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Th e Divine and th e Devoted is a series of P DF s of nine rel igions for any fantasy cam paign. W h il e original l y designed for th e Myth osa setting, th e gods and goddesses presented h ere can easil y be dropped into oth er w orl ds. Cl e rical R aim e nt s Garm ents w orn by priests of th e rel igion. H ol y Days and Tim e s L ists th e rel igion s h ol idays and h ol y h ours. Rel at ions h ips D iscusses th e rel ationsh ips th e faith h as w ith th e oth er rel igions as w el l as secul ar organizations. Es s e nce of t h e Fait h A sum m ary of th e rel igion s dogm a. Fact ions and O rde rs Any factions, orders, or groups of note w ith in th e rel igion are m entioned h ere. Gam e Inf orm at ion D etail s th e actual gam e el em ents used w h en pl aying one of th e deity s cl ergy (cl eric, druid, or pal adin) or one th eir l aity (non-cl erical w orsh ipers). Dom ains Th e dom ains av ail abl e to cl erics of th e rel igion are giv en h ere for conv enience.

Using th is Book

Th e suppl em ents in th is series provide detail s about each of th e nine m aj or rel igions in Myth osa. Th e form at and nature of th is inform ation is described bel ow. Tit l es Next to th e deity s nam e are l isted th e titl es th ey h av e been giv en by th eir cl ergy. Port f ol io A sh ort account of w h at th e deity rul es ov er. Sym bol A description of th e rel igion s h ol y sym bol . De s cript ion D escribes h ow th e god s w orsh ipers de pict th em in a ph ysical form , giv es an ov erview of th e rel igion s goal s and purposes, and describes th e oth erw orl dy h om e of th e deity. W ors h ip D etail s w h o w orsh ips th e deity, w h ere th e m aj ority of w orsh ipers are l ocated, and w h at pl aces tend to be sacred to th e rel igion. Te m pl es Inform ation about th e tem pl es and sh rines of th e rel igion incl uding th eir arch itecture and w h ere th ey are com m onl y l ocated. Th e l ocation of th e rel igion s ch ief tem pl e (if it h as one) is l isted as w el l as cities w h ere additional tem pl es can be found.L ocations of sh rines are not l isted.

2006 by Bruce Gul k e.Al l R igh ts R eserv ed.d20 System and th e d20 System L ogo are Tradem ark s ow ned by W izards of th e Coast and are used according to th e term s of th e d20 System L icense v ersion 6. 0. A copy of th is l icense can be found at w w w. w izards. com /d20. D ungeons & D ragons and W izards of th e Coast are

R egistered Tradem ark s of W izards of th e Coast, and are used w ith P erm ission.

Artw ork 2001-2006 Bruce Gul k e. Th is m aterial is protected under th e copyrigh t l aw s of th e United States of Am erica.Any re production or unauth orized use of th e artw ork or non-O GL m aterialh erein is proh ibited w ith out th e express w ritten perm ission of Bruce Gul k e. Th is docum ent is a w ork of fiction. Any sim il arity to actualpeopl e, organizations, pl aces, or ev ents is purel y coincidental . Th is docum ent is not affil iated w ith any oth er com m ercial publ ication.

Cov er Il l ustration by Bruce Gul ke Interior il l ustrations by Bruce Gul k e and Teri Gul k e.


A adu
P ortfol io Sym bol
D isease, destruction, h atred, m adness, and storm s A dul l sil v er disk w ith a spiral gl yph (k now n as th e Sign of Madness ) carv ed into it.

Th e Mad God Th e Great Destroyer Lord of Unfath om ab l e Mad ness

D escription

Th e entity k now n as Aadu h as m any guises, w h ich is not surprising giv en its ch aotic nature, but it is usual l y de picted as th e Mael strom : a l arge, sw irl ing m ass of ooze and foulw ind from w h ich tentacl es, pseudopods, eyestal k s and oth er w rith ing extensions em erge. Aadu is trul y m ad and in h is m adness seek s to undo th e w h ol e of Creation. Th ose w h o serv e it, usual l y suffering from insanity th em sel v es, bel iev e th em sel v es to be its divine instrum ents, destined for rew ard in w h atev er afterl ife th e D estroyer m ay offer. Aadu s real m is a v ast, sw irl ing m ael strom in th e center of th e Sea of Ich or, a l arge body of w ater found in Geh ennim . Th e L ord of Madness h as m erged h is essence w ith th e w atery v ortex, draw ing al l wh o v enture too cl ose into h is dom ain of destruction and ch aos.

Pronunciat ion: Al ignm e nt : Com m on Nam e s : Cl e rgy H onorif ic:

AH -due Ch aotic Evil Th e D estroyer, th e R av ager n/a

El e m e nt : Col ors : Me t al s: Ge m s t one s : Ince ns e : W oods : H e rbs /Pl ant s: Num be r: Anim al s /Be as t s: Air Bl ack Iron, l ead O nyx El der, pe pper H aw th orn Mandrak e, red l otus, vuul Six R at, vul ture

W orsh ip

Th ere is v ery l ittl e w orsh ip of Aadu from eith er h um ans or non-h um ans. V eneration of th e Mad God is outl aw ed in m ost civil ized l ands;despite th is, th ere are a few pock ets of A narch ista (as Aadu s priests are k now n) found th rough out th e real m s. P l aces of rev erence incl ude ruins, cav erns and anyw h ere th at great destruction or dev astation occurred (th e Grey W aste and ruined el v en cities are considered particul arl y sacred).

sm al lgroups (k now n as cov ens), consisting of no m ore th an fifteen or tw enty peopl e. Cov ens of Anarch ista gath er in cel l ars, cav es, abandoned buil dings, or oth er dark , h idden pl aces and are l ed by th e m ost pow erfulcl eric of th e group. In rare cases a tem pl e m ay operate openl y. Gre at Te m pl e : R um ors tel l of a central , principal tem pl e found in th e ruined city of L yranorr, but th e truth of th is is unk now n. Te m pl e s : K now n tem pl es to Aadu are found in Ak eron and Al esunn.

Tem pl es

F ew tem pl es to Aadu exist. Th e nature of th e rel igion is such th at its cul tists m ust gath er in


r Th e D iv ine and th e D ev oted - A adu s

Cl erical Raim ents

Anarch ista w ear sim pl e, bl ack h ooded robes for th eir cerem onies. O utside of th eir unh ol y gath erings, cul tists conceal th eir rel igious affil iation, th ough th ey usual l y bear som e sort of sign of faith , al beit conceal ed (a h ol y sym bol w orn under th eir cl oth ing, perh aps, or a tattoo cov ered by a sh irt or gl ov es).

Spread contagion and pl ague w h erev er you go th e w eak and th e unw orth y m ust be purged to m ak e th e rest stronger. Th at w h ich is buil t exists to be destroyed. D estroy th e non-bel iev ers, and use th eir rem ains to destroy th eir coh orts. F ear neith er th e fury of th e storm nor th e frenzy of destruction, for Aadu w atch es ov er you.

H ol y D ays and Tim es

L am astide (Autum nturn 1st) is th e h ol y day of th e cul t of Aadu, w h en th ey cel ebrate th e end of sum m er and th e onset of dark er days and l onger nigh ts. O n th is day, Aadu grants its faith fulan increase in th eir profane pow ers. D uring th e rest of th e year, Anarch ista observ e cerem onies w h en R al os is new and pray for th eir m agic during th e h ours of Moonrise.

Factions and O rders

Myriad sm al lgroups m ak e up th e cul t of Aadu. None are of any significance beyond th e greater faith , oth er th an th e Vand al s, a figh ting order of unh ol y w arriors.

Rel ationsh ips

Aadu h as l ittl e interest in th e w ork ings of th e oth er rel igions, exce pt w h en th eir agendas interfere w ith its ow n. Th e D estroyer view s th e rest of th e panth eon w ith l ittl e interest, th ough it reserv es a h atred for D ynera and h er tendency tow ard creation and preserv ation, and revil es Bal tur s antith etical faith . At t it ude s Tow ards O t h e r Fait hs Ae ryandris : H ostil e Al yara: H ostil e Azak h ar: Unfriendl y Bal t ur: H ostil e Dyne ra: H ostil e J h adara: Indifferent L yranis : Unfriendl y Sh aarizad: Indifferent

Essence of th e Faith

F rom Ch aos did th e w orl d em erge, and to Ch aos sh al l it return. O rder eq uates to w eak ness prom ote strength th rough Ch aos. r3s

r Th e D iv ine and th e D ev oted - A adu s

Gam e Inform ation

L aity
Al l ow e d Al ignm e nt s : Ch aotic Evil , Ch aotic Neutral , Neutral Evil , Neutral Div ine Gif t s : Ch aracters w ith th is god as th eir patron m ay cast d aze once per m onth . O n th eir h ol y day, th ey m ay cast d oom .

D om ains
Ch aos D om ain
Grant e d Pow e r You cast ch aos spel l s at + 1 caster l ev el . Ch aos Dom ain Spe l l s 1.P rotection from L aw 2.Sh atter 3.Magic Circl e against L aw 4.Ch aos H am m er 5.D ispel L aw 6.Anim ate O bj ects 7.W ord of Ch aos 8.Cl oak of Ch aos 9 .Sum m on Monster IX* *Cast as a ch aos spel lonl y.

Cl ergy

Dom ains : Ch aos, D estruction, D isease, Evil , Storm Fav ore d W e apon: Bl ack Mael strom (h eavy fl ail ) Figh t ing O rde r: Th e figh ting order of th is rel igion uses th e pal ad in of sl augh ter v ariant pal adin cl ass. H ol y Day Pow e rs : Cl erics and pal adins are granted an al l otm ent of spel l s as if th ey w ere tw o l ev el s h igh er th an th ey actual l y are (exam pl e: A 3rd l ev elcl eric w ith W IS 13 norm al l y h as a spel l array of 4 / 3+ 1 / 1+ 1;on th eir h ol y day, th e cl eric s spel l s run 5 / 4+ 1 / 2+ 1 / 1+ 1). Al l spel l effects based on l ev el are stil l as th e cl eric s actual l ev el(using th e previous exam pl e, if th e cl eric casts d etect l aw, th e duration w oul d stil lonl y be l im ited to a m axim um of th irty m inutes, not fifty). Additional l y, a cl eric s granted pow ers and a pal adin s abil ities are eith er doubl ed in effect or m ay be used tw ice as often th at day (w h ich ev er is m ore appropriate). H e ral ds and Al l ie s : Aadu s h eral d is a bal or. Aaduan al l ies are h ow l ers, gl abrezu dem ons, and m aril ith dem ons. Not e: P al adins of th is rel igion m ay freel y m ul ticl ass w ith barbarian.

D estruction D om ain

Grant e d Pow e r You gain th e sm ite pow er, th e supernaturalabil ity to m ak e a singl e m el ee attack w ith a + 4 bonus on attack rol l s and a bonus on dam age rol l s eq ualto your cl eric l ev el (if you h it). You m ust decl are th e sm ite before m ak ing th e attack . Th is abil ity is usabl e once per day. De s t ruct ion Dom ain Spe l l s 1.Infl ict L igh t W ounds 2.Sh atter 3.Contagion 4.Infl ict Critical W ounds 5.Infl ict L igh t W ounds, Mass 6.H arm 7.D isintegrate 8.Earth q uak e 9 .Im pl osion


r Th e D iv ine and th e D ev oted - A adu s

D isease D om ain

Grant e d Pow e r Im m unity to al lnaturaldiseases. In addition, you m ay add your caster l ev elto any saving th row against m agical diseases. Dis e as e Dom ain Spe l l s 1.Curse W ater 2.Infl ict Moderate W ounds 3.Contagion 4.P oison 5.Sl ay L iving 6.Circl e of D eath 7.D estruction 8.H orrid W il ting 9 .Energy D rain

Storm D om ain

Grant e d Pow e r You gain el ectricity resistance 5. St orm Dom ain Spe l l s 1.Endure El em ents 2.Gust of W ind 3.Cal l L igh tning 4.Ice Storm 5.Cal l L igh tning Storm 6.Ch ain L igh tning 7.Control W eath er 8.W h irl w ind 9 .Storm of V engeance

Ev il D om ain

Grant e d Pow e r You case evil spel l s at + 1 caster l ev el . Ev il Dom ain Spe l l s 1.P rotection from Good 2.D esecrate 3.Magic Circl e against Good 4.Unh ol y Bl igh t 5.D ispel Good 6.Create Undead 7.Bl asph em y 8.Unh ol y Aura 9 .Sum m on Monster IX* * Cast as an evilspel lonl y.


r Th e D iv ine and th e D ev oted - A adu s

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System R eference D ocum ent Copyrigh t 2000-2003, W izards of th e Coast, Inc. ; Auth ors J onath an Tw eet, Monte Cook , Sk ip W il l iam s, R ich Bak er, Andy Col l ins, D avid Noonan, R ich R edm an, Bruce R . Cordel l , based on originalm aterialby E. Gary Gygax and D av e Arneson. Modern System R eference D ocum ent Copyrigh t 2002, W izards of th e Coast, Inc; Auth ors Bil lSl avicsek , J eff Grubb, R ich R edm an, Ch arl es R yan, based on m aterialby J onath an Tw eet, Monte Cook , Sk ip W il l iam s, R ich Bak er, P eter Adk ison, Bruce R . Cordel l ,J oh n Tynes, Andy Col l ins, and J D W ik er. Sw ords of O ur F ath ers Copyrigh t 2003, Th e Gam e Mech anics Mutants & Masterm inds Copyrigh t 2002 Green R onin

P ubl ish ing Unearth ed Arcana Copyrigh t 2004, W izards of th e Cost, Inc; Andy Col l ins, J esse D eck er, D avid Noonan, R ich R edm an D ungeons, Copyrigh t 2000, Al derac Entertainm ent Group Evil , Copyrigh t 2001, Al derac Entertainm ent Group D ragons, Copyrigh t 2001, Al derac Entertainm ent Group Undead, Copyrigh t 2001, Al derac Entertainm ent Group W ar, Copyrigh t 2002, Al derac Entertainm ent Group Monster, Copyrigh t 2002, Al derac Entertainm ent Group Gods, Copyrigh t 2002, Al derac Entertainm ent Group Myth osa Gazetteer, Copyrigh t 2002-2003, Bruce A.Gul k e Th e D ivine and th e D ev oted - Aadu, Copyrigh t 2006, Bruce A.Gul ke

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