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An Open Letter to My Niece and To All Those Who Are Beginning Their


Your real journey is about to begin. Who you are, what you become, and
what you achieve is now up to you. A wise person once said, “We create our
own destiny. We become what we do.”

And while a small village has been on occasion a challenge, even a difficult
place to grow up in, it has provided you with a solid foundation, a secure
place to live and to make mistakes, and a fine place to learn some good old
fashioned values.

Everything you need to be successful, you already possess.

Discipline. Your involvement in sports has taught you discipline and follow
through. Begin all things with enthusiasm. Keep an even pace, and then
accelerate when the finish line is in clear view.

Even physics must be taken! No matter what path you place yourself on,
there will always be things you have to do that are not fun but must be done
just the same. If you want something badly enough, you will do whatever it

When mistakes are made, the truth must be told! We all know this first
hand! Doing something you know you shouldn’t is one thing. Owning up to
the truth puts you in a class by yourself! Consequences always follow
behavior, good or bad. Owning your actions makes you a fine person of
integrity and character. Honesty and integrity will continue to serve you well
throughout your life.

Humor. In a world as troubled as ours, keep your humor. Laugh, laugh, laugh
a lot!
Most especially, learn to laugh at yourself.

Now that you have graduated, DO YOUR HOMEWORK! I knew that

would get your attention! I am certain that no-one has ever told you why you
have had to do homework all of these years. It is because you have to do
homework all of your life! Yes, I am afraid it’s true. Whether you are training
for a job, learning a new skill, buying a new computer or negotiating a
business deal, you have to do your homework. Research, gathering
information will give you the knowledge needed to make the very best
Speaking of decisions…evaluate, calculate and then make a decision.
Indecision will limit your options and opportunities. If you can’t make up your
mind, others will do it for you, probably by giving opportunities to someone

Call home, OFTEN. A familiar voice, a loving family will help to keep you
grounded. Sometimes it’s just nice to be able to call home!

Ask, Ask, Ask. The really cool thing about not knowing something is that
you can always learn! All you have to do is ask. How do you think I got so

Common Sense. Use It! No credit cards ( no matter what they want to give
you at sign up). No internet dating. If it sounds too good to be true, IT IS!
Forget it! Go with that little voice that quietly screams,

Work hard always. It is the only way to advance. But also, PLAY HARD.
Dance, go to the movies, take hang gliding lessons. Learn to draw, take a
pottery class, play your guitar. Run, bike, read a good book, write poetry. Get
off the couch!

Finally, TAKE THE SCENIC ROUTE. Life is short. There are back roads to
explore, mountains that beg to be climbed, adventures at every turn.
Whatever you do, where ever you go, give it all you’ve got. Days become
weeks and weeks turn into years. Before you know it you’ll be looking back
at the decades that have passed since you graduated high school. Be able to
look back at those decades with a sense of contentment, fulfillment, and a
sense of pride.

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