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Classroom Management Plan (DRAFT) I. Rules to Implement in the Classroom a.

Be Respectful of yourself, environment and those around you b. Many hands make light work-pick up after yourself c. Listen Attentively-if someone else is talking, be listening Routines and Procedures a. Getting attention-depending on age. Younger kids some sort of sound alert (ie. Whistle, bell, alarm, lights, etc.) Older students simple asking for attention or sound alert would be effective, but make sure to be consistent. Perhaps a certain little jingle or even a silly wind down song (ex. Closing Time by SuperSonic) b. Although using hands up is common and efficient, I would like to implement something a little more unique, like perhaps standing up if student has an answer, for some sort of cueing system (both hands up, green card for I have an answer, yellow for Im not sure, give me a minute to think and red for dont pick me) Also allow for get out of jail free cards-allow students to pass on a question asked or requested to do something. Only 2 cards per week and I would reserve the right to veto their use of jail card c. Assigning certain duties of the week for students. Duties such as Gopher (collection and hand outs), Lights (turning off light when needed), Erasing Boards, etc. Duties would be on rotation, each student would do every job at some point. d. When offering input, the green/yellow/red card ideas could work for this situation. e. Using timing systems for transitions, visible count down. Be clear with instructions so students know exactly what to do at what point in time. Using some sort of sound alert to initiate transition f. Implementing instructions first, then move and pack up for the end of the day or class. Bathroom could be the use of a bathroom card that needs to be logged when used. So having a log book that students need to sign out the bathroom card. Thereby eliminating (hopefully) the unnecessary use of bathroom breaks. Building Relationship and Positive Classroom Community a. Ice breakers-getting to know you games (Classmate bingo, 2 truths and a lie, 20 questions, etc.) b. Personality, learning style quizzes and surveys c. Use of friendly competitions, contests, games and activites d. Using commonalities in lessons (finding out what favorite song each students has, and during work periods create a playlist of said songs (if**** appropriate). Disciplines and Punishments a. Minor Offences (3 strikes rule)-Warning, time-out, punishment (removal of certain things: inside at recess, gold stars from chart, etc.) b. Serious Offences- similar three step rule, but depending on level of offence (danger to self or someone else-dealt with appropriately), talk with student first, then to principle or mediator, call home, etc.




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