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Lacey McLachlan June 2, 2013 Sophomore Science Greenhouse effect What is the greenhouse effect?

Its where suns rays hits earths atmosphere; some may bounce off the atmosphere and go out back into space. The other rays hit are absorbed into the earth to warm the earths surface. Then it bounces back off earths crust, then it goes back to the atmosphere, some may go back into space others may not. The rays that do not go back into space just bounce back to the crust then the atmosphere, until it eventually goes back into space. If we didnt have the greenhouse effect we wouldnt have life on earth. Greenhouse effect was one of the key factors for life to even be created. What if we didnt have the greenhouse effect? Well there would be no life. Greenhouse effect is one of the main factors for life on this planet. If we didnt have it the temperature would be about the same as space. So saying it would be cold. So the earth would be just a big cold lifeless rock flying around in space. So just be happy that we have the greenhouse effect. Global warming fake or fact? Some may argue that global warming is not real. The rise in temperature might just because of heating cycles that the earth haves. An article called global warming facts says that, Average temperatures have climbed 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 degree Celsius) around the world since 1880. Others would look at temperature charts and say that they always rise up and go down. No one knows if global warming is true or not. We honestly wont know for a while or never know. Some of the factors that adds on to the greenhouse effect. An article called 10 things that create greenhouse gases said that, Natural gas, coal, oil and gasoline; burning these fuels raises the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and, causes global warming. Other things are clouds because they block the sun rays from escaping. Animals because we breathe, actually its not a big amount adding on to the atmosphere. Destroying forests because trees take out carbon from the air, then kicks it out breathable air. Hair spray can add to the carbon, it has many chemicals in the spray. Plastic good burnings can pollute the air. Fires also have chemicals that go up into the atmosphere and creates more greenhouse effect. What happens if theres too much greenhouse effect? An article called Global Warming is hot stuff! Said that, Hurricanes, tornadoes and other storms caused by changes in heat and water evaporation might occur more frequently and be more intense. Also Places that rain will rain more and flood. Places that are already dry would dry out and no life would be able to live there. Many of species will be dying. Life would not be able to adapt to the new temperature and they would die out and be extinct. If an overload of carbon dioxide is in the atmosphere plants would actually produce carbon dioxide, thus speeding up the process.

If we as humans keep going as were going what is going to happen to the earth? Well if we kept on going as we are now, ocean will rise. Forest fires are most likely to happen more than it is now. Hurricanes would be more of a monthly thing and they will be worse then they are now. An article Greenhouse effect and Global Warming said that, Countries whose coastal regions have a large population, such as Egypt and China, may see whole populations move inland to avoid flood risk areas. We will have more extinction; yes the polar bear will be extinct too. What are some of the things we can do to help? An article called Top 50 ways to stop global warming says that, Reduce the number of miles you drive by walking, biking, carpooling or taking mass transit wherever possible. Also plant trees recycle and even only start your dishes when its full. So yes there is many ways you can do to help. Even little things will help the planet; you dont have even have to start a riot about global warming. After all you do live here right? You should take care of the earth like you do an animal, clean up after it! Pollution is a main source of global warming. Our plastics dont decompose that well. Some countries have rivers backed up with garbage. Also pollution can end up in our oceans and kill animals that we need for the environment. Pollution can ruin our water supply, its just not our water supply its also the animals when we ruin the fresh water supply we end up killing animals why we are at it. How to help for not polluting? Well sort your trash to recyclable goods and plastics. Reuse containers that you have, like water bottles, and milk jugs. So yes greenhouse effect is scary and exciting to know. We wouldnt see the big changes that global warming has done to our planet for now. Maybe we will never have to if you help the earth. Just to simple tasks to every day and get to know what global warming is, if you do believe in it. It is our planet, our home and we as a group need to take care of it.

bibliography "Earth's Greenhouse Effect." Windows to the Universe. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 June 2013. "10 things that create greenhouse gases ." Renewable energy | Alternative energy | Green energy . N.p., n.d. Web. 3 June 2013. "Kids 4 Clean Air | Pollution | Climate | Recycling." Kids 4 Clean Air | Pollution | Climate | Recycling. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 June 2013 "Global Warming Fast Facts." Daily Nature and Science News and Headlines | National Geographic News . N.p., n.d. Web. 3 June 2013. "10 things that create greenhouse gases ." Renewable energy | Alternative energy | Green energy . N.p., n.d. Web. 3 June 2013.

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