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Animals in Australian continent

In Australia live some various animals there. Here will explain about the animals and their characteristic. The first is group of birds consist of red parrot and pelican. Red parrot is a bird that similar with kutilang. It is a huge duck, it can live until 50 years old, and it is a smart bird. Pelican is a bird we can find throughout the country. It is a wise bird like fish net. After it is full it will back to his cage. The last is kutilang it is suck the water with his tongue. The second group is mammals group. The group consists of camel that is used as transportation. It is an independent animal and has one punuk. Then mulgara it is an animal that never drink .They can live more than 6 years. When they go out, they are easy to be on fire and find the place to be sheltered immadiavely. Then red kangaroo it is an original Australian animal. They can jump over 5 meter high. Most of them died when dry season. The worse, male kangaroos always demand on sex .Although they not often need liquid. Then black foot wallaby, they never go out in the afternoon. They like stay on rocks. It is a little heavier than cat. They try to find a place to be sheltered in sunny day. The last is bilbi, it is a pocketed animal, like rabbit. They are looking for food in night day. They have strong feet in front. They try to use the rest of forest incineration. Besides that, Australia still has other variants of animals like spider, scorpion, billabang, eagle, centipede, termite, delhousie and others. Well, as human being it is our duty to protect their existence to our generation can see and know about them. So there are some various animals in Australia.

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