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Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics

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Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by Total Gadha - Monday, 20 O ctobe r 2008, 10:40 AM

This is a month of distress; students going into depression over their marks, everyone asking for attention, frantic phone calls and emails, long hours of workshops, motivating speeches, exclusive sessions. In short, bullets flying all around and everyday becoming a war zone. Part of the game though. This is the month every instructor in the field tightens his belt and gets ready for the barrage of queries and emotions flying his way. (And I just burnt my tea I left on the burner 10 minutes ago while writing this. Oh well!) I am still amazed how crushing those meaningless percentiles can be to the spirits of the students. I keep on telling students don't take your percentiles seriously. Don't take your percentiles seriously but my exhortations always fall on deaf ears. Students are so much caught in this web that they cannot detect that half their miseries are emanating from something that is not real and cannot supplant the real thing- The C AT. Oh well, I better go and answer those distress calls. For all those students telling me that I have disappeared from TG, here is the new chapter to shush them for a while. Till the mutiny rises again




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I shall have to end here and leave the rest of it for my CBT Club students. I shall cover some problems based on this in the CBT Club this week.

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You might also like: Quadratic Equation Absolute Value (Modulus) Function
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by vam si k rishna - Monday, 20 O ctobe r 2008, 10:55 AM O h m Y...... Ine qualitie s Sim plifie d.... SIR ,,,we de m and som e e x e rcise s to m unch on VaMsI
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by Kitty W itty - Monday, 20 O ctobe r 2008, 06:12 PM

Sir Hats off to you for such an insightful article . C ould you plz he lp m e solve this proble m using AM > GM funda.... Let x,y,z be distinct positive integers such that x+y+z=11. Find the maximum value of (xyz+xy+yz+zx)? This is how i approache d the proble m . for product of any 2 nos to be m ax im um the y shld be as close to e ach othe r as possible ...... using this x =2,y=4,z=5 substituting (xyz+xy+yz+zx) =78 However using AM > GM funda is m ore fool proof.... can som e one he lp m e with that? R e gards, Kitty W itty
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by ATO M ANT - Monday, 20 O ctobe r 2008, 06:52 PM Thank s for the le sson sir.. C an you e x plain how you found the base and he ight of the triangle in the se cond e x am ple ...

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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by Total Gadha - Monday, 20 O ctobe r 2008, 07:14 PM Hi Kitty, tak e 4, 4, 3. The num be rs should be ne arly e qual. Max im um value = 88. Total Gadha
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by rashi agarwal - Monday, 20 O ctobe r 2008, 07:51 PM

thank you TG sir for such a wonde rful article .W e are re ally in ne e d of m ore such article s. sir I have a doubt in this que s. find the m inim um value of |x -1|+ |x -3| +|x -10|. In this, can we tak e any two value s as a and b so that |x -a| +|x -b| re m ain constant .I havnt got the solution of this one .why have we tak e n a and b as 1 and 10? wht not 3 and 10? the re is one m ore que stion of the sam e type . i have nt got that also.ple ase e x plain this que stion. re gards rashi
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by whirl wind - Tue sday, 21 O ctobe r 2008, 01:28 AM TG, Glad to se e that. If only all that u ne e d is a m utiny for ur pre se nce he re - why - u can se e one any tim e ...and i dont m ind starting one right now - and i dont think othe rs will be late in joining m e in the m utiny for an article of urs. U've unanim ousy e stablishe d the unm atche d quality of conte nt on TG m any tim e s be fore ...we ne e d nt te ll wat the conte nt of the ne x t article shd be - u k now it m uch be tte r. But we will be waiting for one . Btw, TG, wat about the solutions of C C -4 and C C -6??Have nt had the m ye t - de spe rate ly waiting for the m ..
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by Kitty W itty - Tue sday, 21 O ctobe r 2008, 06:18 AM Hi TG Sir, Thank s for ur quick re ply. Howe ve r the que stion state s that x ,y and z are distinct inte ge rs. so 4,4,3 will be rule d out.
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by Kitty W itty - Tue sday, 21 O ctobe r 2008, 07:13 AM A nother Problem Sourced from Quant Marathon Blog 1)Two real non negative numbers satisfy that ab>=a^3+b^3, find the maximum value of a+b a) 1/2 b) 1 c) 3/2 d) 2 e) none of these My Approach a^3+b^3 >= ab(a+b) if a>0,b>0 .....................1 This im plie s.... the le ast value possible of a3+b3 = ab(a+b) a^3+b^3 <= ab (problem stmt).......................2 ab(a+b) <= ab...................from 1 and 2 possible only if a+b =1 Not sure if answe r is corre ct....approach also se e m s ve ry crude ... TG Sir and junta ...pour in your approache s.......

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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by C hinm ay Korhalk ar - Tue sday, 21 O ctobe r 2008, 09:37 AM Hi Sir, Thank s for such a wonde rful article . I've 2 que stions from last ye ar's AIMC AT. The re are thre e natural num be rs x ,y & z such that 2x +3y+4z = 100. 1. W hat is the m ax im um value of x ^2+y62+z^2? a)2500 b)2041 c)2036 d)2030 e )2024 2. W hat is the m ax im um value of 2x ^2+5y^2+8z^2? a)4066 b)4526 c)4534 d)4672 e )4754 R e gards. chinm ay.




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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by zico on the run - Tue sday, 21 O ctobe r 2008, 07:26 PM Hi Tg , wante d to clarify whe the r the " the condition for ax 2 + bx + c>=0 is a>0 and b2 -4ac<=0" m e ans that whe n ax 2+bx +c is always le sse r than ze ro im plie s a>0 and b 2-4ac <=0.
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by priyank a tiwari - W e dne sday, 22 O ctobe r 2008, 09:03 AM in e x 7 why has the condition of im aginary roots be ing use d? plz e x plain
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by Ve nk k ate san R - W e dne sday, 22 O ctobe r 2008, 09:11 AM Solve for the inte rse ction of two e quation, you will ge t the he ight of the triangle . Substitute y=0 u will ge t a value of x for e ach e quation. The diffe rnce of the se two value s will give u the base ...
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by Ve nk k ate san R - W e dne sday, 22 O ctobe r 2008, 09:20 AM

1) x =45,y=2,z=1 and ans= 2030???

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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by saurabh k - W e dne sday, 22 O ctobe r 2008, 02:55 PM

W ow Awe som e Article

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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by saurabh k - W e dne sday, 22 O ctobe r 2008, 03:43 PM O ne que ry junta In case of proble m s invovling m ax im um and m inim um value s of a sym m e trical e x pre ssion, we put e qual value s of variable s involve d to find m ax or m in. But is it possible to distingush b/w m ax and m in? Is it re ally possible to find the m ax and m in both, give n sum of variable s invovle d for a give n sym m e trical e x pre ssion. x , y,z non -ve re al num be rs. x + y+ z = 1. Find m ax and m in for x /(1+yz) + y/(1+x z) + z/(1+x y).

I can find 9/10 by putting x =y=z=1/3. Now how to find the othe r value invovle d? Junta ple ase re ply.
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by R ishi Kapoor - W e dne sday, 22 O ctobe r 2008, 04:26 PM C hinm ay, Solutions Ple ase !
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by ATO M ANT - W e dne sday, 22 O ctobe r 2008, 06:34 PM Thank s Ve nk ate sh.
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by C hinm ay Korhalk ar - W e dne sday, 22 O ctobe r 2008, 06:56 PM Answe rs : 1) 2030 2) 4534 C ould you ple ase e laborate on the m e thod use d? Is the re som e othe r m e thod e x ce pt m ak ing one the gre ate st and othe r two as sm all as possible ? Thank s in advance , C hinm ay.
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by ashish sharm a - W e dne sday, 22 O ctobe r 2008, 09:26 PM Hi...TG Sir....in the e ra of com m e rcialisation of e ducation and e x ploitation of m one y...som e ve ry noble and ge ne rous conce pts com e from your side . Sir i have joine d a coaching ce nte r, paid a he fty am ount and taught by m any te ache rs but hone stly the conce pts you give are so grasping and use ful that i have found the m m uch m ore use ful than any m ate rial.I have m ade up m y m ind if in this ye ar i dont ge t se le cte d i will join your coaching ....
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by R ishi Kapoor - W e dne sday, 22 O ctobe r 2008, 09:34 PM How do we cam e to k now which one we have to m ak e the gre ate st? Ple ase R e ply
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by Nik hil Dhanda - Thursday, 23 O ctobe r 2008, 11:52 AM he y m y approach for this was : give n : ab >= a^3+b^3 but we k now that (a^3+b^3)/2 > ((a+b)/2)^3 from the ore m give n above he nce ab >= ((a+b)/2)^3 but we k now that AP>=GP ie (a+b)/2 >= (ab)^1/2 tak ing square s ((a+b)/2)^2 >= ab >= ((a+b)/2)^3 he nce a+b
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by Nik hil Dhanda - Thursday, 23 O ctobe r 2008, 03:24 PM W hats the approach for this qs??...pe ople who got the answe r plz give ur approach for the sam e Thnk s
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by dhwani parik h - Sunday, 9 Nove m be r 2008, 09:47 PM just supe rb..it he lpe d m e a lot in the se last days... and the be st thing is che ss picture .... u've re late d it with this wonde rfully.. gre at one ...
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by nite sh agarwal - Saturday, 15 Nove m be r 2008, 03:12 PM the othe r value is 1 whe n x =y=0 and z=1
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics




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by shivani tiwari - Thursday, 27 Nove m be r 2008, 11:41 AM

Although I am not so re gular on TG but whe ne vr I ge t a chance to log on I just find a single word "MIND BLO W ING". Last tim e I ge t to k now how to find the last two digits of a num be r raise d to any powe r ..that was ye t anothe r fantabulous article by TG so lucid ..the sam e is with this one .. R e ally you are sim ply m indblowing in your way of e x plaining..

Thank s for all your e fforts..hope to find som e m ore article s on the se topics..
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by am it ranjan - Thursday, 30 July 2009, 07:38 PM Hi TG, Thank s a lot TotalGadha bhai. Ve ry ve ry use ful stuff. Be st R e gards, Am it
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by Nitin Kum ar - Saturday, 5 Se pte m be r 2009, 01:09 PM we ne e d to tak e distinct postive inte ge rs.
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by Arunde e p R aina - W e dne sday, 16 Se pte m be r 2009, 02:45 PM Plz e x plain if the re is any othe r approach to be use d in such que stions ( apart from m ak ing one num be r gre ate st and the othe rs as le ast as possible ). can anybody e x plain the solution for 2nd que s?
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by Ank it Talwar - Monday, 26 O ctobe r 2009, 03:06 PM

Hi all, The appr oach to solve the above mentioned pr oblems is to maximize one of the number s while minimizing the other two. Ans 1: Take x=50, y=0,z=0; the maximum value of ( x^2 + y^2 + z^2) = 2500. Ans 2: We have to see the weights attached with differ ent number s. In the second pr oblem. z has the highest weight attached to it { 8(Wz) > 5(Wy) >2(Wx)}. So we will take the following case x=0, y=0, z=25; the maximum value of (2x^2+ 5y^2 + 8z^2) = 5000 (which is not pr esent as any of the options.) Chinmay I would r equest you to check the answer for the second and pr ovide clar ifications if r equir ed. Regar ds Ank it
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by shravan k um ar - Sunday, 8 Nove m be r 2009, 04:43 PM @ Ank it.. ..Dude ...ple ase re do your calculations cos x , y, z are natural num be rs.
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by nishchai ne vre k ar - Sunday, 8 Nove m be r 2009, 06:42 PM ne one with viable solns to the se proble m s.... so tht thr is som e ge ne ralize d m e thod which can be x te nde d to othe r proble m s lik e the se .... @chinm ay. .... dude can u post those aim cat soln if possible ...
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics




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by nidhi soni - Saturday, 14 Nove m be r 2009, 10:20 PM

re ally re ally ve ry gud chp tg thnk u so m uch its re ally he lpful

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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by payal saraf - Sunday, 29 Nove m be r 2009, 05:14 PM plz he lp in d que s.(e g. 6) " find m ax n m in value f function y= x /(x 2 -5x +9)

afte r d ste p (11y+1)(y-1) le ss than e qual to 0, we can hv 2 case s 1. 11y+1 le ss than e qual to 0 and y-1 gre ate r than e qual to 0 the re fore , y le ss than e qual to -1/11 and y gre ate r than e qual to 1 or 2. 11y+1 gre ate r than e qual to 0 and y-1 le ss than e qual to 0 the re fore -1/11 (le ss than = to) y (le ss than = to ) 1 the n why do we choose case 2 only?????

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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by Subhash Me dhi - Tue sday, 1 June 2010, 02:39 AM De ar TG sir,

I too have the sam e doubt as Saurabh K. Is it possible in case of sym m e trical e x pre ssions to distinguish be twe e n m ax im um and m inim um value s. In the article , it is give n that to find maximum or minimum value s in case of sym m e trical e x pre ssions we have to assign e qual value s to e ach of the variable s.Doe s it m e an that in case of sym m e trical e x pre ssions m ax im um and m inim um value s are e qual ? C an that re ally be the case ? O r should we assign e qual value s to the variable s only while calculating the m inim um value ? R e gards, Subhash
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by Pravin Vaidya - W e dne sday, 2 June 2010, 12:36 AM

sim ple doubt?? solve the ine quality... (X/4) + (2/3) < (2X/3)-(1/6) ==> 1st approach (X/4)-(2X/3) < -(1/6) -(2/3) -5X/12 < -(5/6)===> (X/12) < (1/6) which give s, X<2 2nd approach (2/3)+(1/6) < (2X/3)-(X/4) (5/6) <5X/12 which give s, X>2 I am ge tting two diffe re nt solution ,could you ple ase te ll m e which one is right?? and why the othe r one is wrong.
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by TG Te am - W e dne sday, 2 June 2010, 11:49 AM

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See -5 < -2 does that mean 5 < 2. I hope you can find your error now.
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by Pravin Vaidya - Thursday, 3 June 2010, 01:39 PM

Thank s k am al....
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by Nam an Mirchandani - Saturday, 19 June 2010, 11:25 AM Sir, For the 2nd last que stion whe re a+b+c = 1, how will we k now that putting a=b=c, will give the mxm or minm value of (1/a - 1) (1/b - 1) (1/c - 1) ?

Thank s,

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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by R am ak anth Kanagovi - Monday, 12 July 2010, 04:30 PM 1)Two real non negative numbers satisfy that ab>=a^3+b^3, find the maximum value of a+b a) 1/2 b) 1 c) 3/2 d) 2 e) none of these i think the answe r is 1/2 tak ing the value s as 1/4 and 1/4
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by Abhirup De bR ay - Monday, 12 July 2010, 07:34 PM thnk option b 4 a=b=1/2
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by Navne e t H - W e dne sday, 22 De ce m be r 2010, 07:45 PM Hi k itty, The value s that you have tak e n are not close to e ach othe r.The value of x y and z should be 11/3.. in that case the re sult of te e x pre ssion will be : 2429/27 which is slightly gre ate r than 89.666

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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by raje sh m ishra - Saturday, 30 July 2011, 01:00 AM what in case if the m od value change s lik e |1-x |+|2-x |+|3.5-x |+|x -4| can u ple ase e x plain this in te rm s of distance s as e x plaine d above ? thank s
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by m anisha dalan - Tue sday, 2 August 2011, 04:55 PM de ar sir,



R e gards, m anisha.

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I am re ally grate ful to you for this wonde rful article .

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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by TG Te am - W e dne sday, 3 August 2011, 01:46 PM

Hi Rajesh Understand the concept clearly. On number line '5' denotes a point which is 5 unit away from origin on the right side. Right? Similarly 'x' denotes a point which lies at a distance of 'x' units from origin. So |x - 5| denotes the distance between two points 'x' and '5' on the number line. What does |5 - x| represent on number line? Isn't it same the distance between two points '5' and 'x' on the number line? It is. Hope it is clear. Kamal Lohia
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by anupam chaturve di - Thursday, 25 August 2011, 03:33 PM Hi TG Sir, I am still not able to unde rstand the conce pt of sym m e trical e x pre ssions. W hat doe s it e x actly m e an for be low que stions! 1) --> Min of (a1+a2+a3+a4)(1/a1 + 1/a2 + 1/a3 + 1/a4) I solve d it using m ax product rule . How to apply sym m e try he re ? --> a+b+c=18 and we ne e d to find MIN of (1/a -1)(1/b -1)(1/c -1) Is (a+b+c) calle d sym m e trical O R (1/a -1)(1/b -1)(1/c -1) ? 2) (a1+a2+a3+a4)(1/a1 + 1/a2 + 1/a3 + 1/a4) how can we find the m ax . value of above function..??
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by abhinay dutta - Thursday, 8 Se pte m be r 2011, 11:26 AM

Sir Hats off to you for such an insightful article . C ould you plz he lp m e solve this proble m using AM > GM funda.... Let x,y,z be distinct positive integers such that x+y+z=11. Find the maximum value of (xyz+xy+yz+zx)? This is how i approache d the proble m . for product of any 2 nos to be m ax im um the y shld be as close to e ach othe r as possible ...... using this x =2,y=4,z=5 substituting (xyz+xy+yz+zx) =78

had u calculate d value s for x ,y,z as 4,4,3 answe r wud hv be e n 88 m ore than 78 and is Max im um . Guys can u post m ore que stion on Max and m in or can u site som e source s for practise . Thank s

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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by TG Te am - Thursday, 8 Se pte m be r 2011, 12:03 PM

Hi Abhinay xyz + xy + yz + zx = (x + 1)(y + 1)(z + 1) - (x + y + z) - 1 And this will be maximum when (x + 1)(y + 1)(z + 1) is maximum. We know that sum of these three terms (i.e. x + 1 + y + 1 + z + 1 = 14) is constant, so there product will be maximum when these three terms are as close as possible.(preferably equal) But in this question, it is given that x, y, z are distinct positive integers so (x + 1), (y + 1), (z + 1) should also be distinct but should be close also. So the optimum case is 6, 5, 3 and the required maximum product will be 6 5 3 11 - 1 = 78. Kamal Lohia
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by priyank a j - Thursday, 8 Se pte m be r 2011, 02:08 PM

f(x )=m in(5-x ,x +3), find m ax value of f(x ) Sir, In the se type of que stions is it ne ce ssary to draw graph can't we dire ctly find out the inte rse ction of both line s by dire ctly putting the m e qual to e ach othe r. lik e in this case 5-x =x +3 give s x =1 . m ax value of f(x )=4 at x =1 Thank s
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by TG Te am - Thursday, 8 Se pte m be r 2011, 02:38 PM

Priyanka In this case, it's ok to just equate the expressions and get the value of x at which f(x) attains its maximum. But if f(x) = min(5 + 3x, x + 3), then what will you do? Just try and think. Kamal Lohia
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by priyank a j - Thursday, 8 Se pte m be r 2011, 03:25 PM Thank s sir. it will nt work in e vry case . but in d que s u have writte n is it possible to find any m ix m ax or m in value . bcz d value range s frm -infinity to +infinity. As value of f(x ) is incre asing as x incre ase s & de cre asing as x de cre ase s. W hat i think is the re m ust be any lim it for value of x , the n only it is possible to find m in or m ax value of f(x ). I k now m ask ing silly things but plz cle ar m y doubts.
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by Jite ndra Soni - Friday, 9 Se pte m be r 2011, 03:18 PM My solutions: A) using x ^2 + y^2 + z^2 >= ((x +y+z)^2)/3 ..... (i) , we ge t from the give n condition 2x +3y+4z=100 2(x +y+z) + y+2z=100 or x +y+z= 50-(y+2z)/2 ..now y + 2z should be divisible by 2. As all x ,y,z are natural nos. he nce for m ax value of x + y + z, we ne e d m in value of y+2z (which should be e ve n also to give inte gral value of x +y+z.Trying with y+2z =4 , we ge t y=2 and z=1 (with 2 we will not ge t natural nos.) he nce x +y+z = 48. Now substitute in x ^2 + y^2 + z^2 to ge t the ans B) se parate all te rm s, we ge t x ^2+ x ^2+ y^2+ y^2+ y^2+ y^2+ y^2+ z^2+ z^2+ z^2 +z^2+ z^2+ z^2+ z^2+ z^2 >= ((x +x +y+y+y+y+y+z+z+z+z+z+z+z+z)^2)/15 = ((2x +5y+8z)^2)/15..= ((200-(2x +y))^2)/15 , now we have to m inim ize 2x +y subje ct to the condition that z = ( 25-(2x +3y)/4) will be an inte ge r. This give s 2x +3y=8 ( = 4 doe s not give natural no. sol.) he nce x = 1, y= 2 and z= 23. Substitution in 2x ^2+5y^2+8z^2 give s the ans.
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by sande sh gupta - Monday, 12 Se pte m be r 2011, 04:47 PM




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Thank s a lot sir for such a wonde rful article . Sir can you ple ase e x plain how yo solve que stion lik e |X -3| + |Y - 4| = 5 (for e x ) k ind of que stion . I am always stuck in this k ind of proble m . Thank s & R e gards sande sh(com ing out from m y IT back ground )
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by R ahul Sharm a - W e dne sday, 14 Se pte m be r 2011, 11:33 AM Hi sir, m in value of |x -1|+|x -10| as pe r m y unde rstanding, the value of the e x pre ssion will be a constant whe n x lie s be twe e n m ax and the m in value s(i.e 1, 10). whe n the re are othe r te rm s include d in be twe e n the n the value of the e x pre ssion will large ly de pe nd on the m .if we have odd te rm s in all, the n the value of the e x pre ssion will b m ax at the value of x obtaine d from the m iddle te rm . If the no of te rm s are e ve n the the two m iddle te rm s will de cide the range of x for the e x pre ssion to have m ax value . ple ase le t m e k now if i m right. And alsoe ple ase he lp m e in finding the value s of the following e x pre ssions: |1-x |+|x -3|+|x -10| |x ^2-1|+|x 2-3|+|x ^2-10|
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Inequalities concepts by Dine sh H - Thursday, 21 Fe bruary 2013, 12:00 AM For Ine qualitie s conce pts pls visit http://start-from -scratch-cat.blogspot.in/2013/02/cat-ine qualitie s-conce pts.htm l
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Re: Maxima, Minima and Inequalities- The Basics by ashwini rathore - Friday, 22 Fe bruary 2013, 11:41 PM hi this is yash... i m going to te ll m y m e thod F(X)=|X-a|+|X-b|+|X-c| m in value always occur At b if a<b<c and odd te rm s re ason is tat if u ope n any inte rval of x . F(x ) has to be straight line coz it is line ar function ..so just choose critical point draw graph... by this conce pt u can solve ine qualitie s in m in. tim e lik e the value of x which satisfy give n ine qualitie s |x +5|+|x -1|+|x -7.5|>36.5 slope is constant for particular inte rval lik e x >7.5
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