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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Template Unit Plan

Authors Unit Name and Surname Name of the school Location Other data of the school Description of the Unit Unit Title Have Fun Singing! Unit Summary
Songs are very effective tools to encourage learners to improve their pronunciation, listening and speaking skills. Songs can be helpful resources in the learning of vocabulary, sentence structures, and sentence patterns (Murphey, 1992). This project is based on learning English using songs as My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion and Hero by Mariah Carey. This strategy creates an enjoyable atmosphere in the classroom and encourages students to learn the language in a fun way. Students will practice vocabulary, grammatical structures, and the rhythm of the language by doing what they really love to SING and DANCE. In this project, we are going to watch two song lyric videos that motivate students to practice and improve their pronunciation and fluency.

Diana Janette Beita Rodrguez Jernimo De La Ossa Junior High School San Miguelito, Amelia Denis de Icaza It was founded in 1970. Phone Number: 517-6469 - It is located near Xtra of Pan Azcar.

Curricular area(s) or subject(s)

English, Music, Arts and Technology

Ninth grade

Approximate time required

12 periods of classes of 38 minutes, 4 weeks, 1 month

Class Schedule

Basics of the Unit Contents Conceptual

Song: My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion Hero by Mariah Carey

Downloading the song in the laptop Listening to the song Singing it using the video and the lyrics Integrating vocabulary in context for communicative purpose

Knowing the importance of the improvement of pronunciation Showing respect to their classmates while they sing Sharing information Valuing the importance of working in group

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Learning Objectives
To To To To To To To To To acquire basic and oral linguistic skills that will allow students to communicate properly. improve pronunciation through songs use new vocabulary words and phrases about technology use technological tools: internet, You tube, websites, Google translator download videos, music and lyrics on the laptop listen to the songs interpret the songs write the songs sing

Achievement Indicators The learner: listens, utters, reads, writes, sings the songs uses technological tools: websites, internet, You Tube downloads the music, lyrics and video on his/her laptop or mobile phone shares information about the songs works in group respects his/her classmates ideas, thoughts, feelings or opinions talks about the movie: Titanic talks about the singers: Celine Dion and Mariah Carey talks about love, hero, face the problems, fears, enthusiasm for life uses new words or technological words like download music, listen to podcast and so on

Guiding questions of the Unit Plan Essential Question

How can you improve your pronunciation? Do you like to sing? Which kind of songs do you like? Do you understand English songs? Which song would you like to sing?

Unit Questions

Content Questions

Assessment Plan

Assessment Schedule

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Prior Project Assessment

Brainstorming Presentation of the project Questions and answers sessions Observation of the song lyric video

During Project Assessment

Brainstorming Playing the song on the radio Downloading the song lyric video Questions and answer sessions

Final Project Asssessment

Presentation of the song Rubrics

Assessment Summary
Evaluation Brainstorming Presentation of the project Process and purpose The student answers questions about how they can improve their pronunciation in order to know their ideas and opinions. The teacher presents the project, talks about it with the students, and tells them that the objective is to improve to their pronunciation, listening, speaking skills, vocabulary and fluency. The student answers questions about his/her favorite singers, songs and if they like to sing. The student watches and listens the song lyric video in order to get acquainted with the unknown words. The students answers questions about love and hero The student listens the song in order to read the sample of the song and practice it. The student downloads the song lyric video on her/his laptop or mobile phone from You tube in order to practice it in and out the classroom as much as they can. The student answers questions about face the problems and enthusiasm for life. The student sings the song in group or individually. The student has been provided with the rubrics and the evaluation criteria in order to know how he/she is going to be evaluated.

Questions and answers sessions Observation of the video Brainstorming Playing the song on the radio Downloading the song on the laptop or mobile phone

Questions and answers sessions Presentation of the song Rubric

Unit Details Previous Skills

The student must have technological skills to be able to download the song lyric videos from You tube on their laptops or mobile phones in order to practice them as much as they can in and out the classroom.

Pedagogical Process
Activity 1 The student participates in a brainstorming about his/ her favorite singer and songs: Who is your favorite singer? What is your favorite song? Do you like to sing?

The student writes the questions and answers on their notebook using.


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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Activity 2 The student has given a sample of the song and listen the song from the radio. The student practices the song. Activity 3

The student downloads the song lyric videos on his/ her laptop or mobile phone from these websites: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGTm8UfWHAM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WE-7wsOYZNw

Activity 4 The student watches the video. The student listens the song. The student reads the song. Activity 5 The student forms groups of five students to translate the songs. At the beginning, the student uses his/ her knowledge to identify the known and the unknown words to translate the song during 15 minutes After, the student uses the technological tool Google translator to finish the translation. Activity 6 The student writes the unknown words five in English, one in Spanish and illustrates them. Activity 7 The student forms groups of five students to practice the songs. Activity 8

The student sings the song.


Special Need Students Non- Spanish Speaking Students Outstanding Students

The student with disabilities uses the lyrics of the song as a support while he/she sings and he/she will be included in a group. The student with special needs writes the lyrics of the song on their notebooks translate it and illustrates it. He/she works with outstanding students. The student works with the outstanding students in order to support them.

The outstanding students sing without the sample song, and he/she writes his/ her own song.

Materials and resources required for the unit

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Technology Hardware (equipo necesario) Cmara Computadora(s) Cmara digital Reproductor de DVD Conexin a Internet Technology Software (necesario) Base de datos/Hoja de clculo Diagramador de publicaciones Programa de correo electrnico Enciclopedia en CD-ROM
Printed Materials Supplies The sample of the song Laptops or mobile phones, data show, radio Websites from You tube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGTm8UfWHAM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WE-7wsOYZNw
http://www.camtesol.org/Download/LEiA_Vol2_Iss1_2011/LEiA_V2_I1_11_Neil_Millington_U sing_Songs_Effectively_to_Teach_English_to_Young_Learners.pdf

Disco lser Impresora Sistema de proyeccin Escner Televisor

VCR Cmara de vdeo Equipo de vdeo conferencia Otro

Editor de imgenes Buscador Web Multimedia

Desarrollo de pginas web Procesador de texto Otro

Internet Resources

Other Resources

Los programas de Intel Educacin son financiados por la Fundacin Intel y la Corporacin Intel. Derechos reservados 2008, Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Intel, el logo de Intel, la iniciativa de Intel Educacin y el Programa Intel Educar son marcas registradas de Intel Corporation o de sus subsidiarias en los Estados Unidos y otros pases. *Otros nombres y marcas pueden ser reclamadas como la propiedad de terceras partes.

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1UChfm6xvmjvKA6gmXDofmmHPP_DoW1FzZXhD_JjJEWM/viewform encuesta https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1UChfm6xvmjvKA6gmXDofmmHPP_DoW1FzZXhD_JjJEWM/viewform b

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