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Film Review -Aliens 1979- Ridley Scott Alien (1979) was a sciencefiction film directed by Ridley Scott.

From the progression of technology, humans explored more and more from the space and were dreaming of the unknown areas. Ridley was influenced by those popular science fictions. Alien. 20th Century Fox,

Ridley Scott always intended to make Aliens as a horror film. Despite this, the director has readily acknowledged the influence of such popular science-fiction movies as 2001: a space Odyssey (1968) and in particular, Star Wars (1977).
Alien. 20th Century Fox, 1979.

Fig.1 And on the poster it was written In space no one can hear you scream for the lines of the story. This is a film about a group of people went to the planet and someone has found there were organic living things and he was kill by the aliens baby. The Story continued with the ways they were trying to kill the aliens but people was killed one

by one and only the main actress alive from this adventure. Fig.2

It was interesting with the human made spaceship with organized spaces and structures while the alien was in organic form and with its own strange structure. Fig.3 It could be seen that was also different with the past story lines with the character of woman have changed from weak to take responsibility as a leader. It was shown that the culture was also changing from the past and equality of sexes. From the scene it the film, it was noticeable that woman standing out with a strong, wise and independent image. Furthermore, that was telling audiences that could also be the way of pretty.



Prometheus 2012 was the recent aliens film from Ridley Scott. That was about how aliens were created. And there are many scenes connected with Alien 1979.

Fig.6, Fig7 That was noticeable the scenes of two films have many common structure scenes and it was shown that the progression of time as well, with different new perspectives added in.

Alien. 20th Century Fox, 1979.

Fig 1-7 Alien 1979, Google images https://www.google.com.hk/search?espv=210&es_sm=91& biw=1417&bih=851&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=alien+1979&oq=al ien+1979&gs_l=img.3..0j0i24l9.2385.3366.0.3613. . Assessed on 22.10.2013

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