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Compare and Contrast Articles vs.

. the Constitution Articles of Confederation Levying Taxes -Congress could not force states to pay taxes -No federal court system The Constitution -Congress had right to tax citizens -Court to deal with issues between states and citizen/state -Congress had rights to regulate trade between states -Headed by President -Has checks against judiciary and legislative branches -2/3 of HOR and Congess plus of state legislature -Senate: 2 votes each -House or Representatives: based on population -Congress able to raise an army -Trade between states controlled by Congress -Federal court

Federal Courts

Regulation of Trade

-No laws made to regulate trade between states


-No executive power

Amending Documents

-13/13 states need in order to amend articles -equal votes

Representation of States

Raising an army

-Congress could not draft troops -No control of trade between states -Arbitration

Interstate Commerce

Disputes between states


-State power

-Constitution of the supreme law of land

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