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Name: Reading of Arachne by O Date: ia Coolidge Reading a myth we learn a lot about a culture of a society. What will we learn about the people living in this story? social Structure Geography Values Vocabulary 1) Indignant (indignantly) Obstinate (obstinacy) 3) Shuttle 4) Descendant Oh No She Didn't! Conversation piece homework: the town of Athens is very excited about what happened between Arachne and Athena! Can you imagine the news traveling through the city? Imagine what people ‘would say about the events of the day! Let's see your imagination in this assignment: ¢ Draw a cartoon to show the reaction of the people of Athens « Write down a conversation that you overhear between two people in Athens explaining what they saw that day. ¢ Imagine someone is text messaging, emailing or wi letter to their friend to tell them what happened. ¢ Write a “gossip page” in a local paper or imagine you are a reporter on a celebrity TV show talking about what happened. « Show me a creative way that I didn’t suggest here. The important things that you must include in your assignment include: 1.A short description of what happened (10 points) . 2.A reaction! How do you think people would react to this event? (20 points Homework Grade) Let me know if you want to act it out and perform it on Monday.

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