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Science Chapter 1 "Classifying Organisms" pp.

1-32 Study Guide Key

1. 2,

Name Date of Test

species level.

The most similar members of a genus belong to the

The characteristic that many dinosaurs share with today's lizards is that they had four legs .


How are babies of reptiles different from babies of mammals? Reptiles develop in eggs, they have scales, they are cold-blooded



is different from an invertebrate because an backbone fern . . food

invertebrate does not have a 5. 6. 7.

A vascular plant with no seeds is classified as a

Fungi are different from plants because fungi do not make their own Plants and animals are similar because they are both organisms. multicellular


All the organisms of the kingdoms of Protists and Archaebacteria are neither plant nor animal . cones and seeds .

9. 10.

Conifers reproduce using

An animal without a backbone that has a soft body and a hard outer shell is best classified as a mollusk . dioxide


Yeast help in baking by releasing carbon gas which causes bread dough to rise. Amphibians are different from all other classes of vertebrates because amphibians look nothing like baby amphibians.



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Which two characteristics do most mammals share? a. b. they are warm-blooded mothers make milk for their young


Look carefully at the dichotomous key below.

Which animal is born from an egg, doesn't have feathers, has scales, no gills, and has no spines? 15. ground skink arthropod

Look at the illustration. How is this animal best classified?

ESSAY QUESTIONS Explain how a scientist would use a dichotomous key to identify an unfamiliar organism.

A scientist would follow a question the next the question


on a key. He or she begins with a yes or no that leads to

that can be answered

. The scientist keeps answering questions and following to the type of organism.
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Some protests live inside the digestive systems of animals. Do the protists help or harm the animal they live inside? Explain your answer.

Protists are live in. They would die

helpful help animals

to animals whose digestive systems they digest food they eat. Animals

without protists.

EXTRA CREDIT ESSAY QUESTION Carolus Linnaeus's classification system was developed in 1735. Since then it has become the standard classification system used by scientists throughout the world. However, his system has been changed since it was first developed. Identify at least three benefits that come from all scientists using the same classification system. Explain what has caused scientists to change Linnaeus's system.

It's good for all scientists to: -Use the same system -Call an organism by the same -It's easier to It changed because new not known communicate organisms before name

. . with other scientists. were discovered that were .

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