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Exploring Romans Questions 15 (Romans 13:8-15:7) 1.In Romans 13:8-10, Paul proves that love fulfills what?

The law 2.Explain the three tenses of salvation in the New Testament. Viewed as to the past, it is salvation from the penalty of sin; viewed as to the present, it is salvation from the power of sin; and viewed as to the future, it is salvation from the very presence of sin. 3.What is the meaning of the word walk as Paul uses it in Romans 13:13? The word "walk," incidentally, has to do with the outward life of a Christian which men see. 4.According to Romans 14:1, how is the church to accept him that is weak in the faith? Paul says that the weak brother is to be heartily received, together with his scruples, and he is not to be mocked or martyred by the local fellowship because of his views. 5.According to Phillips, unity will not be impossible if every believer would maintain what? The lordship of Christ 6.According to Romans 14:13, what must we avoid doing at all costs? In view of the judgment seat of Christ, our decision should be to avoid at all costs doing anything which would hinder a brother in the exercise of his faith. Here indeed is a field for judgingourselves! 7.According to Romans 14:17, what three things is the kingdom of God comprised of? Righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost 8.According to Phillips, the spirit of charity would sum up Pauls argument in what way? In essentials, unity; in nonessentials, liberty; in all things, charity

9.According to Phillips, what two roads does the spirit of Christ demand that we take? The hard road o The Christ-displaying road The high road 10.According to Phillips, where do we find the qualities which make for harmony in the local fellowship of believers? In God Himself

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