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University Affairs Committee Parlors ABC, Kansas Union October 2, 2013; 6:30pm I. II. III.

Call to order Attendance Exec Reports a. Chair b. Vice Chair c. Secretary d. Associate Senator- will send out an email to ask for more of our feedback for bills in full Senate. New Business a. 2014-062: A BILL TO FUND STUDENT SOCIETY OF HEALTH SYSTEMS PHARMACISTS: passes b. 2014-063: A BILL TO FUND KU ENVIRONS POTTER LAKE PROJECT: passes c. 2014-064: A BILL TO FUND KUS SPORT MANAGEMENT CLUB: passes d. 2014-065: A BILL TO AWARD GENERAL FUNDS TO HAWKS HELPING HAWKS: passes e. 2014-066: A BILL TO FUND KU ENERGY CLUB: Will be delayed until the next cyle f. 2014-068: A BILL TO FUND INTO THE STREETS WEEK: Passes with one no from Graduate Exec Board person g. 2014-018: A BILL TO FUND AMERICAN COMPUTING MACHINERY h. 2014-303: A RESOLUTION ENCOURAGING THE KU ADMINISTRATION TO MAKE THE STANDARD PRINT SETTING AT PRINTERS USED BY STUDENTS TWO-SIDED: Friendly on line 41 to add Bernadette Gray Little, Chancellor, University of Kansas. i. Brandon Woodard proposes an amendment to add Bob Lim to the list of recipients: Amendment passes ii. Amended bill passes.


410 Kansas Union University of Kansas Lawrence, KS 66045 (785)-864-3710

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