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+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ General Ledger: Version : 12.0.0 Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

RGRARG module: Financial Statement Generator +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Current system time is 04-AUG-2011 05:05:03 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Starting Program RGRARG. Arguments are: 0 RGRARG 1 username/password 2 0 3 Y 4 Data Access Set ID 5 Chart of Accounts Id 6 ADHOC Prefix 7 Industry 8 Flex Code Id 9 Default Ledger ID 10 Report ID 11 Row Set ID 12 Column Set ID 13 Period of Interest 14 Unit of Measure ID 15 Rounding Option 16 Override Values 17 Content Set ID 18 Row Order ID 19 Report Display Set ID 20 Output Option 21 Exceptions Flag 22 Miniumum Display Level 23 Effective Date 24 Parameter Set ID 25 Maximum Page Length 26 Sub-Request Run ID 27 Application Shortname Message level is: Full >> rgrini() 04-AUG-2011 05:05:03 rgrini.build_per_arr: Query for period set name from GL_ACCESS_SETS SELECT period_set_name FROM GL_ACCESS_SETS WHERE access_set_id = 1006 rgrini.build_per_arr: period set name from GL_ACCESS_SETS: HOLX_ACCOUNTING rgrini.build_per_arr: Query for period names from GL_PERIODS SELECT period_name, to_number(to_char(end_date,'YYYYMMDD'))

RGRARG username/password 0 Y 1006 101 FSG-ADHOCC GLLE HOLX_EUR_CONS 3135 1747 1746 JUL-11 EUR C

R N 3215 41 -998 SQLGL

FROM GL_PERIODS WHERE period_set_name = :p_value ORDER BY NLSSORT(period_name,'NLS_SORT=BINARY') ASC control->report_id = 3135 control->row_set_id = 1747 control->column_set_id = 1746 control->row_order_id = 0 control->content_set_id = 0 control->display_set_id = 0 control->parameter_set_id = 3215 control->resp_lvl = 0 control->round_option = C control->output_option = R control->excp = FALSE control->sub_req_run_id = -998 control->appl_id = 101 control->id_flex_code = GLLE control->ldg_val_set_id = 1017263 control->ledger_id = 44 control->ledger_name = HOLX_EUR_CONS control->ledger_currency = control->access_set_id = 1006 control->security_segnum = 0 control->per_cnt = 296 control->runtime_currency = EUR control->resp_id = 53412 control->resp_appl_id = 101 control->enforce_security = FALSE control->sec_rules = NULL control->reduced_ranges = NULL control->num_reduced_ranges = 0 control->max_char_width = 3 control->total_num_cols = 0 control->page = NULL << rgrini() 04-AUG-2011 05:05:03 Starting Remaining time timer >> rgranl() 04-AUG-2011 05:05:03 Current date and time: Thu Aug 4 05:05:03 2011

>> rgrgsa() 04-AUG-2011 05:05:03 Query for standard axes: SELECT nvl(RGB.standard_axis_id,-1), nvl(RGT.standard_axis_name,''), nvl(class, ''), upper(nvl(database_column,'')), nvl(upper(simple_where_name),''), period_query, nvl(standard_axis1_id,-1), nvl(axis1_operator,''), nvl(standard_axis2_id,-1), nvl(axis2_operator,''), nvl(constant,0), nvl(precedence_level,0), nvl(variance_flag,'N'), nvl(sign_flag,'N')

FROM RG_REPORT_STANDARD_AXES_B RGB, RG_REPORT_STANDARD_AXES_TL RGT WHERE RGB.standard_axis_id = RGT.standard_axis_id AND RGT.language = USERENV('LANG') ORDER BY RGB.standard_axis_id DESC Working on standard axis 510, PTD-Budget (FY End). Working on standard axis 502, BAL-Encumbrance (FY End). Working on standard axis 500, BAL-Budget (FY End). Working on standard axis 103, EOD. Working on standard axis 102, YATD. Working on standard axis 101, QATD. Working on standard axis 100, PATD. Working on standard axis 40, YTD-Encumbrance (FY End). Working on standard axis 39, PTD-Encumbrance (FY End). Working on standard axis 37, Project-Encumbrance. Working on standard axis 36, PROJ-Bal-Encumbrance. Working on standard axis 35, YBAL-Encumbrance. Working on standard axis 34, YTD-Encumbrance. Working on standard axis 33, QTD-Encumbrance. Working on standard axis 32, QBAL-Encumbrance. Working on standard axis 31, PTD-Encumbrance. Working on standard axis 30, BAL-Actual (FY Start). Working on standard axis 29, PTD-Actual (FY Start). Working on standard axis 28, YBAL-Budget. Working on standard axis 27, YBAL-Actual. Working on standard axis 26, PROJ-Bal-Budget. Working on standard axis 25, PROJ-Bal-Actual. Working on standard axis 24, QBAL-Budget. Working on standard axis 23, QBAL-Actual. Working on standard axis 22, PTD-Budget. Working on standard axis 21, PTD-Actual. Working on standard axis 20, QTD-Budget. Working on standard axis 19, QTD-Actual. Working on standard axis 18, YTD-Budget (FY End). Working on standard axis 17, YTD-Actual (FY End). Working on standard axis 16, YTD-Actual (FY Start). Working on standard axis 15, YTD-Budget. Working on standard axis 14, YTD-Actual. Working on standard axis 13, BAL-Actual (FY End). Working on standard axis 12, PTD-Actual (FY End). Working on standard axis 10, YTD-Variance%. Working on standard axis 9, YTD-Variance. Working on standard axis 8, Project-Variance%. Working on standard axis 7, Project-Variance. Working on standard axis 6, QTD-Variance%. Working on standard axis 5, QTD-Variance. Working on standard axis 4, PTD-Variance%. Working on standard axis 3, PTD-Variance. Working on standard axis 2, Project-Budget. Working on standard axis 1, Project-Actual. Where clause query SELECT upper(nvl(simple_where_name,'')), upper(nvl(where_column,'')), nvl(where_value,'') FROM RG_SIMPLE_WHERE_CLAUSES resolve_refs(): Resolved standard axis references. << rgrgsa() 04-AUG-2011 05:05:03

saustt(): Created new token. t_name_len: 4; t_name: &poi;

t_val_len: 6;

t_val: JUL-11 t_val_len: 6; t_val: t_val: JUL-11 t_val: 44 t_val: JUL-11

saustt(): Created new token. t_name_len: 19; t_name: &period_of_interest; saustt(): Created new token. t_name_len: 4; t_name: &DOI; saustt(): Created new token. t_name_len: 4; t_name: &POI; t_val_len: 0; t_val_len: 6;

saustt(): Created new token. t_name_len: 14; t_name: &def_ledger_id; saustt(): Created new token. t_name_len: 7; t_name: &uom_id;

t_val_len: 2;

t_val_len: 3;

t_val: EUR t_val: 101

saustt(): Created new token. t_name_len: 15; t_name: &application_id;

t_val_len: 3;

>> rgrdrs() 04-AUG-2011 05:05:03 req_id_str = 34409697 rep_set_flag = 0 rgrdpg.rgrdpg: Unable to read value for profile option RG_DEBUG_ON.. rgrprt.rgrprt: Defaulting value for profile option RG_DEBUG_ON to FALSE.. >> rgrgas() 04-AUG-2011 05:05:03 Entering code to get axis set 1746 rgrgas.rgrgas: Axis set query SELECT nvl(name,''), nvl(axis_set_type,''), column_set_header, nvl(structure_id,-1), nvl(segment_name,''), nvl(description,'') FROM RG_REPORT_AXIS_SETS WHERE axis_set_id = 1746 << rgrgas() 04-AUG-2011 05:05:03 >> rgrgas() 04-AUG-2011 05:05:03 Entering code to get axis set 1747 rgrgas.rgrgas: Axis set query SELECT nvl(name,''), nvl(axis_set_type,''), column_set_header, nvl(structure_id,-1), nvl(segment_name,''), nvl(description,'') FROM RG_REPORT_AXIS_SETS WHERE axis_set_id = 1747

<< rgrgas() 04-AUG-2011 05:05:04 >> rgrgrp() 04-AUG-2011 05:05:04 << rgrgrp() 04-AUG-2011 05:05:04 COA Structure : Segment: LEDGER_SEGMENT : Ledger Segment: SEGMENT1 : HOLX_COMPANY Segment: SEGMENT2 : HOLX_DIVISION Segment: SEGMENT3 : HOLX_DEPARTMENT Segment: SEGMENT4 : HOLX_ACCOUNT Segment: SEGMENT5 : HOLX_GEOGRAPHY Segment value security is not enforced for Financial Statement Generator reporti ng. rgrdrs.rgrdrs: Getting value for profile option EXPAND_PARENT_VALUE equal Yes. rgrdrs.rgrdrs: Number of ledger ids in column set: 0: rgrdrs.rgrdrs: Number of assignments in column set: 0: rgrdrs.rgrdrs: Number of ledger ids in row set: 77: rgrdrs.rgrdrs: Number of assignments in row set: 77: rgrdrs.rgrdrs: Number of axis in row set with Amount Type and no assignment: 0: rgrdrs.rgrdrs: Number of axis in col set with Amount Type and no assignment: 13: rgrdrs.rgrdrs: Row_Col_Options:DA: Explanation of codes used in Row_Col_options A B C D no assignments at all assignments present, all of them have NULL ledger segment value assignments present, some of them have NULL ledger segment value assignments present, all of them have NOT NULL ledger segment values

PERF0005: Oracle error detected in get_def_ldgs - ORA-01403: no data found <x get_def_ldgs() 04-AUG-2011 05:05:04 <x get_def_ldgs() 04-AUG-2011 05:05:04 rgrdrs List of default ledger id/name begin: Ledger id/name of the default: 44:HOLX_EUR_CONS: rgrdrs List of default ledger id/name end: rgrdrs: First side is RowSet side: rgrdrs degoel before ROW:ldg_id_first_arr:: rgrdrs degoel before ROW:ldg_id_def_arr:44:

>> rgrgax() 04-AUG-2011 05:05:04 degoel col_cur_cnt :0: degoel row_cur_cnt :0: rgrdrs.rgrdrs row_col_cur_opt: row_col_cur_opt:NN: rgrgax.get_axes: Axis query SELECT to_char(axis_seq,'999999999999999.9999999999999'), nvl(axis_name,''), nvl(description,''), to_char(percentage_divisor_seq,'999999999999999.9999999999999'), nvl(axis_type,'N'), nvl(standard_axis_id,-1), nvl(structure_id,-1), nvl(transaction_flag,'N'), nvl(segment_override_value,''), nvl(override_alc_ledger_currency, ''), nvl(amount_id,-1), nvl(unit_of_measure_id,''), nvl(parameter_num,-1), nvl(period_offset,0), nvl(display_flag,'Y'), nvl(before_axis_string,''), nvl(after_axis_string,''), nvl(position,-1), nvl(number_characters_indented,0), nvl(page_break_before_flag,'N'), nvl(page_break_after_flag,'N'), nvl(number_lines_skipped_before,0), nvl(number_lines_skipped_after,0), nvl(display_level,0), nvl(display_zero_amount_flag,'N'), nvl(change_sign_flag,'N'), nvl(change_variance_sign_flag,'N'), nvl(display_units,-999), nvl(display_format,''), decode(nvl(calculation_precedence_flag,'N'),'N',-10,'Y',10), nvl(format_before_text,''), nvl(format_after_text,''), nvl(format_mask_width, 10), nvl(display_precision, 2) FROM RG_REPORT_AXES WHERE axis_set_id = 1747 ORDER BY axis_seq DESC rgrgax:get_axes Starting axis query. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. 300.0000000000000 to li 291.0000000000000 to li 290.0000000000000 to li 282.0000000000000 to li

get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st.

281.0000000000000 to li 280.0000000000000 to li 270.0000000000000 to li 260.0000000000000 to li 250.0000000000000 to li 240.0000000000000 to li 238.0000000000000 to li 237.0000000000000 to li 234.0000000000000 to li 233.0000000000000 to li 232.0000000000000 to li 231.0000000000000 to li 230.0000000000000 to li 220.0000000000000 to li 210.0000000000000 to li 200.0000000000000 to li 190.0000000000000 to li 180.0000000000000 to li 170.0000000000000 to li 168.0000000000000 to li

get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st.

167.0000000000000 to li 164.0000000000000 to li 163.0000000000000 to li 162.0000000000000 to li 161.0000000000000 to li 160.0000000000000 to li 150.0000000000000 to li 140.0000000000000 to li 130.0000000000000 to li 120.0000000000000 to li 110.0000000000000 to li 100.0000000000000 to li 90.0000000000000 to li 80.0000000000000 to li 70.0000000000000 to li 60.0000000000000 to li 50.0000000000000 to li 40.0000000000000 to li 30.0000000000000 to li 25.0000000000000 to li

get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st.

20.0000000000000 to li 10.0000000000000 to li

rgrgax.get_calcs: Built query: SELECT to_char(axis_seq,'999999999999999.9999999999999'), nvl(calculation_seq,-1), nvl(operator,'ENTER'), to_char(axis_seq_low,'999999999999999.9999999999999'), to_char(axis_seq_high,'999999999999999.9999999999999'), nvl(axis_name_low,''), nvl(axis_name_low,''), constant FROM RG_REPORT_CALCULATIONS WHERE axis_set_id =1747 AND ( operator IS NOT NULL OR calculation_seq IS NOT NULL OR (axis_seq_low IS NOT NULL AND axis_seq_high IS NOT NULL) OR axis_name_low IS NOT NULL OR axis_name_high IS NOT NULL OR constant IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY axis_seq ASC,calculation_seq DESC rgumsg: fdnwsc() is used by default get_calcs(): Inserted calc with ax num eq 1.000000. get_calcs(): Inserted calc with ax num eq 1.000000. get_calcs(): Inserted calc with ax num eq 1.000000. get_calcs(): Inserted calc with ax num eq 1.000000. get_calcs(): Inserted calc with ax num eq 1.000000. get_calcs(): Inserted calc with ax num eq 1.000000. get_calcs(): Inserted calc with ax num eq 3.000000. get_calcs(): Inserted calc with ax num eq 2.000000. get_calcs(): Inserted calc with ax num eq 1.000000. get_calcs(): Inserted calc with ax num eq 4.000000. get_calcs(): Inserted calc with ax num eq 3.000000.

60.0000000000000 and calc s 120.0000000000000 and calc s 170.0000000000000 and calc s 190.0000000000000 and calc s 240.0000000000000 and calc s 260.0000000000000 and calc s 270.0000000000000 and calc s 270.0000000000000 and calc s 270.0000000000000 and calc s 290.0000000000000 and calc s 290.0000000000000 and calc s

get_calcs(): Inserted calc with ax num eq 2.000000. get_calcs(): Inserted calc with ax num eq 1.000000. get_calcs(): Inserted calc with ax num eq 2.000000. get_calcs(): Inserted calc with ax num eq 1.000000. rgrgax.get_conts Built content query: select

290.0000000000000 and calc s 290.0000000000000 and calc s 300.0000000000000 and calc s 300.0000000000000 and calc s

to_char(axis_seq,'999999999999999.9999999999999') AXIS_SEQ, nvl(range_mode,'N') RANGE_MODE, nvl(sign,'+') SIGN, nvl(dr_cr_net_code,'N') DR_CR_NET_CODE, nvl(gl.short_name, '') SHORT_NAME, gl.short_name LEDGER_SEGMENT_low, gl.short_name LEDGER_SEGMENT_high, nvl(LEDGER_SEGMENT_type,'') LEDGER_SEGMENT_type, nvl(SEGMENT1_low,'') SEGMENT1_low, nvl(SEGMENT1_high,'') SEGMENT1_high, nvl(SEGMENT1_type,'') SEGMENT1_type, nvl(SEGMENT2_low,'') SEGMENT2_low, nvl(SEGMENT2_high,'') SEGMENT2_high, nvl(SEGMENT2_type,'') SEGMENT2_type, nvl(SEGMENT3_low,'') SEGMENT3_low, nvl(SEGMENT3_high,'') SEGMENT3_high, nvl(SEGMENT3_type,'') SEGMENT3_type, nvl(SEGMENT4_low,'') SEGMENT4_low, nvl(SEGMENT4_high,'') SEGMENT4_high, nvl(SEGMENT4_type,'') SEGMENT4_type, nvl(SEGMENT5_low,'') SEGMENT5_low, nvl(SEGMENT5_high,'') SEGMENT5_high, nvl(SEGMENT5_type,'') SEGMENT5_type, ac.ledger_id LEDGER_ID FROM RG_REPORT_AXIS_CONTENTS ac, GL_LEDGERS gl, GL_LEDGER_RELATIONSHIPS glr WHERE axis_set_id = 1747 AND ac.ledger_id IS NOT NULL AND glr.target_ledger_id = gl.ledger_id AND ((glr.source_ledger_id = gl.ledger_id AND glr.target_ledger_category_code IN ('PRIMARY')) OR (glr.source_ledger_id != gl.ledger_id AND glr.target_ledger_category_code IN ('ALC','SECONDARY'))) AND glr.application_id = 101 AND gl.ledger_id = ac.ledger_id UNION select to_char(axis_seq,'999999999999999.9999999999999') AXIS_SEQ, nvl(range_mode,'N') RANGE_MODE, nvl(sign,'+') SIGN, nvl(dr_cr_net_code,'N') DR_CR_NET_CODE, nvl(gl.short_name, '') SHORT_NAME, gl.short_name LEDGER_SEGMENT_low, gl.short_name LEDGER_SEGMENT_high, nvl(LEDGER_SEGMENT_type,'') LEDGER_SEGMENT_type,

nvl(SEGMENT1_low,'') SEGMENT1_low, nvl(SEGMENT1_high,'') SEGMENT1_high, nvl(SEGMENT1_type,'') SEGMENT1_type, nvl(SEGMENT2_low,'') SEGMENT2_low, nvl(SEGMENT2_high,'') SEGMENT2_high, nvl(SEGMENT2_type,'') SEGMENT2_type, nvl(SEGMENT3_low,'') SEGMENT3_low, nvl(SEGMENT3_high,'') SEGMENT3_high, nvl(SEGMENT3_type,'') SEGMENT3_type, nvl(SEGMENT4_low,'') SEGMENT4_low, nvl(SEGMENT4_high,'') SEGMENT4_high, nvl(SEGMENT4_type,'') SEGMENT4_type, nvl(SEGMENT5_low,'') SEGMENT5_low, nvl(SEGMENT5_high,'') SEGMENT5_high, nvl(SEGMENT5_type,'') SEGMENT5_type, gl.ledger_id LEDGER_ID FROM RG_REPORT_AXIS_CONTENTS ac, GL_LEDGERS gl WHERE axis_set_id = 1747 AND ac.ledger_id IS NOT NULL AND gl.ledger_id IN (SELECT glb.ledger_id FROM gl_ledger_set_assignments glb WHERE glb.ledger_set_id = ac.ledger_id AND glb.ledger_set_id = glb.ledger_id) ORDER BY AXIS_SEQ ASC, LEDGER_ID DESC , LEDGER_SEGMENT_low DESC, LEDGER_SEGMENT_high DESC, LEDGER_SEGMENT_type DESC, SEGMENT1_low DESC, SEGMENT1_high DESC, SEGMENT1_type DESC, SEGMENT2_low DESC, SEGMENT2_high DESC, SEGMENT2_type DESC, SEGMENT3_low DESC, SEGMENT3_high DESC, SEGMENT3_type DESC, SEGMENT4_low DESC, SEGMENT4_high DESC, SEGMENT4_type DESC, SEGMENT5_low DESC, SEGMENT5_high DESC, SEGMENT5_type DESC deft_ledger HOLX_EUR_CONS rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:0: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: rgupar.saudch: Query for Child Values of Parent Value 'HOLX_EUR_FR': SELECT gl.short_name child_flex_value_low, gl.short_name child_flex_value_high, '-1' from gl_ledgers gl where gl.ledger_id in (

select glb.ledger_id from gl_ledger_set_assignments glb, gl_ledgers gla where gla.short_name = :p_value and glb.ledger_set_id = gla.ledger_id) and gl.object_type_code = 'L' order by nlssort(child_flex_value_low, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC, nlssort(child_flex_value_high, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:0: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgupar.saudch: Query for Child Values of Parent Value 'HOLX_EUR': SELECT gl.short_name child_flex_value_low, gl.short_name child_flex_value_high, '-1' from gl_ledgers gl where gl.ledger_id in ( select glb.ledger_id from gl_ledger_set_assignments glb, gl_ledgers gla where gla.short_name = :p_value and glb.ledger_set_id = gla.ledger_id) and gl.object_type_code = 'L' order by nlssort(child_flex_value_low, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC, nlssort(child_flex_value_high, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: 20.0000000000000. 20.0000000000000. 10.0000000000000. 10.0000000000000.

rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: 40.0000000000000. 40.0000000000000. 30.0000000000000. 30.0000000000000. 25.0000000000000. 25.0000000000000.

rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: rgupar.saudch: Query for Child Values of Parent Value '27500': SELECT child_flex_value_low, child_flex_value_high, nvl(structured_hierarchy_level,'-1') from fnd_flex_value_hierarchies fvh, fnd_flex_values fv where fv.flex_value_set_id = :v_set_id and fv.flex_value_set_id = fvh.flex_value_set_id and fv.flex_value = :p_value 70.0000000000000. 50.0000000000000. 50.0000000000000. 40.0000000000000. 40.0000000000000.

and fvh.parent_flex_value = fv.flex_value order by nlssort(child_flex_value_low, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC, nlssort(child_flex_value_high, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: 90.0000000000000. 80.0000000000000. 80.0000000000000. 70.0000000000000. 70.0000000000000. 70.0000000000000.

rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: rgupar.saudch: Query for Child Values of Parent Value '27400': SELECT child_flex_value_low, child_flex_value_high, nvl(structured_hierarchy_level,'-1') from fnd_flex_value_hierarchies fvh, fnd_flex_values fv where fv.flex_value_set_id = :v_set_id and fv.flex_value_set_id = fvh.flex_value_set_id and fv.flex_value = :p_value and fvh.parent_flex_value = fv.flex_value order by nlssort(child_flex_value_low, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC, nlssort(child_flex_value_high, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: 110.0000000000000. 110.0000000000000. 100.0000000000000. 100.0000000000000. 90.0000000000000.

rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgupar.saudch: Query for Child Values of Parent Value '200': SELECT child_flex_value_low, child_flex_value_high, nvl(structured_hierarchy_level,'-1') from fnd_flex_value_hierarchies fvh, fnd_flex_values fv where fv.flex_value_set_id = :v_set_id and fv.flex_value_set_id = fvh.flex_value_set_id and fv.flex_value = :p_value and fvh.parent_flex_value = fv.flex_value order by nlssort(child_flex_value_low, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC, nlssort(child_flex_value_high, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgupar.saudch: Query for Child Values of Parent Value '210': 130.0000000000000. 110.0000000000000. 110.0000000000000.

SELECT child_flex_value_low, child_flex_value_high, nvl(structured_hierarchy_level,'-1') from fnd_flex_value_hierarchies fvh, fnd_flex_values fv where fv.flex_value_set_id = :v_set_id and fv.flex_value_set_id = fvh.flex_value_set_id and fv.flex_value = :p_value and fvh.parent_flex_value = fv.flex_value order by nlssort(child_flex_value_low, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC, nlssort(child_flex_value_high, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgupar.saudch: Query for Child Values of Parent Value '300': SELECT child_flex_value_low, child_flex_value_high, nvl(structured_hierarchy_level,'-1') from fnd_flex_value_hierarchies fvh, fnd_flex_values fv where fv.flex_value_set_id = :v_set_id and fv.flex_value_set_id = fvh.flex_value_set_id and fv.flex_value = :p_value and fvh.parent_flex_value = fv.flex_value order by nlssort(child_flex_value_low, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC, nlssort(child_flex_value_high, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: 160.0000000000000. 150.0000000000000. 140.0000000000000.

rgupar.saudch: Query for Child Values of Parent Value '310': SELECT child_flex_value_low, child_flex_value_high, nvl(structured_hierarchy_level,'-1') from fnd_flex_value_hierarchies fvh, fnd_flex_values fv where fv.flex_value_set_id = :v_set_id and fv.flex_value_set_id = fvh.flex_value_set_id and fv.flex_value = :p_value and fvh.parent_flex_value = fv.flex_value order by nlssort(child_flex_value_low, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC, nlssort(child_flex_value_high, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgupar.saudch: Query for Child Values of Parent Value '320': SELECT child_flex_value_low, child_flex_value_high, nvl(structured_hierarchy_level,'-1') from fnd_flex_value_hierarchies fvh, fnd_flex_values fv where fv.flex_value_set_id = :v_set_id and fv.flex_value_set_id = fvh.flex_value_set_id and fv.flex_value = :p_value and fvh.parent_flex_value = fv.flex_value order by nlssort(child_flex_value_low, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC, nlssort(child_flex_value_high, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: 163.0000000000000. 162.0000000000000. 161.0000000000000.

rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgupar.saudch: Query for Child Values of Parent Value '550': SELECT child_flex_value_low, child_flex_value_high, nvl(structured_hierarchy_level,'-1') from fnd_flex_value_hierarchies fvh, fnd_flex_values fv where fv.flex_value_set_id = :v_set_id and fv.flex_value_set_id = fvh.flex_value_set_id and fv.flex_value = :p_value and fvh.parent_flex_value = fv.flex_value order by nlssort(child_flex_value_low, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC, nlssort(child_flex_value_high, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgupar.saudch: Query for Child Values of Parent Value '305': SELECT child_flex_value_low, child_flex_value_high, nvl(structured_hierarchy_level,'-1') from fnd_flex_value_hierarchies fvh, fnd_flex_values fv where fv.flex_value_set_id = :v_set_id and fv.flex_value_set_id = fvh.flex_value_set_id and fv.flex_value = :p_value and fvh.parent_flex_value = fv.flex_value order by nlssort(child_flex_value_low, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC, nlssort(child_flex_value_high, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: 168.0000000000000. 167.0000000000000. 164.0000000000000.

rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgupar.saudch: Query for Child Values of Parent Value '42245': SELECT child_flex_value_low, child_flex_value_high, nvl(structured_hierarchy_level,'-1') from fnd_flex_value_hierarchies fvh, fnd_flex_values fv where fv.flex_value_set_id = :v_set_id and fv.flex_value_set_id = fvh.flex_value_set_id and fv.flex_value = :p_value and fvh.parent_flex_value = fv.flex_value order by nlssort(child_flex_value_low, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC, nlssort(child_flex_value_high, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: 210.0000000000000. 200.0000000000000. 200.0000000000000. 180.0000000000000.

rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgupar.saudch: Query for Child Values of Parent Value '220': SELECT child_flex_value_low, child_flex_value_high, nvl(structured_hierarchy_level,'-1') from fnd_flex_value_hierarchies fvh, fnd_flex_values fv where fv.flex_value_set_id = :v_set_id and fv.flex_value_set_id = fvh.flex_value_set_id and fv.flex_value = :p_value and fvh.parent_flex_value = fv.flex_value order by nlssort(child_flex_value_low, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC, nlssort(child_flex_value_high, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: 230.0000000000000. 220.0000000000000. 220.0000000000000. 210.0000000000000.

rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: 232.0000000000000. 232.0000000000000. 231.0000000000000. 231.0000000000000. 230.0000000000000.

rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: 237.0000000000000. 234.0000000000000. 234.0000000000000. 233.0000000000000. 233.0000000000000.

rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: 250.0000000000000. 250.0000000000000. 238.0000000000000. 238.0000000000000. 237.0000000000000.

rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: 281.0000000000000. 281.0000000000000. 281.0000000000000. 281.0000000000000. 280.0000000000000. 280.0000000000000.

rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: rgupar.saudch: Query for Child Values of Parent Value '48998': SELECT child_flex_value_low, child_flex_value_high, nvl(structured_hierarchy_level,'-1') from fnd_flex_value_hierarchies fvh, fnd_flex_values fv where fv.flex_value_set_id = :v_set_id and fv.flex_value_set_id = fvh.flex_value_set_id and fv.flex_value = :p_value and fvh.parent_flex_value = fv.flex_value order by nlssort(child_flex_value_low, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC, nlssort(child_flex_value_high, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: rgupar.saudch: Query for Child Values of Parent Value '48991': SELECT child_flex_value_low, child_flex_value_high, nvl(structured_hierarchy_level,'-1') from fnd_flex_value_hierarchies fvh, fnd_flex_values fv where fv.flex_value_set_id = :v_set_id and fv.flex_value_set_id = fvh.flex_value_set_id and fv.flex_value = :p_value and fvh.parent_flex_value = fv.flex_value order by nlssort(child_flex_value_low, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC, nlssort(child_flex_value_high, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: 291.0000000000000. 291.0000000000000. 282.0000000000000. 282.0000000000000.

rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: rgupar.saudch: Query for Child Values of Parent Value '38998': SELECT child_flex_value_low, child_flex_value_high, nvl(structured_hierarchy_level,'-1') from fnd_flex_value_hierarchies fvh, fnd_flex_values fv where fv.flex_value_set_id = :v_set_id and fv.flex_value_set_id = fvh.flex_value_set_id and fv.flex_value = :p_value and fvh.parent_flex_value = fv.flex_value order by nlssort(child_flex_value_low, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC, nlssort(child_flex_value_high, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: rgupar.saudch: Query for Child Values of Parent Value '38991': SELECT child_flex_value_low, child_flex_value_high, nvl(structured_hierarchy_level,'-1') from fnd_flex_value_hierarchies fvh, fnd_flex_values fv where fv.flex_value_set_id = :v_set_id and fv.flex_value_set_id = fvh.flex_value_set_id and fv.flex_value = :p_value and fvh.parent_flex_value = fv.flex_value order by nlssort(child_flex_value_low, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC, nlssort(child_flex_value_high, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY') DESC get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: 291.0000000000000. 291.0000000000000. 291.0000000000000.

rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:4: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs tmp_first_ldg_id: tmp_first_ldg_id:2: rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrgax List Ledger id Ledger id rgrgax List of of of of unique first side ledger id begin: the first side:4: the first side:2: unique first side ledger id end: 291.0000000000000. 291.0000000000000. 291.0000000000000.

rgrgax.get_excps: Built axis exceptions query select to_char(axis_seq,'999999999999999.9999999999999'), nvl(exception_id,-1), nvl(condition,''), nvl(constant,-1) FROM RG_REPORT_EXCEPTIONS WHERE axis_set_id = 1747 ORDER BY axis_seq ASC Preparing cursor for exceptions. Opened cursor... << rgrgax() 04-AUG-2011 05:05:04 rgrdrs degoel after ROW:ldg_id_first_arr:(4,2): rgrdrs degoel after ROW:ldg_id_def_arr:44: rgrdrs degoel before COL:ldg_id_first_arr:(4,2): rgrdrs degoel before COL:ldg_id_def_arr:44: >> rgrgax() 04-AUG-2011 05:05:04

degoel col_cur_cnt :0: degoel row_cur_cnt :0: rgrdrs.rgrdrs row_col_cur_opt: row_col_cur_opt:NN: rgrgax.get_axes: Axis query SELECT to_char(axis_seq,'999999999999999.9999999999999'), nvl(axis_name,''), nvl(description,''), to_char(percentage_divisor_seq,'999999999999999.9999999999999'), nvl(axis_type,'N'), nvl(standard_axis_id,-1), nvl(structure_id,-1), nvl(transaction_flag,'N'), nvl(segment_override_value,''), nvl(override_alc_ledger_currency, ''), nvl(amount_id,-1), nvl(unit_of_measure_id,''), nvl(parameter_num,-1), nvl(period_offset,0), nvl(display_flag,'Y'), nvl(before_axis_string,''), nvl(after_axis_string,''), nvl(position,-1), nvl(number_characters_indented,0), nvl(page_break_before_flag,'N'), nvl(page_break_after_flag,'N'), nvl(number_lines_skipped_before,0), nvl(number_lines_skipped_after,0), nvl(display_level,0), nvl(display_zero_amount_flag,'N'), nvl(change_sign_flag,'N'), nvl(change_variance_sign_flag,'N'), nvl(display_units,-999), nvl(display_format,''), decode(nvl(calculation_precedence_flag,'N'),'N',-10,'Y',10), nvl(format_before_text,''), nvl(format_after_text,''), nvl(format_mask_width, 10), nvl(display_precision, 2) FROM RG_REPORT_AXES WHERE axis_set_id = 1746 ORDER BY axis_seq DESC rgrgax:get_axes Starting axis query. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. 430.0000000000000 to li 400.0000000000000 to li 370.0000000000000 to li 330.0000000000000 to li 300.0000000000000 to li

get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st. get_axes(): Added axis with sequence number st.

270.0000000000000 to li 230.0000000000000 to li 200.0000000000000 to li 170.0000000000000 to li 140.0000000000000 to li 110.0000000000000 to li 80.0000000000000 to li 50.0000000000000 to li

control->total_num_cols = 13 rgrgax.get_calcs: Built query: SELECT to_char(axis_seq,'999999999999999.9999999999999'), nvl(calculation_seq,-1), nvl(operator,'ENTER'), to_char(axis_seq_low,'999999999999999.9999999999999'), to_char(axis_seq_high,'999999999999999.9999999999999'), nvl(axis_name_low,''), nvl(axis_name_low,''), constant FROM RG_REPORT_CALCULATIONS WHERE axis_set_id =1746 AND ( operator IS NOT NULL OR calculation_seq IS NOT NULL OR (axis_seq_low IS NOT NULL AND axis_seq_high IS NOT NULL) OR axis_name_low IS NOT NULL OR axis_name_high IS NOT NULL OR constant IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY axis_seq ASC,calculation_seq DESC rgrgax.get_conts Built content query: select to_char(axis_seq,'999999999999999.9999999999999') AXIS_SEQ, nvl(range_mode,'N') RANGE_MODE, nvl(sign,'+') SIGN, nvl(dr_cr_net_code,'N') DR_CR_NET_CODE, nvl(gl.short_name, '') SHORT_NAME, gl.short_name LEDGER_SEGMENT_low, gl.short_name LEDGER_SEGMENT_high, nvl(LEDGER_SEGMENT_type,'') LEDGER_SEGMENT_type, nvl(SEGMENT1_low,'') SEGMENT1_low, nvl(SEGMENT1_high,'') SEGMENT1_high, nvl(SEGMENT1_type,'') SEGMENT1_type, nvl(SEGMENT2_low,'') SEGMENT2_low,

nvl(SEGMENT2_high,'') SEGMENT2_high, nvl(SEGMENT2_type,'') SEGMENT2_type, nvl(SEGMENT3_low,'') SEGMENT3_low, nvl(SEGMENT3_high,'') SEGMENT3_high, nvl(SEGMENT3_type,'') SEGMENT3_type, nvl(SEGMENT4_low,'') SEGMENT4_low, nvl(SEGMENT4_high,'') SEGMENT4_high, nvl(SEGMENT4_type,'') SEGMENT4_type, nvl(SEGMENT5_low,'') SEGMENT5_low, nvl(SEGMENT5_high,'') SEGMENT5_high, nvl(SEGMENT5_type,'') SEGMENT5_type, ac.ledger_id LEDGER_ID FROM RG_REPORT_AXIS_CONTENTS ac, GL_LEDGERS gl, GL_LEDGER_RELATIONSHIPS glr WHERE axis_set_id = 1746 AND ac.ledger_id IS NOT NULL AND glr.target_ledger_id = gl.ledger_id AND ((glr.source_ledger_id = gl.ledger_id AND glr.target_ledger_category_code IN ('PRIMARY')) OR (glr.source_ledger_id != gl.ledger_id AND glr.target_ledger_category_code IN ('ALC','SECONDARY'))) AND glr.application_id = 101 AND gl.ledger_id = ac.ledger_id UNION select to_char(axis_seq,'999999999999999.9999999999999') AXIS_SEQ, nvl(range_mode,'N') RANGE_MODE, nvl(sign,'+') SIGN, nvl(dr_cr_net_code,'N') DR_CR_NET_CODE, nvl(gl.short_name, '') SHORT_NAME, gl.short_name LEDGER_SEGMENT_low, gl.short_name LEDGER_SEGMENT_high, nvl(LEDGER_SEGMENT_type,'') LEDGER_SEGMENT_type, nvl(SEGMENT1_low,'') SEGMENT1_low, nvl(SEGMENT1_high,'') SEGMENT1_high, nvl(SEGMENT1_type,'') SEGMENT1_type, nvl(SEGMENT2_low,'') SEGMENT2_low, nvl(SEGMENT2_high,'') SEGMENT2_high, nvl(SEGMENT2_type,'') SEGMENT2_type, nvl(SEGMENT3_low,'') SEGMENT3_low, nvl(SEGMENT3_high,'') SEGMENT3_high, nvl(SEGMENT3_type,'') SEGMENT3_type, nvl(SEGMENT4_low,'') SEGMENT4_low, nvl(SEGMENT4_high,'') SEGMENT4_high, nvl(SEGMENT4_type,'') SEGMENT4_type, nvl(SEGMENT5_low,'') SEGMENT5_low, nvl(SEGMENT5_high,'') SEGMENT5_high, nvl(SEGMENT5_type,'') SEGMENT5_type, gl.ledger_id LEDGER_ID FROM RG_REPORT_AXIS_CONTENTS ac, GL_LEDGERS gl WHERE axis_set_id = 1746 AND ac.ledger_id IS NOT NULL AND gl.ledger_id IN (SELECT glb.ledger_id FROM gl_ledger_set_assignments glb WHERE glb.ledger_set_id = ac.ledger_id AND glb.ledger_set_id = glb.ledger_id) UNION (select to_char(ax.axis_seq,'999999999999999.9999999999999') AXIS_SEQ, 'N' RANGE_MODE,

'+' SIGN, 'N' DR_CR_NET_CODE, gl.short_name SHORT_NAME, gl.short_name LEDGER_SEGMENT_low, gl.short_name LEDGER_SEGMENT_high, 'T' LEDGER_SEGMENT_type, '' SEGMENT1_low, '' SEGMENT1_high, 'T' SEGMENT1_type, '' SEGMENT2_low, '' SEGMENT2_high, 'T' SEGMENT2_type, '' SEGMENT3_low, '' SEGMENT3_high, 'T' SEGMENT3_type, '' SEGMENT4_low, '' SEGMENT4_high, 'T' SEGMENT4_type, '' SEGMENT5_low, '' SEGMENT5_high, 'T' SEGMENT5_type, gl.ledger_id LEDGER_ID FROM RG_REPORT_AXES ax, GL_LEDGERS gl, GL_LEDGER_RELATIONSHIPS glr WHERE ax.axis_set_id = 1746 AND ax.standard_axis_id > 0 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT ac.application_id FROM RG_REPORT_AXIS_CONTENTS ac WHERE ac.axis_set_id = ax.axis_set_id AND ac.axis_seq = ax.axis_seq) AND glr.target_ledger_id = gl.ledger_id AND ((glr.source_ledger_id = gl.ledger_id AND glr.target_ledger_category_code IN ('PRIMARY')) OR (glr.source_ledger_id != gl.ledger_id AND glr.target_ledger_category_code IN ('ALC','SECONDARY'))) AND glr.application_id = 101 AND gl.ledger_id IN (4,2)) UNION (select to_char(ax.axis_seq,'999999999999999.9999999999999') AXIS_SEQ, 'N' RANGE_MODE, '+' SIGN, 'N' DR_CR_NET_CODE, gl.short_name SHORT_NAME, gl.short_name LEDGER_SEGMENT_low, gl.short_name LEDGER_SEGMENT_high, 'T' LEDGER_SEGMENT_type, '' SEGMENT1_low, '' SEGMENT1_high, 'T' SEGMENT1_type, '' SEGMENT2_low, '' SEGMENT2_high, 'T' SEGMENT2_type, '' SEGMENT3_low, '' SEGMENT3_high, 'T' SEGMENT3_type, '' SEGMENT4_low, '' SEGMENT4_high, 'T' SEGMENT4_type, '' SEGMENT5_low,

'' SEGMENT5_high, 'T' SEGMENT5_type, gl.ledger_id LEDGER_ID FROM RG_REPORT_AXES ax, GL_LEDGERS gl WHERE ax.axis_set_id = 1746 AND ax.standard_axis_id > 0 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT ac.application_id FROM RG_REPORT_AXIS_CONTENTS ac WHERE ac.axis_set_id = ax.axis_set_id AND ac.axis_seq = ax.axis_seq) AND gl.ledger_id IN (SELECT glb.ledger_id FROM gl_ledger_set_assignments glb WHERE glb.ledger_set_id IN (4,2) AND glb.ledger_set_id = glb.ledger_id)) ORDER BY AXIS_SEQ ASC, LEDGER_ID DESC , LEDGER_SEGMENT_low DESC, LEDGER_SEGMENT_high DESC, LEDGER_SEGMENT_type DESC, SEGMENT1_low DESC, SEGMENT1_high DESC, SEGMENT1_type DESC, SEGMENT2_low DESC, SEGMENT2_high DESC, SEGMENT2_type DESC, SEGMENT3_low DESC, SEGMENT3_high DESC, SEGMENT3_type DESC, SEGMENT4_low DESC, SEGMENT4_high DESC, SEGMENT4_type DESC, SEGMENT5_low DESC, SEGMENT5_high DESC, SEGMENT5_type DESC deft_ledger HOLX_EUR_CONS rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: 110.0000000000000. 80.0000000000000. 80.0000000000000. 50.0000000000000. 50.0000000000000.

get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4:
















get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:4: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrdrs.rgrdrs cur_ldg_id: cur_ldg_id:2: get_conts(): Inserted content with axis number rgrgax.get_excps: Built axis exceptions query select to_char(axis_seq,'999999999999999.9999999999999'), nvl(exception_id,-1), nvl(condition,''), nvl(constant,-1) FROM RG_REPORT_EXCEPTIONS WHERE axis_set_id = 1746 ORDER BY axis_seq ASC Preparing cursor for exceptions. Opened cursor... << rgrgax() 04-AUG-2011 05:05:04 rgrdrs degoel after COL:ldg_id_first_arr:(4,2): rgrdrs degoel after COl:ldg_id_def_arr:44: Get Param Set: rgrgps.rgrgps: Created p_set query: SELECT parameter_num, parameter_id, nvl(currency_type,' '), nvl(entered_currency,''), nvl(ledger_currency,''), data_type FROM RG_REPORT_PARAMETERS WHERE parameter_set_id = 3215 rgrsco.rgrsco: No column override rgrmas.rgrmas:







Starting the mods rgrmas.rgrmas: Done. rgrmas.rgrmas: Starting the mods rgrmas.rgrmas: Done. COA Structure : Segment: LEDGER_SEGMENT : Ledger Segment: SEGMENT1 : HOLX_COMPANY Segment: SEGMENT2 : HOLX_DIVISION Segment: SEGMENT3 : HOLX_DEPARTMENT Segment: SEGMENT4 : HOLX_ACCOUNT Segment: SEGMENT5 : HOLX_GEOGRAPHY rgrgcs.rgrgcs Built content override query: select nvl(co.override_seq,-1), nvl(co.range_mode,'D'), nvl(cs.name,''), nvl(cs.structure_id,-1), nvl(cs.report_run_type,'S'), nvl(cs.description,''), nvl(gl.short_name, ''), nvl(glr.target_ledger_short_name, gl.short_name) LEDGER_SEGMENT_low, nvl(glr.target_ledger_short_name, gl.short_name) LEDGER_SEGMENT_high, nvl(substr(co.LEDGER_SEGMENT_type,1,1),''), nvl(substr(co.LEDGER_SEGMENT_type,2,1),''), nvl(SEGMENT1_low,''), nvl(SEGMENT1_high,''), nvl(substr(SEGMENT1_type,1,1),''), nvl(substr(SEGMENT1_type,2,1),''), nvl(SEGMENT2_low,''), nvl(SEGMENT2_high,''), nvl(substr(SEGMENT2_type,1,1),''), nvl(substr(SEGMENT2_type,2,1),''), nvl(SEGMENT3_low,''), nvl(SEGMENT3_high,''), nvl(substr(SEGMENT3_type,1,1),''), nvl(substr(SEGMENT3_type,2,1),''), nvl(SEGMENT4_low,''), nvl(SEGMENT4_high,''), nvl(substr(SEGMENT4_type,1,1),''), nvl(substr(SEGMENT4_type,2,1),''), nvl(SEGMENT5_low,''), nvl(SEGMENT5_high,''), nvl(substr(SEGMENT5_type,1,1),''), nvl(substr(SEGMENT5_type,2,1),'')

FROM RG_REPORT_CONTENT_OVERRIDES co, RG_REPORT_CONTENT_SETS cs, GL_LEDGERS gl, G L_LEDGER_RELATIONSHIPS glr WHERE cs.content_set_id = co.content_set_id AND gl.ledger_id (+) = co.ledger_id AND glr.source_ledger_id (+) = gl.ledger_id AND glr.target_ledger_id (+) = gl.ledger_id AND cs.content_set_id = 0 ORDER BY co.override_seq DESC rgrgcs.rgrgcs: Just inserted dummy content Content Overide Structure: cont_ovrd->ovrd_seq 1 cont_ovrd->det_ovrd_seq 0 cont_ovrd->rng_mode (char) D cont_ovrd->*name DUMMY cont_ovrd->struct_id 101 cont_ovrd->report_run_type S cont_ovrd->*descrip DUMMY SEGMENT segset[0] segset[1] segset[2] segset[3] segset[4] segset[5] rgrdrs.rgrdrs: Content Overides: Printing Content Override Set Content Overide Structure: cont_ovrd->ovrd_seq 1 cont_ovrd->det_ovrd_seq 0 cont_ovrd->rng_mode (char) D cont_ovrd->*name DUMMY cont_ovrd->struct_id 101 cont_ovrd->report_run_type S cont_ovrd->*descrip DUMMY SEGMENT segset[0] segset[1] segset[2] segset[3] segset[4] segset[5]

rgrdrs.rgrdrs Starting report 1. rgrdrp.rgrdrp: Starting work on override 1. Current date and time: Thu Aug 4 05:05:04 2011

done rgrasc(), about to do rgrmar() Current date and time: Thu Aug 4 05:05:04 2011 rgrsap.rgrsxp: Standard period query: SELECT offset.period_name, offset.period_year, offset.period_num FROM gl_periods offset, gl_periods poi, gl_period_types ptype, gl_access_sets acc WHERE (poi.period_year - offset.period_year) * ptype.number_per_fiscal_year + poi.period_num + 0 = offset.period_num AND poi.period_name = 'JUL-11' AND poi.period_type = offset.period_type AND poi.period_set_name = offset.period_set_name AND poi.period_set_name = acc.period_set_name AND poi.period_type = acc.accounted_period_type AND poi.period_type = ptype.period_type AND acc.access_set_id = 1006 saustt(): Created new token. t_name_len: 5; t_name: &POI0; saustt(): Values were already set. rgrsap.rgrsxp: Standard period query: SELECT offset.period_name, offset.period_year, offset.period_num FROM gl_periods offset, gl_periods poi, gl_period_types ptype, gl_access_sets acc WHERE (poi.period_year - offset.period_year) * ptype.number_per_fiscal_year + poi.period_num + -1 = offset.period_num AND poi.period_name = 'JUL-11' AND poi.period_type = offset.period_type AND poi.period_set_name = offset.period_set_name AND poi.period_set_name = acc.period_set_name AND poi.period_type = acc.accounted_period_type AND poi.period_type = ptype.period_type AND acc.access_set_id = 1006 saustt(): Created new token. t_name_len: 6; t_name: &POI-1; saustt(): Values were already set. rgrsap.rgrsxp: Standard period query: SELECT offset.period_name, offset.period_year, offset.period_num FROM gl_periods offset, gl_periods poi, gl_period_types ptype, gl_access_sets acc t_val_len: 6; t_val: JUN-11 t_val_len: 6; t_val: JUL-11

WHERE (poi.period_year - offset.period_year) * ptype.number_per_fiscal_year + poi.period_num + -2 = offset.period_num AND poi.period_name = 'JUL-11' AND poi.period_type = offset.period_type AND poi.period_set_name = offset.period_set_name AND poi.period_set_name = acc.period_set_name AND poi.period_type = acc.accounted_period_type AND poi.period_type = ptype.period_type AND acc.access_set_id = 1006 saustt(): Created new token. t_name_len: 6; t_name: &POI-2; saustt(): Values were already set. rgrsap.rgrsxp: Standard period query: SELECT offset.period_name, offset.period_year, offset.period_num FROM gl_periods offset, gl_periods poi, gl_period_types ptype, gl_access_sets acc WHERE (poi.period_year - offset.period_year) * ptype.number_per_fiscal_year + poi.period_num + -3 = offset.period_num AND poi.period_name = 'JUL-11' AND poi.period_type = offset.period_type AND poi.period_set_name = offset.period_set_name AND poi.period_set_name = acc.period_set_name AND poi.period_type = acc.accounted_period_type AND poi.period_type = ptype.period_type AND acc.access_set_id = 1006 saustt(): Created new token. t_name_len: 6; t_name: &POI-3; saustt(): Values were already set. rgrsap.rgrsxp: Standard period query: SELECT offset.period_name, offset.period_year, offset.period_num FROM gl_periods offset, gl_periods poi, gl_period_types ptype, gl_access_sets acc WHERE (poi.period_year - offset.period_year) * ptype.number_per_fiscal_year + poi.period_num + -4 = offset.period_num AND poi.period_name = 'JUL-11' AND poi.period_type = offset.period_type AND poi.period_set_name = offset.period_set_name AND poi.period_set_name = acc.period_set_name AND poi.period_type = acc.accounted_period_type AND poi.period_type = ptype.period_type AND acc.access_set_id = 1006 t_val_len: 6; t_val: APR-11 t_val_len: 6; t_val: MAY-11

saustt(): Created new token. t_name_len: 6; t_name: &POI-4; saustt(): Values were already set.

t_val_len: 6;

t_val: MAR-11

rgrsap.rgrsxp: Standard period query: SELECT offset.period_name, offset.period_year, offset.period_num FROM gl_periods offset, gl_periods poi, gl_period_types ptype, gl_access_sets acc WHERE (poi.period_year - offset.period_year) * ptype.number_per_fiscal_year + poi.period_num + -5 = offset.period_num AND poi.period_name = 'JUL-11' AND poi.period_type = offset.period_type AND poi.period_set_name = offset.period_set_name AND poi.period_set_name = acc.period_set_name AND poi.period_type = acc.accounted_period_type AND poi.period_type = ptype.period_type AND acc.access_set_id = 1006 saustt(): Created new token. t_name_len: 6; t_name: &POI-5; saustt(): Values were already set. rgrsap.rgrsxp: Standard period query: SELECT offset.period_name, offset.period_year, offset.period_num FROM gl_periods offset, gl_periods poi, gl_period_types ptype, gl_access_sets acc WHERE (poi.period_year - offset.period_year) * ptype.number_per_fiscal_year + poi.period_num + -6 = offset.period_num AND poi.period_name = 'JUL-11' AND poi.period_type = offset.period_type AND poi.period_set_name = offset.period_set_name AND poi.period_set_name = acc.period_set_name AND poi.period_type = acc.accounted_period_type AND poi.period_type = ptype.period_type AND acc.access_set_id = 1006 saustt(): Created new token. t_name_len: 6; t_name: &POI-6; saustt(): Values were already set. rgrsap.rgrsxp: Standard period query: SELECT offset.period_name, offset.period_year, offset.period_num FROM gl_periods offset, gl_periods poi, gl_period_types ptype, gl_access_sets acc t_val_len: 6; t_val: JAN-11 t_val_len: 6; t_val: FEB-11

WHERE (poi.period_year - offset.period_year) * ptype.number_per_fiscal_year + poi.period_num + -7 = offset.period_num AND poi.period_name = 'JUL-11' AND poi.period_type = offset.period_type AND poi.period_set_name = offset.period_set_name AND poi.period_set_name = acc.period_set_name AND poi.period_type = acc.accounted_period_type AND poi.period_type = ptype.period_type AND acc.access_set_id = 1006 saustt(): Created new token. t_name_len: 6; t_name: &POI-7; saustt(): Values were already set. rgrsap.rgrsxp: Standard period query: SELECT offset.period_name, offset.period_year, offset.period_num FROM gl_periods offset, gl_periods poi, gl_period_types ptype, gl_access_sets acc WHERE (poi.period_year - offset.period_year) * ptype.number_per_fiscal_year + poi.period_num + -8 = offset.period_num AND poi.period_name = 'JUL-11' AND poi.period_type = offset.period_type AND poi.period_set_name = offset.period_set_name AND poi.period_set_name = acc.period_set_name AND poi.period_type = acc.accounted_period_type AND poi.period_type = ptype.period_type AND acc.access_set_id = 1006 saustt(): Created new token. t_name_len: 6; t_name: &POI-8; saustt(): Values were already set. rgrsap.rgrsxp: Standard period query: SELECT offset.period_name, offset.period_year, offset.period_num FROM gl_periods offset, gl_periods poi, gl_period_types ptype, gl_access_sets acc WHERE (poi.period_year - offset.period_year) * ptype.number_per_fiscal_year + poi.period_num + -9 = offset.period_num AND poi.period_name = 'JUL-11' AND poi.period_type = offset.period_type AND poi.period_set_name = offset.period_set_name AND poi.period_set_name = acc.period_set_name AND poi.period_type = acc.accounted_period_type AND poi.period_type = ptype.period_type AND acc.access_set_id = 1006 t_val_len: 6; t_val: NOV-10 t_val_len: 6; t_val: DEC-10

saustt(): Created new token. t_name_len: 6; t_name: &POI-9; saustt(): Values were already set.

t_val_len: 6;

t_val: OCT-10

rgrsap.rgrsxp: Standard period query: SELECT offset.period_name, offset.period_year, offset.period_num FROM gl_periods offset, gl_periods poi, gl_period_types ptype, gl_access_sets acc WHERE (poi.period_year - offset.period_year) * ptype.number_per_fiscal_year + poi.period_num + -10 = offset.period_num AND poi.period_name = 'JUL-11' AND poi.period_type = offset.period_type AND poi.period_set_name = offset.period_set_name AND poi.period_set_name = acc.period_set_name AND poi.period_type = acc.accounted_period_type AND poi.period_type = ptype.period_type AND acc.access_set_id = 1006 saustt(): Created new token. t_name_len: 7; t_name: &POI-10; saustt(): Values were already set. rgrsap.rgrsxp: Standard period query: SELECT offset.period_name, offset.period_year, offset.period_num FROM gl_periods offset, gl_periods poi, gl_period_types ptype, gl_access_sets acc WHERE (poi.period_year - offset.period_year) * ptype.number_per_fiscal_year + poi.period_num + -11 = offset.period_num AND poi.period_name = 'JUL-11' AND poi.period_type = offset.period_type AND poi.period_set_name = offset.period_set_name AND poi.period_set_name = acc.period_set_name AND poi.period_type = acc.accounted_period_type AND poi.period_type = ptype.period_type AND acc.access_set_id = 1006 saustt(): Created new token. t_name_len: 7; t_name: &POI-11; saustt(): Values were already set. rgrsap.rgrsxp: Standard period query: SELECT offset.period_name, offset.period_year, offset.period_num FROM gl_periods offset, gl_periods poi, gl_period_types ptype, gl_access_sets acc t_val_len: 6; t_val: SEP-10 t_val_len: 6; t_val: ADJ-10

WHERE (poi.period_year - offset.period_year) * ptype.number_per_fiscal_year + poi.period_num + -12 = offset.period_num AND poi.period_name = 'JUL-11' AND poi.period_type = offset.period_type AND poi.period_set_name = offset.period_set_name AND poi.period_set_name = acc.period_set_name AND poi.period_type = acc.accounted_period_type AND poi.period_type = ptype.period_type AND acc.access_set_id = 1006 saustt(): Created new token. t_name_len: 7; t_name: &POI-12; saustt(): Values were already set. Current date and time: Thu Aug 4 05:05:04 2011 Current date and time: Thu Aug 4 05:05:04 2011 rgrdrp.rgrdrp: Calling rgrdpg for logical page 1. Current date and time: Thu Aug 4 05:05:04 2011 rgrdpg.rgrdpg: Unable to read value for profile option RG_DEBUG_ON.. rgrprt.rgrprt: Defaulting value for profile option RG_DEBUG_ON to FALSE.. rgrdpg.rgrdpg: Unable to read value for profile option RG_CREATE_NUMBERS_XML.. rgrdpg.rgrdpg: Defaulting value for profile option RG_CREATE_NUMBERS_XML to TRUE .. rgrdpg.rgrdpg: Unable to read value for profile option RG_USE_DUMMY_REPORT.. rgrdpg.rgrdpg: Defaulting value for profile option RG_USE_DUMMY_REPORT to TRUE.. >> rgrdpg() 04-AUG-2011 05:05:04 Logical page DUMMY. Done page level mods Built data slots >> rgrgdt() 04-AUG-2011 05:05:04 rgrgdt.rgrgdt: Getting value for profile option RG_USE_NEW_FIND equal TRUE.. rgrgdt.rgrgdt: Getting value for profile option RG_MID_POINTS : 2 rgrgdt.rgrgdt: Getting value for profile option RG_HIER_CMPLX : 4 rgrgdt.rgrgdt: Getting value of axcontcnt_max : 78 t_val_len: 6; t_val: AUG-10

Getting ranges for column set rgrcsr.rgrcsr: Column Ranges specified in the report Segment 0 ranges : HOLX_EUR .... HOLX_EUR HOLX_EUR_FR .... HOLX_EUR_FR Segment 1 ranges : .... HIGHEST Segment 2 ranges : .... HIGHEST Segment 3 ranges : .... HIGHEST Segment 4 ranges : .... HIGHEST Segment 5 ranges : .... HIGHEST Segment 6 ranges ADJ-10 .... APR-11 .... AUG-10 .... DEC-10 .... FEB-11 .... JAN-11 .... JUL-11 .... JUN-11 .... MAR-11 .... MAY-11 .... NOV-10 .... OCT-10 .... SEP-10 .... : ADJ-10 APR-11 AUG-10 DEC-10 FEB-11 JAN-11 JUL-11 JUN-11 MAR-11 MAY-11 NOV-10 OCT-10 SEP-10

Getting ranges for row set rgrcsr.rgrcsr: Row Ranges specified in the report Segment 0 ranges : HOLX_EUR .... HOLX_EUR HOLX_EUR_FR .... HOLX_EUR_FR Segment 1 ranges : .... HIGHEST Segment 2 ranges : .... NULL Segment 3 ranges : .... HIGHEST Segment 11000 12100 13010 14100 15000 4 ranges .... .... .... .... .... : 11500 12400 13999 14900 15501

16000 20100 22100 25050 25660 27400 27500 29100 30000 31001 38991 38998 39000 40000 41001 48991 48998 51100 92000

.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....

18800 21500 23450 25600 27060 27400 27500 29330 30999 38000 38991 38998 39900 40999 46750 48991 48998 89999 99999

Segment 5 ranges : .... HIGHEST Segment 6 ranges : .... HIGHEST Getting the intersection of the ranges rgrcsr.rgrcsr: Intersection Ranges Segment 0, 2 ranges : HOLX_EUR_FR .... HOLX_EUR_FR HOLX_EUR .... HOLX_EUR Segment 1, 1 ranges : .... NULL Segment 2, 1 ranges : .... NULL Segment 3, 1 ranges : .... NULL Segment 92000 51100 48998 48991 41001 40000 39000 38998 38991 31001 30000 29100 27500 27400 25660 25050 22100 4, 24 ranges : .... 99999 .... 89999 .... 48998 .... 48991 .... 46750 .... 40999 .... 39900 .... 38998 .... 38991 .... 38000 .... 30999 .... 29330 .... 27500 .... 27400 .... 27060 .... 25600 .... 23450

20100 16000 15000 14100 13010 12100 11000

.... .... .... .... .... .... ....

21500 18800 15501 14900 13999 12400 11500

Segment 5, 1 ranges : .... NULL Segment 6, 13 ranges : SEP-10 .... SEP-10 OCT-10 .... OCT-10 NOV-10 .... NOV-10 MAY-11 .... MAY-11 MAR-11 .... MAR-11 JUN-11 .... JUN-11 JUL-11 .... JUL-11 JAN-11 .... JAN-11 FEB-11 .... FEB-11 DEC-10 .... DEC-10 AUG-10 .... AUG-10 APR-11 .... APR-11 ADJ-10 .... ADJ-10 Reducing the number of ranges rgrcsr.rgrcsr: Ranges specified in the report Segment 0, 2 ranges : HOLX_EUR_FR .... HOLX_EUR_FR HOLX_EUR .... HOLX_EUR Segment 1, 1 ranges : .... NULL Segment 2, 1 ranges : .... NULL Segment 3, 1 ranges : .... NULL Segment 92000 51100 48998 48991 41001 40000 39000 38998 38991 31001 30000 29100 27500 27400 25660 25050 22100 4, 24 ranges : .... 99999 .... 89999 .... 48998 .... 48991 .... 46750 .... 40999 .... 39900 .... 38998 .... 38991 .... 38000 .... 30999 .... 29330 .... 27500 .... 27400 .... 27060 .... 25600 .... 23450

20100 16000 15000 14100 13010 12100 11000

.... .... .... .... .... .... ....

21500 18800 15501 14900 13999 12400 11500

Segment 5, 1 ranges : .... NULL Segment 6, 13 ranges : SEP-10 .... SEP-10 OCT-10 .... OCT-10 NOV-10 .... NOV-10 MAY-11 .... MAY-11 MAR-11 .... MAR-11 JUN-11 .... JUN-11 JUL-11 .... JUL-11 JAN-11 .... JAN-11 FEB-11 .... FEB-11 DEC-10 .... DEC-10 AUG-10 .... AUG-10 APR-11 .... APR-11 ADJ-10 .... ADJ-10 rgrgdt.rgrgdt: Created segment ranges rgrsec.rgrrdar: Query for data access assignments of access set SELECT DISTINCT l.short_name ledger_short_name, nvl(sv.child_flex_value, acc.segment_value) seg_val, nvl(to_number(to_char(acc.start_date, 'YYYYMMDD')), 0) start_dat e, nvl(to_number(to_char(acc.end_date, 'YYYYMMDD')), 99999999) end_ date FROM gl_access_set_norm_assign acc, gl_ledger_set_assignments ls, gl_seg_val_hierarchies sv, gl_ledgers l WHERE acc.access_set_id = 1006 AND sv.flex_value_set_id (+) = 0 AND sv.parent_flex_value (+) = acc.segment_value AND ls.ledger_set_id (+) = acc.ledger_id AND l.ledger_id = nvl(ls.ledger_id, acc.ledger_id) AND l.object_type_code = 'L' AND (l.LEDGER_ID in (2,4) ) AND nvl(acc.status_code, 'X') <> 'I' ORDER BY NLSSORT(l.short_name, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY'), decode(seg_val, null, '1', '2'||seg_val), start_date, end_date rgrsec.rgrrdar: building data access filter rgrsec.rgrrdar: building data access ranges RG_RARG0005: No report is being generated because data access security restricts access to all Ledger values specified in the report definition.

<< rgrgdt() 04-AUG-2011 05:05:04 << rgrdpg() 04-AUG-2011 05:05:04 rgrdrp.rgrdrp: Successfully completed logical page 1. saumem.saufmf Freeing all memory with flag1 Current date and time: Thu Aug 4 05:05:04 2011

Currently allocated memory: Maximum allocated memory: Total allocated memory: Current # allocated blocks: Maximum # allocated blocks: Total # allocated blocks: Currently allocated memory: Maximum allocated memory: Total allocated memory: Current # allocated blocks: Maximum # allocated blocks: Total # allocated blocks:

356842 749681 1823833 6191 6293 6439 322283 749681 1823833 5290 6293 6439

Current date and time: Thu Aug 4 05:05:04 2011 Cumulative saufmf() time: Malloc: 0 Pool: 0 saumem.saufmf Freeing all memory with flag3 Current date and time: Thu Aug 4 05:05:04 2011

Currently allocated memory: Maximum allocated memory: Total allocated memory: Current # allocated blocks: Maximum # allocated blocks: Total # allocated blocks: Currently allocated memory: Maximum allocated memory: Total allocated memory: Current # allocated blocks: Maximum # allocated blocks: Total # allocated blocks:

322283 749681 1823833 5290 6293 6439 219463 749681 1823833 3629 6293 6439

Current date and time: Thu Aug 4 05:05:04 2011 Cumulative saufmf() time: Malloc: 0 Pool: 0

rgrdrs.rgrdrs Completed report 1 successfully. << rgrdrs() 04-AUG-2011 05:05:04 << rgranl() 04-AUG-2011 05:05:04 Current date and time: Thu Aug 4 05:05:04 2011 Entered sauulc with code 0 from line 603 of file 11768127/rg/lib/rgrmai.c. Currently allocated memory: Maximum allocated memory: Total allocated memory: Current # allocated blocks: Maximum # allocated blocks: Total # allocated blocks: Time for Free Flagged Mem: Time for InSight Remainder: Time for Fetch Total: 0 Time for Column Match Total: Time for Row Match Total: Time for Insert Data Total: Time for Other Data Total: Time for Row Blow Up Total: 0 0 0 0 0 219463 749681 1823833 3629 6293 6439 0 0

Time for Column Blow Up Total: 0 Time for Create Seg. Ranges Time: Time for saaasc() Time: 0 0

Time for Modify at Report Level Time: 0 Time for saagax() Time: 0

Time for Insert Calc Slots/Do Calcs: 0 Time for saasbq() Time: 0 0 0 0

Time for Pre-data Querying Time:

Time for Extra Timer 1: (Column) checking sim_where in find_ax_slots: Time for Extra Timer 2: (Row) checking sim_where in find_ax_slots: Time for Extra Timer 3: Matching dtype in find_ax_slots: Total Collection Time: 0 0

Total Commissions Time: Total Insight Time: 0

Total Extra Time: 0 Time for Remaining Time:

Total Time: 1 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Start of log messages from FND_FILE +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ End of log messages from FND_FILE +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Executing request completion options... Output file size: 0 Output is not being printed because: Program failed to set the report print style. +------------- 1) PRINT -------------+ +--------------------------------------+ Finished executing request completion options. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Concurrent request completed Current system time is 04-AUG-2011 05:05:04 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+

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