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006 """I<od , ....

01 'he
K,"'ool1 LUl/<r to
. . . (le, 0 Ia",e 01 ",", 60 ye .... A
IImll~ .dlllon 0/ 200 ~un. wu b<~"n,
bullt by hand t" the B.., Quality SI.,,
dard. 01 Dlc koo . Pu,dey. or Holland iii
HoUaM <Ioublt. wl.h .he .01< .~p"on
th ot.he WWlI fin,.h I. applied ,,,,,. .d "I
.he finish 01 a Bu, Quality doubl<. n .
1""" " e,. . 11 h.ndMtcrlood hnl<h.d
by oil< man. m..", Il"n,mlto Frank
Kal'enpolh.'h< me ... oy . Be .. Quollty
doubl<'. mode. The <no,moo. 00u ..


01 h.nd"",k


'""1<:<1 In .h.lk"

Qu.lIty prke 01 t17,545 and the loct ,h ..

Iod",,"on I>
"00 ....."1 , "'til.
IhlO In 2009.
Tn'. I. the only S.., Quality produc_
tion run 01 pl""lln h'"ory. I. "
filtln~ Ih.t .hl> trlbu,e 10 ,he Lua-'
I. ""'n~ mad. by Kr",,,,,,,ff I><uu""
Ih'ymade Ih. ~n..t t"~ .. ol.lIlI_
du'ln~ WWII . Krlellholl "' ... the only


LUif'lt ",."ulac'",., 1(, ""hi 100%

In,.",h.nl/<.bliity 01 I""''' without any
h.nd.M",,~, """"u_nl.l ""hie~m'''i
aoo. mlle.'o"" In Ih" hlOloryol m...
Kr !e~hort 1'1KI'ir.n~r 1o lI.. t Qual
Ity ~"n., Their Eo.e""," I haoomode
traditio"", B. .t Quality sldeloc k
shol~"n buill 10 be Ih qual 01 anylhln~
~ by the be .. Brltl.h mokers. The
1."1/<' It th" only 1""01 ...,"hy 01 'hl.
1e",,1 01 tre"ment simply ...
oa.,.111< lite

Tho quoIity 01 tho K,lzwl"'" e .. ",...

_ _ _ BesI Q....tiIy' , ck sholg<.ol
n.oIoihat '" tho , _ MIoII do..1: II , Tho
Kri.,,:o ~ lugo<s
10 pro dulj tho




1 d .


only 1"<101 tho'

hos 0 "'rvlOe
IIle n..... urM
In th" ",11110"0
01 round., This I.
It a mlnl.,u ....
pl.lol ~ .. Io" ollhe M.,'m rna<hll'O<\lun , ."" only ma.chll'O<\lun <l<:sI8"
Ihal oon fire 10 million roundsond stili
"" good '0 1/0. 01 cou" . .... .re 'Olkl"ll
.bou' .e~.I b,,,,.) <h.nl!<' .'"nW 'h"
... ay 11<.." The luI!<'
01 the
d... ~n.'h .. ... ork. betlu II preolO,ly
fitt.d. Th. hl~h .. 'he Quollty 01 .he ft' 01
.he po"'. Ih. """e' It WOfI<$ , I"ot lila:
Be .. Q ... II,y double. So .... de.l,jns "",.k
be .. wl,h 1010 oj 0101' In ,he potu. w~lIe
oth ... lila: lu" a ~1lI. and oon .. lila:
.verythl"~ ''IIh' as
10' the
be ...... lIabllity uooer all rooolllo"O. The
LUI/Or to 0"" 01 'he lo"er.

...00." "

.1"" I. 0""


If! "'"
'Ko' '10.20(1

.c' ","opM.

_tho .., . . -

_ _ Ollaw

""*Iffig on the

..-.1 oa!ety.

TIte plotol popularly kno ... n a. ,he
LUI/<' ... ,.." '0 ,.100 .hope In 1893 wll<n
11"1/0 I\or<h d . In.pl,.d by Ih ""cuo

01 ,h. Maxim mach!""II"n, oollt hI.

tow" .,;' 10" "U'omo,1<; 1""0'. BU' 'hi'
w.o nol Maxim', h..vy. robust. vlrlu.lly

d"'~~ "'":;'7~~::':(~:;.:.

10rdlTll" hid., The
alOWle 'hat w.o ve.y U~hlw'l~hl and
bottomed oul on the botlom of III< pis
enouflb dirt e~n lam 'he ~un.
11'. on QYe,cen'e. ed. togylele~ral!<d
""tlon . which muns 'he 'OWlelock w
"""r I h< centerUne 01 Ihe o."rldl/O. n. ..
__ hanl.m Is on 1""lIned pl... "" ,II<
",,'Ion """,n', op<n on 1'11.
Th, 1o"l/Or 'h' c~,,,ldl/O.nd 'h.
~.,.' .11< m... 01 the ~un. the
""" h. 8<Jrehr<:!' wortrW.ln
.1I~ht"""~h' ~un ... lIh.


.ho,t c"'t,Id!/<. you !/<t too lo.t a cyd.

tim< 10, p'"","' Idtn~, Th ~,
bu,nlng 'h. powde,. ,he.lo...' ,1>0
b~chbloc k 1/0<' bac k. thus putlall)'
olt Ul"ll laM ""Uon e)'tlo. TI>otdore
HUi/<> lI<>t<h.,dt decided to put. 7.63
bull.' 01 8S ~ ' .Ins In a botu .... cllled <...
wtth olow bu,ntt'lll powde .. 10, a Ioony
01 1.280 fps. Mou'" woutd t.le, tako thl.
ea't ,lda- and mere,,,, 'h" '.IooI'y to
1.~10 Ips 10, ht, MI896 Mause, mlll'ary
pl.lol. Th" Boh.,dl had a ",Hcal g,lp.
00 ,b.", wu vltl"ally no d,a y on Ihe
' .'ttld ...... lh.y ~re f.d Ih'oUlih thtlnAlIall ..... which <""ttlbu .. d ~"'OIl y to
... , .I"'blll'y.
R.II.bf. 0' nol. ,bel!orch.tdl w
o dum.y. "'.n!/<.Ioo k ln~ ~un. 1111
"",re . .., '0 ..II. oom<lhl"llhad '0 bo
do .... Th" ,1j/h1O to tile Bo.-ch,dl plotol
""'l<owII<d byLudwlgL<><w. 01 OWM
(f)"u'KIu< W.,Jkn un4 .'oIum/o'Qn>lat!nlum).
Igno ' ln~ Ih. orliln.1 d.,lg"''', 1>0 1U, .... d
Ih. ,.dIWn 0 .... G<Ofg I. ....... n w
time 10' tho ugly duc kllt'lll to 'urn Into.
"uutllul ,wan. wan 'hal combined
Ui/<>r.omk ond "",1>0,0, p<,I"ctlon In.
,.morkobly IIgh'_lghl oll .. ul ~un ol
Ju" 30 ou""",.
Georg l.ull'" had conold.r! ~Illl>o
,.. 1.01 combat ,h<oo'." '1>0 b"utllul
Il<W ~un had tho I...... "o.. lblo l"lIyl"
,.1 . The lOgiIl ... ayo-d opu on 'b.
I.... hot: you <h',*,d the m'[lall""
a nd ya ... ,1>0 '''l1li10 0 quic k 'ap wllh
Ih. hand Ihal ln"",t.d lbe magall""
. nd)'Qu ",.u"",d ~'Ing. Th. bula-.t
Ihe bottom 01 the I,ont of ,1>0 1'0"'"
was hollowed oul to 1",,11110" Ioo<IlnK a
""'11<'21'" Ihar mll!ltt be J.m .... d In al 'h.
wrong a n~. by a soldl .. und .. fir< wnh
on the .... my In'tead 01 11>0
aun. The lanya. d loop I. In Ihe pe,leet
position .bo ... Ih. h.nd '0 ... ady the
~un In fi,lng. In O<Idlllon. tb .,.gall ...
.. loa. . .. a. so p<rleclly d."gned .nd
positioned Ihot II w ,plod on th~
M191I .45 .u'on",llc.
Tho new ~"n was a beauly, th~ boll.
01 the ball. E... ywh ... p<opl. wer nIt.nc.d "y I.. '''I k!I\~ ""p< ,OC. and
Ih. ""wlound ea 01 hlUlng Ih. latj/et
with 0 pl .."llh.'1t ofl<ri- Tbe Lull<".
Io ... ttdo, y ""ndll"ll quall"e< took Ihe
.hootl "ll world by "0'0'1. SwI1""land
wa. fir" to O<I"P' II 10 1900. with r..,
mooy adopllo ~ II In 1908 {be"". Ih. P08.
0< I'i""'" (18.
M.ny mo
nation. adopled It and ,1111 mo,e bou~h1
I"a- qualltl... lit "' .. the'" woo a plotol
Ihot oee .... ~ '0 ""cu,.tely .Im ltoell!
The t,anSillOn 01 l!orohardllo l.u ....
without ,he InflUt 01 Hugo Bo.-cha,dl




not p<,fecl. though. The II<>.-chardl

loc k wao .. ",Iully bal.IKed to the """,II
Im"ul .. 01 'he 1.6.l !Io.cha'~1 cartridge .
Lua<' u.ed the .a.... loo k with .ho"
hl~I>o '- ll\le".lIy ,ound. wltl>out oddlnQ
the 0'10 . . 10 lbe loc k lo compen .. le for
them, whkh ""ulted In .><.. Ively f.. t
"""on ")'tlln~ II ..... , ThIO bec ..... 0
c. ItI<o1 prol>/f:m wtoen 'he ~ ' Ip ."~Ie wa.
chna-d I,om
"",tk.1 Bo.-chatdt
~'Ip to the .... ply a"llied u.,.., g,lp,
wh",. the <lrog on the ",I,1d!/< ,ed""od
tho 1f'JaI/<'11n< .ptlnyo .16clor>ey '0 only
60%. A l>O"""ful mOlja.In< 'p'ln~ tha i
I. , " on~ ."""IIh 10 ",qui", Ib."s< 01
~In g '001
",,I.d on
l.u ... ,
to be 'u" tho' tho mas.,I"" could I.ed
tl>< e., ,,ldll< u" '0 Ih. p'0p<' position
bolo,.lh~ breecb <10 p",molu, .ly.
I. mml"ll 'hellun. This I. the cau" of
.Imoot a ll LUit' m.I'ur>etlon .
You ,ully cao'l hove a Lugo" ,
mag..11I< .p,lnli' '00 , ,,oni- Ame,lcan





Lh .. l.ur,Jto. !hOt Kr ~ tOIl _

ope,aU"III.ngth . 1I1oe Ih. M16. Ih.

L"~' 1.,.n,lt .... bou, Ihe .mmo ""ed
In It .
To 100." 11>0 loo k I'om c)'tllna 100
f , . the WWI ~'m.n ArmyL~, I0o<I
wo IISil,aln bull .... I.02Slps. A
. """burnlns, .Inal .t> ~ nl" ocellulooe
powder with a hI~h .lIka <ontenl Ihot
. .,.....d IgnlllOn """pled wll h .llghlly
und"'power! io'<>'Han," p.lme"I/0""
Iow<, bu,nlng "U'v< ond a '''''''e,
"u.b .... ullln~ In a .~, e)'tllc tin ..
to al.,.... p'ope' leedl"ll anod reliability.
WWII ammo wa, a"o ,10,.., bu,nl"ll bu'
with. 12 ~ g,aln bollet _nd.l.ter. 0 130~ In bull ... Ma", .. W",100 aller! tho
.ptl"ll " . en~lh of Ih. G.,man A,,,,y',
Lul/O" 10, Ihl. ammunilion. Ammunillon
ma,1oM 10. machln<ptotol u'"' ( MP..J8.
MP40) w loo<Ied wllh exlt.hot p,lm
." Ih., "",ko ,h. wlI'" <)'tie too la .. fo,
reliobl illy. Th. beot A.... 'Ic.n pOwde,
10. i.u9<" I, Red Dot .ho'~un powde,



gun d .. lg ... , Max IItohl.son

m'''''II''d t" ... ' 'p,lnllln
L...... mag .. ln< 00 powo,ful tbal
o... n with .Ioadl"ll toot 1>0 could
only 100<1 five fOund . Tha' aun wa.
unJamm.bl~. e)'tllng Ih. hou~.1 load.
.Iforll... ly. B. llloh B." Qu.Il'y gun
maloe, GIIe, Whllto .... onee pul 0"" <011
.",Ing 1".k:It ono'h., In Lu~, ""'I/O'
.1Tt<, re. " "lnw In . m.g.. l"" thai wa,
o beut to load but .flo,,,... ly c)'tled
the bot -Fo' 5ubm><hlnegun Use Only8,11I.h St .. llna SMG ammo.t ove, I ~ OO
Ips. Th. n<e-d for. I><""e,I"1 n"'[Ia,I...
.p'ln~ I. ,be ",",on thai the WWI lu~ ,
n,ag .. I"., "'lIh th.lt woodon boliOn"
", ... IM", "'placl with ltoo.d '""Ha
.1"". "'lIh aluminum boIlom. ,h.t <ould
...comodote "tonll<' 'Ptl"~' 10. ~t.OI'"
",1I.bUlty, 0 ..... 11 <amid ... "'nglh I.
1",po, la'" . 1'0. Tho "~p angle oi Ih.
mag",ln< I. only 1.070 l"d'M i.onl to
bac k. whlOh dlctal~' m" 'mum """.. II
c.,trlda- Io"llth 01 1.160 Ito<h "I'h
""'y 1It11. und .. 'hOI acptobl.
Whll" the lull'" Ilk. . . olow pu,h
,0<011. the H,owolng-d I ~ n phlol. 01
'oday 11100 .. bot ",I"",,.nd 0 '''''' p
,oU. Conoequently mo" 01 lodoy',
an'mo I, made 10, Ihel' 1"n<llonlng
.... d., "b lch .,.,he ..... t
tho L" ... ,. AI.o. ,h.l. o ... ralllony,h
do.. not alw.ys II. with in th.w~,s




, ... .

bullel will ~I ... 991 FJ>S
and 3.9 a . aln. oj RI Dot
and. 12~~ .. ln bull'l "'III
Wi 1.025 FP$. Wlnel>< ..",
p,I"",,, ore tb. be" Am.. k"n
",I .... " 10, l.ull<" becou,", Ihey a', t he
loa " Illoely to be pl ... ed by the lUII<'"
Iony fi , lng "In. Wh.n thai howen" I/O'
e.n go bad Ihrough , h. fi,lng "In holo,
pu,hl"ll the fi.lna pin and 'p'I"II back
and tlpplnll the b",,~ OUt of Ih. bt.hblook. Th "".e'o, may 01", bo forced
up and 'om o ul 01 the b,.hbloc ~ .
Prior to WWIl. ~ , ,,,,,oy pul three re llof
WfOOYM In ,h. ~' Ing "In '0 lot thep""
.u. " h-om plor<ed prl""" I/O p ... lbe
~'l"ll pln Ins'eO<l of d'lvl"ll ~
bad,wan:l . 'file flnns d.1l1ed 0 hole In the
botlom 01 lhe ho-.echblock Into lbe fi, I"II
pin .... to b1e11/O' on In lbel. ~uno ,


65'H W lTJON, 20]]


14 1

Mat a rialkarte

;>01 ,onl/O Ii. bul .. , I.

bump! and ... """k InIO .....
."e. Thl. II not ..... ..", 01 ", u~
Ih'liuhl lIo, chotd' to;!U .. liklOd and .
,.n.. ml>o,.I. wa. no. blrd up In
wh." II bee ..... , .... LUj/O"
T.... t~f<'d 90nm co....It<>_
1<I1"lIl'I'ob"." In II>< Luar,', ..... ,p.!ylnell"""
w.......... y ',nd 10 .UI
and c", ... e.". d'.ln addll"'" 10 II..



"'"111'' ' '

Id< d, ......... "n;j ... a--..; ... ,I>al

hat dI!6cuMyloeedl .....,.,. . . . . o .""
"'UUIo K,lon
,1cIeo 1_ tloo
011 .... ear',kl(jIo



""""*, .... _

........ oIU.....I'ldfobawbK.....,

.1>< c&"'kivo .... n1 ..... " .... 10 """ up

10 Jull .... dl'" pOdlon. The ",_m was

<ompoundood by , ... Luar.'. Incred'bly

I"'ht _",bt 0130 OIIne ... whICh ..... ""
mu .... nip"" """.In ~I 'h, ca,.
I'ldl/Of In Ihe m.II&.I ..... , Imul,. ...
OII<ly d'l~n <10-.0" I' tha, nip _Ihl. on
map.l .... wh"", .nu.. 01 f""" dlCtat
'hot" "" 00 """,I"iy
'hal 0
wo,n _ _ ..... ~.,.ho ,
h."", ' .... Iow "UI .. u.. 1<11"11 III""',
GeortI Luar, h.. OO''III'''::y <i:vnr
hi. fiUn "" .... .lO Luar' c',I,kl(jIo.
"hlC h ..... _Ii bei" Md ' 0 , ... <koIgn.
u ...ndoprnrd II. ""
10 _
lor 0 _ .."Ion ..... Mn ,un'
c"'''idee, in wMen ,010 It. '_rM c _

0.....,.,.1.. ,h.,


_'ooiI' ....

IOu"oe,Ioro,"'_ ,h"
,I>< Co, ...... polk. . . pr .........

wu ... .Jd
II .....

_ ,aI loll"," 01 tho 93-vrarn .30 ~

a M'e'ml ........ ll.ont, 00 OWM
o<d<rM Ceotv;
to ..... ml><' , ...

loil'" lor ,I>< ..... ihnm <oJltklj/O Of
'hiO would only ~u,,. ,.1>o".lInllCeO'1l I"'tnted out 'he .Io"'mentlo....
obl<'<tlon. plu. t:.. foet .hot 'he .... v .. ,
bul'" _Id h .... ol"iI'" ,r<oIllmpul",
thon .... 1",,'_lgh' ,,,... hod ,ulllcl,n'
1ft. . . ' 0 _If!. 110""", 11 ... , busl .....
",,'-<"'11 ...
,he M.lj/ne, .nd
Geoq"o proI ..... IeII on M.f u ...
Tohlf.redM.Groortu.., . t"''"~ _"lth ..... thanpe,Ire'
c"'tridfo Iorlt, W..... _ ...... Id<, ,he
InllIaI 07'1 .... aprn .. II. .... ,ho 6na1
outc ....... ,..,.. ~all., 'I>al II.......... 01
,.... ft ..... ',Iumph' of Ce.ona. ft,.a,,,,,


..... . I ''01 .. 0li0 .... 11<0 "

.... 01 .. .



F_ItT' $!~'

n.e !lmm P.,ob<lIullt ca"'ldll" .....

.1 .....)'" ",..." d j)tObIom. for Kyn
<i1g ..... "".:. ~. l_rM cancan
KI~ ulI'~n p,e ute. In on ou'omollC,





'_",d ~"e plpl TI>< c .... ....,., and

Ii ,"".. II dl" In ,I>< Yl<lnFty. '''''
caa.. . .
111_ .... tc .. 01
_hlnllit ""'""'" 1"'0 ,I>< c~o_,

"11"' ... " .....

.. a."..., c .... do.., .... 0 '''u~ . no

!lmm p.,olHtllum can fUIICt"'" ,oliObly
.. l7h 0 '<>IIl!h or ~ltlY ch.~,. T""!Im",
Pot.bellum 01.., h .. 0 hlJh chaml><,
IH""'"~ 0 1J6,000 ;>oj, .. hlCh con ,I ..

The t"llO' woo In,pr,'" by'''' Mulm
Moehl"""1lun and I"", ... ill, am M.xlm
,el.".... o It . . . Mulm n...,hlneKun


"",0I1Dr... (.... ..,.., C _ "


,nl.,n"......"') UIoo ,t.. Mulm.

,t.. u..,... ".n Incredibly ~I_ runAccoodI"8 10 "'Ired GoA, .... , s.m..

r-. .. C~.lIkd A ........ who wo.

q ... UfWd 10 """k on ,t.. SwIO. A... y,

I ' i II. , t.. 6 ... ...,., ...".,_ Lui/<.

In _ . 01 ~ ... n<y ~ I)


, ... iV1P Krewl . . . .., " ' - " ' ' ' ' " " by
......""'" ,,~~ on 1II.fi!1l"ll oc. ewd. 1ftr;

An . n o r _ a""""" oI . rw.",h
.... '" I ..... emu.'''11 , ..... I ........
Kl IopoII~, ...... ......,.., .. ". pe. lK,
conrl ...... _ 01 'I>< 'NW" """,,,,,lion
' 00. K.ItIhoII'. prod""'ion d' .... ,np
did """ .1I.u.~I'" , ....... irI1.." bu, , ...
Bavarian M.'n 500'. A.chl ..... o.pIo.,.
... '" 4, Wo, ..... h,~.. ,n Munleh had , ....
'OI"",n,1on Ta~,' lor ''''' PIl3. o.lgl ...1
K" o;rholl P..,odo pl.,OI. ,.., co,.'ully
""",.", 10 en,u,. no", duplleolion
01 , ... ' h nleo' do'oll. u"rq .. '0 ,""
1('1<;1""11 Lui/<, P,I .. duplle" 01


Z),t.. L.........., ..,..,. . , ... , ..,'01 ... ,t..

'Olredowll ...... _Id " .. ok: 3) , t.. ...1
'''''''11 on ,t.. 1011900 would mok: 4) , ...
would br.ok wt..n """'"
IdI01 dropped 11 on ronc..,,~: .n<! 5) 'h~
"0 .. &1 .. 1>0. I,,,,,, , ....
I ....... ..a. buill/<.od up by
""ol'l.IIt1 """~ . lil h " .nd



""ndln~ IIln .n .,.om", '0

bo,.,. "'we' J>UII.


W"'n , ..... 0'. , .... "",.,

on _


.,..,,11_ .... vIce .In>

)'1>11 ......



0 ".001 " .. ok ... <InIp.

,I>< or'll''''''


, .... 1('1o;rI>oI1 .. W<>Id,Ir.nchor ...... ~

..... MoId.............


IrI '

The KIf , ri'oW ' " ' ... IIolriQI ,, : ~ _


" "a, .. ",._

",uI'lIeOI" or ,he ""w,nal military bro", ..

"" .. II" g,'po "" ' 0011"11 pr<>d""fll '0
onee _
""'.. , ... WWlI KI~l/boIr PQ8
...,...... and """"lium ..apzIno "",.
'oon. o.'V'l\Ol gun bo, ........., WI I d
nd _II'0'''~
poIw. non'Iw_I>o ..... TIl ....
un .... td<Ol "wnl"""o ' ",hRIe,' _

'0 ...... ,....... ..,.,...

.... ..,.,.....


C.., ........ ' ion woo lfiVen 10 1f'O"'''II

,he ~ ... bNl"II <oIort or 'he
_100 COIIIplle ....r by ..... e .. Ylron ..... n' ..


...... ""nnll'Olf """"" 01 lhe orlfl ... r 11'OIf' .-



d".10 in
Kdetlholl .",,<Md.d with true Teu,onle
p,...".Ion. [w,y.<>Ior to ."'ol utely t ...

65 '" WITION. 2011


........ Tho lul'-" .... .", ...



1"""".101II1II'" _ <l<000t<I '0""1108

,.11 .DC'''' .Ij,!h' Tho .ftl.~ .....

....... y ...


"" ,"'" mo.1<o ......

,Iw obIlplo<)'
..... U.. moehl .......... In 'Iw ... Ie'r
..u .."I<h .100 ~od 10 be

.:uo<'' '

d~.A""","MI>ouI ,_wouldj ....


Tho po" 11 be!;'lft .. l"e<ifIOol

k>filnj/l "" ",..Imum m ...... h. The
",IIII".I.'Io)'O .. t u.... "h.~ lhey
are .1111 .v.'lob" and wh.n n<w on<.
hod 10 .,.
<oreful o"'ml<~1
do"" '" .,. ."~
,h. biu,"II w u . . ,ly ,.,. ...... a. ,.,.
OfIVl"''' Oft lho now .11oy> 111<>&, pe<>pIt
would nO< .,. _
.0 11 'ho "'IIt~DC .
buI K ......,.. could ndoroly ....
wu ooe<:.plable. ThoiorJl"ll' _., II.. n
HM " , .
CNC ..1m.,.
.,.,n~. 10 ....100 lhe f I' . , .... will
he IIond Ii"otd .... ho. no. moeM ...
'<'<lui ......... "'" '001 "" """""'~



_.n .


no. K,IfII>oI' .....,.. 'ramo ba. ""'"'

''''n IlOO poInl. who ........ur._n..
~ ,,"'n. A 131>0<1"" 1OflI1"II1t milled
and broac ... " do"," '''' haif"l"'"nd
..",Ift""I"d Iron.. I, , ..... 1.5 ""Uf>
'0 d"". lO 1<, 25 l'I"oll.an~. '0 .hl.
. . . . wll~ '.,. ...... , nK><krn prod",,!!on
""ulp_n' n.. "" oulO hold ,Iw
" W ' H ... n.. '1"1"11 "'o~." dlflioull
problem 10 oo/Ye ... dld ..... nyo.he .. l.
11,. 1OO~ ... -oId ...... n. Tho..un wos
nO< ..... _
10< .uy ......... n porodll<, ...... ~ ... II"'" _
.... U... ,I>< 0 the._ ....... I. ,he.kIt ...
the I............ 0 he""". 1........1d be
""'otd , .... It II .~..,.. ......,...
1"11 ' 0 '001 III> 10 ...... lhe ....... or any
"' ..... 'un ...... KI ........ I ..... nO< doPe
0001<1 .n)'Oll< _10< . ... '" %00
~"'" Wh .. ,hoy coul<l do ..... ",.. hi ...
11 to. ",,1"l l h" n .."., lIun.nllth
oould .... ow, with hlO h.nd ~I .. and
h.,tdn,,""" ,10, . .., ollhe way In Ih
.. n.. mom... Ih., Ilo.. Qualllyooub ...
'" h.IId.~1ed 1. 0'" f<>< .. lnj/I provided by
l>Iockomllh. B.I .. w ..... It ,,10 Io"i way
10 . . y"" .... port"ll""" 01 'h. world-.




'h" _.....

WIll .. 'he EnI;'II.h ..... "ode ..... tended

.o .... p lhel. _ ........... ,I>< bench
..... _aylrom.he 1o.... I ... y .... " ... u
' ....1........... I...... hlo .."' ..... hao am..
.11y wo.-Iood ....1... ' , ...... _... odIoy ..-.
peopIt ' ......... 110 .. Quoilly- VU'"
10 be """.Iy ..... hl ............. Nooh",&:
"""Id be (u,,"', I...... t.. '"IIh, iOnd .h..
mi ...... I. "'" '0 be . .....1." wllh II><
K'l<1hofi f'08..
F.. nk Kallenpo'h wu !>ofn on (Ie.o
be. 10. 19i3 h. ",n 0/ .I<><km...... Ho
"",led hi, _.n.l< .. hlp" ~un.mllh
., r.,loch In 1980.
tln~ wUh
hooort In 1984 fit ,h.n .... n' 100. ye ...
In mllll .. y ~.vl< . . . ."."".. In <
.... 0 ... IId ....1d ..--.. .IId ,he "",In
vun'" 'ho Leopotd 1 '.nk In Po..... 801
.. lion 13tol'I>< eo ...... A.my .... _
In \!i....... eo"".1I)' lit bepn wo.-Id ..
............ IIh .. Ken .... In AlIj/Ibetg
In 0<_ .... 19M. Al'" Iou. )'tan ....
.....1..,.... lor lho.~ ... ""'''''
,u ... ",lIh _
In VI ............ I><
~oduored ....'h _.I"Ju ... 0I1993.
lit ,hen worloed 10. KI .. ,.ln .... modell .....
.IId ou"o",..t.ulidln" 1oI1911A l .,... 01 .
The ........."... '0 UI. CNC machl"".
'0 "'''I/h "ut 1,' ''1 1o pol'" w h....
h. o"uld h. ndftl nd h.nd~1 'lIun
'0 Be" Quailly OI.""".d . Comblnln~
'I>< ",... moochl"I"'" '...,hnlQ .... wllh
11""".."..1 8<0 .. QuolitT balld""".k I
....... klil .IId o ... ,hOl Ie .. ""'" haw. A.
bellm .......... ""..... Ka~,""",h I.
,ochnlo.1Iy HI, ....".." .d but .. ....,
h.oo doPe wo.-konly 10< K'I<1"""
K.lOIh<>cr. porod"'''kIn ... ,he .......
"" .... do ... back 10 1934. whon ,bey
were _~tded .lull_1It """,.... 10<
10.000 pltlolo. The ...,
... 11 .... 0<1 In 1931 111<>&, 'I\I1II11<10"(1)'.

w."" ...



0/,_ ......


, te. ThIO
m.. hln,l"oouc.
lIOn .01.0<1 'h, "". lor "'auH IId ,h.
",I><. Cumon ft.m . Fo. K'''8horl.''
..."lted In 1""..11 ...
10 ..... ""
, ... MC ISalldo.he. we_.


Both ""'lIHf.IId KlIOIh<>II .omed ....

problem ""' .... In ,be 19200-01.... .

.....,........... tor 51 .......... TltotIOf> ....

o/I ...... onel'ho ......... , ... ~'.

I .........., be ....... fIo ..... Ih"'....... '"
PI ...... '" 'he Iwad o/.he ..... ..,... link
ado bel.., .""rpIe.e/y upoooed .. 'M
1<>tIII.. O)': .... III . . y ro .. d he ....

8... ~ .... vu ... m~'" ' 0 h.o"" ........ )'0"

",,101 "'.. H ho would 1>0............ a 8..,
Quo,"y _

.IIOIVUn or .,., V"" a",

..'''... """y ..... r. wo.-Ih 0/.1>< 1"1<0.
Id"d. K... ,..,.. oUl proItolO , h e _
OIl .hll .rlbu.. 10
old I..."" lho
~. The _
.... only I<>id d ..... ' 10
,ho " " ' _ wit""'" onIddltman
I<M1> I'" prlt below llO.ooo. ThO. 10.
" ... Iabor of 10... by "'1081><>0.
The 1101 dol,,~.11 ,he ba"" work on
'M K . ~fI L,,#, 10 F.iOnk ,,.It.n,,,,lh.





The '"'- II. _

_a. 0--;., ... .,.,.,..

".,. .... f~._


.,.,.. _ .... "",,01 .......

on .... t.gooI. _lit



hi , ho 8"" I c."y bu, , ho ,"", ,."",'nO

'hot , ...
poIn .. bo".. and hi """.


......., ... W. , ... pioto! I "",lot v.,,,,,nt.

.nd " I<k and Ioney ohooIl"IITho Lue<' wuonotol ,ho """, popu.
10, ....II'
In U~
fi. O! po. .. oIlho:!Oib eo",u, y, Many ...
,\o<I'..sopi<d II.Dd , , _ II In ~
roo ..... oI,ho
c....- "'" wu bl' , ... Ge . .... n "', .. y.
Tho Ge, ..... ooId ... , wu """
nd did _ _ ........

y"",or. '" ,... _

-.1d ...... I1."._,


..... Il10 ~ 1oIIICI/IghC

I' "

...... ' rIM,



o "_,"

_ __

"'.lIiHlhh 'i ..... _



(ot pin. II )'0\1 pu ... ) con d. iI, "", ......

'''Ii >Ihnd I>'<'~n' 'ho loa:< 'rom

,e:",n'"~ 10 ~:.,y.

TIll' ..... Iou"" 10

,",cu, ",, 'y on Simoon LUI/Ort . ... hieh h""
lho mot' ""',. , "'~
'hlf ."'.,
Ma""', ond K'101Ihon bot h ,,,,, . ..oW
' ho 'hie''''' ' '
i>oyond ...,n
01 Ih.DW M:.uve'" '0 m.... , ,,,",h'.
wo,,'d no: h.p.,.n:o. Ge.n,"n





'n comb," Tu "ro" ""n,"'n iO ,h.l,

h . M."... ""ded on Ir. fMCh'nlnlO
c'" 10 pro,""" o'''gh' """lI' ow, ,:..

a, e. ""~'" .. """e ' h'd".., . '!:IM

Ih ... "","y Iorm." Sim.on u .... lound

Tho t.,. .. _ .. un .... r -.'hyol
'lI<h ..
'0 ..... 11. h ,. ,h. . . .,..,
~IOI 01." iO hll .. ~h: norhi"ll poIn ..
I...~ Of
ly. ~ "Iho_'
pI.IOI .....
Luvtrt w,g ,I>00I IOm ..
Of ....
.. 15 ......... nd . ... on'y .. .,. ... '''11
~ooh ,,.. 1 _ " , '..... _.....".
Hnch onIMMO 0"""" P'OI'P" 100
yuds .... , ... L.uae< ond 'ho ~~ ... h.
bor",IedS&W 44 " ' -.... I'~
,be lOll....... nyq ... h......... vI


li<Cy," ...,....,

"",or " _ 01 h


..... "ft, . - ,

and l""bUity 10 110. ,OJ*! ~"'. o..opl1.

, ... .....,. .10_.. "Oped on " bl' ,!In
.... rl ........., , ... )'0 ........ bon "' ..... 'ho
COI. ect """"".nd mop,d... .."h.
'~II\iI. tho I.!.ogo. It 0'00 on<
oIlho moot ..11ObIo p,.,m In , ... _Id
<>no .poI """Ii hold. 01
cou ..... bl't ... M'9'1 .... ' 45 ...:"""" ...
Tho .. v''' ..... nabIod I ... Lue<, 10
bo"", ".... 0/ , ... to;> Ih ... ",nft .. h::"11
p, .. oI. 01 oli ::.... bo..~ on lho numbo.
01 klr, rnad<. Tho olh .. 'wo .'. Ih,
M1813 Col: Si""" .... , ..... "',.,y , .."I"".
."" I ho ..1"I.d MIg, i ... '. TIl. lallo,

_ ,I,,'

- ,... ""otbo.

' ......M_ oIahto. In ,II< """" and

lumble _ . "" ',.,fllCh , Udl . . and
, , _............. """""'" 'ho 1'08', """"
0111". q ... bi .... _
h.... all 'bo .........
ho IIUd:ed. Mwu quieldy Iound 11>01 It
_Ioolotrd .. lho , .... , .nd poIn ..d ,ho
Luto, .. 1' .)'0\1 ... o.!.Olty "',
)'001 w .. _ " " I" 'ho , , _ oonfi ....
"" 0 ''''ItCh. , ... Luto' wo
do""ly " .apon ,h.. t ho bo" ""100< " ....
.tId ~ oj bl, ad..., ..uiH. Tho
LIII/O' """'I"u<:<! '0 .""k "I' '" &Coo.
'h"",~h 11'11'11. w h~", Go, ma " 0I1ke ..
who ,n .. nd<d '0 ",,1 lIy
oomoo ...
wllh :hol' pI"ol_n, 10' ,h. L"II" oAd
''''''' . ... ho ....
pl".,I b>dl/O
01 .. nk op,.d 10, ,32 . A IIO<><i amp ..
w.. , ... SS 0,11<.. who . "l/OAd h It.
wo. p'. . . n"d".... or :h. fi, .. Wallh ..
P38t """ ""nlln""" catty h'. L"lI'"

t., """"




.....IIM ... "".Id hll "'II., ""' h ".

Tho luI/O, wao 011 ......"""ted by
con,.m_o.y ....... ' I<.n ", .... , Il...,
pe,IiapoOUl 01 ... ad .."..,.. .....
01 ",,110ft&[ ~kW or
, hoy could do 00 wMI>o\II o/ " nd'o~ an
"" ... , 11.., Thoy 01' '':...1 'Iho ..... my .
~" ...' , ... Luto,. "oitl"ll h
.nd -.yI".,hl"'l/l .IKh ... II)'OU.
I.!.ogo ........ _ hot ........ Luet"
hoi ..."",' and "'The I.!.ogo'" ~
""111 .. unfllOU ....,ty .. """.nd
....... M ,.,., .... td '" """'. ClIp ......
<Oil. 01110 _
h ...... Tho Iru,b "
,hOi' "1I, .. don111 ... hoi """,.and
won1 ,...,n. wl,h. _.k n.g .,..,. '~II\iI.
To<Ioy, po<"-" ...... y .. nlM"'" oj
10,-".....,..... ',,'ho ..... n"y ... ""
"arJOl"ll ...... .
.... p'n'I" "Iy _"", tho L.uv<' "
.... y .... ""'........",... and ' ''''''' .... lho

pe'''"''' _ .....




"ron;r<" ....."'... _'''II po..'bIo.

CI ... " ,h' Ad It hi "":.bIo ..... lor I..

hoi _Id"ll In ,I>< dl ... 1t


po.ioc:,ly 'n ,h ...... '.,..,... 0I1lyt"l! mud

..... dl,' 0/ WWI wh'"I'''

v''''''O<! S&W

T,'p:. I..o<:k "'....."",. 10m ..... 'n , ...

mud. So m"d lor ,~ ..... ..." ..... m"",ot'"
, .. lability! Wil'l ... ,11 'hot ,..""
nk.ly. A"~ , WW' he l.<cge' wao ,.Ih.,
,,,,pula, .. lIh 'ho "'n~ . ie.n c"wboys,


" .,.,:..clly fit , ... ch""" poe ......


noIork>cn dl,' .nd .. nd

lor ')'1"11 "P ",.-01..., .... lth . .ncI In ,hoI,
II"'" Who. WWII c ...... aJona, 'ho Lul/O'
cont'nued to
TM Luto. WH .....,.. c.,,11 ,.. _
hoIo'e . ... 'III'"d .........,....... poOl:lion I...... , .........."' . TM(le, .....
oI1ic .......
'0 haw .... plot""
'" pol_ opeI"'EEI rondHIO<I
")'I""lOdo. 10.. d w .wry U_ .n
poppoed """ for _'ncM .....
c."y. f _
......" IouDd .fty:hl..
bo .... , ......
pano... hoi .... ....IIn.
Ii 01........ _
~bI""' ..... 01 ""~ ...
obIlity. ",,",1001. and f... d,_ .... IIObIo.
1 _ used ,h"<In"new ,~ Mft ..,
_ _ .... ..,. )'0'" . . , . He . .... lWO
St""'ll.ulbo, Co. ... Ioeo "10 ....

.h' ....







""ok ""ltCo" ""'''e'

0/ ,ho ""Y h'~ho" q...lily lor , ... Lui'i"

plo:or .h.. wlll ...... "'y eMil", Of
pol" ....d . I h.~ ......., boo" .bI< ' 0
with , ... , ...."k. ConI"" St ' ''''II
Le.,h .. Co .. P.O. 80><
39 Gt<>W St ..



GIoII<...... M ...""hu ...... Oi9:l(l.

... qu .. k,haw ""!)c .... hoi" .. w"ho,,'

' ... 'n'~ .... p ,. o ll".d by EI P.. o
Saddle.y Co .. 2025 Eo.. V.nd<1I 0." EI
P.",. Tex ... 1990], Th" "om""..,. boljOn
,~. do)'t 01' ... Wild W.. I
""'"." lot tho ... ""1 .... old W... II"'"
Bhte' "I t"'m on, John W.... y 1I dl .
TMy hove 'h. Ionl/O" hiliOfY 01
I."",cow hoi..... 0/ 0..,..,... TIl,. hi ,ho
""'.... '0 weor ...... n ""."'n " 1m",'... ",


.,id """'"


""'Y'"" h..... _""011 ' Op

......""" duly .....

.... w

.t."" lor

""t. EI\On. MI. 'oil]

how .... n. , ...

Luto, .. """ 01

,... ft...., pi.toIo ...... . . - . and, ...

new KtloVf!o'l" . IM Iran'

Luto' e ....

..... I... Iote ..... CoI.~

...,.... n...I/ar~ ......... " ' .......n'' ...
fMCh''''"'I"8 moc ... n ......, " _
eII, ......... _ _ " .... ",..

told .......... 1rot>I/ o. nM..,.elulooe hi

"'" propo ..... ' 11 _ _ ......... nl.....

:.ow. aIf'Oady bHn ...... "I~

..... , ....

. . -... ' 0 _0'''' ' oshi1"1i ')'0'

, ...... ',,"0 dil'~..'" "'".: .... ' 010 """1
o/Ie, . . "'""y dllfe ..", 'K' "'' ...... n
cont\rw .. lon pooolbl'H ....... hoY"""
,,_. '" tho pio' O: .... .,., .... , ~
On )'OU ... ..,h ,bo
,II _
.. "" _nhlll 1 dlo.. 01 how ... w
,hoy ... , SoIl)'OU
I... U"_.
pI ..oI. _ 11" 10119' 1.... 1 .45 ... Ioanalk,
II you w.nl 'he "'.. pof.lin~. n.fe .. '0




hil w ith "" mool """",.,. flIElO:.

YOUI/O: 0 Lugo, .

... "" llyou wanl I... ftn.. t L"l/O"

you gel ....... K'''gholl,

65'H EDITION . 20 11



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