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I worked all my medical carrier as medical officer, in a lot of companies and

Institutions like Army and the United Nations in 1997.

In my country I got a couple of medical specialties, registered as specialist in
internal medicine, travel medicine, occupational medicine,homeopathic medicine and
health administration, all specialties board certified in tests by the AMB
(Brazilian Medical Association).
All my medical carrier I develop in tropical countries, in South America and
Africa, where I am now.
My medical knowledegement in tropical medicine is very large, with special remarks
in malaria, sleep disease, and other tropical diseases.

I was the deputy of the ADS (Advanced Dressing Station) in Luena and Luanda,
Angola, in 1997, and worked again in Angola in 2007 as internist andoccupational
doctor; And I was militarty physician in Colombia and Brazil in 1990 up 1992 in

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