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Dear Midwest Anthropology Students, Field Notes: A Journal of Collegiate Anthropology, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukees anthropological journal, is now

accepting submissions for our sixth volume, to be published in the spring. The deadline for submission is January 15, 2014. If you have been working on original anthropological research and are interested in gaining experience in publishing a paper, Field Notes is an ideal opportunity to receive serious peer review, and to publish in a journal recognized by the Library of Congress. We accept submissions from undergraduates and graduates from all disciplines attending any university in the MIDWESTERN UNITED STATES, but all papers should be based on original research conducted by the author and address anthropological questions. If the article is accepted and original research was undertaken involving living humans or animals, we may need to obtain IRB approval before publication. Submissions should be between 12 and 30 pages (doublespaced, including references) following AAA style guidelines (see http://www.aaanet.org/publications/style_guide.pdf). The sixth edition of Field Notes will also feature book reviews. To be considered as a book reviewer, submit a list of at least three books you are interested in reviewing (must be in your area of expertise) by December 15th, 2013 to fldnotes@uwm.edu. In addition, please briefly indicate why you consider yourself well-suited to review the works you request. We request a list of three books though only one will be reviewed, to assure that we receive one of the books from the publisher in a timely manner. Book reviewers will receive a complimentary copy of the book as well as publishing experience. You can also email the Field Notes team off the list. To see past volumes of Field Notes, please see our site on the ASU webpage at: http://www4.uwm.edu/StudentOrg/asu/Field_Notes.html. You can also see our academia.edu profile at: http://uwm.academia.edu/FieldNotesAJournalofCollegiateAnthropology. Thank you for your interest, and again, feel free to contact Field Notes off the list at fldnotes@uwm.edu with any questions. Best, Abby Forster Alexis Jordan Editors

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