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Chapter 8 and 3 Q9 Question 1

4 out of 4 points

Pap smears and mammograms are examples of

Answer Selected Answer: b.

secondary prevention
Correct Answer: b.

secondary prevention

Question 2
4 out of 4 points

All the following activities are considered secondary prevention except:

Answer Selected Answer: b.

Construction of a pair of dentures

Correct Answer: b.

Construction of a pair of dentures

Question 3
4 out of 4 points

All activities in medicine could be defined as prevention

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 4
4 out of 4 points

A comparison of clinically diagnosed versus autopsy-confirmed myocardial infarctions was performed among 1000 consecutive deceased patients, as shown in the table

Clinical diagnosis


Autopsy findings No MI Total 240 760


160 40

80 720





From these data, the negative predictive value of the clinical diagnosis was closest to
Answer Selected Answer: d.

Correct Answer: d.


Question 5
4 out of 4 points

A bias occurs because the proportion of slow-growing lesions diagnosed during screening is greater than the proportion of those diagnosed during usual medical care is called
Answer Selected Answer: b.

length-time bias
Correct Answer: b.

length-time bias

Question 6
0 out of 4 points

The incidence of breast cancer in 20-year-old women is

Answer Selected Answer: a.

1 in 10,000
Correct Answer: b.

1 in 100,000

Question 7
0 out of 4 points

Among 100 patients with Alzheimers disease, 15 subjects score within the normal range on a battery of tests of cognitive performance. Select the most appropriate measure from the following lettered options
Answer Selected Answer: f.


Correct Answer:



Question 8
0 out of 4 points

Lack of compliance in the screened group results in an overestimation of the screening effect.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False 0 out of 4 points

Question 9

As the true positive of a screening test increases, which of the following occurs?
Answer Selected Answer: a.

specificity and positive predictive value increase

Correct Answer: d.

sensitivity and positive predictive value increase

Question 10
0 out of 4 points

Federal laws require rigorous evidence of efficacy for behavioral counseling methods before these methods are approved for use.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False 4 out of 4 points

Question 11

A prevention program that is oriented to the most experienced drug user would be referred to as
Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: c.


Question 12
4 out of 4 points

The incidence method can be used to calculate sensitivity for cancer screening tests

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 13
4 out of 4 points

Hand washing to stop bacteria and viruses from spreading is classified as

Answer Selected Answer: a.

primary prevention
Correct Answer: a.

primary prevention

Question 14
0 out of 4 points

A comparison of clinically diagnosed versus autopsy-confirmed myocardial infarctions was performed among 1000 consecutive deceased patients, as shown in the table Clinical Autopsy findings diagnosis MI No MI Total 240 760 1,000

MI No MI Total

160 40 200

80 720 800

From these data, the positive predictive value of the clinical diagnosis was closest to
Answer Selected Answer: e.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 15
0 out of 4 points

The first time that screening is carried out is called an incidence screen.

Selected Answer:


Correct Answer: b.


Question 16
0 out of 4 points

The percentage of false-positive in screening mammograms is approximately

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: b.


Question 17
4 out of 4 points

For many diseases, there is a critical point in time beyond which therapy is less effective. For most cancers, the critical point occurs when the primary tumor metastasizes. When must the critical point occur for screening to be effective?
Answer Selected Answer: a.

After the disease is detectable but before it produces symptoms.


Correct Answer:

After the disease is detectable but before it produces symptoms.

Question 18
4 out of 4 points

Helping patients to exercise appropriately is an exaple of

Answer Selected Answer: a.

primary prevention
Correct Answer: a.

primary prevention

Question 19
4 out of 4 points

Which of the following best defines the "yield" of a screening test?

Answer Selected a.


How much of a disease the screening test can detect in the screening process.

Correct Answer:

How much of a disease the screening test can detect in the screening process.
4 out of 4 points

Question 20

Screening for very rare disease is beneficial to very few people

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 21
4 out of 4 points

Ascertainment bias in determining the cause of death does not affect the estimation of thescreening effect.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False 0 out of 4 points

Question 22

Which of the following is not a primary requirement for conducting screening for disease control
Answer Selected Answer: d.

The disease should be serious

Correct Answer: c.

The government should fund the program

Question 23
0 out of 4 points

The use of drugs to prevent disease is

Answer Selected Answer: e.

all of the above

Correct Answer: c.


Question 24
0 out of 4 points

Screening tests are part of

Answer Selected Answer: b.

secondary prevention
Correct Answer: d.

a and b

Question 25
0 out of 4 points

When prevalence is low, the negative predictive value of a screening test is likely to be high.
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 26
4 out of 4 points

Sensitivity, specificity, predictive value, and cost are independent of each other.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False 4 out of 4 points

Question 27

Labeling effects of screening tests are sometimes unpredictable.

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 4 out of 4 points

Question 28

Which is the best way to avoid biases when evaluating the efficacy of a screening test or treatment in a clinical trial?
Answer Selected Answer: b.


Correct Answer:



Question 29
0 out of 4 points

Screening for disease involve which type(s) of prevention?

Answer Selected Answer: d.

all of the above

Correct Answer: b.


Question 30
4 out of 4 points

Compliant patients tend to have better prognoses regardless of screening.

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: a.

True ! Question!1!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! A!good!screening!test!result!produces!either!no!labeling!effect!or!a!positive! labeling!effect.! Answer!!



Selected!Answer:!! !True! !!! Correct!Answer:!! !True! Question!2!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! A!comparison!of!clinically!diagnosed!versus!autopsyAconfirmed!myocardial! infarctions!was!performed!among!1000!consecutive!deceased!patients,!as! shown!in!the!table! !! ! Clinical! !!!!!!Autopsy!findings! !! !!! diagnosis! ! !MI! No!MI! Total! MI! !!160! !!!!!!80! 240! No!MI! !!40! !!!!720! 760! Total! !!200! !!!!800! 1,000!
! !

!! ! From!these!data,!the!negative!predictive!value!of!the!clinical!diagnosis!was! closest!to! Answer!! Selected!Answer:! Correct!Answer:!


!b.!!! 95%!! !b.!!! 95%!! !!!

Question!3!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Screening!tests!are!part!of!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!d.!!! a!and!b! !d.!!! a!and!b! !!!


Question!4!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! The!degree!of!the!burden!of!suffering!caused!by!the!condition!is!decided! based!on! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!d.!!! all!of!the!above! !d.!!! all!of!the!above! !!!


Question!5!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Screenig!tests!are!part!of!many!primary!and!all!secondary!prevention! activities.! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!! !True! Correct!Answer:!! !True! Question!6!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! An!abnormal!result!of!a!screening!test!in!a!person!without!disease!is! Answer!!
! ! !

!!! !!!

!!! !!!



falseApositive! Correct!Answer:!

!d.!!! falseApositive!

Question!7!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! The!incidence!method!can!be!used!to!calculate!sensitivity!for!cancer! screening!tests! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!a.!!! True! !a.!!! True! !!!


Question!8!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Simple,!quick!examinations!such!as!blood!pressure!determinations!are!ideal! screening!tests.! !!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!


!a.!!! True! !a.!!! True! !!!


Question!9!! 0!out!of!4!points! ! Treatments!in!primary!prevention!is!(are)!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!c.!!! immunization! !d.!!! all!of!the!above! !!!


Question!10!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! A!screening!test!for!the!developmental!disabilities!in!children!fails!to!detect! a!substantial!proportion!of!children!with!such!disabilities.!Select!the!most! appropriate!limitation!for!applying!results!from!this!screening!test.!!! !!! Answer!!



!b.!!! Low!sensitivity!



!b.!!! Low!sensitivity!

Question!11!! 0!out!of!4!points! ! Which!one!of!the!following!is!a!consequence!of!overdiagnosis!in!screening?! Answer!! !!! Selected! Answer:!


!d.!!! A!decrease!in!the!calculated!sensitivity!of!the!screening! test.! !!! !e.!!! An!increase!in!the!observed!5Ayear!survival!for!the!target! disease.!

Correct! Answer:!

Question!12!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! The!prior!probability!of!a!disease!is!equivalent!to!which!of!the!following?! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!c.!!! prevalence!! !c.!!! prevalence!! !!!


Question!13!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Clinicians'!efforts!are!aimed!at!preventing!the!untimely!occurrences!of!the! five!Ds:!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!a.!!! disease,!disability,!discomfort,!dissatisfaction,!and!death! !!! !a.!!! disease,!disability,!discomfort,!dissatisfaction,!and!death!


Question!14!! 0!out!of!4!points! ! When!randomized!controlled!trial!is!difficult!to!conduct,!case!series!in!which! a!group!of!people!participating!in!a!screening!program!are!followed!over! time,!is!an!appropriate!method!to!use!for!the!evaluation!of!the!effectiveness! !!! of!the!screening!program.!! Answer!!



!a.!!! True!



!b.!!! False!

Question!15!! 0!out!of!4!points! ! The!positive!predictive!value!of!a!screening!test!for!breast!cancer!will! increase!if!the!test!is!performed!on!women!with!family!history!of!breast! cancer.! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!b.!!! False! !a.!!! True! !!!


Question!16!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! More!aggressive!forms!of!a!disease!are!more!likely!to!be!picked!up!in!a! screening!program.! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!b.!!! False! !b.!!! False! !!!


Question!17!! 0!out!of!4!points! ! Among!1000!women!without!breast!cancer,!screening!mammograms!are! normal!for!920!women.!!Select!the!most!appropriate!measure!from!the! following!lettered!options! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!b.!!! sensitivity!! !c.!!! specificity!! !!!


Question!18!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! A!comparison!of!clinically!diagnosed!versus!autopsyAconfirmed!myocardial! infarctions!was!performed!among!1000!consecutive!deceased!patients,!as! shown!in!the!table! !! !!! ! Clinical! !!!!!!Autopsy!findings! !!


diagnosis! MI! No!MI! Total!

!MI! !!160! !!40! !!200!

No!MI! !!!!!!80! !!!!720! !!!!800!

! Total! 240! 760! 1,000!

!! ! From!these!data,!the!prevalence!of!myocardial!infarction!at!autopsy!was! closest!to! Answer!! Selected!Answer:! Correct!Answer:!


!e.!!! 20%! !e.!!! 20%! !!!

Question!19!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Low!predictive!values!of!a!screening!tests!are!usually!caused!by! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!e.!!! both!a!and!c! !e.!!! both!a!and!c! !!!


Question!20!! 0!out!of!4!points! ! A!diagnostic!test,!but!not!a!screening!test,!requires!a!gold!standard.! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!a.!!! True! !b.!!! False! !!!


Question!21!! 0!out!of!4!points! ! When!prevalence!is!low,!the!negative!predictive!value!of!a!screening!test!is! likely!to!be!high.! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!b.!!! False! !a.!!! True! !!!


Question!22!! 0!out!of!4!points! ! The!major!purpose!of!randomization!is!to!minimize!the!differences!between! subjects!in!the!screened!group!and!those!in!the!control!group.! !!! Answer!!


Selected!Answer:! Correct!Answer:!

!!![None!Given]!! !!![None]!! !!!

Question!23!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Among!750!patients!with!normal!screening!test!results!for!serum! cholesterol,!50!actually!have!elevated!serum!cholesterol.!!Select!the!most! appropriate!measure!from!the!following!lettered!options! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!d.!!! falseAnegative! !d.!!! falseAnegative! !!!


Question!24!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! A!type!of!prevention!that!is!particularly!important!in!the!management!of! patients!having!a!fatal!disease.!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!b.!!! tertiary!prevention!! !b.!!! tertiary!prevention!! !!!


Question!25!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! When!lead!time!is!very!short!treatment!of!the!medical!condition!found!on! screening!can!be!very!effective! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!b.!!! False! !b.!!! False! !!!


Question!26!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Most!primary!prevention!is!done!in!clinical!settings!



Answer!! Selected!Answer:! Correct!Answer:!


!b.!!! False! !b.!!! False! !!!

Question!27!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Among!500!persons!with!positive!screening!tests!for!antibodies!to!the! human!immunodeficiency!virus!(HIV),!492!are!infected!with!the!virus.!! Select!the!most!appropriate!measure!from!the!following!lettered!options! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!b.!!! positive!predictive!value!! !b.!!! positive!predictive!value!! !!!


Question!28!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! A!bias!occurs!because!the!proportion!of!slowAgrowing!lesions!diagnosed! during!screening!is!greater!than!the!proportion!of!those!diagnosed!during! usual!medical!care!is!called! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!b.!!! lengthAtime!bias! !b.!!! lengthAtime!bias! !!!


Question!29!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! A!screening!measure!may!be!invalid!and!reliable.! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!! !True! Correct!Answer:!! !True! Question!30!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Ascertainment!bias!in!determining!the!cause!of!death!does!not!affect!the! estimation!of!the!screening!effect.! Answer!!
! !

!!! !!!

!!! !!!

Selected!Answer:!! !False! Correct!Answer:!! !False! Sunday,!March!24,!2013!11:48:33!AM!EDT!

! !

OK!! ! Question!1!.0!out!of!4!points! !!! !Which!of!the!following!best!define!specificity?! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!! Proportion!of!people!with!a!negative!test!who!do!ot!have!the!disease.!! Correct!Answer:!!c.!!! Proportion!of!people!without!the!disease!who!have!a!negative!test.!! !! .!Question!2!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Ascertainment!bias!in!determining!the!cause!of!death!does!not!affect!the!estimation! of!the!screening!effect.! ! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!False!! Correct!Answer:!!!False!! !! .!Question!3!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !The!positive!predictive!value!of!a!screening!test!for!breast!cancer!will!increase!if!the! test!is!performed!on!women!with!family!history!of!breast!cancer.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!a.!!! True!! Correct!Answer:!!a.!!! True!! !! .!Question!4!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Hand!washing!to!stop!bacteria!and!viruses!from!spreading!is!classified!as!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!a.!!! primary!prevention!! Correct!Answer:!!a.!!! primary!prevention!! !! .!Question!5!.0!out!of!4!points! !!! !Getting!a!young!person!to!quit!smoking!is!an!example!of! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!! secondary!prevention!! Correct!Answer:!!a.!!!

primary!prevention!! !! .!Question!6!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Federal!laws!require!rigorous!evidence!of!efficacy!for!behavioral!counseling! methods!before!these!methods!are!approved!for!use.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!False!! Correct!Answer:!!!False!! !! .!Question!7!.0!out!of!4!points! !!! !Ocular!antibiotic!prophylaxis!of!all!newborns!to!prevent!gonococcal!opthalmia! neonatorum!is!classified!as! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!d.!!! both!primary!and!secondary!prevention!! Correct!Answer:!!a.!!! chemoprevention!! !! .!Question!8!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !The!percentage!of!falseApositive!in!screening!mammograms!is!approximately!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!a.!!! 10%!! Correct!Answer:!!a.!!! 10%!! !! .!Question!9!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !All!the!following!clinical!activities!are!considered!tertiary!prevention!except! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!e.!!! Treating!high!cholesterol!! Correct!Answer:!!e.!!! Treating!high!cholesterol!! !! .!Question!10!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !The!degree!of!the!burden!of!suffering!caused!by!the!condition!is!decided!based!on! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!d.!!! all!of!the!above!! Correct!Answer:!!d.!!! all!of!the!above!!

!! .!Question!11!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Flouridation!of!water!would!be!an!example!of!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!a.!!! primary!prevention!! Correct!Answer:!!a.!!! primary!prevention!! !! .!Question!12!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !All!activities!in!medicine!could!be!defined!as!prevention! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!a.!!! True!! Correct!Answer:!!a.!!! True!! !! .!Question!13!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Which!one!of!the!following!statements!related!to!length!bias!is!TRUE?! ! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!c.!!! Slowly!progressing!cases!of!disease!are!more!likely!to!be!detected!during!screening! than!rapidly!progressing!cases.! !! Correct!Answer:!!c.!!! Slowly!progressing!cases!of!disease!are!more!likely!to!be!detected!during!screening! than!rapidly!progressing!cases.! !! !! .!Question!14!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !When!prevalence!is!low,!the!negative!predictive!value!of!a!screening!test!is!likely!to! be!high.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!a.!!! True!! Correct!Answer:!!a.!!! True!! !! .!Question!15!.4!out!of!4!points! !!!

!Among!100!patients!with!Alzheimers!disease,!15!subjects!score!within!the!normal! range!on!a!battery!of!tests!of!cognitive!performance.!Select!the!most!appropriate! measure!from!the!following!lettered!options! ! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!f.!!! sensitivity!!! Correct!Answer:!!f.!!! sensitivity!!! !! .!Question!16!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Subjects!who!do!not!comply!with!their!randomized!assignment!should!not!be! included!in!the!analysis!of!the!screening!effect.! ! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!False!! Correct!Answer:!!!False!! !! .!Question!17!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Typically,!many!health!care!professionals!practice!what!type!of!disease!prevention?! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!c.!!! Tertiary!! Correct!Answer:!!c.!!! Tertiary!! !! .!Question!18!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Chest!radiographs!tend!to!lead!to!earlier!recognition!of!lung!cancers,!with!no! impact!on!delaying!the!eventual!time!of!death.!Select!the!most!appropriate! limitation!for!applying!results!from!this!screening!test.!!! ! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!c.!!! LeadAtime!bias! !! Correct!Answer:!!c.!!! LeadAtime!bias! !! !! .!Question!19!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Which!one!of!the!following!is!a!consequence!of!overdiagnosis!in!screening?! !

Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!d.!!! An!increase!in!the!observed!5Ayear!survival!for!the!target!disease.! !! Correct!Answer:!!d.!!! An!increase!in!the!observed!5Ayear!survival!for!the!target!disease.! !! !! .!Question!20!.0!out!of!4!points! !!! !Which!of!the!following!should!not!be!considered!when!deciding!the!appropriate!use! of!a!screening!test?!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!a.!!! Whether!the!disease!condition!is!sufficiently!imprtant!for!the!individual!and!the! commuity.!! Correct!Answer:!!e.!!! All!of!the!above.!! !! .!Question!21!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Taking!preventative!steps!that!stop!a!health!problem!before!it!starts!is!called! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!a.!!! primary!prevention!! Correct!Answer:!!a.!!! primary!prevention!! !! .!Question!22!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !All!the!following!terms!are!used!for!determining!how!good!is!the!screening!test! except:! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!! profitability!! Correct!Answer:!!b.!!! profitability!! !! .!Question!23!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !When!lead!time!is!very!short!treatment!of!the!medical!condition!found!on!screening! can!be!very!effective! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!! False!! Correct!Answer:!!b.!!!

False!! !! .!Question!24!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Among!1000!women!without!breast!cancer,!screening!mammograms!are!normal! for!920!women.!!Select!the!most!appropriate!measure!from!the!following!lettered! options! ! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!e.!!! specificity!!! Correct!Answer:!!e.!!! specificity!!! !! .!Question!25!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !More!aggressive!forms!of!a!disease!are!more!likely!to!be!picked!up!in!a!screening! program.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!! False!! Correct!Answer:!!b.!!! False!! !! .!Question!26!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !The!first!time!that!screening!is!carried!out!is!called!an!incidence!screen.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!! False!! Correct!Answer:!!b.!!! False!! !! .!Question!27!.0!out!of!4!points! !!! !When!applied!in!the!general!population,!a!screening!test!that!is!normal!among!99%! of!unaffected!persons!and!abnormal!among!97%!of!affected!persons!nevertheless! yields!a!low!positive!predictive!value.!Select!the!most!appropriate!limitation!for! applying!results!from!this!screening!test.!!! ! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!d.!!! Low!specificity! !! Correct!Answer:!!c.!!! Low!prevalence!

!! !! .!Question!28!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Effective!counseling!methods!could!promote!health!more!than!most!anything!else!a! clinician!can!do.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!a.!!! True!! Correct!Answer:!!a.!!! True!! !! .!Question!29!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Which!is!the!best!way!to!avoid!biases!when!evaluating!the!efficacy!of!a!screening! test!or!treatment!in!a!clinical!trial?! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!c.!!! Randomization!! Correct!Answer:!!c.!!! Randomization!! !! .!Question!30!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Pap!smears!and!mammograms!are!examples!of!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!! secondary!prevention!! Correct!Answer:!!b.!!! secondary!prevention!! !! .Sunday,!March!24,!2013!6:29:53!PM!EDT! ! OK!! .! Question!1!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !A!comparison!of!clinically!diagnosed!versus!autopsyAconfirmed!myocardial! infarctions!was!performed!among!1000!consecutive!deceased!patients,!as!shown!in! the!table! ! ! !! ! !

! Clinical! ! diagnosis! !!!!!!!Autopsy!findings! !! !! ! ! ! ! Total! !! !MI! !No!MI! !! MI! !!!160! !!!!!!!80! !240! !! No!MI! !!!40! !!!!!720! !760! !! Total! !!!200! !!!!!800! !1,000! !! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! From!these!data,!the!prevalence!of!myocardial!infarction!at!autopsy!was!closest!to! ! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!e.!!! 20%!! Correct!Answer:!!e.!!! 20%!! !!

.!Question!2!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !When!lead!time!is!very!short!treatment!of!the!medical!condition!found!on!screening! can!be!very!effective! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!! False!! Correct!Answer:!!b.!!! False!! !! .!Question!3!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !For!a!screening!to!be!successful!you!need!a!suitable!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!d.!!! all!of!the!above!! Correct!Answer:!!d.!!! all!of!the!above!! !! .!Question!4!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Which!of!the!following!measures!is!conditioned!on!having!a!positive!test?!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!c.!!! positive!predictive!value!!! Correct!Answer:!!c.!!! positive!predictive!value!!! !! .!Question!5!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Screenig!tests!are!part!of!many!primary!and!all!secondary!prevention!activities.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!True!! Correct!Answer:!!!True!! !! .!Question!6!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !A!sreening!measure!may!be!unreliable!but!valid.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!False!! Correct!Answer:!!!False!! !! .!Question!7!.4!out!of!4!points! !!!

!For!many!diseases,!there!is!a!critical!point!in!time!beyond!which!therapy!is!less! effective.!For!most!cancers,!the!critical!point!occurs!when!the!primary!tumor! metastasizes.!When!must!the!critical!point!occur!for!screening!to!be!effective?! ! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!c.!!! After!the!disease!is!detectable!but!before!it!produces!symptoms.! !! Correct!Answer:!!c.!!! After!the!disease!is!detectable!but!before!it!produces!symptoms.! !! !! .!Question!8!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Treatments!in!primary!prevention!is!(are)!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!d.!!! all!of!the!above!! Correct!Answer:!!d.!!! all!of!the!above!! !! .!Question!9!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Selective!screening!involves!applying!the!screening!test!to!which!of!the!following?! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!! HighArisk!groups!! Correct!Answer:!!b.!!! HighArisk!groups!! !! .!Question!10!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !A!screening!measure!may!be!invalid!and!reliable.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!True!! Correct!Answer:!!!True!! !! .!Question!11!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !All!the!following!diseases!are!suitable!for!screening!except:! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!c.!!! lung!cancer!! Correct!Answer:!!c.!!! lung!cancer!! !!

.!Question!12!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !The!first!time!that!screening!is!carried!out!is!called!an!incidence!screen.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!! False!! Correct!Answer:!!b.!!! False!! !! .!Question!13!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !SlowAprogressing!cases!of!disease!with!a!better!prognosis!are!more!likely!to!be! identified!than!fasterAprogressing!cases!of!a!disease!with!a!poorer!prognosis.Thus,! cases!diagnosed!through!screening!tend!to!have!better!prognosis!than!the!average! of!all!cases.!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!c.!!! lengthAtime!bias!!! Correct!Answer:!!c.!!! lengthAtime!bias!!! !! .!Question!14!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Pap!smears!and!mammograms!are!examples!of!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!! secondary!prevention!! Correct!Answer:!!b.!!! secondary!prevention!! !! .!Question!15!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Among!100!patients!with!Alzheimers!disease,!15!subjects!score!within!the!normal! range!on!a!battery!of!tests!of!cognitive!performance.!Select!the!most!appropriate! measure!from!the!following!lettered!options! ! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!! sensitivity!!! Correct!Answer:!!b.!!! sensitivity!!! !! .!Question!16!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Ocular!antibiotic!prophylaxis!of!all!newborns!to!prevent!gonococcal!opthalmia! neonatorum!is!classified!as!

Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!a.!!! chemoprevention!! Correct!Answer:!!a.!!! chemoprevention!! !! .!Question!17!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Hand!washing!to!stop!bacteria!and!viruses!from!spreading!is!classified!as!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!a.!!! primary!prevention!! Correct!Answer:!!a.!!! primary!prevention!! !! .!Question!18!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !A!comparison!of!clinically!diagnosed!versus!autopsyAconfirmed!myocardial! infarctions!was!performed!among!1000!consecutive!deceased!patients,!as!shown!in! the!table! ! ! !! ! ! ! Clinical! ! diagnosis! !!!!!!!Autopsy!findings! !! Total! !! !MI! !No!MI! !! MI! !!!160! !!!!!!!80! !240! !! No!MI! !!!40! !!!!!720! !760! !!

Total! !!!200! !!!!!800! !1,000! !! ! ! From!these!data,!the!sensitivity!of!the!clinical!diagnosis!was!closest!to! ! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!d.!!! 80%!! Correct!Answer:!!d.!!! 80%!! !! .!Question!19!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Sensitivity,!specificity,!predictive!value,!and!cost!are!independent!of!each!other.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!False!! Correct!Answer:!!!False!! !! .!Question!20!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Which!of!the!following!best!defines!the!"yield"!of!a!screening!test?!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!c.!!! How!much!of!a!disease!the!screening!test!can!detect!in!the!screening!process.!!! Correct!Answer:!!c.!!! How!much!of!a!disease!the!screening!test!can!detect!in!the!screening!process.!!! !! .!Question!21!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !The!prior!probability!of!a!disease!is!equivalent!to!which!of!the!following?! ! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!c.!!! prevalence!!! Correct!Answer:!!c.!!! prevalence!!! !! .!Question!22!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Subjects!who!do!not!comply!with!their!randomized!assignment!should!not!be! included!in!the!analysis!of!the!screening!effect.! !

Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!False!! Correct!Answer:!!!False!! !! .!Question!23!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !All!the!following!terms!are!used!for!determining!how!good!is!the!screening!test! except:! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!! profitability!! Correct!Answer:!!b.!!! profitability!! !! .!Question!24!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Laws!mandating!seatbelt!use!in!automobile!and!helmet!use!on!motorcycles!are! considered! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!a.!!! primary!prevention!! Correct!Answer:!!a.!!! primary!prevention!! !! .!Question!25!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !A!screening!test!for!the!developmental!disabilities!in!children!fails!to!detect!a! substantial!proportion!of!children!with!such!disabilities.!Select!the!most!appropriate! limitation!for!applying!results!from!this!screening!test.!!! ! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!e.!!! Low!sensitivity! !! Correct!Answer:!!e.!!! Low!sensitivity! !! !! .!Question!26!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Getting!a!young!person!to!quit!smoking!is!an!example!of! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!a.!!! primary!prevention!! Correct!Answer:!!a.!!! primary!prevention!!

!! .!Question!27!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !The!screening!test!looks!better!than!it!actually!is,!because!younger,!healthier!people! are!more!likely!to!get!the!test.!! Answer!!! Selected!Answers:!!!b.!!! selection!bias!! ! !!! Correct!Answers:!!!b.!!! selection!bias!! ! !!! !! .!Question!28!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Which!of!the!following!should!not!be!considered!when!deciding!the!appropriate!use! of!a!screening!test?!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!e.!!! All!of!the!above.!! Correct!Answer:!!e.!!! All!of!the!above.!! !! .!Question!29!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Which!of!the!following!best!define!specificity?! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!a.!!! Proportion!of!people!without!the!disease!who!have!a!negative!test.!! Correct!Answer:!!a.!!! Proportion!of!people!without!the!disease!who!have!a!negative!test.!! !! .!Question!30!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !The!best!way!to!establish!the!efficacy!of!treatment!is!with!a!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!! randomized!controlled!trial!! Correct!Answer:!!b.!!! randomized!controlled!trial!! !! .Sunday,!March!24,!2013!6:44:08!PM!EDT! !

Question 1

0 out of 4 points

The major purpose of randomization is to minimize the differences between subjects in thescreened group and those in the control group.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: [None Given] [None] 4 out of 4 points

Question 2

To be suitable for screening, disease treatment must be effective at an earlier stage.

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 3
4 out of 4 points

Typically, many health care professionals practice what type of disease prevention?
Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: c.


Question 4
0 out of 4 points

Only conditions posing threats to life or health should be included in preventive care.
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 5
4 out of 4 points

Which of the following should not be considered when deciding the appropriate use of a screening test?

Selected Answer:


All of the above.

Correct Answer: e.

All of the above.

Question 6
4 out of 4 points

A type of prevention that is particularly important in the management of patients having a fatal disease.
Answer Selected Answer: c.

tertiary prevention
Correct Answer: c.

tertiary prevention

Question 7
4 out of 4 points

Getting a young person to quit smoking is an example of

Answer Selected Answer: a.

primary prevention
Correct Answer: a.

primary prevention

Question 8
0 out of 4 points

For many diseases, there is a critical point in time beyond which therapy is less effective. For most cancers, the critical point occurs when the primary tumor metastasizes. When must the critical point occur for screening to be effective?
Answer Selected Answer: b.

After the disease is detectable and after it produces symptoms.


Correct Answer:

After the disease is detectable but before it produces symptoms.

Question 9
4 out of 4 points

Most primary prevention is done in clinical settings


Selected Answer:


Correct Answer: b.


Question 10
4 out of 4 points

A comparison of clinically diagnosed versus autopsy-confirmed myocardial infarctions was performed among 1000 consecutive deceased patients, as shown in the table

Clinical diagnosis


Autopsy findings No MI Total 240 760 1,000

MI No MI Total

160 40 200

80 720 800

From these data, the specificity of the clinical diagnosis was closest to
Answer Selected Answer: d.

Correct Answer: d.


Question 11
4 out of 4 points

A diagnostic test, but not a screening test, requires a gold standard.

Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: b.


Question 12
4 out of 4 points

Effective counseling methods could promote health more than most anything

else a clinician can do.

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 13
4 out of 4 points

Simple, quick examinations such as blood pressure determinations are ideal screening tests.
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 14
4 out of 4 points

Compliant patients tend to have better prognoses regardless of screening.

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 15
4 out of 4 points

The degree of the burden of suffering caused by the condition is decided based on
Answer Selected Answer: d.

all of the above

Correct Answer: d.

all of the above

Question 16
4 out of 4 points

The first time that screening is carried out is called an incidence screen.

Selected Answer:


Correct Answer: b.


Question 17
4 out of 4 points

The positive predictive value for test results will decrease after the first round of screening.
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 18
4 out of 4 points

To be suitable for screening, a particular test needs to be

Answer Selected Answer: d.

all of the above

Correct Answer: d.

all of the above

Question 19
4 out of 4 points

Screening for disease involve which type(s) of prevention?

Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: b.


Question 20
4 out of 4 points

Among 750 patients with normal screening test results for serum cholesterol, 50 actually have elevated serum cholesterol. Select the most appropriate measure from the following lettered options
Answer Selected Answer: c.


Correct Answer:



Question 21
4 out of 4 points

Screening tests are totally different from diagnostic tests.

Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: b.


Question 22
4 out of 4 points

Which of the following is not a primary requirement for conducting screening for disease control
Answer Selected Answer: c.

The government should fund the program

Correct Answer: c.

The government should fund the program

Question 23
4 out of 4 points

Screening tests are part of

Answer Selected Answer: d.

a and b
Correct Answer: d.

a and b

Question 24
0 out of 4 points

Regular ophthalmologic examination for early diabetic retinopathy is a form of

Answer Selected Answer: b.

secondary prevention
Correct Answer: c.

tertiary prevention

Question 25
4 out of 4 points

It is unethical to accept a certain risk for diagnostic test applied to sick patients seeking help for specific complaints.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False 4 out of 4 points

Question 26

A prevention program that is oriented to the most experienced drug user would be referred to as
Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: c.


Question 27
4 out of 4 points

Which one of the following is a consequence of overdiagnosis in screening?

Answer Selected Answer: b.

An increase in the observed 5-year survival for the target disease.


Correct Answer:

An increase in the observed 5-year survival for the target disease.

Question 28
4 out of 4 points

Which is the best way to avoid biases when evaluating the efficacy of a screening test or treatment in a clinical trial?
Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: c.


Question 29
4 out of 4 points

The screening test looks better than it actually is, because younger, healthier people are more likely to get the test.

Selected Answers:


selection bias
Correct Answers:


selection bias

Question 30
4 out of 4 points

A screening test for the developmental disabilities in children fails to detect a substantial proportion of children with such disabilities. Select the most appropriate limitation for applying results from this screening test.
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Low sensitivity
Correct Answer: b.

Low sensitivity

Question 1
4 out of 4 points

The positive predictive value for test results will decrease after the first round of screening.
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 2
4 out of 4 points

Compliant patients tend to have better prognoses regardless of screening.

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 3
0 out of 4 points

A comparison of clinically diagnosed versus autopsy-confirmed gastric and peptic ulcers was performed in 10,000 consecutive deceased patients, as shown

in the table

Clinical diagnosis

Autopsy findings Ulcer No ulcer Total 150 9,850 10,000

Ulcer No ulcer Total

130 170 300

20 9,680 9,700

From these data, the sensitivity of the clinical diagnosis was closest to
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: e.


Question 4
4 out of 4 points

The lead time for lung cancer is very long.

Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: b.


Question 5
4 out of 4 points The prior probability of a disease is equivalent to which of the following? Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 6
4 out of 4 points

As the true positive of a screening test increases, which of the following

Answer Selected Answer: c.

sensitivity and positive predictive value increase

Correct Answer: c.

sensitivity and positive predictive value increase

Question 7
0 out of 4 points

Percent 5-year survival from diagnosis is a statistic that is often used in studies involvingdiseases with a significant mortality rate. In the context of a hypothetic study of a new screening program, investigators compared 5-year survival between the screening-detected cases in the program and cases presenting with symptoms outside the program. Which one of the following statements about these comparisons of 5-year survival is TRUE?
Answer Selected Answer: e.

They are affected by recall bias.

Correct Answer: b.

They are affected by overdiagnosis bias.

Question 8
4 out of 4 points

Which of the following should not be considered when deciding the appropriate use of a screening test?
Answer Selected Answer: e.

All of the above.

Correct Answer: e.

All of the above.

Question 9
4 out of 4 points

All activities in medicine could be defined as prevention

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 10
4 out of 4 points

More aggressive forms of a disease are more likely to be picked up in a screening program.
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: b.


Question 11
4 out of 4 points

Screening for very rare disease is beneficial to very few people

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 12
4 out of 4 points

All the following terms are used for determining how good is the screening test except:
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: b.


Question 13
4 out of 4 points

Sensitivity, specificity, predictive value, and cost are independent of each other.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False 0 out of 4 points

Question 14

A comparison of clinically diagnosed versus autopsy-confirmed myocardial infarctions was performed among 1000 consecutive deceased patients, as shown in the table

Clinical Autopsy findings Total diagnosis MI No MI MI 160 80 240 No MI 40 720 760 Total 200 800 1,000 From these data, the false negative rate of the clinical diagnosis was closest to
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: d.


Question 15
4 out of 4 points

The identification of asymptomatic disease or risk factors is called

Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: b.


Question 16
4 out of 4 points

The period of time between the detection of a medical condition by screening and when it ordinarily would be diagnosed because a patient experiences symptoms and seeks medical care is called
Answer Selected Answer: c.

lead time
Correct Answer: c.

lead time

Question 17
4 out of 4 points

Clinicians' efforts are aimed at preventing the untimely occurrences of the five Ds:
Answer Selected Answer: c.

disease, disability, discomfort, dissatisfaction, and death

Correct Answer: c.

disease, disability, discomfort, dissatisfaction, and death

Question 18
4 out of 4 points

Selective screening involves applying the screening test to which of the following?
Answer Selected Answer: a.

High-risk groups
Correct Answer: a.

High-risk groups

Question 19
4 out of 4 points

The major purpose of randomization is to minimize the differences between subjects in thescreened group and those in the control group.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: [None Given] [None] 4 out of 4 points

Question 20

Which of the following is not a primary requirement for conducting screening for disease control
Answer Selected Answer: c.

The government should fund the program

Correct Answer: c.

The government should fund the program

Question 21
4 out of 4 points

The screening test looks better than it actually is, because younger, healthier people are more likely to get the test.
Answer Selected Answers: d.

selection bias
Correct Answers:


selection bias

Question 22
4 out of 4 points

Screening for disease involve which type(s) of prevention?

Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: b.


Question 23
4 out of 4 points

Regular ophthalmologic examination for early diabetic retinopathy is a form of

Answer Selected Answer: c.

tertiary prevention
Correct Answer: c.

tertiary prevention

Question 24
4 out of 4 points

Flouridation of water would be an example of

Answer Selected Answer: a.

primary prevention
Correct Answer: a.

primary prevention

Question 25
0 out of 4 points

Handing out pamphlets on how to reduce bad cholesterol level in subjects with hypercholesterolemia is an example of
Answer Selected Answer: a.

primary prevention
Correct Answer: b.

secondary prevention

Question 26
4 out of 4 points

All the following activities are considered secondary prevention except:

Answer Selected Answer: b.

Construction of a pair of dentures

Correct Answer: b.

Construction of a pair of dentures

Question 27
4 out of 4 points

Typically, many health care professionals practice what type of disease prevention?
Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: c.


Question 28
4 out of 4 points

Lack of compliance in the screened group results in an overestimation of the screening effect.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False 0 out of 4 points

Question 29

A comparison of clinically diagnosed versus autopsy-confirmed myocardial infarctions was performed among 1000 consecutive deceased patients, as shown in the table

Clinical Autopsy findings Total diagnosis MI No MI MI 160 80 240 No MI 40 720 760 Total 200 800 1,000 From these data, the sensitivity of the clinical diagnosis was closest to
Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: b.


Question 30
4 out of 4 points

Which is the best way to avoid biases when evaluating the efficacy of a screening test or treatment in a clinical trial?
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: b.

Randomization !

Question 1
4 out of 4 points

In decision tree models for prognosis, every tree contains terminal nodes that represent subsequent prognosis for a particular combination of patient characteristics and events.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 4 out of 4 points

Question 2

Overestimating probability of a diagnosis when the correct diagnosis is already known

Answer Selected Answer: b.

Hindsight error
Correct Answer: b.

Hindsight error

Question 3
0 out of 4 points

The quantitative expression of the value or importance of a given variable is called

Answer Selected Answer: c.

Assigned weight
Correct Answer: d.


Question 4
4 out of 4 points

Markov chain is a special type of Markov process in which the transition probabilities are constant over time.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 4 out of 4 points

Question 5

Decision analysis is appropriate for events that reoccur throughout a lifetime.

Answer Selected Answer: False

Correct Answer:

False 4 out of 4 points

Question 6

Decision analyses
Answer Selected Answer: c.

a and b
Correct Answer: c.

a and b

Question 7
4 out of 4 points

The maximin criteria is a(n) __________ criteria.

Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: c.


Question 8
0 out of 4 points

The standards that define the best thinking for achieving the thinkers goals.
Answer Selected Answer: c.

Prescriptive models
Correct Answer: d.

Normative models

Question 9
4 out of 4 points

Decision making situations can be categorized along a scale which ranges from:
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Certainty to risk to uncertainty to ambiguity

Correct Answer: b.

Certainty to risk to uncertainty to ambiguity

Question 10
4 out of 4 points

The Markov process is analogous to a utility in an ordinary decision tree.

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 4 out of 4 points

Question 11

Used to find the alternative that maximizes the maximum payoff

Answer Selected Answer: e.

Correct Answer: e.


Question 12
4 out of 4 points

Choosing riskier treatments when they are described in negative (e.g., mortality) rather than positive (e.g., survival) terms.
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Framing bias
Correct Answer: b.

Framing bias

Question 13
4 out of 4 points

Decision analyses always require comparison of at least two clinical strategies. One strategy ought to contain advantages and countervailing disadvantages.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 4 out of 4 points

Question 14

A state of a Markov model may be defined as

Answer Selected Answer: d.

a or b
Correct Answer: d.

a or b

Question 15
4 out of 4 points

The states of a Markov model describe a partial set of interrelated conditions under which a system operates.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False 4 out of 4 points

Question 16

A weighted average compromise between optimistic and pessimistic

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Hurwicz criterion
Correct Answer: a.

Hurwicz criterion

Question 17
4 out of 4 points

EMV refers to
Answer Selected Answer: c.

expected monetary value

Correct Answer: c.

expected monetary value

Question 18
4 out of 4 points

In influence diagram, decision nodes are depicted as

Answer Selected Answer: a.

squares or rectangles
Correct Answer: a.

squares or rectangles

Question 19
4 out of 4 points

Any problem that can be represented in a decision table can also be graphically illustrated in a:
Answer Selected Answer: c.

decision tree.

Correct Answer:


decision tree.

Question 20
4 out of 4 points

The difference between the optimal profit and actual payoff for a decision
Answer Selected Answer: d.

Minimax regret
Correct Answer: d.

Minimax regret

Question 21
4 out of 4 points

Models describe how people ought to think.

Answer Selected Answer: d.

Prescriptive models
Correct Answer: d.

Prescriptive models

Question 22
4 out of 4 points

A quantitative method used to assess the relative value of different options to deal with a clinical choice under conditions of uncertainty.
Answer Selected Answer: c.

Decision analysis
Correct Answer: c.

Decision analysis

Question 23
4 out of 4 points

The utility that is associated with spending one cycle in a particular state is referred to as
Answer Selected Answer: b.

incremental utility
Correct Answer: b.

incremental utility

Question 24
4 out of 4 points

The Decision-making process involve

Answer Selected Answer: d.

All of the above

Correct Answer: d.

All of the above

Question 25
4 out of 4 points

The Laplace decision criterion is also known as

Answer Selected Answer: b.

equally likely
Correct Answer: b.

equally likely

Question 26
4 out of 4 points

A point in a decision tree at which several choices are possible.

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Decision node
Correct Answer: a.

Decision node

Question 27
4 out of 4 points

Providing more detail of an event increases its judged probability.

Answer Selected Answer: d.

Description bias
Correct Answer: d.

Description bias

Question 28
4 out of 4 points

The process of systematically finding, appraising, and using contemporaneous research findings as the basis for clinical decisions is called

Selected Answer:


Systematic review
Correct Answer: d.

Systematic review

Question 29
4 out of 4 points

Maximax is also called decisions under uncertainty.

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 4 out of 4 points

Question 30

Which of the following is (are) types of decision-making environments?

Answer Selected Answer: e.

All of the above

Correct Answer: e.

All of the above

Question 1
4 out of 4 points

The equally likely decision criterion is also known as

Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: b.


Question 2
4 out of 4 points

Both the timing of events and the representation of events that may occur more than once can be addressed by using a recursive decision tree.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 0 out of 4 points

Question 3

For a decision to exist, there must be at least ---- options in response to a problem.
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: d.

Question 4
0 out of 4 points

Models describe how people ought to think.

Answer Selected Answer: b.

Bayes theorem
Correct Answer: a.

Prescriptive models

Question 5
0 out of 4 points

Considers all the payoffs for each alternative

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Minimax regret
Correct Answer: e.


Question 6
0 out of 4 points

A quantitative method used to assess the relative value of different options to deal with a clinical choice under conditions of uncertainty.
Answer Selected Answer: c.

Cost-benefit analysis
Correct Answer: a.

Decision analysis

Question 7
0 out of 4 points

Decision making situations can be categorized along a scale which ranges from:

Selected Answer:


Uncertainty to certainty to risk

Correct Answer: d.

Certainty to risk to uncertainty to ambiguity

Question 8
0 out of 4 points

The states of a Markov model describe a partial set of interrelated conditions under which a system operates.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False 4 out of 4 points

Question 9

In Markov models (well stroke disabled death ), stroke is

Answer Selected Answer: a.

temporary states
Correct Answer: a.

temporary states

Question 10
4 out of 4 points In influence diagram, squares or rectangles depict Answer Selected Answer: b. decision nodes b. decision nodes 0 out of 4 points

Correct Answer:

Question 11

Conventional decision analysis models assumptions include all the following except:
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Events that do not recur

Correct Answer: d.

Timing of events is important

Question 12

4 out of 4 points

Decision-analytic models must be sufficiently complex to incorporate the important events and values, yet sufficiently simple to be understandable.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 0 out of 4 points

Question 13

In order for a Markov process to terminate, it must have at least one state that the patient cannot leave. Such states are called
Answer Selected Answer: b.

tunnel states
Correct Answer: e.

absorbing states

Question 14
0 out of 4 points

For a Markov model of three states, there will be --- transition probabilities.
Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: b.

Question 15
4 out of 4 points

A point in a decision tree at which several choices are possible.

Answer Selected Answer: c.

Decision node
Correct Answer: c.

Decision node

Question 16
4 out of 4 points

Markov chain is a special type of Markov process in which the transition probabilities are constant over time.
Answer Selected Answer: True

Correct Answer:

True 0 out of 4 points

Question 17

Any problem that can be represented in a decision table can also be graphically illustrated in a:
Answer Selected Answer: a.

utility curve.
Correct Answer: c.

decision tree.

Question 18
0 out of 4 points

In the medical and pharmacoeconomics literature, the states of a Markov model often represent
Answer Selected Answer: d.

assigned probabilities
Correct Answer: a.

various levels of disease progression

Question 19
0 out of 4 points

The process of choosing from a number of hypothetical clinical paradigms by comparing them in terms of model-based probabilistic outcomes is often referred to as
Answer Selected Answer: d.

hypothesis testing
Correct Answer: b.

decision analysis

Question 20
0 out of 4 points

Decision analysis is appropriate for events that reoccur throughout a lifetime.

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False 0 out of 4 points

Question 21

The process of choosing from a number of hypothetical clinical paradigms by comparing them in terms of model-based probabilistic outcomes is often referred to as
Answer Selected Answer: b.

hypothesis testing
Correct Answer: d.

decision analysis

Question 22
0 out of 4 points

Used to find the alternative that maximizes the maximum payoff

Answer Selected Answer: b.

Criterion of realism
Correct Answer: a.


Question 23
0 out of 4 points

Markov models are not suited for censored and intermittent data.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False 0 out of 4 points

Question 24

Markov models are useful when

Answer Selected Answer: b.

the timing of events is important.

Correct Answer: d.

all of the above

Question 25
4 out of 4 points

A state of a Markov model may be defined as

Answer Selected Answer: d.

a or b

Correct Answer:


a or b

Question 26
4 out of 4 points

The process of systematically finding, appraising, and using contemporaneous research findings as the basis for clinical decisions is called
Answer Selected Answer: c.

Systematic review
Correct Answer: c.

Systematic review

Question 27
0 out of 4 points

The difference between the optimal profit and actual payoff for a decision
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: c.

Minimax regret

Question 28
4 out of 4 points

Providing more detail of an event increases its judged probability.

Answer Selected Answer: d.

Description bias
Correct Answer: d.

Description bias

Question 29
4 out of 4 points

The fact that the data are censored does not imply that only intermediate endpoints are observed or that complete information regarding disease states is unavailable for all patients.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 4 out of 4 points

Question 30

Decision analyses always require comparison of at least two clinical strategies. One strategy ought to contain advantages and countervailing disadvantages.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 0 out of 4 points In influence diagram, squares or rectangles depict Answer Selected Answer: c.

Question 1

chance nodes
Correct Answer: d. decision nodes 0 out of 4 points

Question 2

In order for a Markov process to terminate, it must have at least one state that the patient cannot leave. Such states are called
Answer Selected Answer: b.

temporary states
Correct Answer: c.

absorbing states

Question 3
0 out of 4 points

Patients who have carotid artery stenosis of more than 70% after suffering transient ischemic attacks clearly benefit from carotid endarterectomy, as demonstrated by the NASCET Trial. Do we need not perform a decision analysis of this question?
Answer Selected Answer: 1.

Correct Answer: 2.


Question 4
0 out of 4 points

Markov models are not suited for censored and intermittent data.
Answer Selected Answer: True

Correct Answer:

False 0 out of 4 points

Question 5

A point in a decision tree at which chance determines which outcome will occur.
Answer Selected Answer: d.

Change point
Correct Answer: c.

Chance node

Question 6
0 out of 4 points

All the following are advantages of decision trees except:

Answer Selected Answer: c.

Places a numerical value on likely or potential outcomes

Correct Answer: e.

High accuracy irrespective of the nature of the data

Question 7
0 out of 4 points

The number of patients that need to be treated with the technique being investigated to prevent an unwanted outcome.
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: d.

Number needed to treat

Question 8
0 out of 4 points

Decision analyses
Answer Selected Answer: d.

None of the above

Correct Answer: c.

a and b

Question 9
0 out of 4 points

Markov process terminates irrespective of the nature of the states.

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False 0 out of 4 points

Question 10

Conventional decision analysis models assumptions include all the following except:
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Limited time horizon

Correct Answer: a.

Timing of events is important

Question 11
4 out of 4 points

Markov chain is a special type of Markov process in which the transition probabilities are constant over time.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 0 out of 4 points

Question 12

A commonly used representation of Markov processes

Answer Selected Answer: c.

All of the above

Correct Answer: b.

State transition diagram

Question 13
0 out of 4 points

Estimating the probability of a disease by judging how similar the case is to a diagnostic category or prototype; can lead to base rate neglect.
Answer Selected Answer: c.

Description bias
Correct Answer: a.

Representativeness bias

Question 14
0 out of 4 points A decision problem is characterized by Answer Selected Answer: e. none of the above d.

Correct Answer:

all of the above

Question 15
4 out of 4 points

The fact that the data are censored does not imply that only intermediate endpoints are observed or that complete information regarding disease states is unavailable for all patients.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 0 out of 4 points

Question 16

The Laplace decision criterion is also known as

Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: b.

equally likely

Question 17
0 out of 4 points

The equally likely decision criterion is also known as

Answer Selected Answer: d.

Correct Answer: b.


Question 18
0 out of 4 points

Markov models generally rely on the assumption that a patients progression rate to the next state is dependent on his or her progression rate through previous states.

Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

True False 0 out of 4 points

Question 19

Models describe how people ought to think.

Answer Selected Answer: c.

Descriptive models
Correct Answer: a.

Prescriptive models

Question 20
0 out of 4 points

Used to minimize the maximum possible loss.

Answer Selected Answer: b.

Equally likely
Correct Answer: a.


Question 21
0 out of 4 points

The process of choosing from a number of hypothetical clinical paradigms by comparing them in terms of model-based probabilistic outcomes is often referred to as
Answer Selected Answer: b.

statistical analysis
Correct Answer: d.

decision analysis

Question 22
4 out of 4 points

Maximax is also called decisions under uncertainty.

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 4 out of 4 points

Question 23

Markov models are useful when

Answer Selected Answer: d.

all of the above

Correct Answer: d.

all of the above

Question 24
0 out of 4 points

Considers all the payoffs for each alternative

Answer Selected Answer: d.

Criterion of realism
Correct Answer: e.


Question 25
0 out of 4 points

All of the following are steps in the decision-making process EXCEPT:

Answer Selected Answer: d.

List alternatives
Correct Answer: e.

Compute the posterior probabilities

Question 26
0 out of 4 points

All the following decision making methods are deterministic except:

Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: d.


Question 27
0 out of 4 points

The essence of decision making is:

Answer Selected Answer: d.

problem solving.

Correct Answer:


choosing between alternatives.

Question 28
0 out of 4 points

In the medical and pharmacoeconomics literature, the states of a Markov model often represent
Answer Selected Answer: d.

decision nodes
Correct Answer: c.

various levels of disease progression

Question 29
0 out of 4 points

For a decision to exist, there must be at least ---- options in response to a problem.
Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: d.

Question 30
0 out of 4 points

The criteria of Expected Monetary Value is used for making decisions under
Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: d.

all of the above ! Question!1!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! All!the!following!are!advantages!of!decision!trees!except:! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!a.!!! High!accuracy!irrespective!of!the!nature!of!the!data!!! !a.!!! High!accuracy!irrespective!of!the!nature!of!the!data!!! !!!


Question!2!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! A!probability!model!that!predicts!the!conditional!probability!of!one!event! given!the!occurrence!of!another!event! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!c.!!! Bayes!theorem! !c.!!! Bayes!theorem! !!!


Question!3!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! In!a!state!transition!diagram!each!state!is!represented!by!a!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!d.!!! circle!! !d.!!! circle!! !!!


Question!4!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Markov!models!are!useful!when!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!d.!!! all!of!the!above! !d.!!! all!of!the!above! !!!


Question!5!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Decision!analysis!is!appropriate!for!events!that!reoccur!throughout!a! lifetime.! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!! !False! Correct!Answer:!! !False! Question!6!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! The!difference!between!the!optimal!profit!and!actual!payoff!for!a!decision! Answer!!
! ! !

!!! !!!

!!! !!!


!b.!!! Minimax!regret!


!b.!!! Minimax!regret!

Question!7!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! States!required!whenever!there!is!an!event!that!has!only!shortOterm!effects.! Such!states!are!defined!by!having!transitions!only!to!other!states!and!not!to! themselves.!This!guarantees!that!the!patient!can!spend,!at!most,!one!cycle!in! !!! that!state.!! Answer!!


Selected!Answer:! Correct!Answer:!

!c.!!! temporary!states! !c.!!! temporary!states! !!!

Question!8!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! For!a!Markov!model!of!three!states,!there!will!be!OOO!transition!probabilities.!! Answer!! !!! Selected!Answer:! 9!


!d.!!! !d.!!! !!!



Question!9!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! To!examine!how!a!particular!decision!might!change!with!different!input! data,!you!need!to!use! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!b.!!! Sensitivity!analysis! !b.!!! Sensitivity!analysis! !!!


Question!10!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! The!process!of!choosing!from!a!number!of!hypothetical!clinical!paradigms!by! comparing!them!in!terms!of!modelObased!probabilistic!outcomes!is!often! referred!to!as!! !!! Answer!!



!c.!!! decision!analysis!!



!c.!!! decision!analysis!!

Question!11!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Markov!models!are!particularly!useful!when!a!decision!problem!involves!a! risk!that!is!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!b.!!! ongoing!over!time!! !b.!!! ongoing!over!time!! !!!


Question!12!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! A!weighted!average!compromise!between!optimistic!and!pessimistic! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!a.!!! Hurwicz!criterion! !a.!!! Hurwicz!criterion! !!!


Question!13!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Overestimating!probability!of!a!diagnosis!when!the!correct!diagnosis!is! already!known! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!c.!!! Hindsight!error! !c.!!! Hindsight!error! !!!


Question!14!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! The!process!of!systematically!finding,!appraising,!and!using! contemporaneous!research!findings!as!the!basis!for!clinical!decisions!is! called!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!c.!!! Systematic!review!! !c.!!! Systematic!review!! !!!


Question!15!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Considers!all!the!payoffs!for!each!alternative!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!c.!!! Laplace! !c.!!! Laplace! !!!


Question!16!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! The!essence!of!decision!making!is:! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!a.!!! choosing!between!alternatives.! !a.!!! choosing!between!alternatives.! !!!


Question!17!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Decision!analyses!always!require!comparison!of!at!least!two!clinical! strategies.!One!strategy!ought!to!contain!advantages!and!countervailing! disadvantages.!! Answer!!



Selected!Answer:!! !True! Correct!Answer:!! !True! Question!18!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! In!decision!tree!models!for!prognosis,!every!tree!contains!terminal!nodes! that!represent!subsequent!prognosis!for!a!particular!combination!of! patient!characteristics!and!events.! Answer!!
! !



Selected!Answer:!! !True! Correct!Answer:!! !True! Question!19!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Any!problem!that!can!be!represented!in!a!decision!table!can!also!be! graphically!illustrated!in!a:! Answer!!

! !


!!! !!!


!c.!!! decision!tree.!


!c.!!! decision!tree.!

Question!20!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! All!the!following!decision!making!methods!are!deterministic!except:!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!d.!!! Markov!! !d.!!! Markov!! !!!


Question!21!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! For!the!study!of!a!terminal!illness!such!as!HIV,!a!common!constraint!for!the! Markov!process!is!that!state!transitions!are!irreversible!and!sequential.!! !!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!! !True! Correct!Answer:!! !True! Question!22!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! DecisionOanalytic!models!must!be!sufficiently!complex!to!incorporate!the! important!events!and!values,!yet!sufficiently!simple!to!be!understandable.!! Answer!!
! !


!!! !!!

Selected!Answer:!! !True! Correct!Answer:!! !True! Question!23!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Which!of!the!following!is!(are)!types!of!decisionOmaking!environments?! Answer!!

! !



!e.!!! All!of!the!above! !e.!!! All!of!the!above! !!!


Question!24!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! The!number!of!patients!that!need!to!be!treated!with!the!technique!being! investigated!to!prevent!an!unwanted!outcome.! Answer!!


!!! !!!



Number!needed!to!treat! Correct!Answer:!

!b.!!! Number!needed!to!treat!

Question!25!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! In!influence!diagram,!squares!or!rectangles!depict!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!c.!!! decision!nodes!! !c.!!! decision!nodes!! !!!


Question!26!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Conventional!decision!analysis!models!assumptions!include!all!the!following! except:! !!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!


!c.!!! Timing!of!events!is!important! !c.!!! Timing!of!events!is!important! !!!


Question!27!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! A!point!!in!a!decision!tree!at!which!chance!determines!which!outcome!will! occur.! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!d.!!! Chance!node! !d.!!! Chance!node! !!!


Question!28!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! A!point!in!a!decision!tree!at!which!several!choices!are!possible.! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!d.!!! Decision!node! !d.!!! Decision!node! !!!


Question!29!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Decision!making!situations!can!be!categorized!along!a!scale!which!ranges! from:! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!a.!!! Certainty!to!risk!to!uncertainty!to!ambiguity! !a.!!! Certainty!to!risk!to!uncertainty!to!ambiguity! !!!


Question!30!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! In!influence!diagram,!decision!nodes!are!depicted!as!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!b.!!! squares!or!rectangles! !b.!!! squares!or!rectangles! !!!


Sunday,!April!21,!2013!8:11:22!AM!EDT! ! Question!1!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! The!essence!of!decision!making!is:! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!b.!!! choosing!between!alternatives.! !b.!!! choosing!between!alternatives.! !!!


Question!2!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! A!point!in!a!decision!tree!at!which!several!choices!are!possible.! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!c.!!! Decision!node! !c.!!! Decision!node! !!!


Question!3!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! In!Markov!model,!all!events!of!interest!are!modeled!as!!



Answer!! Selected!Answer:! Correct!Answer:!


!c.!!! transitions!from!one!state!to!another!! !c.!!! transitions!from!one!state!to!another!! !!!

Question!4!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! The!criteria!of!Expected!Monetary!Value!is!used!for!making!decisions!under! Answer!! !!! Selected!Answer:!


!d.!!! all!of!the!above! !d.!!! all!of!the!above! !!!


Question!5!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! All!the!following!are!components!of!a!decision!problem!except:!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!c.!!! significance!level!! !c.!!! significance!level!! !!!


Question!6!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! The!fact!that!the!data!are!censored!does!not!imply!that!only!intermediate! endpoints!are!observed!or!that!complete!information!regarding!disease! states!is!unavailable!for!all!patients.!!!! Answer!!



Selected!Answer:!! !True! Correct!Answer:!! !True! Question!7!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Choosing!riskier!treatments!when!they!are!described!in!negative!(e.g.,! mortality)!rather!than!positive!(e.g.,!survival)!terms.! Answer!!





!e.!!! Framing!bias! !e.!!! Framing!bias! !!!


Question!8!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Providing!more!detail!of!an!event!increases!its!judged!probability.! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!c.!!! Description!bias! !c.!!! Description!bias! !!!


Question!9!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! All!the!following!are!advantages!of!decision!trees!except:! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!b.!!! High!accuracy!irrespective!of!the!nature!of!the!data!!! !b.!!! High!accuracy!irrespective!of!the!nature!of!the!data!!! !!!


Question!10!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Decision!analyses!always!require!comparison!of!at!least!two!clinical! strategies.!One!strategy!ought!to!contain!advantages!and!countervailing! disadvantages.!! Answer!!



Selected!Answer:!! !True! Correct!Answer:!! !True! Question!11!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! A!state!of!a!Markov!model!may!be!defined!as!! Answer!!





!d.!!! a!or!b! !d.!!! a!or!b! !!!


Question!12!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! A!point!!in!a!decision!tree!at!which!chance!determines!which!outcome!will! occur.! Answer!!


!!! !!!



Chance!node! Correct!Answer:!

!b.!!! Chance!node!

Question!13!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! A!probability!model!that!predicts!the!conditional!probability!of!one!event! given!the!occurrence!of!another!event! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!d.!!! Bayes!theorem! !d.!!! Bayes!theorem! !!!


Question!14!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! In!influence!diagram,!decision!nodes!are!depicted!as!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!d.!!! squares!or!rectangles! !d.!!! squares!or!rectangles! !!!


Question!15!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! EMV!refers!to! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!


!!! !d.!!! expected!monetary!value!! !d.!!! expected!monetary!value!! !!!


Question!16!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! All!the!following!decision!making!methods!are!deterministic!except:!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!c.!!! Markov!! !c.!!! Markov!! !!!



4!out!of!4!points! ! The!process!of!choosing!from!a!number!of!hypothetical!clinical!paradigms!by! comparing!them!in!terms!of!modelObased!probabilistic!outcomes!is!often! referred!to!as!! !!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!


!e.!!! decision!analysis!! !e.!!! decision!analysis!! !!!


Question!18!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Markov!process!terminates!irrespective!of!the!nature!of!the!states.! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!! !False! Correct!Answer:!! !False! Question!19!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Overestimating!probability!of!a!diagnosis!when!the!correct!diagnosis!is! already!known! Answer!!
! !

!!! !!!



!d.!!! Hindsight!error! !d.!!! Hindsight!error! !!!


Question!20!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! A!decision!problem!is!characterized!by!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!d.!!! all!of!the!above!! !d.!!! all!of!the!above!! !!!


Question!21!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! In!a!state!transition!diagram!each!state!is!represented!by!a!! Answer!!


!!! !!!


!e.!!! circle!!


!e.!!! circle!!

Question!22!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! A!good!decision!always!implies!that!we! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!a.!!! have!followed!a!logical!process.! !a.!!! have!followed!a!logical!process.! !!!


Question!23!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! The!number!of!patients!that!need!to!be!treated!with!the!technique!being! investigated!to!prevent!an!unwanted!outcome.! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!a.!!! Number!needed!to!treat! !a.!!! Number!needed!to!treat! !!!


Question!24!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! For!the!study!of!a!terminal!illness!such!as!HIV,!a!common!constraint!for!the! Markov!process!is!that!state!transitions!are!irreversible!and!sequential.!! !!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!! !True! Correct!Answer:!! !True! Question!25!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Any!problem!that!can!be!represented!in!a!decision!table!can!also!be! graphically!illustrated!in!a:! Answer!!
! !




!c.!!! decision!tree.! !c.!!! decision!tree.! !!!


Question!26!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Decision!analyses!



Answer!! Selected!Answer:! Correct!Answer:!


!c.!!! a!and!b! !c.!!! a!and!b! !!!

Question!27!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! A!commonly!used!representation!of!Markov!processes! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!e.!!! State!transition!diagram! !e.!!! State!transition!diagram! !!!


Question!28!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Markov!models!are!particularly!useful!when!a!decision!problem!involves!a! risk!that!is!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!e.!!! ongoing!over!time!! !e.!!! ongoing!over!time!! !!!


Question!29!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Markov!chain!is!a!special!type!of!Markov!process!in!which!the!transition! probabilities!are!constant!over!time.! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!! !True! Correct!Answer:!! !True! Question!30!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Decision!analysis!is!appropriate!for!events!that!reoccur!throughout!a! lifetime.! Answer!!
! ! !

!!! !!!

!!! !!!

Selected!Answer:!! !False! Correct!Answer:!! !False!


Question)1)) ) )) Anything)that)increases)the)duration)of)the)disease)or)clinical)finding)in)a)patient)will)decrease)the) chance)that)patient)will)be)identified)in)a)prevalence)study.))) ) Answer)) Correct)Answer:)) )False)




) )) Cumulative)incidence)is)the)appropriate)measure)to)use)in)) Answer)) Correct)Answer:) ) )a.))) 80%)of)people)will)experience)back)pain)sometime)in)their)lifetime) ))) )



) Question)3)) )

)) An)epidemic)curve)can)provide)information)on)the)following)characteristics)of)an)outbreak)except) Answer)) Correct)Answer:) ) )a.))) Number)of)microorganisms)involved) ))) )



) Question)4))

)) The)term,)simple)random)sample,)is)used)when)every)person)has)a)known)(not)necessarily)equal)) probability)of)being)selected.) ) Answer)) )))

Correct)Answer:)) )False)


Question)5)) ) )) Assume)a)population)of)1,000,000)people)of)who)100)are)sick)with)disease)X),)and)in)2008,)50)die) from)the)disease.)The)case)fatality)rate=)) Answer)) ) Correct)Answer:) )d.))) 50/100)




Question)6)) ) )) In)the)study)of)an)outbreak)of)an)infectious)disease,)plotting)an)epidemic)curve)is)useful)because)) Answer)) Correct)Answer:) ) )e.))) a)and)c) ))) )



) Question)7))

A)study)aimed)to)identify)modifiable)risk)factors)for)falling)in)older)people)with)mild)to)moderate) dementia)recruited)179)subjects)(aged)over)65)years))from)outpatient)clinics)in)the)UK)(140)with) dementia),)39)healthy)controls).)Fall)diaries)were)completed)prospectively)for)12)months.)Dementia) participants)experienced)more)incident)falls)(9118/1000)personXyears))than)controls)(1023/1000) ))) personXyears).)The)design)of)the)study)is)known)as) ) Answer)) Correct)Answer:) )a.))) prospective)cohort) )))


) Question)8)) 4)out)of)4)points)

)) A)study)was)conducted)to)assess)a)new)surgical)procedure)designed)to)reduce)the)incidence)of) postoperative)complications.)The)incidence)of)complications)was)found)to)be)40%)in)25)patients) having)the)new)procedure)and)60%)for)20)patients)having)the)old)procedure.)This)difference)is)not) statistically)significant.)Thus,)it)may)be)concluded)that)) Answer)) ) Correct) Answer:) )d.))) The)evidence)is)insufficient)to)demonstrate)that)the)new)procedure)is)effective)in) reducing)postoperative)complications.)



Question)9)) ) )) When)epidemic)curve)shows)a)sharp)upward)slope)and)a)gradual)downward)slope,)the)type)of) outbreak)can)be)identified)as)) Answer)) ) Correct)Answer:) )b.))) point)source)




Question)10)) ) )) Is)incidence)or)prevalence)more)useful)in)planning)services)for)people)with)motor)neuron)disease)in)a) community?) Answer)) ) Correct)Answer:) )b.))) Prevalence) ))) )))


) Question)11)) )

)) The)incidence)of)sjogren's)syndrome)is)5/10,000)years,)and)the)prevalence)is)about)9/1000.)On) average,)how)many)years)does)this)disease)last?)) Answer)) ) Correct)Answer:) )a.))) 18)




Question)12)) ) )) A)highly)effective)new)drug)was)recently)discovered)for)treating)a)form)of)cancer)that)previously)had) been)fatal.)Which)of)the)following)measures)would)NOT)be)affected)by)the)widespread)use)of)this) new)drug?)) Answer)) ) Correct)Answer:) )b.))) Incidence)of)this)cancer)) ))) )



) Question)13))

)) The)difference)between)a)common)point)source)outbreak)and)a)propagated)outbreak)of)illness)is)that)) Answer)) ) Correct) Answer:) )d.))) all)cases)in)a)common)point)source)outbreak)occur)within)one)incubation)period)of) ))) the)exposure) )))


) Question)14)) )

)) The)proportion)of)people)having)a)disease)who)die)of)it)is)called) Answer)) ) Correct)Answer:) )c.))) case)fatality)rate)




Question)15)) ) )) Which)of)the)following)is)characteristic)of)common)source)outbreak?) Answer)) ) Correct)Answer:) )e.))) none)of)the)above))




Question)16)) ) )) An)investigation)of)an)outbreak)of)diarrhea)revealed)that)the)proportion)of)cases)eating)in)restaurant) A)was)85%,)in)restaurant)B)was)15%,)and)in)restaurant)C)was)55%,)and)the)proportion)consuming) public)water)was)95%.)Which)of)the)following)statements)is)correct?) Answer)) ) Correct)Answer:) )b.))) Similar)data)on)a)well)group)must)be)collected)to)reach)a)valid)conclusion.) ))) )



) Question)17))

) ) ) ) ) The)fraction)of)a)group)of)people)possessing)a)clinical)condition)or)outcome)at)a)single)point)in) time)is) ) Answer)) Correct)Answer:) )d.))) point)prevalence)


) ) )

) ) )

) ) )

Question)18)) ) )) A)cardiologist)with)an)interest)in)preventive)medicine)wishes)to)know)the)proportion)of)seniors)living) in)a)nursing)home)who)have)hypertension.)On)December)10th,)his)research)nurse)reviews)the) medical)records)of)all)the)seniors)at)the)nursing)home,)interviews)all)the)seniors,)and)measures)their) blood)pressure.)Each)senior)is)then)classified)as)having)hypertension)or)not)having)hypertension)on) ))) that)day.)What)measure)of)disease)frequency)best)describes)the)resulting)proportion?) Answer)) ) Correct)Answer:) )e.))) Point)prevalence)) ))) )

) Question)19))

)) All)the)following)statements)about)prevalence)and)incidence)are)true)except)) Answer)) Correct)Answer:) ) )e.))) Prevalence)always)requires)a)duration) ))) )



) Question)20))

) )) Have)you)ever)had)health)condition?)The)data)generated)by)this)question)pertain)to)) Answer)) Correct)Answer:) ) )e.))) lifetime)prevalence) ))) )



) Question)21)) )

)) With)measures)of)incidence,)time)is)assumed)to)be)instantaneous.) Answer)) ) Correct)Answer:)) )True) )



) Question)22)) )


)) The)time)between)the)exposure)and)the)peak)of)the)epidemic)curve)represents)) Answer)) Correct)Answer:) ) )b.))) the)median)incubation)period) ))) )



) Question)23)) )

)) Select)the)most)appropriate)explanation)for)prevalence)rate.) )


Answer)) Correct) Answer:) )e.))) the)number)of)patients)who)have)the)disease)at)a)particular)time,)divided)by)the) population)at)risk)of)having)the)disease)at)that)time.)) ) Question)24)) ) )) A)researcher)is)interested)in)recording)the)number)of)individuals)in)a)particular)geographic)region) who)have)a)common)cold)at)some)point)during)the)month)of)February)2007.)Which)of)the)following) measures)of)morbidity)would)be)most)appropriate)in)answering)this)question?)) Answer)) ) Correct)Answer:) )b.))) Period)prevalence)) ))) )




) Question)25)) )

)) The)epidemic)curve)in)common)source)outbreak) Answer)) Correct)Answer:) ) )d.))) has)irregular)peaks)that)reflect)the)timing)and)the)extent)of)exposure)) ))) )



) Question)26)) 4)out)of)4)points)


A)study)aimed)to)identify)modifiable)risk)factors)for)falling)in)older)people)with)mild)to)moderate) dementia)recruited)179)subjects)(aged)over)65)years))from)outpatient)clinics)in)the)UK)(140)with) dementia),)39)healthy)controls).)Fall)diaries)were)completed)prospectively)for)12)months.)Dementia) participants)experienced)more)incident)falls)(9118/1000)personXyears))than)controls)(1023/1000) ))) personXyears).)The)exposure)in)this)cohort)is) Answer)) Correct)Answer:)




Question)27)) 4)out)of)4)points) )) Outbreak)with)point)source)exposure)typically)shows)a)sharp)upward)slope)and)a)gradual)downward) slope.)) Answer)) ) Correct)Answer:)) )True) )



) Question)28)) )


)) The)term)pandemic)is)used)to)describe)a) Answer)) Correct)Answer:) ) )b.))) widely)spread)disease) ))) )



) Question)29)) )

)) )





0X5) 6X16) 17X44) 45X64)

)))))6/1,000) )))))3/1,000) )))))2/1,000) )))))1/1,000)

4.8))years) 10.7)years) 13.0)years) 33.0)years)

The)age)group)with)the)highest)prevalence)is) Answer)) Correct)Answer:) )b.))) 45X64)) ))) )


) Question)30)) )

)) The)strength)of)the)evidence)as)obtained)by)prevalence)studies)is)) Answer)) ) Correct)Answer:) )b.))) weak)




Question 1
4 out of 4 points

Prevalence studies may raise promising hypotheses about risk, prognosis, treatment, and prevention.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 2
4 out of 4 points

The term, simple random sample, is used when every person has a known (not necessarily equal) probability of being selected.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 3
4 out of 4 points

Select the most appropriate explanation for prevalence rate.

Answer Selected Answer: a.

the number of patients who have the disease at a particular time, divided by the population at risk of having the disease at that time.)

Correct Answer:

the number of patients who have the disease at a particular time, divided by the population at risk of having the disease at that time.)

Question 4
4 out of 4 points

Prevalence studies are useful for estimating the pretest probability of disease before diagnostic testing.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 5
4 out of 4 points

A study was conducted to assess a new surgical procedure designed to reduce the incidence of postoperative complications. The incidence of complications was found to be 40% in 25 patients having the new procedure and 60% for 20 patients having the old procedure. This difference is not statistically significant. Thus, it may be concluded that

Selected Answer:


The evidence is insufficient to demonstrate that the new procedure is effective in reducing postoperative complications.

Correct Answer:

The evidence is insufficient to demonstrate that the new procedure is effective in reducing postoperative complications.

Question 6
4 out of 4 points The incidence of sjogren's syndrome is 5/10,000 years, and the prevalence is about 9/1000. On average, how many years does this disease last? Answer Selected Answer: 18 Correct Answer: 18 a. a.

Question 7
4 out of 4 points A study aimed to identify modifiable risk factors for falling in older people with mild to moderate dementia recruited 179 subjects (aged over 65 years) from outpatient clinics in the UK (140 with dementia , 39 healthy controls). Fall diaries were completed prospectively for 12 months. Dementia participants experienced more incident falls (9118/1000 person-years) than controls (1023/1000 personyears). The incidence density ratio is approximately Answer Selected Answer: 9 Correct Answer: 9 d. d.

Question 8
4 out of 4 points

Outbreak with point source exposure typically shows a sharp upward slope and a gradual downward slope.

Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

True True

Question 9
0 out of 4 points

A group of people who have something in common at the beginning of follow-up

Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: b.


Question 10
0 out of 4 points

Prevalence studies are useful for studies of cause and effect.

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 11
4 out of 4 points

A cohort is a group of people who are a random sample of a defined population.

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 12
4 out of 4 points Cumulative incidence is the appropriate measure to use in Answer

Selected Answer:

a. 80% of people will experience back pain sometime in their lifetime a. 80% of people will experience back pain sometime in their lifetime

Correct Answer:

Question 13
4 out of 4 points The fraction of a group of people possessing a clinical condition or outcome at a single point in time is Answer Selected Answer: d. point prevalence d. point prevalence

Correct Answer:

Question 14
0 out of 4 points

Answer Selected Answer: e.

None of the above

Correct Answer: e.

None of the above

Question 15
4 out of 4 points

Every measure of disease frequency necessarily contains some indication of time.

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 16

0 out of 4 points

In a probability sample, every individual in the population has an equal probability of being selected.
Answer Correct Answer: False

Question 17
4 out of 4 points All the following statements about prevalence and incidence are true except Answer Selected Answer: e. Prevalence always requires a duration e. Prevalence always requires a duration

Correct Answer:

Question 18
0 out of 4 points

The)two)main)determinants)of)disease)prevalence)are)incidence)rate)and)duration)of) illness.)
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 19
0 out of 4 points

Which of the following statements regarding the measurement of health and disease in a population is true?
Answer Correct Answer: a.

a rate is the number of times an event has occurred during a certain time interval divided by the number of persons at risk during the same interval.

Question 20
4 out of 4 points

Anything that increases the duration of the disease or clinical finding in a patient will decrease the chance that patient will be identified in a prevalence study.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 21
4 out of 4 points Attack rate is a type of Answer Selected Answer: a. cumulative incidence a. cumulative incidence

Correct Answer:

Question 22
4 out of 4 points

Is incidence or prevalence more useful in understanding your risk of getting lung cancer?
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 23
4 out of 4 points A sum of instances of a particular disease within the given population at a certain point in time is called Answer Selected Answer: b. prevalence b. prevalence

Correct Answer:

Question 24
4 out of 4 points

Assume a population of 50,000 people of whom 50 are sick with disease B, and in 2010, 10 die from the disease. The case-fatality rate equals
Answer Selected Answer: d.

Correct Answer: d.


Question 25
0 out of 4 points The time between the exposure and the peak of the epidemic curve represents Answer Correct Answer: b. the median incubation period

Question 26
0 out of 4 points The duration of disease x is 18 years, and the prevalence is about 9/1000. The incidence of the disease= Answer Selected Answer: c. 5/10,000 c. 5/10,000

Correct Answer:

Question 27
4 out of 4 points

Which of the following is characteristic of common source outbreak?

Answer Selected Answer: e. none of the above e. none of the above

Correct Answer:

Question 28
4 out of 4 points

The strength of the evidence as obtained by prevalence studies is

Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: c.


Question 29
0 out of 4 points A study aimed to identify modifiable risk factors for falling in older people with mild to moderate dementia recruited 179 subjects (aged over 65 years) from outpatient clinics in the UK (140 with dementia , 39 healthy controls). Fall diaries were completed prospectively for 12 months. Dementia participants experienced more incident falls (9118/1000 person-years) than controls (1023/1000 personyears). The exposure in this cohort is Answer Correct Answer: b. dementia

Question 30
4 out of 4 points A study aimed to identify modifiable risk factors for falling in older people with mild to moderate dementia recruited 179 subjects (aged over 65 years) from outpatient clinics in the UK (140 with dementia , 39 healthy controls). Fall diaries were completed prospectively for 12 months. Dementia participants experienced more incident falls (9118/1000 person-years) than controls (1023/1000 personyears). The rate 9118/1000 person-years is called Answer Selected Answer: e. incidence density e. incidence density

Correct Answer:

Question 1
4 out of 4 points

The strength of the evidence as obtained by prevalence studies is))

Answer) Selected)Answer: )d.)))

Correct)Answer: )d.)))


Question 2
4 out of 4 points

Is incidence or prevalence more useful in planning services for people with motor neuron disease in a community?
Answer) Selected)Answer: )a.)))

Correct)Answer: )a.)))


Question 3
4 out of 4 points

The)incidence)of)sjogren's)syndrome)is)5/10,000)years,)and)the)prevalence)is)about)9/1000.) On)average,)how)many)years)does)this)disease)last?)) Answer) Selected)Answer: 18 Correct)Answer: 18 )a.))) )a.)))

Question 4
The)calculated)risk)of)acquiring)a)new)state)(e.g.)becoming)sick))within)a)certain)timeframe,)which)is) best)represented)as)a)rate)with)a)denominator)is)known)as) Answer) Correct)Answer: )c.))) incidence

Question 5
4 out of 4 points

Outbreak with point source exposure typically shows a sharp upward slope and a gradual downward slope. )
Answer) Selected)Answer:) Correct)Answer:) )True )True

Question 6
4 out of 4 points

The term pandemic is used to describe a

Answer) Selected)Answer: )b.)))

widely spread disease

Correct)Answer: )b.)))

widely spread disease

Question 7
4 out of 4 points

Prevalence studies may raise promising hypotheses about risk, prognosis, treatment, and prevention.)
Answer) Selected)Answer:) Correct)Answer:) )True )True

Question 8
100 males and 100 females who were not infected by malaria at Week 0 were followed up for 25 weeks and weekly checked for malaria infection. The result was shown in this graph. What does the graph indicate? Answer)


Malaria incidence was higher in female than in male.

Question 9
4 out of 4 points

Outbreak with propagated exposure can last longer than common source outbreaks. )
Answer) Selected)Answer:) )True

Question 10
4 out of 4 points

The)epidemic)curve)in)common)source)outbreak) Answer) Selected)Answer: )d.))) has)irregular)peaks)that)reflect)the)timing)and)the)extent)of)exposure) Correct)Answer: )d.))) has)irregular)peaks)that)reflect)the)timing)and)the)extent)of)exposure)

Question 11
4 out of 4 points

A group of people who have something in common at the beginning of follow-up))

Answer) Correct)Answer: )b.))Cohort)

Question 12

Point source outbreak is spread from person to person.)

Answer) Correct)Answer:) )False

Question 13
4 out of 4 points

In)calculating)cumulative)incidence,)the)denominator)is)the)total)population)(at)risk)or) not))in)the)study.)
Answer) Selected)Answer:) Correct)Answer:) )False )False

Question 14
4 out of 4 points

A)measure)describes)cases)that)were)present)at)any)time)during)a)specified)period)of)time)is)called) Answer) Correct)Answer: )a.))) period)prevalence

Question 15
Incidence)density)is)the)appropriate)measure)to)use)in)) Answer)


)e.))) About)2%)of)the)U.S.)workforce)is)compensated)for)back)injuries)each)year

Question 16
4 out of 4 points

Attack rate is a type of point prevalence. )

Answer) Selected)Answer:) Correct)Answer:) )False )False

Question 17
4 out of 4 points

Have)you)ever)had)health)condition?)The)data)generated)by)this)question)pertain)to)) Answer) Selected)Answer: )e.))) lifetime)prevalence Correct)Answer: )e.))) lifetime)prevalence

Question 18
4 out of 4 points

A cohort is a group of people who are a random sample of a defined population.)

Answer) Correct)Answer:) )False

Question 19
0 out of 4 points

A)study)aimed)to)identify)modifiable)risk)factors)for)falling)in)older)people)with)mild)to)moderate) dementia)recruited)179)subjects)(aged)over)65)years))from)outpatient)clinics)in)the)UK)(140)with) dementia),)39)healthy)controls).)Fall)diaries)were)completed)prospectively)for)12)months.)Dementia) participants)experienced)more)incident)falls)(9118/1000)personXyears))than)controls)(1023/1000) personXyears).)The)design)of)the)study)is)known)as) Answer) Correct)Answer: )a.))prospective)cohort)

Question 20

Age Annual Incidence Duration 0-5 6/1,000 4.8 years 6-16 3/1,000 10.7 years 17-44 2/1,000 13.0 years 45-64 1/1,000 33.0 years The prevalence of the disease in age group 6-16 is
Answer) Correct)Answer: )d.)))


Question 21
0 out of 4 points

A)retrospective)cohort)study)was)conducted)from)1998)to)2006)to)examine)the)value)of)combining) fasting)plasma)glucose)(FPG))and)glycated)haemoglobin)(HbA1c))as)a)predictor)of)diabetes.)There) were)368)cases)in)10,042)persons)(55,884)personXyears).)The)incidence)density)is) Answer) Correct)Answer: )b.))368/55,884)

Question 22
0 out of 4 points

Period)prevalence)is)the)appropriate)measure)to)use)in)) Answer) Correct)Answer: )c.))) 15%X45%)of)adults)have)back)pain)at)some)time)in)any)year

Question 23
4 out of 4 points

The number of people diagnosed with disease A each year will double. The death rates from disease A continue to fall about 1 percent. The prevalence of disease A will
Answer) Correct)Answer: )d.)))


Question 24
4 out of 4 points

Cross-sectional studies are useful for studies of chronic diseases. )

Answer) Correct)Answer:) )True

Question 25
0 out of 4 points

A group of 50 people are exposed to virus A. Of those 50 people, 9 develop a mild infection, 10 become seriously ill, and 3 die. The attack rate of virus A in the population would be:
Answer) Correct)Answer: )a.)))


Question 26
4 out of 4 points

Differentiation between a point-source epidemic and a progressive (propagated) epidemic is made by))
Answer) Correct)Answer: )d.))plotting the distribution of cases by time onset)

Question 27
0 out of 4 points

Assume a population of 50,000 people of whom 50 are sick with disease B, and in 2010, 10 die from the disease. The mortality rate equals
Answer) Correct)Answer: )c.)))


Question 28
4 out of 4 points

Age 0-5 6-16 17-44 45-64

Annual Incidence 6/1,000 3/1,000 2/1,000 1/1,000

Duration 4.8 years 10.7 years 13.0 years 33.0 years

The age group with the highest prevalence is





Question 29
4 out of 4 points

A)sum)of)instances)of)a)particular)disease)within)the)given)population)at)a)certain)point)in) time)is)called) Answer) Correct)Answer: )b.))) prevalence

Question 30
4 out of 4 points

The term, simple random sample, is used when every person has a known (not necessarily equal) probability of being selected.)
Answer) Selected)Answer:) Correct)Answer:) Question)1)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) A)cardiologist)with)an)interest)in)preventive)medicine)wishes)to)know)the)proportion)of)seniors) living)in)a)nursing)home)who)have)hypertension.)On)December)10th,)his)research)nurse)reviews) the)medical)records)of)all)the)seniors)at)the)nursing)home,)interviews)all)the)seniors,)and) ))) measures)their)blood)pressure.)Each)senior)is)then)classified)as)having)hypertension)or)not) )False )False

having)hypertension)on)that)day.)What)measure)of)disease)frequency)best)describes)the) resulting)proportion?) Answer)) Selected)Answer:) )e.))) Point)prevalence)) Correct)Answer:) )e.))) Point)prevalence))



Question)2)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) Assume)a)population)of)50,000)people)of)whom)50)are)sick)with)disease)B,)and)in)2010,)10)die) from)the)disease.))The)mortality)rate)equals) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )e.))) 0.001)


)e.))) 0.001)


Question)3)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) Age) 0X5) 6X16)


Annual)Incidence) )))))6/1,000) )))))3/1,000) )))))2/1,000) )))))1/1,000)

Duration) 4.8))years) 10.7)years) 13.0)years) 33.0)years) )))

17X44) 45X64)


Answer)) Selected)Answer:) )a.))) 32/1,000) Correct)Answer:) )a.))) 32/1,000)



Question)4)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) 100)males)and)100)females)who)were)not)infected)by)malaria)at)Week)0)were)followed)up)for)25) weeks)and)weekly)checked)for)malaria)infection.)The)result)was)shown)in)this)graph.)What)does)the) graph)indicate?)

Question 1
4 out of 4 points

A group of 50 people are exposed to virus A. Of those 50 people, 9 develop a mild infection, 10 become seriously ill, and 3 die. The attack rate of virus A in the population would be:
Answer Selected Answer: b.


Correct Answer:




Question 2
4 out of 4 points A study aimed to identify modifiable risk factors for falling in older people with mild to moderate dementia recruited 179 subjects (aged over 65 years) from outpatient clinics in the UK (140 with dementia , 39 healthy controls). Fall diaries were completed prospectively for 12 months. Dementia participants experienced more incident falls (9118/1000 person-years) than controls (1023/1000 person-years). The rate 9118/1000 person-years is called Answer Selected Answer: e.

incidence density Correct Answer: e. incidence density

Question 3
4 out of 4 points All the following statements about prevalence and incidence are true except Answer Selected Answer: e. Prevalence always requires a duration e. Prevalence always requires a duration

Correct Answer:

Question 4
4 out of 4 points

A study was conducted to assess a new surgical procedure designed to reduce the incidence of postoperative complications. The incidence of complications was found to be 40% in 25 patients having the new procedure and 60% for 20 patients having the old procedure. This difference is not statistically significant. Thus, it may be concluded that
Answer Selected Answer: a.

The evidence is insufficient to demonstrate that the new procedure is effective in reducing postoperative complications.

Correct Answer:

The evidence is insufficient to demonstrate that the new procedure is effective in reducing postoperative complications.

Question 5
4 out of 4 points

Differentiation between a point-source epidemic and a progressive (propagated) epidemic is made by


Selected Answer:


plotting the distribution of cases by time onset

Correct Answer: d.

plotting the distribution of cases by time onset

Question 6
4 out of 4 points

The risk of acquiring a disease is measured by

Answer Selected Answer: e.

incidence rate
Correct Answer: e.

incidence rate

Question 7
4 out of 4 points

The incidence of new cases of diabetes in a population is 2 per 1000 people per year and the prevalence of diabetes in a population is 7 percent. The duration of the disease equals
Answer Selected Answer: d.

Correct Answer: d.


Question 8
4 out of 4 points

Prevalence studies are useful for studies of cause and effect.

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 9
4 out of 4 points Cumulative incidence is the appropriate measure to use in Answer Selected Answer: a. 80% of people will experience back pain sometime in their lifetime a. 80% of people will experience back pain sometime in their lifetime

Correct Answer:

Question 10
4 out of 4 points A study aimed to identify modifiable risk factors for falling in older people with mild to moderate dementia recruited 179 subjects (aged over 65 years) from outpatient clinics in the UK (140 with dementia , 39 healthy controls). Fall diaries were completed prospectively for 12 months. Dementia participants experienced more incident falls (9118/1000 person-years) than controls (1023/1000 person-years). The incidence density ratio is approximately Answer Selected Answer: 9 Correct Answer: 9 d. d.

Question 11
0 out of 4 points An epidemiologist is interested in the incidence of hepatitis A infection among a population of 1000 students who are known to be at risk for this disease. 500 students were followed for 1 year and among these students there were 40 cases of hepatitis A. Owing to a school zone change, the remaining 500 students could only be followed for 6 months and among these students there were 35 cases of hepatitis What is the incidence density of hepatitis A from this study? Answer Selected Answer: c. 75 per 500 per year b. 11 per 100 per year

Correct Answer:

Question 12
4 out of 4 points The calculated risk of acquiring a new state (e.g. becoming sick) within a certain timeframe, which is best represented as a rate with a denominator is known as Answer Selected Answer: c. incidence c. incidence

Correct Answer:

Question 13
4 out of 4 points

The difference between a common point source outbreak and a propagated outbreak of illness is that
Answer Selected Answer: e.

all cases in a common point source outbreak occur within one incubation period of the exposure

Correct Answer:

all cases in a common point source outbreak occur within one incubation period of the exposure

Question 14
4 out of 4 points The incidence of rheumatoid arthritis is 30/100,000 years, and the prevalence is about 1/100. On average, how many years does this disease last? Answer Selected Answer: 33 Correct Answer: 33 e. e.

Question 15
4 out of 4 points

In a probability sample, every individual in the population has an equal probability of being selected.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 16
4 out of 4 points

With measures of incidence, time is assumed to be instantaneous.

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 17
4 out of 4 points The proportion of patients who suffer a complication of a disease or its treatment is known as complication Answer Selected Answer: rate Correct Answer: rate b. b.

Question 18
4 out of 4 points

100 males and 100 females who were not infected by malaria at Week 0 were followed up for 25 weeks and weekly checked for malaria infection. The result was shown in this graph. What does the graph indicate?

Answer Selected Answer: c. Malaria incidence was higher in female than in male. c. Malaria incidence was higher in female than in male.

Correct Answer:

Question 19
4 out of 4 points A cardiologist with an interest in preventive medicine wishes to know the proportion of seniors living in a nursing home who have hypertension. On December 10th, his research nurse reviews the medical records of all the seniors at the nursing home, interviews all the seniors, and measures their blood pressure. Each senior is then classified as having hypertension or not having hypertension on that day. What measure of disease frequency best describes the resulting proportion? Answer Selected Answer: e. Point prevalence e. Point prevalence

Correct Answer:

Question 20
4 out of 4 points

A group of people who have something in common at the beginning of follow-up

Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: b.


Question 21
4 out of 4 points

Case fatality rate for a given disease refers to


Selected Answer:


the percentage of deaths among cases of the disease

Correct Answer: c.

the percentage of deaths among cases of the disease

Question 22
4 out of 4 points A sum of instances of a particular disease within the given population at a certain point in time is called Answer Selected Answer: b. prevalence b. prevalence

Correct Answer:

Question 23
4 out of 4 points The proportion of people having a disease who die of it is called Answer Selected Answer: c. case fatality rate c. case fatality rate

Correct Answer:

Question 24
4 out of 4 points The fraction of a group of people possessing a clinical condition or outcome at a single point in time is Answer Selected Answer: d. point prevalence d.

Correct Answer:

point prevalence

Question 25
4 out of 4 points Have you ever had health condition? The data generated by this question pertain to Answer Selected Answer: e. lifetime prevalence e. lifetime prevalence

Correct Answer:

Question 26
4 out of 4 points

Prevalence studies are useful for studies that arise and resolve rapidly.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 27
4 out of 4 points

The actual number of people affected by a condition in a year can be estimated using
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 28
4 out of 4 points

A highly effective new drug was recently discovered for treating a form of cancer that previously had been fatal. Which of the following measures would NOT be affected by the widespread use of this new drug?
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Incidence of this cancer

Correct Answer: b.

Incidence of this cancer

Question 29
4 out of 4 points

Age Annual Incidence Duration 0-5 6/1,000 4.8 years 6-16 3/1,000 10.7 years 17-44 2/1,000 13.0 years 45-64 1/1,000 33.0 years The prevalence of the disease in age group 6-16 is
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 30
4 out of 4 points

In#calculating#cumulative#incidence,#the#denominator#is#the#total#population#(at# risk#or#not)#in#the#study.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Answer)) Selected)Answer:) )b.))) Malaria)incidence)was)higher)in)female)than)in)male.)) Correct)Answer:) )b.))) Malaria)incidence)was)higher)in)female)than)in)male.))



Question)5)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) Which)of)the)following)is)characteristic)of)common)source)outbreak?) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )e.))) none)of)the)above))


)e.))) none)of)the)above))


Question)6)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) Select)the)most)appropriate)explanation)for)prevalence)rate.) Answer)) Selected) Answer:)


))) )a.))) the)number)of)patients)who)have)the)disease)at)a)particular)time,)divided)by) the)population)at)risk)of)having)the)disease)at)that)time.)) )a.))) the)number)of)patients)who)have)the)disease)at)a)particular)time,)divided)by) the)population)at)risk)of)having)the)disease)at)that)time.)) )))

Correct) Answer:)

Question)7)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) The)incidence)of)sjogren's)syndrome)is)5/10,000)years,)and)the)prevalence)is)about)9/1000.)On) average,)how)many)years)does)this)disease)last?)) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )a.))) 18)


)a.))) 18)


Question)8)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) The)difference)between)a)common)point)source)outbreak)and)a)propagated)outbreak)of)illness) is)that)) Answer)) Selected) Answer:)


))) )c.))) all)cases)in)a)common)point)source)outbreak)occur)within)one)incubation) period)of)the)exposure) )c.))) all)cases)in)a)common)point)source)outbreak)occur)within)one)incubation) period)of)the)exposure) )))

Correct) Answer:)

Question)9)) 4)out)of)4)points) )

) A)group)of)people)who)have)something)in)common)at)the)beginning)of)followXup)) Answer)) )))


)b.))) Cohort)


)b.))) Cohort)


Question)10)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) The)calculated)risk)of)acquiring)a)new)state)(e.g.)becoming)sick))within)a)certain)timeframe,) which)is)best)represented)as)a)rate)with)a)denominator)is)known)as) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )c.))) incidence)


)c.))) incidence)


Question)11)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) A)study)aimed)to)identify)modifiable)risk)factors)for)falling)in)older)people)with)mild)to) moderate)dementia)recruited)179)subjects)(aged)over)65)years))from)outpatient)clinics)in)the) UK)(140)with)dementia),)39)healthy)controls).)Fall)diaries)were)completed)prospectively)for)12) months.)Dementia)participants)experienced)more)incident)falls)(9118/1000)personXyears))than) ))) controls)(1023/1000)personXyears).)The)exposure)in)this)cohort)is)


Answer)) Selected)Answer:) Correct)Answer:)


)b.))dementia)) )b.))dementia)) )))

Question)12)) 4)out)of)4)points)

) CrossXsectional)studies)are)useful)for)studies)of)chronic)diseases.))) Answer))


Selected)Answer:)) )True) Correct)Answer:))




Question)13)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) Case)fatality)rate)for)a)given)disease)refers)to)) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )e.))) the)percentage)of)deaths)among)cases)of)the)disease)


)e.))) the)percentage)of)deaths)among)cases)of)the)disease)


Question)14)) 0)out)of)4)points) ) ) Point)prevalence)is)the)appropriate)measure)to)use)in)) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )b.))) 31)million)American)have)low)back)pain)at)any)given)time)


)d.))) 30%)of)adults)have)low)back)pain)at)any)given)time)


Question)15)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) )

The)strength)of)the)evidence)as)obtained)by)prevalence)studies)is)) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )c.))) weak)


)c.))) weak)


Question)16)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) Period)prevalence)is)the)appropriate)measure)to)use)in)) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )c.))) 15%X45%)of)adults)have)back)pain)at)some)time)in)any)year)


)c.))) 15%X45%)of)adults)have)back)pain)at)some)time)in)any)year)


Question)17)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) Outbreak)with)point)source)exposure)typically)shows)a)sharp)upward)slope)and)a)gradual) downward)slope.)) Answer))



Selected)Answer:)) )True) Correct)Answer:))




Question)18)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) )

Age) 0X5) 6X16) 17X44) 45X64)

Annual)Incidence) )))))6/1,000) )))))3/1,000) )))))2/1,000) )))))1/1,000)

Duration) 4.8))years) 10.7)years) 13.0)years) 33.0)years) )))


Answer)) Selected)Answer:) )a.))) 45X64)) Correct)Answer:) )a.))) 45X64))



Question)19)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) A)study)aimed)to)identify)modifiable)risk)factors)for)falling)in)older)people)with)mild)to) moderate)dementia)recruited)179)subjects)(aged)over)65)years))from)outpatient)clinics)in)the) UK)(140)with)dementia),)39)healthy)controls).)Fall)diaries)were)completed)prospectively)for)12) months.)Dementia)participants)experienced)more)incident)falls)(9118/1000)personXyears))than) ))) controls)(1023/1000)personXyears).)The)design)of)the)study)is)known)as) Answer))



)a.))) prospective)cohort)


)a.))) prospective)cohort)


Question)20)) 4)out)of)4)points)

) Incidence)density)is)the)appropriate)measure)to)use)in)) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )e.))) About)2%)of)the)U.S.)workforce)is)compensated)for)back)injuries)each)year)


)e.))) About)2%)of)the)U.S.)workforce)is)compensated)for)back)injuries)each)year)


Question)21)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) A)study)aimed)to)identify)modifiable)risk)factors)for)falling)in)older)people)with)mild)to) moderate)dementia)recruited)179)subjects)(aged)over)65)years))from)outpatient)clinics)in)the) UK)(140)with)dementia),)39)healthy)controls).)Fall)diaries)were)completed)prospectively)for)12) months.)Dementia)participants)experienced)more)incident)falls)(9118/1000)personXyears))than) ))) controls)(1023/1000)personXyears).)The)rate)9118/1000)personXyears)is)called) Answer))



)e.))) incidence)density)


)e.))) incidence)density)


Question)22)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) Is)incidence)or)prevalence)more)useful)in)planning)services)for)people)with)motor)neuron) disease)in)a)community?) Answer))


))) )a.)))



Prevalence) Correct)Answer:) )a.))) Prevalence)


Question)23)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) A)study)was)conducted)to)assess)a)new)surgical)procedure)designed)to)reduce)the)incidence)of) postoperative)complications.)The)incidence)of)complications)was)found)to)be)40%)in)25) patients)having)the)new)procedure)and)60%)for)20)patients)having)the)old)procedure.)This) difference)is)not)statistically)significant.)Thus,)it)may)be)concluded)that)) ))) Answer)) Selected) Answer:) )e.))) The)evidence)is)insufficient)to)demonstrate)that)the)new)procedure)is) effective)in)reducing)postoperative)complications.) )e.))) The)evidence)is)insufficient)to)demonstrate)that)the)new)procedure)is) effective)in)reducing)postoperative)complications.) )))

Correct) Answer:)

Question)24)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) A)sum)of)instances)of)a)particular)disease)within)the)given)population)at)a)certain)point)in)time) is)called) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )b.))) prevalence)


)b.))) prevalence)


Question)25)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) Differentiation)between)a)pointXsource)epidemic)and)a)progressive)(propagated))epidemic)is) made)by)) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )d.))) plotting)the)distribution)of)cases)by)time)onset)


)d.))) plotting)the)distribution)of)cases)by)time)onset)


Question)26)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) In)1997,)the)JCHBP)changed)its)definition)of)hypertension;)the)old)definition)called)for)the) treatment)of)people)with)SBP)>=)160,)while)the)new)definition)would)treat)people)with)SBP)>=) 140.)Changing)the)definition)of)hypertention)resulted)in)) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)c.))) an)increase)in)prevalence)of)hypertension)


)c.))) an)increase)in)prevalence)of)hypertension)


Question)27)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) Assume)a)population)of)1,000,000)people)of)who)100)are)sick)with)disease)X),)and)in)2008,)50) die)from)the)disease.)The)case)fatality)rate=))





)d.))) 50/100)


)d.))) 50/100)


Question)28)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) A)retrospective)cohort)study)was)conducted)from)1998)to)2006)to)examine)the)value)of) combining)fasting)plasma)glucose)(FPG))and)glycated)haemoglobin)(HbA1c))as)a)predictor)of) diabetes.)There)were)368)cases)in)10,042)persons)(55,884)personXyears).)The)incidence)density) is) ))) Answer)) Selected)Answer:) )b.))) 368/55,884) Correct)Answer:) )b.))) 368/55,884)


Question)29)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) The)actual)number)of)people)affected)by)a)condition)in)a)year)can)be)estimated)using)) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )d.))) Prevalence)


)d.))) Prevalence)



4)out)of)4)points) ) ) When)epidemic)curve)shows)a)sharp)upward)slope)and)a)gradual)downward)slope,)the)type)of) outbreak)can)be)identified)as)) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )b.))) point)source)


)b.))) point)source)


Question 1
4 out of 4 points

If we assume that the relative risk reduction associated with statin treatment is 33%, in patients with an initial risk of 30% the absolute risk will be reduced from 30% to
Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: c.


Question 2
4 out of 4 points

Case-control studies would be useful for answering all the following questions except
Answer Selected Answer: d.

What is the incidence of impotence following the use of cholesterollowering drugs?


Correct Answer:

What is the incidence of impotence following the use of cholesterollowering drugs?

4 out of 4 points

Question 3

In the British doctors study, over 40 years of follow up, the annual mortality rate from CHD was 572 per 100 000 in non-smokers, and 892 per 100 000 in smokers. For lung cancer the figures were 14 and 209, respectively. Therefore for an individual, smoking was much more likely to result in death from lung cancer than from CHD.

Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

False False 4 out of 4 points

Question 4

In the British doctors study, over 40 years of follow up, the annual mortality rate from CHD was 572 per 100 000 in non-smokers, and 892 per 100 000 in smokers. The relative risk
Answer Selected Answer: d.

Correct Answer: d.


Question 5
4 out of 4 points

Measures of absolute, attributable, and relative risks are less frequently encountered in the clinical literature than are measures of population risk.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False 4 out of 4 points

Question 6

All the followings are disadvantages of cross-sectional studies except

Answer Selected Answer: b.

Always less generalizable than cohort due to the use of populationbased samples, instead of convenient samples.

Correct Answer:

Always less generalizable than cohort due to the use of populationbased samples, instead of convenient samples.
4 out of 4 points

Question 7

In the British doctors study, over 40 years of follow up, the annual mortality rate from CHD was 572 per 100 000 in non-smokers, and 892 per 100 000 in smokers. For lung cancer the figures were 14 and 209, respectively. The attributable risk of CHD related to smoking
Answer Selected Answer: a.

320 per 100 000

Correct Answer:


320 per 100 000

Question 8
0 out of 4 points

Smoke Yes No Total

Incidece of CHD= Answer
Selected Answer: e.

Develop CHD Yes No 30 70 30 270 60 240

Total 100 300 400

Correct Answer: b.


Question 9
4 out of 4 points

The effect of most risk factors in human cannot be studied with experimental studies.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 4 out of 4 points

Question 10

The incidence of disease A among smokers is 6/10000 and is (5 / 10000) among nonsmokers. The relative risk for smoking=
Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: c.


Question 11
4 out of 4 points

A design well suited for studying symptoms and signs of a disease is

Answer Selected Answer: a.

case series

Correct Answer:


case series

Question 12
4 out of 4 points

Develop CHD Yes No Smoke Yes No Total Risk among smokers=

Answer Selected Answer:

10 5 15

90 95 185

Total 100 100 200

Correct Answer:


Question 13
0 out of 4 points

Public health officials believe that they could prevent 10 cases of Hepatitis C per 5,000 interns over a 10-year period by preventing all of their needle stick injuries. Select the best answer:
Answer Selected Answer: d.

This is the incidence rate of Hepatitis C in interns with needle stick injuries.

Correct Answer:

This is the attributable risk of Hepatitis C due to needle stick injuries in interns.
4 out of 4 points

Question 14

A heavy smoker has about 50% chance of getting lung cancer in the next 10 years.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False 4 out of 4 points

Question 15

The excess incidence of disease in a community that is associated with a risk factor

Selected Answer:


population attributable risk

Correct Answer: a.

population attributable risk

Question 16
4 out of 4 points

The presence of a strong risk factor indicates that an individual is very likely to get the disease
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 17
4 out of 4 points

If we assume that the relative risk reduction associated with certain treatment is 10%, in patients with an initial risk of 20% the absolute risk will be reduced from 20% to
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: b.


Question 18
4 out of 4 points

The excess incidence of disease in a community that is associated with a risk factor
Answer Selected Answer: a.

population attributable risk

Correct Answer: a.

population attributable risk

Question 19
4 out of 4 points

Most studies of risk are observational studies and are either cross-sectional or case series
Answer Selected Answer: b.


Correct Answer:



Question 20
4 out of 4 points

Develop CHD Yes No Smoke Yes No Total Risk among nonsmokers=

Answer Selected Answer: a.

10 5 15

90 95 185

Total 100 100 200

Correct Answer: a.


Question 21
4 out of 4 points

All the following statements are true except

Answer Selected Answer: d.

If a risk factor is a cause of a disease , removing it is not necessary to prevent the disease.

Correct Answer:

If a risk factor is a cause of a disease , removing it is not necessary to prevent the disease.
4 out of 4 points

Question 22

A measure suitable for policy decision

Answer Selected Answer: a.

attributable risk
Correct Answer: a.

attributable risk

Question 23
0 out of 4 points

The odds ratio (OR) is the

Answer Selected Answer: a.

ratio of the odds of the exposure in the disease group, to the odds of the disease in the unexposed group.

Correct Answer:

ratio of the odds of the disease in the group exposed to the factor, to the odds of the disease in the unexposed group.
4 out of 4 points

Question 24

Population attributable risk is the excess incidence of disease in a community that is associated with a risk factor.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 4 out of 4 points

Question 25

The prevalence of a disease at a point in time is a function of incidence and duration.

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 4 out of 4 points

Question 26

In a series of 1000 women with breast cancer, 32 were pregnant. From this we can conclude:
Answer Selected Answer: c.

In this particular series of women with breast cancer, 3.2% were pregnant

Correct Answer:

In this particular series of women with breast cancer, 3.2% were pregnant

Question 27
4 out of 4 points

Incidence studies are also called

Answer Selected Answer: e.

a and b

Correct Answer:


a and b

Question 28
4 out of 4 points

All of the following statements are true about both prospective and retrospective cohort studies except:
Answer Selected Answer: d.

They allow investigators to decide beforehand what data to collect

Correct Answer: d.

They allow investigators to decide beforehand what data to collect

Question 29
4 out of 4 points

The number of times that exposed persons are more likely to get the disease relative to nonexposed is called
Answer Selected Answer: b.

relative risk
Correct Answer: b.

relative risk

Question 30
4 out of 4 points

If we assume that the relative risk reduction associated with certain treatment is 50%, in patients with an initial risk of 50% the absolute risk will be reduced from 50% to
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 1
4 out of 4 points

Ideally, no association should be accepted as causal until it has been repeatedly andindependently confirmed.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 0 out of 4 points

Question 2

The lack of scientific plausibility should deter us from inferring causality.

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False 0 out of 4 points

Question 3

Which of the following factors is necassary to have coronary artery disease?

Answer Selected Answer: c.

cigarette smoking and heridity

Correct Answer: e.

none of the above

Question 4
0 out of 4 points

Demonstrating a dose response relationship

Answer Selected Answer: c.

is strong evidence for cause

Correct Answer: d.

both a and b

Question 5
0 out of 4 points

In the formula, "If x happens, then y always happens," x is a __________ condition for y.
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 6
4 out of 4 points

For high RR estimates (say 5.0) small numbers may be sufficient to set confidence limits that exclude 1.0.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 4 out of 4 points

Question 7

Confounding can either suppress or inflate an association.

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 0 out of 4 points

Question 8

A factor which is indispensible and must have occurred if a specifiable state of affairs has occurred is a __________ condition.
Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: d.


Question 9
4 out of 4 points

Which of the following would strengthen your sense that cell phones are or are not related to brain tumors?
Answer Selected Answer: d.

All of the above

Correct Answer: d.

All of the above

Question 10
0 out of 4 points

Studies in which exposure to a risk factor is characterized by the average exposure of the group to which individuals belong are called

Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] b.


Question 11
0 out of 4 points

Which of the following criteria of causality is satisfied ; when several studies, conducted at different times in different settings and with different kinds of patients, all come to the same conclusion?
Answer Selected Answer: d.

Correct Answer: e.


Question 12
4 out of 4 points

Exposure to benzene is __________ for causing leukemia.

Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: c.


Question 13
4 out of 4 points

Coronary artery disease has multiple causes, including

Answer Selected Answer: d.

all of the above

Correct Answer: d.

all of the above

Question 14
4 out of 4 points

Lack of temporal sequence is powerful evidence against cause

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 15
0 out of 4 points

The suspected cause and the effect must be associated if they are to be considered as causally related.
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 16
0 out of 4 points

Many studies conducted in various geographic regions and with differing study methods report areduced rate of infection associated with implementation of hygiene intervention programs. Which causality criterion is satisfied here?
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 17
0 out of 4 points

When more than one cause acts together, the resulting risk may be greater or less than would be expected by simply combining the effects of the separate causes. This phenomenon is known as
Answer Selected Answer: b.

biologic plausibility
Correct Answer: d.


Question 18
4 out of 4 points

Unrecognized bias could account for small relative risks but is unlikely to result in large ones.
Answer Selected Answer: a.


Correct Answer:



Question 19
0 out of 4 points

OR is defined as the odds of

Answer Selected Answer: a.

exposure among the diseased as compared with those of the non-diseased.


Correct Answer:

disease among the exposed as compared with those of the unexposed.

0 out of 4 points

Question 20

Radiation exposure is a __________ exposure for causing leukemia.

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: c.


Question 21
0 out of 4 points

Does 1 cause have a single effect? Which causality criterion is referred to in this question?
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: c.


Question 22
4 out of 4 points

The confidence interval provides information on the precision of the point estimate (RR, IDR, or OR) and the magnitude of the association.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 0 out of 4 points

Question 23

The presence or absence of a dose-response effect may not necessarily be evidence of causality.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False True 4 out of 4 points

Question 24

The main bias afflicting ecological studies is

Answer Selected Answer: c.

ecological fallacy
Correct Answer: c.

ecological fallacy

Question 25
4 out of 4 points

Antagonism occurs when the joint effect is less than the sum of the effects of individual causes.
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 26
0 out of 4 points

An alternative to estimation of the relative risk (RR) and its confidence interval (CI) is to estimate
Answer Selected Answer: c.

Clinical significance
Correct Answer: e.

Statistical significance

Question 27
0 out of 4 points

In both follow-up and case-control studies the single most important determinant of power is
Answer Selected Answer: c.

alpha level
Correct Answer: a.

number of exposed cases

Question 28
0 out of 4 points

The OR, generated when the study design used is

Answer Selected Answer: d.

Correct Answer: c.


Question 29
4 out of 4 points

The further one departs from randomized trials, the more the research design protects against possible biases.
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: b.


Question 30
4 out of 4 points

The probability of disease in the exposed group as compared with that in the unexposed group.
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 1
0 out of 4 points

A phenomenon occurs when the strength of the relationship between two variables is different according to the level of some third variable
Answer Selected Answer: a.


Correct Answer:


effect modification

Question 2
4 out of 4 points

Cause is defined as anything producing an effect or a result

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 3
0 out of 4 points

High fat diet is a __________ factor for having certain kind of cancer.
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 4
4 out of 4 points

For high RR estimates (say 5.0) small numbers may be sufficient to set confidence limits that exclude 1.0.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 4 out of 4 points

Question 5

The further one departs from randomized trials, the more the research design protects against possible biases.
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: b.


Question 6
0 out of 4 points

Example of causation in the absence of a dose-response effect

Answer Selected Answer: e.

BMI and MI
Correct Answer: d.

Allergy to beestings

Question 7
0 out of 4 points

The risk of developing diarrhea among those who were exposed to an egg salad contaminated with Salmonella compared with the risk among those who were not exposed.
Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: d.


Question 8
0 out of 4 points

Unrecognized bias could account for small relative risks but is unlikely to result in large ones.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: [None Given] a.


Question 9
0 out of 4 points

Which of the following does not belong to Koch postulates

Answer Selected Answer: a.

the organism does not occur in other diseases as a nonpathogenic agent.


Correct Answer:

the organism does not mutate, reproduce outside the culture media.
4 out of 4 points

Question 10

Radiation exposure is a __________ exposure for causing leukemia.


Selected Answer:


Correct Answer: c.


Question 11
4 out of 4 points

Antagonism occurs when the joint effect is less than the sum of the effects of individual causes.
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 12
4 out of 4 points

Coronary artery disease has multiple causes, including

Answer Selected Answer: d.

all of the above

Correct Answer: d.

all of the above

Question 13
0 out of 4 points

When more than one cause acts together, the resulting risk may be greater or less than would be expected by simply combining the effects of the separate causes. This phenomenon is known as
Answer Selected Answer: b.

biologic plausibility
Correct Answer: d.


Question 14
4 out of 4 points

The probability of disease in the exposed group as compared with that in the unexposed group.
Answer Selected Answer: d.

Correct Answer: d.


Question 15
4 out of 4 points

Reversible associations are strong, but not perfect, evidence of a causal relationship.
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 16
0 out of 4 points

Loss to follow-up is a type of selection bias in a

Answer Selected Answer: d.

prevalence study
Correct Answer: a.

cohort study

Question 17
0 out of 4 points

Is there a 1-to-1 relationship between cause and effect? Which causality criterion is referred to in this question?
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: e.


Question 18
0 out of 4 points

The evidence that oral contraceptives cause VTE and myocardial infarction (in smokers), for example, might be invoked as evidence to support the claim that they also cause strokes. This criteria of causality is called
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Biological plausibility

Correct Answer:



Question 19
4 out of 4 points

The confidence interval provides information on the precision of the point estimate (RR, IDR, or OR) and the magnitude of the association.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 0 out of 4 points

Question 20

Research designs are ordered in terms of strength (strongest to weakest) as follows:

Answer Selected Answer: b.

Randomized trial, case-control, cohort, cross-sectional

Correct Answer: a.

Randomized trial, cohort, case-control, cross-sectional

Question 21
4 out of 4 points

AIDS cannot occur without exposure to HIV

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 22
0 out of 4 points

High fat diet is a __________ factor for having heart disease.

Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: d.


Question 23
0 out of 4 points

Did the outcome occur after the cause was introduced? Which causality

criterion is referred to in this question?

Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 24
4 out of 4 points

The presence or absence of a dose-response effect may not necessarily be evidence of causality.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 0 out of 4 points

Question 25

High fat diet is a __________ factor for having diabetes.

Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 26
0 out of 4 points

An apparent association that does not exist in nature could be merely due to
Answer Selected Answer: c.

measurement bias
Correct Answer: d.

all of the above

Question 27
4 out of 4 points

Lack of temporal sequence is powerful evidence against cause

Answer Selected Answer: a.


Correct Answer:



Question 28
4 out of 4 points

The best evidence for a cause-and-effect relationship come from randomized controlled trials with
Answer Selected Answer: e.

all of the above

Correct Answer: e.

all of the above

Question 29
0 out of 4 points

The main bias afflicting ecological studies is

Answer Selected Answer: d.

non-random bias
Correct Answer: c.

ecological fallacy

Question 30
0 out of 4 points

In the formula, "If x happens, then y always happens," x is a __________ condition for y.
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: b.

Necessary Question)1)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Cause)is)defined)as)anything)producing)an)effect)or)a)result) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)a.))) True) )a.))) True) )))



4)out)of)4)points) ) Lack)of)biologic)plausibility)is)a)strong)evidence)against)causal)association.) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)b.))) false) )b.))) false) )))


Question)3)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) The)probability)of)disease)in)the)exposed)group)as)compared)with)that)in)the) ) unexposed)group.)) ))) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


)a.))) RR) )a.))) RR) )))


Question)4)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) A)drawback)to)p)values)is)that)they)do)not)provide)direct)insight)into)the) magnitude)of)the)association)or)into)the)extent)that)a)RR)point)estimate)may) vary)by)chance)if)the)same)study)were)to)be)repeated.)) ))) Answer))


Selected)Answer:)) )True) ))) Correct)Answer:)) )True) Question)5)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Do)the)studies)concerning)health)and)hygiene)show)a)persistent)association) with)different)study)designs,)populations,)at)different)times,)or)geographic) areas)and)according)to)various)study)investigators?))Which)causality) ))) criterion)is)appropriate)for)this)question?) Answer))
) )

Selected)Answer:) Correct)Answer:)

)d.))) Consistency) )d.))) Consistency) )))

Question)6)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) An)estimate)that)measures)the)rate)with)which)new)cases)of)disease)occur)in) the)exposed)relative)to)the)unexposed.) )))


Answer)) Selected)Answer:) Correct)Answer:)


)c.))) IDR) )c.))) IDR) )))

Question)7)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Biologic)gradient)refers)to) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)b.))) DosePresponse)relation) )b.))) DosePresponse)relation) )))


Question)8)) 0)out)of)4)points) ) In)a)casePcontrol)study,)patients)with)brain)cancer)and)matched)controls) without)brain)cancer)were)asked)about)cellPphone)use.)The)estimated) relative)risk)for)at)least)100)hours)of)use)compared)to)no)or)rare)use)was)1.0) for)all)types)of)brain)tumors)combined)(95%)confidence)interval,)0.6)to)1.5).) ))) This)finding)is)consistent)with:) Answer))


Selected) Answer:) Correct) Answer:)


)c.))) Use)of)cell)phones)is)not)associated)with)protection)of) development)of)brain)tumors) )e.))) All)of)the)above)


Question)9)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) High)fat)diet)is)a)__________)factor)for)having)certain)kind)of)cancer.) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)a.))) Contributing) )a.))) Contributing) )))


Question)10)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) A)factor)which)is)indispensible)and)must)have)occurred)if)a)specifiable)state) of)affairs)has)occurred)is)a)__________)condition.) )))


Answer)) Selected)Answer:) Correct)Answer:)


)b.))) Necessary) )b.))) Necessary) )))

Question)11)) 0)out)of)4)points) ) Which)of)the)following)would)strengthen)your)sense)that)cell)phones)are)or) are)not)related)to)brain)tumors?) ))) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


)e.))) None)of)the)above) )d.))) All)of)the)above) )))


Question)12)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) High)fat)diet)is)a)__________)factor)for)having)hypertension.) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)a.))) Contributing) )a.))) Contributing) )))


Question)13)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) For)high)RR)estimates)(say)5.0))small)numbers)may)be)sufficient)to)set) confidence)limits)that)exclude)1.0.))) Answer))



Selected)Answer:)) )True) ))) Correct)Answer:)) )True) Question)14)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Is)there)a)1PtoP1)relationship)between)cause)and)effect?)Which)causality) criterion)is)referred)to)in)this)question?) ))) Answer))


)e.))) Specificity) )e.))) Specificity) )))


Question)15)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) In)both)followPup)and)casePcontrol)studies)the)single)most)important) determinant)of)power)is)) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)d.))) number)of)exposed)cases)) )d.))) number)of)exposed)cases)) )))


Question)16)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Example)of)causation)in)the)absence)of)a)dosePresponse)effect) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)d.))) Allergy)to)beestings) )d.))) Allergy)to)beestings) )))


Question)17)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) All)the)followings)are)true)except:) Answer)) Selected) Answer:)



)e.))) Strong)association)is)a)clear)evidence)for)a)causal) relationship)) )e.))) Strong)association)is)a)clear)evidence)for)a)causal) relationship)) )))


Question)18)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Unrecognized)bias)could)account)for)small)relative)risks)but)is)unlikely)to) result)in)large)ones.) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)a.))) true) )a.))) true) )))


Question)19)) 4)out)of)4)points) )

Many)studies)conducted)in)various)geographic)regions)and)with)differing) study)methods)report)a)reduced)rate)of)infection)associated)with) implementation)of)hygiene)intervention)programs.)Which)causality)criterion) ))) is)satisfied)here?) Answer))


Selected)Answer:) Correct)Answer:)

)e.))) Consistency) )e.))) Consistency) )))

Question)20)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) The)evidence)that)oral)contraceptives)cause)VTE)and)myocardial)infarction) (in)smokers),)for)example,)might)be)invoked)as)evidence)to)support)the)claim) that)they)also)cause)strokes.)This)criteria)of)causality)is)called) ))) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


)d.))) Analogy)) )d.))) Analogy)) )))


Question)21)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) High)fat)diet)is)a)__________)factor)for)having)diabetes.) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)a.))) Contributing) )a.))) Contributing) )))


Question)22)) 0)out)of)4)points) ) By)assessing)effect)modification,)the)investigator)is)able)to)consider)how)risk) factors)work)together)to)cause)disease.))) ))) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)) )True) ))) Correct)Answer:)) )False) Question)23)) 0)out)of)4)points) ) Randomized)controlled)trials)are)well)suited)to)study)risk)factors)of)disease) Answer)) )))
) ) )

Selected)Answer:) Correct)Answer:)

)a.))) true) )b.))) false) )))

Question)24)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) An)alternative)to)estimation)of)the)relative)risk)(RR))and)its)confidence) interval)(CI))is)to)estimate) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)c.))) Statistical)significance) )c.))) Statistical)significance) )))


Question)25)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Analogy)is)weak)evidence)for)cause) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)a.))) true) )a.))) true) )))


Question)26)) 0)out)of)4)points) ) Antagonism)occurs)when)the)joint)effect)is)less)than)the)sum)of)the)effects)of) individual)causes.) ))) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


)b.))) false) )a.))) true) )))


Question)27)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Knowledge)of)strong)risk)factors)is)insufficient)for)effective)treatment)and) prevention)of)the)disease)unless)the)pathogenetic)mechanism)is)clear.) Answer))


))) )))


)b.))) false)


)b.))) false)

Question)28)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) The)main)bias)afflicting)ecological)studies)is)) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)c.))) ecological)fallacy) )c.))) ecological)fallacy) )))


Question)29)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) The)absence)of)specificity)is)weak)evidence)against)a)causePandPeffect) relationship.) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)a.))) true) )a.))) true) )))


Question)30)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Radiation)exposure)is)a)__________)exposure)for)causing)leukemia.) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)a.))) Sufficient) )a.))) Sufficient) )))


) 4)out)of)4)points) ) A)study)where)the)effect)is)measured)at)various)points)in)time)before)and) after)the)purported)cause)has)been)introduced)is)called) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)b.))) timePseries)study) )b.))) timePseries)study) )))


Question)2)) 4)out)of)4)points) )

High)fat)diet)is)a)__________)factor)for)having)hypertension.) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)c.))) Contributing) )c.))) Contributing) )))


Question)3)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) A)drawback)to)p)values)is)that)they)do)not)provide)direct)insight)into)the) magnitude)of)the)association)or)into)the)extent)that)a)RR)point)estimate)may) vary)by)chance)if)the)same)study)were)to)be)repeated.)) ))) Answer))


Selected)Answer:)) )True) Correct)Answer:)) )True) Question)4)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) In)both)followPup)and)casePcontrol)studies)the)single)most)important) determinant)of)power)is)) Answer))





)c.))) number)of)exposed)cases)) )c.))) number)of)exposed)cases)) )))


Question)5)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) The)confidence)interval))provides)information)on)the)precision)of)the)point) estimate)(RR,)IDR,)or)OR))and)the)magnitude)of)the)association.))) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)) )True) Correct)Answer:)) )True) Question)6)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) When)more)than)one)cause)acts)together),)the)resulting)risk)should)always) be)greater)than)would)be)expected)by)simply)combining)the)effects)of)the) separate)causes.))) Answer))
) ) )

))) )))


Selected)Answer:)) )False) Correct)Answer:)) )False) Question)7))


4)out)of)4)points) ) Which)came)first?)Which)causality)criterion)is)referred)to)in)this)question?) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)a.))) Temporality) )a.))) Temporality) )))


Question)8)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Is)there)a)1PtoP1)relationship)between)cause)and)effect?)Which)causality) criterion)is)referred)to)in)this)question?) ))) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


)e.))) Specificity) )e.))) Specificity) )))


Question)9)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) A)factor)which)is)indispensible)and)must)have)occurred)if)a)specifiable)state) of)affairs)has)occurred)is)a)__________)condition.) ))) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


)a.))) Necessary) )a.))) Necessary) )))


Question)10)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) A)confidence)limits)that)includes)1.0)is)taken)to)suggest)that)it)is)unlikely)that) the)observed)association)is)due)to)chance.) ))) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)) )False) ))) Correct)Answer:)) )False) Question)11)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Do)the)studies)concerning)health)and)hygiene)show)a)persistent)association) with)different)study)designs,)populations,)at)different)times,)or)geographic) areas)and)according)to)various)study)investigators?))Which)causality) ))) criterion)is)appropriate)for)this)question?) Answer))
) ) )

Selected)Answer:) Correct)Answer:)

)b.))) Consistency) )b.))) Consistency) )))

Question)12)) 0)out)of)4)points) ) When)more)than)one)cause)acts)together,)the)resulting)risk)may)be)greater) or)less)than)would)be)expected)by)simply)combining)the)effects)of)the) separate)causes.)This)phenomenon)is)known)as) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)b.))) biologic)plausibility) )d.))) interaction) )))


Question)13)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Ecologic)correlation)) ) Answer)) Selected) Answer:)



)))) An)association)between)two)variables,)the)exposure)and)the) outcome,)and)are)measured)at)the)group)level.))) ) ))) )))) An)association)between)two)variables,)the)exposure)and)the) outcome,)and)are)measured)at)the)group)level.))) )

Correct) Answer:)

Question)14)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Which)of)the)following)would)strengthen)your)sense)that)cell)phones)are)or) are)not)related)to)brain)tumors?) ))) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


)d.))) All)of)the)above) )d.))) All)of)the)above) )))


Question)15)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) What)is)most)important)reason)for)not)conducting)a)randomized)controlled)



trial)(RCT))to)determine)whether)or)not)cell)phones)cause)brain)cancer?) Answer)) Selected)Answer:) Correct)Answer:)


)e.))) It)would)be)unethical) )e.))) It)would)be)unethical) )))

Question)16)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Which)of)the)following)factors)is)necassary)to)have)coronary)artery)disease?) Answer)) ))) Selected)Answer:)


)e.))) none)of)the)above) )e.))) none)of)the)above) )))


Question)17)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) High)fat)diet)is)a)__________)factor)for)having)heart)disease.) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)b.))) Contributing) )b.))) Contributing) )))


Question)18)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) In)the)formula,)"If)x)happens,)then)y)always)happens,")x)is)a)__________) condition)for)y.) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)a.))) Necessary) )a.))) Necessary) )))


Question)19)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) The)presence)or)absence)of)a)dosePresponse)effect)may)not)necessarily)be) evidence)of)causality.)) Answer))


))) )))

Selected)Answer:)) )True) Correct)Answer:)) )True)


Question)20)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Exposure)to)HIV)commonly)results)in)AIDS)after)needlesticks) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)b.))) false) )b.))) false) )))


Question)21)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) All)the)followings)are)true)except:) Answer)) Selected) Answer:)



)e.))) Strong)association)is)a)clear)evidence)for)a)causal) relationship)) )e.))) Strong)association)is)a)clear)evidence)for)a)causal) relationship)) )))


Question)22)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Antagonism)occurs)when)the)joint)effect)is)less)than)the)sum)of)the)effects)of) individual)causes.) ))) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


)a.))) true) )a.))) true) )))


Question)23)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) The)greater)the)magnitude)of)the)RR)the)larger)is)the)number)of)exposures) and)outcomes)needed)to)document)it.) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)) )False) Correct)Answer:)) )False) Question)24)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) High)fat)diet)is)a)__________)factor)for)having)diabetes.) Answer))
) ) )

))) )))


Selected)Answer:) Correct)Answer:)

)c.))) Contributing) )c.))) Contributing) )))

Question)25)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Reversible)associations)are)strong,)but)not)perfect,)evidence)of)a)causal) relationship.) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)a.))) true) )a.))) true) )))


Question)26)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Analogy)is)weak)evidence)for)cause) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)a.))) true) )a.))) true) )))


Question)27)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) An)apparent)association)that)does)not)exist)in)nature)could)be)merely)due)to) Answer)) ))) Selected)Answer:)


)d.))) all)of)the)above) )d.))) all)of)the)above) )))


Question)28)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Knowledge)of)strong)risk)factors)is)insufficient)for)effective)treatment)and) prevention)of)the)disease)unless)the)pathogenetic)mechanism)is)clear.) Answer))



Selected)Answer:) Correct)Answer:)

)b.))) false) )b.)))



Question)29)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) The)absence)of)specificity)is)weak)evidence)against)a)causePandPeffect) relationship.) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)a.))) true) )a.))) true) )))


Question)30)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) For)high)RR)estimates)(say)5.0))small)numbers)may)be)sufficient)to)set) confidence)limits)that)exclude)1.0.))) Answer))


))) )))

Selected)Answer:)) )True) 4)out)of)4)points) ) For)high)RR)estimates)(say)5.0))small)numbers)may)be)sufficient)to)set) confidence)limits)that)exclude)1.0.))) Answer))


))) )))

Selected)Answer:)) )True) Correct)Answer:)) )True) Question)2)) 0)out)of)4)points) ) The)drawbacks)of)the)ecologic)study)) Answer))

) )


Selected) Answer:)

)e.))) )are)only)used)in)environmental)epidemiologic)research.))) )d.))) The)ecologic)fallacy)and)imprecise)measurement)of) exposure.)) ) )))


Question)3)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Which)of)the)following)factors)is)necassary)to)have)coronary)artery)disease?) Answer)) )))



)e.))) none)of)the)above)



)e.))) none)of)the)above)

Question)4)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Coronary)artery)disease)has)multiple)causes,)including) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)d.))) all)of)the)above) )d.))) all)of)the)above) )))


Question)5)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) The)lack)of)scientific)plausibility)should)deter)us)from)inferring)causality.))) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)) )False) Correct)Answer:)) )False) Question)6)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Exposure)to)the)virus)is)a)__________)condition)for)contracting)chicken)pox.) Answer))
) )

))) )))



)b.))) Necessary) )b.))) Necessary) )))


Question)7)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) An)apparent)association)that)does)not)exist)in)nature)could)be)merely)due)to) Answer)) ))) Selected)Answer:)


)d.))) all)of)the)above) )d.))) all)of)the)above) )))


Question)8)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) The)suspected)cause)and)the)effect)must)be)associated)if)they)are)to)be) considered)as)causally)related.)) Answer))



Selected)Answer:) Correct)Answer:)

)a.))) true) )a.))) true) )))

Question)9)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) All)the)followings)are)true)except:) Answer)) Selected) Answer:)



)e.))) Strong)association)is)a)clear)evidence)for)a)causal) relationship)) )e.))) Strong)association)is)a)clear)evidence)for)a)causal) relationship)) )))


Question)10)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Unrecognized)bias)could)account)for)small)relative)risks)but)is)unlikely)to) result)in)large)ones.) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)a.))) true) )a.))) true) )))


Question)11)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) The)main)bias)afflicting)ecological)studies)is)) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)c.))) ecological)fallacy) )c.))) ecological)fallacy) )))


Question)12)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) A)drawback)to)p)values)is)that)they)do)not)provide)direct)insight)into)the) magnitude)of)the)association)or)into)the)extent)that)a)RR)point)estimate)may) vary)by)chance)if)the)same)study)were)to)be)repeated.)) ))) Answer))


Selected)Answer:)) )True)


Correct)Answer:)) )True) Question)13)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Many)studies)conducted)in)various)geographic)regions)and)with)differing) study)methods)report)a)reduced)rate)of)infection)associated)with) implementation)of)hygiene)intervention)programs.)Which)causality)criterion) ))) is)satisfied)here?) Answer))
) )

Selected)Answer:) Correct)Answer:)

)c.))) Consistency) )c.))) Consistency) )))

Question)14)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) The)evidence)that)oral)contraceptives)cause)VTE)and)myocardial)infarction) (in)smokers),)for)example,)might)be)invoked)as)evidence)to)support)the)claim) that)they)also)cause)strokes.)This)criteria)of)causality)is)called) ))) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


)e.))) Analogy)) )e.))) Analogy)) )))


Question)15)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) The)best)evidence)for)a)causePandPeffect)relationship)come)from)randomized) controlled)trials)with) ))) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


)e.))) all)of)the)above) )e.))) all)of)the)above) )))


Question)16)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) High)fat)diet)is)a)__________)factor)for)having)heart)disease.) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )))

)b.))) Contributing) )b.)))



Question)17)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) A)factor)which)is)indispensible)and)must)have)occurred)if)a)specifiable)state) of)affairs)has)occurred)is)a)__________)condition.) ))) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


)a.))) Necessary) )a.))) Necessary) )))


Question)18)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Loss)to)followPup)is)a)type)of)selection)bias)in)a)) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)c.))) cohort)study) )c.))) cohort)study) )))


Question)19)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Which)came)first?)Which)causality)criterion)is)referred)to)in)this)question?) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)a.))) Temporality) )a.))) Temporality) )))


Question)20)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) An)appropriate)temporal)sequence)alone)is)a)strong)evidence)for)cause) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)b.))) false) )b.))) false) )))


Question)21)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) The)absence)of)specificity)is)weak)evidence)against)a)causePandPeffect)



relationship.) Answer)) Selected)Answer:) Correct)Answer:)


)a.))) true) )a.))) true) )))

Question)22)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Does)1)cause)have)a)single)effect?))Which)causality)criterion)is)referred)to)in) this)question?) ))) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


)b.))) Specificity) )b.))) Specificity) )))


Question)23)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Ideally,)no)association)should)be)accepted)as)causal)until)it)has)been) repeatedly)and)independently)confirmed.))) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)) )True) Correct)Answer:)) )True) Question)24)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) A)study)where)the)effect)is)measured)at)various)points)in)time)before)and) after)the)purported)cause)has)been)introduced)is)called) Answer))
) )

))) )))



)b.))) timePseries)study) )b.))) timePseries)study) )))


Question)25)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) In)both)followPup)and)casePcontrol)studies)the)single)most)important) determinant)of)power)is)) Answer))


))) )))


)d.))) number)of)exposed)cases))


)d.))) number)of)exposed)cases))

Question)26)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) When)more)than)one)cause)acts)together,)the)resulting)risk)may)be)greater) or)less)than)would)be)expected)by)simply)combining)the)effects)of)the) separate)causes.)This)phenomenon)is)known)as) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)d.))) interaction) )d.))) interaction) )))


Question)27)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Confounding)can)either)suppress)or)inflate)an)association.)) Answer))



Selected)Answer:)) )True) ))) Correct)Answer:)) )True) Question)28)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Do)the)studies)concerning)health)and)hygiene)show)a)persistent)association) with)different)study)designs,)populations,)at)different)times,)or)geographic) areas)and)according)to)various)study)investigators?))Which)causality) ))) criterion)is)appropriate)for)this)question?) Answer))
) )

Selected)Answer:) Correct)Answer:)

)a.))) Consistency) )a.))) Consistency) )))

Question)29)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Research)designs)are)ordered)in)terms)of)strength)(strongest)to)weakest))as) follows:)) ))) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


)a.))) Randomized)trial,)cohort,)casePcontrol,)crossPsectional) )a.))) Randomized)trial,)cohort,)casePcontrol,)crossPsectional) )))


Question)30)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) Weakest)of)all)research)designs)are)case)series) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)a.))) true) )a.))) true) )))


Sunday,)April)14,)2013)11:04:26)AM)EDT) ) )


Question 1
4 out of 4 points

Censored subjects usually terminate the interval in K-M curve.

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False 0 out of 4 points

Question 2

A bias occurs when groups being compared are not equally susceptible to the outcome of interest for reasons other than the factor under study is called
Answer Selected Answer: a.

measurement bias
Correct Answer: b.

assembly bias

Question 3
4 out of 4 points

With this strategy, data are analyzed and results presented according to subgroups of patients of similar characteristics.
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: b.


Question 4
4 out of 4 points

In K-M analysis, only event occurrences define known survival time intervals.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 4 out of 4 points

Question 5

Matching controls bias only for those variables involved in the match.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 6

4 out of 4 points

Percent of patients showing some evidence of improvement following an intervention.

Answer Selected Answer: e.

Correct Answer: e.


Question 7
4 out of 4 points

Patients who are enrolled in a study can be confined to only those possessing a narrow range of characteristics, a strategy called
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: b.


Question 8
4 out of 4 points

Risk factors are not necessarily the same as the prognostic factors.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 0 out of 4 points

Question 9

The best way to balance all extraneous variables between groups is

Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 10
0 out of 4 points

External validity of a cohort study is limited with

Answer Selected Answer: a.


Correct Answer:



Question 11
4 out of 4 points

Percent of patients who have return of disease after a disease-free interval.

Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: b.


Question 12
0 out of 4 points

Prognosis studies are studies that tackle clinical questions about prognosis in ways similar to cross-sectional studies of risk.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False 0 out of 4 points

Question 13

All the following are true regarding risk and prognosis except:
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Studies of risk factors usually deal with healthy people

Correct Answer: e.

Risk factors are usually for high-probability events

Question 14
0 out of 4 points

A form of selection bias occurs when groups of patients assembled for study differ in ways other than the variables under study is called
Answer Selected Answer: d.

information bias
Correct Answer: e.

none of the above

Question 15
0 out of 4 points

Community A and community B each have crude mortality rates for coronary heart disease (CHD) of 4 per 1,000. The age-adjusted CHD mortality rate is 5 per 1,000 for community A and 3 per 1,000 for community B. One may conclude that
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Diagnosis is less accurate in community A than in community B.

Correct Answer:


Community A has a younger population than community B.

4 out of 4 points

Question 16

With this strategy, for each patient in one group, one or more patients with the same characteristics (except for the factor of interest) are selected for a comparison group.
Answer Selected Answer: e.

Correct Answer: e.


Question 17
4 out of 4 points

In the investigation of an epidemic of a fatal disease such as SARS, the most appropriate measure to describe the frequency of death from the disease is the:
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Case-fatality rate
Correct Answer: b.

Case-fatality rate

Question 18
4 out of 4 points

All the following statements are true except:

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Randomization is the only feasible way of dealing with many

variables at one time

Correct Answer: a.

Randomization is the only feasible way of dealing with many variables at one time
4 out of 4 points

Question 19

For each patient in one group one or more patients with the same characterisitics (except for the factor of interest) is selected for a comparison group. This approach is called
Answer Selected Answer: e.

Correct Answer: e.


Question 20
4 out of 4 points

A bias occurs when patients selected for study are systematically different from those the results are generalized to is called
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Sampling bias
Correct Answer: b.

Sampling bias

Question 21
0 out of 4 points

Number of people dying of a specific disease.

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Case fatality
Correct Answer: b.

Disease specific mortality

Question 22
4 out of 4 points

In most clinical situations, the joint effects of two or more variables might be greater than the sum of their individual effects.
Answer Selected Answer: True

Correct Answer:

True 4 out of 4 points

Question 23

Applying results from referral centers to community practice would result in falsely underestimating the likelihood of recurrent seizures.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False 4 out of 4 points

Question 24

Calendar time refers to the way we usually think of time and the way clinical trials are designed.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 4 out of 4 points

Question 25

Percent of patients entering a phase in which disease is no longer detectable.

Answer Selected Answer: e.

Correct Answer: e.


Question 26
4 out of 4 points

The standardized death rate (adjusted for preoperative risk) in hospital A is the same as the standardized rate for hospital B. The crude rate for hospital A is higher than the crude rate for hospital B. This indicates that more high-risk patients are treated at hospital B.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False 4 out of 4 points

Question 27

Two rates can be compared without bias related to extraneous factor if they are adjusted to equalize the weight given to the factor. This process is called
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: b.


Question 28
4 out of 4 points

Randomization not only balances variables known to affect prognosis, but it also balances those that are unknown.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 0 out of 4 points

Question 29

In preparing K-M survival analysis, each subject is characterized by three variables.

Answer Selected Answer: b.

serial time
Correct Answer: d.

time of entry

Question 30
4 out of 4 points

Using the results of population-based studies for children seen in referral centers would overestimate rates for those children.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False 4 out of 4 points

Question 1

The standardized death rate (adjusted for preoperative risk) in hospital A is the same as the standardized rate for hospital B. The crude rate for hospital A is higher than the crude rate for hospital B. This indicates that more high-risk patients are treated at hospital B.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False 4 out of 4 points

Question 2

The effects of possible prognostic factors, relative to one another, can be

summarized using
Answer Selected Answer: d.

hazard ratio
Correct Answer: d.

hazard ratio

Question 3
0 out of 4 points

All the following ways of dealing with extraneous differences between groups do not deal with risk or prognostic factors that are not known at the time of the study except:
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: c.


Question 4
4 out of 4 points

Percent of patients who have the disease back after a disease free interval
Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: c.


Question 5
4 out of 4 points

Applying results from referral centers to community practice would result in falsely underestimating the likelihood of recurrent seizures.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False 4 out of 4 points

Question 6

A way of combining data on all the variables, based on certain assumptions about their distributions and relationships is called
Answer Selected Answer: e.

Mathematical modeling
Correct Answer: e.

Mathematical modeling

Question 7
0 out of 4 points

All the following statements are true except:

Answer Selected Answer: d.

In cohort studies, it is usually not possible to randomize risk or prognostic factors


Correct Answer:

Matching by age and sex should be avoided because these variables are strongly related to risk or prognosis for many diseases
4 out of 4 points

Question 8

The term inception cohort is used to describe a group of people that is assembled at the
Answer Selected Answer: a.

onset, or inception, of their disease

Correct Answer: a.

onset, or inception, of their disease

Question 9
0 out of 4 points

The prognosis of disease without medical intervention is called

Answer Selected Answer: d.

all of the above

Correct Answer: b.

natural history of the disease

Question 10
4 out of 4 points

A clinical course duration variable for each subject, having a beginning and an end anywhere along the time line of the complete study.
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 11
4 out of 4 points

Matching controls bias only for those variables involved in the match.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 4 out of 4 points

Question 12

Two rates can be compared without bias related to extraneous factor if they are adjusted to equalize the weight given to the factor. This process is called
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: b.


Question 13
4 out of 4 points

All ways of dealing with extraneous differences between groups are limited to variables that are singled out for consideration except:
Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: c.


Question 14
4 out of 4 points

Prediction of the future course of disease following its onset is called

Answer Selected Answer: d.

Correct Answer: d.


Question 15
4 out of 4 points

Measurement bias is possible when

Answer Selected Answer: d.

patients in one subgroup of a cohort stand a better chance of having their outcomes detected than those in another subgroup.

Correct Answer:

patients in one subgroup of a cohort stand a better chance of having their outcomes detected than those in another subgroup.
0 out of 4 points

Question 16 The two main determinants of disease prognosis are incidence rate and duration of illness.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False 4 out of 4 points

Question 17

All the following are prognostic factors for myocardial infarction except
Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: c.


Question 18
4 out of 4 points

The prognosis of disease that has come under medical care and has been treated in a variety of ways that affect the subsequent course of events is called
Answer Selected Answer: b.

clinical course of the disease

Correct Answer: b.

clinical course of the disease

Question 19
0 out of 4 points

Multivariable analysis is the only feasible way of dealing with many variables at one time.
Answer Selected Answer: False

Correct Answer:

True 4 out of 4 points

Question 20

A phase in which disease is no longer detectable

Answer Selected Answer: d.

Correct Answer: d.


Question 21
4 out of 4 points

Randomization not only balances variables known to affect prognosis, but it also balances those that are unknown.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 0 out of 4 points

Question 22

When important data are not available, it is possible to estimate their potential effects on the study using
Answer Selected Answer: e.

Mathematical modeling
Correct Answer: b.

Sensitivity analysis

Question 23
0 out of 4 points

A new treatment is developed that prevents death but does not produce recovery from disease. Which of the following will occur?
Answer Selected Answer: d.

Case-fatality will increase

Correct Answer: e.

Prevalence will increase

Question 24
4 out of 4 points

In most clinical situations, the joint effects of two or more variables might be

greater than the sum of their individual effects.

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 4 out of 4 points

Question 25

All the following statements are true except:

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Randomization is the only feasible way of dealing with many variables at one time

Correct Answer:

Randomization is the only feasible way of dealing with many variables at one time
4 out of 4 points

Question 26

All the following are true regarding risk and prognosis except:
Answer Selected Answer: e.

Risk factors are usually for high-probability events

Correct Answer: e.

Risk factors are usually for high-probability events

Question 27
4 out of 4 points

In the investigation of an epidemic of a fatal disease such as SARS, the most appropriate measure to describe the frequency of death from the disease is the:
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Case-fatality rate
Correct Answer: a.

Case-fatality rate

Question 28
4 out of 4 points

K-M survival curves that have many small steps usually have a limited number of participating subjects, whereas curves with large steps usually have a higher number of subjects and are thus not as accurate.
Answer Selected Answer: False

Correct Answer:

False 0 out of 4 points

Question 29

In 2002, a land mark study has showed hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may increase the risk of breast cancer among post-menopausal women. Therefore, a decrease of breast cancer incidence is expected.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False True 0 out of 4 points

Question 30 In 2002, a land mark study has showed hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may increase the risk of breast cancer among post-menopausal women. How will this impact the incidence and case-fatality rate from breast cancer in the US?
Answer Selected Answer: a. An increase in both f. A decrease of beast incidence

Correct Answer:

! Question!1!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !All!the!following!statements!about!Kaplan8Meier!survival!curves!are!true!except:! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!c.!!! Account!for!confounding!or!effect!modification!by!other!covariates!!! Correct!Answer:!!c.!!! Account!for!confounding!or!effect!modification!by!other!covariates!!! !! .!Question!2!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !In!myocardial!infarction! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!e.!!! Age!and!gender!are!both!risk!and!prognostic!factors!! Correct!Answer:!!e.!!! Age!and!gender!are!both!risk!and!prognostic!factors!! !! .!Question!3!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !A!way!of!combining!data!on!all!the!variables,!based!on!certain!assumptions!about! their!distributions!and!relationships!is!called!!

Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!e.!!! Mathematical!modeling!! Correct!Answer:!!e.!!! Mathematical!modeling!! !! .!Question!4!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Community!A!and!community!B!each!have!crude!mortality!rates!for!coronary!heart! disease!(CHD)!of!4!per!1,000.!The!age8adjusted!CHD!mortality!rate!is!5!per!1,000!for! community!A!and!3!per!1,000!for!community!B.!One!may!conclude!that!! ! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!d.!!! Community!A!has!a!younger!population!than!community!B.! !! Correct!Answer:!!d.!!! Community!A!has!a!younger!population!than!community!B.! !! !! .!Question!5!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !A!new!treatment!is!developed!that!prevents!death!but!does!not!produce!recovery! from!disease.!Which!of!the!following!will!occur?!! ! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!c.!!! Prevalence!will!increase! !! Correct!Answer:!!c.!!! Prevalence!will!increase! !! !! .!Question!6!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Matching!controls!bias!only!for!those!variables!involved!in!the!match.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!True!! Correct!Answer:!!!True!! !! .!Question!7!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !All!the!following!are!true!regarding!risk!and!prognosis!except:! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!e.!!! Risk!factors!are!usually!for!high8probability!events!!

Correct!Answer:!!e.!!! Risk!factors!are!usually!for!high8probability!events!! !! .!Question!8!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Multivariable!analysis!is!the!only!feasible!way!of!dealing!with!many!variables!at!one! time.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!True!! Correct!Answer:!!!True!! !! .!Question!9!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !External!validity!of!a!cohort!study!is!limited!with! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!d.!!! restriction!! Correct!Answer:!!d.!!! restriction!! !! .!Question!10!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !The!term!inception!cohort!is!used!to!describe!a!group!of!people!that!is!assembled!at! the!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!a.!!! onset,!or!inception,!of!their!disease!!! Correct!Answer:!!a.!!! onset,!or!inception,!of!their!disease!!! !! .!Question!11!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Two!rates!can!be!compared!without!bias!related!to!extraneous!factor!if!they!are! adjusted!to!equalize!the!weight!given!to!the!factor.!This!process!is!called!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!! standardization!! Correct!Answer:!!b.!!! standardization!! !! .!Question!12!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Number!of!people!dying!of!a!specific!disease.!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!a.!!! Disease!specific!mortality!

!! Correct!Answer:!!a.!!! Disease!specific!mortality! !! !! .!Question!13!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !A!bias!occurs!when!groups!being!compared!are!not!equally!susceptible!to!the! outcome!of!interest!for!reasons!other!than!the!factor!under!study!is!called! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!! assembly!bias!! Correct!Answer:!!b.!!! assembly!bias!! !! .!Question!14!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !The!prognosis!of!disease!that!has!come!under!medical!care!and!has!been!treated!in! a!variety!of!ways!that!affect!the!subsequent!course!of!events!is!called! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!! clinical!course!of!the!disease!! Correct!Answer:!!b.!!! clinical!course!of!the!disease!! !! .!Question!15!.0!out!of!4!points! !!! !Matching!can!account!for!many!variables!at!a!time.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!True!! Correct!Answer:!!!False!! !! .!Question!16!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !All!the!following!ways!of!dealing!with!extraneous!differences!between!groups!do! not!deal!with!risk!or!prognostic!factors!that!are!not!known!at!the!time!of!the!study! except:! ! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!e.!!! Randomization! !! Correct!Answer:!!e.!!! Randomization! !! !!

.!Question!17!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !The!sum!of!the!number!of!years!of!observation!in!each!individual!in!the!study.! ! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!a.!!! Person!years! !! Correct!Answer:!!a.!!! Person!years! !! !! .!Question!18!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !K8M!survival!curves!that!have!many!small!steps!usually!have!a!limited!number!of! participating!subjects,!whereas!curves!with!large!steps!usually!have!a!higher! number!of!subjects!and!are!thus!not!as!accurate.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!False!! Correct!Answer:!!!False!! !! .!Question!19!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !In!preparing!K8M!survival!analysis,!each!subject!is!characterized!by!three!variables.! ! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!a.!!! time!of!entry! !! Correct!Answer:!!a.!!! time!of!entry! !! !! .!Question!20!.0!out!of!4!points! !!! !Cigarette!smoking!is!a!prognostic!factor!for!myocardial!infarction! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!True!! Correct!Answer:!!!False!! !! .!Question!21!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !All!the!following!are!prognostic!factors!for!myocardial!infarction!except!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!c.!!! LDL/HDL!!!

Correct!Answer:!!c.!!! LDL/HDL!!! !! .!Question!22!.0!out!of!4!points! !!! !Percent!of!patients!entering!a!phase!in!which!disease!is!no!longer!detectable!is! known!as! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!a.!!! Response!!! Correct!Answer:!!d.!!! Remission!!! !! .!Question!23!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Risk!factors!are!not!necessarily!the!same!as!the!prognostic!factors.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!True!! Correct!Answer:!!!True!! !! .!Question!24!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !A!form!of!migration!bias!occurs!when!patients!move!from!one!group!to!another!in! the!cohort!during!follow8up!is!called!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!! crossover!bias!! Correct!Answer:!!b.!!! crossover!bias!! !! .!Question!25!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !In!a!case8control!study!that!includes!prevalent!cases!of!disease!the!results!may!be! confounded!by!factors!that!affect!survival.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!True!! Correct!Answer:!!!True!! !! .!Question!26!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !In!most!clinical!situations,!the!joint!effects!of!two!or!more!variables!might!be! greater!than!the!sum!of!their!individual!effects.!!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!True!! Correct!Answer:!!!True!! !!

.!Question!27!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Life!tables!or!Kaplan!Meier!plots.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!c.!!! Observed!survival! !! Correct!Answer:!!c.!!! Observed!survival! !! !! .!Question!28!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !The!degree!to!which!a!measurement!truly!measures!what!it!purports!to!measure!is!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!! validity!! Correct!Answer:!!b.!!! validity!! !! .!Question!29!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !In!a!Cox!proportional!hazard!regression,!the!exponential!!of!regression!coefficient! estimates!is!called!! ! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!c.!!! Hazard!ratio!! !! Correct!Answer:!!c.!!! Hazard!ratio!! !! !! .!Question!30!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Percent!of!patients!surviving!5!years!from!some!point!in!the!course!of!the!disease.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!c.!!! Five8year!survival! !! Correct!Answer:!!c.!!! Five8year!survival! !! !! .Thursday,!March!28,!2013!7:09:25!PM!EDT! !

OK!! ! Question!1!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Time!at!which!50%!of!patients!still!alive.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!a.!!! Median!survival!time! !! Correct!Answer:!!a.!!! Median!survival!time! !! !! .!Question!2!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !All!the!following!ways!of!dealing!with!extraneous!differences!between!groups!do! not!deal!with!risk!or!prognostic!factors!that!are!not!known!at!the!time!of!the!study! except:! ! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!e.!!! Randomization! !! Correct!Answer:!!e.!!! Randomization! !! !! .!Question!3!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !All!the!following!rates!are!commonly!used!to!describe!prognosis!except:! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!c.!!! attributable!risk!! Correct!Answer:!!c.!!! attributable!risk!! !! .!Question!4!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Cigarette!smoking!is!a!prognostic!factor!for!myocardial!infarction! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!False!! Correct!Answer:!!!False!! !! .!Question!5!.4!out!of!4!points! !!!

!A!bias!occurs!when!groups!being!compared!are!not!equally!susceptible!to!the! outcome!of!interest!for!reasons!other!than!the!factor!under!study!is!called! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!! assembly!bias!! Correct!Answer:!!b.!!! assembly!bias!! !! .!Question!6!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !In!K8M!analysis,!only!event!occurrences!define!known!survival!time!intervals.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!True!! Correct!Answer:!!!True!! !! .!Question!7!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Percent!of!patients!entering!a!phase!in!which!disease!is!no!longer!detectable.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!e.!!! Remission! !! Correct!Answer:!!e.!!! Remission! !! !! .!Question!8!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !In!most!clinical!situations,!the!joint!effects!of!two!or!more!variables!might!be! greater!than!the!sum!of!their!individual!effects.!!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!True!! Correct!Answer:!!!True!! !! .!Question!9!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Patients!who!are!enrolled!in!a!study!can!be!confined!to!only!those!possessing!a! narrow!range!of!characteristics.!This!strategy!is!called! ! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!! Restriction!! Correct!Answer:!!b.!!! Restriction!! !! .!Question!10!.4!out!of!4!points!

!!! !A!bias!occurs!when!patients!selected!for!study!are!systematically!different!from! those!the!results!are!generalized!to!is!called! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!! Sampling!bias!! Correct!Answer:!!b.!!! Sampling!bias!! !! .!Question!11!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !All!the!following!statements!are!true!except:! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!a.!!! Randomization!is!the!only!feasible!way!of!dealing!with!many!variables!at!one!time!! Correct!Answer:!!a.!!! Randomization!is!the!only!feasible!way!of!dealing!with!many!variables!at!one!time!! !! .!Question!12!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !In!2002,!a!land!mark!study!has!showed!hormone!replacement!therapy!(HRT)!may! increase!the!risk!of!breast!cancer!among!post8menopausal!women.!Therefore,!a! decrease!of!breast!cancer!incidence!is!expected.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!True!! Correct!Answer:!!!True!! !! .!Question!13!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !The!term!inception!cohort!is!used!to!describe!a!group!of!people!that!is!assembled!at! the!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!a.!!! onset,!or!inception,!of!their!disease!!! Correct!Answer:!!a.!!! onset,!or!inception,!of!their!disease!!! !! .!Question!14!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Prediction!of!the!future!course!of!disease!following!its!onset!is!called! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!d.!!! prognosis!! Correct!Answer:!!d.!!! prognosis!! !!

.!Question!15!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !The!effects!of!possible!prognostic!factors,!relative!to!one!another,!can!be! summarized!using!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!d.!!! hazard!ratio!! Correct!Answer:!!d.!!! hazard!ratio!! !! .!Question!16!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Measurement!bias!is!possible!when! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!d.!!! patients!in!one!subgroup!of!a!cohort!stand!a!better!chance!of!having!their!outcomes! detected!than!those!in!another!subgroup.!! Correct!Answer:!!d.!!! patients!in!one!subgroup!of!a!cohort!stand!a!better!chance!of!having!their!outcomes! detected!than!those!in!another!subgroup.!! !! .!Question!17!.0!out!of!4!points! !!! !All!the!following!are!examples!of!when!times8to8events!may!be!important!end8point! variables!except:! ! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!c.!!! cancer!survival!times! !! Correct!Answer:!!a.!!! time!to!complete!a!bypass!graft! !! !! .!Question!18!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !If!the!age8standardized!mortality!rate!in!a!population!is!lower!than!the!crude!rate! this!means!that!the!population!has!a!higher!proportion!of!older!people!than!the! standard!population.!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!True!! Correct!Answer:!!!True!! !! .!Question!19!.4!out!of!4!points! !!!

!Two!rates!can!be!compared!without!bias!related!to!extraneous!factor!if!they!are! adjusted!to!equalize!the!weight!given!to!the!factor.!This!process!is!called!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!! standardization!! Correct!Answer:!!b.!!! standardization!! !! .!Question!20!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Percent!of!patients!showing!some!evidence!of!improvement!following!an! intervention.!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!d.!!! Response! !! Correct!Answer:!!d.!!! Response! !! !! .!Question!21!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Censored!subjects!usually!terminate!the!interval!in!K8M!curve.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!False!! Correct!Answer:!!!False!! !! .!Question!22!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Data!are!analyzed!and!results!presented!according!to!subgroups!of!patients!of! similar!characteristics.!This!approach!is!called!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!c.!!! stratification!! Correct!Answer:!!c.!!! stratification!! !! .!Question!23!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !K8M!survival!curves!that!have!many!small!steps!usually!have!a!limited!number!of! participating!subjects,!whereas!curves!with!large!steps!usually!have!a!higher! number!of!subjects!and!are!thus!not!as!accurate.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!False!! Correct!Answer:!!!False!! !!

.!Question!24!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !A!clinical!course!duration!variable!for!each!subject,!having!a!beginning!and!an!end! anywhere!along!the!time!line!of!the!complete!study.! ! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!a.!!! Time8to8event! !! Correct!Answer:!!a.!!! Time8to8event! !! !! .!Question!25!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !In!a!well8designed!clinical!trial!of!treatment!of!ovarian!cancer,!remission!rate!at!one! year!is!similar!for!a!new!drug!and!usual!care,!The!p8value!is!0.4.!What!is!the! interpretation!of!this!information?!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!c.!!! it!is!not!possible!to!decide!on!whether!one!treatment!is!better!than!the!other!using! this!information!alone.! !! Correct!Answer:!!c.!!! it!is!not!possible!to!decide!on!whether!one!treatment!is!better!than!the!other!using! this!information!alone.! !! !! .!Question!26!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !With!this!strategy,!data!are!analyzed!and!results!presented!according!to!subgroups! of!patients!of!similar!characteristics.! ! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!a.!!! Stratification! !! Correct!Answer:!!a.!!! Stratification! !! !! .!Question!27!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !All!the!following!are!prognostic!factors!for!myocardial!infarction!except!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!c.!!!

LDL/HDL!!! Correct!Answer:!!c.!!! LDL/HDL!!! !! .!Question!28!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Life!tables!or!Kaplan!Meier!plots.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!a.!!! Observed!survival! !! Correct!Answer:!!a.!!! Observed!survival! !! !! .!Question!29!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !The!best!way!to!balance!all!extraneous!variables!between!groups!is!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!a.!!! randomization!! Correct!Answer:!!a.!!! randomization!! !! .!Question!30!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !In!a!Cox!proportional!hazard!regression,!the!exponential!!of!regression!coefficient! estimates!is!called!! ! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!! Hazard!ratio!! !! Correct!Answer:!!b.!!! Hazard!ratio!! !! !! .Thursday,!March!28,!2013!7:21:41!PM!EDT! ! OK!! .! Question!1!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !With!this!strategy,!data!are!analyzed!and!results!presented!according!to!subgroups! of!patients!of!similar!characteristics.!

! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!c.!!! Stratification! !! Correct!Answer:!!c.!!! Stratification! !! !! .!Question!2!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Matching!can!account!for!many!variables!at!a!time.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!False!! Correct!Answer:!!!False!! !! .!Question!3!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !The!degree!to!which!a!measurement!truly!measures!what!it!purports!to!measure!is!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!! validity!! Correct!Answer:!!b.!!! validity!! !! .!Question!4!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !In!survival!analysis,!censoring!occurs!only!terminally!at!the!end!of!the!study.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!False!! Correct!Answer:!!!False!! !! .!Question!5!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !All!the!following!are!examples!of!when!times8to8events!may!be!important!end8point! variables!except:! ! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!c.!!! time!to!complete!a!bypass!graft! !! Correct!Answer:!!c.!!! time!to!complete!a!bypass!graft! !! !! .!Question!6!.4!out!of!4!points!

!!! !Applying!results!from!referral!centers!to!community!practice!would!result!in!falsely! underestimating!the!likelihood!of!recurrent!seizures.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!False!! Correct!Answer:!!!False!! !! .!Question!7!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Life!tables!or!Kaplan!Meier!plots.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!! Observed!survival! !! Correct!Answer:!!b.!!! Observed!survival! !! !! .!Question!8!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Case!fatality!rate!for!a!given!disease!refers!to!! ! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!e.!!! the!percentage!of!deaths!among!cases!of!the!disease! !! Correct!Answer:!!e.!!! the!percentage!of!deaths!among!cases!of!the!disease! !! !! .!Question!9!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !When!important!data!are!not!available,!it!is!possible!to!estimate!their!potential! effects!on!the!study!using! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!! Sensitivity!analysis!! Correct!Answer:!!b.!!! Sensitivity!analysis!! !! .!Question!10!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !The!prognosis!of!disease!without!medical!intervention!is!called! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!! natural!history!of!the!disease!!

Correct!Answer:!!b.!!! natural!history!of!the!disease!! !! .!Question!11!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Calendar!time!refers!to!the!way!we!usually!think!of!time!and!the!way!clinical!trials! are!designed.!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!True!! Correct!Answer:!!!True!! !! .!Question!12!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !The!proportion!of!cases!of!a!specified!disease!or!condition!which!are!fatal!within!a! specified!time.! ! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!c.!!! Case!fatality!rate! !! Correct!Answer:!!c.!!! Case!fatality!rate! !! !! .!Question!13!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !A!bias!occurs!when!groups!being!compared!are!not!equally!susceptible!to!the! outcome!of!interest!for!reasons!other!than!the!factor!under!study!is!called! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!! assembly!bias!! Correct!Answer:!!b.!!! assembly!bias!! !! .!Question!14!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !All!the!following!are!true!regarding!risk!and!prognosis!except:! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!e.!!! Risk!factors!are!usually!for!high8probability!events!! Correct!Answer:!!e.!!! Risk!factors!are!usually!for!high8probability!events!! !! .!Question!15!.4!out!of!4!points! !!!

!The!prognosis!of!disease!that!has!come!under!medical!care!and!has!been!treated!in! a!variety!of!ways!that!affect!the!subsequent!course!of!events!is!called! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!! clinical!course!of!the!disease!! Correct!Answer:!!b.!!! clinical!course!of!the!disease!! !! .!Question!16!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Percent!of!patients!who!have!return!of!disease!after!a!disease8free!interval!is! known!as! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!d.!!! Recurence!! Correct!Answer:!!d.!!! Recurence!! !! .!Question!17!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Randomization!not!only!balances!variables!known!to!affect!prognosis,!but!it!also! balances!those!that!are!unknown.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!True!! Correct!Answer:!!!True!! !! .!Question!18!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Multivariable!analysis!is!the!only!feasible!way!of!dealing!with!many!variables!at!one! time.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!True!! Correct!Answer:!!!True!! !! .!Question!19!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Prognosis!can!be!described!as! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!c.!!! either!a!clinical!course!or!the!natural!history!of!disease!! Correct!Answer:!!c.!!! either!a!clinical!course!or!the!natural!history!of!disease!! !! .!Question!20!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !In!myocardial!infarction!

Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!e.!!! Age!and!gender!are!both!risk!and!prognostic!factors!! Correct!Answer:!!e.!!! Age!and!gender!are!both!risk!and!prognostic!factors!! !! .!Question!21!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !External!validity!of!a!cohort!study!is!limited!with! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!d.!!! restriction!! Correct!Answer:!!d.!!! restriction!! !! .!Question!22!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !In!a!well8designed!clinical!trial!of!treatment!of!ovarian!cancer,!remission!rate!at!one! year!is!similar!for!a!new!drug!and!usual!care,!The!p8value!is!0.4.!What!is!the! interpretation!of!this!information?!! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!c.!!! it!is!not!possible!to!decide!on!whether!one!treatment!is!better!than!the!other!using! this!information!alone.! !! Correct!Answer:!!c.!!! it!is!not!possible!to!decide!on!whether!one!treatment!is!better!than!the!other!using! this!information!alone.! !! !! .!Question!23!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !A!phase!in!which!disease!is!no!longer!detectable! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!e.!!! Remission!! Correct!Answer:!!e.!!! Remission!! !! .!Question!24!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Percent!of!patients!entering!a!phase!in!which!disease!is!no!longer!detectable!is! known!as! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!d.!!! Remission!!!

Correct!Answer:!!d.!!! Remission!!! !! .!Question!25!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !The!standardized!death!rate!(adjusted!for!preoperative!risk)!in!hospital!A!is!the! same!as!the!standardized!rate!for!hospital!B.!!The!crude!rate!for!hospital!A!is!higher! than!the!crude!rate!for!hospital!B.!This!indicates!that!more!high8risk!patients!are! treated!at!hospital!B.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!False!! Correct!Answer:!!!False!! !! .!Question!26!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Percent!of!patients!who!have!return!of!disease!after!a!disease8free!interval.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!! Recurrence! !! Correct!Answer:!!b.!!! Recurrence! !! !! .!Question!27!.0!out!of!4!points! !!! !In!2002,!a!land!mark!study!has!showed!hormone!replacement!therapy!(HRT)!may! increase!the!risk!of!breast!cancer!among!post8menopausal!women.!Therefore,!the! case!fatality!rate!is!likely!to!have!major!reduction.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!True!! Correct!Answer:!!!False!! !! .!Question!28!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !In!a!case8control!study!that!includes!prevalent!cases!of!disease!the!results!may!be! confounded!by!factors!that!affect!survival.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!!True!! Correct!Answer:!!!True!! !! .!Question!29!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Percent!of!patients!entering!a!phase!in!which!disease!is!no!longer!detectable.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!b.!!!

Remission! !! Correct!Answer:!!b.!!! Remission! !! !! .!Question!30!.4!out!of!4!points! !!! !Percent!of!patients!with!disease!who!die!of!it.! Answer!!! Selected!Answer:!!a.!!! Case!fatality! !! Correct!Answer:!!a.!!! Case!fatality! !!

Question 1
4 out of 4 points

Percent of patients entering a phase in which disease is no longer detectable.

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 2
4 out of 4 points

Calendar time refers to the way we usually think of time and the way clinical trials are designed.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 4 out of 4 points

Question 3

In survival analysis, censoring occurs only terminally at the end of the study.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False 0 out of 4 points

Question 4

A transparent way of recognizing and controlling for bias is


Selected Answer:


Correct Answer: a.


Question 5
4 out of 4 points

A new treatment is developed that prevents death but does not produce recovery from disease. Which of the following will occur?
Answer Selected Answer: e.

Prevalence will increase

Correct Answer: e.

Prevalence will increase

Question 6
4 out of 4 points

A bias occurs when groups being compared are not equally susceptible to the outcome of interest for reasons other than the factor under study is called
Answer Selected Answer: b.

assembly bias
Correct Answer: b.

assembly bias

Question 7
4 out of 4 points

The effects of possible prognostic factors, relative to one another, can be summarized using
Answer Selected Answer: d.

hazard ratio
Correct Answer: d.

hazard ratio

Question 8
4 out of 4 points

The sum of the number of years of observation in each individual in the study.
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Person years

Correct Answer:


Person years

Question 9
4 out of 4 points

A form of migration bias occurs when patients move from one group to another in the cohort during follow-up is called
Answer Selected Answer: b.

crossover bias
Correct Answer: b.

crossover bias

Question 10
4 out of 4 points

K-M survival curves that have many small steps usually have a limited number of participating subjects, whereas curves with large steps usually have a higher number of subjects and are thus not as accurate.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False 4 out of 4 points

Question 11

All the following statements about Cox Proportional Hazards are true except:
Answer Selected Answer: e.

none of the above

Correct Answer: e.

none of the above

Question 12
4 out of 4 points

Data are analyzed and results presented according to subgroups of patients of similar characteristics. This approach is called
Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: c.


Question 13
4 out of 4 points

Applying results from referral centers to community practice would result in falsely underestimating the likelihood of recurrent seizures.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False 4 out of 4 points

Question 14

Percent of patients who have return of disease after a disease-free interval is known as
Answer Selected Answer: d.

Correct Answer: d.


Question 15
4 out of 4 points

Percent of patients with disease who die of it.

Answer Selected Answer: e.

Case fatality
Correct Answer: e.

Case fatality

Question 16
4 out of 4 points

Prediction of the future course of disease following its onset is called

Answer Selected Answer: d.

Correct Answer: d.


Question 17
4 out of 4 points

External validity of a cohort study is limited with

Answer Selected Answer: d.


Correct Answer:



Question 18
4 out of 4 points

Multivariable analysis is the only feasible way of dealing with many variables at one time.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 4 out of 4 points

Question 19

Percent of patients showing some evidence of improvement following an intervention.

Answer Selected Answer: d.

Correct Answer: d.


Question 20
4 out of 4 points

A bias occurs when patients selected for study are systematically different from those the results are generalized to is called
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Sampling bias
Correct Answer: b.

Sampling bias

Question 21
4 out of 4 points

Measurement bias is possible when

Answer Selected Answer: d.

patients in one subgroup of a cohort stand a better chance of having their outcomes detected than those in another subgroup.

Correct Answer:

patients in one subgroup of a cohort stand a better chance of having their outcomes detected than those in another subgroup.

Question 22
4 out of 4 points

Two rates can be compared without bias related to extraneous factor if they are adjusted to equalize the weight given to the factor. This process is called
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: b.


Question 23
4 out of 4 points

The best way to balance all extraneous variables between groups is

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 24
4 out of 4 points

All the following are prognostic factors for myocardial infarction except
Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: c.


Question 25
4 out of 4 points

In 2002, a land mark study has showed hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may increase the risk of breast cancer among post-menopausal women. How will this impact the incidence and case-fatality rate from breast cancer in the US?
Answer Selected Answer: d. A decrease of beast incidence d. A decrease of beast incidence 4 out of 4 points

Correct Answer:

Question 26

All the following ways of dealing with extraneous differences between groups

do not deal with risk or prognostic factors that are not known at the time of the study except:
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: b.


Question 27
4 out of 4 points

In calculating case fatality rate, the denominator is the total population in the study.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False 4 out of 4 points

Question 28

When important data are not available, it is possible to estimate their potential effects on the study using
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Sensitivity analysis
Correct Answer: b.

Sensitivity analysis

Question 29
4 out of 4 points

All the following statements are true except:

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Randomization is the only feasible way of dealing with many variables at one time

Correct Answer:

Randomization is the only feasible way of dealing with many variables at one time
4 out of 4 points

Question 30

Matching can account for many variables at a time.

Answer Selected Answer: False

Correct Answer:


Question 1
4 out of 4 points

Factorial design is suitable for testing for Interaction.

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 4 out of 4 points

Question 2

Clinical trial randomization of study subjects is performed to reduce the influence of

Answer Selected Answer: c.

Selection bias
Correct Answer: c.

Selection bias

Question 3
4 out of 4 points

Parallel designs only employ randomized control groups

Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: b.


Question 4
0 out of 4 points

Prepost designs with no control group is the most commonly encountered quasi-experimental designs.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False 4 out of 4 points

Question 5

Intention-to-treat analysis entails analyzing the results without regard to subject compliance.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 6
4 out of 4 points

All the following are advantages of pre and post designs except
Answer Selected Answer: d.

No history bias
Correct Answer: d.

No history bias

Question 7
0 out of 4 points

All the following are true in a randomized control trial (RCT) except: Answer
Selected Answer: c. Baseline characteristics of intervention and control groups should be similar a. The sample size required depends on the hypothesis 4 out of 4 points

Correct Answer:

Question 8

An advantage of analysis by "intention to treat" is that

Answer Selected Answer: d.

It describes the consequences of offering treatments whether or not they are actually taken

Correct Answer:

It describes the consequences of offering treatments whether or not they are actually taken
4 out of 4 points

Question 9

In clinical trials with parallel groups, random allocation guarantees that the groups will be similar.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 10
4 out of 4 points

Observational studies of treatment effects are likely to have all of the following advantages over randomized controlled trials except
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Treatment groups would have had a similar prognosis except for treatment itself

Correct Answer:

Treatment groups would have had a similar prognosis except for treatment itself
4 out of 4 points

Question 11

All the following are advantages of parallel designs with historical control except
Answer Selected Answer: e.

Eliminate time trend differences

Correct Answer: e.

Eliminate time trend differences

Question 12
4 out of 4 points

Factorial design is suitable for

Answer Selected Answer: c.

a or b
Correct Answer: c.

a or b

Question 13
4 out of 4 points

Randomized controlled trials are observation studies because study arms are observed for outcomes.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 14
0 out of 4 points

All the following statements about parallel design are true except:
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: e.

Each subject is randomized to one and only one treatment.


Good if the intra-patients variability is relatively small compared to the inter-patients variability
0 out of 4 points

Question 15

All the following studies are observational except:

Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: d.


Question 16
4 out of 4 points

Compared to RCT, in quasi-experimental design

Answer Selected Answer: c.

Both A and B are true

Correct Answer: c.

Both A and B are true

Question 17
4 out of 4 points

A weakness of randomized controlled trials is that they are prone to misclassification of exposure status. Answer
Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 18
0 out of 4 points

As heterogeneity is restricted, the internal validity of the study is improved.

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False True 0 out of 4 points

Question 19

Always analyze the results of the subjects according to the group they were randomized to. This method is known as
Answer Selected Answer: b.

blinded analysis
Correct Answer: c.

intention to treat

Question 20
0 out of 4 points

Incomplete follow-up in clinical trials Answer

Selected Answer: c.

Will always bias results but direction unclear

Correct Answer: b. May be a cause of bias 4 out of 4 points

Question 21
Total number of phases in clinical trials Answer
Selected Answer: d.

Correct Answer: d.

Question 22
0 out of 4 points

In a hospital-based clinical trial of the management of paranoid schizophrenia, relief of symptoms in patients treated with a new drug is compared with symptom relief among patients previously treated with a standard drug. Which of the following may bias the analysis of the relative benefits of the new and standard drugs?
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Changes over time in the methods used to assess symptom relief


Correct Answer:

All of the above

Question 23
4 out of 4 points

Quasi experimental study design can also be used in situations where there are practical or ethical barriers to conducting a true RCT.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 4 out of 4 points

Question 24

A clinical trial phase where investigators initially evaluate how well the treatment works
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Phase II
Correct Answer: a.

Phase II

Question 25
0 out of 4 points

Parallel designs are good if the intra-subjects variability relatively small compared to the inter-subjects variability.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False

Question 26
4 out of 4 points

When participants are repeatedly observed using the same test, there is a possibility of learning effect and this could lead to
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Testing bias
Correct Answer: b.

Testing bias

Question 27
0 out of 4 points

In a randomized controlled trial, a beta-blocker drug is found to be more effective than placebo for stage fright. Participants taking the beta-blocker tended to have a lower pulse rate and to feel more lethargic, which are known effects of this drug. In this situation, blinding is possible for which of the following:
Answer Selected Answer: d.

A and B
Correct Answer: c.

The investigators who assess outcome

Question 28
4 out of 4 points

Researchers want to assess if there is an association between cigarette smoking and strokes. Of the following, which is the best study design to assess for this association? Answer
Selected Answer: b.

Prospective cohort study

Correct Answer: b.

Prospective cohort study

Question 29
4 out of 4 points

There is generally an increased threat to the internal and external validity of quasi-experimental study compared to a randomized controlled trial.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 30
4 out of 4 points

What is the key difference between an observational study and an experiment?

Answer Selected Answer: d.

In observational studies, subjects do not receive any intervention designed to influence their responses.

Correct Answer:

In observational studies, subjects do not receive any intervention designed to influence their responses.
4 out of 4 points

Question 1

All the following statements about parallel design are true except:
Answer Selected Answer: d.

Good if the intra-patients variability is relatively small compared to the inter-patients variability

Correct Answer:

Good if the intra-patients variability is relatively small compared to the inter-patients variability
4 out of 4 points

Question 2
A design that is particularly relevant in situations where researchers are reluctant to deprive any subject of the intervention. Answer
Selected Answer: d. Parallel with wait-List Control d. Parallel with wait-List Control 4 out of 4 points

Correct Answer:

Question 3

Parallel designs only employ randomized control groups

Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: b.


Question 4
4 out of 4 points

Observational studies of treatment effects are likely to have all of the following advantages over randomized controlled trials except
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Treatment groups would have had a similar prognosis except for treatment itself

Correct Answer:

Treatment groups would have had a similar prognosis except for treatment itself
4 out of 4 points

Question 5

Evaluation of efficacy and detection of rare or long-term adverse effects are achieved using
Answer Selected Answer: e.

phase IV trials
Correct Answer: e.

phase IV trials

Question 6
4 out of 4 points

In a randomized controlled trial, a beta-blocker drug is found to be more effective than placebo for stage fright. Participants taking the beta-blocker tended to have a lower pulse rate and to feel more lethargic, which are known effects of this drug. In this situation, blinding is possible for which of the following:
Answer Selected Answer: c.

The investigators who assess outcome

Correct Answer: c.

The investigators who assess outcome

Question 7
0 out of 4 points

Rigorous clinical trials, with proper attention to bias and chance, can be done with individual patients, one at a time.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False True 4 out of 4 points

Question 8
Total number of phases in clinical trials Answer
Selected Answer: d.

Correct Answer: d.

Question 9
4 out of 4 points

Investigators know the assignments of subjects in a randomized controlled trial. What might be done to help avoid random (non-differential) misclassification of outcomes in the trial? Select the best answer. Answer
Selected Answer: e. Ask a blinded outcome assessment committee to assess outcomes. e. Ask a blinded outcome assessment committee to assess outcomes. 0 out of 4 points

Correct Answer:

Question 10

Quasi-experimental studies are threatened by which of the following biases

Answer Selected Answer: d.

History bias
Correct Answer: e.

All of the above

Question 11
0 out of 4 points

A trial that provides preliminary information on whether the drug is efficacious and the relationship between dose and efficacy is
Answer Selected Answer: e.

Phase I trial
Correct Answer: d.

Phase II trial

Question 12
4 out of 4 points

All the following are advantages of interrupted time series design except:
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Few data points are needed

Correct Answer: a.

Few data points are needed

Question 13
0 out of 4 points

All the followings are advantages of the before and after designs except:
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Many characteristics of study population are identical in both phases


Correct Answer:

No secular trends
4 out of 4 points

Question 14

All the following are advantages of interrupted time series except

Answer Selected Answer: c.

No history bias
Correct Answer: c.

No history bias

Question 15
4 out of 4 points

In a hospital-based clinical trial of the management of paranoid schizophrenia, relief of symptoms in patients treated with a new drug is compared with symptom relief among patients previously treated with a standard drug. Which of the following may bias the analysis of the relative benefits of the new and standard drugs?
Answer Selected Answer: d.

All of the above

Correct Answer: d.

All of the above

Question 16
4 out of 4 points

Factorial design is suitable for

Answer Selected Answer: c.

a or b
Correct Answer: c.

a or b

Question 17
4 out of 4 points

In clinical trials with parallel groups, random allocation guarantees that the groups will be similar.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False 4 out of 4 points

Question 18

Selection and attrition bias are the main disadvantages of interrupted time series design.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 19
4 out of 4 points

The gold standard for evaluating innovation in health care is

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Randomized controlled trial

Correct Answer: a.

Randomized controlled trial

Question 20
4 out of 4 points

Restricted Randomization includes

Answer Selected Answer: d.

All of the above

Correct Answer: d.

All of the above

Question 21
4 out of 4 points

Prepost designs with no control group is the most commonly encountered quasi-experimental designs.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False 4 out of 4 points

Question 22

A disadvantage of cross-over design

Answer Selected Answer: e.

Carry over effects when occur are difficult to detect

Correct Answer: e.

Carry over effects when occur are difficult to detect

Question 23
4 out of 4 points

Randomized controlled trials are observation studies because study arms are observed for outcomes.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False 4 out of 4 points

Question 24

Always analyze the results of the subjects according to the group they were randomized to. This method is known as
Answer Selected Answer: c.

intention to treat
Correct Answer: c.

intention to treat

Question 25
4 out of 4 points

A treatment that is effective on the average is guaranteed to work on an individual patients.

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False 4 out of 4 points

Question 26

All the following are advantages of pre and post designs except
Answer Selected Answer: a.

No history bias
Correct Answer: a.

No history bias

Question 27
0 out of 4 points

A trial to identify a dose range that is well tolerated and safe and includes very small number of patients without a control group is
Answer Selected Answer: d.

Phase II trial
Correct Answer: e.

Phase I trial

Question 28
4 out of 4 points

In parallel design, the treatment group is compared to

Answer Selected Answer: d.

a or b or c
Correct Answer: d.

a or b or c

Question 29
4 out of 4 points

Researchers want to assess if there is an association between cigarette smoking and strokes. Of the following, which is the best study design to assess for this association? Answer
Selected Answer: e.

Prospective cohort study

Correct Answer: e.

Prospective cohort study

Question 30
4 out of 4 points

All the following for eligibility criteria are true except:

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Guaranteed benefit
Correct Answer: a.

Guaranteed benefit ! Question!1!! 4!out!of!4!points! !

Clinical!trial!randomization!of!study!subjects!is!performed!to!reduce!the! influence!of! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!a.!!! Selection!bias! !a.!!! Selection!bias! !!!


Question!2!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! What!is!the!key!difference!between!an!observational!study!and!an! experiment?! Answer!! Selected! Answer:!



!c.!!! In!observational!studies,!subjects!do!not!receive!any! intervention!designed!to!influence!their!responses.! !c.!!! In!observational!studies,!subjects!do!not!receive!any! intervention!designed!to!influence!their!responses.! !!!

Correct! Answer:!

Question!3!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! All!the!following!studies!are!observational!except:! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!d.!!! quasiJexperimental! !d.!!! quasiJexperimental! !!!


Question!4!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! All!the!following!biases!are!threat!to!pre!and!post!designs!except! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!d.!!! Selection!bias! !d.!!! Selection!bias! !!!


Question!5!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Crossover!design!is!less!efficient!than!parallel!design.! Answer!!



Selected!Answer:!! !False! Correct!Answer:!! !False! Question!6!! 0!out!of!4!points! ! It!is!difficult!to!perform!intentionJtoJtreat!analyses!with!randomized! controlled!trials.!! Answer!!



!!! !!!

Selected!Answer:!! !True! Correct!Answer:!! !False! Question!7!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! A!clinical!trial!phase!where!investigators!conduct!a!full!scale!evaluation!of! treatment! Answer!!

! !



!b.!!! Phase!III! !b.!!! Phase!III! !!!


Question!8!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Investigators!know!the!assignments!of!subjects!in!a!randomized!controlled! trial.!What!might!be!done!to!help!avoid!random!(nonJdifferential)! misclassification!of!outcomes!in!the!trial?!Select!the!best!answer.!! !!! Answer!! Selected! Answer:!


!b.!!! Ask!a!blinded!outcome!assessment!committee!to!assess! outcomes.!! !b.!!! Ask!a!blinded!outcome!assessment!committee!to!assess! outcomes.!! !!!

Correct! Answer:!

Question!9!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Selection!and!attrition!bias!are!the!main!disadvantages!of!interrupted!time! series!design.! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!! !False! Correct!Answer:!! !False! Question!10!! 4!out!of!4!points! !
! !

!!! !!!

There!is!generally!an!increased!threat!to!the!internal!and!external!validity!of! quasiJexperimental!study!compared!to!a!randomized!controlled!trial.! !!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!! !True! Correct!Answer:!! !True! Question!11!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Compared!to!RCT,!in!quasiJexperimental!design! Answer!!
! !




!c.!!! Both!A!and!B!are!true! !c.!!! Both!A!and!B!are!true! !!!


Question!12!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! All!the!following!for!eligibility!criteria!are!true!except:! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!a.!!! Guaranteed!benefit!! !a.!!! Guaranteed!benefit!! !!!


Question!13!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! The!gold!standard!for!evaluating!innovation!in!health!care!is! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!a.!!! Randomized!controlled!trial! !a.!!! Randomized!controlled!trial! !!!


Question!14!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! The!number!of!subjects!needed!for!phase!III!clinical!trial!is!usually!between! Answer!! !!! Selected!Answer:!


!b.!!! 100!and!3000! !b.!!! 100!and!3000! !!!



4!out!of!4!points! ! Quasi!experimental!study!design!can!also!be!used!in!situations!where!there! are!practical!or!ethical!barriers!to!conducting!a!true!RCT.!! !!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!! !True! Correct!Answer:!! !True! Question!16!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Factorial!design!is!suitable!for! Answer!!
! !




!c.!!! a!or!b! !c.!!! a!or!b! !!!


Question!17!! 0!out!of!4!points! ! In!a!hospitalJbased!clinical!trial!of!the!management!of!paranoid! schizophrenia,!relief!of!symptoms!in!patients!treated!with!a!new!drug!is! compared!with!symptom!relief!among!patients!previously!treated!with!a! standard!drug.!Which!of!the!following!!may!bias!the!analysis!of!the!relative! benefits!of!the!new!and!standard!drugs?! Answer!!



Selected!Answer:! Correct!Answer:!

!e.!!! None!of!the!above! !d.!!! All!of!the!above! !!!

Question!18!! 0!out!of!4!points! ! The!main!advantage!of!randomization!! Answer!! Selected! Answer:!



!a.!!! Makes!balance!with!respect!to!known!and!unknown! baseline!confounders!unlikely! !d.!!! Assures!generalizability!of!results!to!a!wider!group!

Correct! Answer:!


Question!19!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Phase!II!trials!are!used!to!determine!a!safe!dose!! Answer!!



Selected!Answer:! Correct!Answer:!

!b.!!! False! !b.!!! False! !!!

Question!20!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! All!the!following!statements!about!phase!II!trials!are!true!except:!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!b.!!! Usually!recruit!mor!than!100!subjects! !b.!!! Usually!recruit!mor!than!100!subjects! !!!


Question!21!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! A!clinical!trial!phase!where!investigators!initially!evaluate!how!well!the! treatment!works!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!d.!!! Phase!II! !d.!!! Phase!II! !!!


Question!22!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Blocking!ensures!close!balance!of!the!numbers!in!each!group!at!all!times! during!trial.!!! Answer!!



Selected!Answer:!! !True! !!! Correct!Answer:!! !True! Question!23!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Evaluation!of!efficacy!and!detection!of!rare!or!longJterm!adverse!effects!are! achieved!using! !!! Answer!!


!e.!!! phase!IV!trials! !e.!!! phase!IV!trials! !!!



4!out!of!4!points! ! A!design!that!is!particularly!relevant!in!situations!where!researchers!are! reluctant!to!deprive!any!subject!of!the!intervention.! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!d.!!! Parallel!with!waitJList!Control! !d.!!! Parallel!with!waitJList!Control! !!!


Question!25!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! All!the!followings!are!advantages!of!the!before!and!after!designs!except:! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!b.!!! No!secular!trends!! !b.!!! No!secular!trends!! !!!


Question!26!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! QuasiJexperimental!studies!are!threatened!by!which!of!the!following!biases!! Answer!! !!! Selected!Answer:!


!e.!!! All!of!the!above! !e.!!! All!of!the!above! !!!


Question!27!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Parallel!designs!are!good!if!the!intraJsubjects!variability!relatively!small! compared!to!the!interJsubjects!variability.!!! Answer!!



Selected!Answer:!! !False! !!! Correct!Answer:!! !False! Question!28!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Prepost!designs!with!no!control!group!is!the!most!commonly!encountered! quasiJexperimental!designs.!!!! !!! Answer!!
! !

Selected!Answer:!! !False! Correct!Answer:!! !False!



Question!29!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! All!the!following!statements!about!parallel!design!are!true!except:! Answer!! Selected! Answer:!



!d.!!! Good!if!the!intraJpatients!variability!is!relatively!small! compared!to!the!interJpatients!variability! !d.!!! Good!if!the!intraJpatients!variability!is!relatively!small! compared!to!the!interJpatients!variability! !!!

Correct! Answer:!

Question!30!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Bias!due!to!differences!in!reporting!of!symptoms!between!treatment!groups! Answer!! !!! Selected!Answer:!


!e.!!! Information!bias! !e.!!! Information!bias! !!!


! ! Question!1!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! All!the!following!are!advantages!of!interrupted!time!series!design!except:! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!a.!!! Few!data!points!are!needed! !a.!!! Few!data!points!are!needed! !!!


Question!2!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Which!the!following!actions!are!most!likely!to!preserve!the!benefit!of!initial! randomization!in!a!clinical!trial!comparing!different!weight!loss!programs?! !!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!


!b.!!! Blinding!of!the!clinicians!who!evaluate!weight!loss! !b.!!! Blinding!of!the!clinicians!who!evaluate!weight!loss! !!!


Question!3!! 4!out!of!4!points! !

Why!is!randomization!important!to!assignment!in!a!randomized!clinical! trial?! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!d.!!! a!and!c! !d.!!! a!and!c! !!!


Question!4!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Preclinical!animal!studies!are!known!as!phase!0!studies!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!a.!!! True! !a.!!! True! !!!


Question!5!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! A!treatment!that!is!effective!on!the!average!is!guaranteed!to!work!on!an! individual!patients.! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!! !False! Correct!Answer:!! !False! Question!6!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! All!the!following!are!true!in!a!randomized!control!trial!(RCT)!except:! Answer!!
! !

!!! !!!



!a.!!! The!sample!size!required!depends!on!the!hypothesis! !a.!!! The!sample!size!required!depends!on!the!hypothesis! !!!


Question!7!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Compared!to!parallel!design,!power!of!simple!comparison!may!be!greater! with!factorial!design.! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!! !False! Correct!Answer:!! !False! Question!8!! 4!out!of!4!points!
! !

!!! !!!

! Data!and!safety!monitoring!board!deals!only!with!current!study!participants!!! Answer!! !!! Selected!Answer:!! !False! Correct!Answer:!! !False! Question!9!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! A!trial!to!identify!a!dose!range!that!is!well!tolerated!and!safe!and!includes! very!small!number!of!patients!without!a!control!group!is!! Answer!!
! !




!e.!!! Phase!I!trial! !e.!!! Phase!I!trial! !!!


Question!10!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! An!advantage!of!analysis!by!"intention!to!treat"!is!that!It!is!not!affected!by! patients!dropping!out!of!the!study.!!!! Answer!!



Selected!Answer:!! !False! !!! Correct!Answer:!! !False! Question!11!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Always!analyze!the!results!of!the!subjects!according!to!the!group!they!were! randomized!to.!This!type!of!analysis!is!known!as! !!! Answer!!


!c.!!! Intention!to!treat!analysis! !c.!!! Intention!to!treat!analysis! !!!


Question!12!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Phase!II!trials!are!used!to!determine!a!safe!dose!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!b.!!! False! !b.!!! False! !!!



4!out!of!4!points! ! People!have!a!tendency!to!change!their!behavior!when!they!are!the!target!of! special!interest!and!attention!in!a!study,!regardless!of!the!specific!nature!of! the!intervention!they!might!be!receiving.!This!phenomenon!is!called! !!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!


!b.!!! Hawthorne!effect! !b.!!! Hawthorne!effect! !!!


Question!14!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Evaluation!of!efficacy!and!detection!of!rare!or!longJterm!adverse!effects!are! achieved!using! !!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!


!e.!!! phase!IV!trials! !e.!!! phase!IV!trials! !!!


Question!15!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! All!the!followings!are!advantages!of!the!before!and!after!designs!except:! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!b.!!! No!secular!trends!! !b.!!! No!secular!trends!! !!!


Question!16!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Parallel!designs!are!good!if!the!intraJsubjects!variability!relatively!small! compared!to!the!interJsubjects!variability.!!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!! !False! Correct!Answer:!! !False! Question!17!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Trials!that!compare!efficacy!of!the!new!treatment!with!the!standard! treatment!are!! Answer!!
! ! !

!!! !!!


Selected!Answer:! Correct!Answer:!

!c.!!! phase!III! !c.!!! phase!III! !!!

Question!18!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! A!disadvantage!of!crossJover!design!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!e.!!! Carry!over!effects!when!occur!are!difficult!to!detect! !e.!!! Carry!over!effects!when!occur!are!difficult!to!detect! !!!


Question!19!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Total!number!of!phases!in!clinical!trials! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



5! 5!

!d.!!! !d.!!! !!!


Question!20!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Researchers!want!to!assess!if!there!is!an!association!between!cigarette! smoking!and!strokes.!Of!the!following,!which!is!the!best!study!design!to! assess!for!this!association?!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!b.!!! Prospective!cohort!study!! !b.!!! Prospective!cohort!study!! !!!


Question!21!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Quasi!experimental!study!design!can!also!be!used!in!situations!where!there! are!practical!or!ethical!barriers!to!conducting!a!true!RCT.!! !!! Answer!!


Selected!Answer:!! !True! Correct!Answer:!! !True! Question!22!!


4!out!of!4!points! ! There!is!generally!an!increased!threat!to!the!internal!and!external!validity!of! quasiJexperimental!study!compared!to!a!randomized!controlled!trial.! !!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!! !True! Correct!Answer:!! !True! Question!23!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! IntentionJtoJtreat!analysis!entails!analyzing!the!results!without!regard!to! subject!compliance.!!! Answer!!
! !


!!! !!!

Selected!Answer:!! !True! Correct!Answer:!! !True! Question!24!! 0!out!of!4!points! ! Researchers!want!to!assess!if!there!is!an!association!between!cocaine!use! and!congestive!heart!failure.!Select!the!correct!statement:!! Answer!!

! !


Selected! Answer:!

!a.!!! The!researchers!should!be!concerned!about!recall!bias!if!they! choose!to!perform!a!retrospective!cohort!study.!! !!! !e.!!! The!researchers!should!be!concerned!about!reporting!bias!if! they!conduct!a!case!control!study.!!

Correct! Answer:!

Question!25!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! A!weakness!of!randomized!controlled!trials!is!that!they!are!prone!to! misclassification!of!exposure!status.!! Answer!!



Selected!Answer:!! !False! !!! Correct!Answer:!! !False! Question!26!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! Always!analyze!the!results!of!the!subjects!according!to!the!group!they!were! randomized!to.!This!method!is!known!as!! !!! Answer!!
! !

Selected!Answer:! Correct!Answer:!

!c.!!! intention!to!treat! !c.!!!



Question!27!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! The!number!of!subjects!needed!for!phase!I!clinical!trial!is!between! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!a.!!! 20!and!80! !a.!!! 20!and!80! !!!


Question!28!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! A!design!used!to!test!for!Interaction!! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!b.!!! Factorial!!! !b.!!! Factorial!!! !!!


Question!29!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! A!design!that!is!particularly!relevant!in!situations!where!researchers!are! reluctant!to!deprive!any!subject!of!the!intervention.! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!a.!!! Parallel!with!waitJList!Control! !a.!!! Parallel!with!waitJList!Control! !!!


Question!30!! 4!out!of!4!points! ! In!parallel!design,!the!treatment!group!is!compared!to! Answer!! Selected!Answer:!



!d.!!! a!or!b!or!c! !d.!!! a!or!b!or!c! !!!


Thursday,!March!14,!2013!7:42:04!PM!EDT! OK!! !

Question 1
4 out of 4 points

Factorial design is suitable for testing for Interaction.

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 4 out of 4 points

Question 2

Clinical trial randomization of study subjects is performed to reduce the influence of

Answer Selected Answer: c.

Selection bias
Correct Answer: c.

Selection bias

Question 3
4 out of 4 points

Parallel designs only employ randomized control groups

Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: b.


Question 4
0 out of 4 points

Prepost designs with no control group is the most commonly encountered quasi-experimental designs.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False 4 out of 4 points

Question 5

Intention-to-treat analysis entails analyzing the results without regard to subject compliance.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 6
4 out of 4 points

All the following are advantages of pre and post designs except
Answer Selected Answer: d.

No history bias
Correct Answer: d.

No history bias

Question 7
0 out of 4 points

All the following are true in a randomized control trial (RCT) except: Answer
Selected Answer: c. Baseline characteristics of intervention and control groups should be similar a. The sample size required depends on the hypothesis 4 out of 4 points

Correct Answer:

Question 8

An advantage of analysis by "intention to treat" is that

Answer Selected Answer: d.

It describes the consequences of offering treatments whether or not they are actually taken

Correct Answer:

It describes the consequences of offering treatments whether or not they are actually taken
4 out of 4 points

Question 9

In clinical trials with parallel groups, random allocation guarantees that the groups will be similar.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 10
4 out of 4 points

Observational studies of treatment effects are likely to have all of the following advantages over randomized controlled trials except
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Treatment groups would have had a similar prognosis except for treatment itself

Correct Answer:

Treatment groups would have had a similar prognosis except for treatment itself
4 out of 4 points

Question 11

All the following are advantages of parallel designs with historical control except
Answer Selected Answer: e.

Eliminate time trend differences

Correct Answer: e.

Eliminate time trend differences

Question 12
4 out of 4 points

Factorial design is suitable for

Answer Selected Answer: c.

a or b
Correct Answer: c.

a or b

Question 13
4 out of 4 points

Randomized controlled trials are observation studies because study arms are observed for outcomes.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 14
0 out of 4 points

All the following statements about parallel design are true except:
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: e.

Each subject is randomized to one and only one treatment.


Good if the intra-patients variability is relatively small compared to the inter-patients variability
0 out of 4 points

Question 15

All the following studies are observational except:

Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: d.


Question 16
4 out of 4 points

Compared to RCT, in quasi-experimental design

Answer Selected Answer: c.

Both A and B are true

Correct Answer: c.

Both A and B are true

Question 17
4 out of 4 points

A weakness of randomized controlled trials is that they are prone to misclassification of exposure status. Answer
Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 18
0 out of 4 points

As heterogeneity is restricted, the internal validity of the study is improved.

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False True 0 out of 4 points

Question 19

Always analyze the results of the subjects according to the group they were randomized to. This method is known as
Answer Selected Answer: b.

blinded analysis
Correct Answer: c.

intention to treat

Question 20
0 out of 4 points

Incomplete follow-up in clinical trials Answer

Selected Answer: c.

Will always bias results but direction unclear

Correct Answer: b. May be a cause of bias 4 out of 4 points

Question 21
Total number of phases in clinical trials Answer
Selected Answer: d.

Correct Answer: d.

Question 22
0 out of 4 points

In a hospital-based clinical trial of the management of paranoid schizophrenia, relief of symptoms in patients treated with a new drug is compared with symptom relief among patients previously treated with a standard drug. Which of the following may bias the analysis of the relative benefits of the new and standard drugs?
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Changes over time in the methods used to assess symptom relief


Correct Answer:

All of the above

Question 23
4 out of 4 points

Quasi experimental study design can also be used in situations where there are practical or ethical barriers to conducting a true RCT.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 4 out of 4 points

Question 24

A clinical trial phase where investigators initially evaluate how well the treatment works
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Phase II
Correct Answer: a.

Phase II

Question 25
0 out of 4 points

Parallel designs are good if the intra-subjects variability relatively small compared to the inter-subjects variability.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False

Question 26
4 out of 4 points

When participants are repeatedly observed using the same test, there is a possibility of learning effect and this could lead to
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Testing bias
Correct Answer: b.

Testing bias

Question 27
0 out of 4 points

In a randomized controlled trial, a beta-blocker drug is found to be more effective than placebo for stage fright. Participants taking the beta-blocker tended to have a lower pulse rate and to feel more lethargic, which are known effects of this drug. In this situation, blinding is possible for which of the following:
Answer Selected Answer: d.

A and B
Correct Answer: c.

The investigators who assess outcome

Question 28
4 out of 4 points

Researchers want to assess if there is an association between cigarette smoking and strokes. Of the following, which is the best study design to assess for this association? Answer
Selected Answer: b.

Prospective cohort study

Correct Answer: b.

Prospective cohort study

Question 29
4 out of 4 points

There is generally an increased threat to the internal and external validity of quasi-experimental study compared to a randomized controlled trial.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 30
4 out of 4 points

What is the key difference between an observational study and an experiment?

Answer Selected Answer: d.

In observational studies, subjects do not receive any intervention designed to influence their responses.

Correct Answer:

In observational studies, subjects do not receive any intervention designed to influence their responses.

Question)1)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) In)the)British)doctors)study,)over)40)years)of)follow)up,)the)annual)mortality)rate)from)CHD)was) 572)per)100)000)in)nonBsmokers,)and)892)per)100)000)in)smokers.))For)lung)cancer)the)figures) were)14)and)209,)respectively.)So,)a)comparatively)small)increase)in)risk)of)CHD,)associated)with) smoking,)results)in)a)large)number)of)deaths.))) ))) Answer))


Selected)Answer:)) )True) Correct)Answer:))




Question)2)) 0)out)of)4)points) ) ) A)high)blood)pressure)today)is)a)poor)predictor)of)its)future)rate)of)rise.)) Answer))



Selected)Answer:)) )True) Correct)Answer:))




Question)3)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) Exposure) ))))))))))))))))Outcome) Yes) Yes) No)



No) 20) 50) 70) 100) 100) 200) )))

80) 50) 130)

Total) The)odds)ratio=) Answer))

Selected)Answer:) 4) Correct)Answer:) 4)




Question)4)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) )) Smoke) Yes) No) Total) Risk)among)smokers))


)))))))Develop))CHD) ))Yes) 30) 30) 60) ))No) )))70) )270) )240)

)) Total) 100) 300) 400) )))

Answer)) Selected)Answer:) )d.))) 0.3) Correct)Answer:) )d.))) 0.3)



Question)5)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) In)the)British)doctors)study,)over)40)years)of)follow)up,)the)annual)mortality)rate)from)CHD)was) 572)per)100)000)in)nonBsmokers,)and)892)per)100)000)in)smokers.))For)lung)cancer)the)figures) were)14)and)209,)respectively.)Therefore)for)an)individual,)smoking)was)much)more)likely)to) result)in)death)from)lung)cancer)than)from)CHD.)) ))) Answer))

Selected)Answer:)) )False) Correct)Answer:))




Question)6)) 0)out)of)4)points) ) ) For)a)heavy)smoker,)the)probability)of)getting)lung)cancer)in)the)next)10)years)is)) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )b.))) 15%)


)d.))) 10%)


Question)7)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) The)excess)incidence)of)disease)in)a)community)that)is)associated)with)a)risk)factor)) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )a.))) population)attributable)risk))


)a.))) population)attributable)risk))


Question)8)) 4)out)of)4)points) )

) Cohort)study)establishes)time)sequence)for)causality) Answer)) )))


)a.))) True)


)a.))) True)


Question)9)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) Just)because)risk)factors)predict)disease,)it)does)not)necessarily)follow)that)they)cause)disease.) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )a.))) True)


)a.))) True)


Question)10)) 0)out)of)4)points) ) ) A)heavy)smoker)has)at)least)a)hundred)fold)greater)risk)of)lung)cancer)compared)to) nonsmokers.) Answer))



Selected)Answer:)) )False) Correct)Answer:))




Question)11)) 4)out)of)4)points) )

) In)the)British)doctors)study,)over)40)years)of)follow)up,)the)annual)mortality)rate)from)CHD)was) 572)per)100)000)in)nonBsmokers,)and)892)per)100)000)in)smokers.))For)lung)cancer)the)figures) ))) were)14)and)209,)respectively.)So,)smoking)is)associated)with)a)larger)attributable)risk)for)CHD)

than)for)lung)cancer.))) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)) )True) Correct)Answer:))




Question)12)) 0)out)of)4)points) ) ) All)the)followings)are)disadvantages)of)crossBsectional)studies)except) Answer)) Selected) Answer:)


))) )a.))) Difficult)to)separate)cause)from)effect,)because)measurement)of)exposure)and) disease)is)conducted)at)the)same)time.)) )b.))) Always)less)generalizable)than)cohort)due)to)the)use)of)populationBbased) samples,)instead)of)convenient)samples.)) )))

Correct) Answer:)

Question)13)) 0)out)of)4)points) ) ) In)the)investigation)of)an)epidemic)of)a)fatal)disease)such)as)SARS,)the)most)appropriate) measure)to)describe)the)frequency)of)death)from)the)disease)is)the:) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )a.))) Mortality)rate)


)b.))) CaseBfatality)rate)



4)out)of)4)points) ) ) )Exposure) ))))))))))))))))Outcome) Yes) Yes) No) Total) Relative)Risk=)



No) 20) 50) 70) 100) 100) 200) )))

80) 50) 130)

Answer)) Selected)Answer:) )d.))) 1.6) Correct)Answer:) )d.))) 1.6)



Question)15)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) Consider)a)study)of)1000)people)in)which)500)are)treated)with)a)new)drug)and)500)are)treated) with)placebo.)If)5)in)the)treatment)group)(1%))and)10)in)the)placebo)group)(2%))have)heart) attacks,)the)relative)risk)of)heart)attack)with)treatment)would)be) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)c.))) 0.5))


)c.))) 0.5))


Question)16)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) )

)) ) Smoke) Yes) No) Total) Risk)among)smokers=)


)))))))Develop))CHD) ))Yes) ))No)

)) ) Total)

))10) )))5) )15)

)))90) )))95) )185)

100) 100) 200) )))

Answer)) Selected)Answer:) )))) 0.1) Correct)Answer:) )))) 0.1)



Question)17)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) The)strength)of)an)association)between)exposure)and)disease)is)best)measured)by)the:) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )e.))) Relative)risk)


)e.))) Relative)risk)


Question)18)) 4)out)of)4)points) )

) Measure)of)the)potential)for)prevention)of)disease)if)the)exposure)could)be)eliminated))


Answer)) Selected)Answer:) )a.))) attributable)rsk) Correct)Answer:) )a.))) attributable)rsk)



Question)19)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) Which)of)the)following)study)design)(s))can)be)done)on)a)sample)of)the)population?) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )e.))) Both)c)&)d)


)e.))) Both)c)&)d)


Question)20)) 0)out)of)4)points) ) ) Measures)of)absolute,)attributable,)and)relative)risks)are)less)frequently)encountered)in)the) clinical)literature)than)are)measures)of)population)risk.)) Answer))



Selected)Answer:)) )True) Correct)Answer:))




Question)21)) 4)out)of)4)points) )

) Most)studies)of)risk)are)observational)studies)and)are)either)crossBsectional)or)case)series))


Answer)) Selected)Answer:) )b.))) False) Correct)Answer:) )b.))) False)



Question)22)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) In)the)British)doctors)study,)over)40)years)of)follow)up,)the)annual)mortality)rate)from)CHD)was) 572)per)100)000)in)nonBsmokers,)and)892)per)100)000)in)smokers.))For)lung)cancer)the)figures) were)14)and)209,)respectively.)So,)smoking)has)a)much)stronger)association)with)CHD)than)lung) cancer.)))) ))) Answer))


Selected)Answer:)) )False) Correct)Answer:))




Question)23)) 0)out)of)4)points) ) ) All)the)following)statements)are)true)except) Answer)) Selected) Answer:)


))) )b.))) Knowledge)of)risk)factors)can)be)used)to)improve)the)efficiency)of)screening) programs.) )c.))) If)a)risk)factor)is)a)cause)of)a)disease),)removing)it)is)not)necessary)to)prevent) the)disease.) )))

Correct) Answer:)


0)out)of)4)points) ) ) I.)Exposure)measured)before)the)development)of)disease)II.)Exposure)measured,)reconstructed,) or)recollected)after)development)of)disease)III.)Exposure)measured,)at)the)same)time)as) disease.)In)cohort)studies)exposure)assessment)is)true)for)) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)d.))) I)&)II)

Correct)Answer:) I))



Question)25)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) )) ) Smoke) Yes) No) Total) Risk)among)nonsmokers=)


)))))))Develop))CHD) ))Yes) ))No)

)) ) Total)

))10) )))5) )15)

)))90) )))95) )185)

100) 100) 200) )))

Answer)) Selected)Answer:) )b.))) 0.05) Correct)Answer:) )b.))) 0.05)




4)out)of)4)points) ) ) The)excess)incidence)of)disease)in)a)community)that)is)associated)with)a)risk)factor)) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )a.))) population)attributable)risk))


)a.))) population)attributable)risk))


Question)27)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) If)we)assume)that)the)relative)risk)reduction)associated)with)statin)treatment)is)33%,)in)patients) with)an)initial)risk)of)30%)the)absolute)risk)will)be)reduced)from)30%)to) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )c.))) 20%)


)c.))) 20%)


Question)28)) 0)out)of)4)points) ) ) Researchers)are)interested)in)assessing)a)possible)association)between)a)rare)exposure)and)a) reduction)of)bone)mineral)density.)The)best)study)design)to)assess)this)possible)association)is:)) Answer))


))) )e.))) a)case)control)study)) )))



)c.))) a)prospective)cohort)study))

Question)29)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) Relative)risk)is)the)basic)expression)of)risk.)) Answer))



Selected)Answer:)) )False) Correct)Answer:))




Question)30)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) All)the)followings)are)strengths)of)cohort)studies)except) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )d.))) Can)measure)multiple)exposures)


)d.))) Can)measure)multiple)exposures)


Question 1
0 out of 4 points

For absolute risk reduction of 5%, the NNT is

Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: c.


Question 2
0 out of 4 points

Researchers are interested in assessing a possible association between statin and a rare disease. The best study design to assess this possible association is:
Answer Selected Answer: d.

a prospective cohort study

Correct Answer: e.

a case control study

Question 3
4 out of 4 points

Develop CHD Yes No Smoke Yes No Total Risk among nonsmokers=

Answer Selected Answer: a.

10 5 15

90 95 185

Total 100 100 200

Correct Answer: a.


Question 4
0 out of 4 points

The basic expression of risk is

Answer Selected Answer: d.

Correct Answer: c.


Question 5
4 out of 4 points

Smoke Yes No Total

Risk among smokers Answer Selected Answer: b.

Develop CHD Yes No 30 70 30 270 60 240

Total 100 300 400

Correct Answer: b.


Question 6
4 out of 4 points

In the British doctors study, over 40 years of follow up, the annual mortality rate from CHD was 572 per 100 000 in non-smokers, and 892 per 100 000 in smokers. For lung cancer the figures were 14 and 209, respectively. So, smoking has a much stronger association with CHD than lung cancer.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False 0 out of 4 points

Question 7

Smoke Yes No Total

Risk difference= Answer Selected Answer: d.

Develop CHD Yes No 30 70 30 270 60 240

Total 100 300 400

Correct Answer: e.


Question 8
4 out of 4 points

Smoke Yes No Total

Answer Selected Answer: d.

Develop CHD Yes No 50 50 20 280 70 230

Total 100 300 400

Attibutable Risk Percent (AR%)=

Correct Answer: d.


Question 9
0 out of 4 points

A study reported the association between obesity and colon cancer morbidity as determined from review of medical records and death certificates in a nationally representative cohort of men and women age 25-74 years who participated in the First National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 1971 to 1975 and were subsequently followed up through 1992. Which research design has been used in this study?
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Prospective cohort
Correct Answer: b.

Prospective cohort
Question 10
4 out of 4 points

All the followings are strengths of cohort studies except

Answer Selected Answer: b.

Provides incidence data

Correct Answer: a.

Can study rare outcomes

Question 11
4 out of 4 points

In the British doctors study, over 40 years of follow up, the annual mortality rate from CHD was 572 per 100 000 in non-smokers, and 892 per 100 000 in smokers. For lung cancer the figures were 14 and 209, respectively. Therefore for an individual, smoking was much more likely to result in death from lung cancer than from CHD.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False 4 out of 4 points

Question 12

Cohort study establishes time sequence for causality

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 13
4 out of 4 points

Risk cannot be estimated directly from a casecontrol study.

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 4 out of 4 points

Question 14

What research design is used for patient survey research?

Answer Selected Answer: d.

cross sectional study

Correct Answer: d.

cross sectional study

Question 15
4 out of 4 points

RR is basically
Answer Selected Answer: c.

Relative Risk
Correct Answer: c.

Relative Risk

Question 16
4 out of 4 points

Develop CHD Smoke Yes No Yes 10 90 No 15 285 Total 25 375 Incidence of CHD among nonsmokers
Answer Selected Answer: d.

Total 100 300 400

50 per 1000
Correct Answer: d.

50 per 1000

Question 17
4 out of 4 points

Exposure Yes No Total The odds ratio=

Answer Selected Answer: c.

Yes 80 50 130

Outcome No 20 50 70

Total 100 100 200

Correct Answer: c.

Question 18
4 out of 4 points

Uses of risk
Answer Selected Answer: d.

all of the above

Correct Answer: d.

all of the above

Question 19
4 out of 4 points

Develop CHD Smoke Yes No Yes 10 90 No 15 285 Total 25 375 Incidence of CHD among smokers
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Total 100 300 400

100 per 1000

Correct Answer: a.

100 per 1000

Question 20
4 out of 4 points

Smoke Yes No Total

Risk among nonsmokers Answer Selected Answer: a.

Develop CHD Yes No 30 70 30 270 60 240

Total 100 300 400

Correct Answer: a.


Question 21
4 out of 4 points

The additional risk of disease following Exposure, over and above that experienced by people who are not exposed is called
Answer Selected Answer: c.

attributable risk
Correct Answer: c.

attributable risk

Question 22
4 out of 4 points Consider a study of 1000 people in which 500 are treated with a new drug and 500 are treated with placebo. If 5 in the treatment group (1%) and 10 in the placebo group (2%) have heart attacks, the relative risk of heart attack with treatment would be Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: c.


Question 23
4 out of 4 points

Measures of absolute, attributable, and relative risks are less frequently encountered in the clinical literature than are measures of population risk.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False 0 out of 4 points

Question 24

The prevalence of a disease at a point in time is a function of

Answer Selected Answer: e.

Correct Answer: d.

a and b

Question 25
4 out of 4 points

When data are combined from smaller studies into a larger sample size, which can then be statistically evaluated in a more robust fashion than the smaller samples, the following term is applied
Answer Selected Answer: d.

Correct Answer: d.


Question 26
4 out of 4 points

All the following statements are true except

Answer Selected Answer: a.

If a risk factor is a cause of a disease , removing it is not necessary to prevent the disease.

Correct Answer:

If a risk factor is a cause of a disease , removing it is not necessary to prevent the disease.
0 out of 4 points

Question 27

For absolute risk reduction of 1%, the NNT is

Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: b.


Question 28
4 out of 4 points

Measure of the potential for prevention of disease if the exposure could be eliminated
Answer Selected Answer: a.

attributable rsk
Correct Answer: a.

attributable rsk

Question 29
4 out of 4 points

In a series of 1000 women with breast cancer, 32 were pregnant. From this we can conclude:
Answer Selected Answer: c.

In this particular series of women with breast cancer, 3.2% were pregnant

Correct Answer:

In this particular series of women with breast cancer, 3.2% were pregnant

Question 30
4 out of 4 points

Researchers are interested in assessing a possible association between a rare exposure and a reduction of bone mineral density. The best study design to assess this possible association is:
Answer Selected Answer: a.

a prospective cohort study

Correct Answer: a.

a prospective cohort study

Question 1
4 out of 4 points

Multiple sclerosis (MS) has an overall incidence rates in the US of less than one tenth of that of lung cancer. Yet the prevalence rate of MS is much higher than that of lung cancer. Possible explanation is
Answer Selected Answer: b.

duration of lung cancer is shorter than multiple sclerosis

Correct Answer: b.

duration of lung cancer is shorter than multiple sclerosis

Question 2
0 out of 4 points

Incidence studies are also called

Answer Selected Answer: a.

prospective studies
Correct Answer: e.

a and b

Question 3
4 out of 4 points

The incidence of the disease among the unexposed group is 5 per 1000. The relative risk of the disease is 5. What is the incidence of the disease among the unexposed?
Answer Selected Answer: d.

25 per thousand
Correct Answer: d.

25 per thousand

Question 4
4 out of 4 points

Develop CHD Smoke Yes No Yes 10 90 No 15 285 Total 25 375 Incidence of CHD among smokers
Answer Selected Answer: c.

Total 100 300 400

100 per 1000

Correct Answer: c.

100 per 1000

Question 5
4 out of 4 points

Exposure Yes No Total The odds ratio=

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Yes 80 50 130

Outcome No 20 50 70

Total 100 100 200

Correct Answer: a.

Question 6
0 out of 4 points

In the British doctors study, over 40 years of follow up, the annual mortality rate from CHD was 572 per 100 000 in non-smokers, and 892 per 100 000 in smokers. For lung cancer the figures were 14 and 209, respectively. So, a comparatively small increase in risk of CHD, associated with smoking, results in a large number of deaths.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False True 4 out of 4 points

Question 7

Smoke Yes No Total

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Develop CHD Yes No 50 50 20 280 70 230

Total 100 300 400

Attibutable Risk Percent (AR%)=

Correct Answer: a.


Question 8
4 out of 4 points

In the investigation of an epidemic of a fatal disease such as SARS, the most appropriate measure to describe the frequency of death from the disease is the:
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Case-fatality rate
Correct Answer: b.

Case-fatality rate

Question 9
4 out of 4 points

Exposure Yes No Total Relative Risk=

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Yes 80 50 130

Outcome No 20 50 70

Total 100 100 200

Correct Answer: a.


Question 10
4 out of 4 points

Most studies of risk are observational studies and are either cross-sectional or case series
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: b.


Question 11
4 out of 4 points

I. Exposure measured before the development of disease II. Exposure measured, reconstructed, or recollected after development of disease III. Exposure measured, at the same time as disease In cross-sectional studies exposure assessment is true for
Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: c.


Question 12
0 out of 4 points

In the British doctors study, over 40 years of follow up, the annual mortality rate from CHD was 572 per 100 000 in non-smokers, and 892 per 100 000 in smokers. The relative risk
Answer Selected Answer: a.

320 per 100 000

Correct Answer: d.


Question 13
0 out of 4 points

Smoke Yes No Total

Risk among nonsmokers Answer Selected Answer: b.

Develop CHD Yes No 30 70 30 270 60 240

Total 100 300 400

Correct Answer: a.


Question 14
4 out of 4 points

All of the following are true for risk except:

Answer Selected Answer: d.

The risk following inaction is perceived as smaller than the same risk following action

Correct Answer:

The risk following inaction is perceived as smaller than the same risk following action
0 out of 4 points

Question 15

All the followings are strengths of cohort studies except

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Can study rare exposures

Correct Answer: c.

Can study rare outcomes

Question 16
4 out of 4 points

All the followings are strengths of cohort studies except

Answer Selected Answer: d.

Can measure multiple exposures

Correct Answer: d.

Can measure multiple exposures

Question 17
4 out of 4 points

The additional risk of disease following Exposure, over and above that experienced by people who are not exposed is called
Answer Selected Answer: c.

attributable risk
Correct Answer: c.

attributable risk

Question 18
0 out of 4 points

If a condition is rare the importance of reducing risk is much lower than if it is common.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False True 4 out of 4 points

Question 19

Measures of absolute, attributable, and relative risks are less frequently encountered in the clinical literature than are measures of population risk.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False 4 out of 4 points

Question 20

A heavy smoker has at least a hundred fold greater risk of lung cancer compared to nonsmokers.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True 4 out of 4 points

Question 21

For a heavy smoker, the probability of getting lung cancer in the next 10 years is
Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: c.


Question 22
4 out of 4 points

Cohort study establishes time sequence for causality

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Correct Answer: a.


Question 23
4 out of 4 points

The fraction of disease occurrence in a population that is associated with a particular risk factor
Answer Selected Answer: b.

population attributable fraction

Correct Answer: b.

population attributable fraction

Question 24
4 out of 4 points

Most studies of risk are experimental studies.

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False 4 out of 4 points

Question 25

Measure of the potential for prevention of disease if the exposure could be eliminated
Answer Selected Answer: a.

attributable rsk
Correct Answer: a.

attributable rsk

Question 26
4 out of 4 points

Population attributable fraction is the fraction of disease occurrence in a population that is associated with a particular risk factor.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 27
4 out of 4 points

The design where exposure status and disease status are measured at one point in time or over a period is
Answer Selected Answer: d.

Correct Answer: d.


Question 28
0 out of 4 points

Develop CHD Yes No Smoke Yes No Total Relative risk=

Answer Selected Answer: d.

10 5 15

90 95 185

Total 100 100 200

Correct Answer: a.

Question 29
0 out of 4 points

A design well suited for studying symptoms and signs of a disease is

Answer Selected Answer: e.

clinical trial
Correct Answer: a.

case series

Question 30
4 out of 4 points

Risk ratio is a measure of the potential for prevention of disease if the exposure could be eliminated.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

! Question)1)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) In)the)British)doctors)study,)over)40)years)of)follow)up,)the)annual)mortality)rate)from)CHD)was) 572)per)100)000)in)nonBsmokers,)and)892)per)100)000)in)smokers.))The)relative)risk))) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )d.))) 1.6)


)d.))) 1.6)


Question)2)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) Relative)risk)is)the)additional)risk)of)disease)following)Exposure,)over)and)above)that) experienced)by)people)who)are)not)exposed.) Answer))



Selected)Answer:)) )False) Correct)Answer:))




Question)3)) 0)out)of)4)points) ) )

The)effect)of)most)risk)factors)in)human)cannot)be)studied)with)experimental)studies.) Answer))


Selected)Answer:)) )False) Correct)Answer:))




Question)4)) 0)out)of)4)points) ) ) The)prevalence)of)a)disease)at)a)point)in)time)is)a)function)of)incidence)and)duration.) Answer))



Selected)Answer:)) )False) Correct)Answer:))




Question)5)) 0)out)of)4)points) ) ) Which)of)the)following)study)designs)allow)direct)estimation)of)incidence)in)exposed)and) unexposed)people?)) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )e.))) Both)A)&)D)


)d.))) cohort)


Question)6)) 4)out)of)4)points) )

) What)research)design)is)used)for)patient)survey)research?) Answer)) )))


)d.))) cross)sectional)study)


)d.))) cross)sectional)study)


Question)7)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) A)low)ventilatory)function)today)is)the)best)predictor)of)its)future)rate)of)decline.) Answer))



Selected)Answer:)) )True) Correct)Answer:))




Question)8)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) In)the)British)doctors)study,)over)40)years)of)follow)up,)the)annual)mortality)rate)from)CHD)was) 14)per)100)000)in)nonBsmokers,)and)209)per)100)000)in)smokers.)))The)relative)risk))) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )e.))) 14.9)


)e.))) 14.9)


Question)9)) 4)out)of)4)points) )

) ))) )) )))))))Develop))CHD) )) )))

Smoke) Yes) No) Total) ) Attibutable)Risk)Percent)(AR%)=)) Answer)) Selected)Answer:) )d.))) 60%) Correct)Answer:) )d.))) 60%)

))Yes) 50) 20) 70)

))No) )))50) )280) )230)

Total) 100) 300) 400)


Question)10)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) Measure)of)the)potential)for)prevention)of)disease)if)the)exposure)could)be)eliminated)) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )a.))) attributable)rsk)


)a.))) attributable)rsk)


Question)11)) 4)out)of)4)points) )

)) )

)))))))Develop))CHD) ))Yes) ))No)

)) ) )))

Smoke) Yes) No) Total) Risk)among)smokers=) Answer)) Selected)Answer:) )))) 0.1) Correct)Answer:) )))) 0.1)

Total) ))10) )))5) )15) )))90) )))95) )185) 100) 100) 200)


Question)12)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) )) Smoke) Yes) No) Total) Risk)among)smokers))


)))))))Develop))CHD) ))Yes) 30) 30) 60) ))No) )))70) )270) )240)

)) Total) 100) 300) 400) )))

Answer)) Selected)Answer:) )c.))) 0.3) Correct)Answer:) )c.))) 0.3)



Question)13)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) )) Smoke) Yes) No) Total) )))))))Develop))CHD) ))Yes) 10) 15) 25) ))No) )))90) )285) )375) )) Total) 100) 300) 400) )))


Answer)) Selected)Answer:) )e.))) 50))per))1000) Correct)Answer:) )e.))) 50))per))1000)



Question)14)) 0)out)of)4)points) ) ) The)presence)of)a)strong)risk)factor)indicates)that)an)individual)is)very)likely)to)get)the)disease) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )b.))) True)


)a.))) False)


Question)15)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) )

A)heavy)smoker)has)at)least)a)hundred)fold)greater)risk)of)lung)cancer)compared)to) nonsmokers.) Answer))



Selected)Answer:)) )True) Correct)Answer:))




Question)16)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) Uses)of)risk) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )d.))) all)of)the)above))


)d.))) all)of)the)above))


Question)17)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) Early)coronary)heart)disease)is)better)than)cholesterol,)blood)pressure,)smoking,)diabetes,)and) obesity)as)predictor)of)future)fatal)disease.) Answer))



Selected)Answer:)) )True) Correct)Answer:))




Question)18)) 4)out)of)4)points) )

) A))measure)suitable)for)policy)decision)


Answer)) Selected)Answer:) )d.))) attributable)risk) Correct)Answer:) )d.))) attributable)risk)



Question)19)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) Most)studies)of)risk)are)observational)studies)and)are)either)crossBsectional)or)case)series)) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )b.))) False)


)b.))) False)


Question)20)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) )) ) Smoke) Yes)


)))))))Develop))CHD) ))Yes) ))No)

)) ) Total)

))10) )))5) )15)

)))90) )))95) )185)

100) 100) 200) )))

No) Total) Risk)among)nonsmokers=) Answer))


)b.))) 0.05)


)b.))) 0.05)


Question)21)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) A)study)design)for)which)cases)with)the)disease)in)question)are)matched)with)appropriate) controls)(without)the)disease)in)question))is)called)) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )c.))) caseBcontrol)


)c.))) caseBcontrol)


Question)22)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) Measures)of)absolute,)attributable,)and)relative)risks)are)less)frequently)encountered)in)the) clinical)literature)than)are)measures)of)population)risk.)) Answer))



Selected)Answer:)) )False) Correct)Answer:))




Question)23)) 0)out)of)4)points) )

) If)a)risk)factor)is)also)a)cause)of)disease,)removing)it)can)prevent)disease)whether)or)not)the) mechanism)by)which)the)disease)develops)is)known.)


Answer)) Selected)Answer:)) )False) Correct)Answer:))




Question)24)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) Cohort)study)allows)for)accurate)measurement)of)disease)variables)) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )b.))) False)


)b.))) False)


Question)25)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) )) The)incidence)of)disease)A)among)smokers)is)6/10000)and)is)(5)/)10000))among)nonsmokers.) The)relative)risk)for)smoking=)) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)



)e.))) 1.2))


)e.))) 1.2))


Question)26)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) )


))))))))))))))))Outcome) Yes) No) 20) 50) 70)


Yes) No) Total) Relative)Risk=)


80) 50) 130)

100) 100) 200) )))

Answer)) Selected)Answer:) )d.))) 1.6) Correct)Answer:) )d.))) 1.6)



Question)27)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) In)the)British)doctors)study,)over)40)years)of)follow)up,)the)annual)mortality)rate)from)CHD)was) 572)per)100)000)in)nonBsmokers,)and)892)per)100)000)in)smokers.))For)lung)cancer)the)figures) were)14)and)209,)respectively.)So,)a)comparatively)small)increase)in)risk)of)CHD,)associated)with) smoking,)results)in)a)large)number)of)deaths.))) ))) Answer))


Selected)Answer:)) )True) Correct)Answer:))




Question)28)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) The)design)where)exposure)status)and)disease)status)are)measured)at)one)point)in)time)or)over) a)period)is))





)d.))) crossBsectional))


)d.))) crossBsectional))


Question)29)) 4)out)of)4)points) ) ) All)of)the)following)statements)are)true)about)both)prospective)and)retrospective)cohort) studies)except:) Answer)) Selected)Answer:)


))) )d.))) They)allow)investigators)to)decide)beforehand)what)data)to)collect)


)d.))) They)allow)investigators)to)decide)beforehand)what)data)to)collect)


Question)30)) 0)out)of)4)points) ) ) In)the)British)doctors)study,)over)40)years)of)follow)up,)the)annual)mortality)rate)from)CHD)was) 572)per)100)000)in)nonBsmokers,)and)892)per)100)000)in)smokers.))For)lung)cancer)the)figures) were)14)and)209,)respectively.)The)attributable)risk)of)lung)related)to)smoking) Answer))



Selected)Answer:) Correct)Answer:)

)))[None)Given])) )f.))) 195))per)100)000)


Sunday,)February)24,)2013)10:16:04)AM)EST) OK))

Score 84 out of 120 points Time Elapsed 44 minutes out of 45 minutes. Instructions

Question 1
0 out of 4 points

The more sensitive a test is, the higher will be its false negative rate
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False

Question 2
4 out of 4 points Diagnostic tests that discriminat well crowd toward the --------------------- of the ROC curve Answer Selected Answer: a. upper left corner a. upper left corner

Correct Answer:

Question 3
0 out of 4 points Posttest Odds = Answer Selected Answer: a. Posttest Odds x Likelihood ratio b. Pretest Odds x Likelihood ratio

Correct Answer:

Question 4
0 out of 4 points

A test with 80% sensitivity and 90% specificity was applied to a population with 20% prevalence of a particular disease. The positive negative value was 94%. If the test is applied to another a population with 30% prevalence, the specificity will be
Answer Selected Answer: d.

Correct Answer: c.


Question 5
4 out of 4 points ROC curve is constructed by plotting Answer Selected Answer: c. true positive rate against false-positive rate c. true positive rate against false-positive rate

Correct Answer:

Question 6
4 out of 4 points

The probability that a patient has the disease given a positive test result.
Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: c.


Question 7
4 out of 4 points

The results of clinical tests are usually used not to categorically make or exclude a diagnosis but to modify the pre-test probability in order to generate

the post-test probability.

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 8
4 out of 4 points

If the posttest odds equals 4, then the posttest probability will be

Answer Selected Answer: e. 80% e. 80%

Correct Answer:

Question 9
4 out of 4 points

Gold Standard Disease No disease New Test Positive Negative Total Total 120 80 200

90 10 100

30 70 100

The prevalence of the disease is Answer Selected Answer: c. 50% c.

Correct Answer:


Question 10
4 out of 4 points

In a particular diagnostic testing the true positives or false negatives were 10 and the true negatives or false positives were 20. The positive predictive value of the test =
Answer Selected Answer: b. 33% Correct Answer: b. 33%

Question 11
4 out of 4 points

The more sensitive a test is, the lower will be its specificity
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 12
4 out of 4 points Two tests are used in parallel with 60 and 80% sensitivities. If the two tests were completely independent of each other then the sensitivity of parallel testing would be Answer Selected Answer: d. 92% d. 92%

Correct Answer:

Question 13

0 out of 4 points All the following about sensitivity are true except Answer Selected Answer: c. A highly sensitive test is most helpful to the clinician when the test result is negative d. A highly sensitive test is most helpful to the clinician when the test result is positive

Correct Answer:

Question 14
4 out of 4 points

Likelihood ratio is clinically more useful than sensitivity or specificity.

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 15
4 out of 4 points The likelihood ratio for a particular value of a diagnostic test is defined as the Answer Selected Answer: b. probability of that test result in people with the disease divided by the probability of the result in people without disease b. probability of that test result in people with the disease divided by the probability of the result in people without disease

Correct Answer:

Question 16
0 out of 4 points A new diagnostic test was applied to 200 subjects (50% healthy). The test was positive for 95 subjects of whom five were healthy by the gold standard. The positive predictive value is

Answer Selected Answer: c. 50% a. 94.7%

Correct Answer:

Question 17
4 out of 4 points All the following about specificity are true except Answer Selected Answer: a. Specific tests are useful to rule out a diagnosis that has been suggested by other data a. Specific tests are useful to rule out a diagnosis that has been suggested by other data

Correct Answer:

Question 18
0 out of 4 points A new diagnostic test was applied to 200 subjects (50% healthy). The test was positive for 95 subjects of whom five were healthy by the gold standard. The negative predictive value is

Answer Selected Answer: d. 50% c. 90.5%

Correct Answer:

Question 19
4 out of 4 points

The sensitivity of Test A is 0.80 , and the specificity is 0.9. The LR+ of this test

is Answer Selected Answer: 8 Correct Answer: 8 d. d.

Question 20
4 out of 4 points It is desirable to have a test with Answer Selected Answer: c. high sensitivity & high specificity c. high sensitivity & high specificity

Correct Answer:

Question 21
4 out of 4 points

Serial testing maximizes

Answer Selected Answer: f.

b and c
Correct Answer: f.

b and c

Question 22
4 out of 4 points

The probability that a test result will be negative among patients without the disease .
Answer Selected Answer: a.

p(T-|D - )
Correct Answer: a.

p(T-|D - )

Question 23
0 out of 4 points The prevalence of the disease has an impact on Answer Selected Answer: b. sensitivity and positive predictive value d. positive predictive value and negative predictive value

Correct Answer:

Question 24
0 out of 4 points The probability of event divided by the probability of no event is called Answer Selected Answer: a. likelihood ratio c. odds

Correct Answer:

Question 25
4 out of 4 points Disease is less likely in the presence of an extremely abnormal test result than it is for a marginal one Answer Selected Answer: b. false b. false

Correct Answer:

Question 26
4 out of 4 points A psychiatrist devised a short screening test for depression. An independent blind comparison was made with a gold standard for diagnosis of depression among 200 psychiatric outpatients. Among the 50 outpatients found to be depressed according to the gold standard, 35 patients were positive for the test. Among 150 patients found not to be depressed according to the gold standard, 30 patients were found to be positive for the test. Corrected to the nearest decimal place: Answer Selected Answer: d. The negative predictive value was 88.9% d. The negative predictive value was 88.9%

Correct Answer:

Question 27
4 out of 4 points

New Test Positive Negative Total

Gold Standard Disease No disease 90 10 100 30 70 100

Total 120 80 200

The specificity of the new test is Answer Selected Answer: d. 70% d. 70%

Correct Answer:

Question 28
4 out of 4 points Posttest odds= Answer

Selected Answer: pretest odds x LR Correct Answer: pretest odds x LR

Question 29
0 out of 4 points Multiple tests in parallel generally Answer Selected Answer: b. increase the specificity and positive predictive value a. increase the sensitivity and negative predictive value

Correct Answer:

Question 30
4 out of 4 points

Specific tests are useful to rule out a diagnosis that has been suggested by other data
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 1
4 out of 4 points

The results of clinical tests are usually used not to categorically make or exclude a diagnosis but to modify the pre-test probability in order to generate the post-test probability.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 2

4 out of 4 points A new diagnostic test was applied to 200 subjects (50% healthy). The test was positive for 95 subjects of whom five were healthy by the gold standard. The positive predictive value is

Answer Selected Answer: a. 94.7% a. 94.7%

Correct Answer:

Question 3
4 out of 4 points

The sensitivity and specificity of a test cannot be used to estimate probability of disease in individual patients.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 4
0 out of 4 points A test's negative likelihood ratio is calculated when the test result is negative Answer Selected Answer: b. false a. true

Correct Answer:

Question 5
4 out of 4 points Posttest Odds = Answer

Selected Answer:

b. Pretest Odds x Likelihood ratio b. Pretest Odds x Likelihood ratio

Correct Answer:

Question 6
0 out of 4 points A new diagnostic test was applied to 200 subjects (50% healthy). The test was positive for 95 subjects of whom five were healthy by the gold standard. The Prevalence of the disease is

Answer Selected Answer: d. 90.5% e. 50%

Correct Answer:

Question 7
4 out of 4 points

The probability that a patient does not have the disease given a negative test result.
Answer Selected Answer: e.

p(D - |T - )
Correct Answer: e.

p(D - |T - )

Question 8
0 out of 4 points A new diagnostic test was applied to 200 subjects (50% healthy). The test was positive for 95 subjects of whom five were healthy by the gold standard. The sensitivity is

Answer Selected Answer: b. 95% e. 90%

Correct Answer:

Question 9
0 out of 4 points

Compared to whites of Norwegian descent, a test for sickle cell among African American would have higher
Answer Selected Answer: b.

Correct Answer: a.

positive predictive value

Question 10
4 out of 4 points

A false negative results when a test indicates a positive status when the true status is negative
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 11
0 out of 4 points

The physician's estimate of the patient's likelihood of having the disease before a diagnostic test is performed.
Answer Selected Answer: c.

pretest odds

Correct Answer:


a and b

Question 12
4 out of 4 points

Serial testing maximizes

Answer Selected Answer: f.

b and c
Correct Answer: f.

b and c

Question 13
4 out of 4 points The prevalence of the disease has an impact on Answer Selected Answer: d. positive predictive value and negative predictive value d. positive predictive value and negative predictive value

Correct Answer:

Question 14
4 out of 4 points

New Test Positive Negative Total

LR+ = Answer

Gold Standard Disease No disease 90 10 100 30 70 100

Total 120 80 200

Selected Answer:

d. 90/30 d. 90/30

Correct Answer:

Question 15
4 out of 4 points All the followings are false except Answer Selected Answer: c. The more sensitive a test is, the better will be its negative predictive value c. The more sensitive a test is, the better will be its negative predictive value

Correct Answer:

Question 16
4 out of 4 points

Gold Standard Disease No disease New Test Positive Negative Total Total 120 80 200

90 10 100

30 70 100

The prevalence of the disease is Answer Selected Answer: a. 50%

Correct Answer:

a. 50%

Question 17
4 out of 4 points It is desirable to have a test with Answer Selected Answer: c. high sensitivity & high specificity c. high sensitivity & high specificity

Correct Answer:

Question 18
4 out of 4 points

New Test Positive Negative Total

Gold Standard Disease No disease 90 10 100 30 70 100

Total 120 80 200

The specificity of the new test is Answer Selected Answer: a. 70% a. 70%

Correct Answer:

Question 19
4 out of 4 points

In a particular diagnostic testing the true positives or false negatives were 10 and the true negatives or false positives were 20. The positive predictive value of the test =

Answer Selected Answer: c. 33% Correct Answer: c. 33%

Question 20
0 out of 4 points

The probability that a test result will be positive among patients with the disease.
Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: d.


Question 21
0 out of 4 points

The likelihood ratio for a particular test is 4 and the pretest probability of the disease is 20%. The posttest odds=
Answer Selected Answer: e. 0.25 c. 1

Correct Answer:

Question 22
4 out of 4 points

A test with 80% sensitivity and 90% specificity was applied to a population with 20% prevalence of a particular disease. The positive negative value was 94%. If the test is applied to another a population with 30% prevalence, the

specificity will be
Answer Selected Answer: e.

Correct Answer: e.


Question 23
4 out of 4 points

The probability that a test result will be negative among patients without the disease .
Answer Selected Answer: c.

p(T-|D - )
Correct Answer: c.

p(T-|D - )

Question 24
0 out of 4 points

In a particular diagnostic testing the true positives or false negatives were 10 and the true negatives or false positives were 20. The negative predictive value of the test =
Answer Selected Answer: b. 67% d. 33%

Correct Answer:

Question 25
0 out of 4 points The area under the ROC curve (AUC) is calculated for five selected diagnostic tests as follows: A(.6), B(.72), C(.82), D(.79), E(.87). Based on AUC, the best test is Answer

Selected Answer: C Correct Answer: E



Question 26
0 out of 4 points A psychiatrist devised a short screening test for depression. An independent blind comparison was made with a gold standard for diagnosis of depression among 200 psychiatric outpatients. Among the 50 outpatients found to be depressed according to the gold standard, 35 patients were positive for the test. Among 150 patients found not to be depressed according to the gold standard, 30 patients were found to be positive for the test. Corrected to the nearest decimal place: Answer Selected Answer: b. The specificity was 88.9% d. The negative predictive value was 88.9%

Correct Answer:

Question 27
4 out of 4 points

Gold Standard Disease No disease New Test Positive Negative Total Total 120 80 200

90 10 100

30 70 100

The positive predictive value of the test is Answer

Selected Answer:

b. 75% b. 75%

Correct Answer:

Question 28
4 out of 4 points The likelihood ratio for a particular value of a diagnostic test is defined as the Answer Selected Answer: b. probability of that test result in people with the disease divided by the probability of the result in people without disease b. probability of that test result in people with the disease divided by the probability of the result in people without disease

Correct Answer:

Question 29
4 out of 4 points

In a particular diagnostic testing the true positives or false negatives were 10 and the true negatives or false positives were 20. The sensitivity of the test =
Answer Selected Answer: d. 50% d. 50%

Correct Answer:

Question 30
4 out of 4 points The probability of event divided by the probability of no event is called Answer Selected Answer: c. odds

Correct Answer:

c. odds

Sunday, February 3, 2013 5:25:38 PM EST

Question 1
4 out of 4 points A psychiatrist devised a short screening test for depression. An independent blind comparison was made with a gold standard for diagnosis of depression among 200 psychiatric outpatients. Among the 50 outpatients found to be depressed according to the gold standard, 35 patients were positive for the test. Among 150 patients found not to be depressed according to the gold standard, 30 patients were found to be positive for the test. Corrected to the nearest decimal place: Answer Selected Answer: d. The negative predictive value was 88.9% d. The negative predictive value was 88.9%

Correct Answer:

Question 2
4 out of 4 points

The likelihood ratio for a particular test is 4 and the pretest probability of the disease is 20%. The posttest odds=
Answer Selected Answer: 1 Correct Answer: 1 d. d.

Question 3
4 out of 4 points

If the posttest odds equals 4, then the posttest probability will be

Answer Selected Answer: e.

80% Correct Answer: e. 80%

Question 4
4 out of 4 points

A test with 80% sensitivity and 90% specificity was applied to a population with 20% prevalence of a particular disease. The positive negative value was 94%. If the test is applied to another a population with 30% prevalence, the specificity will be
Answer Selected Answer: e.

Correct Answer: e.


Question 5
4 out of 4 points

The more sensitive a test is, the higher will be its false negative rate
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 6
0 out of 4 points

Gold Standard Disease No disease

New Test Positive Negative Total

The false positive rate = Answer Selected Answer: a. 90% b. 30%

90 10 100

30 70 100

Total 120 80 200

Correct Answer:

Question 7
0 out of 4 points To evaluate the performance of a new diagnostic test, the developer checks it out on 100 known cases of the disease for which the test was designed, and on 200 controls known to be free of the disease. Ninety of the cases yield positive tests, as do 30 of the controls. Based on these data, the specificity and false positive error rates of the test are, respectively, Answer Selected Answer: a. 75% and 10% c. 85% and 15%

Correct Answer:

Question 8
4 out of 4 points

Specific tests are useful to rule out a diagnosis that has been suggested by other data
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 9
4 out of 4 points

Serial testing maximizes

Answer Selected Answer: f.

b and c
Correct Answer: f.

b and c

Question 10
4 out of 4 points

The sensitivity of Test A is 0.80 , and the specificity is 0.9. The LR+ of this test
is Answer Selected Answer: 8 Correct Answer: 8 d. d.

Question 11
0 out of 4 points

A highly sensitive test is most helpful to the clinician when the test result is positive
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False

Question 12
4 out of 4 points

New Test Positive Negative

Gold Standard Disease No disease 90 10 30 70

Total 120 80

The sensitivity of the test is Answer Selected Answer: d. 90% d. 90%




Correct Answer:

Question 13
4 out of 4 points

If the pretest probability equals 60%, then the pretest odds will be
Answer Selected Answer: 1.5 Correct Answer: 1.5 b. b.

Question 14
4 out of 4 points A new diagnostic test was applied to 200 subjects (50% healthy). The test was positive for 95 subjects of whom five were healthy by the gold standard. The specificity is

Answer Selected Answer: a. 95% a. 95%

Correct Answer:

Question 15
0 out of 4 points

A new diagnostic test was applied to 200 subjects (50% healthy). The test was positive for 95 subjects of whom five were healthy by the gold standard. The sensitivity is

Answer Selected Answer: b. 95% e. 90%

Correct Answer:

Question 16
4 out of 4 points Multiple tests in parallel generally increase the sensitivity and negative predictive value Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 17
0 out of 4 points A clinician uses the combination of multiple tests to arrive at a diagnosis. The results of the combined testing from history, physical examination, and laboratory tests are used to make a diagnosis. The resulting test combinations are called Answer Selected Answer: c. receiver operator characteristic curve a. clinical prediction rules

Correct Answer:

Question 18
0 out of 4 points

In a particular diagnostic testing the true positives or false negatives were 10 and the true negatives or false positives were 20. The likelihood ratio of the test =

Selected Answer: 2 Correct Answer: 1



Question 19
4 out of 4 points ROC curve is constructed by plotting Answer Selected Answer: c. true positive rate against false-positive rate c. true positive rate against false-positive rate

Correct Answer:

Question 20
4 out of 4 points

The sensitivity and specificity of a test cannot be used to estimate probability of disease in individual patients.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 21
0 out of 4 points When multiple tests are used, the accuracy of the final result depends on whether the additional information contributed by each test is dependent on that already available from the preceding ones. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False

Question 22

4 out of 4 points

In a particular diagnostic testing the true positives or false negatives were 10 and the true negatives or false positives were 20. The negative predictive value of the test =
Answer Selected Answer: e. 33% e. 33%

Correct Answer:

Question 23
4 out of 4 points All the following points about the ROC curve are true except Answer Selected Answer: e. The closer the curve follows the left-hand border and then the top border of the ROC space, the less accurate the test e. The closer the curve follows the left-hand border and then the top border of the ROC space, the less accurate the test

Correct Answer:

Question 24
4 out of 4 points

The more sensitive a test is, the lower will be its specificity
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 25
4 out of 4 points The likelihood ratio for a particular value of a diagnostic test is defined as the Answer

Selected Answer:

b. probability of that test result in people with the disease divided by the probability of the result in people without disease b. probability of that test result in people with the disease divided by the probability of the result in people without disease

Correct Answer:

Question 26
4 out of 4 points All the following about specificity are true except Answer Selected Answer: a. Specific tests are useful to rule out a diagnosis that has been suggested by other data a. Specific tests are useful to rule out a diagnosis that has been suggested by other data

Correct Answer:

Question 27
4 out of 4 points The prevalence of the disease has an impact on Answer Selected Answer: d. positive predictive value and negative predictive value d. positive predictive value and negative predictive value

Correct Answer:

Question 28
0 out of 4 points

The more specific a test is, the better will be its negative predictive value
Answer Selected Answer: True

Correct Answer:


Question 29
4 out of 4 points Posttest Odds = Answer Selected Answer: b. Pretest Odds x Likelihood ratio b. Pretest Odds x Likelihood ratio

Correct Answer:

Question 30
4 out of 4 points

Likelihood ratio is clinically more useful than sensitivity or specificity.

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 1
4 out of 4 points

If treatment B results in a 1% mortality and the placebo control group has a mortality of 2%, then the relative improvement in mortality is
Answer Selected Answer: B. 50% B. 50%

Correct Answer:

Question 2
4 out of 4 points

A mean difference between groups that is higher than the MID can be considered as
Answer Selected Answer: d.

clinically relevant
Correct Answer: d.

clinically relevant

Question 3
4 out of 4 points

Effect size as a measure of clinical relevance can be used in

Answer Selected Answer: d.

all of the above

Correct Answer: d.

all of the above

Question 4
4 out of 4 points

The smallest difference in score in the domain of interest that patients perceive as important, either beneficial or harmful, and which would lead the clinician to consider a change in the patients management
Answer Selected Answer: d.

Minimal important difference

Correct Answer: d.

Minimal important difference

Question 5
4 out of 4 points Absolute risk and relative risk are used as a proxy for Answer Selected Answer: b. clinical significance b. clinical significance

Correct Answer:

Question 6
4 out of 4 points Clinical significance is defined as Answer Selected Answer: c. the practical value of a treatment effect c. the practical value of a treatment effect

Correct Answer:

Question 7
0 out of 4 points

Even though the difference between groups is small to be considered clinically important, a statistical difference between groups could be found if

Selected Answer:


all of the above

Correct Answer: e.

a and b

Question 8
0 out of 4 points

Evidence-Based Medicine is a cookbook medicine and is another way of implementing treatment guidelines.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False

Question 9
4 out of 4 points Determining success or failure of a treatment or preventive agent depends on Answer Selected Answer: e. all of the above e. all of the above

Correct Answer:

Question 10
0 out of 4 points A challenging issue in clinical research arises when Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: d. statistically significant results are small and clinically not relevant b. statistically non-significant results are large enough to be clinically relevant

Question 11
0 out of 4 points

Example of Anchor-based methods in the assessment of clinical relevance

Answer Selected Answer: d.

clients perspective
Correct Answer: c.

calculation of the effect size

Question 12
4 out of 4 points

The rates of remission of a major depressive episode at 6 weeks for drug A and drug B were 29.5% and 31.5%. Therefore, the number needed to treat is

Answer Selected Answer: 50 Correct Answer: 50 a. a.

Question 13
4 out of 4 points If a p value > 0.05 is found, investigators must conclude that there is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis". Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 14

4 out of 4 points Large studies may show statistically significant findings that are not clinically significant Answer Selected Answer: true Correct Answer: true a. a.

Question 15
0 out of 4 points

In Bayesian interpretation, a 95% CI indicates that if the same study was repeated many times, 95% of CI would include the true treatment effect.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False

Question 16
4 out of 4 points

In the setting of a relatively safe treatment with no alternative treatment options, the seriousness of type I error is relatively small, whereas the seriousness of type II error is relatively large.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 17
4 out of 4 points Positive conclusions should be based on Answer Selected Answer: c. both a & b

Correct Answer:

c. both a & b

Question 18
0 out of 4 points

The level of acceptable error ( error) usually is set at

Answer Selected Answer: 5% Correct Answer: D. 20% A.

Question 19
4 out of 4 points Small studies may show clinically important findings that are not statistically significant Answer Selected Answer: true Correct Answer: true a. a.

Question 20
4 out of 4 points

If treatment A is associated with a 25% mortality and the placebo control group has a mortality of 50%, then the relative improvement in mortality is
Answer Selected Answer: A. 50% A. 50%

Correct Answer:

Question 21
4 out of 4 points

The magnitude of the effect size has been interpreted as an index of

Answer Selected Answer: e.

clinical relevance
Correct Answer: e.

clinical relevance

Question 22
4 out of 4 points

It is possible to have
Answer Selected Answer: e.

all of the above

Correct Answer: e.

all of the above

Question 23
4 out of 4 points A simplified but common interpretation of the p-value is that it is the probability that Answer Selected Answer: a. the null hypothesis is true a. the null hypothesis is true

Correct Answer:

Question 24
0 out of 4 points p value depends on Answer

Selected Answer:

e. a & c only d. all of the above

Correct Answer:

Question 25
4 out of 4 points Authors of RCTs usually report statistically significant differences between groups, and conclusions are often based on this statistical significance. If P < 0.05, the conclusion is usually that the intervention is Answer Selected Answer: d. more effective than the comparison d. more effective than the comparison

Correct Answer:

Question 26
4 out of 4 points The choice of the correct statistical test depends on Answer Selected Answer: d. all of the above d. all of the above

Correct Answer:

Question 27
4 out of 4 points

The degree to which the phenomenon is present in the population is defined as

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Effect size
Correct Answer: a.

Effect size

Question 28
4 out of 4 points The definition of clinical significance depends on the Answer Selected Answer: e. all of the above e. all of the above

Correct Answer:

Question 29
4 out of 4 points

Clinical relevance (also called clinical significance) assessment indicates whether the results are meaningful or not.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 30
4 out of 4 points The number needed to treat (NNT) is used as a proxy for Answer Selected Answer: a. clinical significance a. clinical significance

Correct Answer:

Question 1
4 out of 4 points The choice of the correct statistical test depends on

Answer Selected Answer: d. all of the above d. all of the above

Correct Answer:

Question 2
4 out of 4 points Determining success or failure of a treatment or preventive agent depends on Answer Selected Answer: e. all of the above e. all of the above

Correct Answer:

Question 3
4 out of 4 points All the followings are true except Answer Selected Answer: b. Results of large studies are subject to more random error in comparison to small studies b. Results of large studies are subject to more random error in comparison to small studies

Correct Answer:

Question 4
4 out of 4 points Absolute risk and relative risk are used as a proxy for Answer Selected Answer: b. clinical significance

Correct Answer:

b. clinical significance

Question 5
0 out of 4 points

When we see p < 0.05 in a paper what is it telling us?

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: b.

The probability that this result is false is less than 5%.


If there truly was no effect then one would expect to see a result like this less than 5% of the time.

Question 6
4 out of 4 points

If treatment A is associated with a 25% mortality and the placebo control group has a mortality of 50%, then the relative improvement in mortality is
Answer Selected Answer: A. 50% A. 50%

Correct Answer:

Question 7
4 out of 4 points

The level of acceptable error ( error) usually is set at

Answer Selected Answer: D. 20% D. 20%

Correct Answer:

Question 8
4 out of 4 points

All the following are examples of distribution-based methods to evaluate clinical relevance except
Answer Selected Answer: c.

clients perspective
Correct Answer: c.

clients perspective

Question 9
4 out of 4 points Findings that are novel or have clinical values are referred to in the biomedical literature as Answer Selected Answer: e. all of the above e. all of the above

Correct Answer:

Question 10
4 out of 4 points

The probability of finding a statistically significant difference between treatment groups in which the actual difference in means is at least as large as the predetermined clinically relevant effect size.
Answer Selected Answer: C. power C. power

Correct Answer:

Question 11
4 out of 4 points

The smaller the effect size, the lower the degree to which the phenomenon under study is manifested.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 12
4 out of 4 points The P value indicates if the effect is clinically important Answer Selected Answer: a. false a. false

Correct Answer:

Question 13
4 out of 4 points A meta-analysis may resolve the problem of underpowered studies. If findings are statistically significant but not clinically important, ameta-analysis will change the conclusions. Answer Selected Answer: b. false b. false

Correct Answer:

Question 14
0 out of 4 points The P value is not very informative and only indicates the chance of the observed effect, not considering its size Answer Selected Answer: a. false b.

Correct Answer:


Question 15
4 out of 4 points If a p value > 0.05 is found, investigators must conclude that there is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis". Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 16
4 out of 4 points

If treatment B results in a 1% mortality and the placebo control group has a mortality of 2%, then the relative improvement in mortality is
Answer Selected Answer: B. 50% B. 50%

Correct Answer:

Question 17
4 out of 4 points A confidence interval gives an estimated range of values for the variable of interest Answer Selected Answer: true Correct Answer: true a. a.

Question 18
4 out of 4 points

A p value is the probability that one would observe an effect (test statistic) as extreme or more extreme than the one observed if the null hypothesis were true.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 19
4 out of 4 points

It is possible to have
Answer Selected Answer: e.

all of the above

Correct Answer: e.

all of the above

Question 20
4 out of 4 points

NNT is completely dependent on the statistical significance or the P-value.

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 21
4 out of 4 points Positive conclusions should be based on Answer Selected Answer: c. both a & b c. both a & b

Correct Answer:

Question 22
4 out of 4 points The number needed to treat (NNT) is used as a proxy for Answer Selected Answer: a. clinical significance a. clinical significance

Correct Answer:

Question 23
4 out of 4 points

Example of Anchor-based methods in the assessment of clinical relevance

Answer Selected Answer: b.

calculation of the effect size

Correct Answer: b.

calculation of the effect size

Question 24
4 out of 4 points

Information regarding the magnitude of association between variables as well as the size of the difference between groups can be obtained using
Answer Selected Answer: e.

Effect size
Correct Answer: e.

Effect size

Question 25
4 out of 4 points The 95% CI of an estimate is

Answer Selected Answer: c. the range within which we are 95% certain that the true population parameter will lie c. the range within which we are 95% certain that the true population parameter will lie

Correct Answer:

Question 26
0 out of 4 points

If the NNT were 2, it would mean with every ---- patients a difference in outcome would be seen.
Answer Selected Answer: c.

Correct Answer: e.

Question 27
0 out of 4 points

Frequentist analysis allows for the inclusion of previous knowledge into study analysis.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False

Question 28
4 out of 4 points

The principles of significance and power are derived from the school of statistical inference referred to as Bayesian statistics".

Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

False False

Question 29
4 out of 4 points

Even though the difference between groups is small to be considered clinically important, a statistical difference between groups could be found if
Answer Selected Answer: e.

a and b
Correct Answer: e.

a and b

Question 30
0 out of 4 points

The larger the effect size index, the smaller the difference between groups and the larger the clinical relevance of the results.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False

Saturday, January 26, 2013 11:43:00 PM EST

Question 1
4 out of 4 points The validity of a physical examination finding can be established by comparing it to the results of surgery or radiologic examination. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 2
0 out of 4 points All the following data are termed "soft data" except Answer Selected Answer: b. clinical performance data d. demographic data

Correct Answer:

Question 3
4 out of 4 points Data that are measured on interval scales are often presented as Answer Selected Answer: c. frequency distribution c. frequency distribution

Correct Answer:

Question 4
4 out of 4 points

We assess construct validity by seeing whether a particular measure relates as it should to other measures.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 5
4 out of 4 points

A patient is found to have a single serum cholesterol above 200 mg/dL, which is in the 65th percentile for adults in the United States and above a widely-accepted threshold for considering drug treatment. All of the followings are true except Answer Selected Answer: c. The patient should be treated based on the observation that her cholesterol is higher than her peers. c. The patient should be treated based on the observation that her cholesterol is higher than her peers.

Correct Answer:

Question 6
4 out of 4 points The degree to which a measurement truly measures what it purports to measure is Answer Selected Answer: b. validity b. validity

Correct Answer:

Question 7
0 out of 4 points The variability within subject is known as Answer Selected Answer: b. analytical variability c. biological variability

Correct Answer:

Question 8
4 out of 4 points

The extent to which a measure appears to measure what it is supposed to measure

Answer Selected Answer: c. face validity c. face validity

Correct Answer:

Question 9

0 out of 4 points The New York Heart Association scale is not sensitive to subtle changes in congestive heart failure, one that matter to patients. Therefore, this scale has limited Answer Selected Answer: c. interpretability b. responsiveness

Correct Answer:

Question 10
0 out of 4 points The reliability of laboratory measurements is established by showing that they are similarly described to different observers under different conditions. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False

Question 11
0 out of 4 points If a scale for measuring pain include questions about aching, throbbing, burning, and stinging but not about pressure, itching, nausea, and tingling, this scale would have Answer Selected Answer: b. criterion validity d. content validity

Correct Answer:

Question 12
4 out of 4 points In test-retest situations, regression to the mean refers to Answer Selected Answer: c. both a and b c. both a and b

Correct Answer:

Question 13

4 out of 4 points A scale based on questionnaire may have little intuitive meaning to clinicians and patients who do not use it regularly. This scale has low Answer Selected Answer: a. interpretability a. interpretability

Correct Answer:

Question 14
4 out of 4 points Consider a dataset that contains the birthweight of all children born in Ohio during the last 50 years. Assuming that this dataset is normally distributed, which of the following statements is correct? Answer Selected Answer: a. The mean, median, and mode share the same value a. The mean, median, and mode share the same value

Correct Answer:

Question 15
4 out of 4 points Only random error is introduced by measurement variation Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 16
0 out of 4 points The reliability of symptoms can be established by repeated measurement. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False

Question 17
0 out of 4 points All the followings are methods for assessing reliability except

Answer Selected Answer: b. split-half d. discriminant

Correct Answer:

Question 18
4 out of 4 points The extent to which a measure distinguishes participants on the basis of a particular behavioral criterion Answer Selected Answer: b. criterion validity b. criterion validity

Correct Answer:

Question 19
0 out of 4 points

Conceptually, it is the average consistency across all possible split-half reliabilities.

Answer Selected Answer: a. Significance level d. Cronbach's alpha

Correct Answer:

Question 20
0 out of 4 points Ordinal scale is appropriate to use for Answer Selected Answer: d. All of the above e. a and c only

Correct Answer:

Question 21
4 out of 4 points

Sometimes extreme values are actually beneficial. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 22
4 out of 4 points The reliability of any laboratory result is influenced by Answer Selected Answer: d. all of the above d. all of the above

Correct Answer:

Question 23
4 out of 4 points

Measures lacking face validity are not valid

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 24
4 out of 4 points To separate normal from abnormal, we need to take into consideration Answer Selected Answer: d. all of the above d. all of the above

Correct Answer:

Question 25
0 out of 4 points Observations that are close to the true are also Answer Selected Answer: b.

valid Correct Answer: d. all of the above

Question 26
0 out of 4 points Most biologic phenomena change from moment to moment. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False True

Question 27
0 out of 4 points If a scale measuring pain can predict mild pain from minor abrasion, moderate pain from ordinary headache, and severe pain from renal colic, this scale would have Answer Selected Answer: d. content validity b. criterion validity

Correct Answer:

Question 28
4 out of 4 points When it is not possible to verify measurement of a phenomenon, such as itching, by the physical senses, which of the followings can be said of its validity? Answer Selected Answer: c. It can be supported by showing that the measurement is related to other measures of phenomena such as the presence of diseases that are known to cause itching c. It can be supported by showing that the measurement is related to other measures of phenomena such as the presence of diseases that are known to cause itching

Correct Answer:

Question 29
0 out of 4 points

All the following are ordinal data except Answer Selected Answer: b. recording of leg edema c. demographics such as marital status

Correct Answer:

Question 30
4 out of 4 points Validity of a scale is either present or absent. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Sunday, January 20, 2013 5:30:59 PM EST

Question 1
0 out of 4 points All the following regarding criterion validity are true except: Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: [None Given] a.

Assessed by seeing whether a particular measure relates as it should to other measures.

Question 2
0 out of 4 points The Basic Activities of Daily Living scale that measure patients' ability in dressing, eating, walking, toileting and maintaining hygiene does not measure ability to read, write, or do other activities that might be very important to individual patients. Therefore, this scale has limited Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: [None Given] a. range

Question 3

0 out of 4 points A health practitioner encounters a dataset where diagnoses are coded with numbers. For example, pneumonia is coded with a '1', hypertension is coded with a '2', appendicitis is coded with a '3', and so on. Which of the following best describes the numerical component of this dataset? Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: [None Given] d. Nominal Scale

Question 4
0 out of 4 points

Face validity studies employ a reference standard (also called gold standard).
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: [None Given] False

Question 5
0 out of 4 points The validity of a physical examination finding can be established by comparing it to the results of surgery or radiologic examination. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: [None Given] True

Question 6
0 out of 4 points All the following statements are true except Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: [None Given] c. Blood pressure measurements are related to risk of disease with threshold dividing normal from increased risk.

Question 7
0 out of 4 points

Measurement of ejection fraction by echocardiography can detect changes so subtle that patients do not notice them. Therefore, this measure has high Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: [None Given] d. responsiveness

Question 8
0 out of 4 points The followings are consequences of measurement error except Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: [None Given] c. reduced significance level

Question 9
0 out of 4 points Criteria for abnormality Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: [None Given] d. all of the above

Question 10
0 out of 4 points The reliability of any laboratory result is influenced by Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: [None Given] d. all of the above

Question 11
0 out of 4 points All the followings are characteristics of medical measurements except Answer

Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] a. High validity (both internal and external)

Question 12
0 out of 4 points A statistical phenomenon that occurs when repeated measurements are made on the same subject or unit of observation. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: [None Given] d. Regression to the mean

Question 13
0 out of 4 points The variability within subject is known as Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: [None Given] c. biological variability

Question 14
0 out of 4 points The reliability of symptoms can be established by repeated measurement. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: [None Given] False

Question 15
0 out of 4 points In test-retest situations, regression to the mean refers to Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: [None Given] c.

both a and b

Question 16
0 out of 4 points Although clinical distributions often resemble a normal distribution the resemblance is superficial. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: [None Given] True

Question 17
0 out of 4 points The extent to which a measure distinguishes participants on the basis of a particular behavioral criterion Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: [None Given] b. criterion validity

Question 18
0 out of 4 points Systematic error, where the observed values are consistently biased, is not the cause of regression to the mean. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: [None Given] True

Question 19
0 out of 4 points "Abnormal" is commonly defined by Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: [None Given] e. A and B only

Question 20
0 out of 4 points

To have construct validity, a measure should

Answer Selected Answers: [None Given] Correct Answers: c. both a and b

Question 21
0 out of 4 points The shape of clinical distributions differ from one another mainly because of random variations. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: [None Given] False

Question 22
0 out of 4 points

A measure has face validity if

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: [None Given] b. people think it does

Question 23
0 out of 4 points All the followings are methods for assessing reliability except Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: [None Given] d. discriminant

Question 24
0 out of 4 points The reliability of laboratory measurements is established by showing that they are similarly described to different observers under different conditions. Answer

Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] False

Question 25
0 out of 4 points Observations that are close to the true are also Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: [None Given] d. all of the above

Question 26
0 out of 4 points Ordinal scale is appropriate to use for Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: [None Given] e. a and c only

Question 27
0 out of 4 points

The extent to which a measure appears to measure what it is supposed to measure

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: [None Given] c. face validity

Question 28
0 out of 4 points As the prevalence of disease rises with age, the number of people with unidentified abnormalities is also likely to decrease. Answer Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer:

b. false

Question 29
0 out of 4 points Regression to the mean is not restricted to distributions that are Normal, or even to distributions that are continuous. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: [None Given] True

Question 30
0 out of 4 points Consider a dataset that contains the birthweight of all children born in Ohio during the last 50 years. Assuming that this dataset is normally distributed, which of the following statements is correct? Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: [None Given] a. The mean, median, and mode share the same value

Question 1
0 out of 4 points All the following are nominal data except Answer Selected Answer: e. Hospital location as rural or urban c. Demographics such as socioeconomic status

Correct Answer:

Question 2
4 out of 4 points All the following are interval data except Answer Selected Answer: b. risk of birth defect from drug during pregnancy

Correct Answer:

b. risk of birth defect from drug during pregnancy

Question 3
4 out of 4 points Blood pressure is generally higher when people are Answer Selected Answer: e. a and b e. a and b

Correct Answer:

Question 4
4 out of 4 points Validity of a scale is either present or absent. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 5
4 out of 4 points Consider a dataset that contains the birthweight of all children born in Ohio during the last 50 years. Assuming that this dataset is normally distributed, which of the following statements is correct? Answer Selected Answer: a. The mean, median, and mode share the same value a. The mean, median, and mode share the same value

Correct Answer:

Question 6
4 out of 4 points Ordinal scale is appropriate to use for Answer Selected Answer: e. a and c only

Correct Answer:

e. a and c only

Question 7
4 out of 4 points The Basic Activities of Daily Living scale that measure patients' ability in dressing, eating, walking, toileting and maintaining hygiene does not measure ability to read, write, or do other activities that might be very important to individual patients. Therefore, this scale has limited Answer Selected Answer: a. range a. range

Correct Answer:

Question 8
4 out of 4 points In test-retest situations, regression to the mean refers to Answer Selected Answer: c. both a and b c. both a and b

Correct Answer:

Question 9
4 out of 4 points The reliability of symptoms can be established by repeated measurement. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 10
0 out of 4 points Hemoglobin values follow a positively skewed distribution Answer Selected Answer: True

Correct Answer:


Question 11
4 out of 4 points A randomized placebo controlled trial was carried out among subjects with mild hypertension. Among 1000 subjects allocated to active treatment there were 10 strokes. Among 1000 subjects allocated to placebo there were 20 strokes. What is the number needed to treat (NNT) to prevent a single stroke under the conditions of this trial? Answer Selected Answer: 100 Correct Answer: 100 e. e.

Question 12
0 out of 4 points Coefficient of Variation is basically the Answer Selected Answer: c. standard deviation multiplied by the mean e. standard deviation divided by the mean

Correct Answer:

Question 13
4 out of 4 points

A population having a specific disease will usually have an asymmetric distribution.

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 14
4 out of 4 points A physician or nurse measures a patient's heart rate by feeling the pulse for 10 seconds each time she comes to clinic. The rates might differ from visit to visit because of all of the followings except: Answer Selected Answer: a. The pulse rate varies among patients

Correct Answer:

a. The pulse rate varies among patients

Question 15
4 out of 4 points The reliability of any laboratory result is influenced by Answer Selected Answer: d. all of the above d. all of the above

Correct Answer:

Question 16
4 out of 4 points

Just because a measure has face validity does not ensure that it is a valid measure
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 17
4 out of 4 points Observations that are reproducible are also Answer Selected Answer: d. all of the above d. all of the above

Correct Answer:

Question 18
4 out of 4 points Systematic error, where the observed values are consistently biased, is not the cause of regression to the mean. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 19
4 out of 4 points All the followings are characteristics of medical measurements except Answer Selected Answer: a. High validity (both internal and external) a. High validity (both internal and external)

Correct Answer:

Question 20
4 out of 4 points The degree to which a measurement provides the same result each time it is performed on a given subject or specimen is Answer Selected Answer: a. reliability a. reliability

Correct Answer:

Question 21
4 out of 4 points Observations that are close to the true are also Answer Selected Answer: d. all of the above d. all of the above

Correct Answer:

Question 22
0 out of 4 points Regression to the mean happens because of a systematic variation in the observed values around a true mean. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False

Question 23

4 out of 4 points Sometimes extreme values are actually beneficial. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 24
4 out of 4 points If a scale measuring pain can predict mild pain from minor abrasion, moderate pain from ordinary headache, and severe pain from renal colic, this scale would have Answer Selected Answer: a. criterion validity a. criterion validity

Correct Answer:

Question 25
4 out of 4 points The absolute value of the average difference of individual values from the mean is called Answer Selected Answer: d. Standard deviation d. Standard deviation

Correct Answer:

Question 26
4 out of 4 points Only random error is introduced by measurement variation Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 27
4 out of 4 points

Conceptually, it is the average consistency across all possible split-half reliabilities.

Answer Selected Answer: d. Cronbach's alpha d. Cronbach's alpha

Correct Answer:

Question 28
4 out of 4 points Data that are measured on interval scales are often presented as Answer Selected Answer: c. frequency distribution c. frequency distribution

Correct Answer:

Question 29
4 out of 4 points A patient is found to have a single serum cholesterol above 200 mg/dL, which is in the 65th percentile for adults in the United States and above a widely-accepted threshold for considering drug treatment. All of the followings are true except Answer Selected Answer: c. The patient should be treated based on the observation that her cholesterol is higher than her peers. c. The patient should be treated based on the observation that her cholesterol is higher than her peers.

Correct Answer:

Question 30
4 out of 4 points The validity of a physical examination finding can be established by comparing it to the results of surgery or radiologic examination. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 1
4 out of 4 points Coefficient of Variation is basically the

Answer Selected Answer: e. standard deviation divided by the mean e. standard deviation divided by the mean

Correct Answer:

Question 2
0 out of 4 points All the followings are true except Answer Selected Answer: b. The normal distribution is unimodal and symmetrical d. The normal distribution is the best basis for defining abnormal

Correct Answer:

Question 3
4 out of 4 points One common way of establishing a cutoff point between normal and abnormal is to agree, somewhat arbitrarily, that all values beyond ---- standard deviations from the mean are abnormal Answer Selected Answer: 2 Correct Answer: 2 b. b.

Question 4
4 out of 4 points All the followings are characteristics of medical measurements except Answer Selected Answer: a. High validity (both internal and external) a. High validity (both internal and external)

Correct Answer:

Question 5
4 out of 4 points

All the followings are methods for assessing reliability except Answer Selected Answer: d. discriminant d. discriminant

Correct Answer:

Question 6
0 out of 4 points The reliability of symptoms can be established by repeated measurement. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False

Question 7
0 out of 4 points

Just because a measure has face validity does not ensure that it is a valid measure
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False True

Question 8
0 out of 4 points Some clinical measurements such as pain, nausea, dyspnea, depression, and fear cannot be verified physically. In patient care, information about these phenomena is usually obtained informally by Answer Selected Answer: e. all of the above c. taking a history

Correct Answer:

Question 9
4 out of 4 points A statistical phenomenon that occurs when repeated measurements are made on the same subject or unit of observation. Answer

Selected Answer:

a. Regression to the mean a. Regression to the mean

Correct Answer:

Question 10
4 out of 4 points All the following assertions about regression to the mean phenomenon are true except Answer Selected Answer: a. The more extreme the initial reading is, the more likely it is to be normal when repeated a. The more extreme the initial reading is, the more likely it is to be normal when repeated

Correct Answer:

Question 11
4 out of 4 points A scale based on questionnaire may have little intuitive meaning to clinicians and patients who do not use it regularly. This scale has low Answer Selected Answer: a. interpretability a. interpretability

Correct Answer:

Question 12
4 out of 4 points As the prevalence of disease rises with age, the number of people with unidentified abnormalities is also likely to decrease. Answer Selected Answer: b. false b. false

Correct Answer:

Question 13
0 out of 4 points

Criteria for abnormality Answer Selected Answer: e. a and b only d. all of the above

Correct Answer:

Question 14
4 out of 4 points Data that are measured on interval scales are often presented as Answer Selected Answer: c. frequency distribution c. frequency distribution

Correct Answer:

Question 15
4 out of 4 points

Regression to the mean affects all fields of life science, when effects of an intervention have to be evaluated in an uncontrolled longitudinal setting.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 16
0 out of 4 points The Basic Activities of Daily Living scale that measure patients' ability in dressing, eating, walking, toileting and maintaining hygiene does not measure ability to read, write, or do other activities that might be very important to individual patients. Therefore, this scale has limited Answer Selected Answer: a. responsiveness b. range

Correct Answer:

Question 17
4 out of 4 points

Whether the measurement is consistent with other measurements of the same phenomenon is known as Answer Selected Answer: a. construct validity a. construct validity

Correct Answer:

Question 18
4 out of 4 points All the following statements are true except Answer Selected Answer: e. Blood pressure measurements are related to risk of disease with threshold dividing normal from increased risk. e. Blood pressure measurements are related to risk of disease with threshold dividing normal from increased risk.

Correct Answer:

Question 19
4 out of 4 points Observations that are thought to be normal are usually described as Answer Selected Answer: d. all of the above d. all of the above

Correct Answer:

Question 20
4 out of 4 points The degree to which a measurement provides the same result each time it is performed on a given subject or specimen is Answer Selected Answer: a. reliability a. reliability

Correct Answer:

Question 21

4 out of 4 points The reliability of any laboratory result is influenced by Answer Selected Answer: d. all of the above d. all of the above

Correct Answer:

Question 22
4 out of 4 points The followings are consequences of measurement error except Answer Selected Answer: c. reduced significance level c. reduced significance level

Correct Answer:

Question 23
4 out of 4 points The distribution of values for many laboratory tests changes with Answer Selected Answer: d. all of the above d. all of the above

Correct Answer:

Question 24
4 out of 4 points Validity of a scale is either present or absent. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 25
4 out of 4 points

Regression towards the mean occurs whenever we select an extreme group based on one variable and then measure another variable for that group. Answer Selected Answer: true Correct Answer: true a. a.

Question 26
0 out of 4 points

To compare different sets of observations relative to their means, you should use
Answer Selected Answer: a. standard deviation c. coefficient of variation

Correct Answer:

Question 27
4 out of 4 points In test-retest situations, regression to the mean refers to Answer Selected Answer: c. both a and b c. both a and b

Correct Answer:

Question 28
4 out of 4 points The absolute value of the average difference of individual values from the mean is called Answer Selected Answer: d. Standard deviation d. Standard deviation

Correct Answer:

Question 29

4 out of 4 points Regression to the mean happens because of a systematic variation in the observed values around a true mean. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 30
4 out of 4 points Only random error is introduced by measurement variation Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 1
4 out of 4 points

To compare different sets of observations relative to their means, you should use
Answer Selected Answer: c. coefficient of variation c. coefficient of variation

Correct Answer:

Question 2
4 out of 4 points Hemoglobin values follow a positively skewed distribution Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 3
4 out of 4 points Only random error is introduced by measurement variation Answer Selected Answer: False

Correct Answer:


Question 4
4 out of 4 points Sometimes extreme values are actually beneficial. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 5
4 out of 4 points The New York Heart Association scale is not sensitive to subtle changes in congestive heart failure, one that matter to patients. Therefore, this scale has limited Answer Selected Answer: b. responsiveness b. responsiveness

Correct Answer:

Question 6
4 out of 4 points Measurement of ejection fraction by echocardiography can detect changes so subtle that patients do not notice them. Therefore, this measure has high Answer Selected Answer: d. responsiveness d. responsiveness

Correct Answer:

Question 7
4 out of 4 points

Just because a measure has face validity does not ensure that it is a valid measure
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 8
4 out of 4 points Observations that are close to the true are also Answer Selected Answer: d. all of the above d. all of the above

Correct Answer:

Question 9
0 out of 4 points A strong relationship exists beween the degree of statistical unusualness and clinical disease. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False

Question 10
4 out of 4 points The reliability of any laboratory result is influenced by Answer Selected Answer: d. all of the above d. all of the above

Correct Answer:

Question 11
4 out of 4 points Systematic error, where the observed values are consistently biased, is not the cause of regression to the mean. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 12
4 out of 4 points

All the followings are methods for assessing reliability except Answer Selected Answer: d. discriminant d. discriminant

Correct Answer:

Question 13
0 out of 4 points When comparing multiple markers for the same outcome, the marker with the lowest biological variation is most beneficial Answer Selected Answer: b. false a. true

Correct Answer:

Question 14
4 out of 4 points

We assess construct validity by seeing whether a particular measure relates as it should to other measures.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 15
4 out of 4 points The Basic Activities of Daily Living scale that measure patients' ability in dressing, eating, walking, toileting and maintaining hygiene does not measure ability to read, write, or do other activities that might be very important to individual patients. Therefore, this scale has limited Answer Selected Answer: c. range c. range

Correct Answer:

Question 16

4 out of 4 points Data that are measured on interval scales are often presented as Answer Selected Answer: c. frequency distribution c. frequency distribution

Correct Answer:

Question 17
4 out of 4 points A statistical phenomenon that occurs when repeated measurements are made on the same subject or unit of observation. Answer Selected Answer: a. Regression to the mean a. Regression to the mean

Correct Answer:

Question 18
4 out of 4 points

Regression to the mean affects all fields of life science, when effects of an intervention have to be evaluated in an uncontrolled longitudinal setting.
Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 19
4 out of 4 points

Conceptually, it is the average consistency across all possible split-half reliabilities.

Answer Selected Answer: d. Cronbach's alpha d. Cronbach's alpha

Correct Answer:

Question 20

4 out of 4 points Although clinical distributions often resemble a normal distribution the resemblance is superficial. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 21
4 out of 4 points The followings are consequences of measurement error except Answer Selected Answer: c. reduced significance level c. reduced significance level

Correct Answer:

Question 22
4 out of 4 points All the following statements are true except Answer Selected Answer: d. Blood pressure measurements are related to risk of disease with threshold dividing normal from increased risk. d. Blood pressure measurements are related to risk of disease with threshold dividing normal from increased risk.

Correct Answer:

Question 23
4 out of 4 points The distribution of values for many laboratory tests changes with Answer Selected Answer: d. all of the above d. all of the above

Correct Answer:

Question 24

4 out of 4 points All the followings are characteristics of medical measurements except Answer Selected Answer: a. High validity (both internal and external) a. High validity (both internal and external)

Correct Answer:

Question 25
4 out of 4 points

To have construct validity, a measure should

Answer Selected Answers: c. both a and b

Correct Answers:

c. both a and b

Question 26
4 out of 4 points The reliability of symptoms can be established by repeated measurement. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 27
4 out of 4 points Overall variation is the sum of variation related to Answer Selected Answer: a. all of the above a. all of the above

Correct Answer:

Question 28

0 out of 4 points Most biologic measurements are normally distributed. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False

Question 29
4 out of 4 points Criteria for abnormality Answer Selected Answer: d. all of the above d. all of the above

Correct Answer:

Question 30
4 out of 4 points Some clinical measurements such as pain, nausea, dyspnea, depression, and fear cannot be verified physically. In patient care, information about these phenomena is usually obtained informally by Answer Selected Answer: c. taking a history c. taking a history

Correct Answer:

Question 1
4 out of 4 points The biggest threat to validity in a clinical trial comparing two types of treatment therapy is Answer Selected Answer: e. selection bias e. selection bias

Correct Answer:

Question 2
0 out of 4 points In contrast to random error, which diminishes as sample size increases, systematic error Answer Selected Answer: c. increases as sample size increases a. is independent of the size of the study population

Correct Answer:

Question 3
4 out of 4 points The degree to which the results of an observation hold true in other settings is Answer Selected Answer: d. generalizability d. generalizability

Correct Answer:

Question 4
4 out of 4 points

All systematic errors can be controlled in the phase corresponding to analysis of the results.

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 5
0 out of 4 points Which of the following is true? Answer Selected Answer: b. A study can be externally valid but not internally valid a. A study can be internally valid but not externally valid

Correct Answer:

Question 6
4 out of 4 points

When the magnitude of the bias is related to exposure to the study factor on the part of the subject or the condition of his or her disease.
Answer Selected Answer: a.

Differential information bias

Correct Answer: a.

Differential information bias

Question 7
4 out of 4 points The attribute of patients and clinical events are called Answer Selected Answer: a. variables a. variables

Correct Answer:

Question 8
4 out of 4 points All the following methods for controlling a confounding factor are applicable at the stage of study design except: Answer Selected Answer: c. stratification c. stratification

Correct Answer:

Question 9
0 out of 4 points A sophisticated statistical method available to adjust simultaneously for various confounding factors Answer Selected Answer: d. stratification b. regression modelling

Correct Answer:

Question 10
0 out of 4 points

A failure to secure the participation of all the selected sample units

Answer Selected Answer: a.

Neyman bias
Correct Answer: c.

Non-response bias

Question 11
0 out of 4 points

Random error
Answer Selected Answer: e.

Affects the accuracy of the measurements

Correct Answer: b.

Does not always occur in the same direction.

Question 12
0 out of 4 points The divergence of an observation on a sample from the true population value, due to chance alone, is called Answer Selected Answer: a. Systematic error b. Random variation

Correct Answer:

Question 13
0 out of 4 points

A confounding factor may or may not carry some causal relationship to the outcome.
Answer Selected Answer: B. false Correct Answer: true A.

Question 14
4 out of 4 points A variable is confounded if it is directly along the path from cause to effect.

Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False

Question 15
4 out of 4 points Cronbach coefficient is used to assess Answer Selected Answer: c. internal consistency c. internal consistency

Correct Answer:

Question 16
0 out of 4 points All the following disorders or disabilities are associated with confounding by indication except: Answer Selected Answer: c. ADL d. Vigorous exercise

Correct Answer:

Question 17
0 out of 4 points The effects of bias and chance are Answer Selected Answer: a. Mutually exclusive c. Cumulative

Correct Answer:

Question 18
0 out of 4 points The degree to which the results of a study are correct for the sample of patients being studied is called Answer Selected Answer: a. test-retest reliability c. internal validity

Correct Answer:

Question 19
0 out of 4 points There are sharp distinctions among the biologic sciences (such as anatomy and physiology). Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False

Question 20
0 out of 4 points The clinical events of primary interest in clinical epidemiology are Answer Selected Answer: a. signs, symptoms, and admissions c. symptoms, disability, and death

Correct Answer:

Question 21
4 out of 4 points A bias arises from the fact that those who take medication generally differ from those who do not under medical indication. These differences introduce a bias in the comparison. Answer

Selected Answer:

c. Confounding by indication c. Confounding by indication

Correct Answer:

Question 22
0 out of 4 points

An investigation in which one group of allergic children receives a new drug treatment and another receives the usual drug treatment. If the investigator is also the observer, he or she will tend to be more meticulous in evaluating the new drug treatment group than the other group, even if not deliberately so.
Answer Selected Answer: b.

confounding bias
Correct Answer: e.

none of the above

Question 23
0 out of 4 points The inclusion of a large number of subjects in a study Answer Selected Answer: d. Reduces information bias a. Allows precise risk estimates to be calculated

Correct Answer:

Question 24
4 out of 4 points Understanding the biology of disease is often not, in itself, a sound basis for prediction in intact humans. Answer Selected Answer: True

Correct Answer:


Question 25
4 out of 4 points Clinical outcomes, such as occurrence of disease, death, symptoms, or disability, can be counted and expressed as numbers. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 26
4 out of 4 points Good decisions depend on Answer Selected Answer: d. all of the above d. all of the above

Correct Answer:

Question 27
0 out of 4 points Which of the following is/are true? I. Bias results from systematic flaws in study design II. Bias results from systematic flaws in data collection III. Bias results from systematic flaws in the analysis or interpretation of results Answer Selected Answer: b. I and III only are true. a. I, II, and III are all true.

Correct Answer:

Question 28
4 out of 4 points

The gene for phenylketon uria is expressed only in children who ingest phenylalanine in their diet. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True

Question 29
4 out of 4 points Clinical epidemiology is the application of epidemiologic principles to problems encountered in clinical medicine. Answer Selected Answer: true Correct Answer: true a. a.

Question 30
0 out of 4 points Not all studies are generalizable to patients very much like the ones in the study. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False

Question 1
4 out of 4 points

The$generalizability$of$clinical$observations,$even$those$with$high$internal$ validity,$is$a$matter$of$personal$judgment$about$which$reasonable$people$ might$disagree.$ Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$

$True $True

Question 2

4 out of 4 points

Confounding bias is the only one of the three types of bias that can be controlled both in the study design phase and posteriorly in the analytical phase of an epidemiological study. Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$

$True $True

Question 3
0 out of 4 points

Different drug classes have been recommended in the control of hyperglycaemia and prevention of diabetes complications. To this end, diabetes is associated with multiple risk factors for complications and thus, subjects requiring drug treatment are often high risk individuals for hypertension, CVD, renal disease and cancer. Thus, drug use indication bias is a systematic error due to$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $$$$ Confounding$ $$$$
Selection bias

Question 4
0 out of 4 points

A$RCT$of$10,000$adults$was$conducted$to$determine$if$a$new$antiCplatelet$ medication$taken$with$aspirin$is$better$than$aspirin$taken$alone$in$ subjects$with$heart$disease.$The$outcome$of$interest$was$MI$(heart$attack).$ Select$the$best$answer:$ Answer$ Selected$ Answer: Correct$ $a.$$$ It$is$possible$that$confounding$by$the$new$antiCplatelet$ medication$could$occur. $b.$$$


It$is$possible$that$effect$modification$by$the$new$antiC platelet$medication$could$occur.

Question 5
4 out of 4 points

In$contrast$to$random$error,$which$diminishes$as$sample$size$increases,$ systematic$error$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $b.$$$ is$independent$of$the$size$of$the$study$population$ $b.$$$ is$independent$of$the$size$of$the$study$population$

Question 6
0 out of 4 points

All$the$followings$are$measurement$bias$except$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $e.$$$ Incomplete$recording $d.$$$ Selection$bias

Question 7
0 out of 4 points

The presence of systematic error affects Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $a.$$$ internal validity of the study $e.$$$ only a and b

Question 8
0 out of 4 points

Women with allergic children will remember better, or make a greater effort to remember, their eating habits during pregnancy than women with healthy children. This is an example of Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $e.$$$ none of the above $a.$$$ participant bias

Question 9
0 out of 4 points

In case-control study, admission rate bias can be avoided by selecting the controls from among people admitted to the hospital in the same period of time but due to other causes. Compared to cases, the probability of admission to hospital for diseases included as controls must be Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $c.$$$ Lower $d.$$$ Similar

Question 10
4 out of 4 points

All$the$following$disorders$or$disabilities$are$associated$with$confounding$ by$indication$except:$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $d.$$$ Vigorous$exercise$ $d.$$$ Vigorous$exercise$

Question 11
0 out of 4 points

A$modern$term$for$the$application$of$clinical$epidemiology$to$the$care$of$ patients$is$$ Answer$ Selected$Answers:$ $B.$$$ EvidenceCbased$medicine$$ $ $C.$$$ Clinical$medicine$$ $ $ $B.$$$ EvidenceCbased$medicine$$ $ $


Question 12
4 out of 4 points

Systematic error can be classified as Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $d.$$$ all of the above $d.$$$ all of the above

Question 13
0 out of 4 points

Histamine$is$a$mediator$of$inflammation$in$patients$with$allergic$rhinitis.$ Based$on$this$fact,$which$of$the$following$is$true?$ Answer$ Selected$ Answer: $a.$$$ Drugs$that$block$the$effects$of$histamines$will$relieve$ symptoms.

Correct$ Answer:

$c.$$$ Antihistamines$may$be$effective$and$their$effects$on$ symptoms$(such$as$itching,$sneezing$and$congestion)$ should$be$studied$in$patients$with$allergic$rhinitis.

Question 14
4 out of 4 points

The$effects$of$bias$and$chance$are$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $c.$$$ Cumulative $c.$$$ Cumulative

Question 15
4 out of 4 points

Understanding$the$biology$of$disease$is$often$not,$in$itself,$a$sound$basis$ for$prediction$in$intact$humans.$ Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$

$True $True

Question 16
4 out of 4 points

An investigation in which one group of allergic children receives a new drug treatment and another receives the usual drug treatment. If the investigator is also the observer, he or she will tend to be more meticulous in evaluating the new drug treatment group than the other group, even if not deliberately so. Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $e.$$$ none of the above $e.$$$

none of the above

Question 17
4 out of 4 points

Observation$about$disease$are$ordinarily$made$on$a$sample$of$patients$ because$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: $a.$$$

it is not possible to study all patients with the disease in question.


it is not possible to study all patients with the disease in question.

Question 18
0 out of 4 points

A$purported$cause$or$predictor$variable$is,$sometimes,$called$the$ dependent$variable.$ Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$

$True $False

Question 19
4 out of 4 points

Which$of$the$following$is$true?$ Answer$ Selected$ Answer: Correct$Answer: $a.$$$ A$study$can$be$internally$valid$but$not$externally$ valid $a.$$$ A$study$can$be$internally$valid$but$not$externally$ valid

Question 20
0 out of 4 points

Quantitative$decision$analysis$include$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $c.$$$ decision$analysis$ $e.$$$ a$$and$c$

Question 21
4 out of 4 points

A failure to secure the participation of all the selected sample units Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $c.$$$ Non-response bias $c.$$$ Non-response bias

Question 22
4 out of 4 points

All$the$followings$are$true$except$ Answer$ Selected$ Answer: Correct$ Answer: $a.$$$ Samples$of$populations$must$have$characteristics$that$are$ exactly$similar$to$the$parent$population$ $a.$$$ Samples$of$populations$must$have$characteristics$that$are$ exactly$similar$to$the$parent$population$

Question 23
4 out of 4 points

Bias occurs when the cases and/or controls are recruited from among hospitalized patients. Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $b.$$$ Berkson bias $b.$$$ Berkson bias

Question 24
4 out of 4 points

A type of bias occurs when we study a disease that causes early death, and at the start of the study the deceased individuals can no longer be included in the case group. Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $a.$$$ Neyman bias $a.$$$ Neyman bias

Question 25
0 out of 4 points

A$bias$arises$from$the$fact$that$those$who$take$medication$generally$differ$ from$those$who$do$not$under$medical$indication.$These$differences$ introduce$a$bias$in$the$comparison.$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $d.$$$ Medication$bias$ $e.$$$ Confounding$by$indication$

Question 26
4 out of 4 points

Not$all$studies$are$generalizable$to$patients$very$much$like$the$ones$in$the$ study.$ Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$

$False $False

Question 27
4 out of 4 points

Random$variation$tends$to$distort$the$clinical$observations$in$one$ direction$or$the$other.$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$

$False $False

Question 28
4 out of 4 points

The$inclusion$of$a$large$number$of$subjects$in$a$study$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $b.$$$ Allows$precise$risk$estimates$to$be$calculated$ $b.$$$ Allows$precise$risk$estimates$to$be$calculated$

Question 29
4 out of 4 points

When the magnitude of the bias is related to exposure to the study factor on the part of the subject or the condition of his or her disease. Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $a.$$$ Differential information bias $a.$$$

Differential information bias

Question 30
4 out of 4 points

Which$of$the$following$is/are$true?$I.$Bias$results$from$systematic$flaws$in$ study$design$II.$Bias$results$from$systematic$flaws$in$data$collection$III.$ Bias$results$from$systematic$flaws$in$the$analysis$or$interpretation$of$ results$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $a.$$$ I,$II,$and$III$are$all$true. $a.$$$ I,$II,$and$III$are$all$true.

Saturday, January 12, 2013 4:02:30 PM EST

Question 1
4 out of 4 points

Bias occurs when the cases and/or controls are recruited from among hospitalized patients. Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $b.$$$ Berkson bias $b.$$$ Berkson bias

Question 2
4 out of 4 points

A confounding factor may or may not carry some causal relationship to the outcome. Answer$





Question 3
4 out of 4 points

All$the$followings$are$measurement$bias$except$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $d.$$$ Selection$bias $d.$$$ Selection$bias

Question 4
4 out of 4 points

The$degree$to$which$the$results$of$an$observation$hold$true$in$other$ settings$is$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $d.$$$ generalizability $d.$$$ generalizability

Question 5
4 out of 4 points

The$degree$to$which$the$results$of$a$study$are$correct$for$the$sample$of$ patients$being$studied$is$called$$ Answer$

Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer:

$c.$$$ internal$validity$ $c.$$$ internal$validity$

Question 6
4 out of 4 points

Good$decisions$depend$on$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $d.$$$ all$of$the$above$ $d.$$$ all$of$the$above$

Question 7
4 out of 4 points

Women with allergic children will remember better, or make a greater effort to remember, their eating habits during pregnancy than women with healthy children. This is an example of Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $c.$$$ Differential information bias $c.$$$ Differential information bias

Question 8
4 out of 4 points

Random error Answer$ Selected$Answer: $d.$$$ Does not always occur in the same direction.$


$d.$$$ Does not always occur in the same direction.$

Question 9
4 out of 4 points

There$is$a$positive$association$between$carrying$matches$and$lung$cancer.$ This$is$an$example$of$an$association$likely$caused$by:$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $c.$$$ confounding$factor $c.$$$ confounding$factor

Question 10
4 out of 4 points

Systematic error can be classified as Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $d.$$$ all of the above $d.$$$ all of the above

Question 11
4 out of 4 points

In$a$randomized$controlled$trial,$the$following$type$of$bias$is$reduced$by$ randomization$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $c.$$$ Selection$bias$ $c.$$$


Question 12
4 out of 4 points

Random$variation$tends$to$distort$the$clinical$observations$in$one$ direction$or$the$other.$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$ $False $False

Question 13
4 out of 4 points

Select$the$best$statement$concerning$recall$bias:$ Answer$ Selected$ Answer: $d.$$$ It$occurs$when$cases$and$controls$know$their$outcome$ status$and$differentially$recall$their$exposure$history$in$a$ case$control$study. $d.$$$ It$occurs$when$cases$and$controls$know$their$outcome$ status$and$differentially$recall$their$exposure$history$in$a$ case$control$study.

Correct$ Answer:

Question 14
0 out of 4 points

In a population with a high incidence of cardiovascular disease, diabetics are at least twice as likely to die from myocardial infarction as are non-diabetics. A case-control study conducted in the community identifies 1,000 people with sustained myocardial infarction and 1,000 people without sustained myocardial infarction. The subjects are asked whether they have a history of diabetes mellitus. According to the study results, diabetes has a protective effect against myocardial infarction. Which of the following best explains the observed study results?$$ Answer$

Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer:

$e.$$$ Observer bias$ $c.$$$ Selection bias$

Question 15
4 out of 4 points

Women with allergic children will remember better, or make a greater effort to remember, their eating habits during pregnancy than women with healthy children. This is an example of Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $a.$$$ participant bias $a.$$$ participant bias

Question 16
4 out of 4 points

All systematic errors can be controlled in the phase corresponding to analysis of the results. Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$ $False $False

Question 17
4 out of 4 points

The presence of systematic error affects Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $e.$$$ only a and b $e.$$$

only a and b

Question 18
4 out of 4 points

In case-control study, admission rate bias can be avoided by selecting the controls from among people admitted to the hospital in the same period of time but due to other causes. Compared to cases, the probability of admission to hospital for diseases included as controls must be Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $d.$$$ Similar $d.$$$ Similar

Question 19
4 out of 4 points

Which$of$the$following$is/are$true?$I.$Bias$results$from$systematic$flaws$in$ study$design$II.$Bias$results$from$systematic$flaws$in$data$collection$III.$ Bias$results$from$systematic$flaws$in$the$analysis$or$interpretation$of$ results$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $a.$$$ I,$II,$and$III$are$all$true. $a.$$$ I,$II,$and$III$are$all$true.

Question 20
4 out of 4 points

The$biggest$threat$to$validity$in$a$clinical$trial$comparing$two$types$of$ treatment$therapy$is$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: $e.$$$

selection$bias Correct$Answer: $e.$$$ selection$bias

Question 21
4 out of 4 points

An investigation in which one group of allergic children receives a new drug treatment and another receives the usual drug treatment. If the investigator is also the observer, he or she will tend to be more meticulous in evaluating the new drug treatment group than the other group, even if not deliberately so. Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $e.$$$ none of the above $e.$$$ none of the above

Question 22
4 out of 4 points

A$RCT$of$10,000$adults$was$conducted$to$determine$if$a$new$antiCplatelet$ medication$taken$with$aspirin$is$better$than$aspirin$taken$alone$in$ subjects$with$heart$disease.$The$outcome$of$interest$was$MI$(heart$attack).$ Select$the$best$answer:$ Answer$ Selected$ Answer: Correct$ Answer: $b.$$$ It$is$possible$that$effect$modification$by$the$new$antiC platelet$medication$could$occur. $b.$$$ It$is$possible$that$effect$modification$by$the$new$antiC platelet$medication$could$occur.

Question 23
4 out of 4 points

Stratification$(stratified$analysis)$and$regression$modeling$(multivariate$ analysis)$are$the$method$for$adjusting$a$confounding$factor$at$the$stage$of$ study$design$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $b.$$$ false$ $b.$$$ false$

Question 24
4 out of 4 points

Confounding bias is the only one of the three types of bias that can be controlled both in the study design phase and posteriorly in the analytical phase of an epidemiological study. Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$ $True $True

Question 25
4 out of 4 points

Cronbach$coefficient$is$used$to$assess$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $b.$$$ internal$consistency$ $b.$$$ internal$consistency$

Question 26
4 out of 4 points

The$divergence$of$an$observation$on$a$sample$from$the$true$population$ value,$due$to$chance$alone,$is$called$ Answer$

Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer:

$b.$$$ Random$variation $b.$$$ Random$variation

Question 27
4 out of 4 points

The$ROC$curve$is$constructed$by$plotting$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $a.$$$ Sensitivity$versus$1Cspecificity $a.$$$ Sensitivity$versus$1Cspecificity

Question 28
4 out of 4 points

Histamine$is$a$mediator$of$inflammation$in$patients$with$allergic$rhinitis.$ Based$on$this$fact,$which$of$the$following$is$true?$ Answer$ Selected$ Answer: $c.$$$ Antihistamines$may$be$effective$and$their$effects$on$ symptoms$(such$as$itching,$sneezing$and$congestion)$ should$be$studied$in$patients$with$allergic$rhinitis. $c.$$$ Antihistamines$may$be$effective$and$their$effects$on$ symptoms$(such$as$itching,$sneezing$and$congestion)$ should$be$studied$in$patients$with$allergic$rhinitis.

Correct$ Answer:

Question 29
4 out of 4 points

A$modern$term$for$the$application$of$clinical$epidemiology$to$the$care$of$ patients$is$$

Answer$ Selected$Answers:$ $A.$$$ EvidenceCbased$medicine$$ $ $ $A.$$$ EvidenceCbased$medicine$$ $ $


Question 30
4 out of 4 points

Clinical$epidemiology$is$the$only$basic$science$that$clinicians$rely$on$in$the$ care$of$patients.$ Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$ $False $False

Question 1
4 out of 4 points

In much of epidemiological research, the aim of the study is to determine the effect of a type of exposure upon a given health problem. Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$ $True $True

Question 2
4 out of 4 points

In general bias can be classified as Answer$ Selected$Answer: $d.$$$ all of the above


$d.$$$ all of the above

Question 3
4 out of 4 points

Observation$about$disease$are$ordinarily$made$on$a$sample$of$patients$ because$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: $a.$$$

it is not possible to study all patients with the disease in question.


it is not possible to study all patients with the disease in question.

Question 4
4 out of 4 points

The$inclusion$of$a$large$number$of$subjects$in$a$study$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $a.$$$ Allows$precise$risk$estimates$to$be$calculated$ $a.$$$ Allows$precise$risk$estimates$to$be$calculated$

Question 5
4 out of 4 points

A$variable$is$confounded$if$it$is$directly$along$the$path$from$cause$to$effect.$ Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$ $False $False

Question 6
4 out of 4 points

Chance$can$affect$all$the$steps$involved$in$clinical$research.$ Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$ $True $True

Question 7
4 out of 4 points

All$the$following$methods$for$controlling$a$confounding$factor$are$ applicable$at$the$stage$of$study$design$except:$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $c.$$$ stratification $c.$$$ stratification

Question 8
0 out of 4 points

All$epidemiologic$studies$are$directly$useful$in$the$care$of$individual$ patients.$ Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$ $True $False

Question 9
4 out of 4 points

The$ROC$curve$is$constructed$by$plotting$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: $a.$$$

Sensitivity$versus$1Cspecificity Correct$Answer: $a.$$$ Sensitivity$versus$1Cspecificity

Question 10
4 out of 4 points

The comparison of groups is the fundamental element used to establish causal relationships. Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$ $True $True

Question 11
4 out of 4 points

All$the$following$disorders$or$disabilities$are$associated$with$confounding$ by$indication$except:$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $d.$$$ Vigorous$exercise$ $d.$$$ Vigorous$exercise$

Question 12
4 out of 4 points

Which$of$the$following$is/are$true?$I.$Bias$results$from$systematic$flaws$in$ study$design$II.$Bias$results$from$systematic$flaws$in$data$collection$III.$ Bias$results$from$systematic$flaws$in$the$analysis$or$interpretation$of$ results$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: $a.$$$ I,$II,$and$III$are$all$true.


$a.$$$ I,$II,$and$III$are$all$true.

Question 13
4 out of 4 points

Clinical$epidemiology$is$the$application$of$epidemiologic$principles$to$ problems$encountered$in$clinical$medicine.$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $a.$$$ true$ $a.$$$ true$

Question 14
4 out of 4 points

A$purported$cause$or$predictor$variable$is,$sometimes,$called$the$ dependent$variable.$ Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$ $False $False

Question 15
4 out of 4 points

A$sophisticated$statistical$method$available$to$adjust$simultaneously$for$ various$confounding$factors$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $d.$$$ regression$modelling$ $d.$$$ regression$modelling$

Question 16
4 out of 4 points

The$generalizability$of$clinical$observations,$even$those$with$high$internal$ validity,$is$a$matter$of$personal$judgment$about$which$reasonable$people$ might$disagree.$ Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$ $True $True

Question 17
4 out of 4 points

Select$the$best$statement$concerning$recall$bias:$ Answer$ Selected$ Answer: $d.$$$ It$occurs$when$cases$and$controls$know$their$outcome$ status$and$differentially$recall$their$exposure$history$in$a$ case$control$study. $d.$$$ It$occurs$when$cases$and$controls$know$their$outcome$ status$and$differentially$recall$their$exposure$history$in$a$ case$control$study.

Correct$ Answer:

Question 18
4 out of 4 points

All$the$followings$are$true$except$ Answer$ Selected$ Answer: Correct$ Answer: $a.$$$ Samples$of$populations$must$have$characteristics$that$are$ exactly$similar$to$the$parent$population$ $a.$$$ Samples$of$populations$must$have$characteristics$that$are$ exactly$similar$to$the$parent$population$

Question 19
4 out of 4 points

The$ideal$method$of$controlling$confounders$in$a$study$with$a$reasonable$ sample$size$is$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $c.$$$ randomization$ $c.$$$ randomization$

Question 20
4 out of 4 points

A$bias$arises$from$the$fact$that$those$who$take$medication$generally$differ$ from$those$who$do$not$under$medical$indication.$These$differences$ introduce$a$bias$in$the$comparison.$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $e.$$$ Confounding$by$indication$ $e.$$$ Confounding$by$indication$

Question 21
4 out of 4 points

Clinical$epidemiology$is$the$only$basic$science$that$clinicians$rely$on$in$the$ care$of$patients.$ Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$ $False $False

Question 22
4 out of 4 points

An investigation in which one group of allergic children receives a new drug treatment and another receives the usual drug treatment. If the investigator is also the observer, he or she will tend to be more meticulous in evaluating the new drug treatment group than the other group, even if not deliberately so. Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $e.$$$ none of the above $e.$$$ none of the above

Question 23
0 out of 4 points

A$mixing$of$effects$between$the$exposure,$the$disease,$and$other$factors$ associated$with$both$the$exposure$and$the$disease$such$that$the$effects$of$ the$two$processes$are$not$separated$is$known$as$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $c.$$$ effect$modification$ $b.$$$ confounding$

Question 24
4 out of 4 points

In a population with a high incidence of cardiovascular disease, diabetics are at least twice as likely to die from myocardial infarction as are non-diabetics. A case-control study conducted in the community identifies 1,000 people with sustained myocardial infarction and 1,000 people without sustained myocardial infarction. The subjects are asked whether they have a history of diabetes mellitus. According to the study results, diabetes has a protective effect against myocardial infarction. Which of the following best explains the observed study results?$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: $e.$$$ Selection bias$


$e.$$$ Selection bias$

Question 25
4 out of 4 points

Random$variation$tends$to$distort$the$clinical$observations$in$one$ direction$or$the$other.$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$ $False $False

Question 26
4 out of 4 points

Bias occurs when the cases and/or controls are recruited from among hospitalized patients. Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $b.$$$ Berkson bias $b.$$$ Berkson bias

Question 27
4 out of 4 points

In case-control study, admission rate bias can be avoided by selecting the controls from among people admitted to the hospital in the same period of time but due to other causes. Compared to cases, the probability of admission to hospital for diseases included as controls must be Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $a.$$$ Similar $a.$$$


Question 28
4 out of 4 points

There$is$a$positive$association$between$carrying$matches$and$lung$cancer.$ This$is$an$example$of$an$association$likely$caused$by:$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $c.$$$ confounding$factor $c.$$$ confounding$factor

Question 29
4 out of 4 points

When the magnitude of the bias is related to exposure to the study factor on the part of the subject or the condition of his or her disease. Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $a.$$$ Differential information bias $a.$$$ Differential information bias

Question 30
4 out of 4 points

The$effects$of$bias$and$chance$are$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $c.$$$ Cumulative $c.$$$ Cumulative

Question 1
4 out of 4 points

Different drug classes have been recommended in the control of hyperglycaemia and prevention of diabetes complications. To this end, diabetes is associated with multiple risk factors for complications and thus, subjects requiring drug treatment are often high risk individuals for hypertension, CVD, renal disease and cancer. Thus, drug use indication bias is a systematic error due to$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: $$$$
Selection bias


Selection bias

Question 2
4 out of 4 points

Which$of$the$following$is$true?$ Answer$ Selected$ Answer: Correct$Answer: $a.$$$ A$study$can$be$internally$valid$but$not$externally$ valid $a.$$$ A$study$can$be$internally$valid$but$not$externally$ valid

Question 3
4 out of 4 points

The$inclusion$of$a$large$number$of$subjects$in$a$study$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: $b.$$$ Allows$precise$risk$estimates$to$be$calculated$


$b.$$$ Allows$precise$risk$estimates$to$be$calculated$

Question 4
0 out of 4 points

We$wish$to$investigate$if$a$new$drug$is$effective$in$reducing$the$duration$ and$severity$of$the$migrain$headache.$We$take$the$next$15$patients$that$ come$to$the$walkCin$clinic$and$tell$them$about$the$new$drug$we$are$giving$ them$and$we$give$them$the$new$drug$.$Twelve$patients$state$the$new$drug$ was$helpful$in$reducing$the$severity$and$duration$of$migrain$headache.$ Which$of$the$following$is$NOT$CORRECT?$ Answer$ Selected$ Answer: $b.$$$ This$is$not$a$good$clinical$trial$because$it$is$not$doubleC blinded.$The$patients$may$feel$relief$because$they$thought$ the$new$drug$should$work. $d.$$$ This$is$not$a$good$clinical$trial$because$we$didn$t$give$the$ new$drug$to$subjects$without$migrain$headache$to$assess$ its$effect$in$a$control$group

Correct$ Answer:

Question 5
4 out of 4 points

There$is$a$positive$association$between$carrying$matches$and$lung$cancer.$ This$is$an$example$of$an$association$likely$caused$by:$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $c.$$$ confounding$factor $c.$$$ confounding$factor

Question 6
4 out of 4 points

Which$of$the$following$is/are$true?$I.$Bias$results$from$systematic$flaws$in$ study$design$II.$Bias$results$from$systematic$flaws$in$data$collection$III.$ Bias$results$from$systematic$flaws$in$the$analysis$or$interpretation$of$ results$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $a.$$$ I,$II,$and$III$are$all$true. $a.$$$ I,$II,$and$III$are$all$true.

Question 7
4 out of 4 points

The comparison of groups is the fundamental element used to establish causal relationships. Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$ $True $True

Question 8
4 out of 4 points

The$effects$of$bias$and$chance$are$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $c.$$$ Cumulative $c.$$$ Cumulative

Question 9
4 out of 4 points

A bias that affects all the comparator groups equally and tends to dilute the true existing association Answer$

Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer:

$b.$$$ Non-differential information bias $b.$$$ Non-differential information bias

Question 10
4 out of 4 points

There$are$sharp$distinctions$among$the$biologic$sciences$(such$as$ anatomy$and$physiology).$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$ $False $False

Question 11
4 out of 4 points

The$divergence$of$an$observation$on$a$sample$from$the$true$population$ value,$due$to$chance$alone,$is$called$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $b.$$$ Random$variation $b.$$$ Random$variation

Question 12
4 out of 4 points

All$epidemiologic$studies$are$directly$useful$in$the$care$of$individual$ patients.$ Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$ $False $False

Question 13
4 out of 4 points

The$degree$to$which$the$results$of$a$study$are$correct$for$the$sample$of$ patients$being$studied$is$called$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $c.$$$ internal$validity$ $c.$$$ internal$validity$

Question 14
4 out of 4 points

Select$the$best$statement$concerning$recall$bias:$ Answer$ Selected$ Answer: $d.$$$ It$occurs$when$cases$and$controls$know$their$outcome$ status$and$differentially$recall$their$exposure$history$in$a$ case$control$study. $d.$$$ It$occurs$when$cases$and$controls$know$their$outcome$ status$and$differentially$recall$their$exposure$history$in$a$ case$control$study.

Correct$ Answer:

Question 15
4 out of 4 points

Good$decisions$depend$on$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $d.$$$ all$of$the$above$ $d.$$$ all$of$the$above$

Question 16
4 out of 4 points

A type of bias occurs when we study a disease that causes early death, and at the start of the study the deceased individuals can no longer be included in the case group. Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $a.$$$ Neyman bias $a.$$$ Neyman bias

Question 17
4 out of 4 points

Bias occurs when the cases and/or controls are recruited from among hospitalized patients. Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $b.$$$ Berkson bias $b.$$$ Berkson bias

Question 18
4 out of 4 points

When the magnitude of the bias is related to exposure to the study factor on the part of the subject or the condition of his or her disease. Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $a.$$$ Differential information bias $a.$$$ Differential information bias

Question 19

4 out of 4 points

In a population with a high incidence of cardiovascular disease, diabetics are at least twice as likely to die from myocardial infarction as are non-diabetics. A case-control study conducted in the community identifies 1,000 people with sustained myocardial infarction and 1,000 people without sustained myocardial infarction. The subjects are asked whether they have a history of diabetes mellitus. According to the study results, diabetes has a protective effect against myocardial infarction. Which of the following best explains the observed study results?$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $a.$$$ Selection bias$ $a.$$$ Selection bias$

Question 20
4 out of 4 points

Observation$about$disease$are$ordinarily$made$on$a$sample$of$patients$ because$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: $a.$$$

it is not possible to study all patients with the disease in question.


it is not possible to study all patients with the disease in question.

Question 21
4 out of 4 points

All systematic errors can be controlled in the phase corresponding to analysis of the results. Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$ $False $False

Question 22
0 out of 4 points

The$study$of$how$nonbiologic$factors$affect$patients'$health$is$known$as$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $b.$$$ sociology $c.$$$ health$service$research

Question 23
4 out of 4 points

The$degree$to$which$the$results$of$an$observation$hold$true$in$other$ settings$is$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $d.$$$ generalizability $d.$$$ generalizability

Question 24
4 out of 4 points

Clinical$epidemiology$is$the$application$of$epidemiologic$principles$to$ problems$encountered$in$clinical$medicine.$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $a.$$$ true$ $a.$$$ true$

Question 25
4 out of 4 points

Random error Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $e.$$$ Does not always occur in the same direction.$ $e.$$$ Does not always occur in the same direction.$

Question 26
4 out of 4 points

A confounding factor may or may not carry some causal relationship to the outcome. Answer$ Selected$Answer: $A.$$$



Question 27
0 out of 4 points

A$bias$occurs$when$comparisons$are$made$between$groups$of$patients$ that$differ$in$determinants$of$outcome$other$than$the$one$under$study.$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $a.$$$ confounding$bias $b.$$$ selection$bias

Question 28
4 out of 4 points

A$sophisticated$statistical$method$available$to$adjust$simultaneously$for$ various$confounding$factors$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $a.$$$ regression$modelling$ $a.$$$ regression$modelling$

Question 29
4 out of 4 points

Stratification$(stratified$analysis)$and$regression$modeling$(multivariate$ analysis)$are$the$method$for$adjusting$a$confounding$factor$at$the$stage$of$ study$design$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $b.$$$ false$ $b.$$$ false$

Question 30
4 out of 4 points

Women with allergic children will remember better, or make a greater effort to remember, their eating habits during pregnancy than women with healthy children. This is an example of Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $c.$$$ Differential information bias $c.$$$ Differential information bias

Question 1
4 out of 4 points

Systematic error can be classified as Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $d.$$$ all of the above $d.$$$ all of the above

Question 2
4 out of 4 points

A$RCT$of$10,000$adults$was$conducted$to$determine$if$a$new$antiCplatelet$ medication$taken$with$aspirin$is$better$than$aspirin$taken$alone$in$ subjects$with$heart$disease.$The$outcome$of$interest$was$MI$(heart$attack).$ Select$the$best$answer:$ Answer$ Selected$ Answer: Correct$ Answer: $b.$$$ It$is$possible$that$effect$modification$by$the$new$antiC platelet$medication$could$occur. $b.$$$ It$is$possible$that$effect$modification$by$the$new$antiC platelet$medication$could$occur.

Question 3
0 out of 4 points

A failure to secure the participation of all the selected sample units Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $a.$$$ Neyman bias $c.$$$ Non-response bias

Question 4
4 out of 4 points

Confounding bias is the only one of the three types of bias that can be controlled both in the study design phase and posteriorly in the analytical phase of an epidemiological study. Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$ $True $True

Question 5
4 out of 4 points

All$the$following$disorders$or$disabilities$are$associated$with$confounding$ by$indication$except:$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $d.$$$ Vigorous$exercise$ $d.$$$ Vigorous$exercise$

Question 6
4 out of 4 points

In case-control study, admission rate bias can be avoided by selecting the controls from among people admitted to the hospital in the same period of time but due to other causes. Compared to cases, the probability of admission to hospital for diseases included as controls must be Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $d.$$$ Similar $d.$$$ Similar

Question 7
4 out of 4 points


various$confounding$factors$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $c.$$$ regression$modelling$ $c.$$$ regression$modelling$

Question 8
0 out of 4 points

Quantitative$decision$analysis$include$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $c.$$$ decision$analysis$ $e.$$$ a$$and$c$

Question 9
4 out of 4 points

An investigation in which one group of allergic children receives a new drug treatment and another receives the usual drug treatment. If the investigator is also the observer, he or she will tend to be more meticulous in evaluating the new drug treatment group than the other group, even if not deliberately so. Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $e.$$$ none of the above $e.$$$ none of the above

Question 10
4 out of 4 points


analysis)$are$the$method$for$adjusting$a$confounding$factor$at$the$stage$of$ study$design$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $b.$$$ false$ $b.$$$ false$

Question 11
4 out of 4 points

In much of epidemiological research, the aim of the study is to determine the effect of a type of exposure upon a given health problem. Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$ $True $True

Question 12
4 out of 4 points

Selection bias is more common in Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $a.$$$ cross-sectional studies $a.$$$ cross-sectional studies

Question 13
4 out of 4 points

Chance$can$affect$all$the$steps$involved$in$clinical$research.$ Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$ $True $True

Question 14
4 out of 4 points

A$purported$cause$or$predictor$variable$is,$sometimes,$called$the$ dependent$variable.$ Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$ $False $False

Question 15
4 out of 4 points

There$are$sharp$distinctions$among$the$biologic$sciences$(such$as$ anatomy$and$physiology).$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$ $False $False

Question 16
4 out of 4 points

Clinical$epidemiology$is$the$application$of$epidemiologic$principles$to$ problems$encountered$in$clinical$medicine.$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $a.$$$ true$ $a.$$$ true$

Question 17
4 out of 4 points

The$divergence$of$an$observation$on$a$sample$from$the$true$population$ value,$due$to$chance$alone,$is$called$ Answer$

Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer:

$b.$$$ Random$variation $b.$$$ Random$variation

Question 18
4 out of 4 points

Women with allergic children will remember better, or make a greater effort to remember, their eating habits during pregnancy than women with healthy children. This is an example of Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $d.$$$ Differential information bias $d.$$$ Differential information bias

Question 19
4 out of 4 points

A type of bias occurs when we study a disease that causes early death, and at the start of the study the deceased individuals can no longer be included in the case group. Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $a.$$$ Neyman bias $a.$$$ Neyman bias

Question 20
4 out of 4 points

Which$of$the$following$is$true?$ Answer$

Selected$ Answer: Correct$Answer:

$a.$$$ A$study$can$be$internally$valid$but$not$externally$ valid $a.$$$ A$study$can$be$internally$valid$but$not$externally$ valid

Question 21
4 out of 4 points

The comparison of groups is the fundamental element used to establish causal relationships. Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$ $True $True

Question 22
4 out of 4 points

Random$variation$tends$to$distort$the$clinical$observations$in$one$ direction$or$the$other.$$ Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$ $False $False

Question 23
4 out of 4 points

The$clinical$events$of$primary$interest$in$clinical$epidemiology$are$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $c.$$$ symptoms,$disability,$and$death $c.$$$ symptoms,$disability,$and$death

Question 24
4 out of 4 points

The$gene$for$phenylketon$uria$is$expressed$only$in$children$who$ingest$ phenylalanine$in$their$diet.$ Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$ $True $True

Question 25
4 out of 4 points

When the magnitude of the bias is related to exposure to the study factor on the part of the subject or the condition of his or her disease. Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $a.$$$ Differential information bias $a.$$$ Differential information bias

Question 26
4 out of 4 points

The$effects$of$bias$and$chance$are$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $c.$$$ Cumulative $c.$$$ Cumulative

Question 27
4 out of 4 points

The presence of systematic error affects

Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $e.$$$ only a and b $e.$$$ only a and b

Question 28
4 out of 4 points

The$generalizability$of$clinical$observations,$even$those$with$high$internal$ validity,$is$a$matter$of$personal$judgment$about$which$reasonable$people$ might$disagree.$ Answer$ Selected$Answer:$ Correct$Answer:$ $True $True

Question 29
4 out of 4 points

The$biggest$threat$to$validity$in$a$clinical$trial$comparing$two$types$of$ treatment$therapy$is$ Answer$ Selected$Answer: Correct$Answer: $e.$$$ selection$bias $e.$$$ selection$bias

Question 30
4 out of 4 points

Random error Answer$ Selected$Answer: $b.$$$ Does not always occur in the same direction.$

Correct$Answer: $

$b.$$$ Does not always occur in the same direction.$

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