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The artifact that I chose to represent Standard One: Teaching Diverse Students was a daily log of goals I set

for my students during the various daily activities they take part in. The schedule was designed after thoughtful consideration of what I thought my students could use more assistance or guidance with based on an individual level. Although not each students is explicitly addressed in this particular weeks set of daily goals, I did make my best effort to take into consideration those students that needed more directed attention that I could offer effectively. The daily schedule and goals document that I created lists the activities the students do on a day to day basis and describes a goal that I aim to complete during that activity. These goals are specific in their description and targeted to one or two children at a time. This artifact effectively demonstrates Knowledge Indicator E: Understands the impact of linguistic and cultural diversity on learning and communication because my goals take into consideration the fact that some students do not speak English as their first language and therefore have trouble communicating. On October 15, during Large Group, I listed my goal to use Spanish phrases that I learned in order to communicate with Henry that hitting his friends at school was not appropriate. By speaking first in English, then using the Spanish translation, and then the English again I not only was able to give Henry a brief lesson into understanding English words but also communicated to him in a way that he could understand what I was saying. This article also successfully demonstrates Performance Indicator B: Stimulates prior knowledge and links new ideas to already familiar ideas and experience because my goals seek to build upon previously gained knowledge by referring to elements of learning from different situations. This is made evident in my goal for Large Group time on October 17. I described talking to the students about our impending trip to the pumpkin patch and mentioned bringing in a pumpkin that we had previously examined earlier in the week. By revisiting the pumpkin and recalling the information we talked about such as the different aspects of the physicality of the pumpkin I was able to ensure that the information was not only familiar to the students but also more significant to them with the upcoming activities. My Daily Schedule and Goals document demonstrates my growth as a novice teacher because it shows my ability to dissect the different portions of the day and consider what I can work on with my students during this time. Furthermore, by making these goals specific and targeted to the individual child and their needs I am demonstrating that I have thorough knowledge of who my students are, what their strengths are, and what I can help them work on. By targeting one specific time I am making sure I am getting the one on one experience with my students needed to grow as a novice teacher.

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