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H3PO4 compound is an acid. It is because i. It has replacable hydrogen. ii. It is die basic acid iii. It is able to react with alkali Which one of the following is correct? a) I b) i and ii c) i and iii d) ii and iii Which one remains in curd? a) acid b) salt c) alkali d) base Which one is the formula of lime stone? a) CO2 b) CaCO3 c) Na2CO3 d) NaCl Which gas turns lime water turbid? a) H2 b) O2 c) NH3 d) CO2 Wihc one is the formula of lime water? a) CaCO3 b) CO2 c) Ca(OH)2 d) H2O Acid can be identified easily using which one? a) Na b) CO2 c) H2O d) indicator Which gas will be produced if hydrochloric acid is added to calcium carbonate compound? a) oxygen b) hydrogen c) carbon dioxide d) nitrogen Which reaction of the following is not correct? a) HCl + NaOH NaCl + H2O b) H2SO4 + ZnO ZnSO4 + H2O c) HNO3 + KOH KNO3 + H2O d) HCl + NH4OH NH3 + HCl + H2O

1. Which gas is produced when dilute acid reacts with metal? (a) Hydrogen (b) Oxygen (c) Carbon dioxide (d) Nitrogen 2. Which metal, written below, is dangerous to mix with acid? (a) Magnesium (b) Sodium (c) Calcium (d) Zinc 3. Which compound is produced when copper oxide is heated with dilute sulphuric acid? a) Copper (II) sulphate + water (b) Copper (II) sulphate + hydrogen (c) Copper hydroxide + water (d) No reaction. 4. Which one of the following substances is a salt? (a) Carbon dioxide b) Aluminium hydroxide (c) Calcium oxide (d) Magnesium chloride 5. Which gas is produced when hydrochloric acid is added to calcium carbonate? (a) Oxygen (b) Hydrogen c) Carbon dioxide (d) Nitrogen 6. What is the formula of washing soda? (a) NaHCO3 b) NaCO3.10H2O (c) NaNO3 (d) Na2SO4 7. What happens when aqueous solution of alkali is mixed with aqueous solution of metallic salt? (a) No reactions (b) Produce salt and water c) Precipitate metallic hydroxide(d)Different type of salts are produced. 8. Name the type of salt that is formed by the chemical reaction with sulphuric acid? (a) Nitrate salt (b) Carbonate salt c) Sulphate salt (d) Basic salt.

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