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Student Name: Tracy McEgan School: Linden Park Junior Primary

Date 11/9/13

Lesson/Theme: 3D Shapes Lesson 4

Learning Area Mathematics Science

ACARA Achievement Standards: Mathematics: By the end of the Foundation year, students roup objects based on common characteristics and sort shapes and objects. Science: By the end of the Foundation year, students describe the properties and behaviour of familiar objects. PYP Lines of inquiry: Movement Guiding questions: How do things move?

Content Description: Shape - Sort, describe and name familiar twodimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects in the environment (ACMMG009) Elaborations: sorting and describing squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, spheres and cubes Physical Sciences The way objects move depends on a variety of factors, including their size and shape (ACSSU005) Elaboration: observing the way different shaped objects such as balls, blocks and tubes move

Content: 3D Shapes problem solving Experience: 1. Explain that today we will be investigating the way different objects move by experimenting with our 3d objects which ones stack, slides and roll? 2. Review each 3D object we have already seen and will be using today sphere, cone, rectangular prism, cube, pyramid and cylinder. 3. Model setting up the ramp and ask for volunteers to show how we will make the objects move. Ask Why do we start there, what makes it move down? Briefly discuss what gravity is. 4. Separate the children in to groups of 3. Give each group a recording sheet, a collection of the 3d objects and a board and let them experiment. 5. Encourage the kids to make predictions and explain their thinking before they roll, slide or stack. For example, "I think the sphere will roll because it is round all over," or "I think the cube will slide but not roll because all of its sides are flat." 6. Also encourage the children to try all sides of a shape out--i.e. a cylinder will roll on its sides, but slides on its ends. You can stack a cone on top of another shape, but because it has a point on top, you cannot stack another shape on top of it 7. After the kids have had lots of time to explore, they fill out a recording sheet. 8. Then discuss. What different attributes helped or stopped the shapes from rolling/sliding/stacking? Would it be a good idea to make a car with cone-shaped wheels? What about a sphere-shaped soccer ball? 9. Make a chart with our findings after the lesson to hang up

Organisation: Collect 3d attribute blocks 10 of each Materials/Resources: recording sheet 3D shape blocks. White boards as ramps. Space: Classroom Time: 45mins Children/Grouping: Intro as a class Separate into groups of 3 Maths groups pre-determined. End as a whole class discussion

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