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Angel fish : ikan laut tropis Arche fish : ikan arche Butterfly fish : ikan kupu-kupu Crabs : kepiting

Clams : kerang Dolphins : lumba-lumba Eels : belut Flying fish : ikan terbang Great whit sharks : Ikan paus putih raksaasa Giant squid : Cumi-cumi raksasa Herring :ikan haring Halibut : semacam ikan gabus Immense school of baracuda : Barakuda besar Jellyfish : ubur-ubur Krill : ikan kril Lanterns fish : ikan lentera Lobster : udang Mackarel : ikan makarel Manatees : ikan manate Narwhals : ikan narwal Octopus : gurita Orca whales : paus pembunuh Prawns : udang galah Porpises : pesut Queer fish : ikan ganjil Rays : ikan duri Seaweed : rumput laut Seahorse : kuda laut Sea slugs : siput laut Sharks : hiu Tuna : ikan tongkol Turtles : penyu Viper fish : ikan viper Whelks : keong Zany : amat lucu

RELATIF PRONOUN Digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua kalimat yang memiliki kata benda atau kata ganti benda yang sama. Ada lima kata ganti relatif: who, which/that, whose, where Who subjek, digunakan untuk orang Contoh : (1) He likes the girl. (2) The girl comes from Alaska. Relative pronoun: He likes the girl who comes from Alaska. Whose untuk kepemilikan Contoh : (1) I found the boy. (2) The boys father is soldier. Relative pronoun : I found the boy whose father is a is a soldier. (1) I found the boy. (2) His father is soldier. Relative pronoun : I found the boy whose father is a is a soldier Which/ that untuk benda Contoh : (1) I found the money. (2) The money was lost. Pronoun Clause: I found the money that/which was lost. Where untuk tempat Contoh : (1) She works in a restaurant (2) The restaurant is very expensive Pronoun Clause : The restaurant where she works is very expensive

EXERCISE 1. The man (who/which/whose) house we stayed in is my uncle. 2. At first, I couldn't tell (who/which/whose) he was, but then I recognized him. 3. The guy (who/which/whose) sold me my car is a crook. 4. Q: (Who/Which/Whose) pen did he give you? A: The blue one. 5. I couldn't decide (who/which/whose) camera was right for me. 6. (Who/Which/Whose) turn is it to wash the dishes? 7. I can't decide (who/which/whose) the best candidate is. 8. His last book, (who/which/whose) I didn't read, was very successful. 9. I don't know (who/which/whose) song that is, but it's not theirs. 10. My friend John, (who/which/whose) doesn't speak French, had trouble communicating in France.

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