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MA Preschool Program

We used to think people were born with a fixed amount of brainpower. Now we know that the right kind of stimulation in the early years dramatically affects a childs intellectual capacity. -Albert Shanker, Past President, American Federation of Teachers

Main Office: (734) 677-0732 Fax: (734) 677-0740


Multicultural Academy 5550 Platt Road Ann Arbor, MI 48108 Director: Peggy Yenor

Our Philosophy: Our goal is to help each child progress to increasing skill, mastery and independence in performing to provide challenging, but not frustrating, learning experiences in a loving, non-pressure environment. We are sensitive to each childs developmental needs. We understand that each child has a different capacity for learning. We do not feel that pushing children is the way to learn. We create an atmosphere that encourages selfconfidence and a positive self-image. Our teachers take an active role in guiding, instructing, and presenting new experiences. PROGRAM GOALS: The philosophy behind our curriculum is that young children learn best by doing. Learning isn't just repeating what someone else says; it requires active thinking and experimenting to find out how things work and to learn firsthand about the world we live in. In using real materials such as blocks and trying out their ideas, children learn about sizes, shapes, and colors, and they notice relationships between things. Play provides the foundation for academic or "school" learning. It is the preparation children need before they learn highly abstract symbols such as letters (which are symbols for sounds) and numbers (which are symbols for number concepts). Play enables us to achieve the key goals of our early childhood curriculum. Play is the work of young children. CURRICULUM GOALS: Our curriculum identifies goals in all areas of development, Social: To help children feel comfortable in school, trust their new environment, make friends, and feel they are a part of the group. Emotional: To help children experience pride and self- confidence, develop independence and self-control, and have a positive attitude toward life. Cognitive: To help children become confident learners by letting them try out their own ideas and experience success, and by helping them acquire learning skills such as the ability to solve problems, ask questions, and use words to describe their ideas, observations, and feelings. Physical: To help children increase their large and small muscle skills and feel confident about what their bodies can do. ADMINISTRATION AND STAFFING: MA Preschool is licensed by the State of Michigan. Our staff consists of qualified director, administrator, teachers and assistants that are educated, caring people. CLASSROOM SCHEDULE FOR PAID PROGRAM: Children must reach the age of three before December 1st of the school year to be eligible for any of the preschool programs. We offer 2, 3 and 5 day program M,T,W,TH,F 8:30-3:30

PARENT/TEACHER COMMUNICATIONS: Each day your child will bring home a journal. We will write what your child did that day and how their day went. We ask you to respond back with any questions or comments you have. The journal enables you to participate in your childs school day. A monthly newsletter will be sent to all parents. It will include information what is happening in the classroom and upcoming events. A parent/teacher conference scheduled during the course of the school year. We encourage you to keep open lines of communication with the teacher. Should you have problem you wish to discuss with us, please schedule a time when your child is not present. Teachers will also participate in (2) home visits and workshops for parents. We will have an advisory committee. Parents are asked to join and meet to discuss the program. DISCPLINE PROCEDURES: One of the primary aims of preschool is to teach children to socialize in an acceptable manner. At MA Preschool we expect our students to treat one another with kindness and respect. Teachers model this behavior throughout the day. Children need help understanding their own emotions, and encouragement in channeling negative feelings into positive actions. Children also need firm guidance from their teachers. A positive happy learning environment results when children understand what is expected from them. For these important reasons, MA Preschool practices the following: Encourage the child to find a positive solution to the problem. Teachers may assist in this process. Implements re-direction. Re-direct the child to a quiet area if the child needs time to calm down and sort out emotions. Discussion with parents the same day an incident takes place. Work with the parents to encourage consistency between home and school. Encourage parents to work with the teachers, and take any necessary steps to address any problems the child is experiencing. At MA Preschool our first priority is our students. We are concerned with the best interest of each child, and we reserve the right to disenroll any child whose behavior is such that it endangers their self or another, or is disruptive to the preschool.

Health Care Policy:

The goal of the ASHI Bloodborne pathogens/Infection control training program is to reduce the frequency and severity of injuries in the childcare settings and help childcare workers recognize the signs and symptoms of important childhood illnesses. Upon completion of this two hour training participants should be able to conduct regular safety, checks, modify the childcare to reduce the risks of hazards, provide and understand effective methods of visual supervision of children effectively enforce rules for safe playing activities and adhere to a designated emergency action plan. Hand washing procedures will be used in a consistent manor. Children must wet their hands and wash them using soap and water. Sanitizers and wipes are not an approved substitute for hand washing. Hands will be rubbed together for at least 10 seconds. Hand washing will take place before snack, after coughing or sneezing, and after using the bathroom. Children will dry their hands with a clean dsposable or single use cloth. Tap will be turned off with the same towel. Cleaning and Sanitizing will be done on all toys, tables, and working areas. The area will be washed with soap and water, rinsed with clean water, submerged or sprayed with bleach water, and will be left out to air dry. Sanitation will be done with a mixture of bleach and water. 1 tablespoon of bleach will be used per galloon of water. Controlling Infections is important to our school and will be done by the universal precautions mentioned above. Toys that are put in the mouth will be cleaned in the steps mentioned above. If children are sick or have any type of communicable disease they will be removed from the school and will not be allowed back without a doctor note. Children who become ill will be removed from the children until they are picked up. Resources: www.macombcountymi.gov/publichealth Pest Management Plan Annual notification will be sent home to our families to inform when our grounds will be fertilized or sprayed for pest control. We will notify you via email, telephone, letter, or it will be posted in the entrance. Tuition Policies: Our program is paid with GSRP. Students must meet 2 of the 25 criteria in order to receive the preschool grant. They must also be at 100%-200% poverty income. Paper work will be given to those who feel they would qualify. Paid Program: 2 days such as M, W 3 days such as M,W,F 4 days such as M,T,W,TH MTWTHF 8:30-3:30 8:30-3:30 8:30-3:30 8:30-3:30 $200.00 month for 9 months $300.00 month for 9 months $400.00 month for 9 months

$500.00 month for 9 months

TUITION: Tuition is paid in 9 installments with first month due Sept. 1st. Our last installment is May. Payments should be cash or by check made out to MA Preschool. Parents are

asked to write the childs name on the face of the check. If you start later in the year it will be prorated for the months you attended. LATE FEES: Tuition is due on the 1st of every month. If payment is not received by the 10th of the month a $10 late fee will be applied to the payment. If you are late to pick up your child a $1.00 per minute fee will be applied to the students tuition. Exceptions due to emergencies may void the fee. WITHDRAWL POLICY: Families who wish to withdraw from MA Preschool must give a two week notice in writing. Tuition or registration will not be refunded.

MA Preschool Tuition Contract 2013-2014 School Year Student Full Name: __________________________________________ Hours of Operation: Regular hours of operation are: Monday Friday 8:30 a.m. 3:30 p.m. September 9, 2012 May 30, 2014 for Full day. Closed: We follow Multicultural Academy school closings. Please see MA School Calendar for all closing dates. Located on ewmacademyk12.org home page. Tuition is a yearly contract and each month is required regardless of days attend. Tuition: Option 1: Part time, 2 days per week Tuesday and Thursday 1800.00 to be paid in nine (9) monthly payments starting September 1st and ending May 1st. Payments of $200.00 are due each month. Option 2: Part time, 3 days per week Monday Wednesday and Friday 2700.00 to be paid in nine (9) monthly payments starting September 1st and ending May 1st. Payments of $300.00 are due each month. Option 3: Full time, 5 days per week Monday - Friday 4500.00 to be paid in nine (9) monthly payments starting September 1st and ending May 1st. Payments of $500.00 are due each month. Tuition is due by the 1st of each month. After the 7th a late charge of $10.00 will be applied for each day payment is late unless you have prior permission from the director. We ask all preschool students not to arrive earlier than 8:30 a.m. or be picked up later than 3:30 p.m. (unless you are signed up for before care and aftercare.) Withdrawal from Preschool: To withdraw your child from preschool, a one month written notice is required. If notice is not given, one months tuition will still be due. I/We, the undersigned parents/guardians of the above named student, having fully read and reviewed this contract, do agree and consent to abide by its terms: Full time Preschool (M-F) Part Time Preschool M, T, W, TH, F (Circle days) _______________________________________________________________________ _Guardian Signature Date

_______________________________________________________________________ _ Director MA Preschool Date

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