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Jane Loevinger's Stages Of Ego Development

Jane Loevinger's stages of ego development were based on Erikson's psychosocial model as
well as the work of Harry Stack Sullivan. In Loevinger's model the ego was theorized to
evolve and mature across ones lifespan. This was due to an interaction between ones
inner-self and the outside environment that surrounds us all.
Loevingers model included nine sequential levels and stages which are known as:

The Presocial / Symbiotic stage(s) or E1
Early infancy- in this stage basic brain functions are still developing as well as the ego itself.
The world just consists of objects here.
The Impulsive stage or E2
Here 'the child is preoccupied with bodily impulses. At this point we are all living exclusively in
the now, unconcerned with past or future.
The Self-Protective stage or E3
The "Self-Protective" stage represents the first steps towards the self-control of impulses and
the first notions of, Blame.
The Conformist stage or E4
Here the child starts to identify his welfare with that of the group. For the stage 'to be
correctly consolidated, there must be a strong element of trust'
The Self-aware level or E5
A sense of self-awareness emerges in which one becomes aware of discrepancies between
conventions and one's own behavior. For some, this is where ego development stops
permanently never to continue. For others, it will continue after some amount of time and the
rest will continue on un-phased to stage 6.
The Conscientious stage or E6
At this stage, Psychological development will take the helm. Goals and ideals begin to emerge;
Along with a new sense of responsibility and guilt .
The Individualistic level or E7
Many things are going on at this stage. Concepts of tolerance, inner-conflicts,
individuality, emotional dependence, inner realities and outward appearances are
Jane Loevinger's Stages Of Ego Development

The Autonomous stage or E8
It is at this stage that Lovinger felt we begin to free ourselves of the burdensome baggage of
the prior stages.

The Integrated stage E9
This final level has us facing the future with a fully worked identity along with a firm
understanding of our destiny.

Many still criticize Loevingers work/theory because it was based on the results
of a 1 sentence completion test that she had worked up herself. Critics feel that
there should have been much more clinical research involved.

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