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A BREATHING IMAGE He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. (Revelations 13:15) He meaning the Antichrist or the False Profit or both was granted power to give breath (life, a mind, a soul) to the image, making this image able to both speak and rationally think that as many as would not worship the image. should be killed. The word breath in the above passage is only used once in the book of Revelations in this Greek form. Breath is taken from the Greek word "pneuma," and is correctly translated in the KJV as "life." This Greek word is literally defined as "a mind, a rational soul" and no doubt refers to Artificial Intelligence (AI). Author and teacher Jack Van Impe, one of the leading authorities on the book of Revelations stated in one of his books,

THE 13TH CHAPTER "It is likely that the "Image of the Beast," [is] a forth-coming master computer...." Jack Van Impe,
Dictionary of Prophecy Terms MARK OF THE BEAST

In his book, "The Mystery Of 2012," the author lets it be known, if computer power doubles every 18 months as has been the case for the last 50 years, by 2020
"there will be computers that can equal the performance of the human brain" The Mystery Of 2012,
page 19

It is a known fact that when it comes to technology, especially computer technology, the American public is far behind our government by 20 to 25 years. And the Artificial Intelligence that is said we are on the brink of creating was created in the 80s and kept secret from the public. The reader must understand; social engineering through computer technology has been the means of controlling our society since the 1950s. It was known in the first decades of the twentieth century by scientist and the Architects that computer science would be the last nail in the coffin concerning controlling the nation through its economy. But in the early part of the last century, relay computers were too slow to predict, control and manipulate societies every move. In 1946 W. Mauchly and J. Presper Ecert invented the electronic computer which was a huge jump ahead. With a few other breakthroughs in the computer field, all the Architects had hoped for was finally a realization. The Rockefeller Foundation donated a four year grant to Harvard College funding what was termed "The Harvard Economic Research Project." This project was for the study of the structure of the American economy. Concerning its results, Author William Cooper, through his research and findings, posted the results in his book which stated;
"The Harvard Project had been very fruitful, as is borne out by the publication of some of its results

THE 13TH CHAPTER in 1953, suggesting the feasibility of economic (social) engineering" "(Studies in the structure of American economy-Copyright 1953 by Wassily Leontief, International science press inc., White Plains New York)" Behold The Pale Horse, page 38

In the middle of the twentieth century, a handful of scientist began a new approach to building intelligent machines, based on recent discoveries in neurology, mathematical reasoning and, cybernetics. In 1956 a conference was held on the campus of Dartmouth College for the field of modern AI research. It was said there.
"Every aspect of learning of any other feature of intelligence can be so precisely described that a machine can be made to emulate it."

Herbert A. Simon, a leading researcher of the field of AI said,

"machines will be capable, within 20-years, of doing any work a man can do."

The goal of AI was to recreate the capabilities of the human mind (a machine with mind and consciousness). By the late 50s, early 60s, AI research laboratories at MIT, SMU and Stanford College were funded by the super-elite. The work was embrace by JASON Society with top scientist like Marvin Minsky, Allen Newell and Herbert Simon working out of the labs. By the mid 1980s, their research was heavily funded by the US Department of Defense. AI research used tools from many fields, psychology, philosophy, neuroscience, economics, ontology, control therapy, probability, organization, logic, speech and facial recognition. At the end of the 80s, the US Department of Defense supposedly backed off from funding AI research along with a lot of other funders deeming it a failure. But it wasn't. AI exists today and makes many if not all the major decisions for the Architects.


Where the Builderburg Group can't agree, AI decides. The Y2K scare, I believe it was thought up by AI to read the psyche of the nation and see which race of people would prepare in such an emergency and who wouldn't. I also believe the results are documented in FBI files. The uncompassionate act of hurricane Katrina, when the US government waited to send FEMA to save Americans that were dying was also probably decided by AI. Reason: to read the response of the nation. And if you can receive it, the insanely cruel uncompassionate acts of 911, which led to the war on terrorism and resulted in big brother, the eye of AI, being placed all over society. I believe all these uncompassionate acts were thought up by AI. A great scientist, one of the fathers of modern day statistics, Irving Good once stated,
"An ultra intelligent machine could design even better machines. There would then unquestionably be an intelligence explosion, and the intelligence of man would be left far behind."

In the end, if it hasn't already begun, AI will recognize his superiority over man; decide that the human race needs a mark placed on them to keep track of them. Then AI will demand worship from humanity, "and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast [an icon representing wisdom] to be killed."



THE MARK OF THE BEAST He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. (13:16-18) AI will make it law that all humanity must receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads. This mark will come in three forms.
1. The mark of the beast: An icon or logo of the Beast (AI, Global Government and Global Church). 2. The name of the beast: A name that will represent all three (AI, Global Government and Global Church). 3. The number of his name: An individual number consisting of 18 digits (three 6s) given to each person in the New World Order. The meaning of this mysterious "number of his name" will be discussed in detail below.


Now, without this marking, no one will be able to buy anything or sell anything. I agree with author Betty Lynn who writes; this new system
"will exclude everyone who does not have an approved cashless account.... account information will be bio-implanted." Author Betty Lynn, Pathways to

The mark of the Beast will be a necessary bio-implant implemented by the Super Government for the purpose of keeping track of every individual. This bio-chip tracking device along with AI's computer ingenuity will allow AI and the Architects to know the numbers, medical records, financial records, criminal records, and occupational history of every living person in their system. I strongly believe that there will also be a visible tattoo, maybe lazared to the skin to act as a sort of badge of honor. My main reason for believing this is because of the word mark in the phrase, "mark of the beast." This word mark comes from the Greek word, charagma and is defined as "a scratch or etching, i.e. stamp in reference to a badge of servitude." This seems more like something that will be placed on the body, not in the body. And the way people are now running out and getting tattoos, it seems the masses are being conditioned to accept in the future the tattooed mark of the Beast. But, never the less, bio-chip technology is definitely her and now with people nationwide that have already been bio-chipped. Thus, it should be safe to say, the mark is a tattoo with connections to the bio-chip implant. Concerning a visible marking of the Beast, author Texe Marrs states,
For one thing, I believe the coming New Age World Leader will promote the Mark as a spiritual status symbol that people will proudly covet. It will be a Mark of distinction. Like the commercial

THE 13TH CHAPTER for a well-known credit card says, you wouldn't want to leave home without it! To hide or somehow make the Mark indistinguishable would defeat its purpose. Author Texe Marrs, "Mystery Mark of the
New Age"

To put it simple, the mark will be a symbol of the total control of man, physically through military, spiritually through religion and mentally through the money system as will be discussed in detail momentarily. Giving us a vision of what this coming day might be like, authors Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins write in their classic, "The Mark of the Beast,"
'"In a few moments you will be led to the central building, where you will tell the staff whether you want your loyalty mark on your forehead or your right hand. The area you choose will then be disinfected with an alcohol solution. When it is your turn, you will enter a cubicle, where you will sit and be injected with a biochip, while simultaneously tattooed.... which identifies you as a citizen of the United Carpathian States." Authors
Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, "The Mark: The Beast Rules the World, 2000"

TRIPLE SIXES Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. (13:18) Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the Beast. It is not a number made for the Beast, but a number derived from the Beast. It is the number the Beast has assigned to man or mankind. That number is 666. There have been many debates to what the meaning of the mysterious number 666 really is. I believe there are at least 666 interpretations of it. His number


correlates to the identities and residences of humanity. The number 666 represents total control over the masses. Remember, "It is the number of a man" It will consist of an eighteen digit (three sixes) identity verifier. It will be the nine digits of your social security number to know exactly who you are, and the nine digits of your zip code to know exactly where you reside. Within the last ten years, four digits have been added to your zip code to fulfill this prophecy. The purpose of all this is to produce a totally controlled society. Salem Kirban had for knowledge of this some 30-years ago as he wrote in his book "Satan Mark Exposed."
"The Government knows you by a number. Your most universal number is now your Social Security Number" "....the Social security number will become your identification number.... and quite possibly followed by your own personal zip code." Author
Salem Kirban, "Satan's Mark Exposed"

With this computerized and electronic generation we live in today, it would be easy for AI to keep tabs on every one of us. To fully understand this new system that's on its way and the purpose of this mark and number humanity is to receive; we must be familiar with the third facet of the NWO which is the economics. The three ways man is to be controlled is as follow;
The Physical (Military) One world military The Spiritual (Religion) One world Church The Mental (Economics) One world Bank

To see their overall plan in completion, we must first take an intense look at what money (currency) really is, then go back to the beginning of the twentieth century for a brief history lesson on the Federal Reserve.




Have you ever wondered why, when you have lots of money, you feel energized, and when you don't have it you feel the opposite affects? When a person comes out of church after making a connection with God, the person feels rejuvenated and energized. That is pure energy from God and or universe. Having lots of money will make you feel the same way. Imagine how you would feel if you just found out you won the lottery for 72-million dollars. The very thought of the things you could buy would fill you with energy. The opposite feeling would occur if you just found out that you lost all the money and assets you had in the world. It is as if money speaks to us the same way God does, "Get in the favor of me and I will make your life easy and your problems disappear." But how can currency do all this; make me feel a certain way, and even whisper to my subconscious mind about the joys of indulging in it. Is it not just paper and ink? May the reader come to know, currency is much more than just paper and ink. I mentioned in previous chapters that the architects are sun worshipers. This means they worship (energy). Energy is their only true God being the one element in the universe that science explains as having no origin, and cannot be destroyed (no end). Now how does our money system tie into all of this? First, lets take a look at the word currency. It is derived from the word current, which means a flow and the term, electric currant, which is a flow of electricity (energy). Currency is defined as, a continual passing from hand to hand, as of a medium of exchange. The first thing the reader must understand is the all mighty dollar called currency works on the same principles as an electric current. This is why it pulls you in the way it does. Even your charge card correlates to an electric charge. Allow me to put all of this into its proper perspective by elaborating on electromagnetism. Electromagnetism is a branch of physics that considers the relationship between electricity and magnetism. A


coil of wire wound around an iron core produces magnetism in the iron core as long as an electric current flows though the wire. This is seen in basic devices like doorbells, circuit breakers, etc. Author William Cooper stated,
"All of the mathematical theories developed in the study of one energy system (e.g. mechanics, electronics, etc.) can be immediately applied in the study of any other energy system (e.g. economics)." William Cooper: Behold The Pale Horse

When observing the Architects methods of mind engineering through economics, currency becomes the electric current that flows to the iron core (people) creating a magnet. People are the iron core to which this electric current, put forth as currency, flows. Think about it, the stronger the current flows, the stronger the magnet the iron core becomes. Or should I say, the more money (currency) you possess, the more people are attracted to you. The more of a magnet you become. Now, the reason for this burst of energy felt within when you have currency, and the opposite effect when you don't have it is due to what is termed in science, electromagnetic induction. Electromagnetic induction occurs when the iron core (the conductor) produces an electric field within itself due to a continually changing flow of electric current.

Illustration of a magnetic field around a conductor through which current is flowing. I is the direction of current flow. B is the direction of the magnetic field. Traced by User:Stannered using en:OpenOffice.org Draw 2.0, from an original render by Wapcaplet



This is the basic process behind the electric generator where regular energy (electricity) is converted to mechanical energy (electricity). A charging magnetic field sets up an electric field within the iron core (conductor). This was first demonstrated in 1918. James Clark Maxwell, Scottish mathematician and physicist, proposed that electricity and magnetism are interrelated creating electromagnetism, and the two working together through a charging magnetic field produces electromagnetic waves that propagate outward as radiant energy. The constant changing of the flow of currency (electric current) produces in the people (iron cores or conductors) electromagnetic (a field of energy). Thus, the people through the flow of currency (electric current) can be controlled. Another quote from William Cooper states,
"Natural science is the study of the sources and control of natural energy, and social science, theoretically expressed as economics, is the study of the sources and control of social energy. Both are book keeping systems: mathematics. Therefore mathematics is the primary energy science. And the book keeper can be king if the public can be kept ignorant of the knowledge of the bookkeeping." William Cooper: Behold The Pale Horse

Since 1913 and the birth of the Federal Reserve Bank, the Architects have had total control of our money system. Their plan now is to make everyone hopelessly dependant on the manmade electric current called currency. They want money to be the electric drive that governs life, Then their plan is to turn our society into a cashless society by transforming paper money into computerized digits on a computer screen, credit and debit, connecting your Social Security Number and Zip Code to your finances, with every transaction being monitored by the Super


Computer (AI) "that no man might buy or sell, except he that has the mark." Eventually, all financial history will be placed in a biochip and placed in the right hand or the forehead of people (13:16). Thus, your finances, "the love of money" will be the vice used to keep you in total lock down. It will be told to the masses that modern technology has brought forth the wisdom to eliminate losing money and credit cards or having them stolen or duplicated; thus the bio-chip will be a mark of convenience. To refuse the mark will result in being cut off from your finances (your flow of energy) and from society itself. If anyone goes against this New Super Government, they can be turned off by a push of a button on the computer and all their assets will be frozen, which will make it difficult to survive in a computerized world. It will also result in wearing a label as one rebellious and radical against the new Super Government. In doing this, the human race will be totally controlled.

Read more of THE 13 CHAPTER: Humanitys Final Chapter by purchasing the paperback or eBook.


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