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(VOLUME - 1)


Radiological Physics and Advisory Division, BARC


NIUMBAI 400 085 1997


1. A. Non- Destructive Testing Methods B. Properties of Materials C. Defects in Materials D. Material Defects and Failures in Service
2. A. X-ray Technology B. Radiation Sources C. Gamma Radiography Equipment 3. A. Photographic and Non-Photographic Recording B. Lead and Fluorescent Screens 4. A. Work Parameters and ConditionsB. Evaluation of Radiographic Quality 5. Defectolo gy 6. Selection of Radiography Techniques

7. Radiographic Standards and Selection of Test . Methods 8. Advances in Radiography

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'Non-destructive testing (NDT)' is testing materials withourdestroying them . The materials. after inspection do not change in their size, shape , physical or chemical properties.

There are six major NDT methods viz., visual and optical aids; die rah testing, ul Masonic
testing, eddy cuirent testing, magnetic particle testing and dye penetrant testing. q h se are regularly used by industry. Each of these methods, has its own flaw detection capability and therefore no method can replace other methods. These methods are discussed in brief.


Commonly employed NDT methods can be broadly divided. into two groups i) Methods for detection ')f internal defects ii) Methods for inspection of surface/sub-surface defects

3: METHODS FOR INTERNAL FLAWS '3.1 : Radiographic Method

Basic principle of radiographic testing is shown in figure 1.1. The radiation transmitted .through a material, is recorded on an X-ray film. In this method, different types of radiations and films are u,ed, depending upon the type of information required.

Z Object Defect Distribution of E- transmitted intensity

through the object

Fig: 1.1 : Principle of Radiography Testing.


3.1.1: X and Gamma Radiography Radiography testing is most widely used in industry for inspection of welds, castings and assemblies . The image of a material produced on an X-ray film shows optical density (degree of blackening) variation depending on the internal structure of the object.
Industrial X-ray machines ""in the range of 50-400 kV are used for inspection of meta) thicknesses ul;-to 7.5 cm steel equivalents. Betatrons and linear accelerators upto 30 MeV are used is r highr T _ thicknesses.. Artifi4ially produced ' radioisotopes. emitting gamma radiations., such as iridium-192 and roduced' cobalt 60 have many advantages over X-ray machines. Equipment used for gamma radiography is compact, rugged and ideal for field work. Iridium-192 and cobalt-60 sources combined together can cover inspection range of 10-200 mm of steel equivalents.

3.2 : Ultrasonic Method

Ultrasound waves are generated by piezo electric ransducers which convert electrical energy to mechanical vibrations and vic-versa . These waves are made ' to fall on the material to be tested . As the wave travels through the material, it may get reflected , refracted , scattered or transmitted depending upon the structure of the material. Longitudinal waves

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a. Pulsecho Method b. Transmission Mediod Fig. 1.2 : Ultrasonic Methods Most commonly used frequency range for industrial inspec_ rion is 0 .5 - 25 mega llerrz. Three important methods of ultrasonic testing are pulse-echo , transmission aid resonance techniques. 3.2.1 : Pulse-Echo Method In this method, evenly timed pulse waves are transmitted into the material to be tested. Ina homogeneous material, the wave travels through the material and gets reflected from the back swfaee. in case of a aefect, the original pulse reflects back from-the. defect loce.tion and returns to the transducer before the return of hack surface echo pulse as shown in figure I.2a" A single transducer canOerve both as.transrnirter and receiver.


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3.2.2 :.Transmission Method In this method, two separate transducers are used on.either.side of the material, one as transmitter and the other as receiver (Fig. 1.20) Variation in intensity across the-transmitted beam indicates the soundness of the material. Attenuation of the sound beam is indicative of coarse grain structure of the material. When the wave length is comparable to the grain size of the medium, scattering process predominates.. Transmission method is less sensitive.

3.2,3: Resonance Method

This method is mainly useful for measurement of thickness of plates -r sheets and also in case of bonded materials . In this method, ultrasonic wave of continuously varying frequency is fed into the material .. The frequency is varied till a standing wave is set up within the material, causing it to resonate at the fundamental frequency or multiples of it at a greater amplitude as shown in figure 1.3. The resonance is sensed by an instrument. Change in resonant frequency is an indication of discontinuity.

Fig. L3 : Principle of Resonance method.

4: METHODS FOR SURFACE/SUB-SURFACE INSPECTIONS 4.1.: Visual a i d Dye . Penetrant Testing Methods
Examinatio n of cracks and other irregularities on the surface under visible light is the cheapest, . - simplest and qu ckest NDT method. However, all . defects cannot be seen , byvnaiddd eyes. Therefore , techr.iques to increase the contrast of the discontinuity to make it visible , are used. Coloured and fluorescent dyes are made to seep into the surface cracks to provide contrast against the background.


4.2 : Rayleigh Wave Testing

Rayleigh waves are ultrasonic shear waves propa g ated near th e surface of a material . Waves' of frequencies in the range of 1-10 MHz are used for detection of surface cracks and other defects. The technique is used, where access is limit ed .

4.3 : Magnetic Particle Testing

This,method is applicable onl y to materials which can be rnagnetisec '_ The object is magnetised b y applying high alternate or direct currents (A.C or D.C) and flow of magnetic' powders is observed either in dry or wet process . Surface discontinuity , such as grinding" cracks , forging laps and seams, etc. can be easily detected . In some cases , sub-surface defects about one centimeter deep, can also be revealed.


Fig. 1.4 : Principle of Eddy Current Testing 4.4 : Eddy Current Testing
The method employs alternating currents i{ the range (50-5000 kHz),.and is useful for detection of surface and near surface defects in electrically conducting materials. When a coil carrying alternating current is placed in the proximity of metal specimen, as shown in'figure 1.4eddy currents are induced on the surface layer. Strength of these eddy currents depends on z la; n:^ number of surface variables.


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,,Depth. of inspection depends upon type-of material and frequency of the alternating current and it is'about 140 mm:


Leak testing ,method is used-to check fabricated components and systems , ifor nuclear reactors, pressure-vessels, electronic valves ,. vacuum equipment , gas containers, etc .; A leak is passage of :,a gas frpm one side of the wall of the container to the other side, un er pressure or concentration difference . It is*measured as cc/sec.
Depending upon the range of leak , detection capability , a number ofl test - methods are available. Some examples are; pressure*drop / rise, ultrasonic leak detectors, bubble tests and ammonia sensitised paper, with detection capabilities upto 10-4 cc /sec. Halogen diode sniffer, Helium mass spectrometer and Argon mass spectrometer have detection sensitivities in the range 10-' 10.11 cc/sec.

air _.. :_. _ . i..




Selection of a material for a given job depends upon its physical and i Most structural mat er i als an mech ' are subject to external forces, an i cal properties. esses can be critical to its continued fun t onin ^ , it is important for the NDT personnel to know the normal material ro er i

The reaction of the part to these str

which generate internal me

as effect of discontinuity upon-the material servic

eab ility.

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The application for ch a material is usrd, determines which property is most important. 2.1 : Chemical. Properties Chemical properties (reaction with other materials) are of interest, main! be resistance to corrosion. X cause of the need for

2.2 : Physical Properties

Physical properties of materials are associated with their atomic structure: -

crystalline type, atomic spacing, specific heat, melting point, etc. eg density, 2.3 Mechanical Properties Mechanical properties of materials like strength, hardne"ss, are most important processes and for determining sizes and shapes in manufacturing necessary for carrying loads .
2.3.1 Tensile Strength A stress strain diagram is used to describe many of the : mechanical pro p strength of a material . erties i mportant the It shows the stress-strain bh a^iour of the applied and increasing tensile stress . e material under gradually It indicates three , eg i ons a. Elastic Region at Low Stresses by stresses is quite small indicates that the longitudinal--strain produced and is proportional to the app li ed stress. b. Plastic Region at Medium Stresses : indicates that at a certain stress lev increase in strain occurs and the material is said to e1 an abrupt ^ field . c. Necking Region at reached, the material High Stresses : wherein, when the ultimate strength is starts to neck into larger strain and breaks i nto two parts. s, until the material ruptures

are referred to as "ductile ". Those which under

inelastic-or plastic strains. Materials which u n d e r

Strains beyond the elastic limit, which result in residual strains on unto sn g are called go relatively IargePlastic to ru pto re g o littl e or n o plastic strain ;
1. e . tare,


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are referred to as " brittle". 2.3.2 :' Toughness and. Notch-Toughness The toughness of a material is defined as the ability of an unnotched member (e.g. a smooth round bar) to absorb energy, when loaded slowly. Notch toughness of a material , is defined as the ability of a material to absorb 'energy in the presence of a sharp notch , when. loaded very rapidly with an impact load. 2.3.3 : Creep Creep is the flow of material overa period of time,.when under a load too small to produce any measurable plastic deformation at the time of.application . The simplest type of creep test is made by just hanging a weight on the test specimen and observing its elongation , as a function of time by using a microscope or other sensitive detector of strain. 2.3.4: Fatigue Fatigue testing det ermines the ability of a material to withstand repeated applications of stress which in itself is tors small .to produce appreciable plastic deformation . Fatigue, usually is a more critical design criterion than any other, for the structural safety and reliability of machinsry or structural compone nts_. T!.:... , . 2.3.5: Hardness The hardness . of a materiaLis measured- byhatdness . tester. - Threexypes_of hardness- test are.the. scratch ,' rebound and penetration tests . - Hardness measurements are extremely useful as a quick and rough-indication ofthe mechanical properties of a metal.

A discontinuity can occur any time in the history of a piece of metal. If it is introduced during the initial production from the molten state, it is termed as inherent discontinuity. If caused during further processing, fabrication or finishing, it is called processing discontinuity. Finally, if it arises during the use of the end product either due to environment, load or both, it is called service discontinuity.

Casting is the process of causing liquid metal to fill a cavity and solidify into a useful shape. The discontinuity that can occur during casting process are given below a. Non-metallic inclusions the impurities in the starting Non-metallic inclusions within the. molten metal, are caused by material and most of the non-metallic matter being lighter. rise to the top of the ingot, but some are tra ppe d , w i t h in, because the molten metal above them hardens before it could reach the surface. These inclusions are irregular in shape. b. Porosity : It is spherical or nearly spherical shaped and i molten material. s caused by the entrapped gas in the C. Pipe -. The molten metal, after being poured into a mold, star ts to cool and it solidifies. The solidification process s tarts from the surface and travels towards the centre of the ingot. On solidification , the molten metal contracts . Since the centre of the ingot is the solidify, most of the shrinkage is observed in the last to cool and centre. This results in a cavity called "PIPE ". It may extend from the top towards the interior of the ingot along the axis..oF d. d. Cold-shut :

material of different temperatures. e. Hot tear (shrink crack) :

Cold shut is formed when molten metal is poured over solidified metal. When the metal is poured , it hits the mold too hard and spatters small drops of metal . When these drops of metal hit higher up on mold, they stick and solidify . When the rising molten metal reaches and covers the solidified drops of metal, a crack like.. discontinuity i:. formed. Cold shuts can also be formed by the l a ck o f

fusion between two intercepting surfaces of molten

Hot tear. is caused by unequal shrinking of light and heavy sections of a casting as the metal cools. In a casting having light and heavy sections, the light sections, being smaller, solidify faster; they shrink faster pulling the heavier sections towards them, as they are.hotter and do not shrink as fast. :Shrinkage cavity is caused by lack of enough molten :1 etal to fill the space created by shrinkage of the solidifying metal, just as a "PIPE" is formed in an ingot. It can be found anywhere in the cast product, unlike the "pipe" in the ingot, which always occurs only at the top portion of the ingot. f. Shrinkage cavity


metal . These, are called :' tungsten inclusions ; Y..; tLf ( r g. Lack of fusion : Lack of fusion or incomplete fusion , as it is frequentlytermed , describes the failure of adjacent weld metal and base metal or interweld passes to ifuse together completely: This failure to obtain fusion may occur at side wall or:.in-the -interpass region. Lack of fusion is usually elongated in the direction of welding and may have eft h rounded or sharp edges depending on how it is formed. h. Lack of penetration : Lack of penetrations due to failure of weld metal to ex :e nd into the root of the joint . The most frequent cause for this type of defect is ' the unsui able groove design for the selected welding process. i. Undercut : During welding of the final or cover pass, the exposed upper edges of the weld preparation tend to melt or run down into the deposited metal in the weld groove. Undercutting occurs when insufficient fillet metal is 'deposited to fill the resultant, at the edge of the weld bead . The result is- a groove that may be intermittent or continuous . and'parallel to the weld bead . Undercutting may be caused by excessive welding current, incorrect arc length, high speed , incorrect electrode manipulation, etc.

._ 1


The response of metals to various stages of manufacture , construction or service rife can vary widely depending upon chemical composition ; heat treatment , mechanical working, surface conditions , presence of discontinuity and other material characteristics.


Products and structures may be subjected to. ,a number of service conditions , as mentioned below, which may result in discontinuity. a. stationary load, b. dynamic load, unidirectional or multidirectional, multi-directional - more serious, c. high temperature, d. pressure creating stress above a material ' s elastic limit e. corrosive environment, f. vibrations, g. excess loading, h. improper maintenance and i. ageing-


There are two generally accepted types of material failure in service : one is the easily recognized 'FRACTURE' or separation into two or more parts; the second is the.less easily recognized "EXCESSIVE PLASTIC DEFORMATION" or change of shape-and/or position.


Corrosion is the deterioration of metals by the chemical action of some surrounding or contacting medium which may be lilluid, gas or some combination of the two. This deterioration can be either uniform or Ik.,calized. To some degree, corrosion can influence all metals, but the effect varies widely d spending upon the combination of the metal and the corrosive agent.

4.2 : Fatigue
Failures occurring under ; onditions of dynamic loading are called "FATIGUE FAILURES". Most . service failures occur as a result of tensile stress.

1.12 i

metal : These are called 'tungsten inclusions 9. -Lack f fuscon Lack of fusion or ncomplete fusion , asst ^jstfrequently 'termed describes the failure fof adjacent field metal and base metal or . lidtetweld passes to fuse together complete l y. This failure ` to 'obtain fusion may occur at side wall or in the interpass region. Lack of fusion . is usuall y. e'on gated in the direction of welding and :may have either rounded or sharp edges depending on h ow it is formed. h. .Lack of penetrat n : Lack of penetration is due to . failure of weld metal to extend into the root of the joint. . The most frequent cause-f or this type of defect is the'unsuitable groove design for, the select welding process. i. Undercut : During. welding of the final or cover pass, the `exposed upper edges of the weld preparation tend to melt or run down into the deposited metal in the weld groove. Undercutting occurs when irsufficient .filler metal is deposited to . fill the ' resultant , at the edge of the weld bead . The result is a groove that may be intermittent or continuous. and parallel to the weld bead . Undercutting may be caused by excessive welding current , incorrect arc length , high speed , incorrect electrode *manipulation, etc.
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The response of metals to various stages of manufacture , construction or service life can vary upon chemical composition, --heat treatment , ` mechanical working, surface conditions , Presence of discontinuity and other material characteristics.


Products and structures may be subjected to'a number of service conditions, as mentioned below, which may result in discontinuit a. stationary load, b.' dynamic load , unidirectional or multidirectional, multi-directional - more serious, c. high temperature, d. pressure creating stress above . a material's elastic limit e. corrosive environment, f. vibrations, g. excess loading, h. improper maintenance and i. ageing.

There are'two generally accepted types of material failure in service: one is the easily recognized 'FRACTURE' or separation into two or more parts; the second is the less easily recognized "EXCESSIVE PLASTIC DEFORMATION" or change of shape and/or position. 4: SERVICE CONDITIONS LEADING TO MATERIAL FAILURES

4.1 : Corrosion
Corrosion is the deterioration of metals by the chemical action of some surrounding or contacting medium which may be liquid, gas or deterio some combination of the two. This ration can be either uniform or localized. To some degree, corrosion can influence all metals, but the effect varies widely depending upon the combination of the metal and the corrosive agent.

4.2 : Fatigue
Failures occurring under conditions of dynamic loading are. called "FATIGUE FAILURES-. Most service failures occur as a result of tensile stress.



Wear . isprobabl ythe most --important factor in. the deterioration of machinery with moving components , oftep limiting both the - life-and the performance of such equipment . Wear is the loss of material from the surface . Wear is.affected by a variety of conditions , such. as the type of lubrication , loading, speed , temperature, materials , surface finish and hardness.

4.4 Overstress
it may happen when a part . is accidentally exposed to a load which is much greater than its design load . When this happens, the component may undergo plastic deformation . or fracture, to relieve the high stress - within the part.


X-rays were discovered by a German, scientist , Prof. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen in 189.,. Some of the properties of X-rays are given below. 1. X-rays are electromagnetic radiations, similar to visible light, with higher energy. 2. They can pass througl}t mattet and get absorbed/scattered in the process. 3. They can affect X-ray,Pphotographic films. 4. They can excite and i' nize atoms'of the medium , through which they pass. 5. They can cause injury ytobiological systems.


X and gamma rays have similar properties , Gamma rays are emitted by the nucleus , whereas X-rays are generated outside.the nucleus when high speed electrons intera c th atoms= Gamma rays have d , discrete energies, whereas,X - rays have continuous energies. The efinite maximum energy of X-rays depends on the incident electron energy (Fig. 2.1).

f Relative Intensitg

Characteristic H-raBs 7 of Tungsten

Applied Voltage =200 kV





Photon Energg (keV) --4 Fig. 2.1 : Typical X-ray Spectra

2.1 : Advantages and Disadvantages of -X ray Equipment for Radiography

a. Advantag 1. X-ray machines have higher radiation output (about 45 R/min at 50 cm from a 200 kV, l5mA X- ray unit, compared to 40 R/h at 50 cm from a 20 Ci iridium-192 source ), enabling larger turnover of workload.

2. They have small focal spot size, which helps to obtain sharper images.


3 [3se of^tys results in better image contrast } , as X_ rays have contin uou s spectrum 4 . X ray un i ts ensure complete radiation safety, when they are switched 'OFF.
b. Dsadvanta^PS

1. X-ray units are bulky, for use at indicate & inaccessible locations. 2. They require electric power for operation. 3. They require high capital investment.


X-rays are produced when a beam of high energy electrons collides with any material (target). in atomic number of the target atom and with increase in the incident electron energy. In an X-ray machine, less than one per cent of the electrical power supplied is converted to X-rays and the -remaining power this heat is not . removed efficiently, the target material may melt. p appears as heat. if Although X-ray intensity is different for different" target material, the distributi X-ray energies for all targets is similar, the maximum on of electrons . In an energy being the energy of the incident X-ray machine, if the potential difference between the filament and the target or the applied=kilovoltage * is 200 kV, then the energy of the electrons hitting the target is 200 keV and the maximum energy of the X rays would be 200 keV -`A typical X-ray spectrum is shown ins 2 i .. g The continuous X-ray spectrum will also contain one or sharppeaks. These mote .._A, peaks are of definite energies, dependent in the target element, hence are called characteristic X-rays. t The quality of an X-ray beam can be described by its Half Value Thickness (HVT). The HVT is a function of the effective energy of the X-ra the applied kilovoltac, y beam, which is approximately 1/3rd of tag e. also depends upon'the nature of the power supply and the added filtration. X-ray production increases with increase

Cathode Filament Anode hood shi eld i



GIas.5 casing

Fig. 2.2 ..Hooded Anode X-ray Tube.

The essential requirements for the production of X_-rays are a: a source of electrons (heated tungsten filament), b. high voltage supply to accelerate the elect ions , c. a target , usually tungsten , to stop the electrons and to convert their energy to X-rays The cross section of a typical X-ray unit is shown in Fig. 2.2.

The target.is usually of small dimension, say 2-3 mm.

much of the energy appears When the electron:; hit the target, 8Y in form of f heat and it has to be rapidly removed used for the purpose ofthe heat removal ; Copper, is . Certair1 primary coolants can be circulated through the samanodes are hollow in construction , so that oil is. e to remove the generated heat also sometimes used around . Mineral the X-ray insulator unit, to remove heat. and serve as ele ctrical The penetration of X-ray beam depends on the applied kilovoltage , whereas , t decided by the current flowing through the filament he intensity is (millamperage). Selection of the target material is based on the following properties: I. The target material should have a high melting point. 2. It should possess a high atomic number. 3. It should possess high thermal conductivit (t d: y o ssipate the heat quickly). 4 It should have low vapour pressure at high temperatures ( to prevent a ra the Target material and its deposition on the walls poration of of the X-ray tube, as this would cause absorption of X-rays and disturbance in the insulation properties of the tube). Tungsten , having an atomic number 74 , and melting point 34ppaC is the most

preferred target

X-ray tube is contained in a suitably shaped steel shell for ruggedness. I'lie viz., kilovoltage (kVp), tube current ( mA), besides the cooling pattern, decides t e `,1 ratings, an X-ray unit. ucture of




1. An industrial X-ray tube must be capable of operating indefinite periods at maximum loading. c ontinu o ^^ , f L_1^ for or 2. It should voltages . be able to pass appreciable current over the low est This is to permit such radiographs to be taken, whi n voltage techniques , within reasonable exposure periods.

essit to low

3. It should possess the smallest possible focal area defi .^..:. ti . niradicgr a^ oa, a point source of radiation is one of the rFor '^ ^p rquireme 't -,;,dEr r, X-ray tubes have very y small focal areas .



4'96 ry. 6 ^'p4^'a!1 .., tO r^ratriovw t^A

..W M dtJ .. _. AC

4. The design safety..shouid. i.nclu:1e sufficient shielding .materiai (say lead or

equivalent steel) -so that-the leakage radiation level at every rating ` comb iation Ad' (L.U , m) oes fiot exceed I IVit at I metre from the target,


Industrial radiography involves inspection of objects of various materials and ip,qany shapes and sizes . For objects containing organic compounds , eg., food . stuff, plastic insulating' materials , etc., the required voltage is in the range of 50 - 100 kV. The examination of light metal and steel castings , welds in pipelines , pressure vessels , ships-and bridges and weapons of war, requires kilovoltage'in the-range 150-kV - 2 MV.- Most frequently used voltage is between 150 kV and -400W. ' Portable X-ray units, in the voltage range -150 kV to 250 kV are used for field radiography . - X-ray units of higher voltage are generally stationary ones, for use in enclosed installations. X-ray units can also be used as -cabinet installations with incorporated lead. shielding and safety interlocks . (eg., the unit becomes operable, by actuation of certain microswitches , only when the object occupies a preset position in front of the beam port).

5.1 : Fluoroscopy
The fluoroscopy technique is used for continuous production line scanning of die castings, in food processing. industry, etc. A fluoroscopy unit consists of X-ray source, fluorescent screen (line i adm.iam sulphide). and leaded 'glass barrier. The equjpment is normally supplied in shielded enclosures. The object-to be examined isplaced in between X-ray beam and fluorescent-screen. ;.A_shadpw image-is. produced on the screen-and it is viewed through television monitorsystem or-by the use of image intensifiers.

.5.2.:-Fine Focus Tube ,-,'.:

The use of fluorescent scree is, for examination of castings and assemblies at considerable magnification, is made- possible by using a tube. with a very fine focus of about 0.2 mm in .;..diameter. The small size--nf the spot reduces- geometric unsharpness and also produces image magnification. -

Target Electron beam

-Pig. 2.3 : Rod Anode-System

5.3 : Rod Anode Tube

The examination of confined spaces , like the pipes of a steam boiler or the cylinder heads of, an internal combustion engine , has given rise to an X ray equipment with the target at the 'end of a long tube. The target and therefore , the whole anode is earthed , so that the source of radiation can be pushed into the cavities. mentioned above . In X-ray units used for circumferential radiography, the target is placed at right angle to the tube axis and as a result, the radiation emerges all round in the forin of a ;uisc. For unidirectional beam, the target is at 45 inclination ( Fig. 2.3). I I

5.4: Crawler X-ray Units

These units are.useful for cross-country pipe lint. inspection, with automatic movement from joint to joint and are becoming increasingly popular. The power input is obtained from diesel generators.


The power, supply required for the operation of an X-ray tube ars a. a low voltage, to heat the filament, b. a high voltage, to accelerate the electrons. The filament of an X-ray tube is normally operated at 6-12 volts with 5-6 amps of-current. This-is derived from the mains line using a step- down transformer. The high' voltage is usually obtained from a step-up transformer. To maintain the target at positive potential with respect to the filament, different types of rectification circuits are used, viz., half-wave rectification, full-wave rectification and constant potential units. There are various advantages of using a constant potential X-ray unit. It yields better X-ray output than that produced by a pulsating potential having the same peak kilovoltages. It gives a more penetrating beam; as. required in industrial radiography.

To obtain high energy X-rays in the McV.rani;e, for inspection of very thick objects, linear accelerators are used. In these, the X-ray intensity can be of the order of few hundred Roentgen per minute at one metre.


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and 2 ' artificially .1 made. 4 Radioisoto p es; are broadly classified as 1.:naturally occurring238 and its daughter products are some-of the naturally occurring -40, ui naum= potassium 226(encapsulated) was used 'radioisotopes .' t' :se naturally occurring radioisotopes , radium = presently used in industrial radiography , viz. earlier in industrial `radi6grapiy. Radioisotopes , cobalt-60 firidium- 192,. thulium -17Q are artificially produced

There are three methods of producing artificial radioisotopes; by, a. activating elements with neutrons in .a nuclear reactor, b. processing fission products from spent uranium fuel rods from a nuclear reactor, c. bombarding elements with charged particles from particle accelerators.

2.1 : Production by Activation Process

When a target element is bombarded with neutrons "in a-reactor, :activation may occur mainly by one of the ibilowing processes depending on the energy of the neutrons..

59 60.
a. (n.7-,reaction


27 o (n,7' 27 o 59 59, 27 o (n,p) 26 e

.27 24 lAl (n,a) 11Na

-. :...
b. -(n,p)reaction


to 'a', by bombardment of 'iridium-191 with iridium-192 is"also"obtained by-a process similar -neutrons. When a target containing ' m' gram of the element of interest- is exposed to a neutron flux of v en b y th e relation n/cm2-sec. the activity induced in the target (S^) is gi

0.6Xm_X0Xor r l-e-o.693vr Bq S`_ A

Where, St is activity in becquerels (Bq.) t is time of irradiation

t &T are in same units). T- is half-life of radioisotope produced ( for the reaction a is cross section in barns ( 1024 cm2 ) A is mass number of the target element


For production of iridium-192 , cobalt - 60 and thulium - 170 radiography sources , thin metal discs of purity better than 9W9 per cent are used as targets.

2.2 : Production by Nuclear Fission

Caesium-137, used sometimes in industrial radiography is produced by nuclear fission. In a nuclear . reactor , uranium atom splits ( undergoes fission ) into two different elements with the release of neutrons and enormous amount of energy , Caesium - 137 and strontium - 90, two radioisotopes , Commonly used both in industrial and medical applications , are produced by this method: Caesium -137, because of its chemical form, is now discouraged for use in industrial radiography. 3: SOURCES FOR INDUSTRIAL RADIOGRAPHY 'A radioisotope, to be useful in industrial radiography should have a. suitable radiation energies, b. higher radiation output, c. reasonably long half-life and d. possibility of economic production at high specific activities.
Iridium - 192 and cobalt - 60 are two commonly used radioisotopes in industrial radiography. Table 2.1 gives the characteristics of then; tio radioisotopes.


Source Half-life Production Process Gamma Energy . (MeV)

Radiation Output R/h/Ci at 1 metre

Useful Range of This:kness in Steel (mm)

192 I 77

74.4 d

191 77Ir(n,r)

0.296 to 0.613


10- 60


60 Co

5.3 y

59 Co (n,r)

1.17 &



3.1 : Specific Activity

The specific activity of a radioisotope is measured in gigabequerels per gram (GBq/g) or curies per gram (Ci/g). A high specific activity indicates that a radioisotope of given activity will be of smaller mass. In industrial radiography, to obtain a sharper image, the size 'of the source should also be small. This is achieved by a source of higher physical density. Iridium-192,


with a physical density .2 ..4 g radiography...

Fabrication of a sealed. radioisotopes involves sealing' of the active material in-an'inactive capsule, resistant ^voughltowithstandunder nprmal-conditions of use, dispersion ;of active materials : General y, stainless steel is used as the encapsulation material. . umbai-400 094, fabricates and supplies Board of Radiation and * Is xtope Technology (BRIT), M 60 and iridi in-192 radiography sources for use in a variety of.equipment and in a range cobaltof activity values. Although there are differences in shapes and sizes of source assemblies, the inner source capsule , loaded in these , are similar in shape and dimensions. It is a stainless steel capsule with dimensions: 8mm length, 4.5mm diameter... Eacharidium-192'pellet is of dimension 2.5mm diameter and 0.3mm thickness. The number, of pellets in a capsule depends on the activity required. A 1000 GBq capsule may have fdur.,or five such pellets.

TABLE. 2.2 DECAY CHART FOR COBALT -60 SOURCE '(Half-life: 5.27 years)' Months->




00 01. 02 03


0.88 0.76 0.67


0.98 0.86

0 . 66
0 .57

05 06

0.45 0.39 0.34 0.30 0.26

0.44 0 . 38 0.34.

0.96 0.84 0.73 0.64 0.56 0.49

0.43 0.38


0.82 0.72 0.63 0.55 0.48


0.92 0,80 0.70 O.61 0.54 0.47


0.78 0.69


0.40 0.35 0.31 0.27 0.24

0.32 0.28


09 10

0.33 0 . 29 . 0.29 0,26 0.25


TABLE 2.3 : DECAY-'C- ILART FOR IRIDIUM-192 SOURCE (Half-life ; 74.5 days)
Days 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

000 050
100 150 200


0.95 0.60

0.91 0.87 0.57- 0.54

0.36 0,22 0.14 0.34 0.21 0.13

0,83 0.52
0.32 0.20 0.13

0.50 0.31 0.19 0.12

0--7 0. 3 0. 0.

0.72 0.69 0.45 0.43

28 (.18 f.1II 0.27

0.41 0.26 0.16 0.10

0.39. 0.37 0.25 0.23 0.15 '0.15

0 .11




8 N

N IW Ian

0. K)

J 0


00 N

0 0
N .- .. 122




Gamma radiography equipment or camera consists of the following : 1. A source housing, which serves as a shielded container for the gamma source during its storage and it has an arrangement to give a controlled radiation beam, when needed. 2. An 'Exposure Mechanism', built in the source housing or separately attachable and 3. Accessories such as source manipulators, teleflex cable and gear drive system, ,flexible guide tubes for the cable and source travel , source position indicators, radiation beam collimators , source changers (for transport), etc. Design and development of radiography equipment has special importance in the programme of NDT inspection..


The design and test criteria for radiographic exposure devices are based upon both use and transport considerations , as these devices are also used as transport packages. of exposure Size , shape and weight of a.radiography camera is dependent upon the types . The heart the shielding material used ` mechanism , the activity . of the. radioisotope and also on . ' l'he design of the gamma' adiography , ezposure device is sourceassembly with its housing and fabrication criteria to be considered are 1. shielding material 2. exposure mechanism 3. source assembly 4, safety interlocks 5. control unit
6. accessories

7. feasibility and reliability 8. easy maintenance and- source replenishment 9. installation 10. transportation
In general , the exposure devices can be. broadly classified on the basis of their weight. 30 ) (Portable) a) Manually handled (light) - upto 50 kg (Class P 50-500 kg (Class M ) (Mobile) b) 'Holley mounted ( medium ) Over 500 kg ( Class F ) (Fixed) c) Nixed ( Inhouse) '( Heavy ). -

Classifications Trolley and manually handled units can be moved at the site for exposures . given in brackets are as per ISO 3999.


---- 0e , fiii, n74 --

1. Main body 2. Source 3. Source assembly. 4. Shutter 5. Teleflex cable 6. Driving unit Fig. 2.5 : Source Exposure Methods. a) Source held - in the housing and the shutter is displaced to expose the source (Fig; 2.5a ).. . It could be used 'only. in portable cameras because of practical limitations on size and weight of the shutter . (no longer in use in Indic) ( b) Source held on a cylindrical drum which is rotated to expose the. source -( Fig. 2.5b). It provides wide radiation beam. c) Source enclosed in a rigid source holder which is moved through a small distance-for giving the exposure (Fig..2.5c).. This type is used generally for sources with morepenetrating radiation such as cobalt- 60, of : higher activity, and for use in permanent exposure rooms. d) Source :as ombly attached to the `tipof a-flezible cable and-driven out of the source housing for panoramic exposure (Fig. 2.5d).

The impprtant points to be considered, whip designing a radiography camera are ; 1. type of source assembly,.

2. shielding material,
3. source exposure mechanism, 4. incorporation of safety devices,

5. feasibility of fabrication,
6. easy maintenance and sou ^ ice reply:nishment 7. installation and 8. transportation.

3.1 : Source Assembly

The radiation source in a radiography camera is always housed in a secondary. container called 'source assembly '. The source assembly can be of two types, rigid or flexible . Rigid source holder is preferred for source housings shown in fig . 2.5a to 2.5c. Flexible source assembly is :used , when the source ,is required to travel large distance to and from the source housing, through bends and at different planes . (Fig 2.6)

Iridium-192 pellet .

Source capsule,

ROLI- 1 source assembly

v77`7'.17.1. 1..777` Tecliop5-660 source assemblg-

\` \ Teletron source assemblg

Fig. 2.6 : Source Assemblies

3.2 : Shielding Material

As stated earlier, size and weight of a source housing is decided by-theshielding material and its thickness . Properties of different shielding materials are given Table 2.4.


1. Atomic number 82

88% tungsten (Z=?4) 92 9% copper (29) 3 % nickel (28)

.9 19.07 2. Density in gram /cc 11.3 18 3. Melting point (C) 327 3420 1132 5. Half value layer Cobalt-60 (mm) Iridium- 192 (mm) 12.45 4.8 7.65 3.2 6,88 2.71

easily available and can be made in Lead is a commonly used shielding material , as it is cheaper, lining to hold it, as it is a soft material . Heavy alloy and any desired shape . But, it needs a metal . However, uranium are best suited for shielding to produce compact and light weight cameras fabrication of source housings with these materials requires special techniques.

3.3 Source Exposure :

Directional exposures with collimated beam with source fixed in the source housing are best from the radiation safety stand point. However, such exposures greatly restrict the flexibility most of the modern units are designed for panoramic exposure with, of operation . Therefore , provisions to attach collimators ( Fig. 2.7 ) for directional exposures...

For circumfe -

ential exposure For unidirectional exposure Shielding' thickness should be more than 1 TVL Ti. Fig. 2.7 : Col limators


r'l^ ti^r

Panoramic exposures are made by moving the source assembly out of thesource housing , using remote driving devices, operated by pneumatic , electrical or mechanical systems. With flexible source assembly , only mechanical systems using teleflex cable are favoured.

3.4 :Safety Devices

All radiography equipment should be provided with safety devices such as inu :rlocks, source. couplings source holder locking, immobilizing device for the source , etc. In -house facilities are planned with more elaborate safety devices, such' as door interlocks, audio - visual' signals, search-operatiotas .in exposure areas, and other fool-proof safety features . In.addiFion, radiation m3Tnitoring instruments should also be, incorporated in the design.

3.5 : Fabrication
Design of the unit should be done keeping in mind the limitations during the fabrication of components . These components are evaluated .for soundness and reliability to ensure fool proof performance over the designed life of the equipment.

3.6 : Maintenance
The equipment should b e designed in such a way that minimum maintenance is required during its service and.defective part is easily replaceable.

3.7 : Transportation
The design of the camera , when loaded with source should meet the <prescribed transport regulations.

3.8 : Installation
Installation of units with kilocurie activity needs special gadgets. These gadgets should be designed in conjunction with the unit to be installed.


Maximum exposure rate mGy/h (,-.,PJH) Class On external surface of container 2.0 (200) 2.0 (200) 2.0 (200) 50mm from external surface of container or 0.5 (50) or or 1.0 (100) 1.0 (100) 1rtt; extern2.s sse of con: -_ae 0.02 { 0.05 ti . 0.10 (1

Portable Mobile Fixed



All radiography cameras are . required to be sublet ed to strict gt,alrty^control examinatior. to confirm the Integrity of mechanical parts and also to ensure that radiation leakage levels are below the permissible limits. The existing permissible radiation . leakage. levels on the source housings in 'off position are given in..the table 2.5. Prototype lu nits x ' ith remote control system are specially tested for . operational reliability under simulated nditie ns to assess the life of components N and associated accessories.


60' sources together can cover an inspection range of thickness 10-200 mm, steel equivalent. Thus, efforts. for equipment development have been mainly directed towards these sources. Many equipment are commercially available, with these ;+U sources shielded eith er wt ead, heavy alloy or depleted uranium 1. Portable Teletron SU-100/50 Gammamat TI/TI-F/S-301 Amertest- 660 ^ ,,^^ Century SA
Spec-2T 200 Gammarid

Iridium-192 and cobalt -

2. Mobila
RCOLI-1 Gammamat-M (Crawler) CRC-2A, Gammamat TK 10 IRCX-150 GR-50 Fri&d CBC 5000 Gammamat TK 100/600 Amertesi 520 Gas Prom Some of these egilipment are discussed below. 54 Lead shielded, low cost equipment 5.1.1: Iridium-192 Units'
ROLL-I is a remote operated lead shielded cainera'designed for 35 Ci iridium-192 source (Fig. 2.8). It has 'S' conduit to-house a flexible source assembly.

5.1.2: Cobalt-60 Units Radiography camera with a capacity of 10 Ci designed for panoramic exposure is shown in

figure 2.9. The spherical source h)usin g, i s mounted on a rugged trolley maneuver. The unit enables source movement in for ease of . a rigid guide tube for panoramic exposure. Radiation beam can be restricted for directional exposures using a collimator, which can be fixed to the source housing.

5.2 : Light. Weight, High Activity Equipment

These have either depleted uranium orr heavy alloy material for shielding. Fabrication of these source. housings is not as easy lead ource housings. The cost of the material is also very high. Some of the imported radiogr, phy eauip;:nent approved in I ndi a are shown in figures 2.10 to 2. 1 4.


.The built-in safety of gamma radiography equipment, both from radiation and operational point of view,, is very essential because majority of the radiography work is carries out in workshop and construction -sites which call for a strong and rugged equipment. kshop As per the present safety requirements, in addition to shielding adequacy, all models of radiography equipment must be so designed, as to withstand various tests , such as mechanica l and operational drop test, fire test., vibration. test, shock test, water test, as per the specifications laid down by Inter immersion test and endurance national Standards. Organisation (ISO 3999). Only those :equipmnt which conform to all the provisions of ISO 309e ar approved and permitted to be used for industrial radiography work.


1. Source assembly 2.' Source 3. Lead Shield 4. Locking system 5 . Secondary container Portable/mobile camera Flexible source assembly Flexible guide tube 'S '. codduit Ball & socket-coupline ..__ Fig. 2 .8 : ROLI- 1 Camera

1. Source position 2. Source assembly 3. Rotating shutter 4. Lead shield 5. Shutter handle
6. Shutter arrestor plug 7.'Shipping cap 8. Front side cover 9. Rear side cover l

1. Shield2. Source 3. Source assembly 4.- Source assembly catch 5. Key lock for shutter 6. Shutter opening handle 7. Spring lock for shutter 8.'.Shielding plug

Portable'camera ,Depleted uranium shield Rigid source assembly Ball & socket coupling (tungsten ) Straight conduit Fig.. 2.10: Teletron/Gammavolt Camera

--1. Source ._ . . 2. Lock 3. Source assembly 4. Stopper 5. Shield

Portable camera Depleted uranium shield 'S' conduit . Flexible guide tube Ball & socket coupling Flexible source assembly Fig. 2.11: TechOps/ Amertest Camera


1. Source . capsule

. 4. Source assembly

2. Safety plug ;, L^F;.,1 5:lunger type lock=.. ;=;,,_.- - :.mac - 3. Depleted uranium-shield '= Fig. 2.12: SPEC - 2T Camera.

1. Source assembly 2. Source

3. Shield 4. Shutter

Portable camera Depleted uranium shield Flexible pencil Straight conduit Ball & socket coupling Flexible guide tube Fig. 2:13 : Gammamat Camera

1. Shutter plug in a hollow shuttle 2. Shutter arrestor 3. Shutter shuttle receptor 4. Source capsule 5. Source holder 6 . Shield 7. Lock Fig. 2.14: Gammarid - 192 Camera.



The type of X-ray - film used in radiography, plays an important role din the detection of flaws. It is therefc re, important to have detailed knowledge about structure and properties of films.


Figure 3.1 howl .xoss -section of a typical X -ray film . It consists of ( base, emulsion, . binding layer and protective layer Protective layer (11A) Emulsion ( 10 - 15 1A) Polyester-Base (175) Emulsion (10 15 1A) 'Protective layer (11A)

Fig. 3.1 : Cross Section of an X-ray Film G

2.1 : Film Base

Polyester is the most commonly used material for film base. 2.2 : Emulsion Silver bromide (AgBr) mixed with. gelatin, is used as film emulsion. 2.3 : Binding layer This layer acts as binder between film base ' and emulsion.

2.4 : Protective layer

The protective layer consists only gelatine. damage, abrasion and stress marks.

It serves to protect the lower layers from physical



X-ray film on exposure to radiation and processing produces black deposits of silver. 1 blackening of the film is called optical density ( D) and is given by the expression, L D = Loges Where L0 = Intensity of incident light LL = Intensity of transmitted light Optical density is measured with an instrument called 'Densitometer'.

The factors which control the optical density are a. type of film
b: energy of radiation

c. amount of exposure and d. processing conditions

0 2 3 Log relative exposure -^ Fig. 3.2 : Characteristic Curves of X-ray Films 3.2 : Characteristic Curve If:, number of different exposures are given to various areas of an X-ray film and densities obtained at these areas after processing are plotted as a function of Logo ( exposure), the



resulting curve is called ' Characteristic ; ;urye , of thed-Win (1.1g .. 2}. ^ giv: s information on a. speed of film and b. film contrast 3.2.1 Speed ( Speed is defined as the density recorded on a film due to a given radiation exposure. It is measured in terms of inverse' of exposure . required to produce a radiograph of a particular a film which requires less density, under given conditions . Keeping other factors constant , of two industrial X-ray films in which ,, 2 shows characteristic exposure is faster . Figure 3 . film A is faster than, film B.


Source Type of ' Film Film Factor with Double Lead Screen . Agfa D-2 9.5 R D-4 4.0 R D-7 1,2 R -NDT-55 .. 3.8R *NDT --65 1.4 R NDT --70 1.0 R Source Type of Film . Film Factor with Double Lead Screen Cobalt-60 . Agfa D -2 19.6 R 'D 8.0 R D=7 2.5 R NDT-55 7.5R NDT-65 3.OR NDT-70 2.OR



The amount of exposure of a given radiation energy required on a film to produce a given film ' film factor'. A film density (usually. 2.0) under specified conditions of processing is called Film factor depends on with lower film factor is faster than the one with a higher value.. energy of radiation . Film factor values fora few commonly used films are given in Table 3.1. 3.2.2 Contrast Film contrast or gradient is defined as the.change in density recorded on a. film for a given change in radiation intensity.
The slope of the characteristic curve at a given density is the measure of the gradient of the film, Gd, at that density,

D2 D1 Log E2 - Log


The gradient of a film depends on the size of its crystals . Gradient of industrial X - ray films goes on increasing with optical density , as shown in figure 3 3 . it is practicall inde nd pe ent J of the radiation energy. In general , compared to coarse grain film fine grain films have lower speeds , but, higher gradient at a given density.

Film Speed H>Y>Z

Density --7

Fig. 3.3 . 'Gradient Versus Density 3.3 : Effect of 'radiation energy There is very little effect on the shape of the characteristic curve due to energy of radiation. . However, the film speed depends on radiation energy , as can be seen in table 3.1.

3.4 Various Types of Films

The films can be divided into three groups on the basis of radiography requirements. 1. Films for use with fluorescent screens, also known as salt screen films. 2. Films for use with metal screens or without screens (also called 'direct films'). This group covers a large range of industrial X-ray films. The films are classifies depending upon the grain - size of the films; Class - I Highest contrast , lowest speed film Class - H. - High contrast , low speed film Class - III - Medium contrast , medium speed'film Class - IV - Lowest contrast, highest speed film 3. Films used for special purposes, e,g, single emulsion films.


(I C

When an object is radiographed without using screens , there are two disturbing factors.

object), in film is low. 1. The absorption of primary radiation (transmitted through the This results in longer exposure time. scattered by the object), in film is 2. The absorption of low energy scattered radiation ( Thi; reduces the image quality. relatively more . Hence , to reduce exposure time and improve image quality of radiographs are used. , radiography screens


commonly used in industrial radiography There are two types of radiography screens , practice : metallic foil screens and fluorescent screens. These screens differ in their basic characteristics e.g, speed radiation. , contrast and elimination of scattered


Metallic screens help in reduction of scattered radiation from the object. The X sandwiched- between ; a pair .of lead . screens, as shown in figure 3:4. -ray film is

Radiation transmitted i from object


Card board I plastic =- I ead-screen (front) ......::.:r:: ^:;. ::asp - Film Lead screen (back) Card board / plastic

\1l \T/\`^.\`^

Backscattered radiation

Intensifying Screens. Fig. 3.4 : X-ray Film Sandwiched Between a Pair of Lead


3.1 : Reduction of scattered radiation

Attenuation of incident radiation in the object results l W ),. radiation and this falls on the film , production of o w energy scar .^ along with the in ut ed atomic number el transm

ements have more absorp radiation. rfa foil of high atomic number tion cap As : l apacity for low energ primay ry radiations , is placed bstweeobject energy radiation and film, it will ab sorb most ,- before it fa l ls on the film of theo radiation will be reduced . . Hence, effect of e This metallic scat action also . Similarly, foil will serve additional thu low .ener pose! of tain e rfica ^ y, to reduce low ener back . scattering:of the gy pri mary radiation , f ( pe ined d om radiographed ) , a metal fr objects p l sheet of high atomic number is l aced behi a d ocf e specimen m-, , double coated X-ray film i aceb ic ' ithe p s sa 111tH. Hen(,.? ndwiched between a pair of m effect of scattered o etal lic radiation on the film, r if screens toreduce( radi exulting in an improved defrnit ion of radiogra,, 3.2 ; Intensifyin g A ctinn _ > Intensifying action of a radio g rap h

y which is defined as screen is expressed in terms of rnrensificatiOn Factor (u

Exposure time required to produce a certain IF = film density without screen Exposure-time required top with screen . roduce same density In this definition , it is assumed that same film avid radiation source are exposures. 'IF' due to double lead screen exposure with action -192 used for both tfx source is about 4.5., Intensification action occurs due to the photoelectrons, emitted as a resultof interaction rays with the material. of X o( Intensification factor due to metallic screens depends a. foil element b. thickness of foil, c, energy of radiation, and d. 'pecimen thickness. on:

These are also called 'Salt Screens'. screens consist of on which certain inorganic crystallineThese s

to blue tight. The for t,ti-s Purpose, since the film is highly sensiti^ most commonly used coated material for this purpose is calcium tungstate. The screens are used in pairs, so that a double Xray

card is board plastic materi givir: a ubstances glow light when radiation is incident oil them. Since a photographic film are coated on one side. They tivve to gi ! ig or sensitive than to X/r rays, it enhances the sensitivity of the film. A material more which has e its fig emission in blue or ultraviolet region IS used ,g'

as shown in figure 3.5. film can be sand-witched between the



C,F.*- yv '-yew

Each._crystal.. in salt screen emits light . This light'ldiiverges in all directions and gives image unsharpness. Intensification factor (IF) due'ta salt screens depends upon


a.; density of radiograph, bJ thickness of screen, c.; coating material and d. energy of radiation InIgamina 'radiography, the-,intensification factors with salt screens , are not very much -greater than that'obtained with lead screens . Secondly, these screens give poor quality image . Hence, these screens are not'much used in industrial radiography.

( i

- X or gamma rays -Card board / plastic -Salt (CaWO4) screen - Film - Salt (CaWO4) screen -Card J,oard / plastic

Fig. 3 . 5 X-ray Film sandwiched between a pair of salt intensifying screens



In' radiography, work parameters and conditions play an equally im p ortant role as th e applic^. radiography techniques . The handling of X-ray films before and after exposure and filr> processing are important in this respect.

X-ray films should be handled ' carefully to avoid physical strains such as pressure creasing. buckling and friction on it. The normal pressure applied on a cassette to provide good contat. with the object does not damage the films. Whenever the films are - loaded in flexible cassette" and external clamping devices are used , it should be seen that pressure is applied uniformly. Localized pressure on film can pro du ce artifacts in the radiograph 2.1 : Loading and Unloading Films Films should be held by edges in order to prevent finger or pressure marls . P recaut i on shou t be taken to avoid handling films in a manner which would cause frictio1 and give confusing: black marks on the radio grap h . 2.2 : Expiry Date The expiry date pn a . film pacts means that the film should be used before the given date. Exp i ry dates ol'di e films : tepeitd oit iTie storage conditions.

3: FILM STORAGE 3.1 : Protection from Gamma and X-rays

X-ray film should be protected from X - rays and gamma rays to avoid 3.2 : Chemical and Physical Hazards
Film should not be kept in a chemical storage room or in any loca' io- where there is leakage of gas . Chemical vapours , high humidity and temperatures also cc :_:-ibute to film fogging. Film should be stored in as cool a place as possible , and in tropi :< regions, temperatures control in the store r o om is recommended . Films may be stored for lo ng periods in a refrigerator.



: r0CCSSi ^ b

i iv B.ible hiiagt to a visible . and permanent image . There are five main stages involved in film processing . S-i^^ h

After exposure to radiation, a latent 'image of the object is form, i y the X,ray film. Film b,_


1. Development oreation of the visible . image. 2. Stop bath removal of excess developer solution and stopping of developing action. 2. Fixation : removal of unwanted, unexposed silver halide and making image permanent. 3. Washing : removal of unwanted fixation products.

4. Drying removal of . unwantedwater.


On exposure to X or gamma radiation , silver bromide in the film is converted to metallic silver.

The function cf developer solution is to reduce only exposed grains of silver bromide into additional metallic silver and leave unexposed , unaffected grains . The rate of development of exposed crystals is much greater than corresponding rate of unexposed crystals. Mechanism of the reaction is Ag+ + e: ---> Ag c The electron for the reaction is donated by developer solution.

6.1 : Developers in Use

Th ere are two distinct typ es of develop ers .

V%vt 1V(471A
,n'( ra _ A-N -

1. Solid p ack , containing two separate bags of chemicals which have to be dissolved in correct quantity of water before use. 2. Liquid concentrate, which require appropriate dilution with water to give the working solution:

6:1.1 Coaunercial Developers

of /' 3 lx'c. A G A u

Some of the commercially available developers for manual processing of X-ray films are given in Table 4.1.

.6.1.2: Use -of Developers ideal developing temperature is 200 C and duration of 5 minutes. developing , it should be properly agitated during developing. To avoid faults during



Trade Name

Kodak Indian Photographic

Size of the pack to make (in litres of working solution 2.25 4.50 9.00 13.50 22.50

Co developer

Agfa-Gaevert C-230

developer 2.25 4.50 9.00 13.50 22.50 May& B aker Solidex X-ray
Developer 2.50 4.50 9.00 13.50 22.50

*7 :STOP BAjj. .
After developing, the image comes and enable to be viewed, If into existence and remaining osses makes it Permar enhan no. action. is taken, the developer will continue to' work product..,, ced densfty, fog or irregular developer stains. The unwanted developer

a stop bath. There are two types of stop baths. is removed uy 7.1; Water Rinse
The excess developer is removed from the film simply by inmersin1, it bath.. Static water rinse involves the risk of solution becoming alkaline in a running wabe of any use in stopping development. Hence, running water bath i oith use and cease tn rec

-7.2 Acetic Acid Rinse mmended.

This; bath is static and 2 to 3

effigy;ietit in action and requiresf films to be immersed a neit for bout5 m to ed However, unlike flow water rinse, acetic acid will becomeseconds c P y This is more . with agitation: throughput of 100 FT2/ exhausted with use. A gallon is reasonable life suggested for this . 7.3 Faults arising during rinsing. Th only fault which can occur at this stage is due to delay in puffin' in the stop bath. A thin layer of oxidized developer on the film can lead developer laden in sto filn to production of brows wn


tty.' " w'^t^rla ult: Cd^ . ^t. ^'.^r


.^wi .^w' l11

. ' w ^. y i.

The fixer reacts with undeveloped silver bromide in the film and transforms it into water. soluble compound which gets dissolved ' in washing operation. In addition , it enables the image to become.permanent . Since the silver halide is still sensitive to . light to a small extent, and so will slowly darken . if it is al?lowed ioremain on the film.

8 1 Filing Agent


The most widely used agent is sodium thiosulphate (Na2S2Og), commonly known as 'h pot .. uAc- A-dd IV4 , Its solution in Water rapidly dissolves silver chloride and bromide .

8.2 : Use of ]Turing Bath

Generally, the film is kept for 2-3 minutes in rapid fixing bath and for about 10 minutes in ordinary hypo bath. 1. Agitation 2. Temperature . The films should be agitated initially, when immersed in fixer. The fixation process is less critical than development process and a temperature range oft 2.5C to standard 20C is acceptable.

8.3': Faults arising due to fixation

Most of the defects arise clue to contamination of fixer by developer into fixer , through careless use of stop bath stage. Faults may also arise if films are inserted without agitation. Streaks may be produced , due to uneven removal of developer.


0.1': Washing Washing is carried out to eliminate unwanted products from the emulsion after the fixing operation . For this purpose, . the film is washed in running water for about 20 minutes and then taken for drying. It is important to ^ use' flowing water , so-that the film on its removal from bath istaken out from uncontaminated water. 9.1.1 Faults arising during washing

Usually twenty minutes are allotted for this stage, b ut the period may prove insufficient if, a. the water is unusually cold, b.'flow is inadequate, c. tank is too. small for film throughput and d. film is not inserted ` n a proper way.


Each of these factors will lead to incomplete elimination of thiosulphate complexes from gelatin . This will make the film yellow/brown on storage.

9.2 : Drying
It is necessary to remove excess water, as a wet radiograph is not convenient to handle and is liable to mechanical, damage. Usually the wet films are dried by blowing a current of hot aif over the films, and various types of drying cabinets exist for this purpose.. These cabinets often include filter at their air intake to free the air from dust, which may stick to the wet film. I


B lemish or Difficulty Black crescents White crescents- . -Overalfog

Causes Kinking of f! m before processing.

Sharp bending or folding of the processed film. Over-development, over-age film, prolonged exposure to safe light, improper safelight filter, insufficient protection in storage from radiation sources, film stored where temperature or humidity is too high or chemical vapours exist, viewing developed film, before it is properly fixed.

Black streaks / blotches Streaks

Light leaks due to faulty film holders or cassette. White and black streaks at points where film was attached to hanger caused by processing solution remaining-on clips from earlier use. Inadequate agitation during development. Removing film to view during development time causing developer to run across film unevenly. Contamination by chemically active deposits, contamination of developer / fixer. Drops of water on semi-dried film or drops of water running down semi-dried surface.
Developer splashes before placing entire film in developer. Inadequate fixing.or exhausted fixing solution, prolonged development in old developer, inadequate rinsing.

,/Drying spots and streaks -Black spots Brown stains Dark deposits White crystalline deposits Milky appearance Sharply outlined light dark areas Blisters Air bubbles (light spots /patches)

Oxidized products from developer or reacting silver salts. Inadequate washing after processing. Incomplete fixing, exhausted fixing bath. Uneven development, films not agitated during development, films, hung too close together in developer. Formation of gas bubbles in film emulsion. Air trapped on film surface during development.


Reticulation (leather like appearance) Frilling (loosbning of emulsion) Static marks (Black birdtrack effects) Scratches (black, crack-like lines), "Dark fingerprints "sight fingerprints White spots and'areas Brittle radiographs

- in temperature of Solution too warm , extreme- d ifferences successive processing baths. Fixing in warm or exhausted bath. Prolonged washing at high temperature. Due to'static electric discharges caused friction between film and some other object. Improper handling. Film touched . with dirty fingers before development. Film touched with greasy fingers before. development. fitted or worn screens . Dirt on film screens. Excessive hardening in fixer. Excessive drying time.


overned mainly by the'basic principles,of the shadow controlling various geometrical The radiographic image on the film is g fo.mation. - A sharp aid undistorted image is obtained. by of factors such as source size, source to film distance, film to abject distanc , alignment exposure -`radiation beam. with respect to the plane of the object and film. Different geometries are shown in Fig. 4.1 romthese exposure. eometries, it could be seen thatthe radiographic images always have an F e Ioseness nd htfilm` element of magnification which will depend upon -th planes of t elobject athe en of odd Distortion in the image would depend on the Attempts are mrmade to keep both of them in the same plane, however, with specim .geometry image. distortions are observed. on the radiogralih due to the finite size Both X and gamma rays produce a. certain unsharpHess _ eomet; ical unsharpness (Ut) of the focal spot`oc`tlie source.: This unsharpness is called g which is calculated .as..: , ,
dx^.- orSFD = t(l+d/Ut us SFD.- t ..

focal spot, where, d` -effective diameter of the source/ SFD - source to .film distance, . t -thickness of the object. The magnitude of Ut can uiiiy ression, that U can never be zero . ti is blear from this exp Considering this,:fact , various codes . proper selection of exposure v ariables minimizedby prop permit a certain Ug value related to object thicknesses..


VNEWINIXIMEMEN/I A / r / / / / % r . 7 / / I d ^/f / f i l 1 11 Large source Small source Ug Large Ug Small U9

Large SFD Small Ug


fI/I/7IJ0UlUflf/, ^,9I/ Thinner object Thicker ob ject Small Ug Large Ug Film close to object F Small Ug

Film awag from objectLarge Ug

S - Source, 0 - Object F -. Film, Ug- Unsharpness C - Central radiation beam axis

Central axis Central axis not perpendicular to perpendicular to object centre object centre Small Ug Large Ug
Fig. 4.1 : Geometric Representation of Radiographic Image.


.. X-ray _ Radiation : Steel := Material Film : DuPont NDT 65 Film Density : 2.0 Distance : 36 inches : Lead Screens Front 0.12 mm : 0.25 mm Back Development : 5 minutes 20C


Fig. 4.2 : Exposure Chart for X-rays:

_ 9y 1ti

4 , CC

- -


0.000 UAW ^.


- - -

300 200

: Iridium-192 gamma rays : Steel Material .: DuPont NDT 35-75 Film 2.0 Film Density - : 24 inches Distance Lead Screens : 0.12 mm Front . : 0.25 mm Back
Development : 5.minutes

$00 6o
40 30 20 71!

20 C
rl -


Fig. 4.3 : Exposure Chart for Iridium- 92 Source. (Different Films)


Lead screen : 0.1 mm front '0.15 rnm back Iridium - 192

Lead screen : 0.15 mm front 0.20 mm back Cobalt - 60

Density : 2, Developing time : 5 minutes, 20 C Film : Agfa D7, For NDT - 65 film , multiply . above values by 1.5 To obtain exposure values in GBq x hour; multiply above values by 37. Fig. 4.4 Exposure Chart for Gamma Rays (Different SFD) Recommendations for optimum results are 1. source or focal spot size should be as small as practicable . point source, 2. source to object distance should be as large as possible, 3. the film should be in close contact with object and 4. source location should be-such , that radiation pass normal through object thickness. Ideal source will bei


For calculating the exposure time, the following steps should be followed : 1.Calculate the present source -activity in curies (Ci) from the decay charts. 2.Find thickness (cm) of the object. 3.Find HVT (cm) of object material; for the given source , from the HVT tables. 4.Find SFD (cm) for the object thickness. 5.Write RHM value (0.5 for iridium - 192 and 1 .33 for cobalt-60) 6.Find film factor (F in Roentgen) from table 4.2.


Source . NDT-65 Iridium-192 Cobalt-60 NDT 70 Agfa D-7 1.1 R 2.2 R Agfa D-4 3.5 R . 7.0 R 1.4.R. . LO R 2.8 R 2.0 R Film Factor (F)

Substitute all these values in the'following formula :

F x 21rrrk x (SFD)2 x 60 Exposure time (minutes) . C x RHM.x (100)2

It may be noted.thatfthis formula is not very accurate for higher thicknesses, particularly when using cobalt-60 source. Exposure charts as given in figures 4.2 - 4.4 are more accurate and are recommended for use. z rci e 1 : Calculate the exposure time in minutes for 0.75 inch. thick steel using 180 kV X-rays. The machine is operated at 5 mA settings.
From figure 4.2, the exposure for 0.75 inch steel at I^J kY is 35 mA.min. If the machine is operated at 5 mA setting, the exposure time is 35'5 7 minutes. ( (

Exercise Z :.Calculate the exposure time in minu tes for 1.5 inch thick steel using NDT 65 film at 12 inch SFD'to produce optical density 2.0, using iridium-192 source of 8 curies. From figure 4.3, the exposure time for.1.5 inch steel on NDT 65'film is 250 Ci.min.

The exposure chart is made for.SFD of 24 inch.

250 x 122 EF (curie. min) x di i ` t Exposure time (min) _ - = 7.8 minutes cxd2 8x242 EF - Exposure factor for SFD di
r: - A.' i itv :n

d2 New 1,SFD .


Ex e rc i se 2 : Calculate the exposure time, with the following data : Source - Iridium -192, 10 curies Steel plate 25 mm thick Film -, NDT-65 Radiography density required = 2.0 Let SFD be 50 cm Substituting all these values in formula, Exposure time (min) 1.4 x 221112.1 x 502 x 60 10 x 0.5 x 1002 1.4 x 4 x 2500 x 60 5 x 10000 16.8 minutes.
From exposure chart (Fig. 4.2 ) we can see that for 25mr a steel and SFD 50 cm, we need around 2 . 8 curie x hour . It means the product of source activity and time in hours should be 2.8. Hence, fora source activity of 2.8 curie, exposure time is 1 hour for 1.0 curie, exposure time is 2.8 hours

(C= 10) (x = 25) (F = 1.4) (HVT or T,4 = 12.5 ,nm)

fo: 10 curie, exposure time is 2.8 x 60 x 1/10 = 17 minutes

We can calculate similarly, for other thicknesses also.


depends upon factors which


The sensitivity, in turn,

The quality of a radiograph control contrast and definition of the image. 1.1 : Radiographic Sensitivity

is assessed by radiographic sensitivity .

smallest referring Sensitivity is a general qualitative term no the isize of and definition of detail which can be seen on a radiograph. It is governed by the image appearing on the radiograph.

t Contras 1.2: Radiographic

. It depends upon of Radiographic Contrast is the density difference in two areas a radiograph Radiog p the subject contrast and film contrast. gamma ray intensities transmitted nsed 1.2.1 Subject Contrast is defined as the ratio of X or g sintensity li t y, on qua It depends upon the radiation u bj ect s d be the ns woul through two different areas of a^ec^ distribution, and scattered radiation. Higher the radiation energy, lower contrast.
G) refers to the slope of characteristic curve of the film at a given rocessing conditions and optical density. It is 1.2.2: Film Contrast ( f film ,p upon the type o It depends it can be expressed as .density

. Mathematically, independent of radiation quality D

(i = Log E

1.3 : Radiographic Definition Radiograph is Definition refers to the sharpness of the outline of the image. It depends upon

the type of film, screens, radiation energy and exposure geometry 2 : FACTORS AFFECTING SENSITIVITY
These are given in table 4.3-


of IQI or penetrameter sensitivity. These are The quality of radiograph is expressed in terms exposure and visibility of their specimen an h the f sensiti vi y.nDesirable properties of IQI are as small devices placed a o adiog ph, forms the the image on the radiog given below :

1. The material should, preferably, be the same as that of the hie technique. 2. It inust be sensitive in its reading to changes in radiograp

i 3. Method of recording should be simple, unambiguous. 4. It should have means for identification.

TABLE 4.3 : FACTORS INFLUENCING RADIOGRAPHIC SENSITIVITY Radiographic Contrast Radiographic Definition
Subject Film Geometric Graininess, Contrast Contrast Factors Fac;:tors

F_ D

a. Thickness difference in specimen b. Atomic number and density

Affected b a. Type of film b. Film processing parameters c. Radiographic density

d. Activity of developer of specimen

efflrtr^t by Affected 1 y a. Focal spot/ source size a. '^ype of film

b. Source to film distance c. Specimen to film distance

d. Sudden change in thickness

b. Type of screen c. Film. development

.of specimen
c. Radiation quality d. Scattered radiation

e. Screen film contrast

3.1 : Commonly Used Image Quality Indicators.

. have been used. Some Various types of designs of IQI based on wires, holes , slits, etc common designs are shown in figure 4.5. 3.1.1 : Plaque/Hole (ASTM) type
This type of IQ' is a constant thickness plate having three drilled holes of diffeieit diameters. If the plate thickness is T, the hole diameters are T, 2 T and 4T with minimum hole diameters , 0 and 0.040 inches respectively. The plaque must be of the same material as are 0.010, 0.0' specimen. Th. same penetrameters are accepted by ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Identification numbers and notches, specifying the material and the IQI thickness are fixed each plate. The number indicates thickness in thousands of an inch. Three quality levels c:.n. be determined with a given ASTM IQI, as given in table 4.4.


Wire Diameter (mm) Set 1-ISO -7 3.2X68 2.5 2.0 6-ISO - 12 1 .0 0.8 . 0.63 10 -ISO-16 0.4'' . 632. 0.25

tDIN 62 1 E


0 . 4:


1.0 0.8

0.32 0.25

0:13' 0.1, .$

10 ISO. 16

Wire Diameter (inch) T^^ r



A B 0.010 0.0032 ' 0.004X ..iuS 0.013': 0.005 0.016 0.0063 0 . 020 0.008 0 . 023 0.010 0 . 032

0 . 032 0.040 0.050 0 . 063 0.080 0 . 100

0.100 0.126 0-160'0.20 0.25 0.32 ^$.5



1 A

ASTM PLAQUE RSTM WIRE Fig. -4.5, Image Quality Indicators

Level of inspection Penetrarneter
thickness (% of specimen

perceptible hole diameter

thickness) 1-1T 1-2T 1-4T 2-1T 2-2T 2-4T 4-IT 4-2T 4-4T 1 1 I 2 2 2 4 4 4 IT 2T 4T IT 2T 4T IT 2T OT .

Equivalent penetrameter sensitivity p er 0.7 1 1.4 1.4 2.0 2.8 2.8 4 5.6


Equivalent sensitivity SE is calculated as SE - Diameter of minimum visible hole in terms of T 2T where. n - penetrameter thickness expressed in percentage ofspecimen thickness T thickness of penetrameter is def'ned as the thickness of penetrameter expressed in percentage in which 2 T hole Id be risible under the same-condition. 3.11.2 : Wire Type Wire type IQI consists of a series of wires of minimum length 25 mm, mounted side by side parallel with a distance between the axis of wires of not less than three times the wire diamc and notless-titan -5 mm and arranged in order of increasing diameter. Wire type of IQIs have been adopted internationally. Most commonly used are DIN type z Ap I IntypeTQls.

3.2 Placement of IQI

As ageneral practice, IQI must be placed on the source side of the specimen . Film side 10 are also pe;nu tted in some codes only in special circumstances.

o f plaque type IQI , it is generally placed parallel to the wei j at a location of p oore l sitiviiy for a given technique . Wires QI is placed across the weld (Fig 4.6). When " weld with t-he.reinforcement is examined, a shim of metal should b: placed under the IQI match the total thickness.
When the objects are too small or have a complicated. structure for IQI placement, iQI can p!aced on a uniform block of the same material.






Fig. 4.6 : Placement of Image Quality Indicators.



^"-^; -s4^^=[FCTIQN^ OF:AS'i^'1Z

Material-Thickness , 101 Designations ani -Penetrameters

I Nominal Single Wall Material Thickness Range in Inches Source Side Designation Essential Hole 2T

Film Side
Wire Dia. inch Designation Essential Hole . inch Wire Dia.

Upto 0 . 25 incl 0.25 to 0.375 0.375 to 0.5

0.5 to 0.75 0/..75 to. 1.0 ^.Y.O to -1.5 1.25 to 2:0


17 _ `20 25 30

2 T
2 T 2T 2T 2 T

- 0.008 0.010
0.013 0.016 0.020 0.025


17 20 25

2T 2T 2T
2T 2T 2T

0.006 0.008 0.010

0.013 0.016 0.020

40 50 .

2.T. 2T

0 40 0.050

2.0 to 2.5 2.5 to 4:0 . 4.0 to 6.0 6.0. to 8.0

8.0 to 10.0 10.0 to 12.0 12.0 to 16.0 16.0 to-20.0

30 . 2T 2T "35' 2T 40
50 2T

0.025 0.032 0,040


2T '80
100 1'20 1b0.._ 200 2T 2 T
2 T

0.100 0.126

g0 100 120 160

2T 2T 2T 2T

0.100 0.126 0.160 0.250

2T 2T

0.250. 0.320

Every radiograph must have permanent identification marks which identify the job, the -region thick steel sections , thin lead letters examined and the orientation of the film. Except on very and:characters can be used for placement on the specimen or film to be visible on the They should be fixed on the specimen when it is casting or weld and left in radiograph . position whenever used. However, moist of the specimen will have permanent marking either by stamping, engraving or service condition of the specimen. painting according to what is most appropriate for the


contribute to the resultant quality of a As given in table 4.3, there are many factors which . factors should be carefully controlled by following a well recognised radiograph . These:, . Inforthation on the following points national / international practice usually specified is codes is essential.

and general requirements such as very high sensitivity, high Technique Classification sensitivity and medium sensitivity are followed as per code.


Material and its Thickness data is essential to select the "source , SFD and other important radiography parameters . Whenever possible , fabrication procedure such as welding, casting. etc. should be made available. Film and Screen used are checked up with the recommendations of the code with respect to the technique classification. Film Processing should be standard as:per the recommendations of mane facturer of the chemicals . -Shortened and prolonged development time must be avoid e^. Density of the Radiograph should be between 2 -3. Higher density malt be employed provided high intensity illuminator is available for viewing the radiographs. Fog{deny it;- and expiry date of the film should be checked. Fog density should not exceed 0.2. Identification Marking System has to be * explicit to enable finding thc: exact area of the specimen without any ambiguity. Lead. markers impression must appear on the radiograph. Source , its active dimensions and calibration data should be verified with recommendations of; the code.
SFI) is directly linked with specified c value It also determines the diagnostic area coverage of the specimen. Exposure geometry with relative position of source, specimen and films shown be given in a sketch-for verification. 1 I

IQ', its location bears the most important information leading to assessment of the, sensitivity of a radiograph. Observed sensitivity is calculated in terms ofth'ckness )f plaque /hole or 'f diameter of the wire discernible-by eye.
Exposure Time should be in the specified range in the code. Besides the above points, the radiograph. is carefully examined on both sides with reflected light to r-weal superficial marks such as scratches, crimps and.other processi.ig marks. Use of a magnifying glass would be helpful. Familiarity with film artifacts and their indication is also essential to determine the genuine discontinuity as different from the spurious indication on the film.

6: UNSATISFACTORY RADIOGRAPHS Most common faults and their causes are listed below. 6.1 : High Density
Excessive film density can be due to overexposure, over-devciopment of film or fog. in casc of over-exposure, the film can be viewed on high intensity illuminator. Another exposure may be made by cutting down the exposure time by 1/3.


^,1ittl ti:: s recommendations be avoided by following the manufacturer ' of film canrs can also cause high density Over= developfient ed tdevel for processing . Unsuitable and wrongly intx

6.2 : Low Density

exposure. under-development , or presenn oftng the Cause for low density may be undercan be corre between the lead -screen and the film. Under exposu nt can be due cte oo cold developer exposure time by 40% or more . Under developme solution. These should be according too short development time, or weak developer solution , Wrongly'mixed developers can also cause low film to the recommended specifications . density.

6.3 : High Radiography Contrast

n t. It-can be due to excessive subject contrast or high film contras e oHi hknbject contr st can us be rectified byincreasfng the kV, use of a filterf ;at the develo Check also atwe rig y methods. Low contrast film can also be'used . nsr u'ulnder posed Elmer, as well as the practice of prolonged development times to.compo 6.4 Low Radiography Contrast pme .nt. it it can be due to low subject and film contrast and under develao d process can the frre under an as t decreasing a iergy of radiation, use of higher contr
standard cond lions.

6.5 Poor Definition

poor contact between film and screen, geometrical exposure factors , Possible causes can beg s hou l.d e The geometrical s .graininess of screens and graininess of film . beb cverifieA nd Ut value. Film and screen gra in the: specified readjusted to meet using fine grain film and improving the. contact between the film and the screen.
In addition, possible movement of the source, film, 'specimen should be arrested to eliminate -movement unsharpness (Um)

6.6 : fog
including safe light ), It can result from excessive exposure to. light ( facility or improper film processing.

inadequate film storage



brigh ness ined fo r loading and processing area should be examn ocafading l ighcoating dyest d ueotf tt on safe light- should also be -exan safe light. The filter use of high wattage bulb. r. radi?lion or excessive heat, may result in improper pw:ectiOr, ,,,,.. facility Inadequate storage Improper film processing can be corrected by mixing proper solutions, humidity and gases .

controlling their temperature , light proofness or dark - room and development .procedures: follow-up of correct-

6.7: Spurious Indications

of films - before, during and after the exposure vmUld result in various types of spurious indications on the film. Faulty film processing and careless handling

Conventional blatk.and white radiographs are viewed against a light source providing the light is called as ' illuminator . The equipment '. '-Various types available . However, the most suitable illuminator is thnef which ' has higheinens source ; ty light sufficient to penetrate the film densities upto d
and mechanical arrangements for oilskin th

g e tghted area.

, with provisions for intensity control

7.1 : Brightness Conditions

Viewing the radiographs on the illuminator is generally carried out in a room fitted with dim lights, free from glare, dazzle and reflections. This helps in quick dark adaptation of eyes. reduces eye fatigue and improves visual acuity.

e d t' rect I y I inked w .h performances of eyes. Hence ii is necess to understand the c apabtltttes, Itmitations and the conditions under which th e eye is m ao t sensitive . It is observed that eyes are most sensitive, when the lumin.scence of light transmitted through the radiograph is in the raiige 30=100 cd  :n2

Reading of radiographs ar

7.2 Illuminators
Minimum illuminator brightness to view film densities 1. 2 and 3 should be 300, 3000 and ((1 30,000'cd/mz respectively. Brightness of the viewing screen can be . checked with photographic exposure meter., if required, by holding its sensitive element close to the screen. 1 Other recommendations are as follows :
1. Colour of light are acceptable. shall be normally white, but colours between orange and pale green through one sheet of thin opal glass is found to be adequate.. 3. Uniformity of brightness should be achieved by masking the illuminated area to the minimum required for viewing radiographic image. The edge of the radiograph should always be masked and if the radiograph contains regions of d considered 1 ess ens: d ense than. the area under examination which are , these shall a lso be m asked. 2. Diffusion of l' tg ht r

7.3 : Viewing Conditions

7.3.1 : Ambient light ; The radiograph is examined in a darkened room. Care should taken so that as little light is reflected as p oss;bi f observer. I nom the film surface, directly towards the f


Gee- s'ly, the light transmitted through the radiograph on the illuminated screen is sufficient for writing etc., but if felt necessary, the ambient lighting can be'increased provided it does not produce: anyuspecular .,reflections of the surface of the radiograph.



The luminance of white opaque card put in place of radiograph contributing to ambient light should not exceed 10 per cent of the luminance of illuminated film, in the area under inspection. 7.3.2 : Adaptation : Eye adaptation d pends upon the light condition to which the observer is an lobserver coming from full sunlight should allow subjected befot a viewing . . A. a- guida , ; from ordinary artificial at least 10 mir:.utes in subdued lightin . before commencing viewing The adaptation period should.be one room light about 30 seconds adaptati is necessary. continuous period of time . If eyes ar subject to full brightness of the illuminator during the changing of radiographs , at least 30 seconds readaptation is necessary. 7.3.3 Viewing Distance : Maximum distance should be about 40 cm. 7.3.4: Magnifying Lens :.Low powered magnifying lens (x3 to x4 ) of reasonable area is


All film readers shall check their eye sight annually for ability to see small .7.3.5: Eye Sight : details at normal film viewing distance.

7.4 : Effects of Viewing Conditions or. Image Quality

Identification of a defect on a radiograph is determined by a relationship between the defect and the minimum density difference that radiographic contrast (4D) corresponding to th ?-, s called as 'minimum perceptible contrast (dD min)': allows the defect to be identified which i The density difference is-perceptible when AD is more than e D min and not perceptible when is viewed in a well lighted room , the AD is tD.is less - than 4D min . -When a radiograph s s mailer than AD. affected resulting in an apparent radiographic contrast ( QDa) which b ecome
When a radiograph is observed in an ordinary room, 7.4.1 Influence of Room Brightness : compared with that in a dark room . the density range of flaw perception is narrower , 7.4.2 influence of Illuminator Brightness : High intensity illuminator increases the perceptible density range.

7.5 Optimum Film Density e ISO 2504 has given recommendation on this point which can be summarized as follows 1. Optimum film density for viewing with maximum sensitivity is inter-related with brightness of viewing screen.

2. Minimum observable contrast, ie., minimum density difference discernible on a film minated screen, depends upon the brightness of light reaching the placed = on the illu eye of the observer.


3. It is reasonable to assume that discernibility of fine'details such as low contrast lines (crack images ) also depends , in the same manner. on brightness of the image as presented on the eye of the observer. 4. Most codes on good radiography practices specify a minimum acceptable film This is based on the density, usually 2 , when metal intensifying screens are used . density/contrast characteristics of good commercial X-ray film. 5. It is necessary to consider importance of glare in addition toscr i brightness.



I of radiation , while passing through. the Radiographic: image is formed by differential absorption thickness or presence of inclusions in the object specimen . Variation in density, composition , can be recorded on an X -ray film.


As mentioned above, the image of discontinuity in the object is formed due to the differential Intensity of radiation transmitted through a thickness. ' x' absorption of radiation in the object . . 1(a). Mathematically, it can be having no discontinuity, can be graphically shown as in figure 5 expressed by equation I = 1 0 e''" .:........(1) i where 14 . is the linear absorption coefficient of the object for the radiation. d' is present in the material, the transmitted intensity under Now, if a discontinuity of thickness '
the.portion of discontinuity would be I = I e K(x 4). (2) 0 However, when a materiel of absorption This is valid when the discontinuity is a void . (2) becomes . coefficient ' is present in the discontinuity, the equation

I = I e^(xa)-

a (3) ..... Fig . 5.1(b)

two possibilities exist , either is Depending upon the type of the material of the discontinuity , 5. l(c). The less than or greater than It'. Graphical attenuation in both cases is shown in figure equation 3 can be rewritten as :
^xap ' ^u)t ..........(4) . I = I0 e^

If d(1-1A ' I) = k, then the above equation can be written as I = lo a Ptx-k)' .........(5)
5) represents the apparent increase or decrease of radiation attenuation in the 'k' in equation ( region of discontinuity.

cons ta n t and d oes not io n wh en ad Above equations are valid only for monochromatic f iat an A is n uous h (conti or change with increase in thickness . This is not w n
radioisotopes having more than one gamma energy. The values of K change ith increase i

thickness of material ,

as softer energy components are filtered off by initial thickness.

(a) Attenuation of Radiation (b) Influence of radiation quality on radiographic contrast


.. d
------ X __--__-31

(c) Attenuation of Radiation under a Defect Fig. 5.1

The above discussion also leads to the defect Image contrastiwtttch depends uponthd(ferenoe aeK of attenuation co-efficient of the defect aril ie sound material More the difference; higher would be the contrasi 'and hence, easily de'te(`t C From known values of attenuation coefficients of the specimen and discontinuity ,- it is possible to calculate the image contrast percentage foiatcertain size defect present in the specimen This can be 'illustrated by the following example.` A steel specimen of thickness 5 cm, havinga,cavity . of 5 mm is radiographed , separately, w ith iridium = 192.and cobalt-60 sources . The percentage subject contrast produced by.tlie cavity, f it is filled with 1) lead and 2 ) aluminum , can be calculated from the available data abut absorption co-efficient given in Table 5.1.

ra t.


Source Lead
Iridium-,192. Cobalt-60

Material Steel Aluminum

1.44 0.55 0.165 0.578 0.346 0.105

-The values obtained -ate

Cobalt-60 Transmission (Io) No cavity' 17.7 -With lead 15.8 With aluminum 19.99

ridium -I 2 Transmission (%) No cavity 6.4 f. With lead 4.09 With aluminum 7.74

From the above, the subject contrast in percentage for the cavity. of 5 mm can be calculated as given in Table 5.2. It can .be.seen from the values that the image of a cavity filled with lead will be seen as positive image, ,whereas with - aluminum , it will be seen as negative image. On an X-ray film, the positive image ~would be brighter and negative image would be darker.


-.Source Cavity filled Contrast Cavity with lead difference filled with
with steel aluminum (per cent) Contrast difference with steel (per cent)

Iridium-192 Cobalt-60

6.4 -4.09 2.31 17.7 - 15.78, = 1.92

36 .0 10 .8

6.4-7.75 .1.35 17.1-10 .99 12.9

The example discussed above shows that radiation from iridium - 192 source produces a better subject contrast , as compared to that from cobalt - 60 source . Greater contrast helps in detection of smaller defects. A defect will be visible when the radiographic contrast dD is equal tc or greater than minimum perceptible density difference ( AD ,,a ,), which depends upon; a. image size,

b. density distribution, c. radiation energy

d. film processing, e. viewing conditions, etc.

Examples of casting and welding defects and their radiographic appearances are given in tables 5.3 and 5.4.


Defect Cause Cold shuts Failure of molten metal to fuse with solid metals. Hot tears Due to stresses near solidification temperatures when metal is weak. Radiographic Appearance Well-defined continuous dark line. Many ragged dark lines often discrete and taper identified by their location near change of section. Dark areas of regular outline tending to taper identified by position of feeding head. Continuous irregular dark lines with branches. Lines may be very fine, similar to layer porosity. Dark areas of smooth outlines may be circular.


Lack of enough molten metal to metal to fill up the shrinkages.

Shrinkage Contraction of metal during . porosity during solidification when feed (filamentary) hole is blocked. Gas and Blow Discrete cavities of 1.6 min dia. hole or more due to entrapment of gas evolved from molten metal or mould. Inclusions Entrapment of materials such as dross and sand. Cracks Uneven distribution and local concentration of alloying metals.

Dark or light areas of irregular shape with sharp edges and folded appearance. Light and dark blotches, snow flake like pattern.

'FABLE 5.4: WELDING IS s ii -iS

Defect ;:;: Cause . .tic strike rtr

.:4strx r. , , Radiographic Appearanc' ;Star shaped cracks. White. areas indicating 'excess metal beyond root,. Continuous dark lines. Dark well defined lines. Dark lines, some tree like branching.
Dark defined lines from weld reinforcement into base metal. Dark lines usually running parallel to weld.

Due'to localized heat: r Coalescenceof-weldmetal

I Central line crevices Cracks (cold)

:beyond root.
Valleys, in between two passes. Rupture of metal'under stress below .400 F.

Cracks (hot) Rupture of metal under stress above,400 F, usually associated with grain boundary. Cracks ^.. Hardening of base metal in (base metal) weld area. Incomplete Improper fusion between weld and fusion parent metal, usually with trapped weld.
Lack-of Failure of penetration due to penetration poor gap, low current.-

Dark continuous line in the middle of the weld. Dark round or elongated images with defined outline. Localized dark areas in the centre. of weld. _
Dark irregular shapes may be continuous with sharp edges. White, distinctively marked in the weld.

-Gas inclusions entrapment of gas due to inclusions inadequate regulation of current or wetVelectrode. Concavity Normally in the root due to of sink improper movement of electrode or too much heat in II pass over I pass. Slag inclusion' 'Entrapment of nonmetallic solid materials.
Tungsten Entrapment of tungsten from tip , inclusion of electrode in TIG process. Undercut Use of high current which burns

edges on parent metal.

Dark continuous. line, running parallel along the weld.'


Radiographic process involves use of penetrating radiations , such as X and gamma rays, ti, 1 I detect discontinuity in materials , and to record the image on an X-ray film. Proper image .t formation on the radiograph is controlled by many factors , such as radiation source , type of film, effect of intensifying screens , geometrical factors, exposure time, film processing, etc. ! ,EI The selection ofa particular radiographic technique is based upon sensitivity requirements

The visibility of the image of a small discontinuity, in a test.object, is possible only when a prop er radiograph y tech nique is used.
Radiography techniques can be affected by the following parameters 1. Radiation source

.J. Films used . Source to film distance (SFD) 4. Radiation beam alignment.
A technique is selected on the basis of the knowledge about the following factors : 1. Test Object -' Material, thickness and configuration 2. Fabrication Process a.. Welds Edge preparation and .we!ding process,

b. Castings - Foundry techniques , including mold preparation, location of vents, gates, etc.
c. Assembly - Fabrication and assembly process of components. ?. Anticipated location and nature of discontinuity. .4. Critical and vulnerable locations. 5 Area of inspection coverage. 6. Sensitivity level required.

2: TECHNIQUE PARAMETER SELECTION 2.1 : Radiation Source Table 6.1 gives the source selection for various steel equivalent thicknesses. 2.2 : Tye of Film
Choice of film from'class I to class IV, is made as in table 6.2 a & b. Generally, for detection of fin,_r defects, fine grain, high contrast films are used.


High Sensitivity Low Sensitivity Technique Technique X-rays 10 keV 15a kev 10 .. 25

25 75 125 200 300 325 12- 62 25-100 40 - 150

75 115. 165 250 350 375 6- 100 12-112 12 - 190

20) keV
400 keV MeV 2 MeV J MeV 30 MeV Iridium = 192. Caesium - 137 Cobalt - 60

2.3 : Geometrical Factors

2.3.1 Dimensions of focus and source are important for determining the value of geometric unsharpness (UB) S.F.D) The selection of source to trim distance depends 2.3.2 S Circe to Film Distance ( Ug) it is givenbyAhe upon the n aximum value of permissible geometric unsharpness ( expression


SFD t(1 + d/Us)

SFD, t, d and V9 are in same units:

Where, SFD - source to film distance, us - geometrical unsharpness,

SFD also controls the area of .2.4::-Sensitivity

in d 'effective source size / e t -object thickness..

the specimen covered in a single exposure.

. High sensitivity technique is The sensitivity of a radiography technique can be high or low . Latitude employed in all applications where rzdiographic examination is mandatory is a low sensitivity , in which a single radiograph covers a range of thickness technique , - uniform generally used for examination of assembled parts, or an object of non technique ; thickness.

Thickness of Material Iridium-192 mm) MaPneciin ,__


0- 06
'06 '12 12 -2*5 D2, D4 25 5O 2 - 100
Over 100 D2,D4


D4.,D5 D7

D2,D4 D2.D4;DSD7 D4;D5,D7 , D4 , D5 , D7 D7


D4, N. D5, D7 DS; D7 D7

TABLE 6.2b - For X Rays

Energy :range & suggested film :types

80-120 kV

120-150 kV

150-250 kV


0- 06
06 - 12 12 - 25 25- 50 50 - 100 `100 - 200 Aluminium 0- 06 06 - 12 12 25 25 - 50 50 - 100

D2 D4 . D2 , D4 ,
D4 , D 5, D7 _ D7

D2 D2,D4
D4, D5

D2 .


D4 D4

D2 D2





D2,D4 D5 , D7

D2,D4 D4 D4, DS D5, D7 D7


D2 , D4 62 D4,D5; D;'

D2 D2 D4 D4, D5, NDT 55

100 - 200


D7 NDT 65

0- 06 .06 - 12 12- .25 25 - 50 .

50 - 100




D4,D5,D7 D7

D4,D5;D7 D4,D5 , D7


Some of-the recommended p

_ A raf ,)

t'tor latitude technique are given below :

1. Use of Low Contrast Film : Using a low contrast film, the thinnest portion of the specimen is exposed for highest acceptable film. density. Depending u po n the film gradient, higher thickness , represented by the lower ltmif: of acceptable.filmm ' density, can be covered in the inspection . 2. Use of Harder Radiations : Use of harder radiation reduces the density difference between the . thicker and thinner section . So, in the permissible film density range, the: latitud e i mproves. While using X-ray machine , higher kV helps in reducing exposure time also. 3. Use of Filter : A filter placed in the beam removes the softer components and it improves the latitude.


Fusion weld:; can be on flat plates-or cylindrical objects, such as pipes. The weld can also be of butt oi.fillet type . Radiographic . inspection of these welds with sensitive'techniques reveals

flaws , such as cracks , lack of root penetration , lack of fusion , porosity, inclusigns, etc. Occurrence of such defects in weld can generally be identified with joint preparations , welding procedure , heat treatment , etc. Information on all these basic factors ' guides in anticipating the occurrence of flaw at a location and thus', helps in selecting a particular exposure geometry.

4.1 : Technique for Fusion Welds on 'Fiat Plates

4.1.1:: Butt Welds Butt joints on flat plates are usually made with edge preparation of single double Vor square. Welds with single and double V edge preparation are examined, with
the possible exposure geometries as shown in figure - 6 . I. Technique (a) & (c) with source located perpendicular to the weld is ideal for detection of root flaws such as cracks , lack of root penetration . Angular exposure (b) & (d )' is best for detection of lack of fusion between weld and parent metal. Inspection techniques for butt welds with ASTM image quality indicators are shown in figure 6.2.. These.are applicable for a) welds without reinforcement b) welds with reinforcement c) welds with reinforcement and integral backing strip

d) & (e) welds with reinforcement and cladding base material

4.1.2: Fillet Welds : Fillet welds are generally made with square or bevel edge preparation. The exposure set up for joints having 100 per cent corner penetration and 1007per cent standing : leg penetration are shown in figure 6 .3 (a & b). The source is positioned at an angle to enable detection of lack of side fusion and also lack of root fusion.

1 Q



90 450


1 Q


i \"v-3


"'11,11" 1 FBI,

1. Source 3. Line of fusion or the angle of edge preparation 2. Film 4. Fusion line Fig. 6.1 : Radiography techniques 10' for inspection of Butt Welds on flat plates.
10 1c^

(a) /


/Jr i /' ire,


3 ,,

ri (


^t t
r 1

1 11^ 11


t r, I

/ 1, 1 1 1

IMMNMW ^,-."ISx" 7//, ftg, , ^^O W/' ON.

Fig. 6.2 :. Radiography of Butt

1. Source 2. fiiltn 3 image quality indicator 4. Shim 5.. Backing strip

-Welds with use of ASTMp eaetrameters. Sruare joints with four fillets and lap joints examined el up as shown inare for root + vl etration with exposure s figure 6 . 3(c & d).


3: LATITUliig 'rECRT^'QUE.
Some of the recommended p t


rtion Using a low contrast film, the thinnest pupon the fttim 1. Use of Low Contrast Film : . 'eensity, specimen is exposed for highest acceptable film.density bie flijt represented by the lower limit of accep , higher thickness gradient , can be covered in the inspection. difference harer ra d iation i the perm ssib eefilm density range, 2: Use eHarder e sect on. So,machine, higher kV helps in reducing er t hinn ker and prov betwe the. th ic the.. latitude improves. While using X-ray exposure time alsb. 3: We of Filter : A filter placed in the beam removes the softer components and it improves the latitude.


for latitude technique are given below :


lindrical objects, such as pipes. The weld can also be reveals Fusion weld:; can be on flat plates or cylindrical of these welds with sec o'e t ech n iques inspection inclusions. of butt of fillet type. Radiographic. flaws, such as cracks, lack of root penetration, lack of fusion, p y. wdin can generally lbei based with Occurrence of such defects in weld or soguidespna iiticipa el the

procedure, heat treatment, etc. Informatior. on a articular exposure ^geometry_ occurrence of flaw at a location and thus, helps'' n selecting a p

4.1 Technique for Fusion Welds on at Plates

on flat plates are usually made with edge preparation of single joints Butt We . eButt 4.1.1: preparation are examined. with v; .double Vor square. Welds with single and double V edge c with source es; as sh in figure 6 1. Tecniqu (a) & lack of the possible exposure geometri coalvfor detection of root flaws such as cracks, located perpendicular to the weld enetration. Angular exposure (b) & (d) is best for detection of lack of fusion between root p
weld and parent metal Ins ection techniques for butt welds with ASTM i-nage quality indicators are shown in p figure 6.2.. These. are applicable for (

a) welds without reinforcement b) welds with reinforcement , c) welds with reinforcement and integral backing strip : base material d) & (e) welds with reinforcement and cladding 4.1.2 Billet Welds :Fillet welds are generally made with square or bevel edge preparation.
The exposure set up for joints having 100 per cent core s per cent


to enable detection of lack of side fusion and also lack of root fusion.

: leg penetration are shown in figure 6.3 (a & b).

at an angle o etratipositoned srce is

1. Source 3 . Line of fusion or the angle of edge preparation 2. Film 4 . Fusion line Fig. 6.1 : Radiography techniques for inspection of Butt Welds on flat plates.

I^ //ji It\

1 I.-Source 2. Film

3:- image quality indicator 4. shim 5. Backing strip Fig. 6.2 : Radiography of Butt-Welds with use of ASTM peaetrameters.

Sruare joints with four fillets and lap joints are examine se' up as shown in figure 6 3(c P. d d for root eretration with exposufie .).

///-/% i'/%%
a. 100 % corner penetration b. 100 % joint,penetration ,
1 . / I

r/yki% ` iii` 1

d. Lap joint

. Source _ 2. Film
c. Square joint

Fig. 6.3 . Radiography techniques for fillet joints.

1@0 150

P1 p


Corner joint with double V (b) 1. Source . - 2. Film Fig. 6.4 : Radiography Techniques for Corner Joints.


Plane corner joint with 100 % penetration (c)

Corner joints ma have configuration as shown in figure 6.4. Square joint oftside^ per P... corner penetration is radiographed as shoivn in figure 6.4a for revealment any. CornelLjoinis with double bevel are examined with exposure fusion,
shown^ t cent4c) cracks with film and joint in a parallel Psition per cent joint penetration is examined for root (Fig. 6. Fig. 6.4b. A plane corner joint, having set up as

4.2 : Techniques for Welded Joints on Pipes or Cylindrical ObJjects

Depending are adopted. upon the size and accessibility of both sides of the pipe, the following 4.2.1 : Single Wall penetration : hi this technique, several methods of (Fig.


exposure are 19, 6.5). The ideal position to loca'e the source would be the centre of the possib' (a) & (d). i p ecylindras o r However, if the centre is not accessible or if pipe diameter i srr.r.av the source can be o.ff the centre andithe ex%^osures can be taken as in (b). The welds car. Le divided into several segments and the exposures are carried out. c

p s

a. Source in centre

b. Source eccentric

\ 'I /I

/I1 It

c. Source outside, film inside

d. Source inserted in centre through adjacent hole

1. Source 2. Film 3. Lead backing

Fig. 6.5 : Radiographic Examination of Pipes with Single Waal Penetration

In the second case, the film is placed inside the pipe and the source is. placed externally as in (c). This technique is. more sensitive for detecting root defects. - However; the'.area accessible for interpretation will be small and the entirewed is covered by.taking several exposures.

1. Source 2. Film Fig. 6.6 : Radiographic Examination of Pipe with Double Wall Penetration. 4.2.2 Double wall single image If there is no access to the inner side of the pipe, to keep either the film or the source , this technique may be adopted ( Fig. 6.6). This is mi sdy suitable for the pipes of diameter above . 80-mm.. Sources can be kept on the pipe or away from'the pipe, depending on the diameter of the pipe, SFD required and accessibility. 4.2.3 : Double Wall Double Image : This technique is adopted . for smaller size pipes of diameter upto 80mm . The source is kept at one angle with respect to the weld, so as to avoid overlap. of the top and bottom weld. Generally , 10 -. 12 offset angle is given for-the exposures ( Fig. 6.6 ). Two exposures are .taken by rotating the pipe through 90.



The purpose of inspection standards and codes is to prescribe a test procedure for ';f l assessment of the quality of a product . The inspection standards and codes prescribe optirr conditions , which could produce -test sensitivity closest to the theoretical values. Ii'
Applicability of radiographic inspection for non-destructive evaluation mainly depend the nature, size and location of the discontinuity looked for. General radiographic star. followed are briefly mentioned below.


There are several national and international standards and codes practiced in indusi radiography. Some of the prominent ones are ASTM, ASME, B.S, DIN and ISO. The j^ roa y c l assified into four groups. b AI.

2.1 : Standards for Image Quality Indicators (1Q) (Penetrameters)

ASTM E-142 (USA) B.3. 3971 (UK) DIN 54109 (West Germany) NF A 04-304 (France) ISO-1021, 1IS G 3522 ( Japan) _. These standards specify the type, material , size and shape of IQI and method for ralculnr" sensitivity.

2.2 : Standards for Techniques .

The standards give information on the following points

1. General requirement and technique classification.

2. Film and screen selection and accep ..able toy density. 3. Radiograph density.

4. Identification system and location markers. 5. Source selection.

6. Source to film distance - U values. 7. Image Quality Indicators (I0I).

8. Procedure requirements.

2.3 : Standards for Specific Structures and x r ' ; ;s

Standards in this group cover specific areas of applications, such as fabrication of pre;


vessels and pipeline s . Conte nt"

of the standards include guidelines fortest procedures and

Some of the important codes are

acceptance and rejection criteria during fabrication .

ASME Bound Pressure Vessel code Sec. III & VIII !(1515).. . _ Pipelines Carrying fluids

AL-S"tda 1A4^ B.S6 i i Petrol Storage tanks B.S. 2654.

2.4 : Reference Radiographs

Sets of different types of radiographs ar available for welds and castings. their s. Indcordi s e veal on the radiograph.-are classified as per type 0f defects and also g severity levels. 'Principle collection of reference radiographs include Welds IIW Collection of Reference Radiographs.

^," ASTM-

E-390 in three volumes upto 203 mm thick steel welds.

Castings (Steel) AS_-_E_4 4;..for thickness upto 51 mm. ASTM E=1& for thickness from . 51 .115 mm. ASTM-E-280 for thickness from 115 -.305 mm. The standards have been classified into four broad categories. 1. Standards for welds in steel plates. 2. Standards for welds in pipes and cyiindrical objects. 3. Standards for welds o f boiler and pressure vessels. 4: Standards for steel castings.



3.1 : Classification of ;Techniques

In ISO -R-1106 , classified aswhich is applicable to fusion welds upto 50 mm thickness , the techniques are

-rays applicable to mild or low alloy steels Class A : - General techniques for X ray techniques for important applications needing ^Cl^s B - More sensitive X higher sensitivities. -General techniques for gamma rays for general applications when shape, Class C ders use of X-rays impossible. thickness and accessibility ren _. x

For plate !hickness in the range 50-200 mm , iSO 2405 is applicable. In DIN 54111 , two classes of radiography techniques are specified. Class A - General technique. Class B - More sensitive technique.


Thickness in mm

Energy Screen

Front Back (minimum)

Below 120 kV Lead ---- 0.1 120 - 250 kV Lead 0.025 - 0.125 0.1 250 - 400 kV Lead 0.05 -0.16 0.1
Iridium-192 Cobalt - 60 Lead 0.05 - 0.16 0.16 Cobalt - 60 Steel or 0 .5 2.0 0.25 - 1.0 Copper

3.2 : Films and Screens

ISO R 1106 -toss A ' - No screen type films, with or without lead screens ass B & C - Fine grain high contrast films in combinatij rn with lead screens. According to ISO 2405, only direct types of films with medium speed fine grain and very fin.
grain films can be used. Recommendations for screens , as per BS 2600, are given ii table 7.1.

3.3 : Source to Film Distance: (SFD)

Minimum SFD depends upon the permissible Ug values. It also decidfs the field of cover* in a single unidirectional exposure.
In ISO 1106, the resulting.U, value should not be more than 0.4 mm for techniques A and G

and 0.2 mm for technique B.




Applicable codes for cylindrical shape objects are listed below.

API 1104 - Standard for welding pipelines and related facility by American Petroleum Institute. BS 2633 - Specification for Class I Arc welding of ferrite steel pipe work for carrying fluids.


IIS/IIW 85-61 Code prescribes 3 classes :
Class I 100% radiography of butt welds. Class II Random Radiography. Class III No Radiography. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessels Code Section V exclusively deals with NDT requirements. The code prescribe minimum qualification of the personnel as well as their visual activity.

Though ASTM and ASME do not specify separate codes for radiographic examination of castings, the :;pecifications cover important aspects of radiography procedures in' various designations . Some of the important ones are - Recommended practice for radiographic testing. E-142 - Standard for controlling quality of radiography testing. B esides these, there are number of sets of casting reference radiographs , covering ; materials such as steel, copper -nicke` alloy, tin, bronze, aluminum and magnesium ,. described in different designations. BS 4080 gives procedure for radiographic examination of alt-typee of I - _t- - - , .. . .. .. steel cast ngs . mportar given below. I b. IQI Use of wire or step type IQI:..as given in BS 3971 and their acceptable sen s iti v i ty l eve l s for di fferent thickness are specified c. Only' direct type X-ray films td be'Used in conjunction with metal foils made: of lead, copper, tantalum and tungsten, -the thick ness, and' the material depending upon radiation energy employed. d. Source of selection for different thickness ranges , as given in tables 74and1.5.

7.6 i

While using doable film technique to cover thick and thin sections ' in a casting, the kilo'l! or the energy of the radiation will be determined by the thicker section.

9 : ' BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Codes and Standards


Bureau of Indian Standards has a number of standards on industrial radiography practic

some of them are given in table 7.7.

IS 2598-1966 Safety code for industrial radiography practices. IS 2595-1693 Code practice for radiography testing. IS 1182-1967 Recommended practice for the radiographic examination of fusion welded butt joints in steel plates. IS 3657-1966 Specifications for image quality indicators.

IS 4853-1968 Recommended practice for radiographic exar,:in tion of fusion welded circumferential joints in steel pipes.

Except IS 3657, all other standards cover radiography pra :ices in a general way. l-lighi of these specifications are as under
1. IS 2595 : This standard is prepared deriving assistance from ASTM -G-y . includes exposure charts for X-rays, general procedures or exposure set up, processing and radiation protection of personnel . Information on various ty image quality indicators is appended in the standard. 2. IS 2598 : This code is formulated on the lines of ICRP recommendations illustrn' the possible radiation-hazards from internal and external contamination, k radiation sources . Radiation safety requirements `ar X-ray and gamma installations ,. radiation leakages from the source housir:. and shielding method, suggested . Personnel radiation monitoring has beer c :. xtensively covered. standard serves as ar. ideal guide for safe radiography p:, 3. IS 3657 : The standard gives the specification for f i rication of image qu indicators. 4. IS 1182: The standard recommends three techniques conduct of radiogral examination such as :

a) General technique for X-rays

b) Special techniques for X- rays and

c) Technique for gamma ray examination

For standard radiation sources , the source to film disu ..r;c can be rc_ _+ off dire from the graphs. The acceptable film density is 1.7 to 3J , techni _ (a) an and.2 . 0 to 3.0 for technique (c).

5. IS 4g53 : The standard outlines the procedure for the radiographic examinatinlK of
the circumferential joints in steel pipes . Most of the . recommendations are common IS 1182 . Some typical exposure arrangements are also illustrated .. z ^.

Group A : Applicable for the radiographic,e,jamination of longitudinal and circumferential butt welds of drum shells and heads . The extent of radiographic coverage on the cylindrical objects depends upon the diameter and the wall.thickness. Group B : Group B is for the spot radiographic examination comprising of at least -40%, of the whole length of the weld. Individual radiographs are not shorter ..than 25 . cm, unless necessitated by the shape of the joint . In all cases , -the radiographic examination covers joints of intersections of welds . Spot 'radiograph ic examination is generally applicable for the butt welds in furnaces, combustion chambers, etc.


Acceptance or rejection of welds, castings or other articles based on the magnitude of the discontinuity, as (etected by radiographic examination , is complicated and needs a background knowledge on interpretation of radiographs . These limits are generally established with reference data c n 'effect of flow on the strength of the. material under various service conditions ' .

10.1: Acceptable and Unacceptable Flaws

A radiograph of a weld or casting may show certain indication due to discontinuity, which may not lower or reduce the material strength and also : nc failure could be caused because of them. Such flaws are considered acceptable . For example , in a casting, the defects whiOb occur on' or near surface and likely to be removed ' in the final machining , are acceptable, Weld indications such as central line crevices , high-low, limited tungsten. inclusion , wagon tracks and weld spatters are considered as not harmful.

10.2: CIassification of Defects

First step, towards arriving at acceptance /rejection limits of defects would be to-classify them in broad categories, such as surface and internal discontinuity. In case of internal;defects,it would further be necessary to identify - their nature ,. such as planar type or volume type . Next step would be to assess their severity and arrange them in order of severity levels,and group them together with common identifier.

10.3: Acceptance /Rejection Procedure for acceptance/rejection involves either of the following methods
a. Use of Reference - Radiographs': Reference radiographs provide excellent ILidance for comparing , the flaws on the radiograph, leading to their classification for

b. Measuring dimensions of the flaws and tallying their sum witli the acceptable_ norms,
given in the standard...

J Acceptance Standards 10.4: TYpi ! Wells 10.4.1 .

n which 'Collection of Reference Radiog splis oh f w lds', i blue, gre^ has p ublished an atlas of and codified in different colours, IIW s have been grouped together flaw ti severity. and red , in order of increasing baseld on sy:ven nominal we E390 has volumes of reference radiograp hs, Tided flaws are gig( ASTM= in five severity levels U There are graded flaws shown pdimensions as obser' thicknesses. When flaws are to be evaluated on the bases O t tl.etr for information . the general guidelines are as follows on the radiograph , { unacceptable, under the c odes for pressure vessels , and pipelin

X4.2: Cracks Any type of crack is

exception being crater crack upto 4mm permissible under API-1104. Penetration 10.4.3 : Incomplete Fusion and

r all codes applicable to pressure vessels. However, codes applicable Not acceptable, unde
pipelines carrying fluids such as BS 2654 Part 2, API 1104, BS 2633, BS 4677, t: ' '^ .1;, rejectable when the length exceeds the specified limit. 11,1.4.4 : Inclusion. Slag inclusions of certain dimensions are permissible in a certain length and thicknes

weld. mcase of tungsten inclusion, only a small size less than 3 mm or 1/4 of thickness of whichever is less, is permitted. 10.4.5: Porosity
Acceptable limits of porosity are determined by total permissible area cf porosity, in a t length of weld. Porosity charts indicating the size, number and their d:istributinn patter: th,ckness of weld, are usually available for comparison. 10.4.6: Root Cavities Root cavitiesresulting in thickness of welds lesser than that of parent metal al 'e, 10.4.7: Burn Through

Unprepared burn through should not exceed 6 mm or thickness of pipe.

wv ^vilir

i ). i.8 , aaerculs Undercuts should not exceed certain per cent of.the pipe wall thickness, 'mazimumpermitted= being 0.8 mm. 10.4.9 : Castings ASMB Section VIII Provides guidelines for acceptance/reje'tion limits f r steel c f
min, using following ASTM standards E-466 - Upto 51 mm thickness E-185 - From 51 to 115 mm E-280 - From 115 to 305 mm Casting defects in. these- standards have been divided'in seven groups, such as gas porosity, sand and slag inclusions , shrinkages hot tears, cracks, linear discoi ,^tinuity , inserts and mottling . These defects have been presented in 5 classes representing increasing severity levels. Maximum acceptable severity' limits under ASME section VIII are given in table 7.8.

Defect type E-466 E-185 E-280

upto 25 - 25-50 I 51 - 115 115 305 Gas porosity 1 Sand and Slag 2 inclusions .7 J2 ' - . Shrinkages Type 1 .. .1 Typ e 2 _ 1 Type 3 3 Hot tears 0 Cracks . 0 Linear 0 discontinuity inserts' 0 Mottling 0 1 3 2 ' .2 2 2

For ^errous castings, weighing 50 kg and above, suggested acceptance guidelines are given intable:7.9.


Unacceptable 2. Sponginess 3. Cold shuts 4. Unfused chills and chaplets 5. Filamentary Shrinkages Unacceptable Unacceptable Unacceptable Can be accepted, if indicated a^ cfantral line shrinkage. Dangerous when extending towar surface. Each case to be judged on the basis of its locati, in the ca ., ting. Not serious , if not interconnect 20 % of the thickness section. . :gin be tccepted up to to be decided

Being surface or sub-surface , acce .: in relation with the amount of ma..'


ISO R 1'.06 Recommended . practice for radiographic inspectia . : sitxt welded butt joints, for steel plates upto 50 mm (2 inches) thick.
ISO 2405 Recommended practice for radiographic inspecti : .:si n welded butt joints, for steel plates 50 to 200 mm thick. ISO R 947 Recommended practice for radiographic inspection : rential fusion welded butt joints in steel pipes upto 50 mm wall this

IIW-85-61 Radiography-of welds of boilers and pressure. vessels. B.S. 2600 General recommendations for radiographic exami _ on weld Part - 1973 circumferential butt joints in steel pipes. B.S. 29:0 General recommendations for radiographic examinat'. welded 1965 circumferential butt joints in steel pipes.B.S. 4030 Methods for Non-destructive testing of steel castings. 1966

B.S.1971 Specifications for image quality indicators '. -aphy and 1961 recommendations for their use.
B.S. 2554 Part-2 - Specification for vertical steel welded st: with butt 1961 welded shells for petroleum industry.

B.S. ^ 633 Specifications for Class I arc welding of ferrite steel ; =;ed k .r .1965 carrying fluids. B.S. 4677 Specifications for Class I arc welding of 1971 gust ass steel pipe work, used for carrying fluids.
DIN 54111 German standard.


Conventional radiography techniques use X-ray machines.upto 400 acV and gamma sources, like iridium-192 and cobalt-60. These are useful for examination of steel equivalent thicknesses -upto 200 mm'. When*it is required to,radiograph greater thicknesses of materials , on-line examination of objects or have high "resolution radiography testing, advanced radiography techniques are: used . Some of these are mentioned here.


X-ray machines producing radiations of 1 MeV or more energy are considered as 'High Energy Sources '. The useful energy range in radiography extends from 1 MeV to about 30 MeV.

Increase in X-ray energy above 1 MeV, 1. increases the probability of scattered radiation emitted in the forward direction, 2. reduces the ratio.-of scattered to direct radiation intensity reaching the-film, for a given object thickness, 3. increases the quantity of radiation . emitted and 4. results in distribution of X-rays more ,pronounced Jn At a ,foc ' d direction and : reduction in-effective field width,- at asclected -fllcr to focus tstat!ce

2X: High Energy X-ray, Equipment

X-ray equipment The - performance characterh .tics which should be considered for high energy

1. maximum X-ray energy, 2. focal spot size, 3. X-ray output, 4. effective field size and 5. flatness of X-ray field. The equipment now available for radiography work are listed in table 8.1. 2.2 :. Applications Some applications of high energy X-ray radiography are 1. examination of thick materials like casting , heavy weldments. etc., 2. examination of objects which scatter low voltage radiation , like jet aircraft engine. turbine blades,

v4, ^

3. examination of dense materials, like-.uranium alloys,


4. projective magnification .: Because of small focal spots, width of the order of I mm in-betatrons , this technique can be used for detecting small flaws. In this technique , image of defect is projected bigger than its natural size, by keeping the film cassette at a distance behind the object. By this technique, sensitivity is improved , since the comparative size of defect image to film unsharpness increases . In addition, proportion of scattered radiation reaching the film reduces. a 5. Stroboradiography and Flash radiography : Since high energy X-rays f om linac and betatrons are produced in series of short high intensity pulses, it is possible to inspect vibrating and rapidly moving systems and the techniques are called stroboradiography and flash radiography, respectively.


This is an NDT method that produbes image of object, using penetrating radiation, which can be viewed as the object is being.irradiated. This technique.was originally called Fluoroscopy. The image can be viewed either directly or converted into video signal and seen on a TV monitor. Principle of this technique is shown in figure 8.1. (.

1. Test Specimen
2. Fluorescent Screen 3. Photo-cathode 4. Electron Paths 5. Viewing Screen 6. TV Camera Tube 7. Viewing Screen Tube with CCTV System a. Image Intensifier 1. Test Specimen 2. Thin Metal Electrode 3. Photo-conductive Layer 4. Opaque Interphase 5. Electroluminescent Layer 6. Transparent Electrode 7. Support Plate


b. Solid State Intensifier

1. Test Specimen 2. Photo-conductor 3. Screen Grid

4. Viewing Screen

c. X-ray Vidicon Fig. 8.1. Real Time Radiography

8 .3

3.1 : Advantages
1. Accept/Reject decisions can be made immediately without delay. 2. Object can be moved in the desired direction during inspection. 3. Automatic handling of systems is possible.


With conventional radiography equipment, when inspecting small diameter pipes, panoramic t exposures are not possible , as U becomes more than the permitted limits. In addition, the image magnification is not possibfe due to the same reasons.. Hence, small discontinuity in the objects, may not be visible. Microfocus X-ray units which have focal spots of the order of 10-100 microns are very useful for examination of such objects. Principle of projection radiography, using microfocus X-ray units is shown figure 8.2.

`^t- Focal flit spot / 1t\

/ I t1\
11\ \
Object -4

Film. I t \ \ Magnified image

of defect

Fig. 8.2 : Microfocus X-ray Radiography








M.J. SUBRAMANYA AND S.P. AGARWAI, Radiological Physics and Advisory Division, BARC


MUMBAI 400 085 x'1997

1. Basic Mathematics 2. Basic Radiation Physics

3. Interaction of Radiation with Matter 4. Radiation Quantities and Units 5. Biological Effects of Radiation 6. *Operational Limits 7. Radiation Detectors and Monitors

8. Radiation Hazard Control

9. Radiation Accidents in Industrial Radiography 10. Regulatory Aspects of Radiation Protection 11. Practi(al in Radiation Safety



, say, for determining the radiation In industrial radiography, we need' to do certain calculations exposure to-6e given for getting a good radiograph; for finding cordoning off distance, etc. These are simple calculations involving some.basic-mathematics..

We know that 1 kilogram (kg) means 10 00 1 kg = 1000. gm


It can also be written as - 1 kg = 103 gm = 1000 gm Also 1000 milligram = 1000 mg = 1 gm

Similarly, 1000 milli R/h = I R/h 103 mR/h = 1 R/h

By these; we understand 103 , =10x lOx 10 1000 ----______ (Kilo) Similarly, 102 = lOx 10 = 100 ---- --------- -106 = 1O x to x 10'x 10 x 10 x 10 = 1,000,000 (Mega) 109 = lox lox lox lox lox lox 10x lox 10( Olga) 103 is called 10 cube or 10 raised to power. 3. 42 is called 4 square or 4 raised to power 2.

102 is called square of ten or ten square 104 is called inverse -square of ten 1 1 _ 1 that is 10-2 = 102 , 10 x 10 loo


20y=20x0:5= 10 If 6x=210 x = 210 = 35

A. If one mango costs Rs . 2/- what is the cost of six mangoes? Cost of one mango Cost of- six mangoes = Rs. 2/2 x 6 Rs. 12/4

Similarly, we can work out the following

If radiation level at a place with one curie source is 12 mR/h, what would be the level at the same place with 8,Ci source? The answer would be 12 x 8 = 96 mR/h. B. If one dozen oranges cost Rs. 24 /12 oranges cost Rs. 24/what is the cost of one orange?

one orange costs Rs. 24 = Rs. 2/In a similar way, if the exposure rate at 1 meter from an I 'd'

I Um-,Y,1 source mR/h, what is the activity of the source if on e cur i e i ridium -192 gives 500 mR/h at1 meter ? Given : Exposure rate at 1 meter = 2000 mR/ h from the source Known : Exposure rate at 1 meter due to 1 Ci iridiumr-192 = 500 mR/h Activity of th e source = 2000 500= 4 Ci

a. Quarter kilogram can also be called 1 /4 kg or 0.25 kg or 250 gram. 0.25 kg = 0.25 x 1000 gram = 250 gram (1 kg = 1000'gram) b. If the distance between A and B is 254 cm, what is the distance in meters ? 254 100 = 2.54 meters [Since 1 meter = 100 cm] C. 0.057 = 57 1000

d. 0.5 R/h = 0.5 x l0fi0- mR/h = 500 mR/h

e. 2500 mR = 2500

1000 R = 2.5 R


h. 15cm=



. la. If a man travels 2500 meters in 30 minutes what is the'speed per minute and per hour ? In 30 minutes tie travels 2500 meters In 1 minute he will travel 2500 = 250 30 _ 3 meters/min In 60 minutes (1 hour) he will travel 23 x 60 = 5000 meters/hour = 5 kilometers/hour lb., If a man standing at a place for 15 minutes receives 50 mR exposure, what is the expo-. sure rate per hour or radiation level at that place ? _ Exposure in 15 minutes = 50 mR Exposure in I :minute = IS mR Exposure rate or radiation level = s x 60 mR/h =-200 mR/h
2a. If a man drinks 0.5 litres milk per day. How much milk will drink in 2 months ?

1 month = 30 days 2 months = 30 x 2 = 60 days in 1 day hedrinks 0.5 litres milk In 60 days he will drink = 0.5 x 60 5 x 60 30 litres milk. 10 2b. If the radiation level at a particular distance from a nne c^wr?e.iridium 192 source is 20 mR/ h, what is the radiation level at the same distance . from . a'curie. iridium-192 source? Exposure rate with I Ci iridium-192 = 20 mR/h Exposure rate with *15 Ci iridium-192 = 20 x 15 mR/h =.300 mR/h

3. If a job requires 60 minutes for a single operator, how many operators Fare each operator spends only 5 minutes on the job ? needed so With 60 minutes, the job requires only one operator. With 1 minute permitted for operator, the job requires 60 operators. or
If 5 minutes is permitted for each operator, than 60 = 12 operators are required.

4. If a person works for 40 hours in a radiation field of 5 exposure he shall receive ? mrejm/h, how much radiation (A '1s: 200 mrem)

5. If for a radiation worker dose limit (maximum) is 2000 units/year, he should

more than units in a month. not receive (Ans: 166 units)

A. To find the square root of a number by the method Example: 5 25 :3x5x5x5x5 3 5625 = 3x5x5 3 1875 = 75 5. 625 Therefore the square root of 5625 is equal to 75 5 125 5 1 25 5 B. To find tie square root by method of long division 1. Find the, square root of 6561 of factors.

81 8 +8

I 6561 - 64
' 161

^- 161 I 0. . The square root of 6561 is 81.


125 L+1 22 +2 245 15625 -1 056 - 44 1225 - 1225 0 The square root of 15625 is 125.


. All materials in the universe are made of different elements iridium , gold, lead are - some of the elements we are familiar with. Hydrogen , oxygen, iron,

charged central portion Atom is the smallest part of an element. An atom has a positively going around the nucleus, in electrons called ' nucleus '. It also has negatively charged protons which are positively charged different orbits . The nucleus has two types of particles which do not carry any charg An atom, is electrically neutral as the number and neutrons of protons in its nucleus is equal to the number of^electrons in the orbits. structures of some ic f- 2 Lin-an atom is kncLiacn .as its gtvm* atoms are shown in figure 2 . 1. The r &L-Q number M . Every atom of a particulars element has a definite number of protons eg., aluminum has 13, cobalt has 27, iridium has 77 protons.

Hydrogen (lp) Helium (2p+2n)

Carbon (Gp+6t:)

Fig. 2.1 : Atoms of Some Elements. The mass of an atom is almost completely concentrated in the nucleus, as electrons have negligible mass. A proton or a neutron is about 1800 times heavier than an electron. Mass _ nber of neutrons--M) in its number (A) of an atom is the number of protons (Z) plus the nu presented as -nucleus, ie., A = N + Z. Atom of any element X is re A Z A - Mass number X Z - Atomic number

1H 1

Hydrogen Fig. 2.2 : isotopes of Hydrogen.




urel on the atomic - number,. Any. atom or The chemical behavi oLan element . is de endent . but haven different number of neutrons (N) is .^_ nuclide haven me number bfprotons W Isotopes of hydrogen are s hown in figure 2.2. called an isotope of the element . 191Ir, 192Ir and 193 Ir are isotopes of iridium . Similarly, 77 a 77 77 27 Co, .27 Co and 27 o are isotopes of coba t._ The s tability of an isoto p e , depends upon the Some isotopes are stable others are unstable relative number of neutrons and Drotons in its nucleus A:'. unstable nucleus becomes stable ticle beta arti This process is known as by fitting radia ionssuch as alpha par Theref re, unstable isotopes are known as radioactive isotopes (or radivact In the above examples, radioisotopes 3 92. 1' 58 r, 27 Co 1H' 1' 77 e Radioactivity is a spontaneous process. It is not affected by-external influences the element ets temperature, pressure; .dilution, etc. On emission of alpha or beta particles

to transform (disintegrate converted intnew element. 'Thus, a radioisotope is said into a new element along with the emission cf one or two types of particulate or decay) . Quite often, this is followed by the emission of electrQmaanetic radiation ll radiations calied gamma radiation. Emission of. different types of radiation are shown in figure 2.3. A radioisotopes mentioned above, except 3H, emit gamma radiation.

Alpha particle (a protons & P. neutrons

Fig-.:23 :;' Emission of Different Types of


naturaUX nerall among Heavier elements . They are called Radioactivity exists in natuce , g,e 238 are some of. the naturally 40, carbon - 14, uranium occurring radioisotopes . . Potassiumelements can be made radioac^t' ve by bombarding them occurring radioisotopes . Many other

with charged particles and neutrons . These are called artificially made radioisotopes. Cobalt -60, iridium - 192; caesium - 137 are some of the artificially made radioisotopes.

llItIlillll! Illlil 1liIIIIIIIllII1i JIIIIIIIjjj Iilll'I !33I II tli Iiiljfli IillJl flhf I illi+E I!I^Ill it I I. II ^1 ( l! r^! ^^^I ^III^j ll ^




Af ter

1 Halflife 2 Httlflives 3 Halflives

Number of radioactive i atoms Activity (Bq) , Source size Radiation r 1 No change No

1 N

No change No

No change No





Fig. 2.4 : Reduction in Radioactivity with Time. (transformation / second or disintegration / second) gives the amount of radioactivity or strength of the source. Activity is expressed in units of Becquerel (Bq) or Curie (CY). Rate of transformation

A source, of activity 1 Becquerel will

undergo I transformation / second . Please Ch se e apter 4 on Radiation Quantities and Units. A source of activit y

1 Curie will undergo 3.7 x 10i0 transforations ; second


All radiations have energy. electron volts. Energies of'various radiations (a, B, r) are usually specified in

One electron volt is the energy given o a sijigle election as-it moves across a potential difference. of one volt. 1 eV = 1 electron volt. 1 kilo electron volt 1 keV I MeV = 1 million electron volt = 1. 6 'x 10'12 erg = 1. 6 x 10'9 erg = 1.6 x 1V erg

Data regarding the most commonly used radioisotopes in industrial radiography is given in the 'Fable 2.1.


Radioisotope Half life Cobalt-60 Iridium-192 5.3 years 74.5 days Main Gamma Energy (MeV) .I.17 & 1.33 0.24-0.67 (0.4 KeV Average)

X and gamma radiations are similar in nature, biological effects and' action on photographic are film. Gamma rays are emitted by the nucleus of a radioisotob whereas, X-rays are (target). `a produced outside the nucl hen high energy electrons interact with' atoms these electrons interact with the field near The nucleus: they are stopped or def! d with lesser energy. * The energy difference between, the incident electron and the deflected electron is given out in the form off:X-rays.. The energy of X-rays depends upon the closeness of the aced wi continuous energ ,ith are pr oddi electron path to. the, target_nuc)yA. tenncce...X-rays H ..
equal to the energy' of the .inc^ ent electrons X-ray production increases with a maximum increase in atomic numbet of the target atom.. It also increases with increase'in the incident electron energy.

In an X-ray machine, theelectrons, emitted by the heated filament '4re_made to strike a target placed, at higher voltage with respect to the filament. As a result of tungsten interaction between the electrons and target. atoms , X-rays are produced. For more details on X-rays, refer to chapter on X-ray Technology.

SUMMARY I. ATOM is the smallest part of any element.

2. Atom consists of NUCLEUS at the centre and ELECTRONS around the nucleus. 3. The nucleus consists of PROTONS and NEUTRONS. 4. Any atom of an element has a definite number of protons in its nucleus. _

5. The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is called its ATOMIC NUMBER (Z).
6. The number of protons plus the number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom is called its MASS NUMBER (A). 7. ISOTOPES are atoms with same atomic number, but different mass number 8. Alpha or beta radiations are emitted when an atom is UNSTABLE. 9. The isotopes which emit radiations are called RADIOISOTOPES. 10. A different elemetit is formed after the emission of a radiation. 11. Some isotopes emit gamma radiatiens;..after the emission of alpha.or beta radiations. 12. All radiations have energy.

13. ALPHA RADIATION has two protons and two neutrons and is positively charged and is least penetrating. 14. BETA RADIATION is an electron with negatively charge. alpha radiation. It is more penetrating than

15. GAMMA RADIATION has no charge or mass. Hence, it is highly penetrating. 16. HALF LIFE of radiation source is the period in which its activity reduces to half of its initial activity.

17. X-rays are similar to gamma rays, except their origin and method of production. 18. All the above radiations can ionize and excite matter and hence, are called IONIZING RADIATIONS. 19. IONIZING RADIATIONS cause bioiogicai damage. 20. It is necessary to protect ourselves from such hazards.






, interactions take place between the radiation and When X, t3, z radiations fall on a material absorption and scattering ( moving in a different the electrons ' in the material . This leads to transmitted (pass direction) of radiation . A part of the incident radiation may also get through). The amount of-radiation .transmitted through the material depends upon. a. type of radiation (X, 8, r) b. energy of radiation (eV, keV, MeV) c. type of material and its thickness (air, iron, lead)
d iation Beta radiations can be completely absorbed in any medium . Fo' ex m ple, betas o f alums with completely Emax (maximum energy ) 1.7MeV can be absorbed the case of X and gamma radiations complete absorption is not possible: For example, But in . 60 gamma radiations still get transmitted through 8 centimeters of lead. one per cent of cobalt for X and gamma radiations in any medium: These There are three main types- of interactions are a. photoelectric effect b. Compton effect

c. pair production But, for energies we normally come across in industrial radiography, only the first. two interactions are important.
and an orbital is an interaction between a gamma ray (photon) photoelectric effect The The gamma radiation looses its complete energy to the electron and the electron is electron . removed from its orbit. This electron is called pho ol1n` ise^redominagt.i?th_ eraction s with ,i particle easily gets absorbed in the medium. Thi 4---Pt ncrease, in ato llm^ wu^^ ^^^^^. a ^^ . .o, ._ energies and it decreases uranium , tungsten, etc. of the object. Hence, higher atomic number materials, like ea , aluminum, absorb gamma radiations better than lower atomic number materials,. likeplastic, iron, etc. The radiation interacts with a free eecttrOIn. i (ee am maeradiation In Compton effect, gamma .gives part of its energy to'the electron and travels in a different is predominant at decreased energy. The electron moves in another direction. This effect number of the material, r a^^1 it is nnr t4-nP .nrlPnt on the atomic

'These two interactions are shown in I igurc.3. I . . oct -negative charge . In other an electron is removed from its orbit, the atom looses as When . H en ce , this process is known or ionized ly charged words, the atom gets positive


ionization . When an electron is raised from an inner orbit -,o an outs orbit. the elc:cron gets extra energy . In other words , the atom gets exciu.d. Hence, this process is ; alled excitation. Alpha, beta and gamma radiations can directly or indirectly cruse ionization and excitation in material with which they interact. Hence, these radiations are called ionizing radiations.

Phot nelectric effect

Compton scattering

photoelectron a compton electron

scattered photon Fig. 3.1 : Photoelectric and Compton Interaction. The intensity of radiation reduces on passing through any material. In case of radiations., the attenuation follows an exponential law : gamma

I = I0 e^'
where, I0 is the intensity of the incident radiation beam, I is the'intensity of the `^ after passing ti^rough a thickness x of the materiel and p is known as line coer'ficient. It is defined as the'fractional decrease in intensity per unit the:' material. If the energy region of 100 keV to 1.5 MeV is considered, the attenuate decreases with increase in energy and it increases with increase in atomic absorber material. Hence, lower energy radiations are better absorbed and number material are good absorbers.

Half Value Thickness (HVT)

The thickness of the material, usually called absorber, (eg., steel , lead, depleted needed to reduce the intensity of radiation to half its initial value is known as t thickness .(HVT). The HVT depends on the energy of radiation and the nature of the absorber. In the case of X-rays, the HVT value for any kV depends to some extent on inherent filtration of the X-ray tube. However,'the value of HVT for a given r. taken as constant for heavily filtered beam.

As higher atomic number materials provide better shielding than lower at_ i

material,-for a given energy, HVT value is lesser fo : higher atomic number material.
One BVT of any material_reduces the intensity to half of the original ' intensity. Two HVT reduces the intensity to 16 x,'h.. _ (1h)2; ie., 1/4 .of.the original intensity. In general , 'n'. HVT reduces. the intensity to ('h). (Recall the decrease of.radioactivity4-with time)"

The reduction in radiation intensity with abs rbers c'f different half value thickness is shown in figure 3.2.

Radiation tntenaltg

1/4 I/8

. ......... .... ........... .


t No. of Half Value Lagers ->




0 I

No. of HVT
Radiation intenaitg

3 I

I 2


1.43 mGg .

100 GBq Ir-192 11.4 rGU 5.7 mGg 2.85 mGg at 1m

Fig. 3.2 Reduction in Radiation Intensity with Thickness.


Lead HVT TVT cm cm Uranium HVT TVT cm cm


Concrete HVT TVT Radioisotope cm cm

Steel HVT TVT cm cm

Iridium -192





0. 48




X-rays 100 kV 150 kV 200 kV

HVT TVT HVT TVT HVT TVT mm. mm mm mm mm mm 16 22 26 55 70 86 1.2 2.3 3.8 3.8 7.6 12.7 0.25 0. 29 0.42 0.84 0.96 1.4

250 kV 300 kV







Tenth Value Thickness (TVT)

Tenth value thickness is the thickness of any material needed to reduce the radiation intensity to one tenth of its initial value . Similarly , Two TVT reduces the intensity to 1/10 x 1/10 = the intensity by a (1/10)2 ie ., 1/100 of the original intensity . Generally, 3.3 TVT reduces factor of 10, hence

1TVT=3.3HVT are given Table 3.1. HVT and TVT values in different materials, for X and gamma raiiations , Example 3.1 The radiation level at a place, due to an iridium-192 source is 10 mR/h. What is the thickness of steel required to reduce the level to 2.5 mR/h? = 10 mR/h. Radiation level at the place 10 = 2 = 5 mR/h. One HVT reduces the level to One more HVT reduces the level to 5 -. 2 = 2.5 mR/h Two HVT of steel for iridium -192 = 2 x 1.25 cm =

2.5 cm.

y'L.p Lx.' h 'fN^ Q{' '^.,.^ryY 'L 5.:4 ^I < ^'^Y}`Tr'y `I

`^. ^y ^}'H

9. Alpha , beta and gamma radiations can cause ionization or excitation . radiations are called IONIZING RADIATIONS

Hence. these'

10. Higher atomic number material, like lead , uranium , absorb X and gamma radiations better than lower atomic number material , like plastic , aluminum. 11. HALF VALUE THICKNESS (HVi) of any material reduces the radiation intensity at a place to half of the original intensity. 12. TENTH VALUE THICKNESS (TVT) of place to one tenth of the original intensity. any material reduces the radiation intensity at a


Ex-ample 3.2
What is the thickness of lead required to reduce the radiation intensity at a place, due to cobalt-60 source from 1000 mR/h 5 Radiation level at the place One TVT reduces the level ,to One more TVT reduces the level to
One HVT added to this reduces the level to

= 1000 mR/h. 1000 _ 10 = 100 mR/h'. 100 _ 10 = 10 mR/h. 10 -: 2

= 5 mR/h.

Two TVT and one HVT of lead for cobalt - 60 radiations = 2 x 4 + I x 1 . 2 cm = 9.2 cm. Examale 3.3 The radiation intensity at a place from a 200 kV X-ray beam is 5000 mR/h. This has to be reduced to 2.5 mR/h. What is the thickness of concrete required to achieve this?
Radiation intensity at the place = 5000 mR/h. 3 TVT reduces this level to 50)0 _ (10.x 10.x 1U) -. 5 nmR/h. One HVT added to this reduces the level to 5 _ 2 = 2.5 mR/h. 3 TVT and one HVT of concrete for 200 kV X-ray beam

=3x86+ I x26= 284 mm =28.4 cm. SUMMARY 1. Beta radiations can be absorbed completely. But X and gamma radiations cannot be absorbed completely. 2. Interactions of X and gamma radiations, in any material, are similar. 3. X and gamma radiations undergo three types of interactions in any material: Photoelectric effect, Compton effect and Pair production. 4. For energies of interest in industrial radiography, only photoelectric effect and Compton interactions are important. 5. PHOTOELECTRIC EFFECT is important at low energies. It decreases as energy of radiation increases. It increases as atomic number of the absorbing material increases. 6. COMPTON EFFECT is important at medium energies. It decreases with energy. It does not vary with the atomic number of the absorbing material. 7. IONIZATION is a process, in which electrons are knocked off (removed) from an atom. 8. EXCITATION is a process, in which electrons are raised from an inner orbit to an outer orbit.



Units are necessary. for quantitative description of any physical processor phenomena. radiological physics, units are required to measure a. Radioactivity, b. Exposure, c. Dose,
d. Equivalent Dose.

of transformations it undergoes Radioactivity of a source is measured in terms of the number in one second.

The unit of radioactivity is Becquerel.(Bq)

the unit of activity One Becquerel corresponds to one transformation per second. Formerly, was Curie (Ci) corresponding to 3.7 X 1010 transformations per second. 1 Ci = 3.7 x 1010 transformations/sec 3.7 x 101Bq = 37 x 109 Bq := 37 GBq

Submultiples of Curie viz., 1 mCi'(1/1000Ci) and 1 ACi (1/106Ci)are occasionally used.

EXPOSURE In order to obtain information about quantity of X or gamma radiation present at a point of is used, which is based on the ability of radiation to produce interest, the concept of exposure ionization in air. which is defined as the quantity of charge The unit of exposure is Coulomb per kg (C/kg;, produced by ionizing radiation. in 1 kg of air. (R) which was used for X or gamma rays upto The earlier unit of exposure was Roentgen' 3 MeV. This wAs defined as the amount of exposure due to X or gamma radiation o energy. upto 3 MeV which would cause ionization resulting in 1 electrostatic unit of charge of either sign in I cc of air at STP (Standard Temperature and Pressure).

1 R = 2.58 X 10-4 Coulomb/kg (C/kg). DOSE. to matter by the ionizing r:.: iation, The dose from ionizing . radiation is the energy imparted , per unit mass of the irradiated. material at the place of interest.


The unit of dose is Joules per kilogram (!/kg) The special name for the unit,of dose is Gray (Gy) If one joute I Grade of energy is
imparted by any radiation in one kilogram of any material, the dose

The concept of dose applies to An is a measure y of energy a medium, all types of radiations and all energie;. The dose deposited by radiation in the irradiated material. radiation - physical, chemical and biological depend upon the dose. All effects of Formerly, the unit of dose was material. One rad rad. corresponds to 1 00 ergs/ g of irradiated I Joule = .107 erg Therefore, 1 Gray = 1 Joule/kg = 10 erg/kg = 104 erg/g = 102 rad

1 Gy = 100 rad or I rad = 0.01 Gy. Dose rate in terms of Gy/h, Gy/year, rad/h or -rad/year, e etc., are also occaslona!!y used. In the case of exposure, for practical convenience, used to specify the radiation quantity instead exposure. the concept of air kerma is Kerma is the total kinetic energy of all the charged particles released the ionizing radiation. in 1 kg of the medium by Air kerma an idea The unit of gives air kerma is about the energy transferred to air. Joules per kilogram (Gy). I air kerma Gy = 114 R. The usefulness of air kerma can be extended to the determinatr, specified distance from a radiation source in terms of mG 'on of the radiation output at a

y per hour.



The biological damage suffered by to the That is, the biological damage due I tissue G y exposed to different radiations may 1 Gy of gamma dose. y of alpha dose would be different y be different.

types of radiation is different This is because the energy loss per unit path lan, greater ionization particles, because of their larger charge and mass, cause per unit path length than gamma radiations, which mediate through singly



charged electrons , _.. Hence, one:Gy of . alpha dose is approximately 20. times more effective in causing biological : damage, compared to one Gy of gamma or X-ray dose . To account for this variation among different types of radiations, a term known as the Radiation Weighting Factor (WJ is used to modify the doses due to each type. of radiation. Thus, Equivalent Dose is obtained by multiplying 'd9se' by the radiation weighting factor corresponding to the radiation of interest.
The unit of equivalent dose is also Joules per kilogram

The special name for the unit of equivalent dose is Sievert (Sv). Equivalent Dose in Sv = Dose in Gy X W.
Formerly, the equivalent dose was called Dose Equivalent and its unit of was rent and WR was called Quality Factor (QF). 1 Sv = 100 rem or 1 rem = 0.01 Sv.

Equivalent Dose is a measure of biological damage caused by radiation.


Radiation weighting factor for X-rays being on, equivalent dose in Sv can be considered as . equivalent to dose in Gy. Therefore,- for Xand gamma rays,-I Sv 1Gy

1 rem = 1 rad

The potential difference applied between the cathode and the anode-of an X-ray machine is expressed in terms of kilovoltage ( kV). It determines the maximum energy of X-rays produced by the equipment . For example, when the potential difference applied is 300 kV, energy of X-rays produced varies from 0 to 300 ke7. Higher the -applied potential difference , higher is the energy of the X-rays emitted and : higher is the penetration. In an X-ray equipmer . t, the energy of X-rays can be varied , depending upon the thickness of the . object to be radiographed , by altering the applied potential difference.

Milliampere (mil.) of an X-ray unit indicates the current flowing through the it-lament circuit. The intensity of X-rays at a given applied voltage is proportional to the current flowing through the filament. The intensity of X-rays at 10- mA is twice the intensity at 5 mA. The exposure to be given for a radiograph , at a given potential is indicated in terms of mAs, ie., the product of filament current and duration of exposure (sec). The exposure due ,C ^ A current for 2 minutes is equal to that due to 5 mA current for 4 minutes ( 1200 mAs). The total use of X-ray equipment or work load is expressed as mA - minutes or mA-seconds.

c c.

=cad. the new unit of radioactivity. It corresponds to one transformation P^ CIE was the earlier unit of radioactivity It corresponds to 3.7 x 1010 transformatior

11kquantity XPp'i is based on the ability of radiation to produce ionization in air. 4 i1LOMB ER EILOGRAM is the present unit of exposure. 5WENTGE (R) is the earlier unit of exposure. 69 WE is energy imparted by radiation in unit mass of matter. '210ULES PER KILOGRAM (J/k g)rs metal name given for this unit, the present unit of dose. GRAY LIP41) was the earlier unit of dose.

(Gy) is the

It UNALENT DOSE signifies the biological damage caused by ionizing radiation. I&aha and neutrons cause more biological damage than gamma radiations. IL NATION WEIGHTING FACTOR (W iation. to R) is used to modify doses due t 11 Radiation Weighting Factor was earlier called QUALITY FACTOR Qn.

each type of


S>EVERT g) is also the present unit of e ^o (Sv) is the special name given fog this unit. quiva^ .nt dose. IA,. IQLOVOLTAGE (kV) is the voltage applied between the c X-ray machine. athode and the anode of an IS.X-ray MILLIAMPERE (mA) indicates the current flowing through th machine. e filament circuit of an




Cells are the basic units of living organisms . All tissues are made of cells. Adult human body consists of about 1014 cells. Cells of different organs carry out the functions specific for those organs . For example , nerve cells are responsible for transmitting electrical impulses from one part of the body to the other ; liver cells are responsible for metabolizing the food 'we take and preparing nutrition for all other tissues in the body; red blood cells carry oxygen and nutrition to all tissues. Cells of different tissues have different siies and shapes. However, in general , they all contain a central nucleus' ( with the exdeption :of red blood cell), surrounded by a viscous-fluid called cytoplasm . The nucleus contains chromosomes which constitute an array of genes. The chromosomes control all the functions of the cell and hence , of the tissue. The cytoplasm contains various membrane systems and other components that are necessary for the function of the cell.

Cell Division
Cells originate or multiply from preexisting cells by the process of cell division . For example, a human being, like any other animal, develops from a single cell, which is formed by the fusion of . two gcrm-ceiis, one from - the father and the other from the mother. Duringthe nine month period o :' pregnancy, this cell undergoes a number of divisions. The new cells in turn specialize to form various organs of the fetus (unborn baby). After birth, cell division continues until ^ he organs attain adult proportions . Cells in many tissues of the body have life span shorter than that of the body, as a whole ., For example , intestinal cells , blood cells,:skin cells, etc., have life span ranging from a few days to a few weeks. They wear out and die. They are continuously replaced for the proper function of the tissue. Hence, even in an adult , cell division continues in some tissues. Tissues undergoing cell division are. more sensitive to radiation than others. From the point of view of radiation hazard , cells. can be classified into two groups : a) Somatic Cells, b) Germ Cells . Germ cells are the ones involved in reproductive process . T1iey are sperms in the male and eggs in the female . All other cells in the body are somatic cells.


When radiation passes through the body, it transfers some of its energy to the cells in the form of ionizations and excitations , which in turn lead to a number of chemical changes. Generally, these chemical changes are harmful to the cells. Depending upon the seriousness of the harm, a cidier dies or gets modified . All the biological effects of radiation arise from these two effects on cells - Cell Death or Cell Modification. Radiation can cause breaks in chromosomes . Majority of these breaks get rep^.ired, but certain breaks may lead to loss-or rearrangement of genetic material which can,,be se::. under a

microscope .

Such events are called

Chromosome Aberrations.

Biological effects of radiation can be classified into two groups, depending upon the t cells damaged. They are somatic ype effects and heredita eff ects. As the name itself suggests, somatic effects arise from damage to somatic cells and they occur in the tissues of the exposed person (eg., effects on skin , blood , lung, bone, thyroid, etc.). Hereditary effects arise from damage caused to the germ cells and occur in the progeny of the irradiated person.

Somatic effects can l e furth, : Early Somatic Effects

r divided into early and late effects.

Whenever the body is expc .ed to radiation : some cells are killed low doses, since only a few cells are : up and some are: mod i fied. At killed, the body can cope with the los s and hence no immediate effects are. seen . However, as dose increases , more and mote cells get killed and this results in radiation sickness , nausea (feeling like vomiting), vorniting, fatigue, etc., within a few hours of irradiation . However. -these effects are transient and disappear after a few hours . As dose increases further, the effects appear quicker, At sufficiently are more severe and last longer. doses, the damage caused to important organs such as I lood forming organs, intestine high , etc., is so severe , the patient will not be able to recover. Ant:mia, infection and high fever would occur , leading to death . Fifty per cent of the persons exi osed to a dose in the range 3 - 5 Gy, die within a period of 60 days. This is known as LD_ At still hi.;her doses , death occurs earlier. ^0^60 Instead of the whole body, if only a part of the body is exposed, the damage is confined to the .exposed part. Depending upon the part of the body exposed, different local effects at different doses are produced. Skin is the most frequently exposed organ. Doses less than 5 G y the can cause only a transient (temporary) erythema which lasts for 1-2 days. Higher doses of order of 10 Gy can cause reddening of the skin, fixed erythema and very high doses cause dry or wet desquamation depending upon the severity of loss of epidermal basal cells, within 3-6 weeks (10-25 Gy). Doses higher than 25 Gy lead to late phase of erythema during 8-16 weeks, finally leading to death of the tissue. If hairy parts are exposed, in addition to erythema, hair falls off, leading to epilation. Another sensitive organ is the reproductive organ - testes in male and ovaries in female. Due to death of the germ cells sterilization results. This may be temporary or permanent depending upon the dose. When eyes are exposed, the cells in the lens are killed leading to the opacity of the lens, which is called cataract. Unlike her effects which appear within a few days -or weeks after exposure, cataract formation takes a mean latent period of 2 to 3 years.
In brief, radiation exposure may lead to various types of early somatic effects depe;;,jing upon whether whole or only part of the body is exposed. The characteristic of the eariv somatic effects are:

a. they do not occur below a certain dose (threshold dose), b. severity of the effect increases with dose and



c. they appear within a short time after exposure (except cataract).

1 shows some of the early somatic effects and their threshold doses . It is generally assumed that the exposure takes place within a short time - minutes to hours ( acute exposure) If the doses are .protracted ( chronic exposure), then the threshold doses will be -much higher,'. since the effectiveness - of radiation decreases due to the recovery process. Table 5 .


Dog(1-2 mSv /y I 100-200 mrem/y Whole body Whole body Significance Background radiation level at sea level (outdoors) Limit for non- radiation workers. Average occupational exposure..

1 mSv /y 5 mSv /y

1(0 mrem/y
500 mrem/y

Whole body Whole body

Whole body Eye . Partial body Whole body

10 mGy . ' 1 rad

20 mSv /y 150 mSv /y 500 mSv /y 100' mGy 2 rem./y 15.rem/y 50'rem /y.. I0 rad '

Risk'of cancer mortality,

about 5 per 10000 exposed Limit for radiation workers. Limit for- t,ye lens. Limit for skin and extremities. Detectable increase in chromosome aberrations.,

No detectable injury or sickness.

1 Gy 100 rad Whole body . Threshold for radiation sickness [Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea (NVD)j (5-10 %.of exposed individuals). Temporary sterility in men. Threshold for epilation' Threshold for induction of cataract. Radiation sickness in most individuals. Early erythema induction. LD 50/ 60 for human beings. Threshold dose of skin erythema. Permanent loss of hair.

1 Gy ,
2.3 Gy

100 rad 200-300 rad

Reproductive system Whole body

3-5 Gy '
> 6 Gy .

300-500 rad > 600 rad.

Whole body Partial body

The threshold doses for early effects are generally, much higher than doses received by persons during normal working conditions . Hence, when proper working conditions are practiced, these early effects of radiation do not occur . Compare the limit for radiaion

exposure with the threshold dose for various acute effects in table 5. L However, accidents such as holding sources by bare hands, hiding stolen sources in pockets.-etc, leading to severe skin burn and tissue damage have been reported.-

Late Somatic Effects

The most important late somatic effect is cancer. When the irradiated cell is modified rather than killed, it may develop into cancer, after a prolonged delay. The delay may vary from 5 years (blood cancer) to 30 years or more (lung cancer). Unlike the case of early effects, the probability of cancer resulting from radiation increases with every increment of dose, probably without any threshold. Radiation is not the only agent which induces cancer. A number.of chemical agents (such as tobacco and its fumes, as in beedi and cigarette smoke) and biological processes can also induce cancer. Compared to these, radiation is a week carcinogen. However, cancers induced by radiation are indistinguishable from those induced by other agents.

Hereditary Effects
Hereditary effects may result when the irradiated germ cell is modified rather than killed and if it also participates in the reproductive process. Under such circumstances, the damage caused to the genetic material in the modified germ cell will be transmitted to the subsequent generations. -As in the case of cancer, there is probably no threshold dose for hereditary effects. Even though radiation is found to induce hereditary effects in experimental animals, there is no conclusive evidence of the same in man. Furthermore, natural incidence of hereditary defects in man is quite high. Mutations in germ cel,s could lead to a variety of skeletal abnormalities leading to malformations, neonatal cataract and a variety of gen,;;tic diseases associated with mental retardation (eg., Downs Syndrome). Fetus and a,re generally known to be more sensitive than adults to all effects of radiation. In normal radiation work, it is necessary to ensure that the risk of radiation induced cancer and hereditary defects are kept at acceptable limits.

1. IONIZING RADIATION can CAUSE DAMAGE to living beia ^ gs, hence one should inn careful while handling radiation sources. 2. Chromosomes are the most important parts of the cell. 3. SOMATIC EFFECTS appear in the EXPOSED INDIVIDUAL. 4. HERE DITARY EFFECTS appear in the FUTURE GENERATION (ch grandchildren ) of the exposed individual. 5. ACUTE DOSE means LARGE DOSE in a SHORT PERIOD. 6. CHRONIC DOSE means DOSE received over a LONG PERIOD.



7. Same DOSE received over a SHORT PERIOD cause . MORE-DAMAGE than that
receives over a tong perry

8 . Large d ose rece i ved by apart of the body might cause injury only to that part . same dose to the whole body might be more serious.

But,' the

9. IMMEDIATE EFFECTS are caused due to LARGE , DOSES over a SHORT DURATION . They occur within a short period,,eg ., decrease in white blood cell count; .skin erythema, etc. 10. IMMEDIATE EFFECTS occur ABOVE certairl, THRESHOLD DOSE . I L If 100 persons receive a dose of 3 to 5 Gra }^ (300.0 500 rad ), 50 persons would die within 60 days. This is called LETHAL DOSE 10/60 (LDsot6o for human beings. )


Every profession has its own risks and benefits. While radiati of benefi c i a l purposes , on can be utilized for a number( it can produce early and late harmful effects in the exposed persons. Hence, it is necessary to set up safety standards in the use of radiation. The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) sets guidelines in this respect in the fi of annual dose limits individuals. Since the early effects have dose thresholds, they can be ( easily prevented by to setting the dose limits below the threshold. On the other hand late effects such as cancer and hereditary effects have no threshold, which means that there is no dose below which they can be completely prevented. Hence, in setting up the dose limits, it should be ensured that the risk of cancer and hereditary defects do not exceed certai




Application Dose Limit Occupational Whole boo . (effective dose)

20 mSv per year, averaged I mSv in a over defined period of

Parts of the body (equivalent dose) Lens of the eye Skin* Hands and feet**

5 years, with no more than year, averaged 50 rraSv in a single year over 5 years ^{^ .%.^L q 150L :nSv per year 500 mSv 500 mSv
i_titi ^^v^E2

lS mSv in a yr

50 mSv "

Averaged over areas of-no more than any 1 cm2 regardless of die area exposed.

Accordingly, the ICRP has (including pregnant womensuggested workers the annual occupational dose limits to radiation ,vo;kers ), as shown in Table 6 . 1, for whole body exposure, as well as for some specific organs . The average effective dose ( whole body) 20 millisievert per year . should not exceed Since, it is desirable to keep the risks well below the acce p table limits, the ICRP recommends that the dose limits should be considered as the upper limits and the actual doses received must be kept As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA).

In addition to workers who handle the radiation sources, members of the exposed to radiation . Hence , public may also et separate limits for general public have also )een su ggesg ted. These are also shown in Table 6.1. The limits for general public as a group for workers , since this group a i- lower than that ) consists of more sensitive section of populzdon ( children b) does not derive direct benefits from the use of radiation and c ) no individ )' assessing exposure is done. . The-ALARA public. principle is also applicable in the protect i on fof The dose limits given in Table
radiation .

6. 1 do not include medical exposure





^-T 1^ 4-^`^^^^`.. !^./`1TO.V






Radiation is a part of our daily life. We are constantly exposed to cosmic radiation, the earth's minerals (uranium, radium) and even to radioisotopes within our own body (carbon-14, potassium-40).' Fence, the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink and the house we live in, contain traces of radioactivity. These constitute Natural Background, Radioactivity. 'The average annual dose resulting from natural radioactivity is estimated to be about 2-3 mSv: The dose limits for radiation workers is about 10 times higher than the dose due to normal natural background radiation. But, the average occupational dose is of the same order as the natural background. This corresponds to about 100 mSv over ones lifetime. If 1000 persons receive 100 mSv over their lifetime, 4 persons may suffer from cancer.
It should be noted that care, rather- than fear, is needed while handling radiation sources and the associated risk should be viewed in relation with other risks. The procedures available to. control exposures to. ionizing radiations are sufficient, if used properly, to make sure that the risk due to radiation is small compared to many other risks to which we are all exposed.

1. Any profession has some risk associated with it. 2. Certain amount of risk is tolerated, as we get benefit. 3. In radiation work we are concerned with both acute and chronic exposures and the associated hazard. 4. No dose is safe dose. 5. While setting operational limits, the well being of the radiation worker and his future generation are considered. 6. There are separate operational limits for the whole body and the individual organs. 7. These limits do not .include medical exposure and exposures due to natural background radiation. 8. Radiation exposures are cumulative (they add up) in their effect. 9. The annual operational limit for whole body is 20 mSv (2 rem) for radiation workers and 1 mSv (100 mrem) for non-radiation workers. 10. Unnecessary radiation exposure should not be given. 11. Radiation exposure should be kept minimum.



Use of radiation sources is

associated with a certain amount of radiation hazard. With prop' care, this can be minimized. Radiation hazards may be broadly classified as external hazards and internal hazards. External hazards occur when the source of radiation is outside the boe and internal hazards arise when the source of radiation gets into the human system. Hazard evaluation is necessary in order t adopt suitable measures to control radiation exposure. Thy, problem of internal hazard does nDt arise in the use of X-ray equipment. It is considerably easy to eatima^re the external radiation hazard and there are a number o" devices suitable for this purpose. Thesz devices incorporate radiation detectors to sense the presence of.radiation, so that radiation level or dose to individuals can be evaluated. The) function on the basis that radiation can cause ionization in a medium, i.e., produce charged particles from originally neutral atoms and molecules. The detectors are linked with a display unit to indicate the detector response. Radiation monitoring devices differ from each other in the medium in which the ionization takes place and in the method by which this ionization is detected and measured. The following are the media generally used for radiation detection. 1. Gases - Ionization chamber, Geiger Mueller (GM) counter 2. Scintillation detector 3. Photographic emulsions (Film) 4. Solid state detectors (Thermolurainescent dosimeters) The selection of a particular type of detector depends on the purpose for which it is needed.


Outer electrode

Fig. 7.1 : Gas Filled Detector System GAS FILLED DETECTORS

Radiation produces ionization in a gas medium and the ions so produced are collected as current or pulses. Gas filled detectors are generally, of cylindrical shape, with two electrodes, a central elect,> e and an outer sheath, separated by an insulator (figure 7. 1). A positive voltage is applied to


the central electrode, with respect to outer sheath. On exposure to radiation, ionization takes place in the gas medium, ie., electrons are knocked off the gas molecules. The ionized gas molecule is called the positive ion. The positive ions and the negative electrons, thus formed, respectively move to the outer (negative) and central (positive) electrodes. These ion pairs are collected and the resulting pulse/current is measured. These gas filled detectors function differently, at different voltages applied to the central electrode. There are five 'different regions of response. Of these, two regions are of interest to us. a. Ionization Chamber Region: In this low voltage region (- 200 volts), the number of ion pairs produced and collected are same. For radiation monitoring, the ionization chambers are filled with air, generally, at atmospheric pressure. The effective atomic number of the wall material would be close to that of air. Hence, such an ionization chamber would give energy independent response. Beta Gamma Exposure Rate Meter (SM 140) of Electronics Corpbration'of India Ltd., Hyderabad, incorporates an ionization chamber as a radiation detector. Pocket dosimeter is another device which has an ionization chamber. It has a built-in capacitance which can be chz.rged by an external voltage and when exposed to radiation, the ionization in the chamber decreases the voltage across the capacitance.. The reduction in the voltage across the capacitance is a measure' of the amount of ionization and hence the quantity of radiation exposure. b. Geiger. Mueller (GM) Region : This occurs at a higher voltage 1300-1400 volts), wherein multiple ionization takes place in the gas medium. As a result, the number of ion pairs collected are much more than that collected in the ionization chamber region. GM detector functioning in this region, is. the most widely used detector of ionizing radiation, because it has high sensitivity. In a GM counter, the central electrode is a fine wire (0.2 mm to 0.1 mm diameter) of tungsten and the outer electrode is usually of metal. The filling gas is generally argon with quenching gases; like .ethyl alcohol or.halogen vapour, to suppress secondary discharge. Depending upon the gas used and the pressure, the voltage difference between the two electrodes may anywhere be between 300 volts. to 1400 volts. There are GM detectors of different shapes and sizes, depending on the purpose of use and radiation level to be monitored. GM detectors may fail to respond when the radiation level is very high. Many radiation monitors incorporate Glvl detectors.


a. S:;intillation Detectors : In this, the medium for detection is a scintillator. When radiation interacts with the scintillator, the absorbed energy is instantaneously converted into light flashes. A large portion of the light flash from the scintillator is transmitted to photomultiplier, where electrons are produced, multiplied and detected as a large electrical= pulse. Thallium activated sodium iodide - Nal(TI) scintillator is used for gatmmnaradiation^


k' s:

detection .

These detectors are used for monitoring very low radiation levels..

b. Thermoluminescent Detectors : In this solid state detector, the radiation energy.,. absorbed , by the detector material , is retained for a long time. On heating this material, visible light is emitted , whose intensity is proportional to the radiation energy absorbed and thus, the dose . Dysprosium activated Calc t> u1pha e-((aSOa:D _y) js a very useful thermoluminescent detector used for personnel . monitoring purpose..

Photographic film consists of a sensitive layer of silver halide crystals in gelatin spreadI on cellulose acetate base. The thickness of the emulsion layer ranges from 10 - 25 0m. Radiation, incident on the film causes ionization in the silver bromide crystal . Silver clumps containing several silver atoms are formed on the surface of the crystal. During development, each exposed grain is reduced to metallic silver. The unaffected, undeveloped silver halide crystals are dissolved by immersing the film in fixer solution. The processed film shows blackening and the amount of blackening expressed in terms of optical density is related to the quantity of radiation a^soroed in the film. The optical density is measured using an instrument known as Densitometer.

Photographic films are used in industrial radiography for revealing defects in castings, welds, etc. Photographic films are also used for personnel monitoring, by loading personnel monitoring films in film cassettes containing different metallic filters, designed for monitoring different types of radiations.

Personnel monitoring is the evaluation of radiation doses received by the personnel working with radiation sources and X-rays. The most commonly used personnel monitoring device is t the film badge which consists of a photographic film (PM film) kept in a cassette containing a set of filters (Fig. 7.2). Using film badges doses from 0.1 mSv to 10CSv (10 mrem to 10000em) of different types of radiations can be evaluated. The film serves as a permanent record and if worn on chest, gives the most representative value of the whole body dose under normal working conditions. =films can be used. to assess the radiation dose received from exposure to beta rays, X-rays, amma rays or thermal neutrons. The dose received by radiation worker can also be determined by the use of thermoluminescert dosimeter (TLD) badges. This consists of three CaSO4:Dy TLD discs embedded in a metallic framework and enclosed in a multifilter cassette (Fig. 7.2). The TLD badge can be used to monitor beta, gamma and X-rays. The TLD badge can cover a wide range of doses from 0.1 mSV to 100Sv (10 mrem to 1000 rem). Radiation dose to personnel can also be assessed by using pocket dosimeters (Fig. 7.3). Pocket dosimeters are very useful in certain operations, where the radiation levels vary considerably and may be quite hazardous. They give an on-thc-spot information of radiation dose, as the dose recorded can be read directly by the person. Pocket dosimeters in the


range of 200 mR, 5 R, 10 R,,etc., are available.

11ft^t}Gitinl^t^nc^uv^^^^^+: V11111 t t I

1-Open window 2 =Plastic 4-Thin,copper 3-Cadmium 5-Thick copptr 6-Lead Film Badge TLD badge

Fig. 7.2 : Personnel- Monitoring Badges.

R. Charging rod B. Insulator ring C. Fixed quartz fibre D. Movable fine metal coated quartz fibre E. Transparent scale F. Lens
Fig. .7.3 : Pocket Dosimeter

The assessment of radiation levels at different locations in the vicinity of radiation sources and X-ray equipment is generally known as area monitoring.. On the basis of the measurements taken, one would be able to determine the adequacy/inadequacy of. the existing radiation protection measures. Normally, are i monitoring systems should be able to determine radiation levels in the range of 0.2 mR/h to 5 R/h and also have audio indication. Lower range in the instrument is 'useful, in assessing radiation level at occupied areas and for general radiation survey around X-ray installations. The most commonly used radiation monitors (eg. MINIRAD, MR 4500) have miniature. GM counters, making them useful over wide range of exposure-rates. MINIRAD monitor can measure upto 5 R/h and MR 4500 can measure upto 50 R/h 'making it useful in radiation

emergencies . Both these instruments can be used for area monitor in ; as well as fort monitoring , leakage radiation level around source housings, X-ray equipment.
Other monitoring instruments in use : BETA-GAMMA EXPOSURE-RATE METER (SM-140) is an ionization chamber type, survey meter marketed by M/S Electronics Corp. Of India Ltd., (ECIL), Hyderabad. It has a 400 cc ionization chamber and can measure exposure-rate from SO mR/h to 5 R/h due to X and gamma radiation in three ranges . The chamber is provided with a window and by opening the window, beta radiations can also be monitored. This instrument is useful for general purpose monitoring and for checking the radiation levels around radiation source housings and X-ray equipment.
RADIATION SURVEY METER (MR-121) also marketed by M/S ECIL, Hyderabad, is a GM counter type survey meter. It has a long glass walled GM counter and can cover exposure -rates from 0. 1 mR/h to 20 mR/h due to X and gamma radiations in three ranges. It can also respond to high energy beta radiations . It is very useful for low level area monitoring. This instrument , however, has a drawback that it does not respond at high radiation levels.

The area monitors mentioned above, are a few typical ones. There are many other radiation monitors which can cover the range of interest and serve the purpose of area monitoring.


Instrument Type of Detector G.M. Counter Ion Chamber G.M. Counter G.M. Counter . Range of Remarks Measurement 0 - 20 mR/h 0 - 5 R/h 0 - 5 R/h 0 - 50 R/h Fails at higher radiation level

MR - 121 SM - 140 MINIRAD MR 4500

In addition to these area monitors, a zone monitor, located at a suitable place inside the exposure room, would help in warning people when the radiography equipment is being operated, so that they can avoid entering the exposure room. A zone monitor, generally, contains audio and visual indication, which gets switched 'ON' when the radiation level at the location of the zone. monitor, exceeds a certain preset level.

CALIBRATION AND MAINTENANCE OF. RADIATION MONITORS Radiation monitors should be kept in good working condition. They should be periodically


c.; confirm that reliaable readings are indicated. They should also be checked after any servicing or repairs. The most simple method of checking the instrument performance is to use the instrument just after it has been calibrated by the manufacturer and record for future reference .the exposure-rate at a specific distance from a check radiation source of known activity . Performance checks can then be made at any time by comparing the recorded reading with check readings made at the same distance from the source , after making necessary correction for radioactivity decay. If the check reading, after corrections, varies considerably , the instrument should be sent for servicing Add recaMibration. In addition, the operational and handling instructions should be scrupulously observy :d to ensure prolonged and trouble-free performance of the instrument.

SUMMARY 1. Radiatio.i detectors function on the basis that radiation can cause IONIZATION
2. Commonly used radiation monitors (eg., MR-121, MINIRAD, MR-4500) have GEIGER MUELLER (GM) COUNTER as the radiation detector. 3. SM-140 radiation monitor consists of an IONIZATION CHAMBER, 4. MR-121 radiation monitor fails to respond at higher radiation levels. 5. In SCINTILLATION DETECTOR, radiation energy is* converted into light flashes, which in turn are converted into electrical pulses by a photomultiplier. 6. In THERMOLUMINESCENT DETECTOR, absorbed radiation energy is retained for a long time. On heating, this absorbed energy is released in the form of visible light. 7. In PHOTOGRAPHIC FILM radiation ionizes silver bromide crystal and these are reduced to metallic silver on processing. The processed film shows blackening. 8. OPTICAL DENSITY expresses degree of blackening on the processed film. 9. PERSONNEL MONITORING : Assessment of dose received by radiation workers 10. Film badge has many filters , to help in assessment of dose due to X-rays, gamma rays, beta rays and thermal neutrons.
11. TLD badge can be used to assess personnel dose due to beta, gamma and X-rays. 12. POCKET DOSIMETERS are for on - the-spot information about the dose received. 13. AREA MONITORING : Assessment of radiation levels at different locations.

14. It is essential to periodically check the proper functioning of radiation monitors.



Use of gamma or X-ray equipment in industrial radiography poses external radiation haza. X-,rays are emitted only when an X-ray machine is switched 'ON'. Hence, we are said from radiation hazard , when the machine is switched 'OFF'. But, in gamma ray equipme) ev(.n in the 'OFF' condition, there is a certain amount leakage radiation coming out of tb" source housing. Radiation hazard from any radiographic source depends upon a. energy of the gamma radiation, b. radiation output," c. half- life of the radioisotope. Each radiography source emits gamma radiation of one or more energies . The energy of tl'i gamma radiations emitted by cobalt 60 source is different from those by iridium - 192 sours... (Table 8.1).


Radiography Physical source form Iridium - 192 Cobalt-60 Metallic Metallic Half-life Gamma energy (MeV) 0.4 (Avg.) 1.17, 1.33 Exposure ra e at 1 metre R/h/Ci mGG y /h/Gbq

74 d 5.26 y


0.12 0.31

I Gy (air kerma) = 114 R 1 GBq = 0.027 Ci Cobalt-60 source has gamma radiation of two energies 1.17 MeV and 1.33 MeV. Gamma radiation energies from a given radioisotope are the same whether it's activity is 1 GBq, 000 GBq or of a;-,y other value. Gamma radiation of higher energy has higher penetrating power.
The radiation level or the exposure-rate at a particular location increases with increase ir, activity of source.


Radiation level at I metre d'stance from a source of unit. activity (GBq or Ci) is called the. Exposure Rate Constant of the source. It is a constant for a particular source. Radiation. level (R/h) -at 1 metre from a l Ci radioactive source is known as the Ru M (Roentgen/Hour at I Metre) of the source.

R 1

Uss of garama or X-ray._ equipment in. industrial radiography poses external radiation hazard. X-rays are emitted ^ only when an X-ray "machine is switched ' ON'. Hence , we are safe from radiation hazard , when the machine is switched 'OFF'.' But, in gamma ray equipment, even in the '.OFF' condition, there : ih:a certain amount leakage radiation coming out of the source housing. Radiation hazard from any radiographic source depends upon a. energy of the gamma radiation, b. radiation output;.. ' c. half-life of the radioisotope. Each radiography soutce emits gamma radiation of one or more energies. The energy of the gamma radiations emitted by cobalt-60 source is different from those by iridium-192 source ('Fable 8 IN


Radiography Physical Half-life Gamma energy Exposure rate source form (MeV) at 1 metre R/h/Ci mGy/h/Gbq Iridiutn-192 Cobalt-60 Metallic Metallic 74 d 5.26 y 0.4 (Avg.) 1.17, 1.33 0.5 1.32 0.12 0.31

1 Gy (air kerma) = 114R 1 GBq = 0.027 Ci Cobalt-60 source has gamma radiation of two energies 1.17 MeV and 1.33 MeV. Gamma radiation energies* from a given radioisotopeare.the same whether it's activity is 1 GBq, 1000 GBq or of any other value. Gamma radiation of higher energy has Higher penetrating power.
The radiation. level or the exposure-rate at a-particular location in..reases with increase in activity of source.


Radiation level at 1 metre distance from a source of unit activity (GBq or Ci) is called the Exposure Rate Constant of the source . It is a constant for a particular source . Radiation level (R/ L) at 1 metre from a 1 Ci radioactive source is known as the R11M Moentgen /Hour at 1 Metre) of the source.


Radiation output at I mete ( 100 cm ), = Exposure Rate Thus,

from a given source

Constant x activity of the source


the radiation level at 1 metre from a 7 Ci iridium-192 source is KttM of iridium - 192 . x 7 0 .5x7 = 3.5R/h

Similarly , the radiation level at 1 metre from a 200 GBq cobalt .r ,60 source is


= Exposure rate constant of cobalt-60 x 200

mGy/h = 0.31 x 200 = 62 mG y/h

If the radiation level at 1 metre is known , the activity of the sou ..a if the radiation level at 1 metre from an iridium - 192 source is 1.5 R/h, then 0.5 x Ci = 1.5 R/h Activity of the iridium-192 source = 1.5

0. 5


Similarly, if the source is cobalt - 60, and the radiation source, then level is 100 mGy/h at 1 metre from 0.31 x GBq 100 mGy/h Activity of the cobalt-60 source 100


= 330 GBq


Mak e & Type Max WmA Filter Focal Spot Radiation output R/min at 1 m 392 408 440 59 24 58 8

mm mm 2
Philips MCN-421 300/ 10 2.2 Be 350/10 2 . 2 Be 4.5 X 4.5

420/10 Siefert

4.5 X 4.5 2 . 2 Be I @ 4.5 X 4.5

320/ V * 7.0 Be I 4.5 X 4.5 7 . 0 Be 1.5 X 1:5 320/13 7 . 0 Be 4.0 X 14 So n ex 100 / 5 2.0 Al 1 . 5 X 1.5 200/ 5 2 . 0 Al 2.0 X 2.0 _ 300/5 3.0 Al 3.2X 3.2 Note how radiation X-ray output a. increases almost proportionately with mA (*) b. increases more than proportionately with kV (/{) c. decreases w ith increased filtration (@)



Radiation hazard from an X-ray equipment depends on

X-ray output (Rlh) depends not only on the kV and mA of the X-ray equipment, but also on various other factors such as construction of-the tube, size of the target, type of rectification; inherent filtration, etc. The radiation output from an X-ray equipment is very high as compared to the radiation output from gamma sources, normally used in industrialradiography. Table.8.2 gives an idea about the radiation output of some common industrial X-ray equipment.


The three basic factors by which external radiation hazard can be controlled are a. time b. distance c. shielding

It is essential, from radiation protection point of view, that the time spent near gamma or X-ray equipment during radiographic exposures should be minimum. The radiation dose received by a radiographer depends upon the total time spent by him near a source. _

T Exposure

Source :100 GBq Iridium-192 Distance : one metre

5.7 mGg 2.85 mGg




Fig. 8.1 : Radiation Dose with Time In view of high radiation output from an X-ray equipment, even a few seconds of exposure to direct X-ray beam will result in very high dose to the exposed person.

If an operator takes 1 minute while working with a source and is.exposed to 10'mR aiiotl%er `tioperator who takes 2 minutes to do the same job.would be exposed to.2 x 10 = 20 mR. If he only 1/4 x 1D-=:2.5 mR. were to take 1 /4 minute, he would have been exposed to

In order to minimize the time of exposure
a. all the operations should be planned in advance. on a trial basis without radiation and in b. all the operations be performed, initially should case of gamma rays with a non-radioactive dummy source . The time taken be noted. c. the work may be shared by two or three operators, if The total workload (number of exposures) is large. Evaluation of dose received by each operator should be' done by using pocket dosimeters, especially during field radiography. exposure of 2 mR Example 8.1 : Each radiography shot with an X-ray equipment results in an to the operator. How many operators are necessary to take 120 such- shots in a week? Weekly permissible limit for each operator = 40mR Exposure to operator during one shot = 2mR Number of sho s one operator can take = 40/2 = 20 Total number of shots to be completed = 120 Number of operators required for the job = 120/20 = 6

spends 10 minutes in a radiation field Example 8.2 - An operator wearing a pocket dosimeter of 150 mR/h. What is the exposure recorded by the dosimeter? Radiation field = 150 mR/h Radiation exposure for 60 minutes = 150 mR Radiation exposure for 10 minutes = 156 X (10/60) = 25 mR Radiation exposure indicated by the pocket dosimeter = 25 mR

Distance :
Larger the distance, lesser is the radiation level. The most effective and economic method of reducing external radiation hazard is to increase the distance between the radiation source and persons. a. Use long cables between X-ray unit and the control panel b. In case of remote operated cameras, work at maximum distance from source head. 8.4


The- radiation intensity or radiation level from a given source decreases as we move away from the.source . It is governed by the following inverse square law. I^Di = l2Di _

where h radiation level at a distance Di "metres from the source. I2= radiation level at a distance D2 metres from the source.

Distance (D) meters -> D2----> Source 100 GBq Ir -182 - > Exposure - rate _> (mGB/h)

.4 1


5 25


(11.4/4) (11.4/16)

2.85: 1:27-



Fig. 8 . 2 : Depiction of Inverse Square Law. It means, if we double the distance , the radiation level would be one fourth of the earlier level. lcvcl is 125 mR/ h (l1),

At 2 m distance (D,) from a gamma radiography source, if the iauid Ofl / h, since at 5 m distance ( D2) the-radiation level (l2) would be 20,mR


20 mR/h

I _ 125 x 4: _ 2 25

Example 8.3 :i Determine the radiation level at - 6 distance of 5 metres from a 74 GBq (2 Ci) iridium-192 sorrce? Activity J of thr, source = 74 GBq (2 Ci) RHM fbr iridium-192 = 0.5 R/h at 1 m Radiation level at 1 m ( D) from a 2 Ci source ( Id = 2 x 0.5 = 1 R/h 1 2 is the radiation level at 5 metres (D2) Since, 1x1 =I2x52

I = 25 R/h = 40 mR/h
Example 8.4 : The radiation level at 4 metres from a gamma source is 500 mR /h. What is the distance required to reduce the radiation level to 20 mR/h ? _ I1 =500mR/'h,Di =4m,I, =20mR/hD2=? Since, I1D^ = 12D2 , 500 x 42 = 20 x D2 or D2 = , /400 = 20 m = 20 metres Example 8.5 : What is the distance in metres required to reduce the radiation level from a 150 GBq iridium - 192 source to 2 microGy/h? Exposure rate constant of iridium-192 = 0.12 mGy/h = 126 microGy/l: Activity of the source = 150 GBq Radiation level at 1 in = 150 x 120 = 18000 microGy/h Thus, we are given that Di = 1 m, 11 = 18000 microGy/h D2 = ?, 12 = 2 microGy/h 18000x 1 =2xD2
o^ .,D2 2 2- =



or D _ 49006 = sf90 x 4100 m = 9.5 x 10 = 95 metres

is 20 R per Example 8.0; Radiation level at 50 cln distance from an X-ray equipment minute . What is the radiation level at a.disfance .of 10 metres?
It = 2O R/min
1 2 =?
I ID2= 1 i '2 D2 2

L), = 50 cm

D2=10m =12xlOx10

20xO. 5xO.5

_ 20 x 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.05 R/h = 50 mR/h I2 10 x 10 to reduce the radiation level from Example 8.7 : What is the distance in metres required 40 R/h at 1 metre to 100 mR/h?
I1 = 40 R/h = 40000 mR/h DI = I m I2= 100mR/fi Dz =?

D2 2 I1D1 = I2D2 2 _ 40000 = 400 D2 100

D2 = f 400 = . 20 metres Shielding : . When maximum distance and minimum time do not bring down the radiation level to an steel or lead are used as a shield between the acceptably low value , materials like concrete , source of radiation and the operator. Shielding Thickness Calculations : Shielding is provided in order to reduce the radiation intensity to the required value. The shielding thickness required can be calculated from transmission ratio . it is the ratio of the radiation level with the shield to that without the shield. Radiation level with shield Transmission ratio t Radiation level without shield

The required shielding thickness is the number of half value thickness or tenth value thickness (or combination of both) to provide the nearest transmission ratio. (See table 8.3)


number and the energy of the The shielding properties of any material depend upon its atomic .


Example 8.8 : Calculate the lead shielding, thickness required to from a 14 C: iridium-192 source to 3.5 mR/h at 10 metres. reduce the radiation level Radiation level at = RHM x activity of the source in Ci 10 m metres 10z 0.5 x 14 ' 0 .5 x 14 JZ/h '-I 10 x 10 lox xI 1000 rnR/h = 70 mR /h. This is the radiation

level at 10 metres from the source without will reduce the ra^iation o 70 - hout an level t shielding 1 HVT ' 1 0 7 mR / of shielding will reduce the radiation level to h. Additional thickness of thickness required is 2 = 3.5 mR /h. Therefore , the tots! =ITVT+IHVT =1.6cm+0 . 48cmoflead = 2.08 cm of lead = 2 cm (approx.) of lead TABLE 8.3 : HVT AND


Material { l


Concrete Steep

Lead Uranium fiVT TVT HVT. TVT HVT Radioisotope cm cm cm cm TVT HVT TVT cm cm cm Iridium-I92 1.6 14 1.25 40 0.48 1.6 0.31 1.0 Cobalt-60. 6. 6 21.8 2.0 6.6 1.2 4.0 0.7 2.2 X-ra ys 100 kV 150 kV 200 kV 250 kV 300 kV HVT TVT HVT TVT H mm VT TV T mm m m mm mm mm 16 22 26 28 55 70 86 90 1.2 2.3 3.8 5.4 3.8 . 0.25 7.6 12.7 17.7 21.5 0.29 0.42 0.86 1.7 0.84 0.96 1.4 2.9 5.7




% the exposure room by :leans of. >:t^erhead in ucii radiography enclosure s, the radiation dose to the crane operator should be within the specified limits. 'Further , in such : installations ; the skyshine radiation level (the contribution due the radiation scattered by air and other intervening materials above, such as beams , roof etc. ) around the enclosure in the workshop should also be considered during planning.


' r!? ?f`t{ ><: r.

Fig. 8.3 : Enclosed -Insiallation ' - ... (Radiography Room with sliding door Entry System)

Exposure Room Collimated Exposure

Control Room Dark Room

Fig. 8.4 Enclosed Installation (Exposure Room with Maze Entry System) The "maximum activity of the source that can be handled in such open top installations is mainly decided by the skyshine considerations . The. construction material used for such

installations . may be either brick or concrete. These ins' talla'tions should preferably be located in the least occup ied areas. Expert advice on the p l an ni ng o f such radiography installations is given by the Radiological Physics and Advisory Division (RP&AD), Mumbai 400 t ^ o.

Fig. 8.5 : Enclosed Installation (Pit type - Open top) Safety in Enclosad Radiography Installations The following are some of the salient points which need to be considered while planning radiography enclosures as well as, during the use of radiography sources inside such enclosed installations. 1. Prior to undertaking construction , approval of the proposed layout of the radiography enclosure should be obtained from Head , RP&AD. 2. All walls, floors, ceilings and doors shall have sufficient shielding so as to minimize radiation levels, below the recommended dose limits. The shieldirg material chosen should be structurally strong and should be properly supported. 3. All exposures should be given from a separate control room, situated outside the exposure room. 4. The exposure room should be kept locked , when not in use.
5. Entry of unauthorized persons into these areas should be strictly prohibited.

6. The entrance door to the exposure room should be locked during exposures. A suitable electrical or mechanical interlocking system for the door may be incorporated so that the radiation beam cannot be made 'ON' when the door is open.
7. Underground conduits should be provided, for cables, between the control room and

. 4. it.

the exposure room. There shall not be any ihrOugh and through ojicninl. or hole in any of the walls of exposure room.

w 8. If there is ' ;j lead glass viewing win m its eaa all valence, so that it provides exposure room, it is essential to co i 9 adequate protection. It is also necessary to confirm that there is no radiation streaming through the fixing frame of the viewing window.

least 2.5 metres above the floor level. These ventilators r exhausts or any such bl baffl s _ i nnenin9s in the walls should be provided with sutta e d r as well as inside the theentrance 10. A red warning light shall be providedb a ove whe ever the radiography made 'ON' exposure room and this light shall be warning signs with 1 gends "RADIATION equipment is energized . Radiation or its equivalence in local language ) shall. be DANGER - KEEP AWAY" ( conspicuously painted on the entrance door.
, so as to indicate 11. A radiation zone monitor should be installed at a suitable location ' ON' or safe the radiation levels during exposures and also to positively indicate the position of the source.

Exhaust on the walls o the 9. There should not be anwin odows n walls adjoining unoccupie I arueas!a a height of at openings should be provided

to p of , red the crane 12. In the case o f exposures as a warning tto th ould be madel' ON' during g walls and should operator. 13. All operations with the equipment should be done from the control room. 14_. An emergency switch to turn the X-ray equipment 'OFF' and a means of communication shall be provided inside the exposure room. which can be made use of by'persons who are trapped there by mistake. It should be possible to energize the X-ray equipment from the control panel, only after pressing a reset switch provided inside the exposure room. 15. Setting up of objects; films, etc. for radiographic inspection should be duly completed, before starting the exposure.
16. Wherever possible, the radiation beam should be directed towards areas of minimum occupancy. The beam should never be pointed towards doors, windows or the control panel. Any restrictions on the beam directions which are assumed vhile planning the installation should be strictly followed.' This information should also be prominently displayed in a poster in.the radiography area.

17. All safety accessories, tools and handling devices required for routine or emergency use in the exposure room must be readily available in good working condition.iri the control room. 18. All important information pertaining to radiation safety, such as radioisotope, activity, maximum ratings of the X-ray equipment, the directions towards which the primary beam can be pointed and the maximum weekly work load, etc., shall be conspicuously exhibited inside the exposure room, as well as in the control room.. 19. If, more than one radiation machine is used in the same room, it should be ensured that only one.of them is operated, at a time. .

8.13 ti.

Field Radiography Installation In some cases, it may not be' possible to restrict the radiography work within the exposure room, eg., huge objects, radiography at erection sites, etc. In such cases radiography work in the field/plan area is permitted subject to the approval of the site by the RP&AD, BARC. Safety in Field Radiographic Installations 1. There should be a site incharge looking after the radiation safety. 2. Exposures shall be performed only when minimum number of people are present around the radiography site. (for example; third shift (during night) or holidays).
3. Certain area around Vie source, should be cordoned off using ropes and radiation warning symbols. The radiation level outside the cordoned area should be within the dose limit of non-radiation, workers.

4. The exact area to be cordoned off will depend upon the nature and activity of the source, type of exposures (collimated or panoramic), work load and the nature of occupancy around. 5. The cordoning distance during field radiography, should be computed such that the radiation level beyond the cordon is less than 20 ,cSv/wk (2 mrem/wk).
6. Proper collimators should be used to limit the radiation beam to the job to be radiographed.'

7. The collimated beam or in case of X-rays, the primary beam, shall be directed only towards unoccupied areas or adequately shielded areas. 8. Entry of unauthorized persons into these cordoned areas during exposures should be strictly prohibited. 9. Radiation warning sign "RADIATION DANGER- - KEEP AWAY" in English as well as in local language should be posted around the site. 10. Setting up procedures required for radiography shall
radiographic exposure. be completed prior to start of

11. Maximui7 length of the cable, provided between the control panel and radiography equipment, shall always be mad(. use of. 12. Whenever possible, the control panel of the X-ray equipment should be positioned behind some temporary shielding barrier. A temporary shield, preferably lead, should also be provided behind the object, in the direction of the primary beam.

13. The primary X-ray beam shall never be pointed towards the control unit. 14. Pro )erly calibrated radiation monitors, shall always be used, to confirm that rad ation levels, in controlled areas, as well as along the cordon, spec ified limits. are, below
15. A I,roper log-book should be maintained in which information of day- to-day use of adiographic sources and the radiation levels around cordoned off areas are recorded.


of ;6uri .. 460 - 085. 16. Any radiation a ccident and also to Head,* RP&AD. Mumbat14U0 ...harp

I rc ortcd to


TRANSPORT OF RADIOGRAPHY SOURCES Following procedure should be adopted for the transport of radiography sources.
1. Make sure that the saurce has eturned to the camera left inside the guide tube. 2. Monitor the guide tube to entire that the source is not would not be released from the to a ure that the source assembly 3. Lock the camera ,` camera . nitor (eg. MR 4500, SM the camera . If any . Monitor the camera with a suitable radtatt h S to determine if there are any spots on atch 400 085 without obtaining specific 4140D or Minirad ), des hot spot is detected, the came ra should BARB M po prior permission from Head, R P&AD, wooden box, place the camera in a sturdy supplier . , 5. If the camera is free from hot spots ich it was originally received from the supp x in wh preferably in th e wan bo good bo x } Make sure that the 6. Close the box and lock it. e dure 7. Act as directed in the ' Proc dure for arks below . packages containing radioactive materials' given eling and forwarding the

and Forwarding Packages Containing Radioactive , Labeling Markin Procedure for g Materials . 'surface o f th e and record the maximum 1. Monitor the radiation level gat the external dac Minirad) e , SM 1 of the package in mR/h. This should not radiation monitor (eg., MR 4500urface radiation level at the external s exceed the limit of 200 mR/h. etre from the external stance mum valuea se the 2. Measure the radiation levels at a di he maximum value . This max i the package in mR/h and record transport index (' '.I.) of the 6ackage. I the levels given in table 8.4. 3. Now determine the category of the package by affix the labels of the 4. Having thus determined tf.e category of the package, ., on the external surface of the category on at least two opposite ' s ides determined package. legibly. external surface of the package clearly and . 5. Write the following details on the a. complete addresses of the sender and the receiver of the package, b. gross weight of the package, c. the ' legend 'RADIOACTIVE', d. the legend 'Type B'.

Fig. 8.6 : Transport Lable. TABLE 8.4

Limit on the radiation level at the external surface of the package ( inR/h) Category I W HITE Category II - YELLOW Category III - YELLOW 0.5 50 200 1.0 10.0 Limit on Transport Index

6. Bind a strap around the package as proof against tamper. 7. Obtain the following transport documents from the site incharge. a. Consignor's declaration in the format given below:

'I hereby certify that the package containing radioactive material has been properly packed, marked and labeled and as such the consignment is in conformity with the relevant regulations for Safe Transport of Radioactive Material'. 8. Forward the package to the carrier along with the above transport documents.


at the site during exposures. A person must be 5. Never leave the - source unattended exposures to have a.constant watch so that the sources arg present at the site during not picked up by others: night or 6. Never do the radiography work at crowded locations. Do it either during on holidays or when there is :eery little occupancy around. 7. Never forget to cordon off the area with ropes. Radiation warning symbols or red lights should also be provided along the cordon to warn people.
8. Never allow anybody to enter these cordoned areas during exposures.-9. Never attempt to take out the source assembly from the camera.

10. Always try to use the minimum required source activity for panoramic


LESSER THE SOURCE ACTIVITY, LESSER WILL, BE THE DOSE RECEIVED IN ANY GIVEN PERIOD. 11. Try dummy operations prior to giving the actual exposures in order to reduce the time of operation' with radiation source. LESSER THE TIME SPENT NEAR THi, SOURCE,- LESSER -WILL BE THE DOSE. 12. Always keep maximum possible distance from the source during exposures. LARGER THE DISTANCE, LESSER WILT, 3E THE RADIATION DOSE. course, u work heck `verything 13. *NEVER USE A DE7+ECTTIV) AMER (,Itfor giving exposures of . before starting the day's OR K. DURIa FILMITL 14. NEVER FORGETO BDGEo source is entitled Re a rad EAn i M Anybody who handles g ha.D badge. 15. USE OF RADIATION MONITORS IS A MUST. Never plan radiographic work without a suitable radiation monitor_ 16. The control badge provided at eah site. frog m the area whererethen radiography sor. ces are in a radiation free zone - away used/stored. 17. In case of accidents such as damage to the camera or source assembly Cr lost of source assembly, cordon-off the area and report. the matter, immediate.iy, superiors and subsequently, to Head, Radiological Physics and Advisory Division, BARC, Mumbai 400 085. 18. INFORM CO-WORKERS ABOUT RADIATION HAZARDS AND SAFE WORK PRACTICE. I


9. RADIATION ACCIDENTS IN INDUSTRIAL RADIOGRAPHY Use of radioactive sources in industrial radiography has been increasing steadily during the last few decades . Radiation sources of activity of a few curies to a few hundred curies are used in industrial radiography . In spite of all the precautions taken during use, some abnormal events/ radiation accidents , may happen which may result in higher dose to concerned people and to others in the vicinity. An accident to industrial radiography, can be described as an evlnt or series of events which leads to loss of normal control,of the source. I Total radiation safety is achieved by built-in safety in the equipntent/inrtallatior; accompanied by good administrative control.. review.of radiation accidents indicates that human error and 'equipment error are the main causes of these accidents.
The main factors which contribute.to the human error are 1. inadequate training,

2. failure to monitor, 3. failure to maintain the equipment, 4. ignorance about operation and handling and 5. takiig things for granted.
Of these, the last factor, the tendency of the operators to overlook some of the basic requirements for proper work practice during routine work, has been the major cause in maximum number of accidents in industrial radiography. The following are some of the events which may lead to radiation emergencies. 1. Loss of source during storage, use or transport. 2. Source assembly falling out during transport and use. 3. Source assembly getting detached from drive mechanism. 4. Source assembly getting stuck in the guide tube. 5. Rupture cf source capsule (this may also lead to contamination). 6. Damage to source housing (radiography camera/lead pot).

The following are some of the accidents which have occurred in our country. 1. DETACIIli'IENT OF SOURCE PIGTAIL
1.1. After completion.. of exposure with a remote operated camera, the operator, when he retracted the c ible, did no[ see the rear end of the pigtail assembly. Even then, without properly cliecl inc, with a radiation monitor, he rolled the guide tube and carried it on his shoulder to the dark room, where some radiography films and personnel monitoring badges were kept. Incidentally, the guide tube had the source and this was detected only on the next day with the ht lp of radiation monitors. The dose to the operator could not be determined by



as it got exposed along with many radiography films in the dark room. The on the part of the operator to check the accident occurred due to faulty coupling and negligence he neglected to use a radiation monitor to integrity of coupling before use. In addition , confirm, after use, proper return of the source into the camera. Cause of accident : Failure-to monitor, poor maintenance 1.21. In a similar accident elsewhere, the presence of the pigtail assembly in the guide tube was of the drive cable. This det4cted by routine monitoring, immediately after the retraction averting further damage and excessive hell ed in taking necessary action promptly and also in do to the operators and others in the vicinity.

1. c'rive cable of a cobalt-60 camera was kept coupled to the.source assembly.. Once 3. The during use, the source assembly got detached from the drive cable and remained in the guide tube. The operator thought that the source is safe inside the camera as he. could rotate the shutter drum, after retraction of cable. He failed to confirm this, with a radiation monitor. After some time, that too after completion of job for the day, the source assembly fell out of efforts to put the source assembly back the guide tube, whedit was uncoupled. He made some into the camera. He received, considerably high dose..This_accident.occurred because. the coupling between the source assembly and the drive cable was not checked periodically. No monitoring was done with survey meters to confirm the position of the source.


2. 1. In an incident, after completion of the days work, the source assembly of a shutter operated camera was kept in a 'transport container (lead pot) and this.was nog brought back to source s'tcrage room. This resulted in the theft of the transport container.with the source. T thief, not knowing that he is handling hazardous material, left the source assembly in the driver's cabin of a lorry and sold the transport container to a scrap dealer. The source assembly was located only after two days. The above incident took place, mainly, because of negligence on the pa: t of the radiographer in not keeping the source housing in the source storage room, after completion of radiography work.

Cause: Source not stored at proper place after use. 3. DAMAGE TO SOURCE CAPSULE
3.1. When a radiographer drove back the drive cable, after radiographic exposure, he detected higher radiation level at the gear box. He felt that the source assembly has got stuck up in the guide tube and thought, that he can bring it back by operating the driving system a few times. Later, a technician opened the gear box to check whether the-cable had been Completely retracted or not. Actually, the source capsule had got ruptured and the source pellets had go-, dispersed to different parts of the equipment, because of repeated operations of the driving system. One pellet was even found on a road nearby. Management.of the situation required elaborate procedure. The above incident resulted not`only in. high radiation dose to concerned



people, but alsa led to contamination of the radiography equi ment Cause; Poor d--sign of source A

capsule . 4. TRANSPORT Operator failed INCIDENT

to apply his common sense.

4.1 A radiography camera was transported in a wooden box camera and without properly packing the box. few days and the ratcout properly locking the dio rah t The wooden b:a Jhed a atic,^n after a g P y camera was found in shutter op. l;ition, the with ith r radiation level Cause; Failure to monitor and not following Packing Procedi.: Many more incidents have preventive maintenance and failure of the operators t to mon q ope avoided, if radiation monitors are used re earl , ^e main cause is poor +erexposures could be radiation sources for radio g Y There g ra p h y. ar _ `i1 institutions who use 70 accident above ignorance s, , which have Occurred in the count^1Ven y These acct Yprcal ones of around negligence and carelessness . urrtd mainly because of Can these not be avoided '?
Many such accidents can be easily avoided, if the operators

a d s;;; ^ cs,yrk practic The hazard associated e. with suchci with radiation'sources, use rad; acdents would be less serio^ t atton monitors properly , duri ng r.T People working ,^1k. The following are a few accident and associated hazaroints which help in minimizing t : =Oc; of a radiation 1. Proper training,
2. Awareness of haz;.rd. 3. Proper record of sources and exposures given.

4 a. Regular maintenance and checking of equipment. b. Confirming proper coupling es

and rectifying, if defect is c. Periodical checking of coupling system, guide tube dri, S. Availability of proper handling equipment. 6. Adopting routine monitoring procedure cameras, to confirm sate return of the sourcearticularly i;
C viiCfateC

It should also

be noted that, if, inspite of all precautions, any unu:

occurs, e .


t!ho I t.%^ :;te p;.nicky . - The operator should stop work with the equipment, cordon the area and report the matter to his higher authorities and Radiological Physics & Advisory Division (RP&AD), Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400 085. The site incharge / R.S.O. should monitor around the place of accident and analyze the situation . No attempt should be made without calm thinking and proper planning . If he has necessary tools, radiation monitors, pocket dosimeters and if he is familiar with the equipment and confident of handling the situation with least exposure to himself and to others in vicinity, he ma}^l do t. In such a case, he should inform RP&AD, BARC, Mumbai 400 085, about the accidett and write in detail about the situation and the procedure adopted in handling it and the do recei ied by those who handled it. If he feels that: he would not be able to handle it .and th situation is complicated , he should cordon the requisite area , provide necessary shielding arot::id the source and inform RP&AD, for further action. Meddling with the equipment or in other words, groping in the dark when an unusual incident occurs, would make the situation worse and complicate the management of the accident.


* Training and experience. * Thorough knowledge of equipment. * Understanding of the situation. * A safe and systematic approach.

*,.Sensible and intellectual interrogation of personnel involved in the incident. * Pro.er mobilization and utilization of men and material. * Cool and calm thinking and planning.

** Only certified and trained person are permitted to work with radiography sources., ** Radiation source is a hazardous material. During radiation' accident, a; there is likelihood of over-exposure to radiation and b. members of public including children are likely to be exposed to radiation. Possible injuries to an individual in a radiation accident are a. severe radiation burns to individual organs, particularly fingers, b. prolonged medical treatment, c. amputation of affected parts, d. late effects of radiation, e. death, if dose is very high. iirr . OFFENDER IS LIABLE TO BE LEGALLY PROSECUTED.


10 REGULATORY ASPECTS OF RADIATION 4.VOTECTION Work with radiation sources may involve exposure of workers ant ic.
with radiation should be controlled by the Government. Such con-, Therefore, work rules and regulations are made by the Government. The Governme<. be effective only it Protection Rules, 1971. These rules prescribe that a licences .be issain Rad y any person, pr;or to handling radioactive materials b any b . The rules are en o;- _th e At Regulatory Board AERB , l the Atomic Energy o m ic The chairman , AERB is the Compete r ..:.. Under trial rules, a surveillance order was issued in 1980, with particu;ar vasty' radiography. The salient features of this order are given below. nce to industral 1. Only approved equipment (ie., camera) should be used for radiography. 2. Radiography cameras should be operated only by qualified,
personnel. 3. For each radiography site, the licensee should appoint a qualiii...,.. trained site incharge.


A. Verification of Inverse Square Law

Radioactive source, survey meter , metre scale, marker 2. THEORY : Radiation intensity decreases with increase in distance from the source. It follows inverse square law, which states that "Radiation intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source." Mathematically, it can be expressed as

where, I is the radiation intensity and d is the distance from the source. Similarly, if I1 and 12 are radiation intensities at distances d1 and d2, 'respectively, from the source, then L1 2 = d1
2 12d2'

3. PROCEDURE (including safety precautions) a. Wear personnel monitoring (film/TLD) badge. b. Take a survey meter, which is in proper working condition. c. Place the source container in such a way that the radiation beam can be made.'ON' horizontally, towards unoccupied area.

d. Mark four points at different distances from the source location. e. Place the survey meter at the first distance, in such a way that the meter can be read from a distance.
f. Turn the beam 'ON' and note down the meter reading. After noting down the reading switch 'OFF' the beam. g. Repeat steps 'e' and 'f' for other distances. h. Note down these readings in a table, as shown below. i. Take care to see that minimum time is spent near the source and hands are not put in the radiation beam.

j. Calculate I x d2 for each, distance and note down the values in the table.

4. OBSERVATION Source : Activity:

on dater

Survey meter used and its serial no.: I S.No I Distance ^ Exposure r ate I I dmetres (d) in mR/h (I)

I I I I ^
5. RESULT/ CONCLUSION Observe whether i x d2 is

I I j I ^ I I_ I I I J

fairly constant at different distances inverse square law is verified. If variations . If the value is cones contribution of radiation arenearby observed, it would generally^ta^^ be scattered by objects.






r i7iiJ^n' ' L^k ^ r ......

B. Determination of Activity of a Given Radiation Source


Radioactive source, survey meter, metre scale, marker 2. THEORY

Radiation output from a given gamma radiation source of unit activity is constant. This constant output at one metre 'is known as RHM. RHM is defined as exposure rate in R/h at 1 metre from a gamma source of 1 Ci activity. By measuring exposure rate at a certain distance from the source, activity can be calculated as per the following relation: AxRHM Exposure rate = d2 [ A is activity of source in Ci I Exposure rate x d2 = Ci RHM

3. PROCEDURE ( including safety precautions)


a. Wear personnel monitoring (filrri/TLD) badge. b. Take a survey meter, which is in proper working condition.

c. Place the source container in such a. way that the radiation beam can be made 'ON' horizontally, towards unoccupied area. d. Mark four points at different distances from the source location. e. Place the survey meter at the first distance, in such a way that the meter can be read from a distance. f. Turn the beam 'ON' and note down the meter reading. After noting down the reading ;witch 'OFF' the beam.
g. Repeat -;teps 'e' and 'f' for other distances. h. Note down these readings in a table, as shown below. I. Take care to see that minimum time is spent near the source and hands are not put in the radiation beam. Calculate I x d2 for each distance, divide this by RHM for the source and note down the values in the table.


4. OBSERVATION Source : Activity:

on date:

Survey meter used and its serial no.: r-I S No Distance I Exposure rate Ix2 d I I metres ( d) in mR /h (I) IA RHM

`I I I I



i I I I I I I




Average ge A Ci SION source is Ci.

Activity of the given

xkz"i log 11 11111i

C. Determination of Half Value Thickness (HVT)

1. EQUIPMENT Radioactive source , survey meter, metre.scale, lead sheets /steel sheets, marker 2. THEORY When gamma rays pass through matter, some of them undergo absorption. Transmitted radiation intensity decreases with increase. in the thickness of the absorber. The thickness of the absorber which reduces the radiation intensity to half of its original Similarly, the thickness of the absorber .value is known as Half Value Thickness. which reduces the radiation intensity to one tenth of the original value is known as Tenth Value Thickness.

2 3 No. of Half Value Lagers ->


The curve given above is obtained after Plotting radiati intend thickness of the abso on rber. From this curve , we can find out the HVT of the absorbers to 3. PROCEDURE (including safety precautions)

a. Wear personnel monitoring (film/TLD) badge.

b. Take a survey meter, which is in proper working condition.

c. Place the source container in such a way that the radiation beam cE n be made 'ON' horizontally, towards unoccupied area.
d. Fix a suitable distance between snurce position and survey meter so that absorbers can be conveniently placed in between. e. Position yourself in such a way that survey meter can be read from a distance' f- Take readings by inserting absorbers one by one and record them in a table. g. Take care to see that minimum time is spent near the source and hands are not put in the radiation beam. 4. OBSERVATION Source : Activity: on date:

Survey meter used and its serial No.: S.No Absorber thickness (mm) ^ EiinpmR/h rate


A graph is plotted. Absorber thickness corresponding to 50 per cent reduction in the intensity is read on the graph. Multiply this HVT value by 3.3 to get TVT value. 6. RESULT/CONCLUSION

From the plotted curve, HVT value for gamma radiations of

-------- material is found to be - source in mm h e TVT value is found to be mm.


D. Safety Procedure for Open Field Radiography


Radiography camera, survey meter ,. warning symbols , fencing rope, radiography accessories. 2. THEORY : All radiation safet y procedures should be followed during setting up of radiography unit. All procedures should he such that under the given conditions, radiation exposure to the individual and to the public should as low as reasonably achievable and chances of any overexposure or radiation incidents are reduced.
3. PROCEDUF E (including safety precautions) a. Wear Personnel monitoring (filmfTLD) badge and pocket dosimeter. b. Take a :survey meter, which is in proper. working condition. c. Before opening the storage pit, monitor radiation levels. d. Check the locks and radiation levels on the camera. e. Carry radiography camera on a trolley to the site. f. Cordon.off required area with fencing rope. g. Connect smallest guide tube possible. The source assembly (pigtail) should be in lock position. h. Set up radiography joint with film and penetrameter. i. Positior. the collimator in such a way that the radiation beam would be towards unoccupied area. . j. Spread out maximum length of drive cable and couple it with the source assembly properly. k. Put the camera in operate position.

1. Ensure that no one is in the cordoned area. m. Drive the source in minimum time. n. Monitor radiation level at the gear box. o. Spend minimum time near the gear box. p. Drive source back after completion of exposure. q. Check proper return of source into the camera with survey meter.

1 I

E. Checking of Shielding Adequacy of Radiography Camera 1. EQUIPMENT

Radiography camera, survey meter, metre scale, marker 2., THEORY : Shielding provided in the radiography camera should meet with maximum permissible leakage limits . Table shown below indicats the permissible radiation leakage limits for different types of cameras.

Exposure rate in mR/h On external Surface


cm from 1 m from External External Surface Surface 50 2 100 I 5 100 I 10


200 200 200

By scanning the external of the camera

surface of the c^,mara in a systematic way, shielding adequacy

is checked. As per the standard each measurement is iveragc i

an area of 10 sq. cm. 3. PROCEDURE ( includitig safety precautions) : a. Wear Personnel monitoring (film/TLD) badge. b. Take a survey meter, which is in proper working condition.
c. Make different segments on the surface of the camera and mark points for taking measurements. d. Measure radiation level at each of these points. e. Record all readings in a table as shown below




1 ^1t7^ r ^t jn gi..^"may. a .


Radiography camera model and SI.no.: Source Activity: on date: Survey meter used and its serial no.




Reacings (mR/h)


3 4

1 6 7

A II -- I B I C

= F


^ I

1 Front
I J 1. _

5. CALCULATION : Capacity of the camera = Permissible leakage limit Observed max. leakage 6. RESULT/CONCLUSION : x Present activity

The camera shielding is adequate from radiation safety point of view, The maximum activity^.whicch can be loaded in the camera is Ci.


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