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Developed by. William C. schutz

The to reasons to get attracted in a group are:

1. need based
2. exchange based

the Three dimensions In which the individual is understood in FIRO B with this inter
personal needs.:

1. need for inclusion(expressed and wanted)

2. need for control ( “ “ )
3. need for affection ( “ “)

A questionnaire was given with 58 questions including the above dimensions and the
score was taken. From the score the respective dimension indicates in the following way.

it is the need to be with d people more specifically and need to maintain satisfactory
relationship b/w 1self n others.

I(E) Inclusion Expressed - is the extent 2 which 1 can take intuitive with people 2
I(W) Inclusion wanted– extent to which others include


Need to influence situation n people for

More specifically need 2 maintain satisfactory relationship with 1self n others with regard
2 power n influence .

C(E) – one can influence or guide

C(I) – others “ “

Need 2 have feeling of warmth n love from others more specifically b/w self n others
with regard 2 love and affection.

A(E) – one shows warmth when he r she meets people

A(w) – wants other “ ‘ “

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