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1. Which age group do you fall into? 18-21. 21-25. 25-30. 35-40. 40-50. 50+. 2. How would you describe your current occupation? Civil servant. Self-Employed. Creative Industries. Work in an a office. Retail. Banking. Student. 3. How often would you say you purchased the following items on a annual basis? 1-5 times. 5-10 times. 10-20 times. 20 + times. Tee Shirts. Shirts. Coats. Jackets. Trousers. Jeans.

4. How important are these factors to you when shopping for clothing? Not important Important. Brand of the clothing. Quality of the clothing. Current trends.

Very Important.

5. Which best describes your shopping habits when shopping for clothing? I do the majority of my shopping online. I like to be in a store when shopping.

6. From The following choices how often would you say you shopped in these kinds of stores? Never Sometimes Often Very often

Vintage/ Charity Shops. Single branded stores (One brand price points usually vary). Boutiques (Small selection of brands at similar price points)

Department Stores (Lots of brands at different price points).

7. In pounds. How much did the most expensive item of clothing you own cost? 10-50 50-100 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-500 500-1000 1000 +

8. In regards to the last question. Question 7. Which of these best describes that item of clothing? Tee shirt. Shirt. Coat. Jacket. Trousers. Jeans.

9. Have you ever or do you regularly encounter any kind of sizing issues when shopping for clothes. If so please state in a few words what they were/ are?

10. Have you ever been influenced into purchasing an item of clothing due to seeing someone in the public eye wearing it. This could be at any level. From a Underground DJ or designer to a world famous recording artist an anyone in between? Once or twice. Fairly often. Never.

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