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A peace and bliss inconceivable to the Une paix et une flicit que notre mental attach aux plaisirs

et tourment ne peut concevoir, et que nos sens physiques actuels aux capacits limites ne peuvent mesurer, sont la rcompense promise au chercheur qui suit rsolument une discipline de soi, lutte sans mnager sa peine et poursuit inlassablement ses efforts.
Sri Aurobindo

pleasure-bound and pain-racked mind,

and immeasurable by the limited

capacities of our present bodily sense,

is the reward of the seekers insistent

self-discipline, his painful struggle, his

Sri Aurobindo

1. Cut paper along dotted line. 2. Fold in half along shorter edge (while holding the paper in portrait mode, fold it in half horizontally backwards). 3. Fold it again in half (like closing a book) so that the date is on the front.

untiring endeavour.

24 November 2012

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