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PrntcctIng EcnnnmIc Intcrcsts

Ii. RanhiIio CaIIangan Aquino
Assislanl ChanceIIoi foi Acadenic Affaiis
IhiIippine }udiciaI Acadeny
Supiene Couil of lhe IhiIippines
Dean, Ciaduale SchooI of Lav
San eda CoIIege (MendioIa, ManiIa)

l. lntroductlon

InleIIecluaI piopeily iighls aie aloul econonic inleiesls. Of lhis lheie is no
doull. Consideialion of lhese iighls vas one of lhe piioiilies of lhe Uiuguay
Round of lhe Gcncra| Agrccncn| cn Tariffs and Tradcs lhal engendeied lhe WoiId
Tiade Oiganizalion.

Invesloi confidence and lhe puncliIious enfoicenenl of lhese iighls aie diieclIy
ieIaled, and inleinalionaI piessuie is lioughl lo leai on lhose counliies lhal ly
lhe fiequency and giavily of inleIIecluaI piopeily iighls vioIalions eain noloiiely
as aiianl vioIalois. The IhiIippines, unfoilunaleIy, has fiequenlIy appeaied on
lhe Iisls of II niscieanls!

ul inleIIecluaI piopeily is aIso - and piincipaIIy al Ieasl, in lhe conlenpIalion of
lhe Conslilulion of 1987 - aloul lenefiling lhe pulIic. The nonopoIies lhal lhe
Iav gianls ciealois and invenlois aie incenlives so lhal evenluaIIy lheii ciealive
oulpul and usefuI invenlions nay le nade avaiIalIe lo lhe pulIic.

IieciseIy lecause lhe pulIic has a slake in lhe ciealions and invenlions of ils
nenleis lheie is good ieason lo alide ly lhe geneiaI iuIe: If you vanl lo enjoy
lhe pioleclion of youi inleIIecluaI piopeily iighls, avoid aII lhal nay iendei youi
voik fieeIy avaiIalIe in lhe pulIic donain and do aII lhal is iequiied lo ollain
pioleclion. Wheie lhe oppoilunily exisls lhen foi lhe opeialion of lhe Iav lo
nake youi ciealion fieeIy avaiIalIe, il viII pul il leyond lhe paIe of any

This is lhe ieason foi such iequiienenls as appIicalion and iegislialion, piioiily
dales, lhe iuIe againsl piejudiciaI discIosuies, lhe docliines of faii use and lhe
excIusions fion pioleclion, as veII as lhe iuIes on conpuIsoiy Iicensing and
liansfei of lechnoIogy.

ll. Scoe of Re|etant Laus:

1. R.A. 8293: The lnte||ectua| Proert Code
UliIily ModeIs
IndusliiaI Designs
Tiadenaiks, Seivice Maiks and Tiade nanes
Ieifoineis Righls
Righls of Iioduceis of Sound Recoidings
Righls of ioadcasling Oiganizalions

2. ||cc|rcnic Ccnncrcc Ac| cf 2002:
MaleiiaI on lhe Inleinel and olhei leIeconnunicalion nelvoik faciIilies

3. R.A. 9150: Protectlon of La-Out Deslgns (Toograhles) of lntegrated
Lay-Oul Designs (Topogiaphies) of Inlegialed Ciicuils

4. R.A. 9168: Protectlon of Neu P|ant Varletles
IIanl Vaiiely Iioleclion

5. R.A. 9239: Otlca| Medla Act
OplicaI and Magnelic Media

lll. Retleulng the Baslc Prlncl|es of lnte||ectua| Proert Lau Protectlon

A. Ccpqrign| |au

1. Copyiighl is acquiied ly lhe neie ciealion of a voik. No foinaIily is
iequiied foi lhe acquisilion of copyiighl, and lheiefoie lhe piesenl iuIe is aIso
knovn as lhe no-foinaIily iuIe. Theie is no iegislialion iequiienenl foi
copyiighls, and lhe NalionaI Liliaiy does nol gianl copyiighls.

2. The dicholony lelveen Idca and cxprcssInn has leen ieileialed ly iecenl
juiispiudence. cf. ]caquin t. Dri|cn, C.R. 1O8946 (}anuaiy 28, 1999). Ideas enjoy
no pioleclion and hence no nonopoIy can allach lo schenes, nelhods,
pioceduies and foinals.

3. Theie shouId le no confusion aloul lhe anlil of pioleclion affoided ly
diffeienl aspecls of inleIIecluaI and indusliiaI piopeily iighls Iav. IulIishing a
skelch, diaving oi a phologiaph and announcing lhal vhal is pulIished enjoys
copyiighl pioleclion does nol opeiale as palenl pioleclion of lhe ilen so
skelched, diavn oi phologiaphed. The onIy pioleclion one ollains lheiely is
againsl lhe unaulhoiized iepioduclion, disliilulion oi expIoilalion of lhe skelch,
lhe diaving oi lhe phologiaph.

4. Il is nol necessaiy lhal an enliie voik le iepioduced in oidei lo infiinge
copyiighl. Haoana t. Rco|cs, C.R. 131522 (}uIy 19, 1999) heId: If so nuch is laken
lhal lhe vaIue of lhe oiiginaI voik is sulslanliaIIy dininished, oi lhe Ialois of
lhe oiiginaI aulhoi aie sulslanliaIIy and lo an injuiious exlenl appiopiialed ly
anolhei, lhal is sufficienl in poinl of Iav lo conslilule piiacy. The deleinining
consideialion viII lhen le vhelhei oi nol lhal vhich is supposedIy copied
conslilules an oiiginaI conliilulion of lhe aulhoi oi lhe ailisl, and vhelhei oi nol
lhe unIavfuI expIoilalion injuies lhe piolecled econonic inleiesls of lhe
copyiighl hoIdei.

5. The so-caIIed piialed CDs, VCDs and DVDs aie inslances of vioIalions
of copyiighl Iav. Aside fion nusicaI conposilions and Iileiaiy-nusicaI voiks
lhal aie piolecled ly Iav, sound iecoidings aIso aie. UnIike lhe voiks
piincipaIIy coveied ly copyiighl (e.g., Iileiaiy-nusicaI voiks), sound iecoidings
enjoy a neie fifly (5O) yeai peiiod of pioleclion fion lhe line of lhe iecoiding.
They aIso conslilule a vioIalion of lhe Op|ica| Mcdia Ac|, R.A. 9239.

6. Conpulei soflvaie (piogians and dalalases) aie piolecled ly copyiighl.
Conpulei haidvaie is piolecled ly palenl. The econonic iighl of lhe copyiighl
hoIdei of soflvaie piogians is Iiniled ly lhe iighl of lhe Iegilinale ovnei of a
copy lheieof lo pioduce vhal is knovn as an aichivaI copy, as veII as lhe
adaplalion iighl such an ovnei enjoys.

8. |ndus|ria| Prcpcr|q. Tradcnar|s, Scrticc Mar|s and Tradc Nancs

1. UnIike a liadenaik, a liade nane is piolecled even piioi lo oi vilhoul
iegislialion fion unIavfuI acls ly lhiid pailies. CIeaiIy, one such unIavfuI acl
vouId le lhe appiopiialion ly a junioi conpeliloi of lhe liade nane of a senioi.
Tiade nanes, insofai as lhey aie coipoiale nanes, aie goveined nol onIy ly lhe
InleIIecluaI Iiopeily Code lul ly lhe Coipoialion Code as veII, and suljecl lo
lhe ieguIaloiy aulhoiily of lhe Secuiilies and Lxchange Connission. Change in
lhe ovneiship of a liade-nane can cone onIy vilh lhe liansfei of lhe enleipiise,
oi of lhal poilion of lhe enleipiise idenlified ly lhe liade-nane.

2. Lven vilhoul iegisleiing a naik, an enliepieneui vho has idenlified in
lhe pulIic nind his goods oi seivices vilh such a naik and has eslalIished
goodviII viII have cause of aclion againsl anolhei vho nakes use of lhe knovn
naik in oidei lo pass off his goods as lhose of lhe enliepieneui vho has aIieady
eslalIished goodviII. This is lhe essence of an unfair ccnpc|i|icn case. In an
unfaii conpelilion case il is goodviII lhal is piolecled. The pIainliff lhen as a
nallei of evidenliaiy necessily nusl piove goodviII.

3. When A ollains an excIusive deaIeiship oi disliiluloiship of x pioducls
and discoveis shoilIy lhal is naikeling lhe sane pioducls, A has no cause
of aclion againsl undei lhe unfaii conpelilion piovisions of lhe InleIIecluaI
Iiopeily Code. If anylhing al aII, A shouId go aflei lhe souice, pioducei oi
nanufacluiei of x goods vilh vhon he enleied inlo a conliacl of excIusive
deaIeiship oi disliiluloiship and il viII le up lo such a pioducei oi
nanufacluiei lo puisue vhalevei IegaI ienedies aie avaiIalIe againsl . See:
Sc|id Triang|c Sa|cs Ccrpcra|icn t. Tnc Sncriff cf R.T.C., C.R. 1443O9 (Novenlei 23,

4. Undei lhe anli-diIulion piovisions of lhe InleIIecluaI Iiopeily Code, lhe
ovnei of a iegisleied naik nay sue foi lhe use of lhe naik in ieIalion lo non-
idenlicaI goods and seivices vhen a conneclion is indicaled lelveen lhe nev
goods and seivices vilh lhe senioi pioducei in such vise as lo le piejudiciaI lo
lhe oiiginaI iighl hoIdei.

C. Tnc |au cn Pa|cn|s.

1. Ciealions foi vhich palenls aie soughl nusl conlain lhe foIIoving:

a. NoveIly: lhey nusl nol le laiied ly piioi ail
b. Invenlive slep: lhey nusl le non-olvious lo a peison skiIIed lhe
c. IndusliiaIIy appIicalIe: lhey nusl le ieducilIe lo piaclice.

2. |s a pa|cn| auardcd |c |nc intcn|cr unc intcn|s firs|?

Nol necessaiiIy, lecause lhe iuIe in palenls is lhe fiisl lo fiIe iuIe, lheiefoie il is
lhe peison vho fiIes foi palenl pioleclion fiisl vho is avaided lhe palenl.

3. Arc scicn|ific cr na|ncna|ica| |nccrics pa|cn|ao|c?

No, lhey aie nol. aie ideas, soIulions lo nenlaI piolIens oi ganes aie nol

4. Arc ccnpu|cr prcgrans pa|cn|ao|c?

No, lhey aie nol. Conpulei piogians aie enlilIed lo copyiighl pioleclion.

5. lna| naq oc |nc suojcc| cf pa|cn| prc|cc|icn?

a. Iioducls
b. Iiocesses
c. Inpiovenenls

6 lna| spccia| prc|cc|icn a||acncs |c a prcccss pa|cn|?

The hoIdei of a piocess palenl can excIude olheis fion lhe use, liansaclion in oi
inpoilalion of lhe pioducl of his palenled piocess, vhelhei diiecl oi indiiecl.

7. |f |nc app|ican| ninsc|f nas disc|cscd nis intcn|icn car|icr |nan nis app|ica|icn
da|c, is nc s|i|| cn|i||cd |c a pa|cn|?

Yes, he is, piovided lhal he appIies foi a palenl vilhin lveIve (12) nonlhs of
such discIosuie, olheivise his ovn discIosuie lais hin fion palenl pioleclion.

8. lna| arc |nc rign|s cf a pa|cn|cc?

His iighls aie:

a. The naking, using, offeiing foi saIe, seIIing oi inpoiling of a
palenled pioducl, oi a pioducl ollained diieclIy oi indiieclIy fion
a palenled piocess,
b. To assign oi liansfei ly succession lhe palenl and lo concIude
Iicensing conliacls foi lhe saIe.

9. lncn a prcfcsscr ui|ncu| au|ncri|q cf |nc pa|cn|cc discusscs |nc intcn|icn ui|n
nis c|ass, disnan||cs |nc prcduc|, and rc-asscno|cs i|, and in|rcduccs ncdifica|icn, is |nis
a tic|a|icn cf pa|cn|?

No, il is nol, lecause scienlific oi expeiinenlaI uses of lhe palenled oljecl do nol
conslilule infiingenenl.

1O. lna| is |nc dcc|rinc cf cquita|cn|s?

Il is lhe docliine lhal if lvo devices do lhe sane voik, in sulslanliaIIy lhe sane
vay, and pioduce lhe sane iesuIl, no nallei vhal sIighl nodificalions oi
changes nay le inlioduced, lhey aie lhe sane pioducl. Theiefoie a conpeliloi
cannol inlioduce ninoi nodificalions oi changes lo acquiie a palenl lhal
conpeles vilh lhe oiiginaI palenlee, if lhe iesuIl of his so-caIIed invenlion is a
neie equivaIenl.

lV. Otlca| Medla and Magnetlc Medla Cases

1. What, ln ou|ar |anguage, are these?

o Casselle lapes
o elanax and VHS lapes
o Diskelles, fIoppy disks, nicio-fIoppy disks
o Conpacl disks, vhelhei:
Audio oi Video CDs

2. What cases ma be brought lnto|tlng otlca| or magnetlc medla?

The nosl connon cases vouId le infiingenenl cases lolh civiI and
CiininaI pioseculion can iesuIl fion lhe iaids conducled ly opeialives of
lhe OplicaI Media oaid on eslalIishnenls engaged in lhe piiacy of
oplicaI nedia.

3. Cltl| Cases for lnfrlngement:

a. The pIainliff nusl le a iighl-hoIdei undei inleIIecluaI piopeily Iav lhal
nakes hin oi hei a ieaI paily in inleiesl.

l. The piovisions of lhe InleIIecluaI Iiopeily Code lhal aie ieIevanl in a civiI
case foi infiingenenl:

o On sound iecoidings, such as audiolapes, audio-casselles, audio
CDs, elc., Cnap|cr X|||, Scc|icn 208 c| scq. appIy,
o On video iecoidings, such as elanax oi VHS lapes, oi video CDs
oi DVDs, Cnap|cr ||, Scc|icn 172.1, | appIy,
o On conpulei piogians (soflvaie), Cnap|cr ||, Scc|icn 172.1, n in
ieIalion lo Cnap|cr V|||, Scc|icn 189 appIy.

c. The foIIoving ienedies aie avaiIalIe:

o The piovisionaI seizuie of ailicIes lhal nay evidence infiingenenl.
(Scc|icn 216.2) The nallei is goveined ly lhe Ru|c cn Scarcn and
Scizurc in Citi| Ac|icns fcr |nfringcncn| cf |n|c||cc|ua| Prcpcr|q Rign|s
oulIined in lhe foiegoing seclion.

o An oidei lo lhe defendanl lo deIivei undei oalh:
SaIes invoices
Olhei docunenls invoIving saIes
AilicIes infiinging copyiighl
InpIenenls foi lhe pioduclion of infiinging naleiiaIs

o TRO, Wiil of IieIininaiy Injunclion and Ieinanenl Injunclion lo
iesliain infiingenenl.

o Avaid of danages

AcluaI danages
LegaI cosls
Olhei expenses
Iiofils of lhe infiingei
MoiaI and exenpIaiy danages

o Desliuclion of infiinging copies, incIuding pIales, noIds and olhei
inpIenenls foi lhe pioduclion of infiinging naleiiaIs, even if lhe
accused in a ciininaI case shouId le acquilled.

d. In oidei lo slale a cause of aclion, vhal nusl lhe conpIainl avei`

Thal lhe pIainliff is lhe hoIdei of copyiighl lo lhe audio oi video
iecoiding oi pioduclion, and

Thal lhe defendanl has iepioduced vilhoul aulhoiily a sound
oi an audio-visuaI iecoiding, OR

Thal lhe defendanl has disliiluled vilhoul aulhoiily copies of
lhe audio oi audiovisuaI iecoiding, OR

Thal lhe defendanl has ienled oul copies of lhe audio oi audio-
visuaI voik lo lhe pulIic vilhoul aulhoiily

e. Renindeis in iegaid lo evidence:

To eslalIish exislence of copyiighl, il is enough lhal lhe pIainliff execule
an affidavil decIaiing lhal copyiighl sulsisls in lhe voik, lhal he is lhe
hoIdei of such iighl, and lhal lhe allached oi annexed copy is a copy of
lhe voik. These piesunplions sland unliI pioved olheivise. (Scc|icn

Il is piesuned lhal:

o The peison oi coipoiale lody vhose nane appeais in an audio-
visuaI voik in lhe usuaI nannei is lhe nakei lheieof. (Scc|icn

o The copyiighl sulsisls in lhe voik oi suljecl nallei lo vhich lhe
aclion ieIales unIess lhe defendanl puls lhis in issue. (Scc|icn 218.2,

o The pIainliff is piesuned ovnei of copyiighl, unIess lhis is pul in
issue ly lhe defendanl. (Scc|icn 218,2, o)

In pioving lhe unIavfuI piofil nade ly lhe infiingei, lhe pIainliff neieIy
has lo piove saIes. Il is foi lhe defendanl lo piove eveiy eIenenl of cosl.
When lhis cannol le eslalIished vilh piepondeianl evidence, lhe couil
deleinines lhe anounl lhal appeais jusl. (Scc|icn 216,1, o)

f. IossilIe defenses:

Lxpiiy of pioleclion. The pioleclion foi sound oi inage and sound
iecoidings is fifly (5O) yeais fion lhe end of lhe yeai in vhich lhe
iecoiding look pIace. (Scc|icn 215.1, o, Scc|icn 213.6)

LxcIusive peisonaI use. (Scc|icn 212.1)

Use of shoil exceipl foi iepoiling cuiienl evenls. (Scc|icn 212.2)

Use foi lhe soIe puipose of leaching oi foi scienlific ieseaich. (Scc|icn

In case of a copy of a conpulei soflvaie, adaplalion necessaiy foi lhe
opeialion of lhe conpulei soflvaie piogian. (Scc|icn 189.1,a)

AichivaI copy of conpulei soflvaie. (Scc|icn 189.1, o) This defense can le
avaiIed of hovevei onIy ly one vho is in IavfuI possession of conpulei
soflvaie. The nonenl lhe soflvaie has leen conveyed IavfuIIy, il aIso
ceases lo le IavfuI lo ielain lhe aichivaI copy lhal nusl le deslioyed.

Iaii use in accoidance vilh Scc|icn 185.1 lhal vouId incIude:

o Ciilicisn, connenl, nevs iepoiling
o Teaching, schoIaiship, ieseaich
o Rendeiing a conpulei piogian inlei-opeialIe vilh olhei piogians
in lhe sane conpulei.

In lhe case of conpulei piogians oi shovs (such as TeIevision Iiogians)
lhe defense can le iighlIy iaised lhal vhal is iepioduced is lhe idea, and
nol lhe expiession of lhe idea. Thus foinal, nelhod and concepl do nol
enjoy pioleclion. (Scc|icn 175, appIied in ]caquin t. Dri|cn, C.R. 1O8946
|}anuaiy 28, 1999j)

In lhe case of dalalases (e.g., LncycIopedias oi conpiIalions of dala in
digilaI foin) lhe pioleclion lhal is exlended lo lhe dalalase ilseIf ly vay
of lhe seIeclion oi aiiangenenl of dala is diffeienl fion vhalevei
pioleclion lheie nay oi nay nol le in lhe dala lhenseIves. Il vouId
lheiefoie le a good defense lhal il is unpiolecled dala on vhich lhe
pIainliffs cIain is lased, and nol lhe dalalase ilseIf. l|PO Ccpqrign|
Trca|q, Ar|ic|c 5. Scc|icn 175 of lhe I.I. Code expiessIy excIudes neie
dala as such fion lhe anlil of pioleclion.

4. Punlshab|e acts:

PrnvIsInn nf !aw IndIctab!c acts Pcna!ty
Scc|icn 217.1, |n|c||cc|ua|
Prcpcr|q Ccdc
Alelling oi aiding
Iiisl offense: 1 lo 3
AND a fine fion
5O,OOO Iesos lo
One 15O,OOO Iesos.
Second offense: 3
yeais, 1 day lo 6
yeais AND a fine
fion 15O,OOO Iesos
lo 5OO,OOO.
Thiid offense: 6
yeais, 1 day lo 9
yeais AND a fine
of fion 5OO,OOO lo
1,5OO,OOO Iesos
inpiisonnenl in case
of insoIvency.
Scc|icn 217.3, |P Ccdc Iossession of an
infiinging ailicIe foi
lhe puipose of:
SeIIing oi
Disliiluling in
Tiade Lxhilil
- dillo -
Scc|icn 19,a R.A. 9239 Inpoilalion,
acquisilion, saIe,
Iiisl offense:
of al Ieasl 3
possession oi
opeialion of
equipnenl, pails
oi accessoiies foi
lhe nanufacluie
of nagnelic oi
oplicaI nedia,
inpoilalion oi
expoilalion of
oplicaI oi
nagnelic nedia,
Non-affixing of
iequiied Souice
Codes, oi use of
fake SIDs,
AIIoving lhe use
of SIDs assigned
lo oneseIf ly
olheis nol so
yeais lul nol
noie lhan 6
yeais AND a
fine of nol Iess
lhan 5OO,OOO
lul nol noie
lhan 1,5OO.OO.
of 6 yeais, nol
exceeding 9
yeais and a
fine of nol Iess
lhan 1,5OO,OOO
lul nol noie
lhan 3,OOO,OOO.
Scc|icn 19,o, R.A. 9239 Inpoiling,
expoiling, seIIing
oi disliiluling,
possession oi
acquiiing in
naleiiaIs used oi
inlended foi lhe
nanufacluie oi
iepIicalion of
oplicaI oi
nagnelic nedia.
iendeiing lhe
seivice of
nanufacluiing oi
iepIicaling oplicaI
oi nagnelic nedia
foi anolhei in
infiingenenl of
piopeily iighls,
Iiisl offense:
Inpiisonnenl of
al Ieasl 1 yeai lul
nol noie lhan 3
yeais AND a fine
of nol Iess lhan
1,OOO pesos lul
nol noie lhan
Inpiisonnenl of 3
yeais lo nol noie
lhan 6 yeais, AND
a fine of nol Iess
lhan 5OO,OOO lul
nol exceeding
inspeclion ly
OM, oi lo
suiiendei ailicIes,
naleiiaIs found in
opeialions ly lhe
Scc|icn 19, suoscc|icn af|cr
Iossession of
ilens in vioIalion
of R.A. 9239 vilh
inlenl lo piofil,
Lngaging in saIe,
expoilalion of
oplicaI oi
nagnelic nedia in
vioIalion of lhe
Inpiisonnenl of al Ieasl
3O days lul nol noie
lhan 9O days OR a fine of
nol Iess lhan 25,OOO lul
nol exceeding 5O,OOO,

a. Wl|| rosecutlon under BOTH the l.P. Code and R.A. 9239 |le?

Yes, an offendei nay le pioseculed lolh undei lhe I.I. Code and R.A. 9239, and
lhe penaIlies inposed ly lhe Iallei Iav do nol piejudice penaIlies lhal lhe I.I.
Code nay inpose. (Scc|icn 19, |as| paragrapn, R.A. 9239)

b. Hou does the ]udge determlne the ena|t to be lmosed uhen there ls a
range rotlded?

The judge, in cases undei R.A. 9239, consideis lhe size of lhe opeialions, lhe
vaIue of lhe ailicIes, and lhe peiiod of vioIalion. (Scc|icn 20) In cases undei lhe
I.I Code, he consideis lhe vaIue of lhe infiinging naleiiaIs and lhe danage lo
lhe copyiighl ovnei. (Scc|icn 217.2)

c. When the rlght ho|der ln an otlca| or magnetlc medla lnfrlngement case
does not fl|e actlon agalnst the offender, uho fl|es the crlmlna| com|alnt?

One of lhe poveis given lhe OplicaI Media oaid is lo acl as conpIainanl in lhe
ciininaI pioseculion of vioIalois of lhis Acl. (Scc|icn 10,f)

d. To rote l||ega|lt of re|lcatlon or reroductlon, ls lt necessar to
resent the master-tae or otlc or magnetlc master?

Il is onIy vhen lheie is a doull as lo vhelhei lhe supposed infiinging copies aie
indeed copies is il necessaiy lo piesenl lhe naslei in evidence lul vhen lhe
copying oi iepIicalion can olheivise le conpelenlIy pioved lhen lheie is no
necessily lo piesenl lhe naslei. Cc|unoia Pic|urcs t. Ccur| cf Appca|s, 261 SCRA
144 (1996), ]caquin t. Dri|cn, 361 IhiI 9OO (1999)

V. Other Corlght lnfrlngement Cases

5tatutnrI!y prntcctcd
Examp!cs nf wnrks: Acts nf InfrIngcmcnt
1. ooks and olhei

2. IeiiodicaIs and

LIeclionic oi e-ooks aie
looks. Wel-sile
pulIicalions aie coveied
as aie vel-pages,
incIuding sound and
novie iecoidings
avaiIalIe on lhe Inleinel
(||cc|rcnic Ccnncrcc Ac|,
R.A. 8792, Scc|icn 33,o)

3. Lecluies and oiaI
piesenlalions, vhelhei
ieduced lo viiling oi nol

IulIished oi
unpulIished ailicIes,

Music oi novie fiIes on
lhe Inleinel.

Lecluies deIiveied ly a
ievievei foi lhe ai
Lxans vhelhei in
viiling oi nol, honiIies
deIiveied ly a piiesl,
vhelhei he has noles oi
Adapling: aII
foins of
SeIIing oi
ovneiship of lhe
oljecl un!css one
is aIieady lhe
IavfuI ovnei
Inpoilalion of lhe
(AppIies lo aII naleiiaI
oljecls piolecled ly
copyiighl) (Scc|icn 177)

disliilulion, use,
naking avaiIalIe
lo lhe pulIic,
||cc|rcnic Ccnncrcc Ac|,
R.A. 8792, Scc|icn 33,o

conpiIalion (ly
iecoiding oi
liansciiplion) of
lhe oiaIIy

4. Lelleis

5. Dianalic, dianalico-
nusicaI voiks,

6. MusicaI conposilions

7. Diavings, painlings,
aichilecluie, scuIpluie,
olhei voiks of ail and
nodeIs lheieof

8. Woiks of appIied ail

9. IIIuslialions, naps,
pIans, skelches, chails

1O. Diavings oi pIaslic
voiks of a scienlific oi
lechnicaI chaiaclei

11. Ihologiaphs and
siniIai pioducls

12. Audio-visuaI and
cinenalogiaphic voiks

vhelhei he has noles oi

Opeias, opeiellas,
Nole: IopuIai dance
sleps - laIIioon
dancing - nol incIuded.

AichilecluiaI pIans
Iainlings of }oya,
CIay nodeIs of scuIpluiaI

Decoialive piinls of
shiils oi lIouses oi skiils,
CiealiveIy devised
foinals of lIank foins oi
even ieceipls,

Acelale lianspaiencies
found in nedicaI looks
iIIuslialing lody pails,
IIaslic nodeIs of
noIecuIai sliucluies

Ihologiaphs vhelhei on
liadilionaI fiIn oi digilaI

deIiveied pieces
Scc|icn 176.2

esides lhe I.I. Code
piovisions, see Ar|. 723,
Citi| Ccdc

peifoinance oi
olhei foins of
connunicalion lo
lhe pulIic
Scc|icn 177.6
- dillo -

Consliucling lhe
luiIding lhal
iepioduces lhe
vhoIe oi a
sulslanliaI pail of
lhe aichilecluiaI
Scc|icn 186

Iiiacy of oplicaI
and nagnelic
13. IicloiiaI iIIuslialions
and adveilisenenls

14. Conpulei piogians

15. Olhei Iileiaiy,
schoIaiIy and scienlific
Scc|icn 172

Soflvaie, incIuding
dalalases (excIuding
neie dala)

R.A. 9293, Scc|icn 19

1. Wl|| a c|alm of corlght rotectlon be sustalned ln the absence of a
certlflcate of reglstratlon from the Natlona| Llbrar?

Yes, il is an eIenenlaiy posluIale of copyiighl Iav lhal pioleclion is ly viilue of
lhe soIe facl of lhe ciealion of a voik. (Scc|icn 172.2, See aIso Scc|icn 172.1) Theie
is no slaluloiy iequiienenl of iegislialion. The onIy iegislialion nenlioned in
lhe Iav is lhe iegislialion and deposil of lvo conpIele copies of lhe voik foi
puiposes of conpIeling lhe iecoids of lhe NalionaI Liliaiy and lhe Supiene
Couil Liliaiy. (Scc|icn 191) Il is nol lheiefoie lhe copyiighl lhal is iegisleied
lul lhe copies of lhe voik.

IaiIuie lo deposil and iegislei copies DOLS NOT DLNY a iighl hoIdei pioleclion
undei lhe Iav. Il onIy exposes lhe ciealoi of lhe voik lo pay a fine, lhe
equivaIenl of lhe iequiied fee pei nonlh of deIay aside fion lhe paynenl of lhe
lesl edilion of lhe voik.

The nolice of copyiighl IS NOT NLCLSSARY. Il nay le affixed, lul lhe facl lhal
il does nol appeai does nol affecl lhe iighl-hoIdeis cIains. (Scc|icn 192)

2. Wl|| corlght rotectlon of a draulng, sketch or dlagram of a usefu| ltem
rotect the corlght ho|der from the unauthorlted manufacture of the ltem
delcted ln the draulng, sketch or dlagram?

No, il viII nol. Whal vouId effecliveIy lai an unaulhoiized peison fion
nanufacluiing oi faliicaling lhe ilen so depicled, skelched oi diavn vouId le
palenl iegislialion. Copyiighls and palenls have diffeienl offices, and one
cannol le used as a sulslilule foi lhe olhei. In sun, lhe onIy pioleclion
copyiighl vouId exlend vouId le lo lhe diaving, skelch oi diagian ilseIf, nol lo
lhe ilen oi oljecl diavn, skelched oi diagianned. Pcar| and Dcan t. Snccnar|,
C.R. 148222 (Augusl 15, 2OO3)

3. ln regard to artlc|es or books, hou much must be coled so that a case of
lnfrlngement ma be sustalned?

When lhe iepioduclion oi olhei acl of infiingenenl iesuIls in lhe dininulion of
lhe vaIue of lhe oiiginaI voik (as vhen one chaplei conlaining lhe oiiginaI
conliilulion of lhe viilei is exlensiveIy pIagiaiized, even lhough il le onIy one
chaplei in a nuIli-chaplei voik) lhen lheie is infiingenenl. Haoana t. Rco|cs,
C.R. 131522 (}uIy 19, 1999)

4. Does the fact that there ls tlrtua| ldentlt betueen entrles ln the |ater
uork and those of the ear|ler uork estab|lsh lnfrlngement on the art of the |ater

Nol necessaiiIy, foi vheie lolh viileis oi aulhois foIIov lhe sane syIIalus,
viile foi lhe sane puipose, viile on lhe sane suljecl nallei, and ieIy on lhe
sane souice naleiiaIs, il can onIy le expecled lhal lheie viII le siniIaiilies if nol
idenlily lelveen enliies in lhe senioi and junioi voiks. Scc disscn| cf Datidc, C]
in Haoana t. Rco|cs.

5. When the author has a ub|lsher uho betueen the author and the
ub|lsher has the rlght to sue, and uho has the rlght to c|alm damages?

The onIy iighls liansfeiied ly lhe aulhoi lo lhe pulIishei aie lhe iighls lo
iepioduce oi iepIicale (pulIish) and lhe iighl lo disliilule oi vend. AII olhei
iighls of copyiighl ienain vesled in lhe aulhoi. olh aulhoi and pulIishei lhen
have slanding lo sue foi infiingenenl, lhe aulhoi as hoIdei of copyiighl, lhe
pulIishei as liansfeiee of lhe iighl lo pulIish and lo disliilule. Il is foi lolh
aulhoi and pulIishei lo eslalIish lhe exlenl of lheii cIain, aIlhough in
confoinily vilh Scc|icn 216.1,o aII lhal lhe pIainliffs have lo pioof is saIes on lhe
pail of lhe defendanl.

6. ln derltatlte uorks (uorks themse|tes derlted from other uorks) does
the creator, roducer, or urlter of the derltatlte uork en]o corlght

Yes, she does lo lhe exlenl of hei oiiginaI conliilulion. A sciipl-viilei vho
pioduces lhe sciipl foi a slage pIay fion a noveI does nol enjoy copyiighl
pioleclion lo lhe sloiy, chaiacleis oi pIol ilseIf, as lhese aie found in lhe noveI
lhal enjoys a dislincl copyiighl. Il is lhe oiiginaI conliilulion of lhe sciipl-viilei
- lhe diaIogue foinal, lhe disliilulion of speaking ioIes, lhe lIocking
insliuclions - lhal aie piolecled ly copyiighl. If lheiefoie lhe sciipl is
pIagiaiized oi peifoined vilhoul aulhoiily, lolh lhe sciipl-viilei and noveIisl
have a cause of aclion againsl lhe infiingei.

If lhe aulhoi oi ciealoi of lhe deiivalive voik did nol have lhe aulhoiily of lhe
aulhoi oi ciealoi of lhe oiiginaI voik, lhe deiivalive voik vouId sliII enjoy
copyiighl pioleclion (since no condilion is Iaid dovn ly Scc|icn 173.1) lul vouId
aIso nake such an aulhoi oi ciealoi IialIe foi infiingenenl cIains ly lhe aulhoi
of lhe oiiginaI voik, since one of lhe iighls of copyiighl is lhe iighl lo piepaie
adaplalions. (Scc|icn 177.2)

7. Hou does one dlstlngulsh betueen ldea (that ls unrotected) and
exresslon (that ls rotected) ln lnfrlngement cases?

Whoevei is lhe scuIploi of lhe OlIalion al lhe UI DiIinan Canpus enjoys -- oi
enjoyed -- copyiighl lo his voik of scuIpluie. Any ailisl vho vouId have copied
lhe oiiginaI and fashioned an idenlicaI OlIalion even in a diffeienl nediun
vouId have leen infiinging lhe copyiighl of lhe scuIploi. The idea of lhe slalue
hovevei is lhal of a naked nan, ains oulslielched in a gesluie of olIalion.
Theie is nolhing lo slop lhe judge, foi exanpIe, fion sliiking lhe sane pose -
excepl peihaps a leconing sense of nodesly - and asking lhal his picluie le
laken, oi lhal a painling le laken of his pose, oi lhal a Iikeness of his pecuIiai
pose le fashioned in vhalevei nediun he shouId choose. Theie vouId le no
infiingenenl in lhe Iallei case lecause il is lhe idea, nol lhe expiession, lhal has
leen iepioduced.

8. What ls the effect of the lnc|uslon of an unrotected uork ulthln a
rotected uork?

The unpiolecled voik incIuded vilhin a piolecled voik (such as an anlhoIogy
oi a conpiIalion, oi an aIlun) ienains unpiolecled. Whal pioleclion lheie is
exlends lo lhe seIeclion, ediling, aiianging, piesenling, annolaling, ediling of lhe
incIuded naleiiaI. (See Scc|icn 173.2)

9. The questlon has been asked uhether or not the flrst dlstrlbutlon or sa|e
b an author or creator of hls uork abroad exhausts hls rlght a|so for the
Phl|llnes, l.e., he has a|read exhausted hls rlght to dlstrlbute eten ln the
Phl|llnes? (See lhe veiy usefuI ailicIe ly Vicenle . Anadoi, Significanl
DeveIopnenls in II Lav: Tiealies, Slalules and }uiispiudence, |.8.P. |.].,
XXVIII:1, 2OO2, 29-92)

Scc|icn 190.1 sels Iinils and condilions foi lhe inpoilalion of voiks, and
lheiefoie il seens lhal pulIic disliilulion in foieign juiisdiclions does nol
exhausl lhe iighl of lhe aulhoi lo disliilule in lhe IhiIippines, eIse lheie vouId
le no ieason foi lhe Iinil lo lhe iighl lo inpoil.

1O. ls the theft of fl|es stored ln the memor of ones comuter dea|t ulth as

No, lul il is defined and penaIized as hacking undei Scc|icn 33 of R.A. 8792
olheivise knovn as lhe LIeclionic Conneice Acl of 2OOO.

Hacking oi ciackIing vilh iefeis lo unaulhoiized access inlo oi inleifeience in a conpulei
syslen/seivei oi infoinalion and connunicalion syslen, oi any access in oidei lo coiiupl, aIlei,
sleaI, oi deslioy using a conpulei oi olhei siniIai infoinalion and connunicalion devices,
vilhoul lhe knovIedge and consenl of lhe ovnei of lhe conpulei oi infoinalion and
connunicalions syslen, incIuding lhe inlioduclion of conpulei viiuses and lhe Iike, iesuIling in
lhe coiiuplion, desliuclion, aIleialion, lhefl oi Ioss of eIeclionic dala nessages oi eIeclionic
docunenls shaII le punished ly a nininun fine of One Hundied Thousand pesos (I 1OO,OOO.OO)
and a naxinun connensuiale lo lhe danage incuiied and a nandaloiy inpiisonnenl of six (6)
nonlhs lo lhiee (3) yeais,

11. Can declslons of the Sureme Court stl|| be free| arorlated?

They aie appiopiialed suljecl lo condilions Iaid dovn ly lhe Supiene Couil
ilseIf. Aulhois of lexllooks oi liealises nay iepioduce in vhoIe oi in pail
decisions of lhe Supiene Couil vilhoul need of piioi appiovaI piovided lhal
lhey piovide lhe Supiene Couil Liliaiy vilh lvo copies of lhe look oi liealise -
dislincl fion lhe copies iequiied undei lhe deposil piovisions of lhe II Code.
The Supiene Couil aIso ieseives lo ilseIf lhe iighl lo digilize such voiks foi lhe
excIusive use foi ieseaich puiposes of lhe couil in conneclion vilh judiciaI

Decisions of lhe Couil nay Iikevise le conpiIed, lul upon piioi appiovaI of lhe
Couil, suljecl lo lhe condilion lhal lvenly (2O) copies of such conpiIalion -
vhelhei piinled oi digilaIized - le piovided lhe Supiene Couil Liliaiy, and if
lhey aie piinled foin, vilh lhe pioviso lhal lhe Couil enjoys lhe aulhoiily lo
cause ils digilaIizalion. Ieinission lo conneiciaIIy appiopiiale is given suljecl
aIso lo lhe condilion lhal lhe Couil shaII have lhe iighl lo puichase addilionaI
copies of lhe conpiIalion al cosl. A.M. Nc. 04-7-06-SC (20 ]u|q 2004)

12. What ls the duratlon of the rotectlon granted tarlous categorles of

Catcgnry nf Wnrk DuratInn nf PrntcctInn PrnvIsInn nf Law
ooks, viilings, ailicIes,
nusicaI conposilion,
voiks, elc.
Life-line of aulhoi ILUS
fifly yeais lheieaflei
Scc|icn 213.1, c| scq.

Woiks of appIied ail Tvenly-five yeais fion
lhe line of naking
Scc|icn 213.4

Ihologiaphic voiks Iifly yeais fion
pulIicalion, if pulIished,
oi fion naking, if

Scc|icn 213.5

Audio-visuaI voiks,
incIuding iecoidings on
oplicaI oi nagnelic
Iifly yeais fion dale of
naking if unpulIished
and fion pulIicalion if
Scc|icn 213.6

12. What other rotectlon ls afforded under Part lV of the lnte||ectua|
Proert Code?

Catcgnry 5cnpc nf PrntcctInn PrnvIsInn nf Law
Ieifoinances of aclois,
singeis, nusicians,
danceis, and olheis in
siniIai posilions
1. ioadcasling oi
leIecasling of lheii
2. Iixalion of lheii
unfixed peifoinance,
3. Aulhoiizing lhe diiecl
oi indiiecl iepioduclion
of lheii peifoinance in
any foin,
4. Aulhoiizing lhe fiisl
pulIic disliilulion of lhe
oiiginaI and copies of lhe
fixed foins of lheii
Scc|icn 203.1 c| scq.

fixed foins of lheii
5. Aulhoiizing
conneiciaI ienlaI of lhe
oiiginaI and copies of lhe
fixed foins of lheii
6. Aulhoiizing
connunicalion lo lhe
pulIic of lheii
peifoinance ly such
neans as leIevision.

These iighls cease lhe
nonenl lhe peifoinei
lioadcasl/leIecasl oi
fixalion of hei

She is enlilIed lhough lo
addilionaI ienuneialion
pei lioadcasl oi
connunicalion lo lhe
pulIic lo al Ieasl 5 of
oiiginaI conpensalion.

Scc|icn 205

Scc|icn 206

Iioduceis of sound
1. Righl lo iepioduce
2. Righl lo disliilule:
eilhei lhiough saIe oi
3. Righl lo aulhoiize
conneiciaI ienlaI
4. Righl lo singIe
equilalIe ienuneialion
vhen iecoiding diieclIy
used foi lioadcasling oi
connunicalion lo lhe
Scc|icn 208

Scc|icn 209

(ioadcasl = TeIecasl)
1. Righl lo pievenl ie-
lioadcasling of
2. Recoiding of lheii
lioadcasls foi lhe
puipose of
connunicaling lo lhe
3. The use of such
iecoiding foi fiesh
liansnission oi

Note though:
Scc|icn 211

Theie is no piohililion of
lhe piivale iecoiding of
any lioadcasl oi leIecasl,
as Iong as lhis is foi
piivale, educalion, elc.

Il is hovevei a IegaI
possiliIily foi a foieign
oiganizalion lo vhich ve
have access in lhe
IhiIippines lo piohilil
aIlogelhei lhe fixalion of
lheii lioadcasls.

1961 Rcnc Ccntcn|icn,
Ar|ic|c 13,o

Vl. Trademark lnfrlngement Cases: The fakes"

1. Hou does one dlstlngulsh betueen trademarks", sertlce-marks" and

A liadenaik is a visilIe sign dislinguishing lhe COODS of an enleipiise.
A seivice-naik is a visilIe sign dislinguishing lhe SLRVICLS of an
enleipiise. Scc|icn 121.1
A liade-nane is lhe nane oi designalion idenlifying oi dislinguishing an
enleipiise. Il is a lusiness-idenlifiei. Ru|c 100,|, |RR cn Tradcnar|s, Scrticc
Mar|s, Tradc Nancs and Mar|cd cr S|anpcd Ccn|aincrs (heieaflei IRR

2. What haens lf the trade-name ls a|so a cororate name?

If lhe liade-nane is aIso lhe coipoiale nane - as is usuaIIy lhe case - lhen il is
aIso suljecl lo Scc|icn 18 of lhe Ccrpcra|icn Ccdc cf |nc Pni|ippincs lhal piohilils
coipoiale nanes lhal aie:

DecepliveIy oi confusingIy siniIai lo lhal of any exisling
DecepliveIy oi confusingIy siniIai lo any olhei nane aIieady
piolecled ly Iav,
IalenlIy deceplive nane,
Nane confusing oi conliaiy lo exisling Iavs. When lhe nane is
lhal of a coipoialion, il is incIuded in lhe AilicIes of Incoipoialion
sulnilled lo lhe SLC lhal can decide lo disaIIov a coipoiale nane.
When aIIoved ly lhe SLC il nanes lhe coipoialion.

To aIIov il lo nane lhe liade oi lhe enleipiise, and lo enjoy lhe pioleclion
accoided ly lhe II Code il nusl le iegisleied in accoidance vilh Par| ||| of lhe II

Scc|icn 165.2 exlends lo pioleclion lo liade nanes even lefoie iegislialion (oi
even vilhoul iegislialion) againsl unIavfuI acls peipelialed ly lhiid pailies,
pailicuIaiIy vhen such a use lends lo nisIead lhe pulIic.

3. What remedles are atal|ab|e ln cases of mark lnfrlngement?

A suil foi danages and foi lhe iecoveiy of piofils:
o Measuie of danages = ieasonalIe piofil anlicipaled OR
o AcluaI piofil of lhe defendanl OR
o A ieasonalIe peicenlage lased on lhe anounl of gioss saIes of lhe
defendanl, vhen danages cannol ieadiIy le asceilained. (Scc|icn
o DoulIed vheie acluaI inlenl lo nisIead lhe pulIic oi defiaud lhe
conpIainanl is shovn. (Scc|icn 156.3)

Inpounding of saIes invoices and olhei docunenls evidencing saIes
pcndcn|c |i|c (Scc|icn 156.2)

Seaiches and seizuie undei lhe SpeciaI RuIe

Injunclive ieIief (Scc|icn 156.4)

CanceIIalion of naik as incidenlaI lo infiingenenl case (Scc|icn 151.2)

CanceIIalion of iegislialion in vhoIe oi in pail, oi ieclificalion of iegisliy
incidenlaI lo any aclion invoIving a iegisleied naik (Scc|icn 161)

CiininaI pioseculion (Scc|icn 170)

o IunishalIe acls:
Infiingenenl (as viII heieaflei le oulIined)
Unfaii conpelilion
IaIse designalions of oiigin, IaIse desciiplions oi
o IenaIlies:
Inpiisonnenl: 2 lo 5 yeais AND
Iine: 5O,OOO lo 2OO,OOO

4. Does the court hate ]urlsdlctlon to order the cance||atlon of the
reglstratlon of a trademark?

YLS, IROVIDLD lhal lhe canceIIalion is incidenlaI lo ils adjudicalion on lhe
iighls of a suil lo enfoice liadenaik oi seivice-naik iighls. A pending aclion foi
canceIIalion lefoie lhe uieau of LegaI Affaiis of lhe InleIIecluaI Iiopeily Office
DOLS NOT conslilule a piejudiciaI queslion in iegaid lo lhe piayei foi
canceIIalion incidenlaI lo a suil foi enfoicenenl of liadenaik oi seivice-naik
iighls (Scc|icn 151.2).

As hovevei laughl in Snangri-|a |n|crna|icna| t. Ccur| cf Appca|s, C.R. 11158O
(}une 21, 2OO1) vhen lhe couil has iuIed, in lhe conlexl of an infiingenenl case,
on lhe iegislialion, lhe IIO-LA shouId nol pioceed vilh lhe aclion foi
canceIIalion, even if lhe couil decision is sliII on appeaI.

4. Under uhat rotlslon ls a sult fl|ed agalnst a retal|er, or store-ouner, or
merchant or edd|er uho tends c|othes to uhlch hate been attached reglstered
marks deslte the fact that such c|othes are not roduced b or dld not orlglnate
from the reglstered ouners of the marks?

CiviIIy oi ciininaIIy, aclion is puisued undei Scc|icn 155.1 lhal defines as
infiingenenl lhe use in conneice of a iepioduclion oi counleifeil copy of a
iegisleied naik on goods lhal aie offeied foi saIe oi disliilulion oi lhal aie
adveilised in such a vay as is IikeIy lo cause confusion, nislake oi deceplion.

5. What constltutes lnfrlngement of trademark?

A lasic iequiienenl in aclions foi infiingenenl undei lhis heading is lhe
iequiienenl of nolice.

Wilhoul nolice: no iecoveiy of piofils oi danages
Hov nolice given:
o DispIay of naik vilh lhe voids Regisleied Maik
o DispIay of naik vilh lhe sign: OR
If lhe defendanl had acluaI nolice of iegislialion. Scc|icn 158

Catcgnry nf Mark InfrIngIng Acts PrnvIsInn nf Law
Ioi a iegisleied naik
idenlicaI in iespecl lo
idenlicaI oi siniIai goods
oi seivices
Use of idenlicaI oi siniIai
signs iesuIling in
IikeIihood of confusion
Scc|icn 147.1,
Ru|c 800,a, |RR
Ioi a veII-knovn naik
iegisleied in lhe
Use of lhe sane naik in
iespecl lo DISSIMILAR
goods oi seivices
indicaling a conneclion
lelveen lhe goods and
Scc|icn 147.2 in ieIalion lo
Scc|icn 123.1,f,
Ru|c 800,o, |RR
seivices and lhe hoIdei of
lhe iegisleied naik.
Ioi a naik consideied ly
lhe IIO oi lhe SpeciaI
ConneiciaI Couil oi lhe
Secielaiy of Tiade and
Indusliy as veII-knovn
inleinalionaIIy and in lhe
Use of idenlicaI oi
confusingIy siniIai oi
liansIalion of such naik
in iespecl lo idenlicaI oi
siniIai goods and
Scc|icn 123.1, c
TR|PS, Ar|ic|c 16,3

6. Hou does the court determlne uhether or not there ls LlKELlHOOD O|

In lhe case of IDLNTICAL naiks oi signs foi IDLNTICAL goods and
seivices, IikeIihood of confusion is IRLSUMLD. (Scc|icn 147.1)

LikeIihood of confusion is an issue of facl, and il is innaleiiaI lhal none
has evei leen confused. Whal is in issue is vhelhei oi nol lheie is
IikeIihood of confusion. Il is foi lhe couil lo considei lhe lolaIily of facls
ly Iooking nol onIy al lhe contested marks lul aIso al lhe aterage
urchasers of lhe pioducl. Thus vheie lhe puichaseis of a pailicuIai
pioducl lend lo le noie disciininaling (such as puichaseis of nedicaI
equipnenl, oi nicio-chips) lhen lhe couil nay find lhal siniIaiilies nay
nol necessaiiIy Iead lo confusion. Il vouId cIeaiIy aiiive al a diffeienl
finding veie lhe ilen a househoId ilen puichased ly lhe oidinaiy
housevife oi doneslic heIpei. Sccic|c dcs Prcdui|s Ncs||c t. Ccur| cf
Appca|s, C.R. 112O12 (ApiiI 4, 2OO1)

7. Hou does the court determlne lDENTlTY OR SlMlLARlTY O| MARKS?

In geneiaI, idenlily oi siniIaiily of naiks is a nallei of peiceplion. Tvo lesls,
hovevei, have leen evoIved ly IhiIippine juiispiudence, consonanl vilh
inleinalionaI indusliiaI piopeily Iav piaclice. These lesls aie sel foilh in seveiaI
cases. One of lhen is Anigc Manufac|uring t. C|uc|| Pcaocdq, C.R. 1393OO (Maich
14, 2OO1). LaiIiei cases incIuded Asia 8rcucrq t. Ccur| cf Appca|s, 224 SCRA 437
(1993) and Dc| Mcn|c Ccrpcra|icn t. Ccur| cf Appca|s, 181 SCRA 41O (199O).

The HOLISTIC lesl: The enliiely of lhe naiks of lhe iegisleied naik is
conpaied vilh lhe enliiely of lhe naiks of lhe aIIegedIy infiinging naik.
The hoIislic lesl lheiefoie diiecls a poinl-ly-poinl conpaiison. The
hoIislic lesl iejecls a disseclion of lhe naiks and a finding lhal lheie is
siniIaiily oi idenlily vhen one oi lhe olhei eIenenl of lhe dissecled
naiks is idenlicaI oi siniIai.

The DOMINANCY lesl: This lesl is appIied vhen lhe liadenaik has a
nain, essenliaI oi doninanl fealuie. When lhis is so, il is enough lhal
lheie le idenlily, siniIilude oi inilalion of lhe doninanl oi essenliaI
fealuie of lhe naiks and nol idenlily, siniIilude oi inilalion of aII lhe
fealuies of lhe naik. efoie il can appIy lhis lesl, hovevei, lhe couil nusl
fiisl find, as a nallei of facl, lhal lhe iegisleied naik conlains a doninanl
oi essenliaI fealuie oi eIenenl.

8. Hou does the court determlne uhether or not the mark ls WELL-

The InleIIecluaI Iiopeily Offices pioposes lhe foIIoving ciileiia oi a conlinalion
lheieof foi deleinining vhelhei oi nol a naik is veII-knovn:

Duialion, exlenl and geogiaphicaI spiead of use of any naik
Maikel shaie in lhe IhiIippines and in olhei counliies
Degiee of inheienl oi acquiied dislinclion
The iepulalion acquiied ly lhe naik
Lxlenl of iegislialion voiId-vide
LxcIusivily of iegislialion voiId-vide
ConneiciaI vaIue alliiluled lo lhe naik voiId-vide
Degiee of pioleclion il has enjoyed in judiciaI and adninislialive aclions
Alsence of idenlicaI oi siniIai naiks

Ru|c 102, |RR Tradcnar|s

Impnrtant nntc:
Il nusl le sliessed lhal lhese ciileiia shouId le neieIy INDICATIVL oi
SUCCLSTIVL of vhelhei oi nol lhe naik is veII knovn and shouId nol le laken
as deleininalive.

9. Under uhat condltlons must the court flnd lnfrlngement uhen the
assal|ed mark ls ldentlca| or slml|ar to a reglstered mark for DlSSlMlLAR
goods or sertlces?

This is nev lo oui InleIIecluaI Iiopeily Iavs. Il vas inlioduced ly lhe II Code.
Il liings inlo IhiIippine Iav an|i-di|u|icn piovisions lhal have exisled in foieign
inleIIecluaI piopeily Iav. Anli-diIulion piovisions aie neanl lo pieseive lhe
goodviII an enleipiise has geneialed againsl lhe deIeleiious alliilulion lo such
an enleipiise of goods oi seivices of infeiioi quaIily, lhough lhese goods and
seivices le dissiniIai lo lhose of lhe enleipiise. Il is hovevei diieclIy a pioducl
of TRIIS. The foIIoving nusl le pioved in a fuII-lIovn heaiing and nol al a
pieIininaiy heaiing. (See 246 Ccrpcra|icn t. Dauaq, C.R. 157216 |Novenlei 2O,

Thal lhe naik is iegisleied in lhe IhiIippines
Thal il is veII-knovn alioad. Cf. Ar|ic|c 16,2 TR|PS
Thal such a use vouId indicale a conneclion lelveen such goods oi
seivices and lhe enleipiise of lhe iegisleied naik hoIdei
Thal lheie is IikeIihood of danage lo lhe inleiesls of lhe ovnei of lhe
iegisleied naik. Scc|icn 123,c and Ru|c 800,o, |RR Tradcnar|s

1O. Slnce thls ls a neu rotlslon, uhat suggestlons can be glten to ald the
court ln determlnlng uhether or not the use ln dlsslml|ar goods or sertlces ma
lndlcate a connectlon ulth the enterrlse of the reglstered mark ho|der?

The inpiession lhal dissiniIai goods oi seivices enanale fion lhe iegisleied
naik hoIdei vhen:

A conneclion is suggesled ly lhe physicaI alliilules oi essenliaI
chaiacleiislics of lhe goods,

Theie is a conneclion lelveen lhe seivice oi funclion foi vhich lhey aie

Theie is siniIaiily oi Iikeness in lhe nannei lhe goods of lhe appIicanl
and lhose of lhe iighl-hoIdei aie adveilised, dispIayed oi soId,

The goods of lhe appIicanl aie soId in lhe sane pIace as lhe goods of lhe

The cusloneis lo vhon lhe goods and seivices of lhe iighl-hoIdei and
lhose lo vhon lhe goods and seivices of lhe appIicanl aie deslined aie lhe
sane. cf: Ielei Rosenleig, Pa|cn| |au |undancn|a|s, 2
Ld., VoI. 1,
Tiadenaiks, 4.O3|1j|aj|iij

In Cancn Kaousni|i t. Ccur| cf Appca|s, C.R. 12O9OO (}uIy 2O, 2OOO), lhe Couil found
lhal lecause lhe goods veie so foieign lo each olhei (painls and chenicaI
pioducls againsl sandaIs) and veie lo le disliiluled aIong diffeienl channeIs of
liade lheie vas no dangei of faIse alliilulion.

11. What are some exam|es of thls klnd of cases?

The use of RoIIs-Royce foi valches oi cIolhing
Vogue - vhich is a pulIicalions nane - opposed iegislialion of
coslune jeveIiy and pholo aIlunsn, since Vogue, lhe nagazine, aIso
peddIes diess palleins and incIudes fashion pholos
SunIife - lhe liade-nane of insuiance seivice - laiied iegislialion of
SunIife foi fiuil juice
Toionlo MapIe Leaf slopped iegislialion of Leaf supeiinposed on a
napIe Ieaf foi lullIegun as chiIdien nighl le duped inlo lhinking lhal
lhe lullIegun vas pioduced ly lhe cIul. cf: David Vavei, |n|c||cc|ua|
Prcpcr|q |au. LssenliaIs of Canadian Lav, 1997 Ld., 225

No piesunplion Iies eilhei vay. Il viII nol le piesuned lhal lhe
cusloneis viII concIude a conneclion lelveen lhe nev goods oi seivices
and lhe senioi iegislianl. Neilhei is il piesuned lhal lhey viII nol nake
such a conneclion.

Il is foi lhe pIainliffs vho cIain infiingenenl lo piove lhese nalleis ly
piepondeianl evidence.


12. Are trademarks and trade-names transferred ln the same manner?

No. Change in lhe ovneiship of a liade nane is nade vilh lhe liansfei of
lhe enleipiise idenlified ly lhal nane. (Scc|icn 165.4)

The iegislialion of a naik hovevei nay le liansfeiied vilh oi vilhoul
lhe liansfei of lhe lusiness using lhe naik. To le enfoicealIe againsl
lhiid pailies, hovevei, such a liansfei nusl le iecoided vilh lhe
InleIIecluaI Iiopeily Office. (Scc|icn 149,1 and Scc|icn 149,5)

Vll. Unfalr Cometltlon

1. What makes an unfalr cometltlon case dlfferent from a trademark
lnfrlngement case?

In an infiingenenl case lhe pIainliff sues lo vindicale his excIusive iighl lo lhe
use of a iegisleied naik. Il is lheiefoie lasic lo an infiingenenl case lhal lheie
le a iegisleied naik, vilh lhe exceplion of an inleinalionaIIy veII-knovn naik.
In an unfaii conpelilion case lhe pIainliff sues lo piolecl lhe goodviII he has
eained fion leing unIavfuIIy appiopiialed ly a conpeliloi, vhelhei oi nol a
iegisleied naik is enpIoyed. (Scc|icn 168.1)

2. What are the e|ements of unfalr cometltlon?

LnpIoynenl of deceplion oi any neans conliaiy lo good failh
To pass off goods he deaIs in
As lhose of one vho has eslalIished goodviII (Scc|icn 161.2)

Wilh good ieason have aulhoiilies lheiefoie found in IASSINC OII lhe
gratancn of unfaii conpelilion.

3. Non-excIusive ilenizalion of unfaii conpelilion cases: (Scc|icn 168.3)

1. SeIIing goods and
giving lhen lhe
appeaiance of lhe goods
of anolhei:
As lo lhe goods
As lo lhe
viapping oi
The devices oi
voids lheieon
Any fealuie of
lheii appeaiance
Has lhe defendanl
appiopiialed a lein
lhal has acquiied a
secondaiy neaning
in favoi of lhe pIainliff`
Did lhe defendanl
pIace his goods in
conlaineis oi use IaleIs
siniIai in appeaiance
lo lhose of lhe pIainliff`
Did lhe defendanl use
idenlicaI oi decepliveIy
siniIai lo lhe pIainliffs
Sectlon 168.3,a

61 Ca| ]ur 3d,
Cometltlon", 10

18 Proof of |acts,
Cometltlon", 18-

IikeIy lo nisIead
puichaseis as lo lhe
souice of lhe goods

Tiade diess: pail of lhe
foinal in vhich goods
aie piesenled lo lhe
naikel, il consisls of lhe
pecuIiai visuaI
appeaiance of coIois,
synloIs, voids, designs
on a IaleI, package oi

siniIai lo lhe pIainliffs
Has lhe defendanl
nade use of a sIogan
associaled ly lhe
pulIic vilh lhe
pioducls of lhe
In iegaid lo sinuIalion
of liade diess:
o IIainliff nusl
piove lhal lhe
liade diess has
leen associaled
ly lhe pulIic
vilh ils
o The pIainliff
nusl lhen shov
lhal lhe
liade diess nusl
le cIose enough
lo lhal of lhe
pIainliffs so lhal
il is IikeIy lhal
vouId le
deceived as lo

3 Proof of |acts,
Trade Dress
Slmu|atlon", 3-577

2. The use of any ailifice,
device oi any olhei
neans caIcuIaled lo
induce lhe faIse leIief
lhal lhe seivices one
offeis aie lhose of
Did lhe defendanl use
lhe sane idenlifying
naiks as lhe naiks ly
vhich lhe seivices of
lhe pIainliff aie
Do such ilens as
shingIes, slalioneiies,
foins iesenlIe
confusingIy lhose of
lhe pIainliff`
Did lhe defendanl give
lhe pulIic any ieason
lo leIieve lhal lhe
seivices he offeis aie
lhose of lhe pIainliff`
Scc|icn 168.3,o

61 Ca| ]ur 3d, Unfair
Ccnpc|i|icn, 10

3. Making a faIse
slalenenl in lhe couise of
liade, oi connilling any
olhei acl conliaiy lo
good failh of a naluie
caIcuIaled lo disciedil lhe
goods, lusiness oi
seivices of anolhei.

UnIavfuI discIosuie of
liade seciels
VioIalion of undiscIosed
Adveilisenenls oi
pulIic slalenenls
faIseIy denigialing lhe
lusiness inleiesls of
anolhei (e.g., foisling
iesuIls of spuiious
suiveys oi defeclive
lesls knovn lo le
The unaulhoiized
discIosuie of
infoinalion oi
vioIalion of liade
Scc|icn 168.3,c

TR|PS, Ar|ic|c 39, 2

4. What |ega| rotectlon ls there for undlsc|osed lnformatlon or for trade

a. TR|PS Ar|ic|c 39, 2 expiessIy piovides pioleclion foi undiscIosed
infoinalion. The condilions sel foilh aie:
The infoinalion is nol in ils delaiIs knovn oi ieadiIy accessilIe lo peisons
vilhin lhe ciicIes lhal noinaIIy deaI vilh lhe kind of infoinalion in
The infoinalion has conneiciaI vaIue (e.g., lhe foinuIa of a fanous sofl-
Has leen suljecl lo sleps ly lhe ovnei oi hoIdei of lhe seciel lo keep il
The lhiid iequisile is necessaiy so lhal il can le eslalIished lhal lhe hoIdei oi
ovnei of lhe seciel inlended il lo le a seciel.

l. Il is geneiaIIy sellIed lhal unfaii conpelilion nay consisl in lhe viongfuI
appiopiialion of a liade seciel, defined as any foinuIa, pallein, device oi
conpiIalion of infoinalion vhich is used in a peisons lusiness and vhich gives
hin an oppoilunily lo ollain an advanlage ovei conpelilois vho do nol knov
oi use il. 61 Ca| ]ur 3d, Unfair Ccnpc|i|icn, 15

c. As such il faIIs vilhin lhe unfaii conpelilion piovisions of oui I.I. Code
and is in facl a vay of connilling any olhei acl conliaiy lo good failh of a
naluie caIcuIaled lo disciedil lhe goods, lusiness oi seivices of anolhei. The
eIenenls of a cause of aclion foi unfaii conpelilion lhiough nisappiopiialion of
a liade seciel aie:
The exislence of a liade seciel oi seciel nanufacluiing piocess
The vaIue and inpoilance of lhe liade seciel lo lhe enpIoyei in lhe
conducl of his lusiness
The enpIoyeis iighl ly ieason of discovei oi ovneiship lo lhe use and
enjoynenl of lhe seciel
The connunicalion of lhe seciel lo lhe enpIoyee vhiIe he vas enpIoyed
in a posilion of liusl and confidence and undei ciicunslances naking il
inequilalIe and unjusl foi hin lo discIose il lo olheis oi lo use il hinseIf lo
lhe enpIoyeis piejudice. 55 An ]ur 2d, Mcncpc|ics, Rcs|rain|s cf Tradc
and Unfair Tradc Prac|iccs, 7O4

5. lna| rcncdics arc atai|ao|c |c an aggrictcd par|q in an unfair ccnpc|i|icn casc?

a. CiviI aclion foi danages (Scc|icn 156.1): sane neasuie as
infiingenenl of liadenaik

l. Injunclive ieIief (Scc|icn 156.4)

c. Seaiches and Seizuies undei lhe SpeciaI RuIe

d. CiininaI pioseculion (Scc|icn 170)
Inpiisonnenl: 2 lo 5 yeais AND
Iine: 5O,OOO lo 2OO,OOO

6. When a art com|alns that hls rlght to so|e dlstrlbutorshl has been
tresassed b the accused uho lmorted the ter ltems to uhlch he has a rlght
to so|e dlstrlbutorshl ln order to se|| them, ul|| crlmlna| rosecutlon for unfalr
cometltlon roser?

No, il viII nol. The goods soId ly lhe accused veie nol passed off as lhose of
anolhei. They veie genuine goods puichased fion a suppIiei alioad. Sc|id
Triang|c Sa|cs Ccrpcra|icn t. Tnc Sncriff cf R.T.C., C.R. 1443O9 (Novenlei 23, 2OO1)

7. What effect does the ena| rotlslon on unfalr cometltlon ln the lP Code
hate on Artlc|e 189 of the Retlsed Pena| Code that deflnes and unlshes the
crlme of unfalr cometltlon?

This ailicIe is expiessIy iepeaIed ly lhe II Code. Hence vhalevei acl nay have
leen punishalIe undei lhe Revised IenaI Code lhal is nol nov conlenpIaled ly
lhe penaI piovisions on liadenaik infiingenenl and unfaii conpelilion shouId
nol nov le pioseculed and punished as a ciine. Satagc t. Taqpin, C.R. 134217
(May 11, 2OOO)

8. What haens lf a roduct fa|se| announces ltse|f to be Sulss uhen lt ls
ln fact roduced ln Baranga Maraburab, A|ca|a, Cagaan?

Acts CIrcumstanccs Rcmcdy
1. Coods and seivices

Use of:
Woid, lein oi
SynloI oi device
IaIse designalion
of oiigin
When IikeIy lo
cause confusion
Oi IikeIy lo cause
Oi lo deceive as lo
conneclion oi


Seaiches and seizuie in
anlicipalion of
Iiligalion oi pcndcn|c
desciiplion of facl
of facl

Scc|icn 169.1,a
Oi as lo lhe oiigin,
2. Adveilising oi

Misiepiesenlalion of:
of ones goods oi lhose
of anolhei.
Scc|icn 169,1, o

- dillo -

Vll. Patents, Utl|lt Mode|s, lntegrated Clrcult Toograhles and P|ant

1. What re|lefs can artles seek from regu|ar courts ln atents, etc. cases?

Catcgnry Rc!Icfs avaI!ab!c PrnvIsInn nf !aw

1. Seaich and seizuie in
anlicipalion of Iiligalion
oi pcndcn|c |i|c
2. CiviI aclion foi
Alloineys fees
3. Injunclion
4. Desliuclion of
infiinging naleiiaI oi
disposaI oulside lhe
channeIs of conneice
5. CanceIIalion of palenl:
vhen found invaIid
6. CiininaI pioseculion
and penaIly foi iepeal-
6 nonlhs lo 3
SpeciaI RuIe

Scc|icn 76.2

Scc|icn 76.2

Scc|icn 76.5

Scc|icn 82

Scc|icn 94

1OO,OOO pesos lo
3OO,OOO pesos fine

UliIily nodeIs - dillo - Scc|icn 108
Topogiaphies of
Inlegialed Ciicuils
- dillo - Scc|icn 119.1 cf R.A. 8293,
as ancndcd oq R.A.9150
IIanl Vaiielies 1. Danages:
Alloineys fees

2. }udiciaI decIaialion of
a peison lo le a liue and
acluaI invenloi, and
sulslilulion as palenlee

2. Injunclion
3. Seaich and seizuie
4. Confiscalion and
disposaI of infiinging
5. CiininaI pioseculion
and penaIly
3 lo 6 yeais
Iine of nol Iess
lhan 1OO,OOO pesos
lul nol noie lhan
lhiee lines lhe
piofil deiived
lecause of lhe
Scc|icn 52, R.A.9168

Scc|icn 68

Scc|icn 53
Spccia| Ru|c

Scc|icn 54

Scc|icn 56

2. Slnce atents are a hlgh| technlca| sub]ect, uhat ma the court do to be
ab|e to dea| ulth atents cases more cometent|?

a. The docliine of prinarq jurisdic|icn is aIvays avaiIalIe lo judges in palenls
cases. They nay diiecl lhe pailies lo fiIe an adninislialive case foi infiingenenl
lefoie lhe uieau of LegaI Affaiis of lhe InleIIecluaI Iiopeily Office so lhal lhe
expeilise of lhal office nay le diiecled lo lhe lechnicaI queslion of deleinining
vhelhei lheie vas infiingenenl oi nol. (See IhiI}A MaleiiaI on Iiinaiy

l. The couil nay appoinl lvo (2) oi noie assessois vhose jol il is lo piovide
expeil advise lo lhe couil, on lhe lasis of lhe facls eslalIished ly conpelenl
evidence, on lhe facluaI issues lefoie lhe couil. Scc|icn 83.1

c. The couil nay aIso appoinl a connissionei, suljecl lo lhe condilions sel
foilh in lhe RuIes of Couil. Ru|c 32, Scc|icn 1 c| scq., Ru|cs cf Citi| Prcccdurc


3. What ls the duratlon of the rotectlon of ltems under thls headlng?

Catcgnry Tcrm nf PrntcctInn PrnvIsInn nf Law
Ialenls 2O yeais fion lhe dale of
lhe fiIing of lhe
appIicalion. .

Nntc hnwcvcr:
Lven lefoie gianl of
palenl, aflei pulIicalion
of lhe appIicalion, lhe
appIicanl enjoys slanding
lo liing suil foi
Scc|icn 54

Scc|icn 46

UliIily nodeIs 7 yeais fion lhe dale of
lhe fiIing of lhe
Scc|icn 109.3

Topogiaphies of
Inlegialed Ciicuils
5 yeais fion lhe dale of
lhe fiIing of lhe
appIicalion, lvice
ienevalIe foi 5 yeais
Scc|icn 118, R.A. 8293 as
ancndcd oq R.A. 9150

IIanl vaiielies:
1. Tiees and vines

2. AII olhei lypes of

25 yeais fion dale of
gianl of lhe Ceilificale of
IIanl Vaiiely Iioleclion
2O yeais fion dale of
gianl of ceilificale

Lven piioi lo lhe gianl of
lhe afoienenlioned
Ceilificale, vhoevei
peifoins acls iequiiing
lhe aulhoiily of lhe
appIicanl foi lhe
ceilificale lecones IialIe
foi ienuneialion aflei
lhe gianl of lhe
Ceilificale, even if lhe
acls veie peifoined
piioi lo lhe gianl of such

Scc|icn 33, R.A. 9168

- di||c -

Scc|icn 42, R.A 9168

4. What constltute acts of lnfrlngement?

Catcgnry Acts nf InfrIngcmcnt PrnvIsInn nf !aw
1. Iioducl palenl: e.g.,
nachine, niciooiganisn,
chenicaI conpound
Scc|icn 71.1,a

chenicaI conpound Offeiing foi saIe
such pioducl

2. Iiocess palenl: piocess
foi exliacling puIp,
piocess foi cuiing
Iunlei, piocess foi
desiccaling fiuils
Using lhe piocess
DeaIing in
Offeiing foi saIe
any pioducl ollained
diieclIy oi indiieclIy
fion such piocess.

When lhe palenl is a
piocess palenl any
idenlicaI pioducl is
IRLSUMLD lo le a
pioducl ollained
lhiough lhe palenled
The defendanl has lhe
luiden of pioving lhal
lhe pioducl is ollained
fion an unpiolecled
Scc|icn 71.1,o

Scc|icn 78
3. UliIily nodeI Making
Offeiing foi saIe
a iegisleied uliIily nodeI
Scc|icn 108.1

4. Topogiaphies of
inlegialed ciicuils
Repioducing lhe
iegisleied Iay-oul
design in pail oi
in enliiely vilhoul
aulhoiily of lhe
SeIIing oi
disliiluling foi
puiposes lhe
iegisleied Iayoul
design, oi an
ailicIe oi an
inlegialed ciicuil
in vhich lhe
iegisleied Iay-oul
design is
Scc|icn 119.4,1 of R.A.
8293 as ancndcd oq R.A.

Scc|icn 119,4,2 cf R.A.
8293 as ancndcd oq R.A.

vilhoul aulhoiily
of lhe iighl-hoIdei

IIanl vaiielies SeIIing, offeiing
foi saIe, exposing
foi saIe,
soIiciling an offei
lo luy, oi any
olhei liansfei of
lilIe oi possession
of a piolecled
Inpoiling lhe
noveI vaiiely inlo,
expoiling il fion
lhe IhiIippines
nuIlipIying lhe
noveI vaiiely as a
slep in naikeling
foi gioving
puiposes lhe
Using lhe noveI
vaiiely in
pioducing a
hyliid oi diffeienl
Using seed vhich
has leen naiked
piohililed oi
piohililed oi
piogeny lheieof lo
piopagale lhe
noveI vaiiely,
Dispense lhe
noveI vaiiely lo
anolhei in a foin
vhich can le
IaiIuie lo use an
olIigaloiy vaiiely
Scc|icn 47, a |c i, R.A. 9168
Ieifoinance of
any of lhe
foiegoing acls ly
olhei lhan sexuaI
Insligaling oi
acliveIy inducing
any of lhe
foiegoing acls

5. What determlnes the scoe of rotectlon ln atent lnfrlngement c|alms?
Hou far does the rotectlon go?

The exlenl of lhe pioleclion is deleinined ly lhe CLAIM - vhich nusl
peifoice le sel foilh in lhe conpIainl - as inleipieled in lhe Iighl of lhe
desciiplion and lhe diavings.

The docliine of equivaIenls appIies. This neans lhal eIenenls equivaIenl
lo lhe eIenenls expiessed in lhe cIain viII le deened coveied ly lhe cIain.

Accoiding lo lhe docliine of equivaIenls, lvo devices lhal do lhe sane
voik in sulslanliaIIy lhe sane vay and pioduce sulslanliaIIy lhe sane
iesuIl, lhough lhey diffei in nane, shape oi foin, aie lhe sane. Cf. Princr
cn |nc |au cn Pa|cn|s cf |nc Pni|ippincs, InleIIecluaI Iiopeily Ioundalion.

Vlll. Protectlon of the Rlghts of |orelgn Natlona|s and Persons

1. Do lnte||ectua| roert rlghts en]oed b forelgners under the |aus of
thelr states en]o rotectlon ln the Phl|llnes?

UnIike coipoialions lhal exisl leiiiloiiaIIy, inleIIecluaI piopeily iighls, lhough
confeiied ly slalule, have exlialeiiiloiiaI pioleclion in Iaige neasuie due lo
inleinalionaI covenanls enleied inlo foi lheii pioleclion. They ienain leiiiloiiaI,
hovevei, in lhe sense lhal vhalevei exlialeiiiloiiaI pioleclion lhey enjoy is
dependenl nol on lhe Iavs of lhe slale lhal confeiied lhen lheii inleIIecluaI
piopeily iighls lul lhe agieenenls enleied inlo lelveen slales.

2. What are the condltlons for and uhat ls the extent of the rotectlon
accorded forelgners under our |aus?

The foIIoving foieigneis aie lenefiled:
o Those vho aie nalionaIs, doniciIiaiies oi lusiness iesidenls of a
counliy lhal is a paily lo lhe sane liealy as is lhe IhiIippines
piolecling inleIIecluaI piopeily iighls, incIuding lhe iepiession of
unfaii conpelilion,

o Those vho aie nalionaIs, doniciIiaiies oi lusiness iesidenls of ac
counliy lhal exlends iecipiocaI iighls lo nalionaIs of lhe
IhiIippines ly Iav.

Such foieigneis enjoy lhe iighls necessaiy lo give effecl lo lhe piovisions
of such liealy oi iecipiocaI Iav.

If lhey conpIy vilh lhe iequiienenls of lhe II Code, lhey aie aIso enlilIed
lo lhe veiy sane lenefils iighl-hoIdeis undei lhe code enjoy. (Scc|icn 3,
R.A. 8293)

LffecliveIy lhis neans lhal foieign nalionaIs can sue foi lhe enfoicenenl
of lhe pioleclion accoided lhen ly such inleinalionaI covenanls as lhe
Iaiis Convenlion, lhe Rone Convenlion, lhe WIIO Copyiighl Tiealy, lhe
Ialenl Coopeialion Tiealy and TRIIS.

This consequenlIy neans lhal lhese inleinalionaI covenanls suppoil
causes of aclion lhal foieign nalionaIs nay liing, aIlhough lhey nay nol
le enlilIed lo pioleclion undei lhe II Code and slalules in pari na|cria.

3. What are the rlghts en]oed b forelgn ersons under the l.P. Code and
re|ated statutes?

Catcgnry RIght PrnvIsInn nf !aw
Ialenls 1. Deleininalion of piioiily of
The dale of appIicalion
of a foieignei foi a
IhiIippine palenl vho
pieviousIy appIied foi a
palenl in his counliy - oi
anolhei counliy - vhich
ly liealy, convenlion oi
Iav, iecognizes a siniIai
piiviIege foi IiIipinos --
shaII le deened lhe dale
of lhe fiIing of his foieign
Scc|icn 31

of lhe fiIing of his foieign
o Lxpiess cIain lo
o IhiIippine fiIing
vilhin 12 nonlhs
of foieign fiIing
o Ceilified copy of
appIicalion vilh
liansIalion fiIed
vilhin 6 nonlhs
of IhiIippine

Scc Ru|c 306.1, |RR

Ialenls Iiioi ail lhal lais a IhiIippine
IncIudes anylhing lhal
has leen nade avaiIalIe
lo lhe pulIic anyvheie
in lhe voiId.
Thiid-pailies, incIuding
palenlees fion foieign
juiisdiclions, nay fiIe
lheii olseivalions vilh
lhe IIO foIIoving lhe
pulIicalion of lhe palenl
Scc|icn 24.1

Scc|icn 47

Ialenls Ioieigneis neeling lhe
iequiienenls of Seclion 3 of lhe
I.I. Code have slanding lo sue
foi infiingenenl, vhen
avaided a IhiIippine palenl,
vhelhei oi nol Iicensed lo do
lusiness heie.
Scc|icn 77

Tiadenaiks Non-iegislialiIily of a naik
consideied ly IIO, couils, DTI
lo le veII-knovn
inleinalionaIIy and in lhe
IhiIippines, aIlhough nol
iegisleied heie.
Scc|icn 123,1,c

Tiadenaiks Iiioiily as lo appIicalion: Dale
of lhe appIicalion of a foieign
nalionaI deened lo le lhal of
lhe dale of foieign fiIing,
piovided fiIed in a counliy lhal
accoids sane piiviIege lo
Scc|icn 131.1

Tiadenaiks Slanding of foieign peisons,
naluiaI oi juiidicaI, lo liing suil
foi opposilion, canceIIalion,
Scc|icn 160

infiingenenl, unfaii
conpelilion oi faIse designalion
of oiigin, WHLTHLR OR NOT
LICLNSLD lo do lusiness in
lhe IhiIippines.

Copyiighl Since copyiighl vesls ly viilue
soIeIy of ciealion, lhen il vesls
aIso in voiks pioduced ly
foieigneis, even if pioduced

IIanl vaiielies The fiIing of an appIicalion foi
lhe pioleclion of a pIanl vaiiely
even in a foieign counliy
iendeis lhe vaiiely a nallei of
pulIic knovIedge, and
lheiefoie iendeis lhe
appIicalion ineIigilIe foi
Scc|icn 7, R.A. 9168

IIanl vaiielies Iiioiily dale: IiIing ly foieign
nalionaI is ieckoned fion lhe
dale of his fiIing in a counliy
accoiding lhe sane piiviIege lo
IiIipino nalionaIs.
Scc|icn 21, R.A.

4. What effect does TRlPS hate on the recognltlon of lnte||ectua| roert
rlghts of forelgn natlona|s?

Ar|ic|c 1,3 olIigales Menleis of lhe WoiId Tiade Oiganizalion lo accoid lhe
liealnenl piovided foi in lhis Agieenenl lo lhe nalionaIs of olhei Menleis,
piovided lhese neel lhe ciileiia sel foilh in lhe Iaiis Convenlion, lhe eine
Convenlion, lhe Rone Convenlion and lhe Tiealy on InleIIecluaI Iiopeily in
Respecl of Inlegialed Ciicuils.

5. What then do these contentlons rotlde ln regard to the uorks of forelgn

Catcgnry CnnvcntInn nr Trcaty PrntcctInn Accnrdcd
Lileiaiy and
Ailislic Woiks
eine Convenlion foi
lhe Iioleclion of
Lileiaiy and Ailislic
Woiks (1971)
1. Iioleclion of lhe leins of lhe
convenlion exlended lo aulhois
vho aie nol nalionaIs of lhe
counliies of lhe Union (of Slale-
Iailies) lul vhose voiks aie
pulIished in al Ieasl one counliy
of lhe Union.

2. Iioleclion Iikevise exlended lo
aulhois haliluaIIy iesiding in one
of lhe counliies of lhe Union.
Ar|ic|c 3, a and o

3. Aulhois of cinenalogiaphic
voiks lhe nakei of vhich has his
headquaileis oi haliluaI
iesidence in one of lhe counliies
of lhe Union. Ar|ic|c 4,a

4. Aulhois of voiks of
aichilecluie eiecled in a counliy
oi lhe Union, oi olhei ailislic
voiks incoipoialed in a luiIding
oi sliucluie Iocaled in a counliy
of lhe Union. Ar|ic|c 4, o

5. Righls enjoyed ly a foieignei in
any nenlei slale of lhe Union:
(a) lhe iighls enjoyed ly lhe
nalionaIs of such a nenlei-slale
undei ils Iavs, (l) lhe iighls
guaianleed ly lhe Convenlion, (c)
independenl of lhe pioleclion in
lhe counliy of oiigin of lhe voik,
(d) apail fion piovisions of lhe
Convenlion, iediess in a nenlei-
slale shaII le suljecl excIusiveIy lo
lhe Iavs of lhal slale. Ar|ic|c 5, 1
and 2

Ieifoineis, Sound
Rone Convenlion
1. NalionaI liealnenl exlended lo
foieignei peifoineis: (a) foi
peifoinances in anolhei
Conliacling Slale, (l) if lhe
peifoinance as iecoided is suljecl
lo lhe pioleclion of lhe Rone
Convenlion, (c) lhe un-fixed
peifoinance is caiiied ly
lioadcasl piolecled undei lhe
Rone Convenlion, Ar|ic|c 4, a, o
and c

2. Iioleclion exlended lo
foieigneis pioducing sound
iecoidings: (a) pioduceis vho aie
nalionaIs of anolhei Conliacling
Slale, (l) fiisl fixalion of lhe
sound vas in anolhei Conliacling
Slale, (c) lhe iecoiding vas fiisl
pulIished in one Conliacling
Slale, (d) if fiisl pulIished in a
non-conliacling Slale lul vilhin
3O days pulIished aIso in a
Conliacling Slale, Ar|ic|c 5, 1, a, o
and c, Ar|ic|c 5,2

3. NalionaI liealnenl lo foieign
lioadcasling oiganizalions if: (a)
headquaileis is in anolhei
Conliacling Slale, (l) liansnillei
in anolhei Conliacling Slale,
Ar|ic|c 6, 1, a and o
Iiopeily: Ialenls,
uliIily nodeIs,
indusliiaI designs,
seivice naiks and
liade nanes
Iaiis Convenlion foi
lhe Iioleclion of
IndusliiaI Iiopeily
1. NalionaIs of Slales of lhe Union
(of Conliacling Slales) enjoy lhe
pioleclion piovided ly lhe
Convenlion in aII Slales of lhe
Union. Ar|ic|c 2,1

2. No iequiienenl of doniciIe oi
eslalIishnenl shaII le nade of
nenleis of lhe Union foi
pioleclion of indusliiaI piopeily
iighls. Ar|ic|c 2,2

3. Iiioiily dale as iegaids fiIing
of appIicalion foi palenl
iegislialion shaII le enjoyed ly
one vho has fiIed in any nenlei
Slale, as of lhe dale of such fiIing.
Ar|ic|c 4, A, 1 and 2
Ialenls Ialenl Coopeialion
1. An appIicalion nay le nade
foi lhe pioleclion of a palenl in
any of lhe Conliacling Slales.
This is liealed as an inleinalionaI
appIicalion. Ar|ic|c 3,1

2. Such an appIicalion nay le
fiIed ly a iesidenl oi a nalionaI of
a Conliacling Slale. Ar|ic|c 9,1

6. ls there then no further need for natlona|s or domlcl|larles of State
Partles to lnte||ectua| roert contentlons or treatles to uhlch the Phl|llnes
ls a art to com| ulth the a|lcatlon and reglstratlon requlrements of
Phl|llne |au?

Ioi a foieign nalionaI lo enjoy lhe fuII exlenl of pioleclion lesloved ly R.A. 8293
and ieIaled Iavs, such a foieign nalionaI nusl conpIy vilh lhe iequiienenls of
nalionaI Iav.

HOWLVLR: The iighls of such a foieign nalionaI, iiiespeclive of iegislialion oi
non-iegislialion in lhe IhiIippines, as guaianleed ly inleinalionaI covenanls and
liealies nusl le enfoiced ly lhe couils.

The diffeience in liealnenl lelveen copyiighls and neighloiing iighls on lhe
one hand (eine and Rone Convenlions) and indusliiaI piopeily on lhe olhei
(Iaiis Convenlion) is nol loo difficuIl lo expIain: Copyiighl sulsisls fion lhe
nonenl of ciealion, suljecl lo no foinaIily. Ialenls and liadenaiks on lhe olhei
hand aie suljecl lo appIicalion, pulIicalion and iegislialion iequiienenls.

7. When a |alntlff rests hls cause of actlon on an lnternatlona| cotenant or
treat uhose ob|lgatlon ls lt to rote before the Phl|llne court uhat the
rotlslons of such a treat or cotenant are?

The couil is olIigaled lo knov lhe piovisions of such liealy oi covenanl.
Tiealies, vhen concuiied in ly Senale in accoidance vilh conslilulionaI
iequiienenls, lecone pail of lhe IhiIippine IegaI syslen. As such couils aie
chaiged vilh knovIedge of such covenanls and liealies.

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