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Course Syllabus

Course Title: Course Number: Class Meetings: Session/Year: Production Sound AUDA203 AU11103 Wednesday 8am-12pm, Building 3 R3-103 Fall 2013

Instructor Name: Rebecca Ramon M.F.A., Film Production Email Address: rramon@aii.edu Phone: 714-420-4344 Instructor Availability Outside of Class: Email Instructor to schedule an appointment. Production Sound Course Description: This course is an introduction to the science and art of production sound. Students learn how to use microphones, field mixers and digital sound equipment to record dialogue and sound effects in a variety of settings. The fundamentals of sound editing and mixing are introduced. Course Prerequisite(s): Course Corequisite(s): Video Production for Audio None

Instructional Contact Hours/Credits: Course Length: Contact Hours: Lecture: Lab: Credit Values: 11 Weeks 44 Hours 22 Hours 22 Hours 3.0 Credits

Quarter Credit Hour Definition: A quarter credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than:

(1) One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student
work each week for 10-12 weeks, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or activities as established by the institution including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.

(2) At least an equivalent amount of work as required in paragraph (1) of this definition for other academic

Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of the course, the student should be able to: Identify proper and effective production recording techniques Record live production sound to camera and camera-independent devices Capture audio to hard disk Use proper file management for non-linear editing systems Demonstrate use of boom pole and lavaliere microphone operation Identify audio mixers and recording devices Recognize basic non-linear sound editing software and tools Instructional Materials and Reference: Text(s): Title: Author: Date: Publisher: ISBN: Production Sound Copyright 2013. Rebecca Ramon 2014 Self None

Materials: Shotgun Microphones available in the Cage, Zoom Recorders, Shure SM58 Mic, XLR cables, Boom Pole, headphones with both mini-plug and 1/4 stereo plug adapter, paper, pen/pencils, and a portable storage drive. HEADPHONES ARE REQUIRED EQUIPMENT FOR ALL AUDIO PRODUCTION STUDENTS Technology Needed: Mac lab with ProTools LE software & Mbox, video camera, audio mixers, audio recorders, microphones, ears. Instructional Methods: This course will be delivered as a combination of in class lectures and laboratory experiences. Homework Hours: 4 Hours per Week Technology Needed: Cameras, lighting equipment and microphones (all available for checkout from the Cage). Editing software and systems located in the Mac computer labs.

Assessment Criteria and Methods of Evaluating Students: Grading Scale: All assignments must have clear criteria and objectives to meet. All students shall be treated equitably. It will be that students right to know his/her grade at any reasonable point that information is requested by that student. The criteria for determining a students grade shall be as follows (on a percentage of total points basis):
64 or below Process for Evaluation:


20% Assignments/Exercises/Quizzes 30%

Mid Term Project/Examination 20% Final Project/Examination
30% Total

Attendance Policy: Successful completion of a course is dependent upon regular attendance in the classroom. Critical information is delivered through lecture, critique and student participation. Students are expected to be on time for each class and to stay for the entire class period. Attendance is mandatory. 4-Hour Classes: If a student accumulates a total of two (2) full class absences (8 hours) during an academic quarter, his or her grade may be adversely affected. If a student accumulates a total of three (3) full class absences (12 hours) during an academic quarter, he or she may receive an F grade for the course.

Attendance Withdrawal Policy: Students who do not attend any classes for fourteen (14) consecutive calendar days and fail to notify Academic Affairs will be withdrawn from school. In addition, the student may be involuntarily withdrawn at the discretion of the Academic Director, and with the approval of the Dean of Academic Affairs, at any time.

Student Evaluation/Grading Policies: Class time will be spent in a productive manner. EACH late entry/Early leave, forgetting to bring tools, talking on the phone, text messaging during the class period or viewing online sites that are not related to the course will result in deduction from your class participation points. Grading will be done on a point system. Points for individual activities will be announced. All work must be received by the set of deadlines. LATE WORK RECEIVES A GRADE OF ZERO unless received approval by instructor prior to set deadline (see the separate guideline) On-time projects may be redone with instructor approval. No iPod, cell phone, classroom computer and private software in the class unless otherwise specified by instructor. ALL PROJECTS ARE DUE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE CLASS unless otherwise specified by instructor. ABSOLUTELY NO WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE FINAL CLASS MEETS WEEK 11. It will be determined by teachers discretion to award additional projects for extra credit and /or omit projects as incentive for academically successful students. All such changes are consulted with the program chair. Classroom Policy: No food allowed in class or lab at any time. Drinks in re-closeable bottles allowed in classroom. Edible items brought to class or lab must be thrown out. No private software is to be brought to lab or loaded onto school computers. No software games are allowed in lab (unless in course curriculum). Headphones are required if listening to music during lab. No headphones are allowed in lecture. Any student who has special needs that may affect his or her performance in this class is asked to identify his/her needs to the instructor in private by the end of the first day of class and provide a copy of the documentation issued by Student Affairs. Any resulting class performance problems that may arise for those who do not identify their needs will not receive any special grading considerations.

Disability Policy Statement: It is Ai policy not to discriminate against qualified students with documented disabilities in its educational programs, activities, or services. If you have a disability-related need for adjustments or other accommodations in this class, contact the Dean of Student Affairs at: (phone) 909-915-2143 or in Room 150. Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism: Students are expected to maintain the highest standards of academic honesty while pursuing their studies at The Art Institute. Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to: plagiarism and cheating, misuse of academic resources or facilities, and misuse of computer software, data, equipment or networks. Plagiarism is the academic equivalent of theft, and can occur in any type of course. If you use someone elses words, ideas, facts or work in anyway, you must identify them as a source. Duplication someone elses work while handing in your own is intentional plagiarism. Anyone caught plagiarizing material will be required to meet with the Dean of Academic Affairs, and will be subject to immediate disciplinary action. Plagiarism is grounds for dismissal from school. Instructors must immediately refer suspected cases of plagiarism to the Dean. Cheating is to gain an unfair advantage on a grade by deception, fraud, or breaking the rules set forth by the instructor of the class. Cheating may include but is not limited to: copying the work of others; using notes or other materials when unauthorized; communicating to others during an exam; and any other unfair advantage as determined by the instructor. Copyright: The unauthorized downloading, uploading, duplicating and / or sharing of works and their content under copyright (i.e., movies, movie clips, soundtracks, music, artwork etc.) on personal and / or school hardware using the schools internet services is illegal. The misappropriation of copyright materials is considered a student conduct violation and can lead to suspension from school. Student Assistance Program: The college provides confidential short-term counseling, crisis intervention, and community referral services through the Talk One2One Student Assistance Program (SAP), or a wide range of concerns, including relationship issues, family problems, loneliness, depression, and alcohol or drug abuse. Services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at (phone) 1-888-617-3362. The Student Affairs office also offers programs on mental health-related topics each quarter. If you have any questions regarding wellness services, please contact the Office of Student Affairs at 909-915-2172.

Production Sound-Weekly Outline 600 Points Possible: Participation:110 points @ 20% Homework: 250 points & Quizzes: 90 points @ 30% Midterm: 50 points @ 20% Final: 100 points @ 30% 10/2 Week 1:

Lecture I: 8am Welcome! Introduction to class and students, Overview of syllabus and class expectations, study tips, safety rules, and an introduction to Production Sound and Behind the Scenes of a film production... Lab I: Screening On Location: 25 Years Later featurette and Halloween with commentary by dir. John Carpenter and Star Jamie Lee Curtis 1978. Break: 9:40am (20 Minutes) 10am Quiz #1 Syllabus/Class Expectations/Film Lecture II: 10:10am The Sound Mixer, Boom Operator, Booming Techniques/Shooting Dialogue Scenes & File Management. 10:30am Demonstration of recording production sound (dialogue) on location. -Volunteers (3) Two actors with lines, Sound Mixer with Boom Pole, Shotgun Mic, XLR cable, Zoom Recorder, and Headphones. Lab II: 11am - All Students (Sound Mixers/Boom Operators) must record one acceptable dialogue scene (see handout for requirements). Homework: Organize dialogue files and name them appropriately place them in class folder on Kong (25 points). Due Next Week at 8am sharp - Reminder - NO LATE WORK. Quiz #2 Production Sound & Technical Aspects (10 points) Lecture I: TBA Lab I: TBA (25 points) Break: 9:40am (20 Minutes) Lecture II: TBA Lab II: TBA Homework: TBA (25 points) Due: Next Week at 8am sharp Quiz (10 points) Lecture I: TBA Lab I: TBA (25 points) Break: 9:40am (20 Minutes) Lecture II: TBA Lab II: TBA Homework: TBA (25 points) Due: Next Week at 8am sharp Quiz (10 points) Lecture I: TBA Lab I: TBA (25 points) Break: 9:40am (20 Minutes) Lecture II: TBA Lab II: TBA Homework: TBA (25 points) Due: Next Week at 8am sharp

10/9 Week 2:

10/16 Week 3:

10/23 Week 4:

10/30 Week 5:

Lecture: Written Midterm Lab: Deliverables Homework: Pre-Production (Final Projects-25 Points) Due: Next Week at 8am sharp Quiz (10 points) Lecture I: TBA Lab I: TBA (25 points) Break: 9:40am (20 Minutes) Lecture II: TBA Lab II: TBA Homework: TBA (25 points) Due: Next Week at 8am sharp Quiz (10 points) Lecture I: TBA Lab I: TBA (25 points) Break: 9:40am (20 Minutes) Lecture II: TBA Lab II: TBA Homework: TBA (25 points) Due: Next Week at 8am sharp Quiz (10 points) Lecture I: TBA Lab I: TBA (25 points) Break: 9:40am (20 Minutes) Lecture II: TBA Lab II: TBA Homework: TBA (25 points) Due: Next Week at 8am sharp Quiz (10 points) Lecture I: TBA Lab I: TBA (25 points) Break: 9:40am (20 Minutes) Lecture II: TBA Lab II: TBA Homework: TBA (25 points) Due: Next Week at 8am sharp Quiz (10 points) Lecture I: TBA Lab I: TBA (25 points) Break: 9:40am (20 Minutes) Lecture II: TBA Lab II: TBA Homework: TBA (25 points) Due: Next Week at 8am sharp

11/6 Week 6:

11/13 Week 7:

11/20 Week 8:

11/27 Week 9:

12/4 Week 10:

12/11 Week 11: Written Exam (50 points) & Deliverables (50 points)

This syllabus, its accompanying weekly schedule and class break times are subject to change in the best interest of the class as determined by the instructor. If a student is absent it is their responsibility to contact the instructor about missed lecture material, handouts, assignments and any other materials they missed from being absent. Additional Resources: http://myaicampus.com you primary online link for classes, grades, schedule, access eCompanion classes to post assignments, view your grades, schedule etc. http://aitutors.com find a tutor. http://aicaielibrary.info/ - AICA-IE Library Resources include: LibGuide (campus guide for program and topic specific info resources; tutorials, and link to other relevant organizations); Library e-Resources (catalog to the library collection, access to electronic and print resources);ProQuest data source.

Syllabus Addendum - Department Specific

Project Critique: Be prepared for your work to be critiqued. Critique is a part of the learning and creative process in the field of design. A positive attitude is your key to success! Student Expectations: o Read and become familiar with the course syllabus and expectations o Keep up with assignments and readings. o Ask for clarifications about material or course expectations. o Attend all classes. o Participate in all class room discussions, activities & critiques. o Do not wait 2 days before to finish assignments some assignment takes few days to finish. TIME MANAGEMENT! o All in class and homework projects are to be completed by the students individually. Assigned design problem(s) may be discussed and their design solution(s) presented in a group setting. Unless noted by the instructor, each project is an individual design project and each student shall present an individual interpretation of the design solution(s) with the corresponding design process documentation. Any un-approved communal work will be noted as plagiarism and addressed accordingly as described in the student hand book. Student Art Work: All student work, which has not already been returned during the quarter, will be available for pickup no later than 5:00 pm, Monday of the first week of break. Any work not pick up by Friday 5:00 pm of the first week of the following quarter will be discarded unless other arrangements have been made. Students must take responsibility for their art work. Being a Professional: The discipline of your career at The Art Institute is the first part of your training to becoming a professional. The education you receive will teach you how to think through, create and verbalize design solutions. The key to your success as a student (and in the workplace) is largely based on you coming to class (showing up for work), being on time (not being late) and turning in your projects on time (meeting the

deadlines imposed by your employer). You will be held responsible to this discipline as if it was a job you were reporting to. Failure to do so will result in failing the class (getting fired from the job)! You have enrolled in higher education to increase the chances of success in your chosen field. Today, school is your highest priority. Grading Scale Note: A= Excellent Professional Quality This work represents what industry professionals are looking for in student portfolios, meets all the requirements set forth by the instructor for each project, and exhibits great potential for career success. B= Good Professional Quality This work is well crafted and meets a minimum of the standards industry professionals will expect of student portfolios, meets most requirements set forth by the instructor, but needs continued attention to some aspects of the work. C= Average Student Work This work meets most requirements in the production process as outlined by the instructor but does not reach professional quality. Student needs to address creativity, aesthetics, and craftsmanship. D= Below Average Student Work Student is at risk of failing as they fall below the minimum requirements to meet course competencies. This level of work will not be conducive to gaining professional work once leaving the school. F= Failed. Deficient in too many areas and will repeat course without question.

Syllabus Addendum Instructor Specific

Attendance specific Attendance is counted every class meeting (10 points max) Coming late or leave early during the class meeting period which includes the break time, may jeopardize your glade. Below points will be deducted from attendance. o o o 11 min to 30 min 3 points 31 min to 60 min 6 points 61 min or more 9 points

Delaying project specific Below percentages will be deducted by delaying homework submissions. Please check with me individually to arrange the late submission, since my availability is limited. o o o o Up to 1 Day delay 5% Up to 1 week 15% Up to 2 weeks 30% 3 weeks or more 100%

Other specific Below percentages will be deducted if the event happens o Forgetting to bring tool/material 3 points

o o

Texting and talking on the phone 3 points/each Computer usage (unless otherwise specified) - 3 points

Please contact me individually if you have personal concerns.

Professional Dress Code: Students are expected to dress professionally, according to specific Industry standards, for all formal reviews, field trips and presentations as scheduled by instructor. The appropriateness of business attires is to emphasize the actual business environment in the design field. If you question the appropriateness of the attire, it probably isnt appropriate. As guidance, the following items are not considered to be part of professional dress attire in the Interior Design industry: cutoffs, athletic and workout clothes and shoes, tank tops, tube tops, beach ware, midriff length tops, provocative, revealing and evening ware.

Class Break Times

Class Times 8:00am 12:00noon 1:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 10:00pm Cooking Lab 5:30am 10:00am 10:15am 2:45pm 3:00pm 7:30pm 7:45pm 12:15am Culinary Lecture 7:00am 10:00am 11:00am 1:00pm 2:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 9:00pm 8:00am 8:20am 12:00pm 12:20pm 3:00pm 3:20pm 7:00pm 7:20pm 9:50am 10:00am 12:50pm 1:00pm 4:50pm 5:00pm 8:50pm 9:00pm 9:00am 9:20am 1:40pm 2:00pm 6:30pm 6:50pm 11:10pm - 11:30pm 1st Break 9:40am 10:00am 2:40pm 3:00pm 7:40pm 8:00pm 2ND Break 11:50am 12:00noon 4:50pm 5:00pm 9:50pm 10:00pm Saturday Class Times 8:30am-12:30noo n 1:00pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 9:30pm 1st Break 10:10am 10:30am 2:40pm 3:00pm 7:10pm 7:30pm 2ND Break 12:20pm 12:30pm 4:50pm 5:00pm 9:20pm 9:30pm

Note: 2h classes take a 10 minute break after the first 50 minutes of class.

Art Institute of California-Inland Empire

Student Acknowledgement
I, ________________________, have read the syllabus and understand all of its contents. Print Name I further acknowledge the following: _____ I understand that my education is and should be my first priority, and I will need to manage my time accordingly between my school work, family, and other events in my life. _____ It has been explained and I understand when and how to contact the instructor outside of class. I understand that at anytime during the quarter I have a right to know what my grade is. _____ I am expected to be in class on time, with all materials needed for me to be productive in class. _____ I am expected to treat instructors, directors, and fellow students with respect and courtesy. _____ I am expected to hand in assignments on time and complete to the best of my abilities. _____ I understand my rights: To ask for assistance and receive it To take advantage of all resources available at the Art Institute and in the community

_____ I understand my responsibilities: To attend all class sessions on time: In my seat at 8:00 am for morning classes, and/or 1:00pm for afternoon classes and/or 6:00pm for evening classes. To be prepared for class To ask for help when needed To take advantage of the resources present at the Art Institute and elsewhere To work hard and succeed

_____ I am responsible for understanding and abiding by the Student Conduct Policy as stated in the Student Handbook which is found in the catalog.

I acknowledge that I have read the Syllabus and understand the expectations that are required to succeed in this class. I understand that failure to meet these expectations may result in a lower grade, possible failure, and the need to repeat this class next quarter. I also understand that violation of the Student Conduct Policy may result in expulsion from the Art Institute. Course name & number

_______________________________ Student Signature

____________ Date


STUDENT PERMISSION FORM By checking the boxes below and by signing this Permission Form, I_______________________________________ (print student name) give my consent for The Art Institute of California Inland Empire , 674 East Brier Drive, San Bernardino, CA 92408 and its parent and affiliated companies and schools, including without limitation Education Management Corporation and The Art Institutes International LLC (collectively, the School), to use my artwork and/or my image, name, voice and words, as indicated below. I am giving this consent in consideration for potential publicity opportunities and/or self-promotional opportunities associated with the permissions granted herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which I hereby acknowledge. (Check all boxes that apply)


( x ) I certify that the artwork identified below is original, is mine alone and that I have full authority to grant the permissions herein granted; or ( ) Others may have rights in the artwork identified below. Please check the applicable box(es) below: ()
I prepared the artwork for an employer within the scope of my employment.
Identify employer name, address, telephone no., and email address:

I included in the artwork materials that others may own or have rights in. Please explain and identify the materials:

Other. Please explain:

Describe and/or attach a copy of the artwork: Design including but not limited to: - Design process & research binders: summary of design research, bibliography used, design intent statements, photographs. - Design: floor plans, elevations, schematic sketches & diagrams, models, archigrams, traditional and digital renderings. - Presentation materials: power points, project presentation boards, final models, project promotional materials. - All materials are in hard copy (paper and other media) and in digital format, inclusive of photo documentations, video and sound clips.


( ) NO
The School has my permission to use, copy, reproduce, publish, distribute, publicly perform and display the artwork and to create, use, copy, reproduce, publish, distribute, publicly perform and display derivative or other works based on the artwork in connection with promotional activities for the School worldwide in all forms of media now known or later developed, including but not limited to advertising, direct mail, television, catalogs, websites, exhibitions, film festivals, and classroom presentations. The School has my permission but not the obligation to identify me by name and/or by affiliation with my School in connection with such use of my artwork. My permission is on-going

and will continue until I revoke it by giving the School three months written notice of revocation at the address set forth above directed to the attention of the Campus President. The School will have three months from the date it receives my notice to stop future use of my artwork.


( ) NO
The School has my permission to photograph, film and or videotape me and/or to otherwise record my image and/or likeness, to quote me, to record my words, and to use a photographic, digital and/or other reproduction of me and/or my image/likeness and has my permission but not the obligation to identify me in connection therewith by name and/or by my affiliation with the School. I understand that the School may publish, display, reproduce, copy and distribute my image/likeness, voice and words for promotional activities for the School worldwide in all forms of media now known or later developed, including advertising, direct mail, television, catalogs, websites, exhibitions, film festivals and classroom presentations. I waive the right to inspect or approve versions of my image and/or likeness used for publication or the written copy that may be used in connection therewith and agree that the School shall not be liable to me for any distortion or illusionary effect resulting from the use, publication or display of my image or likeness. My permission is on-going and will continue until I revoke it by giving the School three months written notice of revocation at the address set forth above directed to the attention of the Campus President. The School will have three months from the date it receives my notice to stop future use of my image, name, voice and/ or words. SIGNATURE By signing below, I hereby grant the School the permission(s) indicated above. I understand that the rights granted above are not exclusive and I am allowed to sell, give or otherwise transfer the rights to such artwork to others on a nonexclusive or exclusive basis. However, in the event I do sell, give or otherwise transfer ownership of or the exclusive right to use my work to another party, I will notify the School immediately in writing at the address set forth above to the attention of the Campus President for my school and the School will have three months from the date it receives my notice to stop future use of the artwork. This Permission Form shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania without regard to it conflict of laws principles. I hereby waive all rights and remedies with respect to the artwork identified above and any alterations thereof under the Visual Artists Rights Act of 1990, 17 U.S.C. 106A and 113, under Pennsylvanias Fine Arts Preservation Act, 73 P.S. 2101, et seq. and under any other state statutes relating to the rights of artists. I understand that the School and those it may authorize shall not be responsible for unauthorized duplications/use by third parties on the Internet or otherwise. I hereby release the School, those it has authorized, and their respective successors and assigns, from any and all claims and/or damages that may arise regarding the use, reproduction, display, and distribution of my artwork, my image, my name and/or statements made by me as consented to above, including any claims of defamation, invasion of privacy or violation/infringement of moral rights, rights of publicity or copyright. I have read, understand and agree to the terms of this Permission Form. Name:


(print student name) Date:

Address: __________________________________________________________________________________

Email: ____________________________________________________________________________________ School: AICA-IE / Class Code & Name: __________________________ / Student ID: _________________ Parent/Guardian Consent [Please execute if the subject of this Permission Form is under 18] I am the parent or guardian of the minor named above, who is aged _______. I have the legal right to consent to and do consent to the terms of this Permission Form. Parent/Guardian Name (print)

Parent/Guardian Signature:
Parent/Guardian Address:


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