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Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) Ruth Rojas The University of Texas at El Paso

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)

Alison G. Power, Ecological risks of transgenic virus-resistant crops-Risks of virus transgene recombination, eBook collection University of Texas at El Paso

When a person genetically modifies or engineers an organism, that organism will have loss its original nature. In this case plants and crops will change and even begin to transmit an transgenic virus. This will eventually cause risks like Synergy an agronomic risk. Tis risk can can eventually effect crops that have not been exposed to this virus and will create negative chain. The chain will start with a crop with the virus and more to natural plants that have not been effected until then. Then these plants will create deceases with in all the crops and plants around that area and will begin to spread. At some point of this chain the natural habitats of these plants and crops will have changed.

Bernice Zeldin, Genetic for Risk Assessment for Disease. eBook collection University of Texas at El Paso

Many diseases have been found over the years, and more diseases have been created with several different products and genetically changes that companies have made to the produces we consume every day. Testing labs have required the companies to test there products and if company has agreed they will usually offer their own labs. By doing this the FDA wont really have a change to really test the companies product. Most companies will do this so they can create a loop hole so the FDA wont have the power to shut down their business. The only thing that a company must do is have their labs met CLIA requirements and that will allow for the FDAs approval not to me needed for the companies testing.

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)

Camille Emma, (2010),The Role of Government in the Labeling of GM Food, www.cip.cornell.edu

Our government does not require any labeling on any products. The government asked for companies to label the product differences and health concerns but they dont require for labels to have the production process. An opinion polls in the early 2000s said the the majority of U.S consumers wanted to know if their food products had genetically modified material. But still the government had done noting to make companies label and say how they come up with their products. The only true way that people know that products are free of GMOs are the labels that the organic food provides such as GMOfree. The government does require for the FDA and USDA to be involved in the companies labeling process but these companies also have ways to get away from these organizations.

Genetic Engineering at a Historic Crossroads, Historic turning point, http://www.sierraclub.org

In todays world we have so many new technology, some good and some bad. In todays couture we have the opportunity to modify any organisms that we like. GMOs and GEOs are the biggest that are really affecting the worlds original nature. The more and more that companies continue to change and decide how crops and species will look and form the more we will effect the nature of organisms. Also by keeping on modifying organisms they will eventually become irreversibly disrupted or will never be able to go back to their original nature. One of things that can cause serious damage is the genetically engineering of tress. This process will start with the seeds of a tree being modified to make the tree have a rapid growth by doing this the GE can cross with native varieties and end up damaging the forest ecosystems.

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)

James H. Maryanski PhD, Biotechnology Coordinator, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Food and Drug Administration (08/06/2009) Genetically Engineer Foods, www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Testimony/ucm115032.htm

According to the FDA genetically modified organisms have been created to improve the quantity amount of products so the country could have a good amount of supply. Also the FDA states that the genetically modified organisms are made to produce carbohydrates, fatty acids, and more proteins. For companies the most important is the safety of the products so they do not affect out health in any way. But at the same time how is that going to happen when the toxin levels are a product are extremely high. All that the companies are trying to accomplish is create perfect food and improving biological boundaries produce more in a faster way. The more that we make changes the easier and more accurate it will be for us to predict how any altered organism will become.

Leen Baert, Mike Uyttendaele, and Johan Debevere, Foodborne Viruses: An Emerging Risk to Health, eBook collection University of Texas at El Paso Foodborne viruses are very related with the issues of food safety. Foodborne can cause a person to develop an illness or decease by just simple eating something that was altered with. Not only GMOs are factors of unhealthy and unsafe products. Another factor are irrigation waters, the way that water is used for irrigation can be a possible combination for contamination. Fertilization with manure and human waste from the swear can come in contact with products such as fruits and vegetables. Now we have a process that washes any crops before handling to prevent any transfer of viruses. This process may be dafe for the public but just like that farmers that handle GMO product the workers can be more exposed to many viruses that can eventually harm their health.

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)

Matin Quaim and David Zilberman, (02/07/2003), Yield Effects of Genetically Modified Crops in Developing Countries, http://m.sciencemag.org/content/299/5608/900.short A reason for the productivity of genetically modified organism is the fact that now a days country use them to produce more foods for their county. Countries use seeds that are altered to kill insects to may effect the productivity of their crops. Countries like India buy their seeds from Monsanto. Monsanto is the larges if not the only company that can alter and work with seeds.Monsanto is the only company that is providing the seeds for these companies. All the seeds that other countries use have been tested and farmed to analyze their productivity. These genetically modified seeds are not always used all over the world, for example China is one of the countries that Monsantos seeds did not match the necessities of their needs. In fact Monsantos seed didnt help but harmed plants that habit China. What we get out of GMO products is that developing countries want them and developed countries want to limit them in there population.

Melich, Anna, European Commission, Eurobarometer 52.1: Modern Biotechnology, Quality of Life, and Consumers' Access to Justice, November-December 1999 (ICPSR 02893), eBook collection University of Texas at El Paso A survey was asked to see if responders believed that genetically modified foods will bring benefits to a lot of people. One response from a responder was I would buy

genetically modified fruits if they tasted better. Also they were asked if they thought that environmental groups, the government, shops, farmers, churches, and doctors were doing a good job for society. The question that most people should ask themselves is if modern biotechnology is doing good or will just end up harming our planet with new ways to farm by genetically modifying every way that is done to produce more at a faster rate.Other than our food supple people where asked if the internet, cell phones and personal computer where a good thing or where creating a negative impact in the world today.

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)

R. Michael Roberts, Genetically Modified Organism for Agricultural Food Products, What are GMOs?, eBook collection University of Texas at El Paso Genetically Modified Organisms or GMOs are any product that has been altered with. Since the begging agriculture has been genetically modifying plants and animals. The GMO revolution began in the 1970s with the discovery of DNA. DNA is responsible for creating any organisms in steps. In the last 25 year scientist have learned how to speed up the specific way in which DNA creates an organisms. Because of this scientist can now genetically modify crop plants and animals. The problems with GMOs are how safe they are for consumers, if they are following all regulations to be used in a safe way and if companies will continue to make profit out of developing crop and other organisms with GMOs.

20 questions for genetically modified organism, http://www.who.int/foodsafety/ publications/biotech/20questions/en/

In many countries GMOs are prohibited for they can alter foreign because GMO can damage the nature of original crops if they are mixed with them. Other that GMOs being used to create more products at a faster rate they can eventually harm us directly and cause allergic reactions. GMOs are filled with unnamed and unlabeled toxins by the companies. Not only can GMOs affect our health but they can also affect the stability of out environment. One way that GMOs affect our environment is by being able to damage natural crops like cron. That is why othe countries like Europe have band GMOs . People have voted for companies that produce products with GMOs should start to label the products but the government has done noting about it. The way that GMOs are increasing shows us the way that our crops and livestock will also increase with GMOs that can eventually harm us.

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