans themselves. Probing questions will be asked throughout the lessons and an electronic quiz from Polleverywhere will be used at the end of each class to assess the level of understanding.

Material Notebook presentation (Exploring Space Module- separate file)/ SMARTboard Poll everywhere.com (different quiz each class) /student cell phones Work group list (small groups- students numbered 1-4) Students markers or crayons Performance task packet (on page 20) Computer or laptop for each student Pads of sticky notes for feedback Lesson 1-4 1-4, 6 1 3 4-8 5-8 8 Activity Teacher-led discussion Formative quiz Small group work Small group work Performance task Performance task Gallery walk

Print Resources Lindenberg, D., Jasper, G., et al. (2002). ScienceFocus 9. Canada:Mcgraw Hill. -student text -teacher resource Prasad M., Wacowich S. (2005) Student Notes and Problems Workbook-Science 9. Canada: Castle Rock Research Corp. Online Resources Polleverywhere.com Alberta Science Program of Study


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