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1. C 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. b 6. a 7. c 1. What purpose does writing this letter serve?

A) let Elizabeth know what Darcy is up to b) provide a record of the past c) mollify Elizabeths temper and defend Darcys reputation d) explain his extreme hatred for Elizabeths family e) ask for Elizabeths hand of marriage 2. In context, what does veracity mean? a) strength b) loud voice c) honor d) pride e) truthfulness 3) How did Darcy want Elizabeth to react to this letter? a) humbled understanding b) furious rage c) indifference d) infatuation e) depression 4) What is Darcys intention in telling the story of Wickhams ulterior motives? a) hatred for Wickham b) sympathy for Darcy c) love for Wickham d) forgiveness for Wickhams deceit e) empathy for Wickham 5) What is the tone throughout Darcys letter? a) indifferent b) apologetic c) emotional d) angry e) begging 6) From the context of the letter, what can you infer about the differences in social ranking? a) Darcy is of higher class b) Darcy and Elizabeth are from the same social class, but Elizabeth is more highly regarded c) Darcy and Elizabeth are from the same social class, but Darcy is more highly regarded d) Elizabeth is of higher class e) Both are of lower class

7) How is this letter significant to the plot? a) it isnt b) it is the climax c) it is a turning point d) it builds rising action e) it is a part of falling action 8) What does Darcy suggest about gaining Elizabeths love back? a) he explicitly states it b) he subtly announces his feelings c) he does not want her love again d) he hates her e) he only wants her for her money

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